Category:Next Birth
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This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Pages in category "Next Birth"
The following 80 pages are in this category, out of 80 total.
- A pure devotee is not anxious to elevate himself in his next birth. He has already given up that sort of hope
- Although a fallen devotee may take his next birth in a low family, his devotional service will nonetheless resume from where it left off. Devotional service is ahaituky apratihata
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (6.41), they (the transcendentalists) are allowed to take their next birth either in the family of a bona fide brahmana or in the family of a rich merchant who is devoted to the service of Godhead
- As it is clearly said, aprapya mam nivartante mrtyu-samsara-vartmani: (BG 9.3) without Krsna consciousness, one is condemned to continue wandering in birth and death, not knowing what will happen in one's next birth
- At the last stage of his life he (Pariksit) was cursed by a brahmana boy to die within seven days. So within seven days he had to prepare himself for the next birth. So he was little perplexed
- At the present moment they do not know what is papa and how to get out of it; what is next birth. Everything is unknown at the present moment. This is the modern civilization
- Because of protection by the SP of Godhead, the deer (Maharaja Bharata) remembered his relationship with the Lord and next took birth in a good brahminical family and performed devotional service (sucinam srimatam gehe yoga-bhrasto 'bhijayate) - BG 6.41
- By death, everything is taken away by Krsna. So the modern civilization, they do not believe in the next birth
- By initiation he (a person who was a sudra) is twice-born . . . first born father and mother, and next birth is the father is the spiritual master and mother is the scripture
- Even if one is unable to attain complete Krsna consciousness in this life, he is guaranteed at least to take his next birth in a human family. He cannot be sent into a hellish condition
- Even if we attempt to render some devotional service to Him and fall down, we lose nothing and gain everything. A human life is guaranteed in our next birth. It is therefore to our benefit to accept Krsna
- Even though such God-centered activities may be half-finished, they are still good for the executor because they will guarantee him a human form in his next birth
- Everywhere people are being degraded. They have no tendency to become purified, God conscious, honest. Because they do not believe in the next birth
- First birth is sudra. The next birth, when he is trained up by the guru in Vedic knowledge, that is real birth
- First of all you must satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, and then, when you are favored by Him because of such worship, you shall have to take your next birth from my womb
- Fools who cannot perceive repeated birth and death and the other miseries of materialistic life cannot be sure of what will happen to them in their next birth
- Formerly, Narada Muni was the son of a maidservant, & therefore in his next birth he attained perfection (sadhana-siddhi) because of having executed devotional service. Yet he is also a nitya-siddha because he never forgets the Supreme Personality of God
- I have traveled so many bodies, 8,400,000's of bodies. Now here is a body where is perfect consciousness. I can understand that if I like, I can get next birth God's body
- If all material bodies are doomed to annihilation, we must obtain a nonmaterial body, or a spiritual body, if we wish the next birth to be anything but false. How the spiritual body is attained is explained by Lord Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita - BG 4.9
- If one associates with the qualities of the hogs, one will actually become a hog in one's next birth. Prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah. Nature will give one a full opportunity: "All right, sir, become a hog." Such are nature's arrangements
- If one falls down immaturely from the standard of bhakti-yoga, devotional service, or Krsna consciousness, then he gets next birth either in a very nice brahmin family or very rich family. So what is the loss there, even if I fall
- If one kills poor animals to satisfy the temporary whims of this body, one does not know that he will suffer in his next birth, for such a sinful miscreant must go to hell and suffer the results of his actions - SB 10.10.10
- If the next birth is a fact, the next bodily form is also a fact. As soon as we accept a material body, we must accept the fact that that body will be annihilated and that we will have to accept another body
- If they understand that, "I have done all these things by sinful activities, and I'll have to suffer in my next life," they'll not do. But therefore they do not believe next birth or soul. They try to forget it
- If you accept a material body, then there is question of next birth. But if you remain in your spiritual body, there is no question of next birth. That is spiritual salvation, or liberation
- Ill-fated yogis are given a chance in the next birth by being placed in the families of good learned brahmanas or in the families of rich merchants in order to execute the unfinished task of Vasudeva realization
- In one life the conditioned soul desires to progress toward a certain objective, but after his body changes, he forgets everything. Nonetheless, my Lord, because he wanted to enjoy something of this world, You remind him of this in his next birth
- In our next birth we get such desirable positions only by good work. Otherwise, it would not so happen that two persons born in the same place at the same time are seen differently placed according to previous work
- In the Manu-samhita it is said that when king punishes a citizen, he is reduced in his sinful actions so that he may not subjected in his next birth for that sinful reaction if he undergoes the punishment of a king
- In the next birth he (Bharata Maharaja) became a stag, although he did not forget the incident of his previous birth
- In the next birth, one acquires remembrance from the Supersoul and begins to execute the plans begun in the previous life
- It is not very difficult. Simply to keep yourself in thoughts of Krsna. That's all. It is very simple thing. Then you are assured to your next birth in the spiritual sky in the kingdom of God or in the Goloka Vrndavana. Yes
- It is still, such kind of astrology there in India. They will speak what you were in your last birth and what you are now, and what you will be in your next birth. That is astrology. So still there are Bhrgu-samhita
- It is the duty of a father to become a Vaisnava and raise his children to become Vaisnavas; then even if by chance the father falls into a hellish life in his next birth, such a son can deliver him, as Maharaja Prthu delivered his father
- King Puranjana gave up his body while remembering his wife, and consequently in his next life he became a very beautiful and well-situated woman. He took his next birth as the daughter of King Vidarbha in the very house of the King
