Category:Poor Man
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Pages in category "Poor Man"
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- A human being is fit to inquire as to whether he is this body or something else. This can be understood very easily. I am not this body, because at the time of death the body remains - although everyone cries, - Oh, the poor man is gone
- A karmi, he is thinking that "I am poor man. If I become rich man, I will be happy." He is thinking in that way. Jnani is thinking that "Poor and rich doesn't matter. I am Brahman. I am spirit soul. If I merge into the Supreme Brahman I will be happy"
- A ksatriya should be so trained up, when there is fight, he must come out, forward. Not that he will sit down in his secluded place and poor man will fight. No. He should come forward as leader, - Come on
- A poor man in want of water digs a well and undertakes the trouble of digging. Similarly, those who are poor in transcendental realization speculate on the mind or meditate by controlling the senses
- A poor man is seldom puffed up with false pride, and he may be freed from all kinds of infatuation. He may remain satisfied by whatever he gets for his maintenance by the grace of the Lord
- A poor man may desire to have a thousand dollars in the bank, but a rich man who has millions has no such desire. If Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, why should He have desires
- A poor man may go to church and pray - My dear Lord, please give me some money
- A poor man may try to earn money by hard labor, but one who is a very, very rich man's son, why should he labor? The father's money is sufficient. Similarly, a devotee, a sincere devotee, he is under the protection of Krsna
- A poor man often does not wish to inflict injuries upon other bodies because he can understand more readily that when he himself is injured he feels pain
- A poor man receives sadhus very quickly, offers them obeisances, and tries to take advantage of their presence, whereas a rich man keeps a big greyhound dog at his door so that no one can enter his house
- A poor man suffers for want of money, but if he wants to become rich, he has to struggle in so many ways. Actually that is not a valid counteracting process but a snare of the illusory energy
- A poor man without any employment or occupation may undergo so many troubles in life, but if by chance the same man gets a good service under the government, he at once becomes happy
- A poor man, begging from door to door, he cannot become God, as it is misconceived, daridra-narayana. Why Narayana can be daridra? What is this nonsense? He is the richest
- A rich man attracts the attention of others, whereas a poor man does not. An educated man attracts attention, but a fool attracts no attention at all. Materially, therefore, such opulences are very beneficial
- A rich miser does not know how to utilize his wealth, and therefore, in spite of his being very rich, his miserly behavior keeps him everlastingly a poor man. On the other hand, a person who knows how to utilize wealth can quickly become a rich man
- A very poor man can execute Krsna consciousness as effectively as a very rich man. One should be very satisfied with his position as offered by the Lord
- A very poor man, he becomes by his energy very, very rich man. There are many instances in the world. That is called paurusam. Buddhi. Buddhi means intelligence, prajna
- According to devotional vision, a man is poor if he is not in Krsna consciousness. A man may be very rich materially, but if he is not Krsna conscious, he is considered poor
- According to law of karma, you have given one hundred dollars to a poor man to help him. This means that the poor man has to pay you four hundred dollars in your next life, with interest and compound interest
- According to the materialistic way of life, if a poor man, after laboring very, very hard, gets some material profit at the end of his life, he is considered a success, even though he again dies while suffering the threefold miseries
- Although being assured of his father's treasure, the poor man cannot acquire this treasure by such knowledge alone. Therefore the astrologer had to inform him of the means whereby he could actually find the treasure
- Although Bhavani was the daughter of a very great king, she used to serve Lord Siva just like a poor woman. Similarly, Devahuti was the daughter of an emperor, Svayambhuva Manu, yet she preferred to accept Kardama Muni as her husband
- Although he appears to be materially poor, a person in Krsna consciousness is not actually a poor man, but the person who has no taste for Krsna consciousness and appears to be very happy with material possessions is actually poor
