Pages in category "Mere"
The following 65 pages are in this category, out of 65 total.
- A mere drop of Krsna’s sweetness can drown these three worlds - Goloka Vrndavana, Hari-dhama (Vaikunthaloka) and Devi-dhama (the material world)
- Activities performed in full knowledge strengthen one's advancement in real knowledge. Without Krsna consciousness, mere renunciation of fruitive activities does not actually purify the heart of a conditioned soul. BG 1972 purports
- Admitted for proper qualification and not purpose of a mere show
- After getting an impetus in spiritual life, Sri Narada Muni, even though a mere child, did not waste time for a single moment with economic development, although he passed towns and villages, mines and industries
- All the samskaras, purificatory processes, are not mere formalities or social functions only, but they are all for practical purposes and can be successfully performed by expert brahmanas like Dhaumya and Krpa
- Although out of ignorance one might claim that mere mortals are God, that does not change the reality - that man is always man and God is always God, and never otherwise
- As far as Arjuna is concerned, he says that his illusion is over. This means that Arjuna no longer thinks of Krsna as a mere human being, as a friend of his, but as the source of everything. BG 1972 purports
- At present, "Might makes right" is gradually taking the place of morality and justice. There is practically no more family life, and the union of man and woman is gradually degrading to the standard of mere sexuality
- At Ramesvara, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had a chance to read the Kurma Purana, in which He discovered that the form of Sita kidnapped by Ravana was not that of the real Sita but a mere shadow representation
- Both the mother and the son were lamenting Dhruva Maharaja's having been insulted by his stepmother and his father's not having taken any step on this issue. But mere lamentation is useless - one should find out the means to mitigate one's lamentation
- By realized knowledge, one becomes perfect. By transcendental knowledge one can remain steady in his convictions, but by mere academic knowledge one can be easily deluded and confused by apparent contradictions. BG 1972 purports
- Foolish people do not realize the true value of this movement, but the mere fact that they want to criticize it gives them a chance to chant Hare Krsna, and this is its success
- For scholars who have simply studied Vedic literature by way of speculation or out of mere academic interest, Krsna is not easy to understand. BG 1972 purports
- I am merely an insignificant jiva, so what power do I have to give directions to You? By Your own personal choice You will meet with the King. I shall see it
- If one doesn't accept Krsna as the Supreme, he will think the chapter to be a mere exaggeration. This is especially the case with the verses dealing with Krsna's relationship with His creation - BG 9.4
- If one thinks that the worshipable salagrama-sila is a mere stone, that the spiritual master is an ordinary human being he is considered a naraki, a candidate for hellish life
- If one's mind is distracted from worship, a mere show of worship will not be of any benefit
- It is to be understood that a mere partial manifestation of His (Krsna's) pastimes in Goloka, Mathura and Dvaravati, or Dvaraka, can overflood the whole universe with love of Godhead
- Just after the advent of Shri Krishna, even while He was a mere child, even then Kamsa, Putana, Aghasura, Bakasura, Gardhabasu, Pralambasura and other such demons tried their best to kill Shri Krishna. But their attempts failed
- Just try to understand the mighty strength of My maya in the shape of woman, who by the mere movement of her eyebrows can keep even the greatest conquerors of the world under her grip
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was not a mere tax collector. He was always conscious of his duty as a king, which is no less than that of a father or spiritual master
- Mere sastra jnana, or knowledge in the Vedas, does not help anyone understand the Personality of Godhead. Only one who is favored or shown mercy by the Lord can understand Him
- Mucukunda replied as follows, "Grant me the power to burn to ashes, by my mere glance, anyone who disturbs my sleeping and awakens me untimely. Please give me this benediction"
- O mighty conqueror of enemies, there is no end to My divine manifestations. What I have spoken to you is but a mere indication of My infinite opulences. BG 10.40 - 1972
- Of course, we cannot divide the tip of a hair into such fine particles, but spiritually such small particles can exist. Spiritual strength is so powerful that a mere atomic portion of spirit can be the biggest brain in the material world
- One must taste the nectar of devotion by reason, argument and knowledge, and then he must pass it on to others. One should not think that Krsna consciousness is mere sentimentality. The dancing and singing are all scientific
- One who is expert in devotional service calls such symptoms raty-abhasa, a mere glimpse of attachment
