Category:Krsna's Flute
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Pages in category "Krsna's Flute"
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- A gopi described Him to a friend, "When Krsna returns, He is garlanded with tulasi leaves, He puts His hand on the shoulder of a cowherd boyfriend and begins to blow His transcendental flute"
- A gopi described, "Like us, who are enchanted by the ocean of the transcendental qualities of Krsna, the she-deer become enchanted by the vibration of His flute"
- A gopi described, "The wives of the black deer become enchanted upon hearing the vibration of His flute, which resembles the vibration of the vina. The deer come to Krsna and become so charmed that they stand still, forgetting their homes and husbands"
- A peacock feather decorates His (Krsna's) head, and on His neck hangs a lovely necklace of brilliant pearls. As He holds His charming flute to His lips, His face looks as beautiful as the full autumn moon
- A peacock feather decorates His head, and on His neck hangs a lovely necklace of brilliant pearls. As He holds His charming flute to His lips, His face looks as beautiful as the full autumn moon
- Above Narayana, Krsna has four specific transcendental qualities - His wonderful pastimes, an abundance of wonderful associates who are very dear to Him (like the gopis), His wonderful beauty and the wonderful vibration of His flute
- Accompanied by the cowherd boys and Balarama, Krsna brought forward the cows and played on His flute as He entered the forest of Vrndavana, which was full of flowers, vegetables and pasturing grass
- According to Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.3.28), krsnas tu bhagavan svayam: “Krsna is the original Personality of Godhead.” Krsna means Syamasundara, who plays His flute in Vrndavana. Of all forms, this form is the best of all
- According to your capacity, you have to see God like that. You cannot see immediately Krsna, with dvi-bhuja murali, playing on flute. That you have no capacity. You have to see God like that
- After hearing the vibration of a flute, I went to Vrndavana, and there I saw that Krsna, the son of Maharaja Nanda, was playing on His flute in the pasturing grounds
- After hearing the vibration of the flute of Krsna, the gopis in Vrndavana remembered Him and began to talk amongst themselves about how nicely Krsna was playing His flute
- All minds are attracted by hearing His sweet voice and flute, or by seeing His beauty. Even Lord Krsna Himself makes efforts to taste that sweetness
- All the cranes and swans in the water are being enchanted by the melodious song of Krsna's flute. They have approached and are worshiping the S P of Godhead with full attention. Alas, they are closing their eyes and are becoming completely silent
- All the gopis were by nature very much attracted to Krsna's beauty, and when they heard the vibration of His flute, they became apparently lustful to satisfy the senses of Krsna
- Along with the other little cowherd boys, Krsna and Balarama went into the pasturing ground and took charge of the calves, and there They played with Their playmates. While taking charge of the calves, sometimes the two brothers played on Their flutes
- Although the flute is unfit, he is drinking the nectar of Krsna's lips. Seeing this, we qualified gopis are dying of unhappiness. Therefore, we must consider the austerities the flute underwent in his past life
- Anantadeva, who was calmly holding all the planets on His hood, was moving in this way and that due to the transcendental vibration from Krsna's flute, which penetrated through the covering of this universe and reached to the spiritual sky
- Another gopi said, "Everything appears wonderful when Krsna and Balarama travel in the forest of Vrndavana playing Their flutes and making intimate friendship with all kinds of moving and nonmoving living creatures"
- Another gopi said, "He (Krsna) walks in a stride which is so attractive, and He carries His flute. Just by looking at Him we become lusty to enjoy His company"
- Another gopi said, "He is the only friend of the suffering living entities. When He plays His flute, all the cows and other animals of Vrndavana, although engaged in eating, simply take a morsel of food in their mouths and stop chewing"
- Another gopi said, "My dear friends, Krsna is so beautiful that the goddess of fortune always remains on His chest, and He is always adorned with a golden necklace. Beautiful Krsna plays His flute in order to enliven the hearts of many devotees"
- Another gopi said, "My dear friends, we cannot even think of His bamboo flute - what sort of pious activities did it execute so that it is now enjoying the nectar of the lips of Krsna, which is actually the property of us gopis?"
- Another gopi said, "Their ears raise up and they become stunned. They do not appear alive but like painted animals. Krsna's flute-playing is so attractive that even the animals become enchanted, and what to speak of ourselves"
- Another gopi said, "With leaves and flowers decorating His (Krsnas) body, He looks like some hero. When He plays on His flute and calls the cows with Balarama, the river Yamuna stops flowing and waits for the air to carry dust from His lotus feet"
- Another gopi told mother Yasoda, "My dear mother, when your son returns home, He decorates Himself with the buds of the kunda flower, and just to enlighten and gladden His friends, He blows His flute"
- Another young gopi told her mother, "My dear mother, the birds, who are all looking at Krsna playing on His flute, are sitting very attentively on the branches and twigs of different trees"
- As far as His flute is concerned, it is said that the vibration of this wonderful instrument was able to break the meditation of the greatest sages, and Krsna was thus challenging Cupid by advertising His transcendental glories all over the world
- As if catching us by our hair, they forcibly take us away and deliver us unto You to become Your maidservants. Hearing of these incidents, people laugh at us. We have thus become completely subordinate to the flute
- As Krsna wandered in the forest with Baladeva and the two of Them wonderfully played Their flutes, all the gopis became very much attracted. Thus they praised the Lord’s activities, describing how He was enthusing all the plants, birds, hills and water
- As the autumn season began in Vrndavana, Lord Krsna was tending the cows and blowing on His flute. The gopis then began to praise Krsna and discuss the fortunate position of His flute
- At such times He would be greatly morose and would cry, "Alas, where is Vrndavana? Where is Krsna, the son of the King of the cowherd men? Where is that person who plays the flute"
- At this age, whenever Krsna begins to vibrate His flute early in the morning, all of His friends immediately get up from bed just to join Him in going to the pasturing grounds
- Balarama represents plowing the land for agriculture and therefore always carries in His hand a plow, whereas Krsna tends cows and therefore carries a flute in His hand. Thus the two brothers represent krsi-raksya and go-raksya
- Because you brought Me back here, I could no longer hear the nectarean voices of Krsna and the gopis, nor could I hear the sounds of their ornaments or the flute
- Becoming fully absorbed in that vision, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had assumed the mood of the gopis, so much so that everywhere He looked He saw Krsna standing with His flute to His lips
- Blessed are all these foolish deer because they have approached Maharaja Nanda's son, who is gorgeously dressed and is playing on His flute. Indeed, both the does and the bucks worship the Lord with looks of love and affection
- Brahma is accepting the Supreme Personality of Govinda, Krsna in Vrndavana. Venum kvanantam: He is engaged in playing flute
- Brahma said, "He (Krsna) is wearing a helmet and is garlanded by forest flowers, and He stands with a morsel of food in His hand. He is decorated with a cane, a buffalo-horn bugle and a flute. He stands before me with small lotus feet"
- Brahmaji said, "I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who plays on His transcendental flute. His eyes are like lotus flowers, He is decorated with peacock plumes"
- Bumblebees became mad after the fragrance & sweetness of the atmosphere. Being pleased by the humming sound of the bees, Krsna would play His flute, & together the sounds became so sweet to hear that aquatic birds like cranes, swans & ducks were charmed
- By being influenced by the sound vibration of Krsna's flute, Brahma, the supreme creature and first living entity of this material world, was initiated as a brahmana
- By His Vasudeva feature, Krsna simultaneously expanded Himself into the exact number of missing cowherd boys and calves, with their exact bodily features, their particular types of hands, legs and other limbs, their sticks, bugles & flutes - SB 10.13.19
- Caitanya said, "Even though I do not see the moonlike face of Krsna as He plays on His flute, and although there is no possibility of My meeting Him, still I take care of My own body. That is the way of lust. In this way, I maintain My flylike life"
- Candravali said: "My dear friend the flute, you are actually full of many holes or faults. You are light, hard, juiceless and full of knots. But what kind of pious activities have engaged you in the service of being kissed by the Lord?"
