Category:My Sending (Prabhupada)
Pages in category "My Sending (Prabhupada)"
The following 89 pages are in this category, out of 89 total.
- Amongst the papers you will find one copy of literature of my Srimad-Bhagavatam and if you have no objection to mail such literatures then I can send you copies as many as you may desire
- As I am planning to go out of Bombay in ten days time, I have sent a copy of your letter to my old friend and associate, Dr. G. Ghosh. Kindly see him. I have requested him to engage some lawyer for this purpose
- As usual, I shall send "KRISHNA" tapes to your husband with hints for you about the pictures so you and your husband can send me the complete materials for the final printing. Please consider these suggestions and do the needful
- As you are trying your best to make our preaching propaganda as most authoritative on the Vedic culture, Krsna will certainly help you. I think the book which I have sent you will help and the balance Krsna will teach you
- For Caitanya-caritamrta 19 pages of manuscript were sent yesterday and today they are sending 30 pages. So you go on making Caitanya-caritamrta and print chapterwise, and that will be very nice
- For editing the Sanskrit words you can send me a list of the words, and I shall send you the correct diacritic marks
- I am advising my Bombay center with a copy of this letter to send you the latest amended copy of the Rules of the Society. It is not yet settled up as to those who will be the Trustees. When I return to India, I shall send you the list
- I am also glad to hear that the tape recording in Hindi is being appreciated. If you want, I can send you more
- I am arranging to collect and send money from here for the Vrindaban project and I also want you to concentrate on collecting there. We want to finish this project as soon as possible so that we will have our Center firmly fixed up in Vrindaban
- I am creating householder, ideal householder. And my ideas are being fruitful. Here in London I sent six householders, and they are doing nice; sincerely they are working. Therefore I am very much proud of them
- I am glad that you are typing the remaining portion of KRSNA, and then I shall send the second part of KRSNA also for editing. Your husband wanted from me a specific duty, and I think the best part of his valor can be utilized in editorial work
- I am negotiating with one Mr. Javarali for purchasing a piece of land priced near about 13,000 Rs. Now, if I send you the equivalent in American dollars, whether it will be possible for you to pay him the above approximate price?
- I am sending Bali Mardan to Australia to act as GBC for Australia and New Zealand until the Mayapur festival next year. Now you may concentrate on Hawaii and Japan
- I am sending you therefore one copy of Gayatri mantra on a small tape along with specific directions for performing the ceremony. Also enclosed you will find one sacred thread duly sanctified by me and it is for Dharmaraj
- I am sure your father will be responsive and gradually our mission may be successful. I am always praying to Krishna to protect you because I know purposefully I have sent you in a fiery condition of maya
- I am very eager for you to develop your area and so far there is good promise of our successful preaching work there. I have already notified other centers to send immediately literatures to you, and I am now printing again third edition KRSNA book
- I am very glad to hear that the building work is going on with full speed, including both day & night shifts of workers. Do not worry, I am sending you two first-class men from England, both of them have got good experience in engineering & building work
- I am very much satisfied with your transliteration and request you to transliterate the 2nd Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, and the original text is sent herewith
- I am writing this letter to inform you that I am now sending Bhagavata dasa brahmacari there to Fiji to be co-manager with your good self. This man is very experienced in the Gujarati communities
- I beg to inform you that the value of the invoice has been increased from Rs. 3,252.60 to Rs. 4,096.00 on account of some mistake in calculation. I am now on touring, therefore I cannot send you immediately the amended invoice
- I beg to thank you very much for your letter dated 8th August, 1971 as well as your Vyasa Puja offering, so nicely composed. I am sending it off to Satsvarupa for future publication
- I cannot continue to send so much money if there is no clear idea how to save
- I do not know what is the length and breadth of the space, but a throne of Radha Krishna may be made exactly on the pattern of Los Angeles, and the sample picture is sent herewith for your guidance
- I do not wish to put your wife into trouble for the money which she faithfully loaned to the Society. So kindly let me know that you are going to repay her loan. Otherwise I shall send her the money
- I have a plan for opening 108 centers all over America, Europe, Canada, Japan, and Australia. I have got at present 26 centers. I have sent some of my devotees in Germany where people are more interested in this Hare Krsna movement
- I have again begun translating work and have so far sent Satsvarupa Prabhu three tapes from 4th Canto, 8th chapter, and will be sending many more
- I have already sent you one note about Pradyumna's hospital bill, & as soon as I hear from you, I shall arrange to send you $500 from my personal book fund. I am told by some of my students here that it is very easy to pay the bills by small installment
- I have gone through the blueprint and I am also sending the necessary Sanskrit corrections to Pradyumna. So when these corrections are made then you can print immediately
- I have looked over the blueprint and noted a few points to be corrected, so I am sending back the blueprint to you for seeing the necessary changes as they are in the text
- I have seen your poetry and it is very nice. Try to write more and to have it published. If you like, I can send you more topics to write poetries about and to versify into the German language
- I have sent a letter to your government asking them questions that you write on the bills, "In God We Trust." So you trust in God blindly or knowingly? That was my question. Suppose I trust you. you must be trustworthy. Otherwise why shall I trust you?
