Category:Our Serving Krsna (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Our Serving Krsna (Disciples of SP)"
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- Accept Krishna as your husband & He will never cheat you. He is competent to maintain any number of wife with full comforts because He is Omnipotent. So remain busy in the service of your Husband and you will be happy in this life as well as in the next
- Actually in the service of Krishna there is no botheration. Rather we feel more transcendental pleasure. I hope you will more and more appreciate this status as you work combinedly with your very good husband
- Actually that mentality is sannyasa. It doesn't matter whether we have changed the dress or not, but if we decide it, that "I am eternal servant of Krsna; my only duty is to serve Krsna," that is sannyasa
- Actually there cannot be any unfavorable result, because we are serving Krishna
- All the devotees should be satisfied. They have given their lives to Krishna, so we should see they are always happy. Their service is voluntary. It is not that we can force anyone to do anything. If we do they will go away and that is a great loss
- Any sincere man will feel obliged of our propaganda movement. "By distributing these books, you are doing a great service to Krsna"
- As more and more you increase in sincerity, similarly Krishna will more and more reciprocate by giving you the intelligence to serve Him nicely
- As soon as a devotee endeavors to serve Krishna, Krishna immediately wants to help that devotee
- At every moment we should be doing this or that service for Krishna's transcendental pleasure. If we do not remember this, then Maya is right there to grab us
- Attend the arati ceremony and take prasada and work hard in the service of Krsna and you will surely experience the bliss of the perfection of life in Krsna consciousness
- Be assured, Krsna will give you all facilities gradually. Your attitude is nice, very humble. Maintain that attitude and gradually you will get all the facilities you require for serving Krsna
- Because the devotees have given up everything to serve Krishna. Money, jobs, reputation, wealth, big educations, everything. Their lackings have become transcendental because, despite everything they may do, their topmost intention is to serve Krishna
- By sticking to Krishna Consciousness, chanting our required rounds loudly, and tending the deities, these items will surely save you (from nasty habits). So always be seriously engaged in serving Krishna & pray to Krishna to help you with your frailties
- Devotee means he is able to tolerate all kinds of discomfort and whims of the material nature, and because he is so much absorbed in serving Krishna, he takes no time to become angry or take offense with others or find out some fault, no
- Do not change our principles. Practicing is already done by kirtana. It is not required for us to become artists. Our main point is service to Krishna, not to please an audience
- Enthusiasm must be maintained under all circumstance. That is our price for entering into Krsna's kingdom. And maya is always trying to take away our enthusiasm to serve Krsna, because without enthusiasm everything else is finished
- Even if there is some misunderstanding between husband & wife that should be completely neglected & you should always remain rigid in service of Krishna
- Everyone should be continuously engaged in either chanting, studying or working and preaching. This full schedule will save you from engagement elsewhere. Maya and Krsna are always side by side. Either one is serving Krsna or he is serving Maya
- He is witness. You cannot cheat Krsna. Be sincere, and try to serve Him. He'll accept your service. And He will give you intelligence. Your life will be successful
- However perfect you may be in serving Krsna, you should always know that Krsna is unlimited. It will ever remain imperfect because we are limited. But Krsna is so kind. If you offer a little service sincerely, He accepts
- I always remember you as the nicest girl because you are so devoutly engaged in the service of Krishna
- I am also glad to hear that you are improving your position. So do your duty nicely, taking it as Krishna's mercy, and try to serve Krishna as far as possible
- I am always remembering with pleasure you and your good husband Dayananda, and how you have been with me practically since the first and how you are serving Krishna so sincerely
- I am encouraged to note that you are working very nicely in KC, despite being there in a foreign land with so many obstacles. This kind of service is especially appreciated by Krishna, that some devotees should take risk for His preaching work
- I am giving them the right information - that service you have to render. But instead of serving your senses, please serve Radha-Krsna, then you'll be happy
- I am glad that you have decided to give your time now fully to serving Krsna directly, but do not misunderstand the position of "outside" jobs. Any work performed by a devotee in KC is never work on the material platform although it may appear to be so
- I am glad to hear new devotees are coming and do not be worried about some of our members leaving; they will come back. Krishna never forgets the service rendered to him by the devotee
- I am glad to note that you and your wife are cooperating so nicely in Krishna's service. So you should set an ideal example of household life in Krishna Consciousness for all to follow