- Although poor men would catch tons of fish, they would not be equal in value to one piece of coral or pearl
- An analogy may be made with a rich man and a poor man: the propensity for enjoyment is present in both, but the poor man cannot enjoy in the same quantity as the rich man
- Anadrta-yusmad-anghrayah. The impersonalists do not think that the service of the Lord is more valuable than serving the poor man or starting a school or hospital
- Another advantage of poverty is that a saintly person can easily enter a poor man's house, and thus the poor man can take advantage of the saintly person's association. A very opulent man does not allow anyone to enter his house
- As far as possible try to worship the Deity, patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati. Krsna does not want your whole property. Krsna is open to the poorest man for being worshiped
- As originally mentioned, a poor man belonging to the mercantile community goes to the forest to get some cheap goods to bring back to the city to sell at a profit
- Because grantha is also used for the purpose of collecting riches, the word nirgrantha also indicates a poor man, bereft of all riches, who is attempting to collect riches
- Because they are intoxicated rascals (edhamana-madah (SB 1.8.26)), they will not hear the real facts. But just consider: if a poor man is lying helpless in the street, can I kill him? Will the state excuse me
- Because you are poor man you cannot love God, that is not the fact. Or because you are rich man you cannot love God, no, that is also not fact. Because you are not educated you cannot love God, that is also not acceptable
- Bhagavad-gita was taught to the saintly kings. The modern people, they say that, "Why not this movement amongst the poorer class men?" They do not know who is poor. Anyone who is poor in spiritual understanding, he is poor
- Both the poor man and the rich man can take advantage of the Krsna consciousness movement, and here (in SB 10.10.18) it is advised that everyone do so. There is no profit in avoiding the association of the members of the Krsna consciousness movement
- By the words of the astrologer, the poor man's connection with the treasure was established. Similarly, the Vedic literature advises us that our real connection is with Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to give to His mother some gold when there was need of money. "Mother, I got this gold. So you can utilize it." The mother would think that "We are poor men. We have no gold. Wherefrom this boy brings gold?"
- Charity to the poor is sometimes given out of compassion, but if a poor man is not worth giving charity to, then there is no spiritual advancement. In other words, indiscriminate charity is not recommended in the Vedic literature. BG 1972 purports
- Cobbler is taken as the low..., those who prepare, expert in skin. So they are generally very poor man. Now they have advanced, because now the Kali-yuga is the age of the sudras
- Concerning man's search for the ultimate goal of life, Caitanya Mahaprabhu relates a story from the commentary of Madhva which occurs in the Fifth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam (Madhva-bhasya) Sarvajna to a poor man who came to him to have his future told
- Dhruva Maharaja regrets that he wanted material opulence and greater prosperity than that of his great-grandfather, Lord Brahma. His begging from the Lord was like a poor man's asking a great emperor for a few grains of broken rice
- Duhkha means unhappiness. So suppose a millionaire is suffering from typhoid and a poor man is suffering from typhoid. Does that mean the millionaire will have less distress than the poor man?
- Either you are rich man or poor man or American or Indian or white or black, it doesn't matter. The problems, the four problems of material existence, will always trouble you
- Emperor Aurangzeb also inaugurated a tax that Hindus had to pay because of their being Hindus. Thus all the poor Hindus of the lower class voluntarily became Muslims to avoid the tax. In this way the Muslim population in India increased
- Especially when one gives charity to a poor man or beggar, one remains unfulfilled in self-realization and in sense gratification
- Even exalted demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva are inferior to Lord Narayana, but we are so foolish that we are thinking of assuming Narayana's position, or making Narayana into daridra-narayana, the poor man in the street
- Even if a man is poor, he should not endeavor to improve his economic condition just to maintain his body and soul together or to become a famous religionist
