Category:Krsna's Sending
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Pages in category "Krsna's Sending"
The following 129 pages are in this category, out of 129 total.
- A spiritual master takes his disciples as his spiritual master. That is the position. He thinks that, "Krsna has sent me so many spiritual master." He does not think himself as spiritual master, he thinks himself their servant
- After dispatching His (Lord Krsna's) queens along with their children and sending their necessary luggage ahead, He mounted His chariot, which bore the flag marked with the symbol of Garuda
- After Krsna returned from His teacher's home, He was pleased to see Uddhava, who happened to be His dearmost friend. Krsna wanted to send him to Vrndavana with a message to the residents to pacify their deep feelings of separation
- After returning home, he vividly informed Lord Krsna and Balarama of the actual situation in Hastinapura and the intentions of Dhrtarastra. Akrura was sent to Hastinapura by Krsna to study these, and by the grace of the Lord he was successful
- All the living entities in this material world have come here only because they wanted to be equal to Krsna in enjoyment and have thus been sent here to be conditioned by material nature in different degrees
- Although He (Krsna) appeared to be away from them, He could understand how they were transcendentally aggrieved, and so He immediately wanted to send Uddhava to give them a message of solace
- And because he is the most confidential servant of Krsna, therefore he is to be respected as good as Krsna. Because in our present position we cannot see Krsna, but Krsna sends His representative; therefore he is respected as Krsna
- As soon as the Lord finds that a particular soul is very eager to go back to Godhead, the Lord at once sends His bona fide representative. The sincere devotee is thus assured by the Lord of going back to Godhead
- Bahulasva said, "You (Krsna) have sent Your incarnation Nara-Narayana, who is engaged in severe austerities and penances at Badarinarayana"
- Because all living entities here are part and parcel of Krsna but are rotting in this material world, Krsna has a plan, a big plan to deliver them. Sometimes He comes to this world personally, and sometimes He sends His very confidential devotees
- Because of Dhruva Maharaja's determination, Krsna, the Supersoul, immediately sent His representative, Narada, to initiate him
- Because they have no Krsna consciousness, they do not know that these food grains belong to Krsna. He has sent. So instead of throwing in the ocean, it should be dispatched to the countries where there is scarcity
- Because we are following austerities, Krsna sends us nice things. So we are not losers. When you become Krsna-ized, then you get more comforts than at the present moment. That's a fact
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, "It is very difficult to conquer the tongue in this world, but You, dear Krsna, are very kind to us. You have sent this nice prasada to help us conquer the tongue"
- He (Kardama Muni) thought that "I wanted to marry, so Krsna has sent such a beautiful, exalted girl, daughter of the emperor . . ." So he accepted. And he (Vaivasvata Manu) left the daughter with Kardama Muni and he went away
- He (Krsna) comes and He sends His own, I mean to say, confidential sons or servants to give us information of the spiritual world of God, or everything, both material and spiritual. This knowledge is perfect knowledge
- He (Krsna) helps from within as stated in Bhagavad-gita, and He sends the spiritual master, who helps from without. The spiritual master is the external manifestation of the caitya-guru, or the spiritual master sitting in everyone's heart
- He (Krsna) sends some devotee in the garb of enemy and Krsna comes here to fight with him. At the same time, to teach us that becoming enemy, enemy of Krsna is not very profitable. Better become friend. That will be profitable
- He (Krsna) will directly speak with you. And so long you cannot, then He sends His representative, the spiritual master, the guru. You can ask through the spiritual master about Krsna. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah
- He comes personally, he comes as a devotee, and he sends His authorized devotee. So some way or other we have been entrusted to serve Krishna in this connection
- He sends some devotee in the garb of an enemy and comes here to this material world to fight with him. At the same time, the Lord teaches us that becoming His enemy is not very profitable and that it is better to become His friend
- I am glad that Giriraja is doing very nicely. Krishna has sent a good soul for pushing on this Krishna Consciousness Movement. Please keep him nicely
