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Pages in category "Inconvenience"
The following 110 pages are in this category, out of 110 total.
- A brahmacari can tolerate any inconvenience, but women and children cannot. They will have difficulty
- A diseased man: he's lying down on the bed and eating there, passing stool there, passing urine there, and he cannot move, and very bitter medicine. So many inconvenience. He's lying down. So he's thinking of committing suicide
- A few months during the summer season people can visit this place (Badarikasrama) at great personal inconvenience. There are four dhamas or God's kingdoms which represent the planets of the spiritual sky which consists of the brahmajyoti & the Vaikunthas
- A woman does not hesitate to cook in the kitchen in the months of May and June, the hottest part of the summer season. One has to execute his duty in spite of climatic inconveniences
- As an old man I can take relief from this work immediately, but for Krsna's sake I am pulling on even though there is sometimes personal inconveniences. So let us act in that way all together for Krsna's sake
- As you know I am passing my days in Bombay in great inconvenience for want of a suitable residential place. I may remind you in this connection that your goodness promised me some place in your flats as soon as one of them is vacant
- At present I am living in New Vrindaban. It is a very nice place, but there is no facility of modern amenities. It is completely aloof from city life, and we have to adopt so many things. In comparison to city life it is very inconvenient
- At present we only have access to the temple from the sea-side and it is proving a great inconvenience to visitors coming from the colony side. We therefore request that access be kindly granted to us on the colony side for the benefit of many worshipers
- Because he is family man, he should have some special consideration. A brahmacari can tolerate any inconvenience, but women and children cannot. They will have difficulty
- Because the Lord (Caitanya) felt inconvenienced in crowded places, He asked Rupa Gosvami to accompany Him to a place on the banks of the Ganges known as Dasasvamedha-ghata
- Before going to your Moon planet here is the information: "Anywhere you go rascal these things will follow, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi and inconveniences. You'll have to suffer"
- Caitanya continues, "This is the natural result of intense love of Godhead. The devotee does not consider personal inconveniences or impediments. In all circumstances he wants to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead"
- Caitanya says, "In the provinces of India governed by the Muslims, there was much inconvenience in traveling with sandalwood and camphor. Because of this, Madhavendra Puri might have gotten into trouble. This became known to the Gopala Deity"
- Calcutta is my birthplace, so you have kindly come here and conducting this temple. I am very much obliged to you. I cannot remain here; I have to go here and there. Try to raise the standard of Krsna consciousness, even there are so many inconveniences
- Even after renunciation, he (Rupa Gosvami) returned to Bengal, where he properly divided whatever money he had and gave it to his relatives so that they would not be inconvenienced
- Even if we go to Brahmaloka, the highest planet, through some sort of mechanical contrivance by maybe traveling for forty thousand years, we will still find the material inconveniences of birth, death, disease and old age. BG 1972 Introduction
- Everything in the subterranean heavens is very nicely arranged. There are well situated residential quarters, there is a pleasing atmosphere, and there are no bodily inconveniences or mental anxieties
- Finish this business, this life. One life let me be strict in following the discipline and regulative principles. - This is called tapasya. So "Although it is inconvenient, I must do it to solve my problems." That is firm determination drdha-vrata
- From the birth, as I have explained, everyone is sudra. Sudra means one who laments. That is called sudra. For a slight loss or slight inconvenience, one who laments, he is called sudra. And brahmins means one who tolerates. A sudra has no toleration
- He (a diseased man) is lying on the bed. He's passing his nature's calls in that way. He's eating bitter medicine, and he, he cannot move. All these inconveniences, and he says: I am well
- He (a real yogi) can even create a planet. These are some of the yoga-siddhis, but here it is stated that the supreme yoga system does not aim at material happiness or relief from distresses caused by material inconvenience
- He (mayavadi sannyasi) feels inconvenience without varieties of life. The Bhagavata says, "Their intelligence is not clean." "Although they rise up to the brahma-jyotir," patanty adho tatah, - they again come back
- He (Murari Caitanya dasa) would remain submerged in water for two or three days, but he would feel no bodily inconvenience. Thus he behaved almost like stone or wood, but he always used his energy in chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- I am an old man. My visits should remain independent. As far as possible I am travelling, but nowadays I am feeling a little inconvenience