- Casting sidelong glances, He (Govinda) places His flute to His lips, which seem like newly blossomed twigs. His transcendental body, bending in three places, appears very bright in the moonlight
- Constant remembrance of the holy sound of Krsna’s flute keeps them (gopis) enlightened and enlivened, and they do not allow any other sound to enter their ears
- Enclosed you will find one photograph of the Deities there in L.A. recently sent to me. Why is Krishna without a flute? What is the difficulty to make for Krishna a flute? You can take a twig and wrap it in golden lace with a pearl drop hanging
- Even the river Yamuna, being desirous of embracing the lotus feet of Krsna after hearing the transcendental vibration of His flute, broke her fierce waves to flow very nicely with lotus flowers in her hands, to present them to Mukunda with deep feeling
- Every evening at sunset Krsna used to return from the pasturing ground where He herded cows. Sometimes when Mother Yasoda could not hear the sweet vibration of His flute she would become very anxious, and because of this she would feel dizzy
- God comes as Krsna or Kapiladeva and says, "Here I am. See My features. I am a person. I play the flute and enjoy Myself in Vrndavana. Why can't you see Me?" Thus God comes, explains Himself and leaves behind His instruction, Bhagavad-gita
- Gopis address Krsna as follows: "Although our attitude towards You (Krsna) resembles loving affairs with a paramour, we cannot but wonder at how no woman can maintain her chastity upon hearing the vibration from Your flute"
- Gopis addressed Krsna as follows: "In fact, we have seen that in Vrndavana even the cows, the deer, the birds, the trees - everyone - has been enchanted by the sweet vibration of Your flute and the fascinating beauty of Your person"
- Gopis said, "You (Krsna) are enthusing them by the vibration of Your enchanting flute; and, as their teacher, You are teaching them all the intricacies of loving affairs"
- Gopis tell Mother Yasoda, "When your son (Krsna) plays on His flute, Lord Siva, Lord Brahma and Indra - although they are supposed to be the greatest learned scholars and personalities - all become bewildered"
- Govinda is the original Personality of Godhead, and Syamasundara, with a flute in His hand, & He is very pastimeous, always smiling. By His smiling He offers you blessings. You also, by seeing His smiling, you remain everlastingly smiling. It is so nice
- He (Krsna) had a slender flute and a buffalo horn bugle, and sometimes He played on a flute made from the leaves of trees. These are some of the symptoms of the end of Krsna's kaumara age
- He (Krsna) is known as Govinda, and His eyes are very enchanting. He is playing upon His flute, and on His head there is a peacock feather. And His whole body is illuminated by the moonlight in the sky
- He (Krsna) plays a flute, and His eyes are like the petals of a lotus flower. He wears a peacock feather, and His complexion is very beautiful, like a dark cloud
- He attracts the minds of all three worlds with the melodious vibration of His flute. (4) His personal beauty and opulence are beyond compare. No one is equal to Him, and no one is greater than Him
- He brought Srimati Radharani to a bower by signaling with His flute. Then He entered within that bower to perform pastimes with Her
- He can attract all living entities all over the universes by playing on His flute. He has a wonderful excellence of beauty which cannot be rivaled anywhere in the creation
- He carries a flute in His hand, and His youth is new. He is also an expert dancer. All this is just suitable for His pastimes as a human being
- Hearing the vibration of Krsna's flute, Srimati Radharani and all Her gopi friends came there to meet Him. They were all very nicely dressed
- Here at Kuruksetra You are dressed like a royal prince, accompanied by great warriors, but in Vrndavana You appeared just like an ordinary cowherd boy, accompanied only by Your beautiful flute
- His (Krsna's) fingernails are many full moons, and they dance on the flute in His hands. Their song is the melody of that flute. His toenails are also many full moons, and they dance on the ground. Their song is the jingling of His ankle bells
- His (Krsna's) real form, is the dvi-bhuja murali-dhara - the form with two hands holding a flute. Therefore Kuntidevi says, - You have Your universal form, but the form in which You are standing before me is Your real form
- His (Krsna) most important pastimes in the human form are those in which He appears as a cowherd boy, a newly grown youth who plays a flute
- His garment glowed yellow-gold, and He was garlanded with a Vaijayanti necklace. Dressed in such an attractive way, Krsna filled up the holes of His flute with the nectar emanating from His lips
- His hand is like this. His flute is like this. His hair is like this. Eyes are...- Study everything minutely. Then that is meditation, and this will help you to think of Krsna constantly
- His helmet, His earrings, His necklace, His four garments, the bangles on His head, the rings on His fingers, His ankle bells and His flute - these are the different features of Krsna's ornaments
- His slight smiling and fragrant illumination are compared to camphor, which enters the sweetness of His lips. That sweetness is transformed and enters into space as vibrations from the holes of His flute
- I am ashamed to say that Your impudent lips sometimes attract even Your flute, which is also considered a male. It likes to drink the nectar of Your lips, and thus it also forgets all other tastes
- I saw Lord Krsna climbing Govardhana Hill and playing His flute, surrounded on all sides by grazing cows
- I think you can prepare one silver flute and I am inserting measurement. It should be with golden relief work - raised embroidery-like designs - on the body of the flute. The length of the flute may be 5 inches
- I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is adept at playing on His flute, whose eyes are blooming like lotus petals, whose head is bedecked with peacock feathers, whose beauty is tinged with the hue of blue clouds
- If you continue that thinking, Krsna, how He's standing, how He is playing on flute, how Radharani is there - in this way, if you think, then you become the greatest yogi
- Immediately upon hearing the vibration of the flute, they (the gopis) all left their respective engagements and proceeded to the spot where Krsna was standing. While they ran very swiftly, their earrings swung back and forth
- In Brahma-samhita (5.29) it is stated - Sri Krsna is playing on His flute, and His eyes are as beautiful as the petals of a lotus flower. He wears a peacock feather in His hair, and His form is very beautiful
