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Pages in category "Orissa"
The following 90 pages are in this category, out of 90 total.
- A gentleman named Bhramaravara from Kendrapada, in the province of Orissa, contributed funds to establish these Deities (of Nityananda, Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Advaita) in the temple. The management of the temple was under the Tota-gopinatha gosvamis
- A mana is a standard of measurement in Orissa for rice and other food grains
- After taking Lord Jagannatha's permission early in the morning, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu departed, and all the devotees of Orissa began following Him
- After the disappearance of Srila Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami in Vrndavana, Srila Jiva Gosvami became the acarya of all the Vaisnavas in Bengal, Orissa and the rest of the world, and it is he who used to guide them in their devotional service
- After thinking this, the maha-patra immediately informed the Muslim secretary, "It is a great fortune for your governor. Let him come visit Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu"
- After visiting the temple of Ksira-cora-gopinatha of Remuna at Balasore in Orissa, Lord Caitanya proceeded towards Puri and on the way visited the temple of Saksi-gopala, who appeared as a witness in the matter of two brahmana devotees' family quarrel
- After winning the Manikya throne, King Purusottama-deva took it to Jagannatha Puri and presented it to Lord Jagannatha. In the meantime, he also established regular worship of the Gopala Deity at Kataka
- All Indian kings are given titles. Sometimes they are known as Chatrapati, sometimes as Narapati, sometimes as Asvapati, and so on. The King of Orissa is addressed as Gajapati
- At Bhuvanesvara (Orissa) I want to construct a Jagannatha temple exactly like that in Puri
- At that time (when incident of the Saksi-gopala happened) King Purusottama-deva managed to control Orissa and appoint a government
- At this time the Nawab was going to attack the province of Orissa, and he told Sanatana Gosvami, "Come along with me"
- His (Jayadeva's) birthplace was in the Birbhum district, in the village Kendubilva. In the opinion of some authorities, however, he was born in Orissa, and still others say that he was born in southern India
- Hussain Shah attacked the neighboring province of Orissa in 1424 Sakabda Era (A.D. 1502). At that time he conquered the feudal princes there
- I have seen his Orissa literature about our movement and it appears to be very nice, any common man can understand it, and it is set up very nicely
- I'll cite one story. It is very interesting story. If you go to India, you'll find one nice temple in Orissa. It is called the temple of "Witness-Gopala," Saksi-Gopala, Witness-Gopala. This Gopala was situated in a temple at Vrndavana
- If you agree, the Muslim governor will come here to meet Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and then return
- In Bengal a maternal uncle is called mama, and in East Bengal and Orissa, mamu. Thus Jagannatha Cakravarti was known as Mama or Mamu Thakura. Mamu Thakura’s residence was in the district of Faridpur, in the village known as Magdoba
- In Jagannatha Puri there was a young boy who had been born of an Orissan brahmana but had later lost his father. The boy's features were very beautiful, and his behavior was extremely gentle
- In many instances they (the Mayavadis) were checked by the government, arrested and punished. In Orissa, Thakura Bhaktivinoda punished a so-called incarnation of Visnu who was imitating the rasa-lila with young girls
- In Mathura, India, the Kesava murti is worshiped, and similarly there is a Purusottama form in Jagannatha Puri in Orissa
- In order to settle this love quarrel (between Jagannatha & Saksi-gapala), the King of Orissa constructed a village about eleven miles from Jagannatha Puri. The village was called Satyavadi, and Gopala was stationed there
- In Orissa most of the brahmanas have the title Dasa. Generally it is understood that the word dasa refers to those other than the brahmanas, but in Orissa the brahmanas use the Dasa title. This is confirmed by Culli Bhatta
- In Orissa the kayastha class, which includes the karanas, is considered in the sudra category
- In Orissa, between the time of a king’s death and the enthronement of another king, a representative must sit on the throne. This representative is called Prahararaja
- In Orissa, food offered to Lord Jagannatha is called prasadi, and that which is not offered to Lord Jagannatha is known as amani or ghara-bhata, rice prepared at home
