Category:Not a Fact
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Pages in category "Not a Fact"
The following 134 pages are in this category, out of 134 total.
- A dream that we see at night is certainly false, but a horrible dream certainly affects the person seeing it. The soul's fatigue is not factual, but as long as one is immersed in the illusory bodily conception, one is affected by such false dreams
- Accepting that the soul is immortal and it never dies, still, if some relative dies, we feel pain. Is it not a fact
- According to the Mayavadi philosophers, the Supreme Brahman has transformed Himself into many varieties of forms, but that is not the fact. He is always transcendental to the actions and reactions of the material gunas
- According to the philosophy of Prajapati Daksa, a woman should first become pregnant and then experience the pain of childbirth. Then, if she is intelligent, she will not want to be pregnant again. Actually, however, this is not a fact
- Advaita Acarya was a disciple of Madhavendra Puri, and consequently some people think that He was referring to Madhavendra Puri by using the word madhava (in CC Madhya 3.114). But actually this is not the fact
- After finishing this body there is nothing. This is ignorance. Actually that is not the fact. The fact is, tatha dehantara-praptir (BG 2.13): after death, after finishing this body, you get another body
- All this eulogization about me, people, outsider, may think that "This man is being flattered and he is hearing his own eulogization." But that is not the fact. It is the test, how they are receiving the message sincerely
- Although in the phenomenal world it is not factual, the products of the phenomenal world can actually affect things. That is visible and experienced. As such, even though material activities are impermanent, they cannot be said to be untrue
- Although many great philosophers and teachers in this world are under the impression that after the body is finished everything is finished, this is not a fact
- An unintelligent person thinks that the opulence of the Supreme Lord is nonexistent after the annihilation, but that is not a fact
- Are we such fools and rascals that we are wasting time worshiping a "doll"? Sometimes people think like that. But that is not a fact
- Arjuna is not willing to fight and Krsna is inducing him to fight. They misunderstand that Arjuna is better than Krsna. But that's not the fact. What Krsna says, we have to execute that. We should not manufacture our own ideas
- As soon as the body's finished so I am not going to take birth again. So long I am living, let me enjoy life - This is the modern philosophy, hedonism. But that is not the fact
- Because you are poor man you cannot love God, that is not the fact. Or because you are rich man you cannot love God, no, that is also not fact. Because you are not educated you cannot love God, that is also not acceptable
- Big, big professors, they say that "This body is everything. After the body is finished, everything is finished." But that is not the fact. That is the first spiritual education to understand, that "I am not this body." Aham brahmasmi: I am spirit soul
- By fermentation in the laboratory many germs are born, but this is due to the presence of the soul. The material scientist thinks that eggs are lifeless, but that is not a fact
- Demonic civilization is creating problems. Not the increase of population. This is not the fact
- Don't think like the so-called scientists that only this planet is full of living beings and other all vacant. No, that is not the fact. Every planet, it is congested with living entities. That information given there
- Even though the people of the world have forgotten God and may say that God is dead, this is not a fact. One can understand God when one takes to the Krsna consciousness movement, and thus one can be happy
- Everyone is seeking satisfaction, atyantiksu. Everyone is struggling for existence for the ultimate happiness. But in this material world, although they are thinking by possessing material wealth they will be satisfied, but that is not the fact
- Foolish Mayavadis say that worshiping demigods is as good as worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but that is not a fact. This philosophy misleads people to atheism
- Foolish persons say that no matter whom one worships one will get the same result, but actually that is not a fact
- Four years ago, they (European boys and girls) did not know what is the name of Krsna. Perhaps they might have seen in the English dictionary the name of Krsna as stated "a Hindu god." But actually, that is not the fact. Krsna is the name of God
- I am born in particular type, particular time or particular country, I cannot render service to Krsna - that's not a fact. Anywhere, any part of the world, any part of the universe, any man, in any condition, he can serve Krsna. There is no impediment
- I give the suffering portion to Christ, and let me go on committing all sinful activities. - But that will not be. That is not a fact
- I receive so many letters daily from people expressing how they have found hope in Krsna consciousness. Therefore, it is not a fact that Krsna descended here merely to collect some servants. Rather, He descended for our benefit
- If individuality is not a fact, then Krsna would not have stressed it so much - even for the future. BG 1972 purports
- If they accept that everything comes from the living being, then they will have to accept God. So they want to avoid this. "Everything matter." But that is not the fact. Origin is life - that is explained in the BG. Krsna says, aham sarvasya prabhavah
- Illusion means something which is not fact. That is illusion