- In every temple I (the European) saw that the deity was doing something, but here (in the Radha-Krsna temple) I see that God is simply playing a flute & enjoying Himself. He obviously has nothing to do. - This is a very intelligent conclusion
- In his book Stavavali, Sri Raghunatha dasa Gosvami has prayed for the mercy of Radharani, who was so captivated by the flute vibrations of Krsna that She immediately asked information of His whereabouts from residents in the Vrndavana forest
- In his book Vidagdha-madhava, Sri Rupa Gosvami thus describes the vibration of Krsna's flute
- In krsna-lila the Lord's complexion is blackish. Holding a flute to His mouth, He enjoys as a cowherd boy. Now the selfsame person has appeared with a fair complexion, sometimes acting as a brahmana and sometimes accepting the renounced order of life
- In other words, a devotee who has heard the sound of Krsna’s flute forgets to talk or hear of any other subject. This vibration of Krsna’s flute is represented by the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- In the Brahma-samhita there is description of Lord Krsna's lands, the variegatedness of the spiritual abode, and the forms of the Lord playing a flute with His spiritual body
- In the BS (5.27-28) it is stated: the lotus-born Brahma received the Gayatri mantra, which had sprung from the song of Sri Krsna’s flute. In this way he attained twice-born status, having been initiated by the supreme, primal preceptor, Godhead Himself
- In the evening, Krsna and Balarama, along with the boys and cows, returned to Vrndavana, playing Their flutes
- In the Vedic language it is said that Krsna, He has got a flute in His hand. He likes to play on flute. Venum kvanantam aravinda-dalayataksam barhavatamsam asitambuda-sundarangam
- In this abode (of Krsna, Goloka ), the Lord is served by hundreds of thousands of goddesses of fortune (Laksmis), and He is called Govinda, the primal Lord & the cause of all causes. The Lord is accustomed to blow His flute (venum kvanantam). BG 1972 pur
- In this condition, I can guess that he has been captivated by the transcendental beauty of that expert flute-player, Sri Krsna, and, being attached to Him, he is simply staring at the black cloud, remembering the bodily hue of Sri Krsna
- In this manner we should meditate on Krsna's form, and thus we can associate with Krsna by meditating on His smiling face, His flute, His hands, His dress, His consort Srimati Radharani and the other gopis surrounding Him
- Indeed, a human being is but an imitation of His form. Krsna's dress is just like that of a cowherd boy's. He has a flute in His hand, and He seems to be just like a newly grown youth. He is always playful, and He plays just like an ordinary boy
- Indeed, the gopis cannot hear anything else, nor are they able to concentrate on anything else, not even to give a suitable reply. Such are the effects of the vibration of Lord Krsna's flute
- Inhabitants of Vrndavana say, "He (Krsna) holds His wonderful flute in His lotus hands. He is dressed in yellow silks and bedecked with a peacock feather on His head"
- It is described that by hearing the vibration of Krsna's flute Lord Siva becomes very puzzled and begins to cry so loudly into space that the demons become vanquished and the devotees become overwhelmed with joy
- Just as the forefathers of a Vaisnava son or grandson feel transcendental bliss, the trees feel blissful because the flute is a member of their family
- Just imagine the strength of the flute's austerities and good fortune! Even great devotees drink the nectar of Krsna's lips after the flute has done so
- Just then (when cowherd boys were looking for Krsna) they could hear on the hill a faint vibration from Krsna's flute. Immediately all of them became very much engladdened. This is an instance of satisfaction in the midst of disappointment
- Keeping the calves before them, they started for the forest in a great procession. In this way, Lord Krsna assembled thousands of His boyfriends. Equipped with a stick, flute, horn, as well as a lunch bag, each was taking care of thousands of calves
- Kindly give us the nectar of Your lips, which are touched by Your transcendentally vibrating flute, for that nectar makes all human beings forget all other attachments
- Krsna and Balarama taught us (the duties of a vaisya) by Their personal behavior. Krsna took care of the cows and played His flute, and Balarama took care of agricultural activities with a plow in His hand
- Krsna appears in this material world in His original eternal form, with two hands, holding a flute. He appears exactly in His eternal body, uncontaminated by this material world. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna freely moves amongst His friends as a cowherd boy in Vrndavana, and when He plays His flute, all living creatures, mobile and immobile, become overwhelmed with ecstasy. They quiver, and tears flow from their eyes
- Krsna has a bluish complexion, a peacock feather on His head, a gunja garland and the decorations of a cowherd boy. His body is curved in three places, and He holds a flute to His mouth
- Krsna has a longer vamsi, which is called mahananda, or sanmohini. When it is still longer it is called akarsini. When it is even longer it is called anandini. The anandini flute is very pleasing to the cowherd boys and is technically named vamsuli
- Krsna has four extraordinary transcendental qualities absent in Lord Narayana. These four qualities are, (3) His playing on the flute, whose vibration attracts the three worlds
- Krsna has four more qualities, they are as follows: 61) He is the performer of wonderful varieties of pastimes (especially His childhood pastimes). 62) He can attract all living entities all over the universes by playing on His flute
- Krsna is joyful. He is not engaged in some industrial work or in some heavy machine making. He is simply playing on His flute
- Krsna is yajna-bhuk - that is, He eats only offerings of yajna - but to exhibit His childhood pastimes, He now sat with His flute tucked between His waist & tight cloth on His right side & with His horn bugle & cow-driving stick on His left - SB 0.13.11
- Krsna performed the rasa dance. At the midnight many young girls came by hearing His flute, and He danced with them. This is, from Vedic standard, it is not very moral
- Krsna plays on His flute and is accompanied by His pleasure potency, hladini sakti, Srimati Radharani. Of Krsna's many potencies, the hladini sakti is His pleasure-giving potency. That is ananda
- Krsna said, "I can also understand that you (the gopis) have very great affection for Me, and out of that transcendental affection you have come here, hearing My playing on the flute"
- Krsna sometimes kisses the gopis; therefore the transcendental nectar of His lips is available only to them. They asked, "How is it possible that the flute, which is nothing but a bamboo rod, is always engaged in enjoying the nectar from Krsna's lips?"
