Category:Our Position
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Pages in category "Our Position"
The following 96 pages are in this category, out of 96 total.
- Actual our position is that I am soul, I have been given a nice car - it is not a nice car but as soon as we get a car, however rotten it may be, we think that it is very nice
- Actually our position is to serve Krsna. That is real position. Caitanya Mahaprabhu starts His instruction from this point, that we are eternal servant of Krsna
- Actually, our position is that we are rendering service to somebody else. Every one of us who are sitting in this meeting must admit that he is giving service to somebody else
- All the devotees connected with the Krsna consciousness movement must read all the books that have been translated (the CC, SB, BG and others); otherwise, after some time, they will simply eat, sleep and fall down from their position
- Although living in our material condition of life, we can get out of the entanglement of material contamination without leaving our positions. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu advises, therefore, that one does not have to change his position
- Although the Lord is unlimited, by His causeless mercy He becomes visible to the devotee, who is then able to see Him. In our present position of conditioned life we cannot see or understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although they are situated for executing different function, the whole aim is targeted to maintenance of this body. Similarly, whatever you may be, you do not require to change your position
- And because he is the most confidential servant of Krsna, therefore he is to be respected as good as Krsna. Because in our present position we cannot see Krsna, but Krsna sends His representative; therefore he is respected as Krsna
- At the present moment, our position is very precarious. We are in the darkness, the ignorance, and so many other things, corollaries to these things
- Because we are part and parcel of God, so we have got good qualities. It is covered by material contamination. Gold is gold - but it is covered by mud, dirty things, one cannot understand whether is it gold or something else. So our position is like that
- Because we are under the spell of maya, we are thinking that our position is very secure. We are thinking, "Let us enjoy life," but what kind of enjoyment is this
- Because we have killed so many kings, all their friends and relatives are planning to come fight with us again. So don't think that we are free from all dangers. We are not. And we have no protection other than Your lotus feet. That is our position
- Being enjoyed means, keeping Krsna in front, I want to get some profit of sense gratification. That is our unnatural position. Krsna will never agree
- Brahma said, "We are all demigods, controlling deities of the various senses of the living entities, and we are proud of enjoying such privileges, but actually there is no comparison between our position and of these fortunate residents of Vrndavana"
- By this agitation our position will be improved. Prahlada Maharaja was suppressed in so many means. What was loss on his part? He improved more and more, more and more
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommends that we search out a devotee regardless of our position. There is no need to change our position; it is better to remain where we are and simply hear about Krsna
- Chant Hare Krsna and you become perfect. But we are so unfortunate, we are not even prepared to chant. This is our position. So you have to make little determination that "I shall chant henceforward Hare Krsna mantra"
- Cowherds boy, they were equally on the same level. Although not same level, but they were given the opportunity to speak, to stand, to talk, to eat on the same level with Krsna. Now our position is different
- Either you become intelligent class of men or you become administrator or you become mercantile class or laborer, if you engage yourself in Krsna consciousness then your position is transcendental. You are no more in the material nature
- Even if we don't accept the leadership of God, we have to accept some other leader. That is our position. We cannot avoid it
- Generally this (to accept God is great & surrender to Him) is not our position in the material world. We are characteristically envious and consequently think, - Oh, why should I surrender unto God? I am independent. I shall work independently
- God means the supreme brain, the supreme powerful, and we are teenies, we are subordinate; therefore our position is to abide by the orders of God. That is actually religion. That's all. Less powerful men serves the more powerful. That is the nature
- If our real consciousness, means Krsna consciousness, is awakened, then we become aware of our position, constitutional position. Then we are saved from this repetition of birth and death and go back home, back to Godhead
- If we do not understand our position, if we remain in the same category, bodily concept of life, then we are missing the chance. After all, you have to change this body. It is not permanent settlement that you shall remain Indian, American. No
- If we misuse our position and think that we are fully engaged in devotional service and can do whatever we like, we have to suffer like Bharata Maharaja and be condemned to accept the type of body that impairs our devotional service
- If we simply understand that we are not the body, that we are spirit soul, our knowledge is insufficient. We must also act as Brahman; then our position will be fixed
