Category:Our Relationship with Caitya-guru (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Our Relationship with Caitya-guru (Disciples of SP)"
The following 72 pages are in this category, out of 72 total.
- Actually the more selfless dedication you apply yourself with, the more Krsna will be pleased and the more he will give you intelligence how to expand the preaching in His Name
- Any devotee who has developed genuine Love for Krishna can also explain the truth about Krishna because Krishna helps such sincere devotee seated in his heart
- Anyone who serves the Lord sincerely with love and affection is certainly instructed by the Lord from within
- As Krsna sees the sincerity of our hearts, He supplies the facilities. Just like I came to your country with only 40 rupees, and now we have got this huge institution
- As more and more you increase in sincerity, similarly Krishna will more and more reciprocate by giving you the intelligence to serve Him nicely
- As soon as Krsna is within your heart so when you read Bhagavad-gita or Krsna book with little seriousness, then Krsna understands, "Now he is serious to understand me." You haven't got to search out Krsna, He's already within you
- He (Krsna) helps us from within as Caitya Guru and He expands Himself externally as Siksa Guru (as instructor) and diksa Guru (initiator)
- He is witness. You cannot cheat Krsna. Be sincere, and try to serve Him. He'll accept your service. And He will give you intelligence. Your life will be successful
- I (Prabhupada) am absolutely certain that anyone who challenges me I can defeat you. Why is that? Because Krishna gives me the intelligence
- I am sure that because you are in serious and sincere attitude of service to Krishna, He is giving you all good counsel to propagate these transcendental activities
- I am very glad to note how nicely you are working, along with your wife Jyotirmayi and also Guy Prabhu. Continue in this way and Krishna will be pleased upon you and bless you with the intelligence to increase your service more and more
- I am very pleased with your sincere service attitude in pushing on our preaching work in these parts of the world and yes, Krsna will give you strength because He is sitting in your heart
- I have given you already everything, so you please consult among yourselves if you have questions. It is said "By engaging one's tongue in chanting and taking prasad, simultaneously following the regulative principles, the Lord reveals Himself upon this"
- I know you are a sincere devotee of Krishna and He will give you proper intelligence how to prosecute your present activities. I can simply pray to Krishna that He may bless you with all energy for serving Him
- I pray to Krsna that I am inviting You to come, so please, because You are seated in their hearts, please give them the intelligence how to serve you so that You may not be inconvenienced
- I take it for granted that you are one of the selected devotees of Lord Caitanya, and therefore from within your heart He has inspired you to go to such a distant place, leaving your parents and home, just to satisfy Krsna
- I understand that the draft board is also disturbing you. It is also disturbing to me, but we have no other recourse than Krishna. Do your best to serve Krishna and he will give you required intelligence to cope with disturbing situations
- If one is actually serious about understanding the goal of life, spiritual knowledge, then Krsna is situated in everyone's heart. He understands how this person is sincerely seeking. Then He'll give direction that "You do this"
- If you can develop such an institution for future children of the society, or outside the society, it will be great service for the humanity. I am sure Krishna will give you more and more intelligence in this matter, if you seriously think
- If you can relieve me of worry of management in Mayapur it will be a great relief for me. Krsna will give you more and more intelligence on how to do this if you sincerely endeavor
- If you have got always within your heart Krsna, by sound or by mental thoughts, by work, some way or other, by reading books, any way, if simply you keep your consciousness in Krsna, then your life is successful. That's all
- If you manufacture your own way, then go to hell. Yasya deve para bhaktir yatha deve tatha gurau, tasyaite kathita hy arthah. Krsna is there; guru is there. Why should you manufacture your own way? If you are sincere, Krsna will dictate from within
- If you simply chant your rounds daily as prescribed and stick strictly to the rules and regulations, all these questions will automatically be answered by Krsna as Supersoul
- If you simply continue this seva, then Krsna will reveal Himself and gradually He will give you intelligence how you can make advance to go back to home, back to Godhead
- If your heart is pure. Everything depends on purity
- Impossible thing can be made possible by the grace of Krsna. That is possible - Krsna is all powerful - provided we are serious and sincere. That is the main business. We must be very serious and sincere. Then Krsna will give you intelligence
- In Melbourne, Australia who dreamt that there would be such a nice temple, Radha-Krsna, and that local men would be worshiping. And still anyone who is sincerely serving, he will get inspiration how to do it nicely. Krsna is there in his heart
- Krishna as Paramatma Who is sitting within your heart is now dictating. Krishna is so kind that He wants to help us as Spiritual Master in two ways
- Krishna is so kind that He is always with us as Friend; if we can learn to treat Him with our friendly love and affection the reciprocation is permanent, and that is the highest success of our human form of life
- Krsna is explaining Himself in the Bhagavad-gita, Krsna is sending His representative acarya to teach you, and Krsna is within yourself trying to teach you if you are actually serious. Then where is the difficulty?
- Krsna is so kind. Guru-krsna-krpa. Krsna is helping from within, but sometimes we are so dull, naturally, that we cannot understand. Therefore He sends His representative to instruct externally. So He is helping internally and externally
- Krsna is very kind. He is helping you in different ways. He is within your heart. Krsna is within your heart. Antaryami. Caitya-guru. And He is presenting Himself as spiritual master both ways, externally, internally. He is trying to help you
- Krsna is within as caitya-guru, and when we are serious He comes out as the spiritual master. Siksa-guru, diksa-guru. So there is no difference between siksa-guru and diksa-guru and Krsna
- Krsna is within you. He'll give you. As soon as you become a pure devotee, all dictation will come from within. And besides that, Krsna is helping, inside and outside. Outside is spiritual master; inside Krsna Himself. Where is the difficulty?