- Krsna was very expert in playing the flute, and the gopis were captivated by the sound vibration, which was attractive not only to them but to all living creatures who heard it
- Krsna's age, His beauty, His bugle, His flute, His conchshell and His pleasing attitude all provoke love in friendship for Him
- Krsna's friends told Him, "My thighs became almost completely stunned so that I could not move even an inch. Therefore, my dear friend, I must acknowledge the wonderful vibration of Your transcendental flute"
- Krsna's smile, the fragrance of His transcendental body, His flute, bugle, ankle bells and conchshell, the marks on His feet, His place of residence all awaken the symptoms of ecstatic love
- Krsna, in His supreme personal form, with two hands and flute, is bewildering for the impersonalists who can accommodate only the gigantic visva-rupa of the Lord
- Krsna, when He was present personally, He played on His flute. The gopis saw and the cowherds boys saw five thousand years ago. And the acaryas took information. Even if you don't believe in the history, then come to sastra
- Krsna, while playing the flute, enjoyed the beautiful smiling faces of the gopis
- Krsna-karnamrta (32): O Krsna, O wonderful flute player, the beauty of Your boyhood activities is very wonderful in this world. You know the agitation of my mind, and I know what You are. No one knows how confidential our relationship is
- Krsna’s flute His authorized messenger
- Lalita said: "Standing with His right foot placed below the knee of His left leg, the middle of His body curved in three places, and His neck gracefully tilted to the side, Krsna takes His flute to His pursed lips and moves His fingers upon it"
- Lamenting for Krsna Radharani said, My dear friend, where is the glory of the family of Maharaja Nanda, who wears a half-moon ornament on His head? Where is Krsna, whose hue is like that of the indranila jewel and who plays so nicely on His flute?
- Lord Caitanya showed Nityananda His four-armed form, standing in a three-curved posture. With two hands He played upon a flute, and in the other two He carried a conchshell and disc
- Lord Krsna even attracts the mind of the goddess of fortune simply by vibrating His transcendental flute
- Lord Narayana has sixty transcendental qualities. Over and above these, Krsna has four extraordinary transcendental qualities absent in Lord Narayana. These four qualities are (3) His playing on the flute, whose vibration attracts the three worlds
- Lord Sri Krsna's beauty, the sound of His words and the vibration of His flute, His touch, His fragrance and the taste of His lips are full of an indescribable sweetness. When all these features attract My five senses at once, My senses all ride together
- May Gopinathaji, who attracts all the gopis with the song of His flute and who has begun the most melodious rasa dace on the bank of the Yamuna in Vamsivata, be merciful upon us
- May Lord Kesava protect me with His club in the first portion of the day, and may Govinda, who is always engaged in playing His flute, protect me in the second portion of the day
- My dear friend the flute, it appears that you have been born of a very good family, for your residence is in the hands of Sri Krsna
- My dear friend the flute, you are actually full of many holes or faults. You are light, hard, juiceless and full of knots. But what kind of pious activities have engaged you in the service of being kissed by the Lord and embraced by His hands
- My dear gopis, fully consider how many pious activities this flute performed in his past life. We do not know what places of pilgrimage he visited, what austerities he performed, or what perfect mantra he chanted
- My dear gopis, what auspicious activities must the flute have performed to enjoy the nectar of Krsna's lips independently and leave only a taste for us gopis, for whom that nectar is actually meant
- My dear Krsna, please give up all the tricks You have set up so expertly. Do not try to kill the life of the gopis with the vibration of Your flute
- My dear Lord Krsna, where is that woman within the three worlds who would not be captivated by the rhythms of the sweet songs coming from Your wonderful flute? Who would not fall down from the path of chastity in this way
- My dear mother, in this forest, all the birds, after rising on the beautiful branches of the trees, are closing their eyes and, not being attracted by any other sound, are simply listening to the vibration of Krsna's flute
- O Krsna, O flute-player, the sweetness of Your early age is wonderful within these three worlds. You know My unsteadiness, and I know Yours
- Of His (Krsna's) important pastimes in human form, the most important are those pastimes in which He appears as a cowherd boy, a newly grown youth who plays a flute
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "The vibration of My transcendental flute attracts the three worlds, but My ears are enchanted by the sweet words of Srimati Radharani"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart,"The flutelike murmur of the bamboos rubbing against one another steals Radharani's consciousness, for She thinks it to be the sound of My flute. And She embraces a tamala tree, mistaking it for Me"
- One gopi said, "He (Krsna) moves His attractive eyebrows while playing His flute with His delicate fingers"
- One gopi said, "They (Krsna and Balarama) enjoy Themselves on the top of Govardhana Hill, and everything becomes absorbed in transcendental pleasure when Krsna plays on His flute, charming the whole created manifestation"
- One gopi told mother Yasoda, "Although they (the demigods) are very learned and expert, they cannot understand the musical arrangements of Krsna’s flute. They simply listen attentively and try to understand, but they become bewildered and nothing more"
- One gopi told mother Yasoda, "My dear mother, your son is very expert among the cowherd boys. He knows all the different arts of how to tend the cows & how to play the flute. He composes His own songs, & to play them He puts His flute to His mouth"
- One gopi told mother Yasoda, "When He (Krsna) plays (the flute), either in the morning or in the evening, all the demigods, including Lord Siva, Brahma, Indra and Candra, bow their heads and listen with great attention"
- One of Krsna's friends praised Him thus: "My dear friend, Your flute was given to Your servant Patri, and when I asked him to return it he began speaking in a faltering voice, and his complexion became yellow"
- One of the cowherd girls said, "My dear beautiful Kutila, you are the most beautiful of all the cowherd girls of Vrndavana, and because of your extraordinary beauty, I think you must be beyond the attraction of the sweet blowing of Krsna's flute!"