- I am pleased to know that you have fully distributed your money to my Book Fund and BTG, and as you are experiencing, Krishna will send you more
- I am very glad to hear that you are settling into some steady service. Krishna is sending us so many children and they must be nicely guided and educated so that they can grow up to become first-class Vaisnavas
- I came to this foreign country without any acquaintance. So Krsna has sent so many fathers to love me. In that way I am fortunate. At the last stage if I live very peacefully, that is a great mercy of Krsna
- I had been feeling lonely although I had the mission of starting this Krishna Consciousness movement. So Krishna sent you to me, and therefore our meeting was also the desire of Krishna
- I remember the old days in San Francisco. Krsna has been so kind upon me to have sent so many sincere disciples to help me push on this Movement on behalf of my Guru Maharaj
- I went to your country with a mission & you all good souls were sent by Krishna to me. So let us cooperatively work together to vigorously spread Krishna Consciousness, to the suffering humanity at large
- If Krsna sends him food he will eat; otherwise he will starve. In our acarya-sampradaya, Madhavendra Puri, Bilvamangala Thakura, they were doing that
- If one becomes a sincere devotee and seriously engages in devotional service, Lord Krsna sends an instructing spiritual master to show him favor and invoke his dormant propensity for serving the Supreme
- If there is no jobs at all, then you can fully engage yourself in Krishna's job by chanting in the parks and public places, and certainly Krishna will send you salaries
- If we are sincere, we will get a sincere spiritual master by the grace of Krsna. If, however, we want to be cheated, Krsna will send us a cheater, and we will be cheated throughout our lives. That is actually going on
- If you are actually serious about Krsna, then Krsna will send you some of His representative and he will take charge of you. That is the process. If you do not find a guru, that means Krsna is not yet pleased, either you are not serious
- If you simply execute with full faith the instructions that I have already given you, then you will see so many people will be sent by Krsna to become devotees because of your sincerity
- In the meantime, the bee, flying hither and thither, appeared before Her again. She (Radharani) thought, "Krsna is still kind to Me. In spite of the messenger's carrying disruptive messages, He is so kind that He has again sent the bee to take Me to Him"
- It is not that Krsna is sending them. He is making his own path clear, either back to home, back to Godhead, or glide down to the darkest region of hell. Two things are there, and that opportunity is in the human form of life
- It was Krsna's special favor to Uddhava to send him to Vrndavana with a message for the residents there, which was meant to pacify them
- Just like we sometimes want to fight, mock fight. So in the Vaikuntha world there cannot be any fight. So because Krsna wanted to exercise His fighting spirit, He sent His devotee. He became enemy and He fought
- Just then, Rukmini, full of anxiety, saw the brahmana messenger. Krsna, being the Supersoul of all living beings, could understand Rukmini's anxiety; therefore He sent the brahmana inside the palace to let her know that He had arrived
- Krishna has sent you there and most likely I shall attend the New York Rathayatra. New York is the place where I first landed and now we have our own place and books, so if you do it very nicely it will be a great triumph
- Krishna has sent you to me to help me in my mission. As you are my sincere spiritual son, Krishna will dictate to you what to do in this connection. So I have full faith in you and you can determine as Krishna speaks within your heart
- Krishna is so pleased that He has sent me so many nice boys and girls to cooperate with my mission, and I am feeling very happy for this Grace of Krishna
- Krishna will send you help in men and money. So do not be agitated. If no one will come then you may live alone with Krishna and I am sure that Krishna will give you all facilities for progress in the very near future
- Krishna, sent Arjuna to Duryodhan for asking favor of giving the arrows to Arjuna. So as the promise was made, Duryodhan gave Arjuna the arrows, that night
- Krsna addressed the caretaker, "You miscreant caretaker, give way and let Me pass through the gate. If you block My way, I shall send you and your elephant to the house of death personified"
- Krsna also sends His representative, who says, - You rascal! Simply take shelter of Krsna and be happy