- I am experiencing so much inconvenience in this matter of exporting from India, although the price is already transferred from the States. So if you kindly give me your direction what to do in this connection, then I shall do it
- I am very sorry for any inconvenience that has come upon you due to this misunderstanding. I did not receive any letter from you until now about the situation so I was not aware fully of the circumstances as you have given them
- I have taken all the risk in the old age because I am in duty-bound. So I have to execute my duty in spite of all my inconveniences. That is the idea
- I know you are a sincere, silent worker, and if it is not too much inconvenient for you, you can send me at least one letter in a fortnight. That will encourage me and I can then give you necessary instructions how to develop
- I pray to Krsna that I am inviting You to come, so please, because You are seated in their hearts, please give them the intelligence how to serve you so that You may not be inconvenienced
- I think for Krishna's sake we shall try to work together even at the risk of little personal inconvenience. Our foremost concern is Krishna. If Krishna's service is well done, then we should try to forget our personal inconveniences
- I understand that you are feeling some inconvenience due to police interruption, but we have to make the best of a bad bargain
- I will agree with you that we must not strain by having more devotees there than we can fit comfortably. Things must be done in such a way that no one feels inconvenienced
- If we become fixed up in this resolution, that "Whatever we have heard from my guru, the representative of Krsna, I must execute. I do not care for my personal convenience or inconvenience. This is my life and soul," then your life is perfect
- If you are feeling inconvenience being the only woman devotee in Mombasa you may move. I have invited you to attend the Mayapur festival, but if you cannot wait then you can move at once to the Nairobi temple, or you may come to India and stay at Mayapur
- If You can also take him with You, we will be very happy. If two people go with You through the jungle, there will certainly be no difficulty or inconvenience
- If you do not control your tongue, if you feel inconvenient in taking prasadam, that means you are not making progress
- If you, actually, you are serious that "I must stop these inconveniences of birth, death, and old age," then you must join this Krsna consciousness movement. That is my request
- If, after a long time, somebody embarks on a homeward journey, the pleasure of being homeward - bound diminishes the accompanying distress of the journey. The inconveniences of traveling become subordinate to the pleasure of heading homeward
- In India nowadays there is a great movement for removing the caste system because the higher caste, brahmanas, they are claiming, due to their birthright, higher position, and the others, they are in inconvenience
- In our line ekadasi is compulsory. One may feel some inconvenience fasting or simply eating fruits. No. It must be done. There are so many rules and regulation which is essential. It must be done. That is called tapasya
- In the subterranean heavens there are no bodily inconveniences or mental anxieties, but nevertheless those who live there have to take another birth according to karma
- In this Age of Kali everyone is perplexed by so many inconveniences - social, political and religious - and naturally no one is happy. Due to the contamination of this age, everyone has a very short life
- It (bhakti) does not even finish with the end of the body, but it continues eternally. And it is joyfully performed. At first, though, there may be some inconveniences, but we must tolerate them and we shall realize the goal
- It doesn't look well if you change from one center to another for some convenience. Everywhere service to Krishna is the same, but if you are feeling some inconvenience, then you may inform Brahmananda, and get some relaxation by change of duty
- It is natural for those who have developed intense love for Krsna not to care for personal inconvenience and impediments
- It is said that formerly it (bakula tree) had two trunks, but later on, when the playmates of Nityananda Prabhu felt inconvenience in jumping from the branches of one trunk to the other, Nityananda Prabhu, by His mercy, merged the two trunks into one
- It is too bad that you are suffering too much. However this may be taken as the mercy of the Lord. If the Lord gives us some inconvenience then we may take it that He has reduced our actual punishment and just given us a token punishment
- Krsna consciousness is like that - You will be criticized, you will chastised, you will put into inconvenience, you will be arrested by police, so many things, but one has to tolerate. Tat-tat-karma-pravartanat (Upadesamrta 3). The duties must be done
- Krsna has sent you some new devotees, now keep them and train them. They should not feel inconvenience. As a matter of etiquette you should tell them that if they feel any inconvenience they should inform you and you can fix their situation