- One of the gopis began to play on a flute, and another praised her the way Krsna's boyfriends praised Him while He played on His flute. One of the gopis took another gopi on her shoulders, just as Krsna used to take His boyfriends
- One of the gopis said, "May Krsna's sweet flute be washed away by the waves of the Yamuna, and let it fall into the ocean! The sweet sound of that flute is so impudent that it makes us lose all composure before our superiors"
- One of the gopis told her friends, "The highest perfection of the eyes is to see Krsna and Balarama entering the forest and playing Their flutes and tending the cows with Their friends"
- Over and above all, the Lord (Krsna) used to play His celebrated flute. The sound vibrated by His flute would give His friends such transcendental pleasure that they would forget all the talks of the brahmananda which is so praised by the impersonalists
- Paradoxically, although Your flute is nothing but dry wood, Your lips constantly make it drink their nectar. They create a mind and senses in the dry wooden flute and give it transcendental bliss
- Persons who are constantly engaged in the transcendental meditation of seeing Krsna, internally & externally, by thinking of Him playing the flute, entering Vrndavana forest & tending the cows with the boys have really attained the perfection of samadhi
- Pure devotees, whose eyes are anointed with the ointment of prema, love, want to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead as Syamasundara, Muralidhara, with a flute swaying in His two hands. This is the form available to the inhabitants of Vrndavana
- Radha said, "Of what use are the eyes of one who does not see Krsna's face, which resembles the moon, is the birthplace of all beauty & the reservoir of the nectarean songs of His flute? Oh, let a thunderbolt strike his head! Why does he keep such eyes"
- Radharani said, "It is very pleasant, but still I would like to go to the bank of the Yamuna beneath the trees of the forest there. I wish to hear the vibration of His sweet flute playing the fifth note within that forest of Vrndavana"
- Radharani said: "My dear friend, just see how Krsna has nicely composed songs and how He dances and speaks funny words and plays on His flute, wearing such nice garlands"
- Radharani was weaving a garland of kunda flowers, and upon hearing the vibration of Krsna's flute, She immediately stopped Her work. This is an example of direct moistened existential ecstatic love
- Radharani's companion said, "Your speech is faltering, and Your chest is also heaving. By all these signs I can understand that You must have heard the blowing of Krsna's flute, and, as a result of this, Your heart is now melting"
- Radharani's friend said, "I think it may be granted that this person is the same enchanting Personality of Godhead by whose flute vibration the three worlds are captivated. He must be the same Mukunda who is standing before Govardhan Hill"
- Raganuga-bhakti, or spontaneous devotional service, can be executed in the santa-rasa when one aspires to be like Krsna's cows or the stick or flute in the hand of Krsna, or the flowers around Krsna's neck
- Ramananda Raya quoted a verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.32.2) stating that when the Lord appeared before the damsels of Vraja smiling and playing on His flute, He appeared just like Cupid
- Regarding these instruments, there is a metaphorical statement about a gopi named Taravali. It is said that Taravali became bitten by the most venomous snake of Krsna's flute
- Rukmini's attention was attracted by His (Krsna's) bodily features and transcendental qualities, and the mind of the goddess of fortune was attracted by His flute playing and other transcendental features
- She (Mira) appreciated that Lord Caitanya is Krsna, and she has written one poetry, song, that "Now You have left aside Your flute, and You have taken the sannyasi rod and where is Your hair and peacock feather? Now You are bald-headed"
- Since I have heard the name of a person called Krsna, I have practically lost My good sense. Then, there is another person who plays His flute in such a way that after I hear the vibration, intense madness arises in My heart
- Since Krsna is both matter and spirit, the gigantic universal form comprising all material manifestations is also Krsna, and His pastimes in Vrndavana as two-handed Syamasundara, playing on a flute, are those of the SP of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Since their (gopis) attention is fixed on Krsna’s flute, they cannot divert their minds to any other subject
- So the lusty aborigine girls, while looking toward Krsna playing His flute, saw the reddish kunkuma on the ground and immediately took it and smeared it over their faces and breasts
- Some of them (the gopis) were breast-feeding their small babies, and some were engaged in distributing food to the members of their families, but they left all such engagements and immediately rushed toward the spot where Krsna was playing His flute
- Some things which give stimulation to ecstatic love of Krsna are His transcendental qualities, His uncommon activities, His smiling features, His apparel, His garlands, His flute, His buffalo horn, His leg bells, His conchshell
- Somehow or other, Krsna explained Himself and His flute to Sanatana Gosvami through the mouth of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who appeared as though mad
- Sometimes Krsna and Balarama would play on Their flutes, sometimes They would throw ropes and stones devised for getting fruits from the trees, sometimes They would throw only stones - SB 10.11.39-40
- Sometimes the vibration of Lord Krsna's flute, His bugling, His smiling, His footmarks on the ground, the transcendental fragrance of His body and the appearance of a new cloud in the sky also become impetuses for ecstatic love of Him
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked Raghupati Upadhyaya which form was the best of Lord Krsna's millions of forms, and he immediately replied that the supreme form was the Syamasundara form. In that form, Krsna stands curved in three places and holds His flute
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "Indeed, not seeing the beautiful face of Krsna playing His flute, I continue to live My life like an insect, without purpose"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu first showed him the four-handed form and then appeared before him in His original form of Krsna, with a blackish complexion and a flute to His lips
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu saw Lord Krsna standing with His beautiful body curved in three places, holding His flute to His lips. Wearing yellow garments and garlands of forest flowers, He was enchanting even to Cupid
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu stayed behind the huge column called the Garuda-stambha and looked upon Lord Jagannatha, but as He looked He saw that Lord Jagannatha had become Lord Krsna, with His flute to His mouth
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to express His mind in this way: "Where is the Lord of My life, who is playing His flute? What shall I do now? Where should I go to find the son of Maharaja Nanda"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to lament by saying, "Where is Sri Krsna, whose form is curved in three places? Where is the sweet song of His flute, and where is the bank of the Yamuna?"
- Sri Krsna carries a flute and enchants the hearts of all women throughout the universe. He is specifically the enjoyer of the beautiful gopis, and He is the enchanter of Cupid also. Let Him be glorified!
- Sri Krsna's form, Sri Krsna's flute, Krsna's color - everything is reality
- Sri Krsna’s beauty attracted the eyes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Krsna’s singing and the vibration of His flute attracted the Lord’s ears, the transcendental fragrance of Krsna’s lotus feet attracted His nostrils
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura points out that in Vrajabhumi there is the Yamuna River with its sandy banks. There are kadamba trees, cows, Krsna’s sticks with which He herds cows, and Krsna’s flute. All of these belong to santa-rasa
- Srila Ramananda Raya further inquired, "How have you (Rupa Gosvami) described Vrndavana, the vibration of the transcendental flute, and the relationship between Krsna and Radhika?'