- I am simply counting upon you to faithfully execute your duties in Krsna's service & follow the regulative principles strictly. Then you shall be able to help spread this mission to the suffering persons of your country & that will be the greatest service
- I am so glad you are playing music for Krishna. It is a great service of your talent. Anyone's special talent should be engaged in the service of the Lord, and thereby becomes successful in his life
- I am so happy to note your steady enthusiasm to work harder in Krsna's service
- I am so pleased to see the picture. And you have improved very much in your painting capacity also by serving Krishna so faithfully by the talent which Krishna has endowed you with
- I am sorry to see that you have so many quarrels with my disciples. They are working very hard on my behalf trying to serve Krsna
- I am sure that because you are in serious and sincere attitude of service to Krishna, He is giving you all good counsel to propagate these transcendental activities
- I am very glad that you are doing such a nice service by worshiping Radharani and Krishna so nicely and giving Them so many nice clothes and ornaments and taking such nice care, so now I am very much relieved to know everything is going well
- I am very glad to see your enthusiasm in the service of Lord Krishna and I am sure that this spiritual intoxicant of Krishna consciousness will encourage many many students who are actually in search after the Absolute Truth
- I am very much disturbed to hear from you that you have become disturbed in your mind. Do not be disturbed. There is no cause for anxiety. You are doing your best to serve Krishna, that is very much appreciated, do not lose enthusiasm out of frustration
- I am very much enthusiastic about expansion of our branches, but if it is dependent upon learning of Spanish language, don't take this adventure. We should serve Krishna in whatever talents we have already got
- I am very much pleased that you are making such nice advancement in Krishna Consciousness and that you are always thinking in so many ways how to best serve the Lord
- I am very much pleased to read about Gargamuni's successful store in S.F. Yes, he is using his good selling ability to serve Krishna, and Krishna is pleased with him so He is giving him all aid to become successful
- I am wonderful so long I serve Krsna. Otherwise useless; no value. If I can serve Krsna, then I am wonderful certainly. We don't want to become cheap wonderful. We want to become really wonderful by serving Krsna. That is our mission
- I do not want any personal service from you, but I want to keep you engaged in Krsna's service
- I have also seen the article in our new issue of Back to Godhead and I am very much encouraged to see how you are all working so carefully in the service of Krsna in the matter of painting transcendental pictures of the Lord
- I have never said that Siddhasvarupa is a pure devotee, but every one can become a pure devotee if he has no other desire than to serve Krsna and the Spiritual Master
- I have not heard from you in some time, but I am sure that you are steadily advancing in Krsna's transcendental service
- I have written Mahamsa Svami one letter asking him if it is possible for you to return to Hyderabad. Wherever you go always be sure to chant at least 16 good rounds and rise early, attend mangala-aroti, study my books and serve Krishna without stop
- I know you are a sincere devotee of Krishna and He will give you proper intelligence how to prosecute your present activities. I can simply pray to Krishna that He may bless you with all energy for serving Him
- I pray to Krishna that you all may use your intelligence for Krishna's service and not for any personal ambition
- I prayed to Radha-Krsna that, - I am leaving You, Sir, with these innocent boys and girls. They want to serve You, but they are not yet competent. Kindly take care of Yourself and give them intelligence so that they can serve You
- I shall try to do this service to you and Krishna throughout my life, and I am so proud to have such assistants as you are to help me in my mission to push on the Krishna Consciousness Movement
- I simply want to engage everyone in the service of Krishna, that's all. And that means preaching. So if the preaching work has stopped, what can I do? In that case you must expect there will be so many troubles
- I thank you once more for your assurance of service to Krishna and it is very enlightening for me that we have got so many nice souls to serve the cause of Krishna, and in the matter of pushing Krishna consciousness in this country and all over the world
- I think for Krishna's sake we shall try to work together even at the risk of little personal inconvenience. Our foremost concern is Krishna. If Krishna's service is well done, then we should try to forget our personal inconveniences
- I think if you want to do some real service to Krishna, and to the society, you should now fix up your mind to follow my instructions and do some tangible work
- I think it was Krishna's desire that this New Vrindaban scheme should be taken up by us, and now He has given us a great opportunity to serve Him in this scheme
- I think that because you are unable to tend the Deities in the temple, that you and your sister, Ekayani, may serve the small Radha-Krishna Deities which you will be receiving soon. Try to follow all the rules and regulations of Deity worship
- I think that without you the New Zealand affair will not go on, but now you are leaving there to live on some farm in Australia. Of course, our serving Krishna is voluntary affair, so what can I say?
