Category:Real Understanding
Pages in category "Real Understanding"
The following 84 pages are in this category, out of 84 total.
- A brahmin is brahmin. A ksatriya is ksatriya. Vaisya is vaisya. That is real understanding. If you say: "Everyone is brahmana," that's not good
- A particle of gold is also gold, but that does not mean that the particle of gold is equal to the gold mine. That is the real understanding of philosophy. We are gods, undoubtedly. In which way? Qualitatively. God is gold
- Above the mental and intellectual planes, where the atmosphere is spiritualized, we can understand, "I am not this mind, intellect, or body. Aham brahmasmi - I am spirit, part and parcel of the Supreme Lord." That is the platform of real understanding
- After wandering through many varieties of life on many planetary systems, when one comes to the real understanding of the Absolute Truth by the grace of a devotee, one surrenders to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- Arjuna is not a fool. He said: "Whatever You have said, I accept them as truth." That is real understanding
- Arjuna, when he understood BG, he declared that "to understand Your personality. It is very, very difficult." And he has accepted Him as person, purusam sasvatam, "You are eternally person." These things are there. The real understanding is there
- As stated here: jnana-vairagya-yuktena. Real understanding is knowing oneself to be the servant of Krsna, no one else. Because we are under illusion, we are serving kama, lobha, moha, matsarya - lust and greed - without benefit and without pleasure
- Because You (Krsna) know yourself, what You are. Nobody knows. - Therefore to understand Krsna, or God, is to accept whatever is spoken in the Bhagavad-gita. That is real understanding
- Better you understand this, that you cannot understand. This is real understanding, that "Krsna cannot be understood. Simply let me love as far as possible, as I can, whatever is my, in my capacity"
- Bhava means assimilation - "Oh, Krsna is so great." This is called bhava. That is real understanding, when you understand really this bhava stage. Bhava-bhakti
- Brahmaloka and Viraja-nadi are also attained after difficult austerities, but in these realms there is no understanding of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His transcendental loving service
- By the grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu one can have real understanding of the essence of knowledge by avoiding these sectarian views and accepting the lotus feet of Krsna as the ultimate goal of life
- By utilizing our energy in this way (disseminating KC propaganda by selling books, by making publicity, newspapers, television) to give everyone access to the Absolute Truth, that is the real understanding of desire to serve humanity
- Electricity is power, but it is generated from the powerhouse. People generally understand that electricity is coming from the powerhouse. But the powerhouse is maintained by the resident engineer, a person. That is real understanding
- Everyone's heart, Krsna is there, or the Paramatma is there. And mattah smrtir jsanam apohanam ca: and all the speculation or real understanding or forgetfulness or real knowledge, they are coming, being initiated from Him
- Everything should be dovetailed in the service of Krsna. And that is real understanding
- He (a learned person) knows that it is a dog or it is a cat on account of this body. He is neither cat, neither dog, neither I am human being. We are all spirit soul, aham brahmasmi. This is real understanding
- Here is the real understanding, that: Whether you are prepared to act according to the direction of Krsna, then your life is successful. Otherwise you are in darkness
- I can remember some of the incidences of my childhood, of my boyhood, of my youthhood. Therefore I am permanent. That is the real understanding of the living entity
- If he actually becomes wise, jnanavan, then he understands that only Krsna is everything. Vasudevah sarvam iti sa mahatma sudurlabhah (BG 7.19). That is real understanding
- If one does not take to this process (of devotional service), one imagines or manufactures some form of God according to material qualities and can never awaken a real understanding of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If simply head is there, if there is no leg, then who'll walk? This is the understanding, not equal. Everyone must have his separate duties to serve the whole. That is the arrangement. This is real understanding
- If we understand this relationship, eko yo bahunam vidadhati kaman, that is our real understanding
- If you analyze that everything is being maintained by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that is real understanding of Krsna consciousness, how Krsna is great, or God is great. So that is a real civilization of life
- If you learn how to surrender to Krsna, that is real understanding of Vedanta. Bahunam janmanam ante (BG 7.19). This conclusion comes of the Vedantist, so-called Vedantist