- Even in the topmost level, the President of United States, he was also caught dealing very unfavorably, and he was forced to resign. And what to speak of others? He is not a poor man, he is not uneducated, the topmost man
- Even still in India, you'll find this satisfaction by Krsna consciousness. A poor man, practically very meager income, but he's satisfied. He's satisfied in this way: he thinks, "Krsna has given me this much. I must be satisfied
- Even the poorest man can engage in the service of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Even the poorest man can equally serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead if he has pure devotion. If there is no ulterior motive, devotional service cannot be checked by any material condition
- Every day the consumer's goods are increasing in price. So many poor men, they cannot purchase. Your motorcar machine, that is not meant for the poor man. Poor man requires food grains
- Gaurasundara was going to maintain, and he drives fifty miles off, Honolulu. The poor fellow had to rise early in the morning. You see? And so much haste. Therefore: "Gaurasundara, you better give up this job. Just depend on Krsna"
- God is not partial. Just like nowadays, these rascals, they say, "Why God is unkind to the poor man?" No. God is not unkind to the poor man
- He (a liberated person) may be the poorest man in the world, but he neither laments nor thinks that he is poor. Why should he think that he is poor
- He (Kholaveca Sridhara) was a great devotee of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He is a typical example of how a poor man with no material possessions can become a most exalted devotee of the Lord
- He (the impersonalist) comes down to open hospitals and educational institutions, feed poor men and perform similar materialistic activities, which the impersonalist thinks are more precious than serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He (the poor man) came back and appealed to Sanatana Gosvami that "Lord Siva told me you have got something most valuable. I don't think this stone is most valuable. Otherwise, why would you keep it with the garbage
- He (the poor man) is so absorbed in the thought of maintaining body and soul together that he forgets his original relationship with Krsna and seeks only the bodily comforts
- He (the poorest man) lives peacefully still, in the village, although he hasn't got very gorgeous dress and motorcar. But he's peaceful. You'll find still. Sometimes, about ten years ago, I was in Ahmedabad. I saw one poor man, pulling cart, hand cart
- He is himself a poor man. But he has no knowledge to understand it. Why he is falling down from the skyscraper and killing himself? Why? A poor man commits suicide. So if he is committing suicide, he is a poor man. He falsely thinking that he is rich man
- He posts a sign saying "Beware of Dog" and avoids the association of saintly persons, whereas a poor man keeps his door open for them and thus benefits by their association more than a rich man does
- How they're (who are in this material world) criminals? Because either one is rich or poor, he's subjected to the tribulations of this material nature. It does not mean that the rich man won't die, but everyone wants to live, either rich man or poor man
- How they're (who are in this material world) criminals? Because either one is rich or poor, he's subjected to the tribulations of this material nature. It is not that the rich man will not become old and the simply poor man will become old. No
- I may be a very poor man, and therefore I may expect some favor from a friend, but that is because I am imperfect
- I may say, "I have only killed a poor man. There was no need for him in society. Why should such a person live?" But will the state excuse me? Will the authorities say, "You have done very nice work"? No
- I saw one husband and wife pulling on a thela, hand-cart, with great load, and the small child is on the load. That means their child. They are laborer class. But ordinary laborer class, poor man, but they are living husband and wife and children happily
- If a poor man loses some money or gold, he at once becomes very agitated. Similarly, the mind of Maharaja Bharata would become agitated when he did not see the deer. This is an example of how our attachment can be transferred
- If he (a poor man) is claiming that "I am millionaire," then you have to ask that "Where is your sign of being a millionaire? You have no good dress. Your feature is so ugly. How you are millionaire? What is the definition of a millionaire?
