Category:Rise Up
Pages in category "Rise Up"
The following 74 pages are in this category, out of 74 total.
- A Vaisnava can understand this, that outwardly, externally, they may have nice dress or nice building or nice motorcar, but internally they are so unhappy that they rise up to the top of the skyscraper building and fall down to commit suicide
- After performing so much austerity and penances, they rise up to the highest position, Brahman realization, but," patanty adhah, "they fall down." We have got so many instances
- After undergoing severe austerities and penances, they rise up to the Brahmaloka, param padam. Patanty adhah, again falls down, again falls down
- Anyone who is trying to understand the Absolute Truth by direct perception, he can rise up to the impersonal Brahman understanding, not more than that
- As soon as I rise up in the morning, I remember, "Oh, I am such and such officer. I am such and such father, such and such husband, and I have got to do such and such things." Everything remembered. But during your sleep, you forget everything
- As soon as there is little light, immediately they (birds & beasts) will rise up & will talk amongst themselves & go, one tree to another, & he will eat one or two fruits, little fruits, ample fruit. They have no scarcity of food & live very pleasantly
- As you go to the moon planet but if you cannot stay there, you must have to come down again to this planet, similarly, one may rise up to the Brahman platform, which is called param-pada, but if you cannot stay there, then again you fall down
- Brahma-pada, you can rise up. But if you do not engage yourself in the service of Bhagavan, then again you come down
- By great austerities and penance, they can rise up to the param padam, aham brahmasmi, brahma-pada. But aruhya krcchrena param padam tatah, from that place, patanty adhah, again falls down in this material world
- By penances, austerities, & meditations they (the jnanis & yogis) can rise up to the platform of the Supreme Absolute, but as has been explained, they again fall down to the material world, because they have not taken Krsna's personal features seriously
- By reestablishing relationship with God, even the most forgotten soul is roused up to the sense of spiritual life, and thus being initiated by the bhakti-vedantas, the people in general gradually progress on the path of transcendental realization
- By such endeavor even the most forgotten soul is roused up to the sense of spiritual life, & thus being initiated by the bhaktivedantas the people in general gradually progress on the path of transcendental realization
- He (a nondevotee) may rise up by endeavor to a certain position as he imagined, "This is the best position." Just like we are also trying to occupy the best position - to become associate of Krsna, to live with devotees
- He (mayavadi sannyasi) feels inconvenience without varieties of life. The Bhagavata says, "Their intelligence is not clean." "Although they rise up to the brahma-jyotir," patanty adho tatah, - they again come back
- If a person is fortunate enough to vanquish all misgivings caused by material existence and rise up to the stage of nistha, he can then rise to the stages of ruci (taste) and asakti (attachment for the Lord). Asakti is the beginning of love of Godhead
- If he (a Mayavadi) is not Krsna conscious, he may rise up to that position by endeavor. Then he will fall down. I have given this example, Nixon & Indira. This is factual. To come to take the post of prime minister, to become the president is not easy job
- If he (the Brahman realized person) wants, he can continue to stay in the Brahman position and then gradually rise up to Paramatma realization and then to the realization of the SPG. There are many examples of this in Vedic literature. BG 1972 purports
- If hundreds of thousands of suns rose up at once into the sky, they might resemble the effulgence of the Supreme Person in that universal form. BG 11.12 - 1972
- If the spark out of impudency wants to try to become the big fire, then he falls down. By severe austerities and penances, you can rise up to the impersonal Brahman, but you'll fall down again. That is the fact
- If you manipulate life, then give the dead body again energy to rise up. Then we shall admit that you can manipulate. Otherwise it is false
- If you rise up to that stage that you can attain some planet and take your rest there, so then there is no possibility of falling down. But so long you are in the sky, oh, there is every chance of falling down, every chance
- If you train your family in Krsna consciousness . . . just early in the morning rise up. You can control your family in that way, - Now get up. Take your bath. Have mangala-arati
