Category:Lower Animals
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Pages in category "Lower Animals"
The following 87 pages are in this category, out of 87 total.
- A civilized man must be twice-born, otherwise he is no more than the lower animals
- A grhastha should be very much affectionate toward lower animals, birds and bees, treating them exactly like his own children
- Above the human beings there are demigods. As we human beings are above the lower animals, above us there are demigods, the most important of whom are Lord Brahma and Lord Siva
- According to the laws of man, a person may be hanged when he commits homicide, but he is not hanged when he kills lower animals. But according to the laws of God, one commits the same sin by killing a lower animal as he does by killing a man
- According to the results of my fruitive activities, I transmigrate from one body to another, sometimes going to the species of the demigods, sometimes to the species of lower animals, sometimes among the vegetables, and sometimes to the human species
- According to these transcendentalists, even lower animals like cats and dogs are also concerned primarily with two things, namely, themselves and the world at large
- Even the most ferocious lower animals, such as tigers, can be tamed simply by regularly supplying meals and accommodations for sleeping. Only snakes cannot be tamed by such an arrangement
- Even the society of lower animals, the birds and bees, cleverly manages its bodily demands of eating, sleeping and mating
- Even the souls embodied in lower animals, insects, trees and other species of life also become purified and prepared to become fully Krsna conscious simply by hearing the transcendental vibration
- Extensively ignorant, they (lower animals) can know their desirables only by smell, and by such intelligence only can they understand what is favorable and unfavorable. Their knowledge is concerned only with eating and sleeping
- Family attachment can be found even in the lower animals, who take care of children also. BG 1972 purports
- From the Vedas we understand that He (God) is supplying everyone's necessities, and we can actually see that the lower animals, the birds and the bees, have no business or profession, yet they are not dying for want of food
- Human civilization devoid of Krsna consciousness is simply a civilization of lower animals. Sometimes such a civilization may study the dead body and consider the brain or the heart important
- Human intelligence is there to enquire about the Absolute Truth. So they have got better developed consciousness or intelligence than the lower animals. So that higher intelligence should be utilized for enquiring about the Absolute Truth
- I am a human being and others are lower animals, that is the greatest abhimana. That is also, what is called, false ego. Human being or animal, they are not different, because the body is made of the same ingredient
- If one is actually in knowledge, brahma-jnana, he thinks in the same way that "The lower animals, they are also our family members. And if I kill him for my satisfaction, my sense satisfaction, it is great sinful act."
- If the birthrate of human beings is increasing, then the birthrate of other living beings is increasing proportionately. The birthrate of lower animals-beasts, aquatics, birds, etc.-is far greater than that of human beings
- If the nature law allows sense gratification to the lower animals, birds and beast, why not to the man? But it should be controlled. Tapasya. So this is also tapasya
- If we have no wife or child, we have to catch some dog or other lower animal in order to serve it. That is our nature. We are compelled to do it
- If you have got intelligence, if you utilize it, then life's profit is there. If you don't utilize it, then you remain lower-grade animal
- In India, those who are meat-eaters, they are advised - that is also under restriction - advised to kill some lower animals like goats, even up to buffaloes. But cow killing is the greatest sin
- In the creation, during Brahma's day, the three planetary systems - Svarga, Martya and Patala - revolve, and the inhabitants, including the lower animals, human beings, demigods and Pitas, appear and disappear in terms of their fruitive activities
- In the lower animals sometimes the father-mother eat the offspring, but in the history of human society it has not come into notice that the father and mother eating the offspring. But time has come when the mother is killing offspring
- In the material concept of life we are busy in the matter of sense gratification as if we were in the lower animal stage
- In the Vedic culture those who are meat-eaters are recommended to eat the flesh of goats, dogs, hogs, or other lower animals, but never the flesh of cows, the most important animals
- In the Vedic instruction we see that the cow dung, it is the stool of an animal also, lower animal than the man, and it is pure, it is said. So you have to accept pure
- In this life we have to prepare ourselves for promotion to the next life. Those who are in the mode of rajo-guna are generally interested in being promoted to the heavenly planets. Some, unknowingly, are degraded to lower animal forms