- I have sent two tapes to Satsvarupa with a note to Jadurani. Please ask them to take care of them and do the needful
- I have therefore decided to send more men from America to India to preach this cult all over the country. We require about 100 men minimum, out of whom there are about 40 men in Calcutta and Bombay and other places
- I may inform you that I am sending Subaladas Swami along with three other men Australia to assist you
- I may inform you that I have today sent the following cable to Tusta Krsna Maharaja
- I sent Bhavananda there to Bombay to do the needful, and he was silent and went away. Enclosed also find my reply to Giriraja's letter. Now I want that both of you shall go to Bombay immediately for finishing up this conveyance matter immediately
- I sent you a telegram requesting you as follows: "Come immediately to Bombay. Everything is all right. Krsna will bless you." But I have received no word from you as yet. If you are not coming to India please let me know what your program will be
- I think you can take advice from Rupanuga Maharaj, as he is my authorized agent. So I am sending him your letter and a copy of this letter in this regard
- I very much appreciate your offering and I am sending Gopala Krishna das Adhikari along with one of our experienced photographers and filmmakers, Yadubara das Adhikari
- I want to send him some various literatures and pamphlets about our society. So you please send him some Back To Godheads, our new prospectus, and press cuttings, etc. which will be of good information for him
- I will have the papers sent through Lloyd's bank as I have an account with them in London. So you can find out the Lloyd's branch there. You can deposit all monies received from sales of the saris in the Lloyd's Bank
- I wish to inform you that I am sending one of my elder sannyasi disciples to Fiji for preaching and opening a Krishna consciousness temple there
- If you can confirm to me that there will be no charge for depositing, then I can send you checks. So please tell me what to do
- In India, from the very moment we stepped down from the airplane, there is good propaganda work going on. We are following the same principles as in the U.S.A. by sending Sankirtana Party and it appears to be very successful
- Inform your husband that I am seriously compiling one book "Nectar of Devotion'' about 400 pages. Therefore I am little slack in sending tapes of S.B
- It is understood that the Back To Godhead department is in debt by $52,000.00. I am very sorry that this has increased so much. Therefore I am sending $20,000.00. So please continue to print Back To Godhead magazine without hesitation
- Of course, I am traveling all over the world. It may not be possible for me to see you very frequently. But I expect to come again and again. But I entrust the matter to you all. I'll send help also as far as possible
- One thing, that we have got this salagrama-sila. So if you like to personally worship, we can keep it. Otherwise I am sending to Bombay
- Our initiated members must be in the majority, and if any deed has to be prepared then I shall send you the wordings. If not, verbally is all right. If they want to make any documents, that must be approved by me
- Our new temple house is very, very nice, and the boys and girls here have renovated and decorated it very gorgeously. When the temple room is complete with the new altars, thrones, etc. I will send you some pictures
- Our program in Surat is going on very well. I have just finalized the arrangements for my coming to Calcutta and you may revise the information sent in my previous letter
- Recently I have given Sannyas order of life to six Brahmacaris. They have been sent in different parts of the country for preaching work
- Recently I have given Sannyas order of life to six Brahmacaris. They have been sent in different parts of the country for preaching work and two of them might go with me to join you
- Recently, I had sent one letter to reply Tusta Krsna's questions about Siddha Svarupa, namely, that Siddha Svarupa may be pure devotee, but so all of you are also pure devotees
- Regarding a branch in the Fiji Islands, if you can open immediately a center in the very near future I will be able to send some Hindi knowing Indians to assist the preaching work there
- Regarding initiation of the new devotees, I am sending herewith the names against each of them, the beads may be chanted upon by you and delivered by regular ritualistic ceremony
- Regarding the tapes; I think the distribution to many centers is becoming puzzling. Therefore, I will send the tapes one to Boston and the other to Detroit alternately. I think that will solve the problem
