Category:Krsna Is Helping Us (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Krsna Is Helping Us (Disciples of SP)"
The following 65 pages are in this category, out of 65 total.
- Actually, nothing in Krishna consciousness is an accident, but sometimes Krishna will put us into a seemingly unfavorable situation just to help us realize that he is the Controller
- Any devotee who has developed genuine Love for Krishna can also explain the truth about Krishna because Krishna helps such sincere devotee seated in his heart
- As a householder even there is some flaws in following the rules and regulations, it doesn't matter. You should try your best and with Krishna's help - Krishna will help you
- As you are all good souls Krishna will help you always in your business of Krishna Consciousness
- Because he cannot fix up his mind, he cannot work properly. Therefore he is called madman. So our process is that we cannot control the mind. But if we engage the mind on the lotus feet of Krsna, then everything is controlled. Krsna will help
- Because we cannot do it ourself, by our own endeavor, therefore we have to take shelter of Krsna. He will help
- By serving the spiritual master, you keep your weapon always sharpened. And then take help from Krsna, the words of spiritual master sharpen weapon and the spiritual master is happy, then Krsna immediately will help. He gives you strength
- Do not be worried by lying down. Chant Hare Krsna mantra and Krsna will help you to be free from this confinement very soon. In my previous letter I informed you that you better stick to the arcana bidhi of the temple
- Don't be agitated by trifle things. Remain steady and go on with preaching work. Krishna will help you in every way
- Don't try to manufacture some artificial process. The process I have already given. Now you simply have to follow it strictly and Krishna will give you all help
- I always remember you that you are such a sincere and good boy, and I am sure that Lord Krishna will help you more and more to advance in Krishna Consciousness
- I am always praying to Krishna to help you more and more so if you remember to always increase your efforts to make progress in spreading this movement, then Krishna will certainly save you, rest assured
- I am glad that you are working sincerely for spreading this Krishna Consciousness movement. Please continue in this way and Krishna will surely help you to advance more and more and finally to go back to Home, back to Godhead
- I am so much encouraged by your determined efforts. Please increase (task of giving real knowledge, Krishna consciousness) more and more, and Krishna will help you
- I am so pleased to learn about your slow but sure progress in the matter of your most glorious London yatra. I am sure Krishna will help you fully and do it seriously
- I am sure Krishna will help you more and more because you are sincere servant of Krishna
- I am very happy that you are taking a chance for Krishna, do everything very carefully and sincerely, Krishna will help you
- I do not know how I can help in great blunder. I can only hope that Krishna will help you
- I started this movement alone in a foreign country and Krsna gave me all success. Krsna will certainly help you if you simply remain sincere and try to present Krsna consciousness as it is
- I think it is good to remain financially poor because always we shall be able to pray Krishna, asking His help to execute His service. If all of a sudden we become very strong financially, Maya may dictate us for sense enjoyment
- I understand that Krishna has helped you with some source of income. All the money we require is simply to meet our necessities, and we do not require any more for the purpose of sense gratification
- I was maintaining the establishment simply depending on Krishna and then Krishna sent me everything - men and money. Similarly, if a sincere soul goes out and opens a center in any part of the world Krishna will help him in all respects
- I'm very happy to hear that you are once again in Berlin. When you first went to Germany by yourself, I was praying that Krishna would help you in every way to establish a center there in Berlin. Now you have done it by the grace of Krishna
- If each of us follow the regulative principles and chanting of the mantras hardly there will be any chance for sex indulgence. So we have to be little careful about it and Krsna will help us
- If we work sincerely without any material aspirations, Krishna will help in all respects, be assured. So far the donation of roses, utilize them nicely. There will be flowers for the deity, it will be a great service
- If you can write this book nicely all together, it will be a great service to Krsna. And Krsna will bless you and help you
- If you keep your heart in that attitude, that you want to become a pure and sincere devotee, you must be a sincere devotee. And Krishna will help you. You have to keep your heart in that way, that is your business
- If your parents don't receive you as their beloved son, I don't wish to keep you in that blazing fire. I thank you very much for the strength of your mind and Krishna will certainly help you
- In this way by Krishna Consciousness we can solve all the dogmatic confusions and speculations. This is the greatest need of the human beings and please try to do it as far as possible and Krishna will help you
- Keep yourself strong in all respects by following very carefully all of our rules and regulations without fail. If you try sincerely, Krishna will help you, He will supply all strength and ability
- Krishna as Paramatma Who is sitting within your heart is now dictating. Krishna is so kind that He wants to help us as Spiritual Master in two ways
- Krishna can help us immediately with all of His resources, but first of all He wants to see how much we can work seriously. So the more we become steady and serious, the more help we will have from Him, rest assured
- Krishna has been very kind to you that as soon as you have gone to Munich to open a new center, He has helped you with a very suitable accommodation
- Krishna will help, we do not rely on anything non-Krishna, but He will give facility when He sees we want it very, very seriously, working very hard and with great determination to get it, just to be able to serve Him better
- Krishna will send you help in men and money. So do not be agitated. If no one will come then you may live alone with Krishna and I am sure that Krishna will give you all facilities for progress in the very near future
- Krsna consciousness can be achieved simply by your intense desire that "This life I shall try to achieve favor of Krsna." Krsna will help you
- Krsna is always ready to help us, provided we are also ready to cooperate with Him. If we cooperate with Him, what Krsna desires, if we want to do little, immediately Krsna will help you. If you work one percent, Krsna will help you ten percent
- Krsna is so kind. Guru-krsna-krpa. Krsna is helping from within, but sometimes we are so dull, naturally, that we cannot understand. Therefore He sends His representative to instruct externally. So He is helping internally and externally
- Krsna is very kind. He is helping you in different ways. He is within your heart. Krsna is within your heart. Antaryami. Caitya-guru. And He is presenting Himself as spiritual master both ways, externally, internally. He is trying to help you
- Krsna is within you. He'll give you. As soon as you become a pure devotee, all dictation will come from within. And besides that, Krsna is helping, inside and outside. Outside is spiritual master; inside Krsna Himself. Where is the difficulty?
