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Pages in category "Insect"
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- A sadhu is kind not only to human beings but to cats, dogs, trees, plants and insects; he will hesitate even to kill one mosquito
- A small insect's measurement of past, present, and future is different from our past, present, and future, and similarly the past, present, and future of Brahma, the chief creative living being within this universe, are different from ours
- A small insects, they are also enjoying eating, sleeping, mating. A small, very small ant is captured. Jivo jivasya jivanam. One life is meant for being eaten by another life. You can see, might be very small, he has got all the same tendencies
- According to change of body, we are not only going through the evolutionary process of different types of body, as we have got experience here - the aquatics, the trees, the plants, the insect, the birds, the beast, then a human being
- According to the circumstances, we get different types of body. So from the aquatics, next promotion is trees, plants, then insects, then birds, then beasts
- According to Vedic communism, in your house if there is a lizard, if there is an insect, if there is a rat, if there is snake, you have to see that everyone has got his food. That is Krsna consciousness
- After putting them (men & women) within the caves, he would close the entrances with large chunks of stone, like the bhrngi insect, which arrests and carries away many flies and other insects and puts them within the holes of the trees where it lives
- All living entities, including demigods, human beings, animals, birds, insects, reptiles, creepers and trees, depend upon the heat and light given by the sun-god from the sun planet
- An insignificant insect has a desire for sense gratification and even a great personality like Lord Brahma also wants to dominate this material nature
- Antara means "another." Now, there are varieties of bodies; that you can see. There are fish body, there are tree body, plant body, beast body, bird's body, insect body, reptile body - in this way gradual process of evolution, you come to this human body
- Anyone in this world, however careful he may be, must commit some sinful activities, even though he does not want to. For example, one may trample many small ants and other insects while walking on the street and kill many living beings unknowingly
- Anyone who is living within this material world, beginning from Brahma down to the smallest insect, everyone is after sex life
- As human beings seem immortal to a tiny insect, so Lord Brahma and the demigods seem immortal to us. In fact, however, no material body of any form is ever eternal
- As ordinary insect has no value, similarly, anyone, however great he may be in this material world, if he is not God conscious, he is no better than the insect. Because it has no value
- As servant of maya, he (the living entity who forgets his position) sometimes becomes a king, sometimes an ordinary citizen, sometimes a brahmana, a sudra, and so on. Sometimes he is a happy man, sometimes a prosperous man, sometimes a small insect
- As soon as one accepts a material body - whether it is that of a president or a common man, a demigod or a human being, an insect or a Brahma - one must go through these tribulations. This is called material existence
- As stated in the Brahma-samhita (BS 5.38): Everyone, beginning from the small insect known as indra-gopa up to Indra, the King of the heavenly planets, is obliged to undergo the results of his fruitive activities
- As stated in the Visnu Purana: There are 1,100,000 species of insects and reptiles, and there are 1,000,000 species of birds. As far as quadrupeds are concerned, there are 3,000,000 varieties, and there are 400,000 human species
- As the water dries up, then they (fish) come out as grass, as vegetables. Then grow, different types of trees, plants, creepers. Then gradually develops to become insects, flies. Then develops to serpents. In this way, this is evolution
- Because there are different varieties of living entities, beginning from Brahma down to the insect, insignificant. In the middle, there are so many varieties - aquatics, trees, plants, demigods, and men, human being
- Beginning from this insect known as indra and up to that Indra, everyone is bound up by his karma-phala. That is called destiny. Everyone is bound up
- Being unable to control the senses, exactly like the insect flies very boldly, falls on the fire, similarly, these uncontrolled senses (are) leading them to the darkest region of materialistic life
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura says - Let me become an insect in a place where Your devotee is present, because if I fall down in the dust of the feet of a devotee my life will be successful
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura says that brahma-janme nahi mora asa: "I don't care for to take birth as Brahma." Kita-janma hau jatha tuwa das (Saranagati): "Better let me become an insect where Your devotee is there." So our purpose is different