- Illusion means which is not fact. So the fact must be there; otherwise how the illusion, reflection, comes? Illusion is exemplified by the mirage, water in the desert
- In geometry they say the point has no length nor breadth. But that is not fact. The point has length and breadth, but you cannot measure it
- In the English dictionary the name of Krsna as stated "a Hindu god." But actually, that is not the fact. Krsna is the name of God. Krsna means the all-attractive, all-good
- In the modern age people are under the impression that during the Vedic period or the prehistoric ages America and many other parts of the world had not been discovered, but that is not a fact
- It is not a fact that because material enjoyment involves so many painful conditions one will automatically become detached. One needs the blessings of a devotee like Narada Muni. Then one can renounce his attachment for the material world
- It is not a fact that everyone and anyone can reach the Supreme Personality of Godhead by worshiping material demigods. It is therefore surprising that a man can imagine that he will become perfect by worshiping the demigods
- It is not a fact that only one who diligently pursues an academic career can become a devotee
- It is not a fact that the Lord appears only on Indian soil. He can manifest Himself anywhere and everywhere, and whenever He desires to appear
- It is not a fact that the Supreme Personality of Godhead gives direction to certain living entities in one way and other living entities in another way
- It is not a fact that there is nothing more than Sankaracarya's Sariraka-bhasya. There are other Vedanta commentaries, written by Vaisnava acaryas, none of whom follow Sri Sankaracarya or accept the imaginative commentary of his school
- It is not a fact that those who are born with a silver spoon in their mouth are free from the material miseries of birth, old age, disease and death. The conclusion is that one cannot be happy by simply executing pious or impious activities
- It is not a fact that we can see everything as it is simply by applying our ocular power to it. Every morning when the sun rises, we see this vast mass of matter as if it were just a small disc. Of course, the sun is much larger
- It is not that one (demon's son) will inevitably become exactly like one's father. Of course, it may be; there is every possibility. But still it is not a fact that the son unavoidably becomes like the father
- It is sometimes said that because a child is innocent he is completely pure. Actually this is not the fact. The effects of fruitive activities reserved in the subtle body appear in three concurrent stages
- Jesus Christ has taken contract for all our sinful activities, so we can do anything, whatever we like. But that is not the fact. If one takes responsibility for you, you must abide by his order
- Just like we say, geometrically, point has no length, no breadth. But actually that is not fact. It has got length and breadth, but we cannot measure it. Similarly, atma, the soul, has got length and breadth, but it is beyond our perception
- Krsna said that this material life is duhkhalayam, simply full of miseries. But under the spell of maya we are thinking that we are very happy. That's not the fact
- Krsna was struck with wonder at how the external energy works so wonderfully. He began to consider how He could kill the demon & at the same time save the boys and calves. Although there was no factual concern on Krsna's part, He was thinking like that
- Living entities are dancing under the direction of Krsna's maya & are thinking that they are equal to Krsna. This is not a fact. In KC, this misconception is absent, for a person in KC knows that Krsna is the supreme master & everyone else is servant
- Lord Brahma is describing about Krsna. There are some foolish question that "Krsna appeared five thousand years ago. How He became God?" Actually that is not the fact
- Material opulence is sometimes dangerous because it diverts one's attention to false prestige by giving one the impression that he is the owner and master of everything he surveys, although actually this is not the fact
- Maya means where there is no happiness, no fact, and still, we are struggling for it. This is called maya. Try to understand what is maya
- Mayavadi philosopher says that as soon as we become liberated, we become one with the Absolute. No, that is not fact
- Mayavadi philosophy means they accept Krsna as God, but He has assumed a body which is given by this material nature, as it is given to us. That is their policy. They count Krsna an ordinary man, on the same level. But that is not a fact
- Men with a poor fund of knowledge only accept the history of the world from the time of Buddha, or since 600 B.C., and prior to this period all histories mentioned in the scriptures are calculated by them to be only imaginary stories. That is not a fact
- Narottama dasa Thakura sings that our only desire should be to perform the duties of KC. We should not be misled by the karma-mimamsa philosophy, which concludes that if we work seriously the results will come automatically. This is not a fact
- No one should be accepted as an avatara unless he is referred to by scriptures. It is not a fact that the Lord appears only on Indian soil. He can advent Himself anywhere and everywhere, and whenever He desires to appear. BG 1972 purports
- Now we shall create female as God. - What power you have got? God is already God. You cannot create God a female or dog. You can create anything by mental speculation but that is not a fact
- O beautiful girl with beautiful eyebrows, certainly Providence, by His causeless mercy, has sent You to please the senses and minds of all of us. Is this not a fact?
