Category:Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto 03 Chapter 20 Purports - Conversation Between Maitreya and Vidura
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- A conditioned soul is forced to accept a particular type of body by the higher authority of material laws, but here (in SB 3.20.8) it is clearly said that the Lord was not forced to accept the form of a boar by the external power
- A devotee is attached to a particular form (God's Form), and it is that form which he worships
- A devotee may be tolerant regarding his own interests, but he should not be tolerant when there is misbehavior toward the Lord or the Lord's devotee
- A godly person is full of knowledge, and a demoniac person is full of ignorance. Just as a child is attracted by a beautiful doll, similarly a demon, who is less intelligent and full of ignorance, is attracted by material beauty and an appetite for sex
- A patient is advised by the experienced physician to refrain from ordinary enjoyment while in the diseased condition. A diseased person cannot enjoy anything; he has to restrain his enjoyment in order to get rid of the disease
- A person fully conversant with Krsna consciousness does not perform any rituals because he knows that simply by serving Krsna in full Krsna consciousness, all rituals are automatically performed
- A person who works very hard, no matter in what occupation, and who offers the result of the work to the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is called a karma-yogi
- A scientist may create many wonderful inventions by the direction of the Lord, but it is not possible for him to overcome the stringent laws of material nature by his intelligence
- A scientist may create many wonderful inventions by the direction of the Lord, but it is not possible to acquire such intelligence from the Lord, for the Lord's supremacy would then be hampered
- According to the Vedic system, the garbhadhana-samskara, or the ceremony for giving birth to a child, is observed. When the parents engage their minds in the lotus feet of the Lord & in such a state the child is born, naturally good devotee children come
- Actually, the conditioned souls, in ignorance in this material world, are simply guided by sex life, and as soon as they get the opportunity for sex life, they become attached to so-called home, motherland, children, wealth and opulence
- After being attacked by the demons and evolving a form of a beautiful woman in the twilight, Brahma next created Gandharvas and Apsaras
- After creating persons for economic development, Brahma created sages who would set the example for spiritual realization
- After leaving his home, which was full of politics and diplomacy, Vidura wanted to purify himself by traveling to all the sacred places, which are so situated that anyone who goes there automatically becomes purified
- After retiring from active life and accepting the vanaprastha (retired) order, one should travel everywhere to places of pilgrimage in order to purify himself. Vidura completely discharged this duty, and at last he reached Kusavarta, or Hardwar
- All the beauty a woman can display is only a combination of flesh and blood. Sri Sankaracarya has advised all persons not to be attracted by the interaction of flesh and blood; they should be attracted by the real beauty in spiritual life
- All the forms of the Lord are eternal. It is the devotee's inclination to worship a particular form, and he engages in devotional service to that form
- All the living entities created by Brahma are conditioned souls and are inclined to lord it over material nature
- Almost everyone is thinking that he is this body; he has no information of the spirit soul. Guided by this misconception, one always thinks, "This is my body, and anything in relationship with this body is mine"
- Andha-tamisra ignorance is due to tamas. The condition of not knowing anything about the spirit soul is called tamas
- Andha-tamisra involves considering death to be the ultimate end
- Another significant point is that one must go to sacred places not only to take bath there but to search out great sages like Maitreya and take instructions from them. If one does not do so, his traveling to places of pilgrimage is simply a waste of time
- Antardhana means that these living creatures can be perceived to be present, but they cannot be seen by vision
- Any father and mother should also be careful while begetting children. The mental condition of a child depends upon the mental status of his parents at the time he is conceived
- Any person may go there (in Vrndavana), and even if he is sinful he will at once contact an atmosphere of spiritual life and will automatically chant the names of Krsna and Radha
- As a devotee, Vidura showed by example that anywhere that Krsna is not honored is a place unfit for human habitation
- As early morning is the period for spiritual cultivation, the beginning of evening is the period for passion. Demoniac men are generally very fond of sex enjoyment; therefore they very much appreciate the approach of evening
- As Ksirodakasayi Visnu, the Lord enters into the heart of every living entity, including Brahma
- As moths at night surround a fire and are killed, so the demons become victims of the movements of the ball-like breasts of a beautiful woman