- In Orissa, this Ratha-yatra festival is known as Jagannatha's journey to Gundica. Whereas others speak of it as the Ratha-yatra festival, the residents of Orissa refer to it as Gundica-yatra
- In the Caitanya-bhagavata, Antya-khanda, Chapter Five, Paramananda Mahapatra is described as follows -Paramananda Mahapatra was among the devotees who took birth in Orissa and accepted Caitanya Mahaprabhu as their only asset
- In the province of Orissa there is a place known as Satyabhama-pura. Srila Rupa Gosvami rested for a night in that village on his way to Jagannatha Puri
- In Varanasi she (Mayadevi) is known as Durga, in Avanti she is known as Bhadrakali, in Orissa she is known as Vijaya, and in Kulahapura she is known as Vaisnavi or Mahalaksmi
- Karna was defeated many times, not only by Arjuna but also by Bhimasena. He was the king of the kingdom of Bengal, Orissa and Madras combined. Later on he took an active part in the Rajasuya sacrifice of Maharaja Yudhisthira
- Kataka is a town in Orissa situated on the Mahanadi River. When Saksi-gopala was brought from Vidyanagara in southern India, He stayed for some time at Kataka
- King Prataparudra of Orissa, the Oriya devotees Krsnananda and Sivananda, and Paramananda Mahapatra, Bhagavan Acarya, Brahmananda Bharati, Sri Sikhi Mahiti & Murari Mahiti constantly associated with Caitanya Mahaprabhu while He resided in Jagannatha Puri
- King Purusottama-deva was a great devotee and was advanced in the civilization of the Aryans. He begged at the lotus feet of Gopala, "Please come to my kingdom"
- Maharaja Prataparudra's subordination before Lord Jagannatha made him a powerful king, so much so that even the great Pathan in his time could not enter into Orissa on account of the powerful Maharaja Prataparudra
- Maharaja Prataparudra, the greatly powerful king of Orissa, was always very busy with heavy state responsibilities, yet he made it a point to sweep the temple of Lord Jagannatha at Puri once a year during the festival of the Lord
- Most of the devotees of Lord Caitanya lived in Bengal and Orissa. Thus they are celebrated as Gaudiyas and Oriyas
- Most of the devotees of Lord Caitanya were Gaudiyas and Oriyas, inhabitants of Bengal and Orissa. There are still many hundreds of thousands of His followers in Bengal and Orissa
- North of Kalinga-desa is Utkalinga, or the state of Orissa. The capital of southern Orissa was known as Rajamahendri, but now the location of Rajamahendri has changed
- Now we have got a little place here. If by combined effort, it doesn’t matter it takes time, but slowly but surely we can develop this center. Especially Bhuvanesvara is going to be the capital of Orissa
- One day, when they needed to cross a river, an Orissan boatman would not allow the dog to get in the boat
- One of the acaryas, known as Narahari Tirtha, who was in the disciplic succession of Madhvacarya, received these Deities (of Sita-Rama which were in the palace of last king of the Pandavas, Ksemakanta) from the King of Orissa
- Other preparations included a very delicious churned curd and a variety of sandesa sweetmeats. Indeed, all the various eatables available in Bengal and Orissa were prepared
- Sanatana Gosvami replied, "You (Nawab Hussain Shah) are going to Orissa to give pain to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. For this reason I am powerless to go with you"
- Sivananda Sena took care of all the necessities the devotees required. In particular, he made arrangements for residential quarters, and he knew the roads of Orissa
- Sivananda Sena took care of everyone and gave each devotee places to stay. He knew all the paths leading to Orissa
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu remembered a line in the Orissan language and ordered Svarupa Damodara to sing it
- Srila Ramananda Raya belonged to this karana class; therefore he was considered a sudra. He was also the governor of South India under the regime of Maharaja Prataparudra of Orissa
- Suddenly, a woman from Orissa, unable to see Lord Jagannatha because of the crowd, climbed the column of Garuda, placing her foot on Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's shoulder
- That the people of Orissa and Bengal eat fish in their private homes is a fact. But they do not offer anything like that to the Lord Jagannatha. The Lord is offered all nice foodstuffs as we are striving to do in our all our temples here
- The devotees of Orissa are called Udiyas, the devotees of Bengal are called Gaudiyas, and the devotees of southern India are known as Dravida devotees