- If you want to rise up to the platform of spiritual realization, then the formula is Sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam (CC Madhya 19.170). That is the beginning. That means beginning is the brahma-bhuta platform
- In Vrndavana you'll find just early in the morning exactly one and a half hours before sunrise, all temples will ding-dang, ding-dang, like this. And people will automatically rise up and go to see the first ceremony. It is very nice
- It is said that such a soul (an impersonalist), even though rising up to the point of liberation, falls down again due to his not having support in devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- Just like man is sleeping, and some enemy has come to attack him or to kill him. So still he's nicely sleeping. But if some friend cries, "Mr. Such-and-such, wake up, wake up! Here is enemy. He'll kill you, kill you!" he can rise up
- Just like there is wash of mist, sun, as soon as the sun rises. So let Krsna rise up. Therefore our this motto is in the English Back to Godhead, - Krsna is light
- Just like you have got a staircase to rise up to the fifth or sixth or tenth floor, or more than that, the whole staircase or the lift service is called yoga
- Just try to understand that you are eternal. You have no death, you have no birth. Your the birth and death is due to this body. That's all. Just like I told you, death means sleeping for seven months, again rise up. Suptotthito nyaya
- Narada, he's also saktyavesa avatara. In his previous life, he was a maidservant's son, but by the association of devotees, he rose up to this position, Narada
- Narottama dasa Thakura's songs are very appropriate just to the conclusion of Vedic injunctions. So he sings this song (Gauranga Bolite Habe), how one can rise up to transcendental plane for associating directly with Radha & Krsna, what is that process
- Once we are condemned by Krsna, it is very, very difficult to rise up again. Mudha janmani janmani (BG 16.20). Life after life we shall be condemned. That is our punishment
- One can practice meditating upon the Deity, concentrating his mind on the lotus feet of the Lord and gradually rising higher and higher, up to His smiling face
- One can rise up to the Brahman effulgence, but if there is no shelter . . . just like these people are going, but they don't get any shelter. But they come down again
- One has to follow the prescribed rules and regulations of religious principles in order to rise up to the platform of knowledge because by knowledge and devotion only can one liberate himself from the clutches of maya (illusion). BG 1972 purports
- One who does not take shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna, he may rise up very high by austerity and penance, but he cannot remain in that position
- The birds in the morning. They rise up early in the morning. They are not concerned where they will eat. They know there is already arrangement for eating
- The birds, small birds, in the morning, just early in the morning they will rise up and they will chirp and they will go away because they are sure that "Our foodstuff is ready anywhere we shall go." And that's a fact
- The birds, they have no problem. Early in the morning they rise up, and they are certain somewhere there is some fruit. They will eat and sleep in the top of the tree. They haven't got to make arrangement, economic development. It already is there
- The difficulty is that even if we rise up to the brahma-bhutah stage and if we do not take to the service of Krsna then there is possibility of falling down again. That information we have got
- The example given by them (Mayavadi philosophers) is that you rise up to a upper place with a wooden stair, and as soon as you reach there, you throw it away, so that you'll not be able to come back again
- The impelling principles rise up and fall back in the permanent sentiments of ecstatic love like waves in an ocean of ecstasy. Consequently they are called vyabhicari
- The impersonalist Mayavadis, they undergo severe austerities, penances, and rise up to the Brahma effulgence, becomes merged into it, but again falls down. Just like the spark: it enters the flame of the fire, but there is again chance of falling down
- The living entity can continue to stay in the Brahman position and then gradually rise up to Paramatma realization and then to the realization of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There are many examples of this in Vedic literature
- The nondevotees, the impersonalist, they undergo severe penances and austerities undoubtedly, and they rise up to the brahma-jyotir. Aruhya krcchrena param padam tatah patanty adhah (SB 10.2.32). From there, he again falls down