- People should not think that the devotees of Krsna are mere sentimentalists. On the contrary, the devotees are the greatest philosophers and the greatest scientists
- Prahlada Maharaja, in his prayers, has described the transcendental qualities of the Lord and has also described how the various abodes of the demigods and demons, regardless of how materially opulent, are destroyed by the mere direction of the Lord
- So if it is the deluded who despise Lord Krsna, then is it not time for Dr. Radhakrishnan himself to admit that he is guilty of this crime? Let him realize how he has abused the "Lord of all existences," equating Him with a mere mortal
- Srila Rupa Gosvami offers his obeisances unto Krsna by saying, "Krsna, who is present as a human being, has as His mere shadow the whole material nature"
- Such a manifestation of divine love is mere imitation and has no value. When one is actually spontaneously attracted to the loving principles of the gopis, there will be found no trace of any mundane contamination in his character
- The audience in the wrestling arena was not very much satisfied because the combatants did not appear to be equally matched. They considered Krsna and Balarama to be mere boys before Canura and Mustika
- The classification of brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra is never made with reference to 1's accidental birth - any more than someone could become a medical practitioner by some mere birthright, simply because he happened to be the son of a noted doctor
- The father gives seeds to the womb of the mother for the child, and similarly the Supreme Lord by His mere glance injects all the living entities into the womb of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity is individual, but the body is a composition of many material elements. This is proved by the fact that as soon as the living entity quits this combination of material elements, it becomes a mere conglomeration of matter
- The Lord says in the Bhagavad-gita, "The asuras' view of this cosmic manifestation is that the whole creation is false. The asuras think that the mere interaction of matter is the source of the creation and that there is no controller or God"
- The Lord says that only the foolish take Him to be a mere human being. Such foolish men are not aware of His inconceivable energies
- The mahatmas have shown the perfect path of charity: devotional service to the Lord. If anyone ignores this path and instead builds hospitals, his effort to help humanity is a mere pretense
- The sacrifice performed in knowledge is better than the mere sacrifice of material possessions
- The Siddhas are inhabitants of Siddhaloka, where the residents travel in space without vehicles. At their mere will they can pass from one planet to another without difficulty
- There are many kinds of cheaters all over the universe. Of all cheating processes, gambling stands supreme and therefore represents Krsna. As the Supreme, Krsna can be more deceitful than any mere man. BG 1972 purports
- There are various kinds of good works for material benefits, but the holy name and His chanting are not mere auspicious holy services. Undoubtedly the holy name is holy service, but He should never be utilized for such purposes
- This mere boy has blocked my intelligence. I can therefore understand that mother Sarasvati has become angry with me
- Those who are of the opinion that the devotees of the Lord are satisfied with mere sentiments can find in the inquiries of Maharaja Pariksit good lessons as to how inquisitive a pure devotee is to know things in their true perfection
- Water is the substance most needed in the desert. The transient pleasure derived from mundane topics of art, culture, politics, sociology, dry philosophy, poetry and so on is compared to a mere drop of water - in CC Adi 2.2
- We don't simply say, "No illicit sex," "No intoxication," and so on. Mere negativity has no meaning; there must be something positive, because everyone wants engagement. That is because we are living entities, not dead stones
- When He (Nimai) was a mere baby crawling in the yard, one day a snake appeared before Him, and the Lord began to play with it. All the members of the house were struck with fear and awe, but after a little while the snake went away
- When I (Narada Muni) was a mere child of five years, I lived in a brahmana school. I was dependent on my mother's affection and had no experience of different lands
- When no more trees were available, Dvivida took help from the hills and threw large pieces of stone, like rainfall, upon the body of Balarama. Lord Balarama, in a great sporting mood, began to smash those big pieces of stone into mere pebbles
- Without Krsna consciousness, mere renunciation of fruitive activities does not actually purify the heart of a conditioned soul
- Yamunacarya, a great acarya, said that ever since he had seen the charming pastimes of the Lord, the charms of sex life had become abominable for him, and the mere thought of sex enjoyment would cause him to spit and turn his face
- You should know that the value of accepting a bona fide spiritual master is more than we can calculate. It is not a mere formality