- Let us forget our past difficulties and in Krishna Consciousness, if anyone faces difficulties, it is considered as blessings, because without tapasya, or voluntarily accepting some inconveniences, nobody can realize the Transcendence
- Life and death is not in your hand. You don't think that stopping this or increasing this, you'll be able to stop all inconveniences
- Lying in bed uncomfortably taking bitter medicine, and unable to move! Yet despite all these inconveniences he says, "I am well." Similarly, in our material conception of life, if we think, "I am happy," that is foolishness
- Naturally their (the materialists') hearts are always burning, but in spite of all inconvenience, they still work to maintain such false families because they have no information of the real family association with Krsna
- Never mind some temporary inconveniences, we must remain steady in our duty to Krsna
- One may be employed in some business and, feeling inconvenience, resign. That resignation may be all right, but if by resigning one becomes unemployed and has no engagement, then what is the value of resigning
- One might say that becoming advanced in spiritual life also involves tapasya, voluntary acceptance of some inconvenience. However, such inconvenience is not as dangerous as material attempts to mitigate all miseries
- One should accept voluntary bodily inconvenience for the sake of knowing Vasudeva because that is the way of real austerities. Otherwise all forms of austerities are classified as modes of passion and ignorance
- One who wants to approach the supreme planet, Krsnaloka, or any of the other planets within the spiritual sky, will not meet with these material inconveniences (of birth, death, disease and old age). BG 1972 Introduction
- Our time is being wasted in constructing so many devices which give us temporary and artificial convenience at the price of a proportionate amount of inconvenience. This is all part of the law of karma, the law of action and reaction
- Persons who are householders without Krsna consciousness are constantly tarrying in material life, in spite of all kinds of inconveniences. In family life, or any life, one cannot be perfectly happy without being Krsna conscious
- Please uncover them so that I can see what you are carrying. Rest assured that I shall not take it away. If you feel an inconvenience in removing the covering, I can help you; I can uncover them to see what valuable things those raised horns contain
- Prahlada Maharaja's example was that in spite of continuous torturing by his father, he never forgot Krsna. This we have to follow. In spite of all kinds of inconveniences and torture by the atheist class of men, we shall never forget Krsna consciousness
- Sadhus are typified by their toleration of all other living entities. Despite all inconveniences and dangers, they try to give real knowledge to the people in general
- Sankirtana is very important service, so as far as Brahmananda feels there is no inconvenience upon other important engagements, you may continue in assisting the organizing of the New York temple's Sankirtana Party
- Seven months the consciousness returns back, and the child wants to come out. Therefore it moves, it feels inconvenient
- Simple process is to chant Hare Krsna. There is no charge for it. No loss on your part. There is no inconvenience on your part. At any moment, at any place. There is no restriction. So why don't you take advantage of this great boon to the human society
- Sivananda Sena replied, "You crazy woman! Why are you needlessly crying? Let my three sons die for all the inconvenience we have caused Nityananda Prabhu"
- So don't become grhamedhis, simply having a wife and few children. That, cats and dogs they have also got. That is not required. You find inconvenience to live alone as brahmacari - all right, you take to a wife. Live with wife. Live responsibly
- So far your acceptance by my other disciples is concerned, in the beginning there may be some inconveniences but if your decision is to work with us without any reservation, then there will be no difficulty
- Some how or other, our knowledge is now covered in this material existence, so we have to get out of this ignorance. For that purpose we require tapasya, tapo divyam (SB 5.5.1). Tapasya means voluntarily accepting some inconveniences
- Spiritually, when you get your spiritual body, there is no such material inconveniences. The material inconveniences means so long you have got this material body, you are subjected to birth, death, old age and disease
- Suppose I am accustomed to smoke. If I give it up, there will be certainly inconvenience. But for the better cause, I have to suffer voluntarily. That is called tapasya. Nobody will die if he does not get facility for illicit sex or enjoying intoxicants
- Tapasya means to undergo voluntarily some inconveniences of this body. Because we are accustomed to enjoy bodily senses, and tapasya means voluntarily to give up the idea of sense gratification. That is tapasya