- If Narayana lives in the house of a daridra, a poor man, this does not mean that Narayana becomes poor
- If one compares Narayana to the demigods, he simply reveals his lack of intelligence. It is also fashionable to speak of daridra-narayana, poor Narayana, claiming that the poor man in the street is Narayana. But what is this nonsense
- If the body of a poor man were daridra-narayana, this would mean that the body of a rich man, on the contrary, must be dhani-narayana
- If the host is a poor man, he should at least offer a straw mat as a sitting place and a glass of water to drink. Krsna and Balarama welcomed Akrura in a way just befitting his exalted position
- If you are poor man, then you are dishonest. People will understand that "This man is actually not honest because he does not know how to earn money by hook or crook"
- If you are very, very poor man, you have nothing to offer to Krsna, but you want to offer something. So Krsna says - All right. Offer Me a little fruit, little flower
- If you dig on the northern side, there is a big black snake that will devour you if you attempt to dig up the treasure
- If you dig on the western side, there is a ghost who will create such a disturbance that your hands will not even touch the treasure
- If you dig up a small quantity of dirt on the eastern side, your hands will immediately touch the pot of treasure
- If you think that you are poor man, you cannot supply any valuable things, Krsna says, "Never mind." - Simply little flower, little fruit, if you offer Me with devotion, I accept
- In a perfect human society, perfect knowledge in any science - medical, astrological, ecclesiastical and so on - is available even to the poorest man, with no anxiety over payment
- In India even the poorest man will take an early morning bath every day, but when I came to America I saw that even taking one's daily bath may be a difficult thing and is often not the practice
- In India even the poorest man, he knows that, "There is next life. I existed in the past, and I will exist in the future." This Vedic conclusion is known even to the poorest man, illiterate man. That is, of course, the difference between East and West
- In India still, because they are not so materially advanced, even the poorest man has got some certain fixed-up place, his cottage, he has got his wife, he has got his child, and he works, whatever he can do
- In India. No, world. It is very important city. Export, import, local. Tremendous business possibility there. Many poor men goes and becomes very rich men. Bombay is very important center
- In the material world everyone is suffering. There is no exception, either rich man or poor man, learned or fool - everyone. This is the place for suffering. And if we take this place of suffering as comfortable, that is our ignorance
- In the material world we generally see that when a man who is poor and skinny gradually endeavors to earn money through business or some other means and he then gets the money, he enjoys the senses to his satisfaction
- In the state, in an organized state, as we have seen in foreign countries, especially in USA, very organized state, everyone has got the facilities, it doesn't matter whether he is rich man or poor man. Everyone has got
- In this material world, both the very poor man and the very rich man are under material influences, for both wealth and poverty are creations of the modes of material nature
- It is not that "Because I am poor man, I cannot help this movement." No. If you have got... You have got your life. So if you dedicate your life, that is all-perfect. If you cannot dedicate your life, give some money
- It is recommended that everyone distribute prasada, considering every living being a part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. Even in feeding the poor, one should distribute prasada. In Kali-yuga there is a scarcity of food almost every year
- Just as a poor man becomes happy upon receiving some treasure, when one attains to devotional service, his material pains are automatically vanquished
- Just as the words of the astrologer Sarvajna gave news of the poor man's treasure, the Vedic literatures advise one about Krsna consciousness when one is inquisitive to know why he is in a distressed material condition
- Just like if somebody claims that "I am millionaire. I am very rich," a poor man, walking on the street with niggardly dress, if he claims that "I am rich man," will you accept?
- Just like Vivekananda: "daridra-narayana-seva," the human society, the poor men. And chaga-narayana, the goat narayana, they must be killed for this daridra-narayana-seva. This kind of discrimination is not for the sadhu. He's not a sadhu
- Kholaveca Sridhara was a very poor man, but when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to give him a benediction, he prayed to the Lord to be allowed to remain a servant of the servants of the Lord
- Krsna continued, "Persons who are proud of their riches, even if they are offered association with My devotees, do not take advantage of consciousness of Me. In other words, the poorer class of men may have some interest in Me, rich men have no interest"
- Krsna says, patram puspam phalam: "If you are poor man, all right, you give Me little fruit, little flower, little water, I'll eat it." Then what do you want more? Or if you cannot do anything, chant Hare Krsna
- Krsna's impartiality is compared to that of the sun. The sun does not consider, "Here is a poor man, here is a low-class man, and here is a hog. I shall not distribute my sunshine to them." No
- Laphra-vyanjana is a combination of several green vegetables all mixed together. It is often mixed with rice and delivered to poor men. Amrta-gutika is a preparation of thick puri mixed with condensed milk
- Lord Siva lives as a poor man although his devotees appear very opulent, whereas Lord Krsna, or Lord Visnu, is always opulent and yet His devotees appear poverty-stricken, is a situation which appears contradictory and puzzling to a discriminating person
- Maharaja Pariksit inquired: The SPG is the proprietor of everything. Why did He beg three paces of land from Bali Maharaja like a poor man, and when He got the gift for which He had begged, why did He nonetheless arrest Bali Maharaja?