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has accordingly composed a nice verse (see Adi 5.224) that describes the beautiful boy called Govinda standing by the bank of the Yamuna with His flute to His lips in the shining moonlight
- Srivasa Thakura extensively explained how the gopis were attracted to the forests of Vrndavana by the vibration of Krsna's flute and how they wandered together in the forest
- Standing there with His flute to His lips, Krsna, who enchants millions upon millions of Cupids, attracted the eyes and minds of all the world with His unlimited beauty
- Statements about Krsna’s body, His characteristics and His flute would appear like a madman’s statements to a mundane person
- Subsequently Raghunatha Bhatta ordered his disciples to construct a temple for Govinda. He prepared various ornaments for Govinda, including a flute and shark-shaped earrings
- Suddenly, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu heard the vibration of Krsna's flute. Then, in ecstasy, He began to depart to see Lord Krsna
- Sukadeva Gosvami tells Pariksit: "They (Gopis) also meditated on Krsna's blowing His flute and on all the cowherd boys' singing of the glories of the Lord." That is the description of the meditation which the gopis used to perform
- Sukadeva Gosvami, "at that time He (Krsna) accepted the pastimes of an ordinary boy, keeping His flute under His arm and His bugle on the right side in His belt, along with His cane"
- Taravali was bitten by the most venomous snake of Krsna's flute
- That Brahma was initiated as a brahmana by the flute of Krsna is confirmed by Srila Jiva Gosvami
- That flute is a very cunning male who drinks again and again the taste of another male's lips
- The associates of the Lord said, "The Lord, Hari, whose silk dress is as yellow as golden autumn foliage, whose chest is beautified with garlands of flowers and who is always playing upon His flute
- The beauty of Krsna is fully manifested in Vrndavana. As sixteen-years boy and playing flute, the beauty was so attractive that even Vasudeva Himself became attracted by the beauty
- The Brahma-samhita (BS 5.38) confirms the Lord's (Krsna) blowing His transcendental flute
- The cuckoos there sing nicely in five kinds of tunes. Krsna, the reservoir of pleasure, blowing His flute, accompanied by His elder brother Balarama and the other cowherd boys and the cows, entered the beautiful forest of Vrndavana to enjoy the atmosphere
- The deep vibration of Krsna's flute surpasses the thundering of new clouds and attracts the aural reception of the entire world
- The flute of Krsna's pastimes measures three fingers in length, and it is bedecked with indranila gems
- The forefathers of the flute, the bamboo trees, shed tears of pleasure. His mother, the river on whose bank the bamboo was born, feels jubilation, and therefore her blooming lotus flowers are standing like hair on her body
- The form of Sad-bhuja, the six-armed Lord Gaurasundara, is a representation of three incarnations. The form of Lord Sri Krsna is symbolized by a stick and a flute like those generally held by a cowherd boy
- The form of the Lord with a flute in His hands is most attractive, and the one who is most sublimely attracted is Srimati Radharani, Radhika. She enjoys supremely blissful association with Krsna
- The gopis are forced to abandon their household duties and come before Lord Krsna. In this way all social etiquette, shame and fear are vanquished. The vibration of His flute causes all women to dance
- The gopis are not educated girls, up-to-date fashion, (indistinct) or nothing. Crude. As soon as there was blowing of the flute, immediately they began to run towards Krsna
- The gopis considered, 'The flute is completely unfit for his position. We want to know what kind of austerities the flute executed, so that we may also perform the same austerities'
- The gopis continued, "Dear Krsna, we are seeking Your kisses, which You offer even to Your flute. The vibration of Your flute enchants the whole world and our hearts also. Kindly, therefore, return and kiss us with Your mouth of nectar"
- The gopis continued, "In the congenial atmosphere of that wonderful land, You may enjoy Your pastimes, with Your flute dancing on Your lips, and surrounded by us, the gopis, whose hearts are always enchanted by unpredictable ecstatic emotions"
- The gopis said, "Because the flute is engaged in the service of the Supreme Lord, the mother and the father of the flute must be happy"
- The gopis said, "If You (Krsna) accuse us, however, of encouraging prostitution, then we can only ask, Where is that woman within these three worlds who is not captivated by Your beauty and the rhythmic songs vibrated by Your transcendental flute?"
- The gopis there are also goddesses of fortune, and they surpass the goddess of fortune who abides in Vaikuntha. In Vrndavana, Lord Krsna is always playing His transcendental flute, which is His dear companion
- The gopis were so much attracted to Krsna that when they heard the vibration of His flute they instantly left their homes, families, children, honor and feminine bashfulness and ran toward the place where Krsna was standing
- The lady continued, "He (Krsna) is always accompanied by His cowherd boyfriends, and He plays His transcendental flute"
- The lady continued, "In the morning when He goes to the pasturing ground with His cows and cowherd boyfriends, and in the evening when He returns with them, playing on His flute and smiling very brilliantly"
- The Lord would cry, "O My Lord Krsna, My life and soul! O son of Maharaja Nanda, where shall I go? Where shall I attain You? O Supreme Personality who play with Your flute to Your mouth"
- The Lord's form is so beautiful that the Brahma-samhita (Bs 5.38) states: I (Brahma) worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who plays on His transcendental flute. His eyes are like lotus flowers, He is decorated with peacock plumes
- The lovable Supreme Lord is the supreme shelter. The Lord is the supreme subject, and the devotees are the object. The coming together of a subject and object is called alambana. The object hears, and the subject plays the flute
- The moonlike face of Krsna is the reservoir of nectarean songs and the abode of His flute. It is also the root of all bodily beauty
- The mothers of the boys heard the vibration of their flutes before their entrance, and to receive them, they came out of their homes and embraced them. Out of maternal affection, milk was flowing from their breasts
- The nectar of Krsna's lips, combined with the vibration of His flute, attracts all the people of the three worlds. But if we gopis remain patient out of respect for religious principles, the flute then criticizes us
- The nectar of Your lips and the vibration of Your flute join together to loosen our belts and induce us to give up shame and religion, even before our superiors
- The nectarean buttermilk of Your flute's vibration, the nectar of Your sweet words and the nectarean sound of Your ornaments mix together to attract our ears, minds and lives. In this way You are killing us
- The original form of the Lord, is Krsna with two hands, playing on the flute. Because Arjuna was a devotee and wanted to see the universal form, Krsna showed it to him, but that was not His actual form