- Krsna always protects the living entities in many ways. He comes Himself, sends His own confidential devotees, and leaves behind Him sastras. Why? It is so that people may take advantage of the benediction to be liberated from the clutches of maya
- Krsna can become the director and spiritual master of anyone who is serious about getting the mercy of Krsna. The Lord sends the spiritual master to train a devotee, and when the devotee is advanced, the Lord acts as the spiritual master within his heart
- Krsna comes at intervals or sends His representative, the pure devotee. Sometimes He comes personally, and sometimes He sends His incarnation
- Krsna comes for this purpose (save us from the cycle of birth and death) and sends His devotees, who work day and night to propagate this Krsna consciousness movement
- Krsna comes like an ordinary human being, He comes as a devotee like Lord Caitanya, or He sends His representative, the spiritual master, or pure devotee. This is also the planned activity of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Krsna has sent you some new devotees, now keep them and train them. They should not feel inconvenience. As a matter of etiquette you should tell them that if they feel any inconvenience they should inform you and you can fix their situation
- Krsna has sent you to look after this Institution. And they are giving very good report that "Bhaktivedanta is..., is very big organization," and we have got land. Kindly try to improve it
- Krsna has sent you to our association, and I am sure you are intelligent enough to understand our philosophy. Please try to understand us without any doubt
- Krsna Himself comes to call us, and He gives us literatures as guidebooks and sends His bona fide representatives. We should take advantage of this facility given to human life
- Krsna is always merciful and He comes Himself, He leaves behind instruction like the Bhagavad Gita, etc. and He sends His representative, the Spiritual Master. In this way the merciful propaganda is going on
- Krsna is always trying. He's coming Himself as the Supreme Lord, He's coming as a devotee, He's sending His representative simply to canvass to come to the cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vrksa (Bs. 5.29), where there is eternal happiness, desire trees
- Krsna is explaining Himself in the Bhagavad-gita, Krsna is sending His representative acarya to teach you, and Krsna is within yourself trying to teach you if you are actually serious. Then where is the difficulty?
- Krsna is so kind that He gives His book, Bhagavad-gita, He sends His representative, He comes Himself as Lord Caitanya to deliver us; He sends Lord Jesus Christ. So, so many arrangement, but we don't take advantage. We are so fool and sinful
- Krsna is so kind. Guru-krsna-krpa. Krsna is helping from within, but sometimes we are so dull, naturally, that we cannot understand. Therefore He sends His representative to instruct externally. So He is helping internally and externally
- Krsna is within you, and as soon as Krsna sees that you are very sincere, that you are seeking, He sends a bona fide spiritual master. This combination of Krsna and the spiritual master is the cause of one's receiving the seed of Krsna consciousness
- Krsna sent me...
- Krsna somehow or other manifested these itching sores on the body of Sanatana Gosvami and sent him here to test Me
- Krsna then threw His weapons, and Bhaumasura's commander in chief, Pitha, along with his assistants, fell down, their military dress cut off and their heads, legs, arms and thighs severed. All of them were sent to the superintendent of death, Yamaraja
- Krsna will send you many more sincere souls very soon to help you. So go on with your work with new efforts of increased enthusiasm and Krsna will bless you more and more in Krsna consciousness
- Krsna's arca-murti or Deity, or idol, whatever you call, and we are offering flowers and fruits and cooked foodstuff, whatever we can get by the mercy of Krsna. And we offer it, Krsna, You have kindly sent this foodstuff
- Krsna's mercy-incarnation is guru. Guru-krsna-prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija (CC Madhya 19.151). Krsna is so merciful, He's trying to educate from within, and outside He sends His representative to teach
- Krsna, being his very loving friend, wanted to send him to Vrndavana just to study the highly elevated ecstatic devotional service practiced there
- Kunti continued, "When You (Krsna) sent Akrura, I could understand that there was no possibility of our being put in danger. All good fortune in our life began when You sent Akrura to us. Since, I have been convinced that we are not without protection"
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu pointed out that people are forgetful from time immemorial about their relationship with the Supreme Lord; therefore Krsna has sent so many representatives to impart the scriptures to man
