Category:Somebody (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Somebody (Disciples of SP)"
The following 37 pages are in this category, out of 37 total.
- A few cases have happened also that joined, being nice, but all of a sudden drifted from our Society. So Narada Muni advised that even some, sometimes somebody may not continue, but falls down, there is no loss
- All servant, we are. Somebody is engaged in dressing the Deity. Somebody is engaged in preparing nice foodstuff for Deity. Somebody is making flower garlands. Somebody is going to distribute literature to make people understand the glories of Krsna
- Another request I have to you is that there have now been two instances of when somebody does not agree you try to get them out by calling the police. This is never to be done. This is the mistaken policy of Shayasundar, but do not follow this principle
- Anyone can come and live with us. That is called association. Faith, association. Then by association somebody becomes interested to become initiated: So I shall also become bona fide initiated disciple
- I always advise married couples that the male should be engaged in some work; but if somebody is busily engaged in our activities and therefore he cannot work outside, that is also nice. We do not press people to contribute
- I think in our apartment also somebody must remain. In New York also I lost my typewriter, tape recorder. In 72nd St. at daytime, at nine o'clock. I went to take my meals in Dr. Misra's place at about nine, and when I came back I saw the door is broken
- If by sentiment somebody comes to Krsna consciousness and if for a few days he chants Hare Krsna mantra, their success, in future at least, guaranteed
- If some intelligent persons join us, then our movement may advance swiftly. This is encouraging. But intelligence or no intelligence, if some way or other somebody comes and sticks to the principles automatically he becomes intelligent
- If somebody comes here, the free hotel and free sleeping accommodation, then his coming to this association is useless. He must learn how to serve
- If somebody dozes, it gives me too much pain. And I asked you to go and sleep. It disturbs me, too much disturbs me. I tell you frankly. When I speak or when I speak if somebody dozes, better not to sit. Sleep twenty-four hours, but don't make show
- If somebody has got money and if he wants to spend it for Krsna, then we can give plan, a very nice temple, you see, spending millions of dollars. We have got such ideas and such plans. But that does not mean that we are depending on a temple
- If somebody thinks that "I have taken to Krsna consciousness, but I am suffering for so many things," for them or for all of us the instruction is matra-sparsas tu kaunteya sitosna-sukha-duhkha-dah
- If you can constantly, twenty-four hours, if you hear and chant Hear means somebody chants or you chant yourself or hear, or some of your colleague may chant, you hear. This process must go on. This is sravanam kirtanam visnoh
- If you do not satisfy his senses, everyone is free to run away. That you cannot check. You cannot say, accuse somebody. Because here everyone is giving voluntary service. Nobody is servant. So if he doesn't like something, at any moment he can go away
- My Guru Maharaja used to say if somebody complained that "We go and chant, but nobody attends our meeting," so Guru Maharaja would reply that "Why? The four walls will hear you. That is sufficient. Don't be disappointed. Go on chanting"
- My main purpose is to propagate the teachings of Lord Caitanya or Krishna Consciousness. I am not after recruiting some disciples; but for preaching work we want some assistants and if somebody offers voluntarily his service it is welcome
- My point is that even if somebody does not go in one line with the rest of the godbrothers, he can remain separately, but it does not mean that he may disobey the principles that I have laid down
- No Vaisnava will claim to be one of the eight Gopis because that will tinge one with Mayavadi philosophy. If somebody says "I am Krishna." or "I am Radha." or "I am one of the eight Gopis." that is against Krishna philosophy
- No, everyone should do it (deity worship). Yes, everyone should learn. Everyone should learn. Sometimes somebody is doing something, somebody is doing something. Yes, like that. Everyone should be expert in every respect, twenty-six qualifications
- Our principle is not to work like the karmi or under a karmi. We are not sudras. Sudras are meant for working under somebody, not brahmanas
- Our process, the sankirtana movement, is to awaken that consciousness. That's all. Just like one man is sleeping. To awake him: "Get up! Get up!" So this is our process. It's not that artificially we are making somebody K.C. K.C. is there already
- Our relationship is eternal. But if somebody lags behind, so in spite of our eternal relationship one may not meet other at the destination
- Somebody responsible should be in charge. That way instead of salt something may be put. So many people cooking is going on. All right. Hare Krsna
- Suppose somebody advances $200 for purchasing a cow; you will have to repay the debt by supplying $200 worth of ghee. After that, the cow becomes your property
- Suppose we are worshiping Deity. That is the duty of brahmana; but somebody is called that "You cleanse this floor." So he should not think that "I am cleansing the floor; therefore I am lower than the person directly worshiping the Deity." No
- The process is one should chant and one should hear. That we follow. Somebody leads by chanting, and others follow. So if the chanter is pure, then the chanting will be effective
- The Trust deed somebody may read
- This system now should stop that somebody's coming for three days - "Prabhupada, initiate him." Why? First of all see whether he's fit for becoming a disciple; then recommend. Otherwise, don't recommend
- Translation of prayers into English is good and if somebody dresses like nice American gentleman without any robes, I have no objection; but every one of my disciples must have the flag and marks of tilak on forehead
- Under the circumstances, it is my open order for everyone that everyone can marry without any artificial pose. But if somebody is able to remain a Brahmacary, there should not be any canvassing for his marriage
- Unless there is chanting, there is no question of hearing. Hear means somebody must be chanting. Either we chant with musical sound or we chant by lectures of Bhagavad-gita, this is all chanting. And the others, they are hearing
- We are not lazy. We are not sleeping. Everybody is busy. Somebody is going to write, somebody is going to type, somebody is going to sell books, somebody is preparing prasadam, somebody is cleansing, somebody is going to sankirtana
- Whenever a somebody comes to me for becoming my disciple, my first principle is that you must give up illicit sex life. You must give up meat eating, fish eating, egg eating, all this nonsense