- Many people are becoming very great in the estimation of material life. From very poor man, they are becoming millionaires. How? They have got intelligence, certainly. Without intelligence they cannot improve. But that intelligence is also given by Krsna
- Material opulence may be somewhat pleasing for the time being, but to come to that temporary pleasing condition one must work extremely hard. When a poor man is rich he may be better situated, but to come to that position he had to accept many miseries
- Mayavadi philosophers wrongly think that because the Supreme Person has entered the body of a poor man, the Supreme Lord has become daridra-narayana, or poor Narayana. These are all blasphemous statements of atheists and nondevotees
- My (Dhruva Maharaja's) case is just like that of the poor man who, when he satisfied a great emperor who wanted to give him anything he might ask, out of ignorance asked only a few broken grains of husked rice
- Natural antiseptic water. Any septic, you simply wash with water, it will be antiseptic, natural. In India even the poorest man who has no sufficient cloth, but he will daily wash the cloth twice
- No poor man will dare marry the daughter of a rich man. Because of this, when the elderly brahmana offered the young brahmana his daughter, the young brahmana did not believe that it would be possible to marry her
- Not that because he is poor man and we are giving prasada, no. This is not our idea. To our eyes, the so-called poor man and rich man, they are all suffering, not that the simply poor man suffering and the rich man is not suffering
- Now you can say that "Arjuna was a fighter, and there was great need of the Kuruksetra fighting, so he satisfied Krsna, but I am a poor man, I am not Ksatriya, not (indistinct)." That doesn't matter
- One can cultivate a garden. Anyone who has land-in India, at least, any poor man has a certain amount of land-can utilize that for Krsna by growing flowers to offer Him. He can sow tulasi plants. BG 1972 purports
- One forgets if one drives a very costly car, he forgets himself that he is a poor man. He thinks that "I am this car." This is identification
- One has got sufficient energy, intelligence, he is utilizing, he is becoming Rockefeller, Ford or Birla, or something like that. Another man, he has got energy, he cannot utilize his energy; he remains a poor man. It is all question of energy
- One should distribute sumptuous prasada, considering everyone a part of the Supreme Lord, but one should not juggle words to make a poor man Narayana
- One should distribute visnu-prasada to everyone, including the poor man, the blind man, the nondevotee and the non-brahmana
- Saintly persons are quite ready to visit the house of a poor man or a man who is attached to material family life. When this happens, the owner of the house and his servants are glorified because they offer water for washing the feet of a saintly person
- Sarvajna saw the horoscope of the poor man, and he said to him: The horoscope indicates that your father could not disclose this (hidden treasure) to you because he died in a foreign place, but now you can search out this treasure and be happy
- Siva lives as a poor man although his devotees appear very opulent, whereas Lord Krsna, or Lord Visnu, is always opulent and yet His devotees appear poverty-stricken, is a situation which appears contradictory and puzzling to a discriminating person
- Some foolish persons have manufactured the term daridra-narayana, indicating that the poor man should be accepted as the representative of Narayana. But in Vedic literature we do not find that poor men should be treated as representatives of Narayana
- Sometimes we see that a poor man, working very, very hard, he becomes a millionaire. There are many instances. But that is tapasya. The result is you have got millions of dollars, but you cannot enjoy it
- Spiritually, even if you still go in the interior of village, poor man, living in a cottage, he is taking bath three times and doing his professional work, a cultivator, having little food, and chanting Hare Krsna. They are happy actually
- Sukracarya gave Vedic evidence that one should not give everything to a poor man. Rather, when a poor man comes for charity one should untruthfully say, "Whatever I have, I have given you. I have no more." It is not that one should give everything to him
- That was the law of reception. The reception law enjoins that a poor man, who has nothing to offer his guest, should be good enough to offer a straw mat for sitting, a glass of water for drinking and some sweet words
- The astrologer Sarvajna advised the poor man: Don't dig on the southern side of your house to find the treasure, for if you do so you will be attacked by a poisonous wasp and will be baffled
- The astrologer Sarvajna advised the poor man: The search should be conducted on the eastern side where there is actual light, which is called devotional service or Krsna consciousness