- If you misinterpret, that "With this grammatical addition or grammatical alteration this meaning can be derived," no. That is malinterpretation. Real understanding is bhaja govindam
- If you remain with the devotees, then by their association, by talking with them, you'll get real understanding of God consciousness. It is very practical to understand
- If you say that, "We are seeing daily that you are offering prasadam, the vegetable, rice. They are all material," no, they are not material. This is real understanding. How it is not material? That is acintya, inconceivable
- In the Vedic injunction it is said that tarkah apratistha - What should be our real understanding, that we cannot establish simply by arguments
- It (evidence or witness) is not blaming, it is fact. It is the real understanding. Without evidence, without proof, how law can be established? That's a good method
- It is displayed in a very scientific way, we are seeing that "My child is growing." It is not growing. The actual fact is the child is a soul, and the soul is changing every minute the body. That is real understanding
- It is the government's duty to see that nobody is rascal, either the scientist is rascal or the priest is rascal. There must be real understanding. That is government's duty
- Krsna consciousness movement means to save people from this dogs' and hogs' life and to come to the real platform of understanding the value of life
- Krsna says something, and I understand something. That you go on with your millions of years; it will never be possible. You have to understand Krsna as He says. Therefore we are presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is. That is real understanding
- Krsna says: "Even in future also, we shall continue to exist like this. You are individual. You are Arjuna. I am Krsna. And all other living entities" That is real understanding
- Now sanatana-dharma, or Vedic dharma, being distorted, not being obeyed, not being carried properly, it has come to the understanding of "Hinduism." That is a fake understanding. That is not real understanding
- Now you have got this body. This is temporary. That's the real understanding. And if I say it is mithya, then if I kill you, then why I am punished? I can say, "Oh, it is mithya, it is false. So what is their fault?" No. It is not mithya. It is temporary
- Only Krsna Consciousness can provide the real understanding of religion beyond sectarian dogmas, and it is the only movement which can really bring benediction in the form of Love of God to everyone, without difficulty
- Our only request is that you make your life successful. Come to the real understanding of your existence and this is possible simply by chanting Hare Krsna
- Proselytization has no meaning. To bring one to the real understanding. Krsna says that mamaivamso jiva-bhutah (BG 15.7). All living entities are His part and parcel
- Proselytization will not stand. When one comes to the real understanding of his position, then that will continue. This Krsna consciousness movement is that
- Sanatana-dharma, or Vedic dharma, is being disobeyed, distorted, and misrepresented, it has come to be misunderstood as "Hinduism." That is a fake understanding. That is not the real understanding
- So long this ignorance will continue, we shall remain like cats and dogs. There cannot be any peace. It is not possible. When we come to the real understanding that we are spirit soul and part and parcel of God, then we become actually learned
- Son is the expansion of the father's body. Therefore, simultaneously, they are one and different. That is real understanding
- Spend your time always studying my books, chanting and preaching to the people of Vrindaban, with real understanding of this science of Krishna
- Take care of the new devotees so that they may read our literatures carefully and come to the real standard of understanding. Our strength is not material strength, but spiritual strength
- That (Krsna takes the body to fulfill His mission) is the way. That is a real understanding of Krsna
- That (we cannot understand Brahman unless we understand Krsna) is real understanding. And without Krsna, if you understand brahma satyam jagan mithya, then you fall down
- That understanding alone is real
- The commentation on the Vedanta-sutra by Vyasadeva in the Srimad-Bhagavatam gives the real understanding of Vedanta-sutra. BG 1972 purports
- The conclusion of the Mimamsaka philosophers is not actually the truth which can lead one to real understanding
- The effects of artificial proselytizing will not stand. But when one comes to the real understanding of his position, then that will continue. This Krsna consciousness movement is that real understanding - bringing everyone back to his original position
- The First Canto or Second Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam are the two lotus feet of Krsna. So from the very beginning we should hear Srimad-Bhagavatam. Gradually, we shall come to the face. That is real understanding of Krsna
- The first utterances, order, or statement, or judgment, is given by the Supreme Lord, and if that is followed through the disciplic chain, that is real understanding, real knowledge