- Isvara, the Supreme Lord, is staying within the heart of every living entity. So every living entity means He is staying even with the cats, dogs, hogs, or any lower type of animal
- It is for all living entities, not that I shall simply give protection to my brother, my sister or my father, but even to the lowest animal we shall give protection. This is Krsna consciousness
- It is said that the asuras are put into lower and lower states of ignorance life after life and so sink to the lower animal forms and have no information of the Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead
- Like the air passing through different types of atmosphere, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although appearing sometimes as a human being and sometimes as a lower animal, is always transcendental
- Lord Siva said, "At the end of this creation, all manifestations of Your (Krsna's) energies, whether in the shape of demigods, human beings or lower animals, enter into You"
- Lower animals have knowledge only of their hunger and thirst. They have no acquired knowledge, no vision. Their behavior exhibits no dependence on formalities
- Lower animals, created by the laws of nature to disturb the human being, are not subjected to punishment
- O Bhimasena, tiger amongst men, now useful animals like cows are passing me (Yudhisthira Maharaja) on my left side, and lower animals like the asses are circumambulating me. My horses appear to weep upon seeing me
- O my friends, O sons of demons, everyone, including you (the Yaksas and Raksasas), the unintelligent women, sudras and cowherd men, the birds, the lower animals and the sinful living entities, can revive his original, eternal spiritual life
- O purest Vidura, of the lower animals the cow, goat, buffalo, krsna stag, hog, gavaya animal, deer, lamb and camel all have two hooves
- Of the lower animals the cow, goat, buffalo, krsna stag, hog, gavaya animal, deer, lamb and camel all have cloven hooves
- Oh, why for the benefit of the human being, other animals' throat should be cut? Even they have no common sense. National. National means one who is born in that land. That is national. So why the animals born in that land, they are not national
- One should not offer any foodstuff to the Deity which has been seen by dogs or other lower animals. 5) One should not break the silence while worshiping
- One who is in the bodily conception of life is compared in the sastras to animals like cows and asses. Diti wanted to punish Indra, who had become like a lower animal
- That theory is also wrong that lower type of animals were first created. No. All different varieties were, all were existing
- The activities of the body, there is no difference between the lower animals and the higher animals; or, in other words, without spiritual conception of life, simply in the bodily conception of life we are equal with the animals
- The communists of the present day are in favor of supplying the necessities of life to everyone, but they consider only the human beings and not the lower animals
- The created beings are of many varieties, such as the demigods, human beings and lower animals, and all of them are subject to the reactions of their past good or bad activities. BG 1972 purports
- The government shouldn't allow you to keep slaughterhouses. If anyone wants to eat meat, let them eat like tigers and others. Individually, kill one animal - a lower animal, not cows. This should be the government law
- The hills and mountains began to produce potent medicinal plants and valuable stones. Because of Krsna's presence, all these things happened very nicely, and the lower animals, who were generally envious of one another, were envious no longer
- The human life is a chance to understand God in the lower animal life there is no such chance
- The human race is more concerned now with subject matters related to eating, sleeping, defending, and gratifying the senses, much as are the lower animals
- The impersonalist argues on the strength of the Vedic version given in the Svetasvatara Upanisad: In the material world Brahma, the primeval living entity, is understood to be the supreme amongst the demigods, human beings and lower animals. BG 1972 pur
- The individual soul, from Lord Brahma down to the ant, exhibits his spiritual potency according to his present body. The demigods are in the same category with the individual souls in the bodies of human beings or in the bodies of lower animals
- The learned sages inform us that one takes his birth in India, the holy land of Bharata-varsa, after the gradual process of evolution through 8,400,000 species of life, 3,000,000 lower-animal species, and 400,000 human species
- The living entity, as he develops from lower animal life to a higher human being and gradually to higher intelligence, becomes anxious to get free from the clutches of death
- The lower animals serve human beings as servants serve their master. BG 1972 Introduction
- The lower animals than the human being, they have no economic problem. They are freely living. In the morning they do not care where they shall eat. But there is eating
- The lower animals, the birds and the bees, have no business or profession, yet they are not dying for want of food. They are all living in nature's way, and they all have the necessities of life provided - namely eating, sleeping, mating and defending