- As stated in the Caitanya-caritamrta, guru-krsna-prasade: by the mercy of the spiritual master and Krsna, one attains the path of salvation, devotional service
- As the witness of the activities of the individual entities, the Lord gives each one remembrance and intelligence to act according to his desire. This intelligence is invoked according to one's own capacity, or by the law of karma
- As these attachments (to home, motherland, children, wealth and opulence) increase, moha, or the illusion of the bodily concept of life, also increases
- At a certain time, the Personality of Godhead, Karanodakasayi Visnu, lies in the Karana Ocean and produces many thousands of universes from His breathing
- Because the Lord is pleased with the devotional service of the descendants, by His grace He liberates the condemned souls of forefathers who do not have gross bodies, & He favors them to again receive a gross body for development of spiritual advancement
- Before begetting a child, one has to sanctify his perplexed mind. When the parents engage their minds in the lotus feet of the Lord and in such a state the child is born, naturally good devotee children come
- Bhagavad-gita is as good as the water of the Ganges because it is spoken from the mouth of the Supreme Lord. So it is with any topic on the pastimes of the Lord or the characteristics of His transcendental activities
- Bhagavad-gita recommends that if one wants to enjoy life, then it cannot be with these gross senses
- Bhaktanam anurupatma-darsanam mean that the Personality of Godhead manifests His multiforms according to the desires of the devotees
- Brahma created the universe as it was before. This means that he created everything by the same name and form as in the previous cosmic manifestation
- Brahma said, You are the protector of the surrendered souls; therefore I surrender unto Your lotus feet. Please give me protection from these demons
- Brahma was the first living entity, and he was empowered by the Supreme Lord to act in charge of the mode of passion
- Brahma's constant dropping of his body does not refer to his actually giving up his body, but rather that he gave up a particular mentality
- Brahma's mind was not in correct order when he created the demons. It must have been full of passion because the entire creation was passionate; therefore such passionate sons were born
- Brahma-samhita explains that the Lord has innumerable forms: ramadi-murtisu kala-niyamena tisthan (BS 5.39). He exists in millions and millions of forms
- By the grace of a spiritual master like Maitreya, one gets the proper instruction and advances in his spiritual life
- Demoniac sex mentality of material enjoyment is sometimes encouraged by so-called yogis who encourage the public to enjoy sex life in different varieties
- Demons are very fond of sex life. The more one is free from the desires for sex, the more he is promoted to the level of the demigods; the more one is inclined to enjoy sex, the more he is degraded to the level of demoniac life
- Demons arrange many kinds of performances to see the glaring beauty of a beautiful woman
- Demons were born from the creation of night, and the demigods were born from the creation of day. In other words, demons like the Yaksas and Raksasas are born of the quality of ignorance, and demigods are born of the quality of goodness
- Each and every living entity has minute independence; it is misuse of that minute independence for the conditioned soul to think that he can also enjoy like the Supreme Lord or to think, Why shall I not be a free enjoyer like the Supreme Lord?
- Each Manu's period lasts seventy-two times the cycle of four ages, and one cycle of ages equals 4,320,000 solar years. Thus 4,320,000 x 72 solar years is the reign of one Manu
- Even in the field of spiritual realization, this tamisra mentality of the living entity is hard to overcome
- Foolish creatures are enamored by the beauty of matter and think that the enjoyment it offers is real, but actually that is not real enjoyment
- For actual attainment of spiritual knowledge, other qualifications are needed. What is essential is vidya, or worship of the Supreme Lord
- For misguided living entities, sex life is the background of material existence
- Forgetfulness of his (living entity's) constitutional position is due to anger or envy
- From this verse (SB 3.20.15) it appears that all the universes are floating in the Causal Ocean
- Generally, the different bodily postures in the yoga system are accepted by less intelligent men to be the end of yoga, but actually they are meant to concentrate the mind upon the Supersoul
- Ghosts and mischievous hobgoblins are also the creation of Brahma; they are not false. All of them are meant for putting the conditioned soul into various miseries. They are understood to be the creation of Brahma under the direction of the Supreme Lord
- Hanuman, the great devotee of Rama, said, "I know that there is no difference between the Sita-Rama and Laksmi-Narayana forms of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but nevertheless, the form of Rama and Sita has absorbed my affection and love
- Hanumanji (Vajrangaji) wanted to see the form of the Lord as the Personality of Godhead Ramacandra, whereas other Vaisnavas want to see the form of Radha-Krsna, and still other devotees want to see the Lord in the form of Laksmi-Narayana