- On the strength of this theory (seeing everything as being equal in quality with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, therefore seeing everything as worshipable), one thinks that he is God, but this is not a fact
- One Russian professor said: "Swamiji, after this life, there is no . . . everything is finished." But that's not the fact. That is the defect of modern education. There is life. Otherwise why there are so many varieties of life
- People may say, to satisfy his friend, Arjuna has accepted Him (Krsna) as param brahma. But that is not the fact. Arjuna gives evidences that, Not only I, but the great authorities like Vyasa, Narada, Asita, Devala, they have also accepted You as the SPG
- People try to understand, that this Krsna consciousness movement, is Hindu movement: "Krsna is one of the Hindu gods." But that is not the fact. Krsna is God. God is God. God cannot be Hindu God, cannot be Muslim God, cannot be Christian God
- Prajapati Daksa's accusation that Narada had not actually elevated his sons to the platform of knowledge was not factual. All the sons of Prajapati Daksa had first been raised to the platform of jnana and had then automatically renounced this world
- Sastra means it is for all the time, not that sastra was meant in the past for something else, and now something else. That is not the fact. That means, sastra does not change. The time, place and atmosphere, according to that, everything is the same
- So far I am concerned, I do not factually feel any separation from my Spiritual Master because I am trying to serve Him according to His desire. That should be the motto
- So our present situation is that the whole civilization is going on under the wrong impression that everyone is the body. That is not a fact. Therefore, this Krsna kirtana, this Hare Krsna movement, it has got a special effect
- Some of our big sannyasis, he took it that unless you become very strong and stout by eating meat and exercise, gymnastics, you cannot understand spiritual life. This is their interpretation. But that is not the fact
- Some people argue that Arjuna was talking with Krsna because Krsna was present before him, whereas in my case, Krsna is not present. So how can I get directions? But that is not a fact. Krsna is present by His words - the Bhagavad-gita
- Some people falsely claim that Prakasananda Sarasvati later became known as Prabodhananda Sarasvati, but this is not a fact
- Somehow or other, we are thinking separate from God. But actually that is not the fact. We are interlinked always with God, with Krsna. But some way or other, there is some difficulty. That is called maya
- Sometimes a neophyte devotee or ordinary person thinks highly of speculative knowledge, austerity, penances and renunciation, thinking them the only path for advancement in devotional service. Actually this is not a fact
- Sometimes men with a poor fund of knowledge maintain that bhakti can be applied to material things also. In other words, they say that devotional service can be rendered to one's country or to the demigods, but this is not a fact
- Sometimes people are under the impression that the soul is different from the body & that when the body is finished, or one is liberated from the body, the soul remains in a void and becomes impersonal. But actually that is not the fact. BG 1972 purports
- That is the allegation against the sadhus, that they are parasites, dependent on the society, eating at the cost of others. So many accusations. But actually, that is not the fact. Krsnaa has provided food for everyone
- That reflection in the water, of the tree, is not real. Real tree is up. Similarly, real enjoyment, real varieties - everything is in the spiritual world. It is simply reflection. It is not fact. Therefore our enjoyment here is called maya, or illusion
- The arca-murti we are serving. It is not that. . . Don't think. . . Arcye visnau sila-dhih. If you are rascal, they will think that "These people are serving a stone statue." The rascals will think like that, but that is not the fact
- The Buddhist philosopher, they say, "Ultimately, everything is zero." And the Mayavadi philosopher says, "Not zero, but imperson." But actually that is not fact. There is everything variety and personal
- The Buddhist theory that the intelligence or consciousness takes place at a certain point of material mixture... But that may be an argument, but actually it is not a fact
- The Darwin's theory of evolution is little idea. It is theory; it is not a fact. But actual fact is, as it is stated, dehantara-praptir. The soul is one, but it is transmigrating from one body to another. This is the fact
- The entire cosmic manifestation is temporary; although not unreal, it is not factual. By the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, everything created in the material world is transient
- The foolish persons, they do not take care. They think they are very much advanced, they have no need to attend arati or to play on the mrdanga or cymbal. But that is not fact. So many items are there given by the acaryas