- Since leaving India, I have not heard from you. Gurudas has written that the work has stopped in Vrndaban for want of finances. What is the position of your collections in Delhi? I am arranging to collect and send money from here for the Vrindaban project
- Since Neal is not available here, I am sending the recorded tapes to New York for typing as you have the Dictaphone there
- So far as the new book, "Krishna'', I have already sent suggestions to Jadurani, and as soon as the pictures are drawn, I will send to you the tapes. In this way the Krishna book will be completed
- So far my certificates are concerned, if the originals are required I can send them, but I hope that these offset duplicates are as good as the original and I hope you will make proper use of them
- Sri Jayadayal Dalmia has requested me to send you our edition of Bhagavad-gita As It Is because you are collecting all different editions of the Gita
- The brahmacaris and I use very simple clothes here. I am sending you a photograph to show how I live here. I am making the Americans wear brahmacari robes, and shave up. If a brahmacari from India dresses like an American he will not be appreciated
- The copy of my recent speech on Krishna Consciousness I will send to him. Also, I am sending you one copy of said speech, and it may be published in Back to Godhead
- The Krishna Consciousness movement is being popularized here by three principles: by temple worship, by sending Sankirtana Party for chanting in the streets and by distribution of small booklets
- The purpose of sending this money is to construct our Krsna-Balarama temple at Raman Reti in Vrindaban. This money is a contribution of my ISKCON temples here in the U.S.A
- The purpose of sending this money is to purchase Brass Deities from Vrindaban
- The tapes of these lectures have been sent to L.A. via one devotee returning to Washington D.C
- The temple is a place not for eating and sleeping, but as a base from which we send out our soldiers to fight with maya
- There is no question of asking you to go away from Bhaktivedanta Manor. I have received word also from other sources that the situation has improved since you have come there. I have sent a detailed letter to Mukunda and this explains my desire
- There is very good chance to open a branch there, and they have invited us, and 10 or 15 people are ready to attend our meetings, so I am thinking of sending Mahapurusa there, with some other assistant
- This morning we held a meeting of GBC members, and I have sent a telegram addressed to Karandhara as follows
- Today I am sending you two Krishna Conscious lectures, tape recorded into the dictaphone. Please write them properly and send me one copy
- Today I have sent you the first installment of "Narada Bhakti Sutras". Please let me know how do you like it or if there is any difficulty to understand it. On hearing from you I shall take up the next installment
- We are also negotiating to go to Russia also. There is chance of going to China also. We are attempting. We have already sent two boys to Pakistan - one in Dacca and one in Karachi
- We can send you unlimited number of books. You simply have to apply your brain how to sell them. Then you will have plenty of money
- What you are now doing on the Bhagavad Gita manuscript is alright, do it nicely. I have got the second part of Krsna also. I want to send it to you, so when you are free let me know and I will send it
- Yes, everyone of you should write something, so if you have completed any small booklets, you may send them to me and I shall see them and send to Hayagriva for possibly printing
- Yes, we must set up our society as a school as best we can - I have already sent you letter. Please formulate the whole curriculum because we have to immediately submit to the Draft department & if this is accepted that will be great gain for our society
- You may see a letter I have just sent yesterday to Rupanuga Goswami in which I have described the need for our political devotees to always stay firmly fixed up in the regulative principles so they will be actually brahmins
- You should practice developing your good painting skills very thoroughly, and if you are ready, I can send to you many Bhagavatam pictures to do
- You simply send me now the manuscripts as required by you, and I shall send back either dictaphone tapes or tape-recorder cassettes. There is presently shortage of tape-recorder cassettes here in India, so if you can send a few that would be a help
- Your original set of beads was lost in the mail and did not arrive in the packet with your letter of initiation. Brahmananda has sent one set of new tulsi beads, and I have duly chanted upon them and I am sending them to you enclosed herewith
- Your Trial Balance is very good, and it should be an example to all the other centers. I am sending a copy of it to all the other centers