- He (Brahma) was given the required intelligence, which is so powerful and extensive that he is almost independent of the control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He (Narottama dasa Thakura) has recommended that instead of taking the trouble to travel to such places, one should concentrate his mind on Govinda, and that will help him
- He (the Personality of Godhead) enters again into each and every universe as Garbhodakasayi Visnu and fills up half of each universe with His own perspiration
- He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) exists in His personal form always, but the cosmic manifestation takes place by His inconceivable potency
- He (Vidura) accepted Krsna as his worshipable Lord and followed His instructions wholeheartedly
- His (the devotee of the Lord, or one who is in Krsna consciousness) fathers and ancestors who might have been in difficulty are automatically relieved. The vivid example is Prahlada Maharaja
- If a man engages in material sex enjoyment, he cannot enjoy it for long. But when the sex enjoyment is given up, then one can enter spiritual life, which is unending
- If any self-realized soul reads from Bhagavad-gita, he will never feel satiated
- If anyone can completely perceive another's distress without doubt, it is the Lord Himself
- If one sincerely searches for spiritual salvation, then Krsna, being situated in everyone's heart, gives him the intelligence to find a suitable spiritual master
- If someone is in distress and wants to get relief from his friend, sometimes it so happens that his friend does not appreciate the volume of distress he is suffering. But for the Supreme Lord it is not difficult
- If we can dovetail all our activities in relationship with Krsna, then we do not stand on the material platform, but always on the spiritual platform
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord says, sarvasya caham hrdi sannivistah: (BG 15.15) "I am sitting in everyone's heart, and because of Me one's remembrance and forgetfulness occur
- In each Manu's period there are many changes in many ways, and there are fourteen Manus within one day of Brahma
- In every step they (the demons) enjoy her womanly beauty, and while they enjoy her beauty their minds become agitated by sex desire
- In India there are hundreds of sacred places of pilgrimage, of which Prayaga, Hardwar, Vrndavana and Ramesvaram are considered principal
- In spiritual life we can enjoy sense enjoyment which has no end
- In the beginning of creation Brahma created the Manus, along with the ritualistic sacrificial method, and blessed them: Continue these sacrificial rites, and you will be gradually elevated to your proper position of self-realization
- In the beginning of the creation the material nature, or prakrti, is agitated by the Personality of Godhead, Visnu. There are three Visnus mentioned. One is Maha-Visnu, another is Garbhodakasayi Visnu, and the third is Ksirodakasayi Visnu
- In the Bhagavatam it is stated that as the waves in the sea cannot be counted but appear and disappear continually, the incarnations and forms of the Lord are innumerable
- In this verse (SB 3.20.25) it is stated that Brahma approached Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This form of the Lord is Ksirodakasayi Visnu. Whenever there is some trouble and Brahma has to approach the Lord, he can approach Ksirodakasayi Visnu
- In trying to get out of the entanglement of material life, there are many who want to be one with the Supreme. Even in their transcendental activities, this lower-grade mentality of tamisra continues
- In Vaikuntha, the spiritual sky, there is no need of sunshine, moonshine, electricity or fire. Every planet there is self-effulgent like the sun
- It appears here (in SB 3.20.26) that the homosexual appetite of males for each other is created in this episode of the creation of the demons by Brahma
- It is recommended in this verse (SB 3.20.4) that one find a person who knows the science of God, or a tattva-vit. Tattva-vit means "one who knows the Absolute Truth"
- It is said in the Brahma-samhita, advaitam acyutam. The Lord does not appear before the devotee because of the devotee's imagination
- It is stated here (in SB 3.20.8) that the Lord assumed the form of a boar by His own potency. His form is not actually the form of a conditioned soul
- It is the grace of the Lord that whenever Brahma approaches about disturbances in the universe, the Lord gives him relief in so many ways
- It is understood from Vedic literature that the conditioned soul creates his own destiny and is offered a particular body by the laws of nature under the superintendence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who always accompanies him as Paramatma
- It is understood here that Manu creates scriptural regulations for the salvation of the conditioned souls, who come to the material world for material enjoyment
- Just as a highly posted manager is almost as independent as the owner of a firm, Brahma is described here as independent because, as the Lord's representative to control the universe, he is almost as powerful and independent as the Supreme Personality
- Just to know who is our father is beyond our perception. For that, the mother is the authority
