Category:No Sex
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Pages in category "No Sex"
The following 46 pages are in this category, out of 46 total.
- A boy is trained to become brahmacari. Brahmacari. Brahmacari means complete celibacy. No sex life, no amusement. Because just to train him not to be attracted by this material sense enjoyment. Then he'll be able to grasp what is spiritual life
- A girl is pregnant, suppose, then, during her pregnancy period, ten months, there is no sex, and unless the child becomes six months old, there is no sex
- According to our proportion, we are to minimize. Then you do. So our Society, therefore, minimizes. Not stops - minimizes. Just like we say no illicit sex. We don't say no sex
- Because we are now in the conditioned state, it is very difficult to completely deny sex life, there is regulative principle. First of all training: no sex life. If you can remain without sex life, brahmacari, it is very good
- Brahmacārī is taught from childhood how to keep brahmacārī, brahmacarya. This is the . . . anyone who is taught from the beginning of life, "No sex life," then at young age he can control
- By chanting Hare Krsna mantra, all the sinful activities are excused, but you don't commit it again. Therefore along with chanting of Hare Krsna mantra, we are asking our disciples, - No illicit sex, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling
- Celibacy means completely ceasing from sex life. Yad icchanto brahmacarya. Brahmacarya means celibacy. No sex life. Therefore the brahmacarya asrama is recommended
- Celibacy, no sex life. That is the beginning of tapasya. Meditation means tapasya. Sama, to control the senses, to keep in equilibrium. Senses may not be agitated
- Control the breathing, it requires celibacy, no sex life. Yoga-indriya-samyamah. That is called yoga, not that showing some gymnastic and smoking and yoga system. This is going on
- If you cannot use sex power for better purposes, you should not use sex
- If you have become so dull on account of sinful activities . . . therefore to understand properly, to have clear brain, one has to become pure: no illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat-eating, no gambling. And then you will be, you can learn
- If you have no sex life you'll suffer; if you have more sex life you'll suffer. But if you take sex life, regulative principle, then you'll enjoy life, you'll progress in Krsna consciousness. Therefore in human society there is the system of marriage
- If you train them to work as a servant, they will work it. So in the gurukula they should live just to be trained up how to control the senses. Brahmacari. Brahmacari mean life of celibacy, no sex
- In a country where everyone is trained from childhood to indulge in sinful activities who will accept these restrictions, no meat fish and eggs, no intoxicants, no gambling, no illicit sex life
- In the spiritual world the men are so beautiful, and imagine the women also still more beautiful, very attractive. But there is no sex. That is the feature, you'll find it
- In the spiritual world there is no sex. So one may question, How they are living? Life is finished if there is no sex
- People should be informed that "Yes, there is sex after death. Why there is no sex? Because there is life after death. You get another body. Maybe a god's body, demigod's body, or dog's body, you'll get another body"
- Polygamy will simply increase the sex life, and our philosophy is to gradually decrease the sex life till eventually there is no sex life
- Practically speaking, there is no sex life in the spiritual world, but even if sometimes it does occur, there is no pregnancy at all
- Prahlada Maharaja advises one not to be misled by this civilization of sense gratification, and especially not by sex life. Rather, one should be sober, avoid sense gratification and be Krsna conscious
- Sannyasa means perfectly no more sex life. Vana . . . it begins from vanaprastha, retired. It is taught in the brahmacari. Only in the grhastha, restricted sex life; only for begetting nice children. Otherwise, no sex life
- Sastra says that only for progeny there should be sex, otherwise no sex, "dharmaviruddho bhutesu kamo 'smi." No "indriyartha," for sense gratification there should be no sex. But, this sterilization is for sense gratification. That is most sinful
- That is Radha-Krsna. That is real love. There is no separation. There is no cheating. There is no divorce. There is no sex attraction. Simply for love's sake, loving, that is real love
- The point is that here the sex life is the highest pleasure, and in the spiritual world there is no sex. So what is that pleasure? That pleasure is this chanting and dancing, Hare Krsna maha-mantra. That is stated in the sastra
- The sinful activities are summarized in four principles: no illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling, no intoxication. - I am chanting Hare Krsna mantra, even if I commit some sinful activity it will be counteracted, because harinama is so strong
- The unlimited, unrestricted sex life like hogs and dogs, that is not civilization. Civilization, the first of all, to learn how to observe celibacy, to come to the point: no sex life. That is perfect civilization: no sex life
- The vanaprastha stage is exactly like this. Although the wife remains with the husband, she undergoes severe austerities and penances so that although both husband and wife live together, there is no question of sex
- The whole Vedic civilization is: how to avoid sex life. Brahmacari - no sex life. Vanaprastha - no sex life. Sannyasi - no sex life. Only grhastha, under control. That is grhastha
- There is no sex life except in the grhastha, or householder, asrama. The brahmacari is not allowed any sex, a vanaprastha voluntarily refrains from sex, and the sannyasi is completely renounced
- They (these boys and girls) agreed, "No illicit sex, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling. If you are prepared, then I accept you." They are prepared. They have given up. I accept them. That's all
- This is dog life: no sex discrimination, no food discrimination, no shelter discrimination, no defense discrimination. But all these things - "Discrimination, the best part of valor" - that is in human civilization
- This is material life: eating, sleeping, mating, and always afraid of. And human life means to take freedom from these four things: no more afraid, no more sex, no more hankering after eating or sleeping. That is success
- This is our process, no illicit sex, no meat eating, no intoxication, no gambling. Unless one is married, there is no sex. And unless one is going to beget child, there is no sex. Not for pleasure. This is our regulative principle
- Those who are sannyasi, brahmacari, they have no sex life, there is no question of sex life. Sex life is prohibited. But it is a concession for them who cannot live without sex life. That is married life. Otherwise, sex life is not very important thing
- We are introducing this tapasya in nutshell. We are asking our students four principles, four regulative principles. No illicit sex life. Beyond marriage life, there is no sex. No intoxication, up to smoking and drinking tea. No meat-eating. No gambling
- We are not advising, "No sex." Illicit sex. So where is the difficulty? But the age is so fallen that even these primary tapasya we cannot execute. That is the difficulty
- We do not allow anyone become a preacher unless he is strictly following the Vaisnava principles of no eating meat, fish, or eggs; no sex outside of marriage; no gambling; and no taking any kind of intoxication whatsoever
- We don't prohibit anything. We don't say, "No sex life." Yes. We don't say no. Yes, sex life, married sex life, regulated sex life
- We don't say no sex life. Yes, you have sex life. Get your bona fide wife, live peacefully
- We have to understand what is the condition of the society. Just like in the Koran it is said by Muhammad that, "From this day you have no sex intercourse with your mother." Just find out the condition of the society
- When our student become serious to be initiated, we ask that you must give up these four prohibited principles. So, no illicit sex life, no gambling, no meat-eating and no intoxication
- Whole Vedic civilization is meant for curtailing sex life. First of all brahmacari, no sex life. First of all training is brahmacari, how to train him to remain without sex. That is brahmacari. Tapasa brahmacaryena