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Pages in category "Shadow"
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- A self-realized person, or a devotee, knows well that this material cosmic manifestation is a temporary, illusory representation appearing to be truth. It is like a phantasmagoria. But behind this shadow creation there is reality - the spiritual world
- All relationships in the material world are but perverted reflections of these original relationships. In the mundane world we experience only the shadow of the reality, which exists in the spiritual world
- All the boys would be differently engaged. Some boys imitated flying birds by running after the birds' shadows on the ground - 10.12.7-11
- Although the material world is only a shadow of the spiritual world, the materially encaged living entities seek spiritual happiness here in a form perverted by materialistic attachment
- An animal in the desert sees a mirage, a shadow of water, and he runs after this shadow again and again
- And, if by the manifestation of such shadow attachment one feels the disappearance of all material pangs, then it is called para attachment
- As soon as you give up Krsna, maya is ready. Just like side by side there is sun... shadow and light. If you push little from light then go to shadow. This is already side by side maya and Krsna
- At Ramesvara, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had a chance to read the Kurma Purana, in which He discovered that the form of Sita kidnapped by Ravana was not that of the real Sita but a mere shadow representation
- Because of a poor fund of knowledge, less intelligent persons sometimes mistake the conditions of the shadow world to be equivalent to those of the spiritual world
- Bhakta, they know where is real water. That's all. This is the difference. The karmis are like animals. They are after shadow water, running, running, running, exhausted and finished. That is karmi
- By "false shadow" one should understand that the world is temporary, existing only for the time being. But one should not make the mistake of thinking the world has no existence at all
- By advanced knowledge in spiritual realization, the transcendentalist knows that this beautiful material world is nothing but a shadowy reflection of the reality the kingdom of God. They are not much captivated by royal opulence or anything like that
- By the association of pure devotees attachment for Krsna can be aroused, but if one commits offenses at the lotus feet of a devotee, one's shadow attachment or para attachment can be extinguished
- Dharma (in the form of a bull) asked: Madam (Bhumi), are you not hale and hearty? Why are you covered with the shadow of grief? It appears by your face that you have become black. Are you suffering from some internal disease?
- Durga is working simply just like shadow. As the shadow moves when the original substance moves, similarly, she is only working under the direction of Krsna. That's all. She is the external potency
- First of all, Brahma created from his shadow the coverings of ignorance of the conditioned souls. They are five in number and are called tamisra, andha-tamisra, tamas, moha and maha-moha
- For God there is nothing evil. Just like the sun, there is no darkness. But for us there is light and darkness. Just like if you keep the sun back side, you will find darkness, your shadow. And if you keep yourself in front, sun, there is no darkness
- Form of Krsna means there is no shadow of any material contamination. Ananda-matram. Ananda-matram avikalpam aviddha-varcah. And not that... Suppose we are sometimes happy and next time I am unhappy, but this ananda is eternal
- He (Kamsa) saw the luminaries in the sky in double, although there was only one set factually. He began to see holes in his shadow, and he heard a high buzzing sound within his ears
- How is she (Prakrti) working? Just like a shadow. Below our hand is its shadow, and as our hand moves, the shadow moves. Behind all manifestations there is motion. I have sometimes given the example of the shunting of the big cars in a railway line
- If one commits offenses at the lotus feet of a devotee, one's shadow attachment or para attachment can be extinguished. This extinguishing is like the waning of the full moon, which gradually decreases and at last becomes dark
- If one remains in shadow, he cannot enjoy the facilities offered by light, and if one remains in light, he cannot be disturbed by the darkness of shadow
- If someone becomes attached to the principles of salvation or to merging into the existence of the brahmajyoti, his ecstasies gradually diminish into shadow and para attachment or else transform into the principles of ahangrahopasana
- If we place our hand before a light, we can see its shadow move on a wall. Similarly, material nature is working due to the touch of spirit soul
- If you keep yourself faced to the sunlight, you will never see the darkness, and as soon as you turn your back to the sun, then immediately you find in your front a huge shadow of your own body. This shadow is Maya
- In Brahma-samhita (5.44) it is said that material nature is so powerful that it can create, maintain and destroy in itself: Srsti-sthiti-pralaya-sadhana-saktir eka. However, material nature is working just like a shadow
- In our lives we think we are enjoying some rasa, some relationship. Our children are calling us father, and we are enjoying our relationship with our wife, but all of these relationships are like shadows, although people have no information of this
- In our material experience we can understand that everything is ultimately produced of sunshine, but that does not mean everything is sunshine. Rather, other things cover the sunshine and creates a shadow
- In SB 2.9.34 it is stated: “What appears to be truth without Me is certainly My illusory energy, for nothing can exist without Me. It is like a reflection of a real light in the shadows, for in the light there are neither shadows nor reflections
- In the desert mirage there is no actual water. There is only the appearance of water. Real water is somewhere else. The manifested cosmic creation appears as reality. But reality, of which this is but a shadow, is in the spiritual world
- In the internal potential manifestation of the Vaikunthalokas, the actual tree exists, and the tree reflected in the material nature is only the shadow of this actual tree