- Maha-moha means to be mad after material enjoyment. Especially in this age of Kali, everyone is overwhelmed by the madness to accumulate paraphernalia for material enjoyment
- Maitreya Rsi belongs to that disciplic succession, so he also is avyakta-marga-vit. Anyone in the bona fide line of disciplic succession is avyakta-marga-vit, a personality who knows that which is beyond ordinary perception
- Material nature is an atmosphere meant only for the sense enjoyment of the conditioned soul, and it is created by the Personality of Godhead
- Maya is under the control of the Supreme Godhead, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita. Maya is under His superintendence; maya cannot overcome the Lord
- Maya's function is to give afflictions to the nondevotees
- Mind is the subtle body of the living entity. We may sometimes be absorbed in some thought which is sinful, but if we give up the sinful thought, it may be said that we give up the body
- Music and dancing employed in sense gratification are demoniac, but the same music and dancing, when employed in glorifying the Supreme Lord as kirtana, are transcendental, and they bring about a life completely fit for spiritual enjoyment
- Music and dancing employed in sense gratification are to be accepted as demoniac
- Music and dancing, when employed in glorifying the Supreme Lord as kirtana, are transcendental, and they bring about a life completely fit for spiritual enjoyment
- Narottama dasa Thakura has forbidden us to go to such places of pilgrimage because in this age, the times having so changed, a sincere person may have a different impression on seeing the behavior of the present residents of the pilgrimage sites
- No one can argue about when and how the conditioned soul became desirous of sense enjoyment, but the cause is there
- One cannot trace out the history of when the conditioned soul first desired to lord it over material nature, but in Vedic literature we always find that the material creation is meant for the sense enjoyment of the conditioned soul
- One has to be freed from all contamination, and at the same time he has to find a person who knows the science of Krsna. Krsna helps a sincere person
- One has to be intelligent enough to find the actual person to be consulted; then one's attempt to progress by traveling to different holy places will be successful
- One should not mistakenly think that because the creation emanates from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He has therefore transformed into this material cosmic manifestation
- Ordinary persons may derive benefit from traveling to holy places like Prayaga, Mathura, Vrndavana and Hardwar
- Our material condition is a diseased condition. If one wants to enjoy real sense enjoyment, then one must get free of the entanglement of material existence
- Sacrificial rituals, however, are intended to please the Supreme Lord. Unless one pleases the Supreme Lord, or unless one is Krsna conscious, one cannot be happy either in material enjoyment or in spiritual realization
- Saunaka Rsi here (in SB 3.20.1) inquires about the topics of the conversation between Maitreya Rsi and Vidura
- Saunaka Rsi, therefore, inquired from Suta Gosvami: What did Svayambhuva Manu do after the reinstatement of the earth in its orbital situation?
- Sex life is the background of material existence
- Sexually inclined demons have no respect even for their father, and the best policy for a saintly father like Brahma is to leave such demoniac sons
- Significant here (in SB 3.20.9) is the word avyakta-marga-vit, one who knows that which is beyond our perception
- Since he was born of a great father, who was supposed to be an incarnation of Narayana and who composed all the Vedic literatures, Vidura was also a great personality
- So-called yogis encourage the public to enjoy sex life in different varieties and at the same time advertise that if one meditates on a certain manufactured mantra one can become God within six months
- Sometimes the demoniac arrange for so-called sports, like tennis, with the opposite sex. The purpose of such sporting is to see the bodily construction of the beautiful girl and enjoy a subtle sex mentality
- Sometimes the word yoga is used to refer to the gymnastic performances of different bodily postures which help mental concentration
- Sometimes they misrepresent themselves as karma-yogis, not knowing the meaning of the word yoga. Yoga means to link up with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, or to act in Krsna consciousness
- Spiritual activities performed early in the morning have a greater effect than in any other part of the day
- Spiritual happiness, is ananta, unending. Foolish creatures are enamored by the beauty of matter and think that the enjoyment it offers is real, but actually that is not real enjoyment
- Spiritual realization cannot be attained by materialistic persons. For those who are addicted to sense enjoyment, spiritual realization is not possible
- Sraddha is a ritualistic performance observed by the followers of the Vedas. There is a yearly occasion of fifteen days when ritualistic religionists follow the principle of offering oblations to departed souls
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has enunciated that anything in relationship with Krsna is on the transcendental platform