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, Bahir-mukha-brahma-janma nahi mora asa - And if I become nondevotee and take my birth as Lord Brahma, I don't want it. Let me become an insect in the house of a devotee
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, kita janma hao yatha tuya dasa. Thus he prays to take birth as an insignificant insect in the association of devotees. Because devotees are engaged in the service of the Lord, anyone who lives with them also lives in Vaikuntha
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura says: If I forget You & take my birth as Lord Brahma, I don't want it. I don't want it - What is the use of taking a birth like Brahma? - But I shall like to take my birth as even a small insignificant insect where a devotee is there
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura sings: I do not mind being born there (in the home of Krsna's devotee) even as an insignificant creature like an insect
- Bird, beast, insect, fish - everywhere the same struggle: "Where is food? Where is sex? Where is shelter? How to defend?" So the sastra (scripture) says we have done these things in many, many past lives
- By nature's arrangement, fruits and flowers are considered the food of insects and birds; grass and other legless living entities are meant to be the food of four-legged animals like cows and buffalo
- Equal vision to all living entities that the self, that active principle, is working in the fish, in the insect, within the tree, within the plant, within the animals, within the birds and within me. This is self-realization
- Even if we take all precautions to protect ourselves against committing any sins - for the Vaisnavas, the devotees of Visnu, naturally do take all such precautions - still, unconsciously we kill many ants and other insects
- Even the souls embodied in lower animals, insects, trees and other species of life also become purified and prepared to become fully Krsna conscious simply by hearing the transcendental vibration
- Every living entity is the son of God. But according to karma they have accepted different forms of life. Some of them are in the water, some of them are the plants and trees, some of them are insects, some of them are birds, beasts
- Every minute and every second we experience that living entities are going to the temple of death. Men, insects, animals, birds - everyone is going. This world, therefore, is called mrtyuloka - the planet of death
- Every night we see many of such small insects with legs and eyes with which they approach the light
- Everyone, especially the householder, commits five kinds of sinful activities: When sweeping a floor or igniting a fire we kill many germs, and when we walk on the street we kill many ants and other insects
- Everyone, from Brahma down to the small insect, must take lessons from Krsna
- Everyone, whether an insect or the King of heaven, is entangled and bound by the actions and reactions of his karma
- Everyone—from the small insect called indra-gopa up to Indra, the King of heaven—is bound by the reactions of fruitive activities
- Everywhere there are different grades of living entities - in aquatic animals, in the plants and trees, in the reptiles and insects, in birds and beasts and in the civilized and uncivilized human forms of life
- Ferocious animals like tigers transformed a lion into a calf, and thus they were able to get flesh for milk. The birds made a calf out of Garuda and took milk from the planet earth in the form of moving insects and nonmoving plants and grasses
- First of all aquatics, then plants and trees, then insect, then birds, then beasts, then human being. Now, in the human being form, because by gradual process of evolution we have got advance consciousness, the subject matter is given to us
- From aquatics to the birds, beasts, insect, animals, then we come to the human form of life, especially in a civilized human form of life. So if you prepare yourself in this life, then next life you can improve more
- From insect to bird, bird to beast, from beast to animals. It takes millions and millions of years to come to the form of human being. This is evolution. They do not know it, but that is the process
- From prakrti, or material nature, come so many varieties of living entities, including aquatics, plants, trees, insects, birds, animals, human beings and demigods. prakrti is the mother, and the SPG is the father (aham bija-pradah pita) - BG 14.4
- From such small insects up to Brahma there are 8,400,000 different forms of life, among which we are traveling from body to body, leaving one body and entering another, as stated by Krsna in Bhagavad-gita (tatha dehantara-praptih) - BG 2.13
- From these (aquatics), insects and reptiles evolve, and from them birds, beasts and then human beings and finally civilized human beings. Now, the civilized human being is at a junction where he can make further evolutionary progress in spiritual life
- He (Krsna) says, - You are rotting here by repeatedly committing sins. You are changing from one body to another, and you are thinking that you are a human being, an American, this or that. The next moment you may become a dog or an insect