- Krsna is within your heart. If you kindly continue to hear about Him, as you are doing, then Krsna will be very much pleased, "Oh, this person is now interested in me." Because nobody's interested in Krsna. So Krsna is also silent to them
- Krsna will give you intelligence how to engage in honest, brilliant, glorious work on His behalf
- One must chant at least 16 rounds of japa daily and in this way progress in Krsna Consciousness. One promises before the spiritual master, the Deity, the fire, the devotees, the Supersoul, so it should very strictly be followed
- Our technique is that we work sincerely and the dictation will come from within; Krsna is seated there
- Regarding New Vrndavana activities, I think whatever you are doing is approved by me. As you are acting very sincerely in Krsna Consciousness, Krsna is dictating from within your heart, so there is nothing to be disapproved
- Regarding your question, this surrender to Supersoul is in the advanced stage of Krishna Consciousness. So long one is not advanced, he has to take information and direction from the representative of Supersoul or the Spiritual Master
- Simply by studying, becoming bookworm, you cannot advance. The real secret is... That is stated in the Vedas. Unflinching faith in God and spiritual master. Then things will be revealed from within. How much strength we have got to study all these books?
- Simply our prayer should be, My dear Krishna, please remind me to always chant Your Holy Name, please do not put me into forgetfulness. You are sitting within me as Supersoul, so you can put me into forgetfulness or into remembering You
- Simply you have to become sincere. That's all. Everything is there. But if we become cheaters, we do, say something before Krsna, before the spiritual master, before fire, and do something else, then there is no question of dictation from Krsna
- Simply your sincerity of service is required and He will dictate from within you how to make your thesis. It will be a great service to the humanity, especially to the Western world
- Supersoul is sitting in everyone's heart, so when He hears the effect of hearing is there. So it is to be understood that the Spiritual Master is also hearing
- The initiates as above mentioned are all taking vow before the Deity, the Supersoul within, the devotees, the spiritual master, the fire, and so they are vowing before so many witnesses to keep faithfully these regulative principles
- The philosophy should be illustrated, but everything must be done with clear intelligence according to the Parampara revealation of the Absolute Truth and Krsna will give you good understanding for the purpose
- The principle is that whatever you are instructed by the Caitya Guru internally may be confirmed by the instructor or initiator externally. Then your progress will be complete
- The secret of success is that one should be eager to serve the Spiritual Master and Krsna simultaneously with the same regard and things will become automatically revealed in the heart of the devotee
- The spiritual master is external manifestation of the Supersoul. Thus the Lord helps the living entity, helps both from inside & outside
- There is no difference between the internal and external instructor. We should take advantage of this instruction. That is called vyavasayatmika buddhih, fixed-up resolution. Fixed-up resolution
- There is variegatedness in transcendental activities. Sometimes we like to chant, sometimes we like to wash dishes. There is no difference on the Absolute plane. I am sure Krishna will give you all intelligence to work transcendentally
- Think seriously of Krishna Consciousness, be sincere, and Krishna will give you all necessary instruction. I have every hope that in the future you can be a good preacher for Krishna Consciousness in the Western World
- This Krsna consciousness movement is meant for the purpose of understanding God. The spiritual master is the living representative of Krsna who helps externally, and Krsna as Supersoul helps internally
- To the sincere devotee the internal Guru Krishna dictates, but the thing has to be confirmed by the external Guru then it is all right
- We are never alone in Krsna consciousness; you have got so many wonderful brothers and sisters who are really your family, and besides that the spiritual master is always in his instructions, and Krsna is there within your heart
- We should always pray that Krishna may kindly provide me the intelligence to kill all demons of doubt, and because He understands the heart of His sincere devotee, immediately He gives assistance
- We should learn to depend on Krishna more and more. Actually, Krishna is always guiding us as Supersoul, but due to our forgetfulness, we do not understand that Krishna is friend everlasting
- Whatever you are doing at the present moment is approved by me and I think on account of your becoming a sincere soul, Krishna is dictating from within and you are doing things so nicely
- When the devotee is constantly engaged in Krsna Consciousness, at that time, Krsna will give all intelligence from within how to make steady progress in Krsna Consciousness
- When the jiva soul accepts the dictates of the Supreme consciousness Supersoul, his activities will no longer be for the sake of personal sense gratification but will be only for the purpose of gratifying the senses of Krishna
- With our present senses, materially covered, it is very difficult to understand Krsna, His transcendental Name, Fame, Form, Pastimes, etc. But if we begin rendering service unto Krsna, then being pleased with our service He will reveal Himself from within
- You are all intelligent boys, and you should be engaged in Krishna's service. Then He will give you all intelligence. So in every action we should always pray to Krishna for His help so that we may act it nicely
- You have asked me something for which it is difficult to answer from such a distant place. You are grown up girl you should rather decide what to do. Fix up your mind always in Krishna and He will give you good counsel
- You may note that when these regulative duties are performed, and the devotee becomes fully absorbed in Krsna activities, Krsna as Supersoul will dictate from within the answers to all questions and will give the needed intelligence to progress
- You should know that it is all due to your sincerity of heart; when we are sincere, Krishna will always help us, either in external direction by the Spiritual Master, or internally by His Paramatma expansion
- Guru
- Heart
- Relationships
- Relationship with God
- Caitya-guru - the Spiritual Master Within
- Acarya, Guru, Spiritual Master - Umbrella Category
- God - Umbrella Category
- Paramatma
- Supersoul
- Supreme and Absolute - Umbrella Category
- Learn, Understand, and Teach - Umbrella Category
- With, Within, and Without - Umbrella Category
- Disciples of Srila Prabhupada (Our) - Umbrella Category
- Interpersonal Relationships - Umbrella Category
- Communicating, Distributing, and Sharing - Umbrella Category
- Disciples of Srila Prabhupada (Our) - 051 to 100 pages
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