- I understand that the draft board is also disturbing you. It is also disturbing to me, but we have no other recourse than Krishna. Do your best to serve Krishna and he will give you required intelligence to cope with disturbing situations
- I was so glad to read as you write to say, "I opened the temple on Thursday and am in the process of fixing it up." It is so much pleasing to me and what can I give you?! I can simply pray to Krishna for your long life and prosperous service to Krishna
- I wish to remain with all my disciples together, but we have to do preaching work and therefore have to remain separate. But actually there is no question of separation for one engaged in Lord Krishna's service
- I wish to speak on the great philosophy of Bhagavata Dharma at least once in a week on Television, so if arrangement is made by you for this, then you will be doing the highest service for Krishna
- I'm so glad to learn that you are eager to serve Krishna in every way possible. This mentality is very rare, and I guess that you must have been engaged in Krishna's service in your previous life
- If He sees His devotee sincerely and seriously trying to serve Him, He is prepared to give His devotee anything and everything to mitigate any suffering conditions. That is mature understanding and realization of Krsna Consciousness
- If Kirtanananda has ever sincerely served Krishna, & his spiritual master, he will not fall down. The temporary systems will fall down without delay. We should all pray to Krishna for his steady recovery
- If simply we understand that "Krsna is the Supreme Person. He is great, and we are all subordinate. So our duty is to serve Krsna," these two lines, if we understand, then our life is perfect
- If the real person is decorated, the reflection is also decorated. Similarly, reality is Krsna. If you serve Krsna, then we are reflection. Krsna being satisfied, immediately we become satisfied
- If we are serious about serving Krsna, then there cannot be two opinions. One opinion, how to serve Krsna
- If we are sincere, Krishna will supply us with all necessities of life. When we serve some mundane master, he gives us sufficient salary, so when we serve the Supreme Master, how it is possible that He will keep us fasting?
- If we can give service to Krsna by making another man surrender to Him, then He will very much appreciate that service & that is our gain. Try to follow this principle & preach vigorously to your best capacity & everything will be all right. Don't worry
- If we remain in that position, that our only protector is Krsna and our only duty is to serve Krsna, then our life is successful
- If you are anxious to serve Krsna, that is the real asset
- If you are serious about serving Krishna, then remain with us for sometime to learn the transcendental art
- If you are, you are fit for becoming a carpenter, why should you imitate a brahmana? Better be expert carpenter and serve Krsna with the result of carpentry work. Then there is perfection
- If you can train only one man, that's a great service to Krsna
- If you carry on your service to Radha and Krishna according to the prescribed rules, your love of Krishna will increase more and more; this you are seeing practically by the Grace of Krishna
- If you continue to develop such feelings and engage all of your energy in the service of the Lord, then surely you will come out successful in perfecting your life in Krishna Consciousness
- If you kindly continue to advance on these lines as I have already chalked out for you your perfection of life in Krsna's service is guaranteed
- If you relieve me of the burden of management, that will be a very great service to Krsna and the movement. See that everything is going on nicely. With great endeavor we have made the framework, now we have to see that things are going on nicely
- If you think of Krsna twenty-four hours, Krsna will think of you twenty-six hours. (laughter) Krsna is so kind. If you do some service for Krsna, Krsna will reward you hundred times
- If you think of Krsna, how to serve Him, that is your perfection of life. Because you'll think at the time of death of Krsna
- In a Krishna Conscious marriage the basic principle is for both husband and wife to serve Krishna nicely and to help the partner advance in spiritual life
- In rendering service to Lord Krsna and His representative the Spiritual Master, we should always maintain this fearful attitude which means careful attention. This attitude will advance you progressively in Krishna Consciousness
- In the material world, as soon as you stop payment there is no service. Why? Because they, by serving Krsna, they get transcendental pleasure. So the more you engage yourself in the service of the Lord, the more you become enthusiastic
- In the service of Krishna there may be sometimes transcendental competition but there cannot be any disruption
- In this Krishna Consc. Movement, I am training boys and girls all over the world how to act nicely by practically serving Krishna in their everyday lives. That is more important than trying for something which I may like to do but which will never happen
- It doesn't look well if you change from one center to another for some convenience. Everywhere service to Krishna is the same, but if you are feeling some inconvenience, then you may inform Brahmananda, and get some relaxation by change of duty
