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Pages in category "Penetration"
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- A great journey is indicated in this verse (BG 8.21). We have to be able to penetrate outer space, traverse the material universe, penetrate its covering, and enter the spiritual sky. Paramam gatim - that journey is supreme
- A yogi who desires gradual liberation must penetrate all the different coverings of the universe, including the subtle coverings of the three qualitative modes of material nature. One who does this never has to return to this mortal world
- After penetrating through the impersonal Brahman, when one comes to the platform of associating with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one reaches the ultimate goal in studying the Upanisads
- As far as Maharaja Prthu was concerned, he had already practiced this process (the kundalini-cakra), and since he did not want to wait for the time when his death would occur naturally, he took advantage of the sat-cakra penetration process
- As one waters the bhakti-lata-bija, the seed sprouts, and the creeper gradually grows to the point where it penetrates the walls of this universe and goes beyond the Viraja River, lying between the spiritual world and the material world
- Asvatthama released the weapon just to finish all the male members of Pandu's family; therefore in one sense it was more dangerous than the atomic bombs because it could penetrate even the most protected place and would never miss the target
- Big generals like Arjuna could at once supply water even to the horses, and what to speak of men, by drawing water from underneath the hard ground simply by penetrating the stratum with a sharp arrow, a method still unknown to the modern scientists
- By systematic nurturing, the creeper will grow to such an extent that it will penetrate the coverings of the universe, as we have heard in the previous verses
- By systematic nurturing, the creeper will grow to such an extent that it will penetrate the coverings of the universe, as we have heard in the previous verses, reach the effulgent sky
- He (Maharaja Prthu) took advantage of the sat-cakra penetration process and thus gave up the body according to his own free will and immediately entered the spiritual sky
- He (one who is spiritually advanced in Krsna consciousness) prefers to penetrate the covering of the universe and attain the spiritual world. He can then be situated in one of the Vaikuntha planets there
- His (karma-yogi's) perfect spiritual vision cannot but penetrate the encagement of every material body, just as a red-hot iron cannot but burn everything that it contacts
- I (Krsnadas Kaviraja Gosvami) cannot understand the very deep, meaningful pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. My intelligence cannot penetrate them, and therefore I could not properly describe them
- If he (A purified materialist) becomes still more qualified there (in Dhruvaloka), he can penetrate still higher orbits and pass through the navel of the universe to reach the planet Maharloka, where sages like Bhrgu Muni live
- If one wants to see the Absolute Truth in full, one has to penetrate beyond the twenty-four material elements and the glaring effulgence as well
- Impersonalists who depend upon the strength of their poor fund of knowledge and morbid speculative habits cannot penetrate to the mysterious region of transcendence where the Supreme Truth is a transcendental person
- In order to go to the spiritual world after penetrating the covering of the material universe, one must penetrate Brahma-loka, the spiritual effulgence. Then one can come to the Goloka Vrndavana planet
- In this way (By the grace of the spiritual master and Krsna) the seed of the bhakti-lata sprouts and grows up and up through the whole universe until it penetrates the covering of the material universe and reaches the spiritual world
- Instead of focusing on the various external tabernacles of these living entities (their embodiments under various modes of nature), with his absolute vision the karma-yogi penetrates to the spirit which is embodied therein
- It (the bhakti-lata-bija) attains brahma-loka, the Brahman effulgence, and penetrating through that stratum, it reaches the spiritual sky and the spiritual planet Goloka Vrndavana
- It is not possible for us to go to that paravyoma by material means. It is impossible to penetrate the material universe unless one understands Krsna
- Material scientists are now attempting to penetrate this mystery, and a day may come when the people of this earth will be able to travel in outer space and see the variegatedness of these millions of planets with their own eyes
- Modern scientific improvements also enable us to enter into stone, because they provide for excavating so many subways, penetrating the hills, etc. So , the mystic perfection of trying to enter into stone, has also been achieved by material science
- O Murari (Krsna)! How wonderful it is that although the demons, who were always envious of the demigods, have failed to penetrate Your military phalanx, they have penetrated the region of mitra, the sun globe
- One has to penetrate the impersonal effulgence to see the face of the Supreme Lord (ISO 15). If one desires to reach the source of the sunshine, he has to travel through the sunshine to reach the sun and then meet the predominating deity there
- One who attains the place (Brahmaloka) by dint of devotional service is specifically mentioned here (in SB 2.2.28), in relation to how he can penetrate into the different coverings of the universe
- One who attains the place (Satyaloka or Brahmaloka) by dint of devotional service can penetrate into the different coverings of the universe and thus ultimately disclose his spiritual identity in the absolute atmosphere of supreme existence
- Our eyes can gather knowledge only under certain favorable conditions. We cannot see things that are too far away from us; we cannot penetrate the darkness, nor can we see things that are very close to the eye, such as our own eyelids
- Our so-called religion is unique in the world, simply because we stand solidly on philosophy, and because we are strong in that way, no one can refute or defeat us, so we are wiping out sentimental religion wherever we penetrate
- Outside the covering (sky) there are five layers, thousand times bigger than the one another: water layer, air layer, fire layer. So you have to penetrate all these layers. Then you will get the spiritual world
- Sound is all-pervading, that is a fact, scientific fact. If that sound is potent, then it can penetrate even this material sky and go to the spiritual sky and go to Krsna directly