- Tapasya: voluntarily accepting some severe condition of life. So in this age it is very difficult, but this is the meaning of tapasya, voluntarily accepting inconveniences
- The birth, death, old age and disease are the inconveniences of the body. The spirit soul has no birth, no death, no old age and no disease, neither the spirit soul is annihilated after the destruction of this body. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire
- The child within the womb of the mother returns his consciousness when the child is seven months old. This is human body. At that time he feels inconvenience within the womb of mother. Before that, he is unconscious, sleeping
- The human life's business is to accept tapasya, voluntarily accepting some inconvenience of life. That is called tapasya
- The Lord can act without regard to material impediments or inconveniences, but to prove that He (Lord Ramacandra) is the SP of Godhead and was not merely advertised as Godhead or elected by popular vote, He constructed a wonderful bridge over the ocean
- The San Francisco temple, not being situated in a nice quarter, they are trying to remove to somewhere else. Now they have got a Berkeley temple. It is not my policy to close any temple, but if there is inconvenience, we change the place
- The spirit souls in the Brahmajyoti, although they have no desire for sense gratification, still they feel inconvenience like the ghost, and they fall down again in the Maya's atmosphere and develop a material body
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is always the unlimited. Although the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in His body as a tortoise, held on His back the largest of mountains, Mandara-parvata, He did not feel any inconvenience
- The whole human civilization is trying to get freedom from some inconvenience - the state, politics, sociology, humanity, religions, so many things. So ultimately it is taken religion is the path of vimukti. Religion
- The whole New York City is flooded with the snow, and we are all put into inconvenience. That's a sort of suffering. But you have no control. You cannot stop snow falling
- The whole New York City is flooded with the snow, and we are all put into inconvenience. That's a sort of suffering. But you have no control. You cannot stop snow falling. You see? If some, some, there is wind, cold wind, you cannot stop it
- There are so many rules and regulation which is essential. It must be done. That is called tapasya. Without consideration whether it is convenient or inconvenient for you, which is, must be done, that is called tapasya
- There is always a hard struggle going on involving man's attempt to dominate material nature. However, for every convenience he manages to produce, there is an inconvenience accompanying it
- There may be fireworks going on, and this may be happiness for someone but distress for us. Some people are thinking that these fireworks are very enjoyable, and we are thinking that they are very inconvenient. That is the material world
- They (sages) are sincere friends to all living entities, and at the risk of great personal inconvenience they are always engaged in the service of the Lord for the good of all people
- Those who are too attached amidst the pinpricks of muddy householder life are compared to the cranes that stand on the bank of the river for some sense enjoyment despite all the inconveniences there
- Unless one is interested in understanding his spiritual life, or his constitutional position, and unless he also feels inconvenience in material existence, his human form of life is spoiled
- Unless one takes shelter at the lotus feet of Krsna within the society of devotees, he will be inconvenienced wherever he goes
- We are in some inconvenience, just like we are in inconvenience for transport, oh, scientist gives us some horseless carriage. That is also vimukti. We feel inconvenienced for working so the scientist has given us the car
- We are making something for our convenience, but we are creating something else which is inconvenient. So this is due to godless civilization. But if we become God conscious, then our progress of civilization will be very peaceful and happy
- What is the duty of human life? Tapo, tapasya. Tapasya, voluntarily accepting some inconvenience. That is called tapasya
- When he (living being) is awake from trance, he feels the inconvenience of being confined within the womb, and thus he wants to come out of it and sometimes fortunately prays to the Lord for such liberation
- When the body grows within the mother's womb and it is seven months, then he returns consciousness. He feels inconvenient. And he is very eager to come out
- When we desire to eat more than necessary we automatically create many inconveniences in life
- When you follow without consideration of whether it (the order of the spiritual master and the order of the sastra, or scripture) is convenient or inconvenient, simply because it must be done, that is called tapasya
- When you get your spiritual body, there is no such material inconveniences. The material inconveniences means so long you have got this material body, you are subjected to birth, death, old age and disease