- He does this for everyone - from the heavenly King Indra down to the smallest insect (indra-gopa). That very Personality of Godhead destroys the karmic reactions of one engaged in devotional service
- How to enjoy according to the body, place, that complete intelligence is there. Lord Brahma has got that intelligence, and the small insect, he has got. And Krsna is giving everyone facility - All right, enjoy
- Hundred thousand in the water, different types of forms, body. Then plants, trees, then insect, then birds, then beast, then human being. This is the evolution
- If one is intelligent, he can think of his wife's body as nothing but a lump of matter that will ultimately be transformed into small insects, stool or ashes
- If you actually love God, then your love for insects is also there, because you understand, - This insect has got a different kind of body, but he is also part and parcel of God - he is my brother
- If you chant loudly Hare Krsna, even the ants and insect who is hearing, he'll be delivered, because it is spiritual vibration. It will act for everyone
- If you want to find out the Absolute Truth through this rituals and priesthood, then the result will be that you will be bitten by some poisonous insects and your attempt will be unsuccessful
- In a book one may sometimes find a small running insect smaller than a period. This is Krsna's craftsmanship. Anor aniyan mahato mahiyan (Katha Upanisad 1.2.20): He can create something greater than the greatest and smaller than the smallest
- In Bhagavad-gita He affirms, (BG 14.4) "I am the seed-giving father of all living entities" - not just the living entities in the human society, but also all other living entities, like the aquatics, the insects, the plants, the birds, and the beasts
- In the beginning you may come in this material world as Brahma, and gradually, by your propensities, you may glide down to become the insect of stool. That responsibility is yours, ours. That is not God's responsibility
- In the lower animal forms of life the nature takes care. From the aquatics to the plant life, then insect life, then bird life, then beast life, then we come to the human life
- In the lower categories - including aquatics, trees, plants, insects, birds and so forth - spiritual consciousness is almost nonexistent
- In the lower grades of life (in plant and tree life) there is no system for sexual intercourse. In the upper grades (in the life of birds and bees) there is sex, but the insects and animals do not know how to actually enjoy sex life
- In the Narayana-vyuha-stava it is said: I do not aspire to take birth as a Brahma if that Brahma is not a devotee of the Lord. I shall be satisfied simply to take birth as an insect if I am given a chance to remain in the house of a devotee
- In the Padma Purana it is said that there are 900,000 species of life in the water, 2,000,000 species of plants, 1,100,000 species of insects and reptiles, 1,000,000 species of birds, 3,000,000 species of beasts, and only 400,000 species of human beings
- Incessantly covered with germs and insects biting him all over his body, Gopala Capala felt unbearable pain. His entire body burned in distress
- Is it not dog dancing, these politicians, politics? Who cares for you? Gandhi was there, he has gone. Does it mean the world activities stop? Churchill was there. He has gone. Hitler was there. They are coming and going like so many insects
- Just as a small insect falls forcefully into a fire and the insignificant creature becomes invisible, when Hiranyakasipu attacked the Lord, who was full of effulgence, Hiranyakasipu became invisible
- Just as Lord Brahma undergoes birth, old age, disease and death, so also a small ant or insect undergoes the same process. The point is that the living entity has to be free from this bondage because he is by nature eternal
- Lord Brahma throwing off bodies is just like if there is some dirt on my body and I throw it off, a little disgustedly. Just like if our body becomes dirty many insects gather, and we remove these insects with one hand and throw them away
- Lord Krsna said, "A person who takes away a brahmana's property, whether it was originally given by him or by someone else, is condemned to live for at least sixty thousand years as a miserable insect in stool"
- Lower than human being - animals, birds, beasts, trees, aquatics, insects - they have no privilege to inquire about the Absolute Truth. It is in the human form of life one can inquire about the Absolute Truth. Athato brahma jijnasa
- Mucukunda continued, "After death the body of even a king is eaten by an animal & therefore turned into stool or is cremated in a crematorium, turned into ashes or is put into an earthly grave, where different kinds of worms, insects are produced of it"
- Mucukunda continued, "The royal body was advertised as the king of human society - that royal body decomposes under the influence of inevitable time & becomes fit for being eaten by worms & insects or being turned into ashes or the stool of an animal"