- Lord Krsna appeared on this earth, and sometimes as His devotee, as did Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu - and sometimes He sends His bona fide devotees to reclaim all the fallen souls
- Lord Krsna could not refuse the request of the King (Yudhisthira). Krsna therefore sent back all the heroes of the Yadu dynasty - Samba and others. All of them returned to Dvaraka, and Lord Krsna personally remained to give pleasure to the King
- My dear Krsna, formerly, when You were staying in Mathura, You sent Uddhava to teach Me speculative knowledge and mystic yoga. Now You Yourself are speaking the same thing, but My mind doesn't accept it
- My purpose of coming here to enthuse the younger generation and it is very pleasing to me that Krishna is sending me younger generation and sincere souls like you
- O Arjuna, I give heat, and I withhold and send forth the rain. I am immortality, and I am also death personified. Both spirit and matter are in Me
- O collector of honey, Krsna must be very sorry not to see us gopis. Surely He is afflicted by memories of our pastimes. Therefore He has sent you as a messenger to satisfy us. Do not speak to us
- One can be enlightened by the mercy of God because Krsna Himself comes to give us information. If He does not come personally, He sends His devotee, or He leaves behind Him Bhagavad-gita
- One should generally accept the following principles to properly execute devotional service: (7) live in a place where Krsna had His pastimes, (8) be satisfied by whatever is sent by Krsna for the maintenance of the body and hanker for no more
- Our Krishna Consciousness movement is practically based upon music and dancing. If by your exceptional qualities you can help in this movement, I think you have been sent by Krishna Himself to help me in this connection
- People are suffering on account of being enamored by the external energy. Krishna wants to deliver them. He comes personally, he comes as a devotee, and he sends His authorized devotee
- Please take nice care of him because there are so many good souls who we must inform of this most important philosophy, and when another man is sent by Krishna to help us it is our duty to help him understand Krishna Consciousness as far as possible
- Seeing that Dhruva was very much inquisitive, Sri Krsna sent Narada Muni to see about the situation. Narada quickly went to the forest and found Dhruva
- Similarly, the living entities who have come down to this material world have made their own choice to enjoy this material world. It is not that Krsna sent them into this world
- Simply you very strictly follow the routine schedule of devotional service and chanting Hare Krsna and do your best to spread this Movement amongst the local people. Krsna will send you many more sincere souls very soon to help you
- So if you are actually serious about Krsna, then Krsna will send you some of His representative and he will take charge of you. That is the process
- So Krsna has a plan, a big plan to deliver them. Personally He comes. Sometimes He sends His very confidential devotee. Sometimes He comes Himself. Sometimes He leaves instructions like Bhagavad-gita
- So when we sincerely want Krsna, then Krsna sends His representative, guru. Guru is outside representative of Krsna. So to the sincere student, Krsna teaches from inside and outside
- Sometimes He (Krsna) descends personally, and sometimes He sends His bona fide representative in the form of His son, or servant, or Himself in some disguised form. BG 1972 purports
- Sometimes Krsna sends His representative, who, delivering Krsna's very message, canvasses all living entities to return home, back to Godhead
- Sometimes Sri Krsna descends Himself, and sometimes He sends His representative. The major religions of the world - Christian, Hindu, Buddhist and Moslem - believe in some supreme authority or personality coming down from the kingdom of God
- Spiritual master is representative of Krsna. Krsna sends some sincere devotee to act on His behalf, and therefore he is spiritual master
- Srimati Kunti said, "My dear Krsna, I remember the day when You sent my brother Akrura to gather information about us. This means that You always remember us automatically"
- Srimati Radharani continued, "Krsna is so kind and affectionate to Me that He has fortunately sent you back, in spite of your carrying My message against Him. All good fortune to you, My dear friend. Now you may ask from Me whatever you want"
- Srimati Radharani said, "I think He must be sending some message to Me through Subala. The purport is that the superiors of Radharani do not like Krsna or His cowherd friends to associate with Her"