- The problems for lower animal is there when they are in the city, but if they live natural life, there is no problem
- The so-called modern leader, he is a pasu, animal. And who exalts them? Sva-vid-varahostra-kharah: other lower animals like dogs, the hogs, sva-vid-varaha, camel and ass. So one big animal is being praised by these kinds of animals
- The tiger can kill a lower animal for his subsistence, but a man cannot kill an animal for his subsistence. That is the law of God, who has created the law that a living being subsists by eating another living being
- The uncivilized state of life, or the life of the lower animals, is controlled by the mode of tamas. The civilized life of man, with a passion for various types of material benefits, is the stage of rajas
- The varnasrama-dharma is prescribed for the civilized human being just to train him to successfully terminate human life. Self-realization is distinguished from the life of the lower animals engaged in eating, sleeping, fearing and mating
- The word nrnam indicates that lower animals are not expected to engage in the devotional service of the Lord. But in perfect human society everyone should engage in the ds of the Lord. It does not matter whether one is born poor or rich, black or white
- There are some necessities of life on a par with those of the lower animals, and they are eating, sleeping, fearing and mating. These bodily demands are for both the human beings and the animals
- They (legitimate and illegitimate human) may be civilized or uncivilized, they may be learned or illiterate, they may be powerful or weak, but such illegitimate persons, generally known as outlaws, always act like the lower animals
- They may be civilized or uncivilized, they may be learned or illiterate, they may be powerful or weak, but illegitimate persons, generally known as outlaws, always act like the lower animals. There is no good in them, in spite of all appearances
- This (giving protection to all living beings) is not the case with the presidents and dictators of this demoralized system of administration, where the lower animals are given no protection while the higher animals are given so-called protection
- This human civilization, human being, human form of life, was given by God or the nature for cultivating Krsna consciousness, spiritual. That is not possible in the lower form of life, animals, the cats and dogs
- This is real God consciousness, yes, not that "I am God conscious, and I kill the animals." That is not God conscious. To accept the trees, plants, lower animals, insignificant ants even, as brothers
- Those who are engaged in karma-kanda and jnana-kanda are doomed in the sense that everyone is doomed who is entrapped by this material body, whether it is a body of a demigod, a king, a lower animal or whatever
- Those who are meat-eaters, they have been recommended to eat the flesh of goats or other lower animals - sometimes dogs also they eat, or the hogs - you can eat. But never the flesh of cows. So, innocent animal, the most important animal
- Those who desire to eat meat may satisfy the demands of their tongues by eating lower animals, but they should never kill cows, who are actually accepted as the mothers of human society because they supply milk
- Ultimately such activities end in death. Materialists do not consider that after giving up the body they may become embodied as lower animals, plants or trees
- Unless one comes to this ananda-maya stage, his breathing is like the breathing of a bellows in a blacksmith's shop, his duration of life is like that of a tree, and he is no better than the lower animals like the camels, hogs and dogs
- We are indebted to the general public for politics and sociology, and we are also indebted to lower animals such as horses, cows, asses, dogs and cats
- We are not powerful enough to enchant the lower animals such as tigers, snakes, cats and dogs or entice them to dance, but by chanting the holy names of the Lord we can actually convert many people throughout the world to Krsna consciousness
- We should not forget that the potencies of the Almighty Lord are always the same and do not decrease because the Lord assumes the form of a lower animal
- When he (a person) has undergone different hellish lives, namely those of lower animals like cats, dogs and hogs, by the gradual process of evolution he again comes back as a human being
- When the living entity is born in a species of lower animals, he completely forgets his relationship with the Lord and therefore remains always busy in the matter of eating, sleeping, fearing, and mating
- When You (Krsna) look on the hills, rivers and lower animals, they are all glorified, and the gopis, being embraced by Your transcendental arms, are also glorified
- You can kill one lower animal, not cow. The cow is not available in the jungle. You can have some deer or some boar. So these unimportant animals were killed by them. That is the sixth class, not the 1st class, second class, third class, fourth class. No
- You will find even in the lower animals, they are eating one another. That is the law of nature