- The appearance of the Lord as the first boar incarnation occurred during the time of Svayambhuva Manu, whereas the present age is in the period of Vaivasvata Manu
- The asuras are described here as mudha-dhiyah, meaning that they are captivated by ignorance, just like the ass. The demons were captivated by the false, glaring beauty of this material form, and thus they embraced her (the evening twilight)
- The atheists generally think that the body is the self and that everything is therefore ended with the end of the body. Thus they want to enjoy material life as far as possible during the existence of the body
- The atheists theory is: after death everything is finished. No one is responsible for anything he does during his life." This atheistic conception of life is killing human civilization, for it is without knowledge of the continuation of eternal life
- The cause of the material creation is described here (in SB 3.20.2) very lucidly. The first cause is daiva, or the destiny of the conditioned soul. The material creation exists for the conditioned soul who wanted to become a false lord for sense enjoyment
- The conditioned souls who rested within the body of the Personality of Godhead after the dissolution of the last creation came out in the sum total form of the lotus. This is called hiranyagarbha
- The conditioned souls, or living entities who come to the material world to enjoy sense gratification, are covered in the beginning by five different conditions. The first condition is a covering of tamisra, or anger
- The covering capacity of Maya can be employed on the part and parcel of Brahman, not on the Supreme Brahman
- The demoniac work very hard all day and night, but the purpose of their hard work is to enjoy sex life
- The demons observed beautiful gestures in the woman's every step. Here (in SB 3.20.36) they praise her full-grown breasts, her scattered hair and her movements in stepping forward and backward while playing with the ball
- The demons took the approach of the evening twilight to be a beautiful woman, and they began to adore her in various ways
- The demons who were born from the body of Brahma were called Yaksas and Raksasas because some of them cried that Brahma should be eaten and the others cried that he should not be protected
- The devotee of the Lord does not need to perform ritualistic ceremonies as sraddha because he is always pleasing the Supreme Lord; therefore his fathers and ancestors who might have been in difficulty are automatically relieved
- The difference between demons and demigods is that a beautiful woman very easily attracts the minds of demons, but she cannot attract the mind of a godly person. A godly person is full of knowledge, and a demoniac person is full of ignorance
- The difference between material and spiritual enjoyment is that material enjoyment is limited
- The disease of insanity or being haunted by ghosts takes place in an unclean state of existence
- The first living entity to come out was Lord Brahma, who is independently able to create the rest of the manifested universe
- The Gaudiya Vaisnava loves the forms of Radha and Krsna, and Krsna and Rukmini at Dvaraka
- The godly person knows that this nicely dressed and ornamented attraction of high breasts, high hips, beautiful nose and fair complexion is maya. All the beauty a woman can display is only a combination of flesh and blood
- The history of Vidura is that he was born of a sudra mother, but his seminal father was Vyasadeva; thus he was not less than Vyasadeva in any respect
- The homosexual appetite of a man for another man is demoniac and is not for any sane male in the ordinary course of life
- The idea that "I am this body, and everything belonging to this body is mine" increases, and as the whole world is put into moha, sectarian societies, families and nationalities are created, and they fight with one another
- The Kauravas, Dhrtarastra's sons, lost the war because of being sinful in disobeying the instructions of Krsna
- The living entity, being eternally a part-and-parcel servitor of the Supreme Lord, can never, by constitution, be an equal enjoyer with the Lord. When he forgets this, however, and tries to be one with Him, his condition is called tamisra
- The Lord asked Brahma to give up his present body because it had created the demoniac principle
- The Lord is absolute; there is no difference between His words, His perspiration or His pastimes
- The Lord is described here (in SB 3.20.28) by the word viviktadhyatma-darsanah
- The Lord is so kind that any soul who wants to enjoy in this material world is given full facility for enjoyment, and at the same time he is shown the path of salvation
- The Lord says, I am seated in everyone's heart, and by Me are remembrance and forgetfulness made possible
- The Lord, as the Supersoul within Brahma, gave him the intelligence to create. The creative power, therefore, of every living entity is not his own; it is by the grace of the Lord that one can create
- The lotus is described here as effulgent as the glare of a thousand suns. This indicates that the living entities, as parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, are also of the same quality, since the Lord also diffuses His bodily glare, known as brahmajyoti