- Now keep yourself pure and Krsna will help you. Krsna has become merciful upon you. I am only the agent. He has special favor upon Americans, so tell your countrymen to take advantage and spread our teaching all over the world
- Now my request to you is that you go on faithfully chanting daily 16 rounds at least and follow all our principles, and Krsna will help you advance in Krsna consciousness
- Please continue to engage yourself in Krishna's service very sincerely and I am sure that Krishna will help you in all ways to advance more and more. I am always praying that Krishna will give you strength to continue to go on nicely
- Please go on with your program, preaching and distributing my books, encouraging others to remain pure by following our simple program of chanting, reading, Deity worship, etc. Krsna will certainly help you
- Please take nice care of him because there are so many good souls who we must inform of this most important philosophy, and when another man is sent by Krishna to help us it is our duty to help him understand Krishna Consciousness as far as possible
- Please try and render devotional service very carefully following all of the rules and regulations mentioned in our books. Always chant at least 16 good rounds daily. If you try very sincerely to do these things Krishna will help you
- Preaching is independent. If you have got desire, you can preach in any circumstances and Krsna will help you. I have practically experienced. I went to your country without any help, without any money. Alone
- Read Bhagavad-gita thoroughly, and be sincere and make your life successful. Don't be cheater. Read and follow, and Krsna will help you, this life. Don't expect another life to prepare
- Regarding salesmanship, it is a great art. It can be used for selling KC also. I am very much engladdened that you are so much enthusiastic, and you may know it that Krishna will help such enthusiastic devotees. May Krishna bless you all round
- Resourceful, you Americans. You can do this. There is scientist. So we have got the framework very nice. Now you can push on. It is a good movement for the benefit of the whole world. Krsna will help you. Krsna will recognize you. Go on pushing rightly
- Similarly, I came in New York, in 1965, in the same position, and gradually many students like you have come to me. So don't be disappointed. Do and try your best and Krishna will give you all help
- Simply be determined to practice the process of Bhakti-yoga with whatever abilities you may have. If you are really sincere, then Krishna will give you help
- So all of the girls you have mentioned, such as Ekayani, Kancanbala and Indira are similarly very good souls and I am always praying that Krishna will help you all more and more
- Subal is here have told him that Krishna is helping him in the matter of complete freedom from blood and bone. He is with me here and he is happy
- The basic principle of KC is to receive one & all as our Master, & serve them with prasadam as diet & Krishna Kirtana as medicine for being free from materially diseased condition. We shall follow this principle & Krishna will help us on our onward march
- The issue of Back To Godhead which you have sent me is very very nice, and Krishna is helping you for your sincere efforts. I hope you will continue this attitude and improve the quality and writing of Back To Godhead both nicely
- You are all intelligent boys, and you should be engaged in Krishna's service. Then He will give you all intelligence. So in every action we should always pray to Krishna for His help so that we may act it nicely
- You should know that it is all due to your sincerity of heart; when we are sincere, Krishna will always help us, either in external direction by the Spiritual Master, or internally by His Paramatma expansion
- Your description of Copenhagen is very encouraging, and I am also glad that you are realizing that actual help does come from Krishna. Our duty is to render service unto Him sincerely, and immediately Krishna arranges for all facilities
- Your siddhanta is correct to the sastra and in this way go on reading books and have the correct perception and Krsna will help you. siddhanta baliya citte na kara alasa iha haite krsna lage sudrdha manasa