Category:God Is Powerful
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Pages in category "God Is Powerful"
The following 56 pages are in this category, out of 56 total.
- All the material manifestations of the universes are therefore situated in His powerful material energies, which He accepts self-sufficiently, although He is eternally without affinity for the material modes
- Although calling for his son, he (Ajamila) was unknowingly chanting the name of Narayana, and the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is so transcendentally powerful that his chanting was being counted and recorded
- Although he (Ajamila) had chanted the holy name Narayana to indicate his son, the holy name is so transcendentally powerful that he was automatically freed because he had chanted the holy name while dying
- Although he (Ajamila) was referring to the small child and not to the original Narayana, the name of Narayana is so powerful that even by chanting his son's name he was becoming purified
- Although Lord Siva is never defeated by anyone, when defeated by Lord Visnu he felt proud that he had such an exalted and powerful master
- Although the Lord was going to Bali Maharaja to beg something, He is always complete and has nothing to beg from anyone. Indeed, He is so powerful that in His full opulence He pressed down the surface of the earth at every step
- Any lowborn person can be purified by the guidance of a pure devotee of the Lord, for the Lord is extraordinarily powerful
- As the incarnation of Manu, the Lord became the descendant of the Manu dynasty and ruled over the miscreant kingly order, subduing them by His powerful wheel weapon
- As Vamanadeva, the Lord was so powerful that simply by stepping forward He covered the whole universe from Brahmaloka down to Patalaloka
- By associating with persons for whom the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Mukunda, is the all in all, one can hear of His powerful activities and soon come to understand them
- By His will, I create, Lord Siva destroys, and He Himself, in His eternal form as the Personality of Godhead, maintains everything. He is the powerful controller of these three energies
- By powerful potencies (of God) the universe is created, although grossly it appears to be no more than the five elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether
- He (Lord Anantadeva) is so large and powerful that this universe rests on one of His hoods just like a drop of water. He does not know where it is
- He (Lord Anantadeva) is very powerful and always prepared to please His personal associates and devotees
- He (Vyasadeva) is a powerful incarnation of Narayana, and he broadcasts the Vedic wisdom to the world. As such, Vyasadeva is offered respects before one chants the Vedic literature, especially the Puranas
- Here (in SB 10.6.18) is the Supreme Personality of Godhead - Krsna. Although the Raksasi Putana could increase or decrease her bodily size by her mystic abilities and thus gain proportionate power, the SPG is equally powerful in any transcendental form
- "How it is possible to make a candala a Vaisnava?" No, that is possible. Prabhavisnave namah. Visnu is so powerful, omnipotent. He can do that. So only by Visnu mantra, by becoming a Vaisnava, one can transcend all this restriction, sociology
- How powerful is the illusory energy of Lord Visnu, by which the entire world is bound by affection for children
- If we accept that the ultimate truth is the powerful, then the powerful can maintain any number of population, otherwise there is no meaning to Powerful if he is subjected to any limitation
- If you actually approach the Supreme Father, there is no death. Death cannot touch you, you have got such a father. Just approach him. Aisvrayasaya samagraya viryas . . . He is so powerful
- In the Vedic language we can understand that God is also a living entity. He's not void. He's just like a person, like you and me. But He's so powerful. Eko bahunam vidadhati kaman. One single number, He is providing so many, innumerable living entities
- It is very appropriate to compare a powerful king like Prthu to a lion. In India, ksatriya kings are still called singh, which means "lion."
- Lord Ramacandra, Laksmana, Bharata and Satrughna, who, being visnu-tattva, are all equally powerful, became the sons of Maharaja Dasaratha in response to prayers by the demigods
- Lord Visnu is powerful, and His activities are so glorious that He has created the spiritual world by His internal potency and the material world by His external potency
- Lord Visnu is so powerful that He can deliver anyone at once if He is pleased to do so. And Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, can be pleased immediately if we accept His order by surrendering unto Him, as Maharaja Yayati did
- O King Pariksit, when Amsuman had glorified the Lord in this way, the great sage Kapila, the powerful incarnation of Visnu, being very merciful to him, explained to him the path of knowledge
- O my Lord, as powerful as fire, O omnipotent one, now I offer You all obeisances, falling on the ground at Your feet
- One who believes, he becomes, oh, puffed-up with pleasure, "Oh, my Lord is so powerful." And those who do not believe will say: "Oh, it is simply bluffing. Krsna is a person, driving the chariot of Arjuna, and He says . . ." They are imitating
- Philosophers like Jaimini and his followers establish that fruitive activity is the root cause of all distress and happiness, and that even if there is a superior authority, some superhuman powerful God or gods
- Philosophers like Jaimini and his followers establish that He or they (some superhuman powerful God or gods) are also under the influence of fruitive activity because they reward result according to one's action
- Seeing the situation that had been created by the will of the Supreme, the unlimitedly powerful Lord, whose determination is infallible, took the wonderful shape of a tortoise, entered the water, and lifted the great Mandara Mountain
- Simply by hearing of the powerful activities of the Lord, the devotee's heart becomes almost completely cleansed of material contamination, and thus his original position as an eternal servant who is part and parcel of the Lord becomes manifest
- Srila Vyasadeva, a powerful incarnation of Narayana, compiled the Vedanta-sutra
- Srimad-Bhagavatam describes the Supreme Personality of Godhead as being so powerful that nothing we might consider abominable can affect Him
- The Advaitan wrongly thinks that he is absolutely one with God, that he himself is God. That is wrong. How can you become God? God is sad-aisvarya-purnam, full in six opulences - all power, all wealth, all beauty, all fame, all knowledge, & renunciation
- The cleansing of the polluted heart by other methods (like the culture of empiric knowledge or mystic gymnastics) can simply cleanse one's own heart, but devotional service to the Lord is so powerful that it can cleanse the hearts of the people in general
- The Lord is situated in many forms, such as Rama, Laksmana, Bharata and Satrughna, and these forms may exist in any part of His creation. All these forms exist permanently, eternally, as individual PG, and they resemble many candles, all equally powerful
- The Lord is so powerful that He can do anything and everything merely by His sweet will alone. As mentioned above, everything is done by His energies in a natural way, with full knowledge and complete perfection
- The Lord is so powerful that He destroys everything in the form of death. As Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita: "I am all-devouring death." The Lord is just like death to the atheists, for He takes away everything they accumulate in the material world
- The Lord's incarnations are so powerful that Lord Vamanadeva covered the entire universe with two steps and therefore had no place for His third step
- The separated parts and parcels are powerful by limitation. They do not have unlimited power like the visnu-tattvas
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead expands Himself in the plenary forms of the visnu-tattva, and although they are equally powerful, the original powerful Personality of Godhead is considered the source
- The Vedanta-sutra aphorisms were compiled by Srila Vyasadeva, a powerful incarnation of Sri Narayana, although it is sometimes said that they were compiled by a great sage named Apantaratama
- This theory, that there is a shortage of food or overpopulation, we do not accept it. God is so powerful that He can feed everyone without any difficulty. Simply we are mismanaging. Otherwise there is no difficulty
- When one is a nondevotee, the statements of Krsna seem to be so much bluff, but when one is a devotee, he thinks, "Oh, my Lord is so powerful," and he becomes filled with love and adoration
- With His toe He made a hole through which the water of the Causal Ocean filters into the material sky, and the current is known as the Ganges, which purifies the planets of the three worlds. i.e., no one is equal to the transcendentally powerful Visnu