- The Mayavada idea that the living entity is the Supreme Absolute Truth but has become covered by maya is invalid, because maya cannot be so great that it can cover the Supreme
- The Mayavada version that when Brahman assumes a form the form is accepted from maya is not acceptable, because although maya is superior to the conditioned soul, she is not superior to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Mayavadi philosophers think that although all these forms are assumed by the Lord just as the devotees desire to see Him, actually He is impersonal. From Brahma-samhita, however, we can understand that this is not so, for the Lord has multiforms
- The mentality of the demons in being enamored by the false beauty of this material world is expressed herein. The demoniac can pay any price for the skin beauty of this material world
- The more one is free from the desires for sex, the more he is promoted to the level of the demigods; the more one is inclined to enjoy sex, the more he is degraded to the level of demoniac life
- The musicians in the upper planetary systems are called Gandharvas, and the dancing girls are called Apsaras
- The narration of the pastimes of the Lord, which are always enacted on the transcendental platform, should be received with all respect by devotees
- The narrations of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam may be read thousands and thousands of times, and still, without fail, new aspects of the subject matter will be relished by the devotee
- The ones who said that he (Brahma) should be eaten were called Yaksas, and the ones who said that he should not be protected became Raksasas, man-eaters
- The other half of the universe remains vacant, and that vacant region is called outer space. Then the lotus flower sprouts from His (the Personality of Godhead) abdomen and produces the first living creature, Brahma
- The performance of sraddha, or offering oblations with prasada, is still current in India, especially at Gaya, where oblations are offered at the lotus feet of Visnu in a celebrated temple
- The primordial matter, or prakrti, material nature, consisting of three modes, generates four groups of five. The first group is called elementary and consists of earth, water, fire, air and ether
- The primordial matter, or prakrti, material nature, consisting of three modes, generates four groups of five. The fourth group is the five working senses: speech, hands, feet, anus and genitals
- The primordial matter, or prakrti, material nature, consisting of three modes, generates four groups of five. The second group of five is called tan-matra, referring to the subtle elements (sense objects): sound, touch, form, taste and smell
- The primordial matter, or prakrti, material nature, consisting of three modes, generates four groups of five. The third group is the five sense organs for acquiring knowledge: eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin
- The principles of renunciation are four: (1) to avoid illicit sex life, (2) to avoid meat-eating, (3) to avoid intoxication and (4) to avoid gambling. These four principles are called tapasya, or austerity
- The public wants to be cheated, and Krsna therefore creates such cheaters to misrepresent and delude. These so-called yogis are actually enjoyers of the world garbed as yogis
- The purpose of sacrificial rituals is to revive, gradually, the spiritual realization of the living entities. That is the beginning of life within this universe
- The real beauty is Krsna and Radha. One who is attracted by the beauty of Radha and Krsna cannot be attracted by the false beauty of this material world. That is the difference between a demon and a godly person or devotee
- The representatives of the Yaksas and Raksasas still exist in some countries of the world. It is understood that such uncivilized men take pleasure in killing their own grandfathers and holding a "love feast" by roasting the bodies
- The ritualistic performances of sacrifice are meant for material economic development; in other words, they are meant to keep the body in good condition for cultivation of spiritual knowledge
- The Sadhyas and Pitas are invisible forms of departed souls, and they are also created by Brahma
- The scattered hair of a beautiful woman also afflicts the heart of a lusty demon
- The sum and substance of the conditioned soul's sense enjoyment is that as soon as he forgets his primary duty, to render service to the Lord, he creates an atmosphere of sense enjoyment, which is called maya; that is the cause of material creation
- The Supreme Lord, as Paramatma, is sitting within the heart of every living entity, and He directly perceives the exact causes of distress
- The time early in the morning, one and a half hours before sunrise, is called brahma-muhurta. During this brahma-muhurta, spiritual activities are recommended
- The two, Yaksas and Raksasas, are the original creation by Brahma and are represented even until today in the uncivilized men who are scattered all over the universe
- The water of the Ganges is purified because it pours forth from the lotus feet of the Lord
- The water of the Ganges is purified because it pours forth from the lotus feet of the Lord. Similarly, Bhagavad-gita is as good as the water of the Ganges because it is spoken from the mouth of the Supreme Lord