- The Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (193) states that Kasi Misra was formerly Kubja in Mathura. Pradyumna Misra, an inhabitant of Orissa, was a great devotee of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The last king of the Pandavas, Ksemakanta, worshiped the Deities (of Sita-Rama) in that palace (where Bhimasena brought the deity). Later, the same Deities were kept in the custody of the kings of Orissa known as Gajapatis
- The Lord is present at Puri (Orissa) as Lord Jagannatha (also known as Purusottama); He is present at Allahabad (Prayaga) as Bindu-madhava; at Mandara Hill He is present as Madhusudana
- The names by which Mayadevi is known in different places have been listed by Vallabhacarya as follows. In Varanasi she is known as Durga, in Avanti she is known as Bhadrakali, in Orissa she is known as Vijaya
- The Nawab requested Sanatana to accompany him on an expedition to Orissa, but when Sanatana Gosvami refused, the Nawab ordered that he be imprisoned
- The Nawab was intelligent, and he understood Sanatana Gosvami's purpose. He left the house in an angry mood, and shortly afterward he went off to conquer Orissa. He ordered the arrest of Sanatana Gosvami and commanded that he be held until he returned
- The Orissa kingdom was very powerful, and Kotadesa was the capital of Orissa. It was then known as Vidyanagara. Formerly this city was situated on the southern side of the river Godavari
- The place called Yajapura is very well known in Orissa. It is a subdivision of the Kataka district and is situated on the southern side of the Vaitarani River
- The word manima (in CC Madhya 13.14) is used to address a respectable person in Orissa. Lord Jagannatha was being respectfully addressed by Sri Caitanya in this way
- There are many disciples of Vakresvara Pandita in Orissa, and they are known as Gaudiya Vaisnavas although they are Oriyas. Among these disciples are Sri Gopalaguru and his disciple Sri Dhyanacandra Gosvami
- There is a class of so-called devotees called prakrta-sahajiyas who think that Nityananda Prabhu is an ordinary human being. They have spread the news that Caitanya ordered Nityananda to return to Bengal from Orissa just to marry and beget children
- There is a special reference for the maintenance of Bengali Vaisnavas. A Gaudiya Vaisnava is a Bengali Vaisnava. Most of the devotees of Lord Caitanya at that time were Gaudiyas and Oriyas, inhabitants of Bengal and Orissa
- There is even a temple of Hanuman near Govindaji temple in Vrndavana. Formerly this temple was in front of the Gopalaji temple, but the Gopalaji Deity went to Orissa to remain as Saksi-gopala
- This is certainly a great offense against Nityananda Prabhu (to spread the news that Caitanya Mahaprabhu ordered Nityananda to return to Bengal from Orissa just to marry & beget children). Such an offense is called pasanda-buddhi, or an atheistic remark
- This portion of India (Gaudiya or Aryavarta, the Land of the Aryans) is divided into five parts or provinces (Panca-gaudadesa): (3) Madhya-gauda (Madhya Pradesh), (4) Maithila (Bihar & part of Bengal) and (5) Utkala - part of Bengal & the whole of Orissa
- Thus Rupa Gosvami became the object of love and affection for all the devotees of the Lord, including those who came from Bengal and those who resided in Orissa
- We want to submit before You something that may or may not be befitting. The matter is this: unless he sees You, the King of Orissa will become a mendicant
- When He (Lord Caitanya) propagated the sankirtana movement, He attracted many great scholars and acaryas, especially in Bengal and Orissa
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu returned from His South Indian tour, Maharaja Prataparudra, the King of Orissa, became very anxious to meet Him
- When the Gopala Deity was installed at Kataka, the Queen of Purusottama-deva went to see Him and, with great devotion, presented various kinds of ornaments
- When the King begged Him to come to his kingdom, Gopala, who was already obliged for his devotional service, accepted his prayer. Thus the King took the Gopala Deity and went back to Kataka
- When the Muslim governor heard this, his mind changed. He then sent his secretary to the representative of the Orissan government
- Whose (community of Orissa's) members were sometimes known as kayasthas and sometimes as sudras; his (Bhavananda Raya's) son Ramananda Raya was the governor of Madras under the control of King Prataparudra of Jagannatha Puri
- With great care Caitanya Mahaprabhu forbade the Orissan devotees to follow Him. Then, accompanied by His personal associates, He first went to Bhavanipura