- The specialty of His (Caitanya's) movement was that the fallen candala did not remain a candala after his initiation but he was made to rise up to the status of Vaisnava which is far above the status of brahmana and other orders of life
- Their philosophy is that you cannot rise up; you take a ladder. But as soon as you rise, throw away the ladder. No more. No more needed. That is Mayavada philosophy. Our philosophy is, dhyayan stuvams tasya yasas tri-sandhyam - Sri Gurv-astaka 8
- There is a whirlwind at the sound of His (Krsna's) flute, and those waves and that whirlwind make the hearts of the gopis flutter like dry leaves on trees, and when those leaves fall down at Krsna's lotus feet, they can never rise up again
- These Brahmavadi, these Nirakaravadi, although by austerities and penances they may rise up to the Brahman effulgence, still, they will fall down. Because we are living entities, we want varieties of enjoyment. We are not satisfied in void, in zero
- These communist countries, they work so hard. They rise up, 4:30, prepare for going to work. Then work begins at 6:30. Is it not more load than the ass? Still they have to do that, by force
- They (Mayavadis) may rise up to the param padam, brahma-pada, but anadrta-yusmad-anghrayah, because they could not take up the service of the lotus feet of the Lord, they fall down
- They (Ramakrishna Mission) may think themselves that they are very full of life, but I think they are dead. What is the use of fighting with the dead body? Dead horse, and what is the use of you whipping? A dead horse will rise up by whipping
- They (sannyasis following the principles of Sankaracarya) are undergoing, severe austerities.Why? Now, to rise up to the Brahman realization - aruhya krcchrena param padam (SB 10.2.32) - param padam, that impersonal Brahman effulgence
- They rise up to the brahmanah padavi, and again fall down. Because they have no shelter. So all these siddhis are simply temporary. It has no meaning. It has no value
- This Bhagavata version is that although they rise up almost to the spiritual platform, but because they cannot enjoy . . . impersonalists means there is no enjoyment. There is simply light, a life of knowledge
- This ladder (yoga) begins from the lowest material condition of the living entity and rises up to perfect self-realization in pure spiritual life. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are after severe austerities, they rise up to the Brahman effulgence, but on account of his original nature of ananda, he cannot remain there. He again falls down
- We have got altogether now 7 or 8 centers, and if each and every center endeavors to rise up to the required standard, it will be a great success
- We should not at once try to rise up to the raga-marga, or spontaneous. It is not an artificial thing
- When a living entity conditioned by material nature begins the cultivation of spiritual knowledge, he elevates himself from the position of material existence and gradually rises up to the Brahman conception of the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- When he has got to go to office for earning his livelihood, he will automatically rise up and go to the office, because the attachment is strong
- When Krsna became defeated, the other boys, they rose up and got up on the shoulder of Krsna, and Krsna had to carry them. So although Krsna is master, but He became a servant
- With great austerity, penances and vairagya, they can go up to the param padam. Param padam means Brahman. Nirvisesa-brahman. Not in the material existence, but in the spiritual existence. Aruhya. They can rise up to that
- You can rise up to a very nice post, just like the President Kennedy. Oh, with great endeavor he rose up to that post, and all of a sudden he was shot down. So this material world is like that
- You cannot understand what is God, but God will reveal to you, "Here I am." Just like you cannot ask the sun, "Please rise up. I want to see you." Oh, he is not your servant
- You haven't got to drive away darkness by some separate endeavor. You simply get the Krsna sun rise up, then your darkness will go out. This maya will go
- You must give up the rotten politics immediately and rise up for the preaching work of the philosophy and religion of "Bhagwat Geeta" without offering unnecessary and dogmatic interpretations on them
- You should rise up to the occasion how to serve God. And this is the greatest necessity of the present-day civilization
- You write articles, you are theologicians. The America must rise up to the occasion. They have pledged themselves, "In God we trust." Every human nation or every human being should be like that. In God they must trust