- My Lord, if an insignificant insect like me dies, what is the loss? If an ant dies, where is the loss to the material world
- Not only you, but the animals, the trees, the plants, the insects, the serpent, the aquatics, the fish - everyone the son of Krsna. This is daivi sampat
- Now human beings have manufactured the 747 airplane, which according to their conception is very big. But can they produce an airplane as small as a flying insect? That is not possible. Actual greatness, however, is not one-sided
- One attains a human body after evolving through 8,400,000 life-forms, from aquatics to plants, and then to trees, insects, birds, beasts, and so on
- One has to transmigrate from lower species of life, aquatic life, to trees; from trees to insect; insect to birds; birds to beasts; and from beasts, that is evolution. That evolution is not Darwin's evolution. That evolution, it is called janmanta vada
- One may think of Krsna as smaller than the smallest. That is also a kind of greatness. Krsna can manufacture this gigantic cosmic manifestation, and He can also manufacture a small insect
- One may trample many small ants and other insects while walking on the street and kill many living beings unknowingly. Therefore the Vedic principle of panca-yajna, five kinds of recommended sacrifice, is compulsory
- Our philosophy is that expanded - not only human being but animals also. Our philosophy is, if there is one lizard in your room, I should see that he is not starving. This is our philosophy. Not only human being but animals, even an insect
- Some are born from a womb and some (like certain insects) from human perspiration. Others hatch from eggs, and still others sprout from the earth. A living entity takes birth under different circumstances according to his past activities - karma
- Somebody must have created this, a small insect. This is common sense. You cannot see Him; that is your bad fortune
- Somebody, other living entity, he's giving me some trouble - just like the insects, mosquito, mouse, tiger or a bad man, neighbor, unnecessarily giving me trouble
- Sometimes if people hear that by acting in such a way they will become a tree, a dog, a cat, an insect or even a human being, they say that they do not even care to know this
- Sometimes the body is merely abandoned, and in that case the body is consumed by small insects
- Sometimes the grass is covered by a certain kind of red insect, and when the green and red combine with the umbrellalike mushrooms, the entire scene changes, just like a person who has suddenly become rich
- Sometimes we find that little insects are attracted by the brightness of fire and thus enter into it
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu once asked Haridasa Thakura how trees and plants could be delivered, and Haridasa Thakura replied that the loud chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra would benefit not only trees and plants but insects and all other living beings
- Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati says that if one is elevated to real, pure devotional service, he considers even great demigods like Brahma and Indra to be on an equal level with an insignificant insect
- That right does not belong only to the human beings; rather, according to BG that right belongs to all living entities, regardless of whether they are in the bodies of human beings, animals, trees, birds, beasts, insects, or whatever. That is KC
- The best thing is that you have enjoyed sense life in so many varieties of life, as cats, as dogs, as demigods, as tree, as plants, as insect. Now, in this human form of life, don't be captivated by sensuous life. Just try to understand Krsna
- The cat is person. Dog is person, and the insect is person. The trees are person. Everyone is person. And there is another person. That is God, Krsna. That one person is maintaining all these varieties of millions and trillions of persons
- The consciousness is developing from the lowest status of living condition, aquatic, then plants, trees, then insects, flying insects, then birds, then four-legged beasts, so many, then two hands, two legs, gorilla
- The Darwin's theory, he does not know. But this is the evolution. From aquatics to plants, trees, then insect, then bird, then beast, then human being, civilized and not civilized. Then demigods, then others. That is the evolutionary process
- The fallen person continued, "There are so many insects and worms, surrounded by the stools left by different kinds of diseased persons. And after visualizing this horrible scene, my eyes have become sore, and I am becoming nearly blind"
- The flies and insects, for many, many years they are in that condition. And gradually, by evolution, we come to this form of human life
- The human being should exert his energy for that thing which he did not get in many, many lives. Through many, many lives the soul has been in the forms of dogs or demigods or cats or birds or insects
- The insect goes very courageously into the fire. Is that a very nice decision, to go forward courageously into the fire?