- The astrologer Sarvajna further advised the poor man: On the southern side there are Vedic rituals, and on the western side there is mental speculation, and on the northern side there is meditational yoga
- The brahmana would give him all the benefit of his knowledge without asking remuneration, and the poor man, in return, would offer a handful of rice, or anything he had in his possession, to satisfy the brahmana
- The following parable may be given. Once a learned astrologer came to the house of a poor man and, seeing his distressed condition, questioned him
- The general worship of Sanideva, the lord of distressful condition, and Sitaladevi, the goddess of smallpox, is also common to the mass of people, and there are many foolish men who worship the mass of people or the poor class of men
- The highest knowledge was easily available even to the poorest man in society. The poorest man could inquire from an astrologer about his past, present and future, with no need for business agreements or exorbitant payments
- The idea that because Narayana is present in the heart of one who is daridra, or poor, the poor man should be called daridra-narayana is a wrong conception
- The injunction is, when you receive somebody, even if you are very poor man, you should offer the guests a comfortable seat and a glass of water. That is not expensive. You can offer anyone a seat: "Please come and sit down here and take a glass of water"
- The kala is finished now. You see? Now, "Natural History." So many dead stone they have brought, and so costly building, and showing "natural history." This is going on, simply cheating and bluffing at the cost of poor man's blood
- The ksatriya or the president or the secretary, they are sitting very comfortably at our home and some poor young men - "Come on. Go and fight." What is this?
- The Mayavada philosophy of accepting a poor man as Narayana is the most envious and atheistic movement in Vedic culture. This mentality should be completely given up
- The oceans and seas are meant for producing jewels, but in Kali-yuga the oceans are mainly being utilized for fishing. Sudras and poor men were allowed to fish, but the higher classes like the ksatriyas and vaisyas would gather pearls, jewels and coral
- The poor man has got only rickshaw, and the rich man has got a Rolls Royce car because he has paid more. Similarly, if your work is nice, then you are promoted, promoted to higher standard of life, just like in the heaven
- The poor man is also a citizen of the state, & they cannot allow him to be killed. Now, why not expand this philosophy? The trees, the birds, & the beasts are also sons of God. If one kills them, one is as guilty as one who kills a poor man on the street
- The poor man should not be unprotected, but the brahmana should especially be treated as the representative of Narayana and should be worshiped like Him
- The poor man, forgetting this importance (of the human form of life) for his own interest, involves himself in so many illusory engagements for uplifting the position of others as a leader of political emancipation and economic development
- The same thing happens in the case of a poor man also. Neither rich man nor poor man has any control over such meetings or separations of living beings
- The so-called daridra-narayana, a misconception of the Supreme Lord by unauthorized persons, is never to be found in the sastras as the object of charity. Nor can a wretched poor man receive much munificent charity in the way of horses and elephants etc
- The Supreme Lord (Krsna) is causelessly merciful upon His devotee, so much so that even the poorest of men can offer Him a little water and a flower in devotion and thus please Him. This is due to His affectionate dealings with His devotees
- The theory is humanitarianism, daridra-narayana-seva . . . Seva . . . It is not seva. A poor man, you can have mercy, daya. That is allowed. Just like we distribute prasadam. That is balisesu
- The Vedic literatures are meant to free the conditioned soul from the miserable conditions of material existence. In this chapter (CC Madhya 20), the story of the astrologer Sarvajna and the poor man is very instructive
- The whole trouble of the world is that nobody is satisfied. If he's a poor man, if he thinks, "Oh, my income is $100. If I get $400 per month, then I will be very happy." But when he gets $400, he expects, "Oh, if I get $1,000, then I shall be happy"
- The youth said, - Don't promise this, for your family will never agree. I am such a poor man, and you are aristocratic, so this marriage will not take place. Don't promise this way before the Deity
- There are 8,400,000 species of life, and each type of body is destined to enjoy and suffer in accordance with its particular formation. The bodily enjoyments and sufferings of a wealthy man's son are different from those of a poor man's son