- It is best to do the most ideal thing but whatever mode of living you chose the most important thing is to always remain one hundred percent in service of Radha-Krishna
- It is by the grace of Lord Krsna on account of your sincere service unto Him that you have got a very nice place for our propaganda center. I understand that the house is purchased by you, but you have mentioned nothing about it
- It is good to feel inadequate, and to try harder to please Krishna with better service. But one should never feel, oh, I have seen Krishna, and so I am reached perfection - this is not Krishna Consciousness
- It is my serious desire to devote the fag end of my life to translating Srimad Bhagavatam and so many other Vaisnava literatures so by assisting me in this regards you will be performing the highest service to Krsna
- It is nice the girls are coming to the temple, but unless you engage them in some way of serving Krsna, there will be again trouble
- It is not in our power to serve Krsna perfectly. That is not... Because we are very teeny. But be assured that the desired result will come if we act sincerely to the point
- It is not that everyone should be equally expert. But the thing that is needed is that we should be serious and sincere in our engagement. Nobody can adequately serve Krishna because Krishna is unlimited
- It is our desire that we shall always be engaged fully 24 hours in the service of Lord Krishna; in this way our lives will become perfectly joyful simply by singing and dancing and taking Prasadam
- It is our only prayer that we are always asking the Lord for further opportunities of service. We do not care to ask for anything else, so this is our only prayer. Our life is service to Krishna & how we may serve Him more & more that is our only desire
- It is simply by the grace of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu that we have now got a feeling for service to Krishna. Krishna is so perfect that He comes and teaches us personally how to become Krishna conscious
- It is so pleasing to me that you are giving service to Krishna by your intelligence, by your body, by your mind. Everything is very nice and this will make you more and more progressive in understanding Krishna Consciousness
- It is the common understanding of Krsna Consciousness or the science of devotional service rendered to Krsna that we shall serve Him spontaneously and without any desire for compensation for our service
- It is your good fortune that you can serve Krishna in so many ways - to work, to write, to speak, to paint, to build - all of these talents must be employed in Krishna's service. That will make you perfect
- Just as Arjuna and Krsna were victorious in the Battle of Kuruksetra, this Krsna consciousness movement will surely emerge victorious if we but remain sincere devotees of the Lord and serve the Lord according to the advice of the predecessors
- Just keep your attitude of sincere service and without a doubt Krishna will give you all intelligence to serve Him nicely. Krishna is not ungrateful but rather He sees all our efforts and appreciates our sincere service
- Just like a person taking lunch, he will feel satisfied of hunger and strength, himself. Similarly, the more you serve Krishna, you will forget material hankerings and get spiritual strength. This is the test
- Just like a wrestler, simply by practicing wrestling amongst friends, gradually becomes stronger and the body is built up very nicely, Krishna Consciousness is exactly like that: The more you serve Krishna, the more you get better strength to serve Him
- Just produce one nice Krishna Conscious youth. It will be a great service to Krishna and recognition of your nice service
- Just see how you all are giving all of your time and energy and attention to serving Krishna and how this simple formula is having such effect of creating topmost yogis and saintly young persons
- Keep yourself always in Krishna Consciousness with your family members, raise your children to that standard, and employ your energy for serving Krishna. Then, even though you are in family life, you are as good as sannyasi
- Krishna can be served from any position, provided one is willing to serve Him. Krishna can be served and approached by businessmen, by lawyers, by scientists, by artists, by musicians, by philosophers, even by thieves and rogues; everyone. He is so kind
- Krishna Consciousness is a transcendental science which can be revealed to a sincere devotee who is prepared to render service to the Lord. Krishna Consciousness is not achieved by dry arguments or by academic qualifications
- Krishna Consciousness is developed by following two parallel lines, means service of Krishna, and service of the Spiritual Master. This is the secret of success
- Krishna Consciousness is itself Brahma platform, so all our students who are engaged in the service of God, they are not on the material platform
- Krishna Consciousness is the only truth that exists. Without Krishna Consciousness everything is illusion. You must not waste this life away thinking that everything belongs to you. Everything belongs to Krishna and it must be used in His service
- Krishna devi is in the strong clutches of Maya, and she wants to have a new husband under any price. I have never allowed her in that way. But if she served Krishna's cause, I will not disallow her, because that is our main business
- Krishna does not require anyone's help or service, but if we serve Him, even in a very small capacity, He will accept it. So that is our only hope