- The other gopi continued, "Here the vibration of the flute was heard, and Krsna, along with His elder brother, Sri Balarama, enjoyed the atmosphere in our company. Thus the environment of Vrndavana constantly reminds us of Krsna and Balarama"
- The presentation of Krsna in the Brahma-samhita is vijnana - scientific, experienced knowledge given by Lord Brahma and accepted by Lord Caitanya. There is no doubt about it. Sri Krsna's form, Sri Krsna's flute, Krsna's color - everything is reality
- The same gopi said, "It sounds to them like the pouring of nectar, and they immediately spread their long ears just to catch the liquid nectar of the flute"
- The same gopi said, "Not only are they attracted by the dress of Krsna and Balarama, but as soon as they hear the playing of the flute, the deer, along with their husbands, offer respectful obeisances unto the Lord"
- The same gopi said, "These are the wonderful reactions to the vibration of the transcendental flutes of Krsna and Balarama"
- The same gopi said, "This smiling boy Govinda is standing on the bank of the Yamuna and playing His flute, His lips brightened by the beams of the full moonlight"
- The same gopi spoke, "We think that this boon (listening to Govinda's flute) is not possible or available on any other planet"
- The same gopi spoke, "When Govinda plays His flute, the peacocks immediately become mad, as if they had heard the rumbling of a new cloud"
- The same young gopi said, "From their features it appears that they have forgotten everything and are engaged only in hearing Krsna’s flute"
- The same young gopi said, "This proves that they are not ordinary birds; they are great sages and devotees, and just to hear Krsna's flute they have appeared in Vrndavana forest as birds"
- The scorching heat of the autumn sunshine was sometimes intolerable, and therefore the clouds in the sky appeared in sympathy above Krsna and Balarama and Their boyfriends while They engaged in blowing Their flutes
- The sound of Krsna's flute always resides within the ears of the gopis and increases their ecstasy. When it is heard, no other sound can enter into their ears, and amongst their family they are not able to reply to questions properly
- The special significance of Krsna's bearing a flute in His hands in Vrajabhumi, Vrndavana, is described as madhuri... virajate
- The transcendental vibration of Krsna's flute disturbs the hearts of women all over the world, even if they hear it only once
- The transcendental vibration of Krsna’s flute blocked the movements of the rain clouds, struck the Gandharvas full of wonder, and agitated the meditation of great saintly persons like Sanaka and Sanandana
- The two-handed human form of Krsna playing the flute is the superexcellent manifestation of the Lord
- The universal form of the Lord is the secondary imagination of the impersonal form of the Lord, but the primary form of the Lord is Syamasundara, with two hands, playing on His eternal flute
- The vamsi flute is about fifteen inches long, with nine holes on its body. Krsna used to play on these three flutes occasionally when they were needed
- The vibration of His flute attracts even the goddesses of fortune in the Vaikuntha planets, to say nothing of the poor damsels of Vrndavana
- The vibration of His flute is just like a bird that creates a nest within the ears of the gopis and always remains prominent there, not allowing any other sound to enter their ears
- The vibration of His flute slackens the knots of their underwear even in front of their husbands. Thus the gopis are forced to abandon their household duties and come before Lord Krsna. In this way all social etiquette, shame and fear are vanquished
- The vibration of Krsna's flute is like a whirlwind, and the flickering minds of the gopis are like straws and dry leaves. After they fall down in the whirlwind, they never rise again but remain eternally at the lotus feet of Krsna
- The vibration of Krsna's flute is the origin of the Vedic hymns. Lord Brahma, who is seated on a lotus flower, heard the sound vibration of Krsna's flute and was thereby initiated by the Gayatri mantra
- The vibration of Krsna's flute is very aggressive, and it breaks the vows of all chaste women. Indeed, its vibration takes them forcibly from the laps of their husbands
- The vibration of Krsna’s flute is always prominent in the ears of the gopis. Naturally they cannot hear anything else
- The vibration of Your flute, accompanied by Your glance, which pierces us forcibly with the arrows of lust, induces us to ignore the regulative principles of religious life
- The water is all nectar, the talking is singing, the walking is dancing, and the constant companion of Krsna is His flute. The effulgence of transcendental bliss is experienced everywhere. Therefore Vrndavana-dhama is the only relishable abode
- The word jagad-isa refers to the proprietor of all the universes. His original form is the two-handed form of Lord Krsna, standing with a flute in His hands and engaged in tending the cows
- Their (cows and calves) eyes seemed to be embracing Krsna, and there were tears in their eyes. This is an instance of inertia resulting from hearing the transcendental vibrations of Krsna's flute
- Their (the gopis) attraction to the vibration of the flute increased a thousand times due to the rising full moon, the red horizon, the calm and cool atmosphere and the blossoming flowers
- Their faces were decorated with tilaka and smeared with the dust raised by the cows, and Krsna's head was decorated with a peacock feather. Both He and Balarama played Their flutes, and the young gopis were joyous to see Krsna returning home
- There (in Goloka) the Lord plays His flute, His eyes are like lotus petals, and the color of His body is like that of a beautiful cloud. On His head is a peacock feather. He is so attractive that He excels thousands of Cupids
- There (in Vrajabhumi) are kadamba trees, cows, Krsna’s sticks with which He herds cows, and Krsna’s flute. All of these belong to santa-rasa, the mellow of neutrality in devotional service
- There are several origins or causes for this compulsive love of Krsna, such as Krsna Himself, the devotees of Krsna, Krsna's playing on the flute, etc. The effect is sometimes loving and sometimes stunted
- There are three kinds of flutes used by Krsna. One is called venu, one is called murali, and the third is called vamsi
- There are two kinds of particular ecstasies (vibhava). One is called the support, and the other is called the awakening. The vibration of Krsna's flute is an example of the awakening, and Lord Krsna Himself is an example of the support
- There is a whirlwind at the sound of His (Krsna's) flute, and those waves and that whirlwind make the hearts of the gopis flutter like dry leaves on trees, and when those leaves fall down at Krsna's lotus feet, they can never rise up again
- There is no doubt about it. Krsna’s form, Krsna’s flute, Krsna’s color - everything is reality. Here it is said that this vijnanam is always defeating all kinds of speculative knowledge
- There were various types of big trees and small plants in the forest, and the gopis addressed them: "Dear banyan tree, have you seen the son of Maharaja Nanda passing this way, laughing and playing on His flute?"