- Srimati Radharani was very careful this time not to say anything against Krsna. "My dear friend, I welcome you," She said. "Krsna is so kind that He has again sent you"
- Take care of all of these good souls that Krsna is sending you. By your own exemplary behavior, train them all as ideal Vaisnavas. This will greatly please me
- The brahmanas continued, "Even though we were reminded of Krsna and Balarama by the cowherd boys, we disregarded Them. We now think that the Supreme Personality of Godhead simply played a trick of mercy on us by sending His friends to beg food from us"
- The brahmanas continued, "He (Krsna) had no need to send them (His friends). He could have satisfied their hunger then and there just by willing to do so"
- The coincidence that as soon as you received my letter for opening the Berlin center immediately, Krishna has sent you immediately a check for 200 American dollars - this is a good omen that we should immediately open our branch in Berlin
- The devotee never goes against the will of the Lord; anything sent by God is a blessing for the devotee. Therefore Maharaja Pariksit was neither afraid of nor bewildered by such things. That is the sign of a pure devotee of the Lord
- The gopis continued, "Krsna has sent you (Uddhava) to His father and mother; otherwise He has no further business in Vrndavana. He is now in town. What does He have to know about Vrndavana village or the cows' pasturing grounds"
- "The Hare Krsna people must be taxed three times because they are chanting and doing nothing." The Communist government will do that. So never mind. The tax will be sent by Krsna
- The more you sincerely serve Krishna, the more He will send you similar devotees to assist you
- The same process I adopted in your country when I started my Sankirtana in Tompkins Square, New York. Krsna was so kind to send to me all these boys and girls who are helping me now
- The spiritual master is the representative of Krsna, and He, Krsna, is sitting within your heart. And as you are anxious, your degree of anxiety will be helped by Krsna by sending similar quality of spiritual master
- The spiritual master trains his disciples to render devotional service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is called guru-krpa. It is krsna-prasada, Krsna's mercy, that He sends a bona fide spiritual master to the deserving disciple
- The word prajvarah is very significant, for it means "the fever sent by Lord Visnu." Such a fever is always set at 107 degrees, the temperature at which a man dies
- They (the gopis) welcomed him (Uddhava) with polite words, in great submissiveness, "We know that you are a most confidential associate of Krsna and that He has therefore sent you to Vrndavana to give solace to His father and mother"
- This verse (CC Antya 7.47) from SB 10.47.61 was spoken by Uddhava. When Uddhava was sent by Krsna to see the condition of the gopis in Vrndavana, he stayed there for a few months in their association and always talked with them about Krsna
- We are not working like these laborers. Krsna is sending money. So this is Krsna consciousness
- We say there is no illicit sex life, no intoxication, no meat eating, no gambling, so if Maharishi says there is no restrictions, naturally large number of people will follow him. That means they want to be cheated, and Krishna sends them a cheater
- Whatever order is sent from Krsna, material nature obeys. Therefore the natural beauty created by the rainy season was acted out according to the indications of Krsna, who thus felt very proud of material nature's beautiful activities
- When He (Krsna) desires to descend on this universe, He first of all sends His father and mother, who are His devotees, and then He advents Himself as an incarnation, or He comes personally
- When I am taking my food, if I think, "Oh, this nice foodstuff is sent by Krsna. He has kindly sent me this foodstuff," so I think of Krsna. So that taking of foodstuff in Krsna consciousness is yoga-yukta. That is called yoga-yukta
- You are all good souls and therefore Krishna has sent you all for giving me chance to serve Krishna
- You can beat her (the cow) with a stick, but she will tolerate it. She will do that. Therefore an animal cannot undergo austerity. Our austerity is very nice. We chant Hare Krsna, dance, and Krsna sends very nice foodstuffs, and we eat. That's all
- You cannot approach Krsna directly. That is not possible. You have to go through His devotee. Therefore Krsna sends His devotee, Go and deliver them
- Your picture shows you are a very nice boy, promising to become a good Vaisnava in the future. Krishna has sent you for being taken care of by us, so we shall do our best. You also kindly try to follow our instructions