- Krishna has been very kind upon you, and if you continue to engage seriously in His service, certainly He will give all facilities. After all, it is His business that we are doing
- Krishna is giving us all facility to serve Him, and I am so pleased with the nice cooperation that my students are giving me in spreading this most important philosophy around the entire world
- Krishna is gradually giving you power to serve Him and more nicely, and thus you are one of the future strong pillars of the society
- Krishna is not in need of our service but if we sacrifice everything for Krishna, that is for our good. You should always remember this maxim
- Krishna is very merciful to His sincere devotees, but also we have to remember that Maya is very strong. Therefore, we have to always be engaged in serving Krishna
- Krishna is within you, and when you are serving Him sincerely He will give you courage, boldness, everything
- Krishna Kirtana is not for earning livelihood. Krishna Kirtana is not meant for entertaining the public for demonstration of arts. It is dynamic service to the Lord
- Krishna makes promise to one who is striving to serve Him sincerely that He will give such devotee the intelligence by which he may come to Him
- Krishna never forgets the service rendered to him by the devotee and once tasting the nectar of devotional service to the Lotus Feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is not possible to forget Him
- Krishna will help, we do not rely on anything non-Krishna, but He will give facility when He sees we want it very, very seriously, working very hard and with great determination to get it, just to be able to serve Him better
- Krishna's mercy is always bestowed upon one who is sincerely serving Him
- Krsna consciousness movement means everyone is engaged cent percent to become servant of Krsna. So those who are sincerely engaged in the service of the Lord, they are all liberated. They are all liberated
- Krsna has given everyone something extraordinary and to serve Krsna with one's extraordinary talent means successful life
- Krsna is unlimited, so your service cannot reach Him perfectly. It will ever remain imperfect because we are limited. But Krsna is so kind. If you offer a little service sincerely, He accepts. That is the beauty of Krsna
- Krsna says, svakarmana: "Whatever talent you have got, you can serve Me & be perfect." That is the program. They're preparing cloth for the devotees, not for business. Therefore he's serving Krsna. To serve devotee & to serve Krsna, there's no difference
- Liberation is not very important business - it doesn't matter if he (a devotee) is liberated or nonliberated. The idea is that nobody should serve Krishna with motive, even up to liberation, he should serve for service sake
- Little service to God is taken as great service. Krsna is so kind. So we should try always to give the best service, best energy, and you become liberated
- Maya is very strong and she can victimize anyone of us at any moment. We shall therefore always keep ourselves vigilant, and this is only possible by rigid engagement in Krishna's service
- Maya may try to pull us from Krishna's service, and try to engage us in her service, but we must simply persevere, and try to do as much as possible for Krishna each day
- On the Absolute world there is no such relativities as a success and failure. The one thing in the Absolute world is to serve Krishna. Don't care for the result. Krishna must know that we are working very seriously and that is our success of life
- One has to make the best use of his talent for the service of Krishna. That is wanted. Best example is Arjuna, that he utilized his talents, military science, in the service of Krishna
- One has to serve Krishna sincerely with whatsoever talent one may have. Guidance of the Spiritual Master and sincere service to the Lord will give us all strength in the science of Krishna
- Our only business: how to love Krsna, how to serve Krsna. That's all. That is perfection
- Our position is how to satisfy Krsna, not for personal self. Ordinary world activities. Serving Krsna and the result of such service is the same. In the material world, doing something and result of the doing is different. Our means and aim is the same
- Our principle should be to serve Krishna very diligently with love and faith, and all necessary supplies will come without any difficulties
- Our service to Krsna is voluntary and we are interested only that He shall be pleased, not myself
- Please continue engaging in Krsna's service with staunch determination, not to be defeated and engaged in Maya's service even for one second
- Please continue to study very thoroughly our Krsna consciousness way of spiritual life and with the help of Bhagavan das become more and more fixed up in the service of Lord Krsna
- Please continue with your service to Srimate Tulsi devi and to Radha and Krishna and your life will be sublime
- Please increase your enthusiasm for pushing on this Krsna Consciousness movement and Krsna will inspire you with all intelligence for serving Him as much as you engage yourself with sincerity and devotion
- Radharani is the most confidential servant of the Lord and Hladini Dasi means the servant of Radharani. So please always be engaged in chanting Hare Krsna mantra at least sixteen rounds daily and work sincerely and eagerly in the service of the Lord