- The learned sages inform us that one takes his birth in India, the holy land of Bharata-varsa, after the gradual process of evolution through 8,400,000 species of life, 1,100,000 germ and insect species, 1,000,000 bird species
- The living entities - birds, reptiles, animals, insects, human beings, demigods, etc. - number over 8,000,000 species, and of these a very small number are human beings
- The living entity is wandering or transmigrating from aquatics to trees, plants, then insect, then birds, then beasts. In this way the last is human form of life
- The living entity, he is part and parcel of God, but someone has become human beings, some has become cats, someone has become tree, some as insects, some as demigods - varieties. Because they wanted to become like that, and God has given him the chance
- The Lord said, On this earth there are many living entities, some moving and some not moving. What will happen to the trees, plants, insects and other living entities? How will they be delivered from material bondage
- The people in this material world, they are very, very busy. Not only men - even the animals, even the birds, beasts, insect. We see on the beach, there are so many dogs, and they are assembled there for sex. So this is the material world, indriya-priti
- The personified Vedas continued, "There are different types of living entities - demigods, human beings, animals, trees, birds, beasts, germs, worms, insects and aquatics - and all enjoy or suffer in life while resting on You"
- The small insect thinks, - If I can create a small hole within this room, then I can live very peacefully and eat
- The so-called nationalism, socialism and communism - simply moha, moha, exactly the same way as the small, that insects, under some illusion, moha, they come to the light and sacrifice their life
- The species of life evolved from aquatics to plants, vegetables, trees; thereafter insects, reptiles, flies, birds, then beasts, and then human kind. This is the gradual process of evolution of species of life
- The two eyes of the living entity are attracted by bright and beautiful forms. They are entangled in these forms, exactly as the insect becomes attracted to fire
- The Vaisnavas, the devotees of Visnu, naturally do take all such precautions - still, unconsciously we kill many ants and other insects while discharging even the most ordinary duties, such as walking from one place to another
- The whole civilization is how to restrict this sex desire. Because the sex desire and sex life will keep him within this material world in different bodies, either as human being or as animal or as bird or as insect - so long there will be sex desire
- The word bahu-pada refers to those creatures who have more than four legs. There are many insects, such as the centipede, and also many aquatic animals that have many legs
- There are 8,400,000's of different dresses. There are 900,000 dresses within the water, then plants and trees, then insect, then birds. This is evolution, or different dresses. The spirit soul is passing through different dresses
- There are small microbes and insects we can barely see, but they have an anatomy consisting of many working parts. Within a small insect there is also the spirit soul, and that spirit soul also exists within the elephant and other big animals
- There are two kinds of entities - the moving (such as human beings, animals and insects) and nonmoving (such as trees and mountains). Krsna says that material nature, which controls both kinds of entities, is acting under His direction
- There are two kinds of indra. One is a small insect which is called indra-gopa, and beginning from this indra up to the maha-indra, the king of heaven, they are all under the reaction of fruitive activities
- There are two kinds of living entities - the moving beings, like insects, animals, and human beings, and the nonmoving beings, like trees and plants
- They have not been able to demonstrate that life comes from matter. Let them take chemicals in their laboratory and produce even a small insect with hands, legs, and eyes
- This human form of life is given to us as an opportunity to understand our position because in the human form of life we have more developed consciousness than the lower forms of life like the aquatics, insects, plants, birds, beasts
- This is so hospitable that the householder, the owner of the house, not only see that his wife, children, servants are well-fed, but even the rats, cats or the insect or the lizard, or even the snake has got his food. This is the ideal of communism
- This struggle for existence is going on, life after life. Even a small insect is engaging in the same struggle - ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithunam - eating, sleeping, defending, and mating
- Through proper deliberation, one should give up attraction to his wife's body because that body will ultimately be transformed into small insects, stool or ashes
- To make your life successful, there is gradual evolution from aquatics to plant life, plant life to insect life, insect life to reptiles, reptiles to bird's life, then beast life, then human life, then civilized life
- We are passing through 8,400,000 forms of life - from aquatic to plants, trees, then insect, then flies, then birds, then beasts, then uncivilized human beings, jungle, then come to this Aryan form, civilized form of human being
- We can exist in lower grade of life like cats, dogs, insects, trees, aquatics, like that. And we can exist also in the same way as we are existing now. And we can exist also exactly like God - eternal life of bliss and knowledge
- We have suffered from the beginning of our birth. As a baby, the human being is tightly placed in the abdomen of the mother in an airtight bag for nine months. He cannot even move, there are insects biting him, and he cannot protest
- When the transcendental vibration of Hare Krsna is sounded, even the trees, animals and insects benefit
- When we make paste on the pestle and mortar, spices, so many small insects die. That is going on. So knowingly or unknowingly, we are committing sinful activities. So how to save
- Within this decorated bag are bunches of muscles, bundles of bones, and pools of blood, always mixed with stool, urine, mucus, bile and polluted air and enjoyed by different kinds of insects and germs
- Yas tv indragopam athavendram aho sva-karma (Bs. 5.54). From Lord Indra to indragopa, an insignificant insect, everyone is reaping the consequences of his karma. We are creating our own karma, our next body, in this life
- You love the poor people but not the poor animals. Therefore your love is so limited and defective. And Krsna conscious person not only loves the poor man but he loves the poor animals also - poor beast, insect, ants; he is so upright and so broadminded