- In the mundane world there is also some shadow of such viraha. A loving wife, husband, or friend may for some time be maddened by the absence of the beloved. Such a state of mind, however, is not permanent
- It is also confirmed in the Brahma-samhita that the material potency, known as Durga, is acting just as a shadow which moves with the movement of the substance
- It is not so easy job, see the eyes from the shadow, and in this way you have to pierce. It is not so easy job
- It is stated in Bhagavad-gita that this material world is just like a tree whose roots are up and branches down. This means that the material world is the shadow of the spiritual world
- Just like a shadow follows the reality, similarly, the wife is the shadow of the husband. Wherever the husband goes, she must go. Whatever the husband wants, she must carry out
- Just like in the Bhagavad-gita, 15th Chapter, it is stated, "the shadow of the tree." The shadow of the tree has got the branches, fruit, leaves. Everything is there. But it is nonreality. The real reality is up in the spiritual world. And that is shadow
- Krsna and maya; light and shadow. If you don't serve Krsna, then you have to serve maya. And those who are serving maya in the name of Krsna, they are called Mayavadi
- Krsna says, "What appears to be truth without Me is certainly My illusory energy, for nothing can exist without Me. It is like a reflection of a real light in the shadows, for in the light there are neither shadows nor reflections"
- Manifestations of the internal potency are the reality, of which the material shadow is only a temporary representation from which everyone with proper knowledge must be detached
- Material energy works as the shadow moves, in accordance with the movements of the object. But still it is very powerful, and the atheist, due to his godless temperament, cannot know how it works; nor can he know the plan of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 pur
- Material energy works fully under the direction of the Supreme Lord. It has no independent authority. It works as the shadow moves, in accordance with the movements of the object
- Material manifestations of things are but shadowy representations of reality. They are compared to mirages in the desert
- Maya means absence of Krsna. Shadow means absence of light, sunshine. So if you always keep in Krsna consciousness, there is no shadow of maya
- Maya means forgetfulness of Krsna, and forgetfulness of Krsna and Krsna consciousness stand side by side like light and shadow
- Maya means the external energy. Just like if you stand facing the sun, the back side of your, there is a big shadow. That is maya. So both things are there: the purusam, the Krsna, and the maya also
- Maya, just like shadow and light, they're side by side. A little crossing the marginal line between shadow and light, you are in the darkness. Similarly, a little crossing of the marginal line from the darkness to light, you are in light
- Mayika means shadow. Shadow is existing on account of the real. So therefore it is called maya
- More important than the body and mind is the spirit, which has been set aside without any proper culture of knowledge. As a result, the darkness of nescience has overshadowed the world and has brought about great unrest, disturbance, and distress
- O lord, your shadow is seen in irreligion, which brings about varieties of irreligious creations. The three modes of nature - goodness, passion and ignorance - are your three eyes
- On His shadow was death, in His smile was the illusory energy, and on the hairs of His body were all the drugs and herbs
- One devotee tried to console a kadamba tree when the tree was lamenting because Krsna had not touched even its shadow
- One who engages in the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Being automatically attains detachment from material name, fame, and gain, which are aspired for only by those who do not understand that name etc. are merely shadows of the real thing
- Only by dint of Your inconceivable potency does this material world, although a shadow representation of the spiritual world, appear to be factual. No one can understand what You plan to do in the future
- Our real constitutional position: to love God. We are loving also, in this fallen state, but not God - all non-God or some shadow God
- Rasabhasa occurs when one’s relationship with Krsna is adulterated. There are different types of rasabhasa - first class, second class and third class. The word rasa means “mellow,” and abhasa means a shadow
- Real pleasure is Krsna, whereas material pleasure, which is temporary, is not actual. Those who can see things as they are do not take part in shadow pleasure
- Regarding love affairs in the material world: they are only shadows or reflections of the real love with Krishna
- Sage Kardama, husband of the great Devahuti, was manifested from the shadow of Brahma. Thus all became manifested from either the body or the mind of Brahma
- Shadow of the real beautiful girl
- So there are two things: Krsna and maya; light and shadow. If you don't serve Krsna, then you have to serve maya. And those who are serving maya in the name of Krsna, they are called Mayavadi
- Some of them (the cowherd boys) gladly followed the peacocks and imitated the onomatopoetic sounds of the cuckoo. While the birds were flying in the sky, the boys ran after the birds’ shadows along the ground and tried to follow their exact courses
- Such shadow attachment or para attachment can develop by associating with a pure devotee or by visiting holy places like Vrndavana or Mathura
- That is real, and this is unreal. Just like shadow and reality. There is gulf of difference between the shadow and reality. So whatever love we see in this world, that love is only a perverted reflection of that real love with Krsna
- The cowherd boys would come out of the water when they saw their own shadows & stand imitating, making caricatures & laughing. They would also go to an empty well and make loud sounds, and when the echo came back, they would call it ill names and laugh
- The goddess of fortune was generated from His chest, the inhabitants of Pitrloka from His shadow, religion from His bosom, and irreligion (the opposite of religion) from His back