- Regarding smearing on the Body of Lord Jagannatha: You should always know that the Body of Lord Jagannatha is spiritual. We are given the chance of serving the Spiritual Body
- Regarding your question about controversial talks going on, this kind of talk isn't befitting my advanced students. This is childish. In Krishna's service, there is no inferior & superior. Deity worship is just as important as book distribution
- Rest assured that your hard labor and sincere exertion to serve Krishna will never go in vain
- Sankirtana is our life and soul, and if we execute this transcendental business in all earnestness, then there will be no difficulty in any way. We should not pray to Krishna anything except to ask to engage in His service
- Serve Krsna to the best of your capacity and when you are 24 hours engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord that is the highest stage of transcendental bliss or Krsna Consciousness
- Service you have to render. Either Radha-Krsna or maya, illusion, senses. Everybody is serving to the senses. Is it not? But he's not satisfied. He cannot be satisfied
- Simply offer all your talents and energies in this service of the Lord and know that Krsna promises that for one who surrenders fully unto Him, He fully protects such devotee from all kinds of material distresses and sinful reactions
- Since you have gone to San Francisco, the center is improving daily, beginning from Rathayatra Festival, and you are also selling BTGs nicely. This means Krishna is giving you the opportunity to serve Him
- Sincere souls who are engaged in the service of Lord Krishna are benedicted by the Lord by revelation
- So far as your duty is concerned, you are doing your best. That is your spiritual qualification. The best qualification for a Vaisnava is to act sincerely, and to his best capacity, for the service of Krishna
- So far our Krsna consciousness movement is there, we are not like that mayavadi-sannyasa. Our sannyasis completely devote life for serving Krsna
- So far your going to Buffalo, Brahmananda will see to it, and if it is already changed I have no objection. We have to serve Krishna from any circumstance or position. That shall be our mode of life
- So long you are so much eager to serve Krsna, without any doubt you will very quickly meet Krsna face to face
- So, I am so much obliged to you that you are trying to get my books published somehow or other. I can simply pray to Krishna for your long life and valuable service to Krishna
- Spiritual life means service to Krsna. So if you don't serve Krsna, where is spiritual life?
- Stay strong in Krishna's service by strictly following the regulative principles, chanting 16 rounds daily, without fail, reading all our literatures, and engaging whole-heartedly in devotional service, 24 hours
- Sukhada means one who is always giving pleasure to Krishna. That you can do by engaging in His service 24 hours. Surely then He will be pleased and bestow upon you all blessings for making rapid advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- Suppose you are canvassing for a life member. That topic is also as good as chanting Hare Krsna mantra because akhila-cestitam. One's life must be dedicated simply for Krsna's service
- Surely Krsna will recognize your service, and as soon as you are recognized by Krsna, then your life immediate becomes perfect
- Take to this Krsna consciousness service by hearing, by speaking, by remembering, by giving actually service, by worshiping, by making friendship, and after all, everything for Krsna. That is perfection
- That is the program. They are preparing cloth for the devotees, not for business. Therefore he is serving Krsna. To serve devotee and to serve Krsna, there is no difference
- The devotee is always pessimistic about the material world, but he is very optimistic about the spiritual life; so in this way, you should consider that anyone engaged in Krishna's service is always the best person
- The devotees' disagreement does not last long because they patch it up for Krsna's sake, because they are all working for the same end - Krsna's service
- The faith increases in Krishna Consciousness by our voluntary increase of serving Krishna. Serving Krishna is unlimited and he can accept our unlimited service, and award us unlimited transcendental pleasure in the unlimited service of the Lord
- The governing principle for our activity should be to do what is favorable for pleasing Krishna. So if your child requires medical attention to be fit for serving Krishna, then it is only practical she should get it
- The idea is to save more time from this materialistic business and utilize it for Krsna's service. When our anxieties are how to utilize life in that way, that stage is abyarthya kalatvam, utilizing life without spoiling it
- The more you are engaged in devotional service, the more your senses become pure or uncovered. And when it is completely uncovered, without any designation, then you are capable to serve Krsna. This is apprenticeship
- The more you serve Krishna the more you become stronger. I hope you are being properly assisted by your other Godbrothers
- The more you sincerely serve Krishna, the more He will send you similar devotees to assist you
- The new programs to spread up Lord Caitanya's message via the television, radio and newspaper is welcome. It is now the vogue to ventilate various topics for mass consumption via these media, so why not utilize them properly in Krsna's service?