- Krsna spoke Karma-mimamsa philosophy, "Everyone is born in different types or species of life according to his past activities, and he gets his next birth according to the activities of this life"
- One should not fear death. Rather, one should prepare oneself for the next birth. One should utilize one's time in this human form to end the process of birth and death
- One who cannot execute this yoga process completely cent per cent, he is given next birth a chance to take birth in a rich family or to get birth in a very pure family
- Only the devotees of Lord Visnu or Krishna can be purified, not the devotees of any demigod. They will have to wait for their next birth according to their own karma
- Prsadhra, because of his karma, was cursed to take his next birth as a sudra, but because he took to saintly life, specifically concentrating his mind always upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he became a pure devotee
- Pulastya begot in his wife, Havirbhu, one son of the name Agastya, who in his next birth became Dahragni. Besides him, Pulastya begot another very great and saintly son, whose name was Visrava
- Since King Puranjana thought of his wife at the time of death, he attained the body of a woman in his next birth
- Sinful persons automatically receive punishment in different types of bodies. The root cause of the punishment is that when one unnecessarily accumulates wealth, one becomes degraded, not knowing that his wealth will be finished with his next birth
- So long we have got lusty desires, we have to change our body, and that we do not know, what kind of body we are going to get next birth. Therefore, without knowing this, if we become mad after material profit, then less intelligent
- So one who has got this sacred thread, he is called dvijah, twice-born. Twice-born. Once born by the father and mother, and the next birth is given by the spiritual master and Vedic literature
- Still there is a science, Bhrgu-samhita, which will give you prediction of your next birth. Still there is science, Bhrgu-samhita. He'll give you description of three lives: your past life, present life and future life. Bhrgu-samhita
- The antiseptic potency of devotional service to the Lord is so great that it can neutralize the material infection even in the present life of a devotee. A devotee does not need to wait for his next birth for complete liberation
- The Buddhist cult also accepts the philosophy of transmigration, but the Buddhists do not properly explain the next birth. There are 8,400,000 species of life, and our next birth may be in any one of them; therefore this human body is not guaranteed
- The Christian religionists, they do not believe in the next birth, transmigration of the soul, something like that. So they do not believe also in the fruitive activities' resultant action of our past life
- The conditioned soul may have one kind of body in the present birth, but he has a different body in the next birth. In the material world, the living entity has no fixed body but transmigrates from one body to another. BG 1972 purports
- The death of an ordinary man occurs against the background of his past good and evil deeds, which determine his next birth. But for a devotee the case is different
- The demoniac person may not agree to accept the supremacy of the Lord, and it is a fact that he may act according to his own whims, but his next birth will depend upon the decision of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and not on himself. BG 1972 purports
- The father and mother of the material body are so only in one birth, and in the next birth the father and mother may be a different couple
- The first time I was known as Prsnigarbha, born of Prsni and Sutapa, in the next birth I was Upendra, born of Aditi and Kasyapa, and now for the third time I am born as Krsna from you, Devaki and Vasudeva
- The individual soul finally changes the body at death and transmigrates to another body; and since it is sure to have another body in the next birth - either material or spiritual. BG 1972 purports
- The individual soul finally changes the body itself in transmigrating from one to another. And since it is sure to have another body in the next birth, either material or spiritual, there was no cause for lamentation by Arjuna on account of death
- The next birth takes place when one is initiated by the spiritual master, and this birth is called savitra. The third birth, called yajnika, takes place when one is given the opportunity to worship Lord Visnu
- The next symptom of the age of Kali is that principles of religion, which are all spotlessly white, like the white lotus flower, will be attacked by the uncultured sudra population of the age
- The statement in Bhagavad-gita that the mental situation at the time of death is the basis of the next birth is also corroborated in this verse - SB 3.26.34
- The word dvija means "twiceborn." One is first born through the womb of a mother, and one's next birth is given by the spiritual master and Vedic knowledge
- These materialistic persons, denying the next birth, denying sinful activities, denying God, they're closing their eyes, that "There is no danger. Let us go on doing all this nonsense." But that will not save
- They (low family born) have to await their next birth in a family of brahmanas so that they can perform the Vedic rituals. But actually that is not the case. Such a man does not need to wait for the next birth to become purified. He is at once purified
- They (some rascal philosophers) propagate this philosophy that "Unless you are bodily stout and strong, you cannot achieve spiritual salvation. You must be very strong and stout and eat meat and fight, and then you'll get next spiritual birth." No
- This is the ultimate goal of life, that we have to stop the cycle. Punar-janma-jayaya (Ramayana). To conquer over next birth
- This is the verdict of Krsna. At the time of death, whatever thought is there, you get next birth a similar body
- Those who are more advanced, they will get their next birth in a pious brahmana family, very pure brahmana family or Vaisnava family
- Today I have got this body, Indian; tomorrow I may get American. Tomorrow means next birth. Next birth another, next birth another, next birth another - it is going on, going on. There is no stoppage, this transmigration of the soul
- We should not take the risk of next birth. In this life, in this birth, we should make a permanent solution of all miseries. That is Krsna consciousness
- When one takes advantage of this opportunity, he is assured of a human form of life in the next birth, or he may be liberated completely and go back home, back to Godhead
- While living, a cruel person creates a hellish condition for his next birth, and therefore he should not live; but he is also advised not to die, because after death he must go to the darkest region of hell. Thus in either circumstance he is condemned