- The impersonalist, they think, we are cent percent one with the Lord or the Supreme Absolute Truth, but that is not a fact. If one is cent percent one with the Supreme Lord, then how he has come under the control of maya? This question, they cannot answer
- The material world is the inferior energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but it is not a fact that the Supreme Lord has been transformed into this material world
- The Mayavadi philosophers say that, for the benefit or for the facility of the neophyte progressing in the spiritual knowledge, we have to imagine some form of the Brahma. That is not the fact. We do not find these things in the Vedic literature
- The moving of the cloud may appear to the layman's eyes as moving of the moon, but that is not a fact. Similarly, the moving of the body of a pure devotee is not the moving of the pure devotee
- The nirvisesavada, with impersonalism and voidism, they are of the same nature. The Buddhist philosopher, they say, "Ultimately, everything is zero." And the Mayavadi philosopher says, "Not zero, but imperson." But actually that is not fact
- The nondevotees may speculate in their specific platform of activities, as politician or as mundane philosopher or mundane scientist, but that is not the fact. The fact should be learned from the devotees of Krsna
- The phrase atan-nirasana refers to the discarding of that which is irrelevant. (Atat means "that which is not a fact")
- The real position, as explained by the Lord Himself, is that although nothing can exist without Him, it is not a fact that everything is Him. He is different from everything
- The scientists can falsely, improperly declare that there is no God, but this is not a fact
- The so-called scientists and philosophers say that this body is everything. They have discovered some cellular theory, this theory... But that is not the fact
- The subject matter of the Ramayana is sometimes considered pitiable and distressing to the heart, but actually that is not the fact
- The whole world is running on a false theory that life is born out of matter. But that is not a fact. So how to defeat this theory? That is our business. We have to defeat this rascal theory
- There are different planetary systems. Do not think that there are vacant only. No. That is not the fact. Just like this planet is full of living entities, similarly all other planets are full of living entities. There are different grades
- There are many fools who claim that worship of Krsna began only about five thousand years ago, after the appearance of Lord Krsna in India, but this is not a fact
- There are many plans for making the body comfortable, and these plans are carried in the subtle body after the destruction of the gross body. It is not a fact that after the gross body is destroyed the living entity is finished
- There are many, many learned scientists; they think that the origin of life is chemical combination. So that is not the fact
- There are some theories - that is not fact - that ultimately the Absolute Truth is impersonal
- There are varieties of living entities, but no planet is vacant. That is not the fact. This is rascaldom. They are declaring the planets are vacant; only their father's property here, that is full of living entities. This is nonsense
- There is a misconception about the Hindu religion among people who profess other religions, such as Christians and Muslims, who say that in the Hindu religion there are many Gods. Actually that is not a fact
- They (karmis and jnanis) believe that since the Absolute Truth is impersonal, they can call Him by any name. Otherwise, they maintain, He has no name. This is not a fact
- They (materialistic scientists) cannot see the mind, intelligence, or false ego, what to speak of the soul. Therefore they say, "The body is everything, and there is nothing more." Actually, however, that is not a fact
- They (modern scientists) are studying evolution of this matter, organic matter. But actually that is not the fact. The fact is that we, individual soul, that is the real fact
- They (the scientists) think that the body is combination of matter and, at a certain stage, these combination of matter develop living symptoms. But that is not a fact. If it is a fact, then the scientists can manufacture with chemicals a living body
- They are misleading people that the skin is everything. That is not the fact. The soul is everything. That they do not understand. They say, "What is this nonsense." They have no idea of religion. For them it is just a decoration
- They think that life is nothing but a mixture of these material elements, and at a time the vitality is finished, therefore everything is finished. But that is not the fact
- This body is not coming accidentally by the sex intercourse. That is not the fact. The fact is karmana daiva-netrena. Otherwise, why the same kind of body is not coming by material combination and permutation?