- The secret of success in Krishna Consciousness is to render service to Krishna to the best of our capacity. There is no other alternative to this. The more we render service therefore, the more we are able to advance
- The secret of success is that one should be eager to serve the Spiritual Master and Krsna simultaneously with the same regard and things will become automatically revealed in the heart of the devotee
- The spirit soul is equal in either a man or woman. One who is actually engaged in the service of Krishna, there is no such distinction as man or woman
- These boys and girls have understood what is austerity and the difference between spirit and matter, that is the highest knowledge of existence. Because they are engaged in serving Krsna in this way, you have nothing further to worry
- They must chant 16 rounds daily, follow the 4 principles, read our books very carefully, and always be engaged in the transcendental loving service of Lord Krishna. These things will give them real spiritual strength and their lives will be perfected
- This brain taxation, if you engage in Krsna's service - how to spread Krsna consciousness, how to convince people about Krsna, how to take them to the Krsna's desire - in this way, if you go on making plan for spreading KC, then your mind is controlled
- This chanting of Hare Krishna and our sincere desire to serve Krishna will make everything clear, even if there is some impediments
- This Deity worship - this is training. The same thing will continue when you go to Vaikuntha or Vrndavana. The same way we shall personally serve
- This Krishna consciousness movement is multi faceted. We can serve the Lord using everything
- Those who are 24-hours engaged in rendering loving devotional service to the Lord. To such person Krsna gives intelligence, not others
- Those who are devotees, they have no kama. Anyabhilasita-sunyam (Brs. 1.1.11). Anya. Anya means other than Krsna's service. They have made all, everything zero. We don't want all these things. We simply want to serve Krsna
- To open a center for us is not very difficult job. Simply the devotees who volunteer their service must be very serious and sincere
- To stick to the principles advised by the Spiritual Master and serve Krishna under the direction of the Spiritual Master is the only hope of our advancing in Krishna Consciousness. The Spiritual Master and Krishna are two parallel lines
- To surrender to Krishna all at once is not generally possible, but as we serve Krishna more and more, we gradually become more and more surrendered at His Lotus Feet
- Try as far as possible to discipline the children with love and affection, so that they develop a taste for austerity of life and think it great fun to serve Krishna in many ways
- Try to get the certified copy. Otherwise, what can be done? Do not be discouraged. Go on serving sincerely. Your success is your sincere desire to serve Krsna
- Twelve thousand dollars means about more than one lakh of rupees. So we are spending that, but not for any other purpose than for Krsna's service
- We also work hard because we know the goal of life - to please Krishna. So if by these workshops service to Krishna has been increased in everyone, then they are very nice. Why there was no weaving and spinning workshop?
- We are not dogma or like army-camp, no. We are servants of Krishna
- We are requiring all our energies to be channelled in the service of Krsna and then only will our mission be complete and our life perfected
- We have sacrificed our life for Krsna's service, where is there scope for sleeping and gossiping?
- We have to increase our love for Krsna; therefore this worship, temple worship. If you always be engaged in Krsna's service, naturally you develop love for Krsna. That is wanted
- We have to see how much service we are going to give Krsna. This minority, majority, these are all material conception of life. If you can give major service to Krsna, that is your success of life. I started this movement alone, minority
- We prescribe to our students no illicit sex-life, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling, but they are not ends in themselves; the real end is how to serve Krishna and sacrifice everything for Him
- We should always ask: "Krsna, I don't want any facility of this material world. I am not worthy to serve You; still, I am begging. Give me this facility so that I can get the chance to serve You."
- We should always be careful that we are serving Krishna, and we shall do nothing which may displease Him. Then our life is successful
- We should never think that oh, my service is so much valuable to Krishna; I am performing such nice service. No. But we must take our service seriously because it will be to our benefit and Krishna will be pleased
- We should not waste our valuable time in any other occupation or business. Simply inquire and be ready how to serve Krsna
- We should serve Krsna without any cause, not that by serving Krsna I shall improve my material position and so many causes maybe. But real service, real devotional service must be without cause. That is pure devotional service
- When a devotee is seriously prepared to serve Krishna, the Lord gives him both intelligence and opportunity to serve Him more and more, so that the serving devotee may ultimately reach the Lord without any doubt
- When one becomes fixed-up in devotional service he never allows anyone else or any condition at all to hamper his service to Krishna or discourage him in any way
- When you give me massaging, I say, "Do like this," similarly, when one is engaged in Krsna's service, from within He dictates, "Do like this. Do like this." So our business is how Krsna will accept our service
- When you have invited Visnu, Krsna, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, to accept your service, you must be very, very careful how to render service. How cleansely, how nicely you have to serve. Otherwise everything will be spoiled
- Wherever you may go, our main business is service to Krsna & awkward circumstances may happen anywhere, & we should be able to hold up to all such circumstances, steadfastly we will go on with our business of service to Lord Krsna
- Why salary? Krsna's servant. We are eternal servant. That is the beauty of our institution. We have no hired men (in New Mayapura). Unless one is sincere, why he'll work?