- If you want to be happy, if you want to be peaceful, if you want to be elevated again to your original, constitutional position, then you take to Krsna consciousness and be happy
- In the very beginning, you may remember, that the constitutional position of the living entity is to serve. This point we have explained several times. So we cannot change that position. If you don't serve Krsna, then we have to serve maya
- It is of utmost importance that we know the nature of our constitutional position: we want eternity, complete knowledge, and also pleasure
- It is our constitutional position, normal life, to serve Krsna. We are part and parcel of Krsna. Just like this finger is the part and parcel of my body. And what is the business of the finger? The business of the finger is to serve this whole body
- It is our position to hear Bhagavad-gita from the lips of Arjuna or his bona fide representative, the spiritual master. After hearing, it is necessary to practice this acquired knowledge in daily life
- Krsna indicates that when one controls the senses, faith comes in the near future (acirena). Having attained that stage of faith in Krsna, one feels that he is the happiest man in the world. This is our position
- Krsna is bhokta and we are bhogya. It is not our position that we become Krsna and become bhokta. No. That is wrong conception
- Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He cannot cheat me. He is perfect. So whatever knowledge He gives, that is our position, Krsna conscious. "Whatever Krsna says, that's all." And that's a fact
- One can understand what the Lord's position is, what our position is and what our relationship is. All this can be understood very easily by the simple method of bhakti-yoga
- One living being is providing, maintaining all other living beings. So our position is being maintained by God and God is maintainer. Our position is being predominated and God is predominator
- Our constitutional position is we have to take shelter of somebody. Just like the dog. The dog, if he has no shelter, a good master, he has no position. Street dog
- Our position is always as servant - either as servant of the illusion or as servant of God. If, however, we remain the servant of the illusion, then our life is wasted
- Our position is dog. We must understand it. We cannot live independently. It is not possible. Every living being. Therefore in the Vedic injunction is nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam eko yo bahunam vidadhati kaman
- Our position is eternal servant of God. This is our position. But at the present moment, because we are not in the superior energy, in the activities of the superior energy, we are struggling hard with this material energy
- Our position is forgetting God, we have been kicked out constantly by maya. The maya has given us the senses, and the senses are dictating us, "Do this, do that, do this, do that," and we have become servant of our senses
- Our position is how to become sinless. Therefore we do not recommend animal killing. That is not possible
- Our position is that we never take birth and never die, but why have we been put into this position of accepting these machines? This is our real problem
- Our position is that we want to continue in our sinful activities, and therefore we deny the existence of a controller. This is the basic principle of godlessness
- Our position is to follow in the footsteps of great authorities like Sankaracarya, Ramanujacarya and Caitanya Mahaprabhu. If we keep our faith by executing our duties and following in their footsteps, success is guaranteed
- Our position is when we get some profit we are very jubilant, but when we are losing something we are very morose, unhappy. But a mahanta is equipoised. He is neither very happy when he makes profit, neither at all sorry when he makes losses
- Our position is, I have already explained, that we are all imperfect. Therefore we have to take knowledge from the perfect
- Our position is, we learn from Bhagavad-gita that we have to increase our attachment for God, Krsna, mayy asakta. This is the perfect process of yoga system
- Our position is: we have forgotten God. But this forgetfulness can be subdued, and we can revive our original consciousness
- Our position should be, our real active life begins when we begin to serve Krsna with our senses without being designated, without being situated in designation. This is transcendental state
- Our real constitutional position: to love God. We are loving also, in this fallen state, but not God - all non-God or some shadow God
- Sankara said, "No, matter is our false position. Spirit is real position." But he did not say anything, what are the activities of the spiritual life
- Service we must give. That is our constitutional position. But that service is meant for rendering to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Since our position is subordinate to that of the almighty Visnu, the Supreme Godhead (Isvara, the supreme controller), we can enjoy only what comes from Him as a token of His kindness. We must not enjoy anything that is not offered by Him
- So long we are maya-mohita-cetasah, out of Krsna's touch, we have no value. No value. Valueless. Useless. That is our position
- So this human form of life is given to us as an opportunity to understand our position because in the human form of life we have more developed consciousness than the lower forms of life
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu enjoins, jivera 'svarupa' haya-krsnera 'nitya-dasa': our actual position is that of eternal servants of Krsna. We are mistakenly thinking that we are servants of a family or nation, but this is due to ignorance, tamo-guna