- Thereupon, the flute said angrily to Me, 'Give up Your shame, fear and religion and come drink the lips of Krsna. On that condition, I shall give up my attachment for them'
- These cowherd boys, as will be explained by Sukadeva Gosvami, were living entities who had accumulated heaps of pious acts and thus were enjoying with the Lord in person and were hearing His transcendental flute
- These flutes were sometimes bedecked with jewels. Sometimes they were made of marble and sometimes of hollow bamboo. When the flute is made of jewels it is called sanmohini. When made of gold, it is called akarsini
- These words (of BG 18.65) stress that one should concentrate his mind upon Krsna - the very form with two hands carrying a flute, the bluish boy with a beautiful face and peacock feathers in His hair. BG 1972 purports
- They hold Their flutes to Their mouths and glance lovingly upon the residents of Vrndavana. For those who have eyes, we think there is no greater object of vision
- This creation emanates from Bhagavan, the Supreme Lord, who is without anxiety. Krsna very pleasantly associates with His consort Srimati Radharani and enjoys playing His flute
- This flute is nothing but a dry stick of bamboo, but it becomes our master and insults us in so many ways that it forces us into a predicament
- This flute is utterly unfit because it is merely a dead bamboo stick. Moreover, it belongs to the male sex
- This form, these two hands, with flute, Krsna, form of Krsna, there is nothing beyond this. So one has to come to this point
- This human form (of Krsna) was explained by Krsna Himself after He manifested the virat-rupa. The virat-rupa is not the original form of the Lord; the Lord's original form is Dvibhuja-syamasundara, Muralidhara, the Lord with two hands, playing a flute
- This Personality of Godhead (Sri Krsna) has two hands and holds a flute, whereas the other (Narayana) has four hands, with conch, wheel, mace and lotus
- This verse (SB 10.29.35) was spoken by the gopis (in CC Antya 4.63) when they were attracted by the vibration of Krsna’s flute in the moonlight of autumn. All of them, being maddened, came to Krsna
- We can begin to experience this bliss by following the prescribed methods of devotional service. When we see the Deity, we can gradually realize how Krsna is smiling, playing on His flute and enjoying the company of Srimati Radharani
- We shall find in Srimad-Bhagavatam that as soon as all the gopis, the young cowherd girls of Vrndavana, heard Krsna's flute, they immediately came to dance with Him
- What is the difference between us and God, or Krsna? He is also living entity. Just like we see Krsna is playing on flute and He is enjoying the company of Radharani
- When Brahma was enlightened by the gayatri mantra through Krsna's flute, he attained all Vedic knowledge
- When He (Lord Krsna) plays (His flute), the clouds stop their loud thundering out of fear of Him. Rather than disturb the vibration of His flute, they respond with mild thunder and so congratulate Krsna, their friend
- When He plays on His flute, all living entities - including trees, plants, animals and human beings - tremble and are saturated with jubilation. Tears flow constantly from their eyes
- When Krsna and Balarama entered the village of Vrndavana along with Their friends, They played Their flutes, and the boys praised Their uncommon activities in the forest
- When Krsna and Balarama play on Their transcendental flutes, the moving creatures become stunned and stop their activities
- When Krsna began to blow on His flute in the night, all of the gopis, the beautiful daughters of the cowherd men, immediately got up from their sleep. There is a very beautiful comparison made in this connection
- When Krsna disappeared from the scene of the rasa dance, all the gopis began to repent, saying, "You best know the reason for our coming here. You know that we have come because we are captivated by the sweet sound of Your flute"
- When Krsna played upon his flute, all the gopis, or cowherd girls, were attracted by the sound and left their household duties, and when they came to Him, He danced with them - CC Intro
- When she hears the vibration of Krsna's flute, even the goddess of fortune comes to Him, greatly hoping for His association, but nevertheless she does not get it
- When the gopis were describing the sweet vibration of Krsna's flute, they also remembered their pastimes with Him; thus their minds became disturbed, and they were unable to describe completely the beautiful vibrations
- When They play on Their flutes, all moving living entities are stunned, and nonmoving living entities experience ecstatic jubilation by Their sweet music. All these things are certainly very wonderful
- When we consider impartially all the unlimited pastimes of the Lord, we find that His pastimes as a human being on this planet - wherein He sports as a cowherd boy with a flute in His hands and appears youthful and fresh like a ballet dancer
- When You play Your flute, the vibration acts like a messenger in the form of a yogini perfect in the art of chanting mantras. This messenger enchants all the women in the universe and attracts them to You
- Whenever he (Ambarisa Maharaja) will think, he will think of Krsna - His lotus feet, His body, His hands, His flute. This is meditation
- Whenever I had the chance to see Lord Krsna's face & His flute, even in a dream, two enemies would appear before Me. They were pleasure & Cupid, & since they took away My mind, I was not able to see the face of Krsna to the full satisfaction of My eyes
- Whenever Krsna played His flute, He conquered the minds of the gopis, and without seeing the gopis Krsna could not be happy. Other transcendentalists, such as jnanis and yogis, cannot conquer the SP of Godhead; only pure devotees can conquer Him
- While herding the very beautiful bulls, the Lord, who was the reservoir of all opulence and fortune, used to blow His flute, and thus He enlivened His faithful followers, the cowherd boys
- While Lord Krsna was enjoying lunch with His friends, His flute was pushed within the belt of His cloth on His right side, and His bugle and cane were pushed in on the left-hand side of His cloth
- While Mother Yasoda was dressing Krsna, he (Visala) would try to help put on Krsna's ankle bells, and Krsna would jokingly strike him with His flute
- While the birds, trees and plants were all looking very happy, Krsna, tending the cows and accompanied by Sri Balarama and the cowherd boys, began to vibrate His transcendental flute
- While walking, He (Krsna) played His flute just to call His cows. Just by His association, the trees, plants and other vegetation in the forest immediately became Krsna conscious. A Krsna conscious person sacrifices everything for Krsna
- Why can't I again see Krsna holding His flute to His lips? My eyes are wandering in hopes of seeing Him once more
- Yet this flute is always drinking the nectar of Krsna's lips, which surpasses nectarean sweetness of every description. Only by hoping for that nectar do the gopis continue to live
- You are seeing Krsna at every moment. Does this mean you are seeing Krsna in His two-armed form playing the flute at every moment
- You'll find Krsna always, wherever He is, He is playing on flute with company, either gopis or cowherd boy or somebody, somebody. This is enjoyment