- With our present senses, materially covered, it is very difficult to understand Krsna, His transcendental Name, Fame, Form, Pastimes, etc. But if we begin rendering service unto Krsna, then being pleased with our service He will reveal Himself from within
- With this taste of Krishna Consciousness, we become more and more attracted, so more and more Krishna gives encouragement, and then more and more we increase in our desire to serve Krishna in pure Krishna Consciousness
- Yes, Krsna will give you strength, as you engage yourself in His service, "To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me"
- You are a experienced preacher and this is to your eternal credit. If we can do something even a little thing, in the service of Krishna in this life, then it is considered that this life is a success
- You are also very intelligent boy and devotee of Krsna and Krsna will give you even more intelligence in proportion to your endeavor to serve Him faithfully
- You are an intelligent and thoughtful boy, so kindly utilize all your good talents faithfully in the service of Krsna and you will be fully happy and swiftly advancing
- You are an intelligent boy, so now you may make the best use of your intelligence in perfecting your life in Krishna Consciousness. Please continue to be very serious about this endeavor, and surely Krishna will give you all facilities for serving Him
- You are my initiated disciple, and I must instruct you to be sure to always follow the regulative principles like chanting 16 rounds on the beads daily, reading my books, eating only prasadam, and in every way trying to serve Krsna
- You are now serving Krishna under the instruction of your Spiritual Master, so there will be no scarcity of supply of strength unless there is some weakness on your part in the matter of absolute faith in these two shelters
- You are very sincere boy trying your best to serve Krishna and by His Grace you are quite fit for this business, and considering all these points, I have entrusted Back To Godhead in your hand. Because this paper is the beginning of my spiritual life
- You can accept this proposal without any hesitation and get the loan from him. For service of Krishna sometimes we may agree to act in a way which may not be very agreeable to us. But in all cases, please do not agree to accept meat
- You can serve Krsna in any capacity-provided you want to serve. And if you want to engage Krsna for your service, that is blunder
- You have been taught to serve Krsna, and with Krsna we'll live eternally. Our life is eternal. A temporary disappearance of this body, it doesn't matter. Body is meant for disappearance. So live forever by serving Krsna
- You have begged for my blessings and I give them to you because you are my spiritual son and I have taken responsibility for engaging you in the service of Krsna
- You have expressed a fear of becoming attached to your musical activities, but attachment for Krishna's service is not bad. If you can engage your talent for Krishna's service, then this attachment will increase your Krishna Consciousness status
- You have got all blessings of Krsna. You are so nice faithful servant of Krsna, surely you will be successful. Come to the Kumbha Mela where I am going on the 11th instant and we shall talk in detail
- You just try to realize the importance of Krsna consciousness and make your life cent per cent engaged in Krsna's service - that is perfection
- You just try your best to serve Lord Krishna, and if any perplexing circumstances arise, just pray to Krishna to give you strength
- You mentioned that you are not yet a very bold preacher, but you will become bold, if you've got sincerity. In the beginning also I could not speak. But Krsna is within you, & when you're serving Him sincerely He'll give you courage, boldness, everything
- You set the ideal standard of householder life for the benefit of others and they will gradually be influenced to follow your example of sincere service on Krsna's behalf
- You simply be engaged in chanting all day and serving Krishna and any time there is no service, simply chant Hare Krishna. Then there is no chance for illicit sex
- You simply desire to serve Krishna best and there will be no scarcity of anything. Know it certain from me
- You simply work. You simply wash this temple and sweep this temple regularly with heart and soul - you become perfect. You don't require even to read. So dasyam. Dasyam means simply work as menial servant of Krsna
- You want to serve Krishna with all your energies and intelligence, so I have got all support and approval of this scheme, but until you have got some income, how can I advise you to give up your present job, especially when you are a family man
- You write to say that it is your constant prayer that even in household life to always be engaged in Krishna's service. That will be the success of my mission when you do that
- Your conclusion is very good, and I very much appreciate that GBC or XYZ, you are always servant of Krishna. That is wanted
- Your description of Copenhagen is very encouraging, and I am also glad that you are realizing that actual help does come from Krishna. Our duty is to render service unto Him sincerely, and immediately Krishna arranges for all facilities
- Your description of past incidents may be forgotten. We are not concerned with past misunderstandings; we are concerned only with progressive service to Krsna
- Your example is very nice, using your artistic abilities to serve Krishna, and they may all follow in your footsteps
- Your full energy should be engaged in the Lord's service. That is the secret of success
- Your sincerity and desire for doing some service for Krishna is very much encouraging to me. Please go on chanting nicely, and steadily