- The water of the Ganges, the narrations of His (Krsna's) pastimes and the words spoken by Him are all on the absolute platform, and thus taking shelter of any one of them is equally good
- The word viraktimat in this verse (SB 3.20.53) means possessed of the qualification of renunciation
- The words bhaktanam anurupatma-darsanam mean that the Lord is always pleased to favor the devotee in the particular form in which the devotee wants to worship and render service unto Him
- The words klesadas tesam anasanna-padam tava indicate that the Lord has two concerns. The first is to give protection to persons who take shelter of His lotus feet, and the second is to give trouble to those who are always demoniac
- The words virajas tirtha-sevaya refer to Vidura, who was completely cleansed of all contamination by traveling to places of pilgrimage
- Their (The atheists) theory is: "As long as you live, you should live prosperously. Never mind whether you commit all kinds of so-called sins. You must eat sumptuously
- Their (The atheists) theory is: Beg, borrow and steal, and if you think that by stealing and borrowing you are being entangled in sinful activities for which you will have to pay, then just forget that misconception
- There are 8,400,000 species of living entities, but the incarnations of the Supreme Lord are innumerable
- There are five groups of five. One group is the sense objects, one is the five elements, one is the five sense organs for acquiring knowledge, another is the senses for working, and the fifth group is the five deities who control these divisions
- There are many pseudotranscendentalists, even at places of pilgrimage. Such men are always present
- There are many scientists and great workers in this material world who have wonderful creative force, but they act and create only according to the direction of the Supreme Lord
- They (the demons) imagined the twilight to be a very beautiful woman with tinkling bangles on her feet, a girdle on her hips, and beautiful breasts, and for their sexual satisfaction they imagined the appearance of this beautiful girl before them
- They (Yaksas and Raksasas) are born of the mode of ignorance, and therefore, because of their behavior, they are called Raksasas, or man-eaters
- This material world is generally called tamas because ninety-nine percent of its living entities are ignorant of their identity as soul
- Those fathers and ancestors who, by freaks of nature, might not have a gross body for material enjoyment can again gain such bodies due to the offering of sraddha oblations by their descendants
- Those who are actually on the transcendental platform are never satiated by hearing the continuous narration of the pastimes of the Lord
- Those who are too attached to seeking material possessions and material enjoyment cannot reach yoga-samadhi, absorption in Krsna consciousness
- Those who drool while sleeping are considered unclean and are subject to be haunted by ghosts or to, go insane
- To absorb the mind in the Supreme in Krsna consciousness is the process of spiritual realization
- To concentrate one's mind on Govinda in any place is a path meant for those who are the most spiritually advanced; it is not for ordinary persons
- To know matters beyond one's perception, one has to learn from a superior authority in the line of disciplic succession
- Vidura left the protection of his elder brother Dhrtarastra, went traveling everywhere to sacred places and met Maitreya at Hardwar
- Vidura's qualification was that he was not only a friend of the Lord but also a great devotee
- Visnu is the cause of creation. From Bhagavad-gita also we learn that prakrti begins to work and is still working under Krsna's, or Visnu's, glance of superintendence, but the Supreme Personality of Godhead is unchangeable
- We have just described (in SB 3.20.25) the first appearance of the boar within this universe. There are innumerable universes, and somewhere or other the boar form is now existing
- We have to understand everything beyond our perception from the authority who actually knows. The first avyakta-marga-vit, or authority, is Brahma, and the next authority in disciplic succession is Narada
- When a man is fast asleep and saliva flows from his mouth and he remains unclean, ghosts then take advantage of his unclean state and haunt his body
- When Krsna tried to stop the war and mitigate the misunderstanding between the cousin-brothers, they refused to accept His counsel; therefore Ksatta, or Vidura, was unsatisfied with them, and he left the palace
- When the Lord descends to this earth, He assumes a form by His own internal potency. The form of the Lord, therefore, can never consist of material energy
- When the parents engage their minds in the lotus feet of the Lord and in such a state the child is born, naturally good devotee children come; when the society is full of such good population, there is no trouble from demoniac mentalities
- Whenever one fully surrenders unto the Supreme Lord, one finds that He is sitting within one's heart. He can give us direction how to get out of dangers or how to approach Him in devotional service
- Where a Vaisnava like Prahlada is born, not only his father but his father's father and their fathers - up to the fourteenth father back - are all automatically delivered