- The pilot may be a small man, and the airship may be very gigantic. You can make still more. But the pilot is the same. So the body may be elephant or a small ant, but the pilot is the same. That is real understanding
- The real understanding is that "God, or Krsna, is the supreme father, and we are all sons of God." That is real knowledge. Therefore those who are in real knowledge, panditah sama-darsinah
- The real understanding of Krsna: that this material world is also Krsna. But we do not know how to use it for Krsna. Krsna's energy should be for Krsna's purpose. That is Vaisnava philosophy
- The real understanding of sukla, rakta and krsna is as follows. The Lord is always transcendental, but for the sake of creation He assumes the color rakta as Lord Brahma
- The real understanding should be that if in the real person all these features are not present, how they can be reflected in the photograph
- The scientists are now studying atoms, and they are finding that electrons, protons, and other particles act in so many ways. Why are these particles active? Because Krsna is present there. This is real scientific understanding
- The word dehi means "the proprietor of the body." We are thinking, "I am this body," but actually this is not so. We are the proprietors of the body, and that is the real understanding of the self
- They (fools) create instead their own interpretations, which are as foolish as they themselves, and thereby only help to put a stumbling block on the path of real understanding, misdirecting the innocent followers who are less intelligent, or the sudras
- They explain, "Nature." But they cannot explain what is nature. We can explain. Nature is a system which is being handled by Krsna. That is real understanding
- This is the real understanding. Everything belongs to God - isavasyam idam sarvam - everything, and tena tyaktena bhunjitha, whatever He gives you as prasadam
- This rotten material body is subjected to the material laws. But Krsna is not under the material laws. That is real understanding of Krsna
- To understand that nature is working automatically is foolishness. The nature is working under the direction of Krsna. That is real understanding. Mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa-caracaram - BG 9.10
- We are simply attempting to bring people to the real understanding. Krsna says, mamaivamso jiva-bhutah: (15.7) all living entities are part and parcel of Me
- We are thinking, "I am this body." No, I am not this body; I am the proprietor of this body. That is real understanding of myself: - I am not this body
- We do not want to keep the human society in the category of cats and dogs. We want to raise them to the real understanding of the identification. That is our mission
- We have to understand it (spirit soul) by the sruti process, Vedic knowledge. That is real understanding. And understanding from the right person, Krsna or His representative. And it has to be understood simply by hearing. There is no other process
- We have to understand what God is and what He says, and we have to abide by His orders. Then there is real religion, there is real understanding of God, and everything is complete
- When he speaks in the court, then he is known whether he is good lawyer or not. So you have to hear. You have to read. Then you'll understand. Real understanding is there
- When we understand, as it is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, that mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa-caracaram (BG 9.10). So that is the real understanding, to understand the law maker. Not to be struck with wonder with the activities of the law
- When you can return there spend your time always studying my books, chanting and preaching to the people of Vrindaban, with real understanding of this science of Krishna consciousness
- Work is there for creation. The work is there, but it is actuated by the perfect potency of Krsna. That is real understanding. Don't think that it has come like mantra. No. The mantra is like that, but we cannot see how subtle work is going on
- You are nityah sasvata. You are never killed, even after the destruction of the body. That is real understanding, that - I am not this body. After annihilation of this body, I shall continue
- You are under the rules of material nature. You'll be forced. That is real understanding, that "I don't want this. Why material nature forces me?" That is real knowledge
- You have to study the subject matter very scientifically. Then you will understand that although Krsna comes as a human being, still, He maintains His position as God. That is real understanding
- You read the books, Then you'll understand. Instead of asking me, you better read the books. That is real understanding
- You should know that you are eternal part and parcel of God. God is eternal. Just like gold and a small particle of gold, both of them are gold. A small particle of gold is not equal to the gold mine. That is real understanding