- The impersonalists' theory that Brahman is void of all variegatedness is false because the shadow-tree described in Bhagavad-gita cannot exist without being the reflection of a real tree
- The Kimpurusas and Kinnaras took possession of that shadowy form left by Brahma. That is why they and their spouses sing his praises by recounting his exploits at every daybreak
- The ksetrajna is the eternal spirit, whereas the ksetra is matter, which is temporary and ephemeral. This eternal truth is summarized in the Vedas in the aphorism brahma satyam jagan mithya: "Spirit is fact and the world is a false shadow"
- The Kurma Purana states that this shadowy Sita was placed into a fire as a test of chastity. It was Maya-sita who entered the fire and the real Sita who came out of the fire
- The living entity under the clutches of maya wants to enjoy this material world, but unless You (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) give him directions and remind him, he cannot make progress in pursuing his shadowy objective in life
- The mahat-tattva, or shadow of pure consciousness, is the germinating place of all creation. It is pure goodness with the slight addition of the material mode of passion, and therefore activity is generated from this point
- The manifested cosmic creation appears as reality. But reality, of which this is but a shadow, is in the spiritual world
- The material creations are manifested for some time as perverted shadows of the spiritual kingdom and can be likened to cinemas. They attract people of less intelligent caliber who are attracted by false things
- The material world is a shadow phantasmagoria of the spiritual kingdom of the Lord, and because it is a shadow it is never eternal; the variegatedness in the material world of duality (spirit and matter) cannot be compared to that of the spiritual world
- The material world is just like a shadow resembling You. Indeed, one accepts this material world as real because it gives a glimpse of Your existence
- The material world is only a shadow representation of the anti-material world, and intelligent men who are clean in heart and habit will be able to learn, in a nutshell, all the details of the anti-material world from the text of the Bhagavad-gita
- The material world is shadow reflection of the spiritual world. Unless the original thing is there in the spiritual world, it cannot be reflected in the material world
- The materialists do not know that the family, society and friendship here in this material world are only shadows, and thus they become attached
- The pseudo religionists have neither knowledge nor detachment from material affairs, for most of them want to live in the golden shackles of material bondage under the shadow of philanthropic activities disguised as religious principles
- The reflection of the tree on the water appears to hang down from its upward roots. The tree of creation described here is only a shadow of the reality which is Parabrahman, Visnu
- The shadow is maya. It has no existence. It is simply impeding the sunshine; therefore it is shadow. Maya means which has no existence of its own accord
- The substance is the lotus feet of Mukunda, and King Kulasekhara, being a most intelligent devotee, prays to gain that substance and not the shadow
- The tree of the material manifestation is described in the Fifteenth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita as an asvattha tree whose root is upward. We have actual experience of such a tree when we see the shadow of a tree on the bank of a reservoir of water
- There is the Supreme Person, the supreme controller and there is also maya, which is on the back side. Just like if you stand before the sun or light, your shadow will be on the back side
- They (the cowherd boys) decided: Dear friends, this is certainly an animal sitting here to swallow us all. Its upper lip resembles a cloud reddened by the sunshine, and its lower lip resembles the reddish shadows of a cloud - SB 10.12.20
- This imitative attachment can be divided into two headings - namely, shadow attachment and para (transcendental) attachment
- This material world is a reflection of the spiritual world. The material world is but a shadow of reality. In the shadow there is no reality or substantiality, but from the shadow we can understand that there is substance & reality. BG 1972 Introduction
- This material world is only a shadow phantasmagoria of the spiritual kingdom of God, and because it is a shadow it is never eternal; the variegatedness in the material world of duality (spirit and matter) cannot be compared to that of the spiritual world
- Those who are well-versed in knowledge of Brahman and those householders who carefully follow the Vedic regulations say that the difference between the two (the living entity and the Supersoul) is like the difference between a shadow and the sun
- Transcendental attachment, either shadow or para, can be nullified by different degrees of offenses at the lotus feet of pure devotees
- We should always remember that the society, friendship, only shadowy representations of the real society, friendship, and love reciprocated in the kingdom of God
- When one comes under the shadow of a big tree, the disturbances caused by the heat of the scorching sun are immediately mitigated, without one's asking for relief. Therefore the whole concern of the conditioned soul should be the lotus feet of the Lord
- When the bewildered living being desires this, the shadow elements are generated by the will of the Lord, and the living entities are allowed to run after them as after a phantasmagoria
- When there is no sun there is no such distinction that "This is shining, sunny, and this is shadow." So this distinction is there so long we do not know the real source. But if we know the real source, we can understand that this distinction is temporary
- When there was too much animal-killing and people became almost atheist under the shadow of Vedic rituals, Lord Buddha appeared
- You have got, all, experience. You stand up; you'll see a long shadow on your back side. So that is maya. The maya is the back side
- Your intelligence was given to understand what is God, what is your relationship with God, why you are rotting in this material world under shadow illusion of so-called happiness. These things are to be known in human form of body