- The Christian conception of God as the Supreme Father is not very perfect because if we conceive of God as a father, our position will be to take things from Him
- The first beginning is satyam, and our leader says: "This is the qualification of an ass." So just see our position
- The fish is an animal of the water, it cannot be happy without water. Similarly, we are all spirit soul; unless we are in spiritual life or in the spiritual world, we cannot be happy. That is our position
- The original source of everything is God. So when we study our self minutely, that "what is our position?" Or by studying ourself we can study the nature of God
- The Supreme Lord's position is the leadership, and our position is subordinate. Then what is our duty? Our duty is to follow the leader
- This Krsna consciousness movement is meant for making things very simplified. Accept God, accept your position as God's servant and serve God. That's all, three words
- Unless we cleanse our hearts of all the dirty things that you have accumulated, then we have to continue the sufferings of this material world. But if we cleanse, we understand what is our position
- Unless we realize God and our position, and we become lover of God, there is no question of peace in the mind
- Unnecessarily we have accepted sufferings of this material world. If our real consciousness, means Krsna consciousness, is awakened, then we become aware of our position, constitutional position
- We are all situated in relative positions according to our own karma. Yet every one of us can offer prayers with heart and soul as far as we can appreciate the Lord's glories. That is our perfection
- We are not submitting to suffering. Then what is the civilization? We don't want suffering. That is our position
- We are one with God, since we have God's qualities in minute degree. But God is the master, and we are always subordinate. Eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman: we are protected, we are maintained, we are predominated. That is our position
- We are the living entities within the material energy, and we are in this position because we wanted to dominate material nature. Krsna has given us the facility, saying - All right, you may try, but you cannot be successful
- We cannot gratify our senses directly. But when we join with Krsna, when Krsna enjoys, then we can enjoy. That is our position
- We have become subject to these illusory (as birth, death, old age and disease) problems because of our forgetfulness of Krsna and our position as His eternal servants (jivera 'svarupa' haya-krsnera 'nitya-dasa') - CC Madhya 20.108
- We have no such conception that "I am Indian," "I am American," "I am brahmin" or "I am sudra," or "I am black," "I am white." We all are the same. We are eternal servant of Krsna, or God. That is our position
- We have to take information from the authoritative literature what is the position of this material world, the spiritual world, God and His relationship with us, our position. This is real knowledge
- We haven't got to change our position. Simply we have to transfer the energy for Krsna. That is called yoga-sannyasta-karmanam
- We may be here five years, ten years, one hundred years or five million years. Whatever, our position is limited. Our position in the material world is not eternal, but we are eternal. Why, then, should we be illusioned by the noneternal
- We must admit our position that in the God's creation everything is inconceivable by us. We cannot calculate within our limitation. That is not possible
- We should again come back to our position of attachment to God. Then we have value
- We should understand that we are very insignificant in comparison to the creation of the whole cosmic situation and God. So we should be very submissive. We should understand our position. Artificially, we should not be puffed up, the frog philosophy
- We simply have to express our feelings (in front of God while offering prayers), but in order to be able to do this we have to be aware of our position. Once we are aware of our position, our feelings can be expressed sincerely and automatically
- We, a small particle of the acyuta, although by nature we are acyuta, but due to our weakness we are prone to fall down in this material world. That is our position
- What is our position? This has been taught by Lord Caitanya, who teaches us how to pray in his prayer (CC Antya 20.29, Siksastaka 4): na dhanam na janam na sundarim, kavitam va jagadisa kamaye, mama janmani janmanisvare, bhavatad bhaktir ahaituki tvayi
- Whatever body we may have, our position is temporary. We cannot remain in any position indefinitely
- When we are bewildered, we do not distinguish what is religious and what is not religious, do not use our position properly. That is karpanya-dosopahata-svabhavah. At that time there is need of guru. That is the Vedic instruction
- When we purify ourself, then we act in our original, constitutional position. Just like the finger is meant for serving my body, similarly, when, as soon as we are in the position of our original constitution, then we serve Krsna
- When you have got imperfect knowledge, why you take the position of the teacher? That should, you should not have done that. Therefore our position, to become perfect, is to take lesson from the perfect. Krsna is the perfect
- Without being thoughtful, philosopher, how one can understand, what is his position? Thoughtful. And that thoughtfulness comprehends so many things. Tapasa. One has to learn it by tapasya