- There are many sannyasis in India who stress the importance of the body. Some of them give special importance to the body of the poor man, accepting him as daridra-narayana, as if Narayana had a material body
- There is a great chance for the poor man to become liberated through association with a saint
- There is another meaning to the word nirgrantha. The word can also mean "foolish hunter," or wretched poor man
- There is no botheration for securing a piece of leaf, a piece of flower or a little water or a piece of fruit. Any poor man, any rich man, can secure. And the Lord says "Anyone who offers Me these four things with devotion, with love, I accept them"
- There was a great devotee of Lord Caitanya known as Kholaveca Sridhara, who was a very poor man. He was doing a small business selling cups made from the leaves of plantain trees, and his income was almost nothing
- These poor men, they did not think of it, that "I am making so nice plan, but at any moment I'll be kicked out. So where is my freedom?" Dull brain does not think of it
- This formula prescribed by the Lord is universally applicable, even for the poorest man
- This was his (Narada) actual experience (being poverty-stricken and then becoming exalted Muni by sadhu sanga). Therefore, he is now comparing the position of a poor man with that of a rich man
- To support a theory that Narayana (God Himself) becomes a daridra-narayana, a poor man, they (the froggish philosophers) propose that the material energy overcomes God. Jiva Gosvami & Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura offer a very nice example in explanation
- We actually see that although there are so many hospitals and other foundations and institutions for the poor, according to the three modes of material nature a class of poor men is always destined to continue
- We find that those who engage in Krsna consciousness are materially poor, but one who has eyes can see who is the greater. Although he appears to be materially poor, a person in Krsna consciousness is not actually a poor man
- We should know it well that Krishna is no poor man, and He can give us any amount at any time. Simply He is waiting to see that we will use it (money) according to His desire
- We should not compare Narayana to anyone, what to speak of the poor man in the street (daridra). This is all foolishness
- What will be the result of such hearing (about God)? Regardless of what 1 is - whether he be a poor or rich man or whatever - if 1 but hears the transcendental word of God, He, who can never be conquered by any power or force, will be conquered by love
- When a poor man gets some money after great difficulty, his affection for the money increases daily. Similarly, when King Citraketu, after great difficulty, received a son, his affection for the son increased day after day
- When it is said that Narayana, the Supreme Being, is situated in everyone's heart, this does not mean that everyone has become Narayana or that a particular poor man has become Narayana. Such a conclusion is rejected herein - SB 7.14.18
- When the candalas, the lower class or poorer class, are taking prasada, this does not mean that they have become Narayana or Visnu. Narayana is situated in everyone's heart, but this does not mean Narayana is a candala or poor man
- When the poor man dovetails his desires with those of the rich man and when there is cooperation between the poor man and the rich man, or between the big and the small man, then the enjoyment is shared equally. That is like bhakti-yoga
- When there is disease, fever, it is not it is less painful to the rich man and very painful to the poor man. The pain is the same. So actually, so long there is material existence, the so-called suffering and enjoying, they're on the same level
- Whereas you are a learned scholar, a rich man belonging to an aristocratic family, I am a poor man, uneducated and with no claim to aristocracy
- Whether one is in the heavenly or hellish planets or is a rich or a poor man's son, material conditions are everywhere. Therefore no condition of life is at all pleasing
- Why a poor man, he does not attract anyone's attention? But a rich man attracts. Educated man attracts the attention. A fool, rascal, does not attract attention. So similarly in beauty, in opulence, these things are materially very beneficial
- You can arrange to supply prasadam only to our devotees. We are not in a position financially to distribute foodstuff for the poor class of men. Such men may take shelter of some charitable institution
- You can do it (to surrender to Krsna) immediately, but unfortunately you'll not do it. What can be done? There is a story, I may narrate it. One poor man was begging on the street, and Lord Siva and Parvati was passing as ordinary man
- You love the poor people but not the poor animals. Therefore your love is so limited and defective. And Krsna conscious person not only loves the poor man but he loves the poor animals also - poor beast, insect, ants; he is so upright and so broadminded