- Srila Narada chants the glorification of the Lord not for his personal benefit but because the glorifications are identical with the Lord. Narada Muni penetrates into the presence of the Lord by the transcendental chanting
- Srimad-Bhagavatam states that the Sudarsana cakra penetrated the darkness just as an arrow released from the Sarnga bow of Lord Ramacandra penetrated the army of Ravana
- The brahmastra, which was thrown by Asvatthama at the child Pariksit, was certainly supernaturally powerful, and nothing of the material world could resist its force of penetration
- The common man does not even have the intelligence to penetrate into the jugglery of words. He is better advised to chant the maha-mantra: Hare Krsna. In this quarrelsome age of Kali there is no alternative for self-realization
- The covering of this universe is far, far greater than this space which we are now in. The outside of the universe is ten times the space within, so one has to penetrate that covering, and then reach Viraja, the Causal Ocean
- The creeper (of bhakti) is so strong that it penetrates the covering of the universe and reaches the spiritual world and continues to grow on and on until it reaches and takes shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna
- The darkness of the covering of the universe is also a creation of Krsna's, and the Sudarsana cakra is Krsna's constant companion. Thus He penetrated the darkness by keeping the Sudarsana cakra before Him
- The demons who opposed Krsna as enemies wanted to penetrate His military phalanx, but instead of doing this, they died in battle, and the result was that they penetrated the planet of Mitra, or the sun planet
- The facilities of devotional service are denied the impersonalists because they are attached to the brahmajyoti feature of the Lord. As suggested in the previous mantras, they cannot penetrate the brahma-jyoti because they do not believe in the SPG
- The fearless devotee of the Lord penetrates each one of them and ultimately reaches the absolute atmosphere where everything is of one and the same spiritual identity
- The Krsna conscious person not only penetrates the covering of this universe, but after he reaches that Causal Ocean, which is the neutral position, he continues
- The loud chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra is so powerful that it can even penetrate the ears of trees and creepers, what to speak of those of animals and human beings
- The plant (of devotional service) even penetrates this brahmajyoti and gradually enters the planet known as Goloka Vrndavana. There the plant takes shelter at the lotus feet of Krsna. That is the ultimate goal of devotional service
- The potent words of such realized souls (saints and sages) penetrate the heart, thereby eradicating all misgivings accumulated through years of undesirable association
- The Puranas are also supplementary to the Vedas. The Vedic mantras are too difficult for an ordinary man. Women, sudras and the so-called twice-born higher castes are unable to penetrate into the sense of the Vedas
- The spiritual master, by his words, can penetrate into the heart of the suffering person and inject knowledge transcendental, which alone can extinguish the fire of material existence
- The spiritual plant of devotional service gradually grows and grows until it penetrates the covering of the material universe and enters into the brahmajyoti effulgence in the spiritual sky. BG 1972 purports
- The Upanisads confirm that one has to penetrate the dazzling effulgence of Brahman before one can see the real face of the Personality of Godhead
- The Upanisads confirm that one has to penetrate the dazzling effulgence of Brahman before one can see the real face of the Personality of Godhead - CC Preface
- The Vedic mantras are too difficult for an ordinary man. Women, sudras and the so-called twice-born higher castes are unable to penetrate into the sense of the Vedas
- They (those) who are intelligent take to the devotional service of the Lord so that they can ultimately penetrate the covering of this universe and enter the spiritual kingdom
- Those who have no information of pure devotional service cannot penetrate into the mystery of such (dealings of Krsna and Bhismadeva) dealings
- We have to penetrate the whole material universe. This we cannot do by spaceships but by Krsna consciousness. One who is absorbed in Krsna consciousness and who at the time of death thinks of Krsna is at once transferred there - in spiritual sky
- What is the use of a bowman's arrow or a poet's poetry if they penetrate the heart but do not cause the head to spin?
- What is the use of a bowman's arrow or a poet’s poetry if they penetrate the heart but do not cause the head to spin
- When devotees ultimately penetrate the coverings of this universe, then they are situated on one of the planets known as Vaikunthaloka or, still higher. Krsnaloka - Goloka Vrndavana
- When Kali could not penetrate into the daily behavior of the people, he planned killing of Pariksit Maharaja. So one Kali brahmin cursed him to death, for no fault practically. Therefore the brahmins of this age, they are condemned
- When Prthu Maharaja and his wife, Arci, abandoned their material bodies in the material fire, they immediately developed their spiritual bodies and entered into spiritual airplanes, which could penetrate the material elements and reach the spiritual sky
- When the dead bodies of the demons came in touch with the nectar, their bodies became invincible to thunderbolts. Endowed with great strength, they got up like lightning penetrating clouds
- When the transcendental sound of Krsna's flute is heard, the devotee's anxiety to continue to hear that flute enables him to penetrate the covering of the material world and enter into the spiritual sky
- When the tumultuous vibration of sankirtana resounded, all good fortune immediately awakened, and the sound penetrated the whole universe through the fourteen planetary systems
- When the yogi reaches the ajna-cakra, between the two eyebrows, he is able to penetrate the brahma-randhra, or the hole in his skull, and go to any planet he desires, up to the spiritual kingdom of Vaikuntha, or Krsnaloka
- With limited knowledge, they (nondevotees) are unable to penetrate into the mysterious region of transcendence
- Without submission and service in the forms of hearing, chanting and the others mentioned above (in CC Adi 1.52), impersonalists cannot penetrate to the mysterious region of transcendence where the Supreme Truth is a transcendental person
- Your Lordship is the prime root of the tree of the planetary systems. This tree has grown by first penetrating the material nature in three trunks - as me, Siva and You
- Your program of speaking in colleges and other places and getting paid is very much liked by me; in this way, try to penetrate every school and college and introduce our books profusely