- Those who are mathematicians, they say: "Point has no length, no breadth." But actually that is not a fact. You have no eyes to see the length and breadth of the point. You are so blunt, your senses are so limited, imperfect, that you cannot imagine
- We are all in a very fearful situation, but we do not understand this. Under the spell of maya, we are thinking we are very happy, but this is not a fact
- We are eternally related to Krsna, but at the present moment this relationship is simply forgotten or suppressed. Consequently we think that we have no relationship with Krsna, but this is not a fact
- We are eternally related with Krsna. At the present moment it is simply forgotten, suppressed. Therefore we are thinking that we have no relationship with Krsna. But that is not the fact. Because we are part and parcel of Krsna
- We are falsely claiming that, "It is our." This is maya. Maya means what is not fact
- We are simply dreaming. All these activities are just like at night you dream, but they are all false. Whatever you dream at night, they're not facts, they're false
- We are thinking that "I'm enjoying," but that is not ananda. This ananda is not fact, because we cannot enjoy this material sense pleasure for long. Everyone has got experience. It is finished. But spiritual enjoyment does not finish. It increases
- We must remember always that the body is like a dress; therefore why lament the changing of a dress? The material body has no factual existence in relation to the eternal soul. It is something like a dream
- We speak about God, they think that "These people have become crazy. They are, in this modern civilization, talking of God. What is this nonsense?" This is the position. But that is not the fact. God is there
- We think that after finishing this body, everything is finished. But that is not the fact. Otherwise, why there are so many varieties of life? The varieties of life are because there are varieties of sinful activities
- What is this nature of these lusty desires? Moha, illusion. It is not fact - it has no substance - but it is there, that's a fact
- Whatever you dream at night, they're not facts; they're false. Similarly, these are also daydreams, these activities. Daydream. They're also false. The only thing what we can actually take benefit out of it is Krsna consciousness
- When I go to India, sometimes they speak like that, that "India does not require Krsna consciousness," because they are in a very awkward position so far economic condition is there. But that is not the actual fact
- When Krsna came on this earth He had many girlfriends and over 16,000 wives, and some people think that He was very sensual. But this was not the fact
- When one understands the truth about this life but is not completely cleansed of material contamination, he is not factually situated in the transcendental abode, Vrndavana, although he may understand spiritual life
- When the Lord (Krsna) descends on this material world by His all-merciful energy, He plays like a human being, and therefore it appears that the Lord is partial to His devotees only, but that is not a fact
- When the sun sets, it does not mean the sun is finished. Of course, some of the former theosophists and scientists, they used to think that this is. . . at night the sun is dead. That is not fact. The sun is not visible to our limited eyes
- When we merge, even in Brahman effulgence, we do not lose our individuality. Although it appears that we have lost our identity, individuality, but actually that is not the fact.
- Where is Krsna Hindu or Indian? Where it is stated? Why people take like that? That is not fact. Therefore they are in the fearful condition of life, always afraid, - What will happen next
- Who is accepting another body? The Darwin's theory is that the body is changing to another body. That is nonsense. That is not the fact. The soul is transmigrating from one body to another. That is knowledge. This is fact
- You are recording my speeches in the tape recorder. When you play back it will speak just like I am speaking, but I am not there. Is it not fact?
- You can imagine that "There is no God, there is no Yamaraja, there is no punishment. Let me do." That is your fancy. But it is not the fact. Fact is, if we commit some sin we must suffer from it, and there is nobody in the world who can check it