Category:Giving to Krsna
Pages in category "Giving to Krsna"
The following 86 pages are in this category, out of 86 total.
- A person who wants to give everything in charity to Krsna but does not want anything in return is considered the real renouncer. Thus, a devotee will refuse to accept any kind of liberation, even if it is offered by the Lord
- According to the example set by Rupa Gosvami, whatever possessions one has, one should give fifty percent for Krsna and twenty-five percent for one's relatives, who will also expect something, and one should keep twenty-five percent for personal emergency
- Actually Krsna protects the entire universe, but Yasoda was giving protection to Krsna. This is Vaisnava philosophy
- Actually we cannot give any service to Krsna. He is unlimited. What is the value of our service? But He takes it seriously: "Oh, he is trying to give Me some service." Otherwise what service He needs from us?
- Actually, because you have given your life to Krishna, you are already perfect. But it is just like the ocean, if you are swimming in it you may swim forever and not reach the shore. Similarly, there is no limit to the perfection of Krishna Consciousness
- Afterwards, when the Lord (Krsna) asked permission to depart and the King gave it, the Lord offered His respects to Maharaja Yudhisthira by bowing down at his feet, and the King embraced Him
- Agni knew that Krsna was very much pleased with him because he had formerly given Him the Sudarsana disc. So in order to satisfy Agni, Krsna became the chariot driver of Arjuna, and both went to the Khandava forest
- All of the relatives of King Bhismaka decided that Rukmini should be given in marriage to Krsna. But her elder brother Rukmi, despite the desire of the others, arranged for her marriage with Sisupala
- All the devotees should be satisfied. They have given their lives to Krishna, so we should see they are always happy. Their service is voluntary. It is not that we can force anyone to do anything. If we do they will go away and that is a great loss
- Although Jambavan was a devotee by nature, he did not know that his opponent was Krsna while giving service to the Lord by his bodily strength
- Although Krsna is the maintainer of everyone, sometimes He takes the part of a beggar. He begs to benefit the charitable. Who is giving in charity, he is benefited. Just like Bali Maharaja, he gave everything to Vamanadeva. There are different devotees
- Another gopi began to speak. "My dear friend," she said, "He (Krsna) has perfected the art of smiling very attractively, and by seeing His smile women become mad after Him and give themselves to Him without hesitation"
- Anything which has not given satisfaction to Krsna or God, that is bad. Now you have to judge yourself how Krsna is satisfied. That requires training; that requires understanding
- Apart from such Vedic duties, even in our ordinary dealings (for example, in our household affairs or in our business or profession) we must consider that the result of all activities must be given over to the supreme enjoyer, Lord Krsna
- As for sodasopacara, the sixteen ingredients, one should (13) offer incense, (14) offer a lamp, (15) give good food, and (16) offer prayers
- As the Lord advises in the Bhagavad-gita, "Whatever you do, do it for Me; whatever you eat, first offer it to Me; whatever charity you want to give, first give it to Me; and whatever austerities and penances you want to perform, perform them for Me"
- Because he was very proud of his possession, so Vamanadeva came to Bali Maharaja: "Maharaja, you are ksatriya. You are very charitable, I have heard. If you can give me little land?" So Bali Maharaja was very much pleased: Yes, I will give You
- Because we have to take prasadam, remnants of foodstuff, Krsna, therefore He says, "Give Me this: food grains, milk, or fruits and flowers." Prepared or unprepared, it doesn't matter. Krsna wants that
- Brahma said, "These residents of Vrndavana have given You everything - their bodies, their minds, their love, their homes, their possessions. Everything is being utilized for Your purpose"
- Don't take food, don't eat simply for satisfying your palate. That is called sense enjoyment. But you, just to keep yourself fit, just to keep your body fit for giving service to the Lord, you can eat Krsna prasada
- Dr. Radhakrishnan interprets: It is not the personal Krsna to whom we have to give ourselves up utterly but the Unborn, Beginningless, Eternal who speaks through Krsna
- Due to their heart and soul being completely given to Krsna, they (the gopis) began to chant His glories, completely forgetting their family interests
- Either you call Krsna or Jehovah, or whatever name you like, you give, but God is one. So if you simply become to this consciousness, that "I am eternal servant of God, and my business is to serve God..."
- Even if one is in the renounced order, he should never give up the regulative principles. He should worship the Deity and give his time and life to the service of Krsna. He should also continue following the rules and regulations of austerity and penance
- Everyone goes to God to beg, "God, give us our daily bread." But one must go to God to give Him. If I do not give bread to Krsna, he will be starving. This is devotee's mentality
- He (Krsna) also promised that if the washerman would deliver the nicest dyed cloth to Him, the washerman would become very happy, and all good fortune would be his
- He (Yudhisthira) began to give Him (Krsna) garments all embroidered with gold, he gave Him ornaments all bedecked with valuable jewels, and he gave Him many fully decorated elephants, chariots and horses
- He further wished to give Krsna in charity his kingdom, his family and his personal self also. After so desiring, when there was nothing to actually give in charity, Maharaj Yudhisthira became very perturbed and anxious
- He knows in his mind that by giving his full attention and energy to Krsna, that the Supreme Personality of Godhead will not disregard this and make him to suffer. No, Krsna is not like that
- I was householder, my Guru Maharaja was life-long brahmacari. But we are doing the same work of preaching Krishna Consciousness, so what is the difference, grhastha and brahmacari? Actual sannyasa means that he has given everything to Krishna
- If one wants to enjoy real peace and prosperity, he should give everything to Krsna, who is the real enjoyer, real friend and real proprietor
- If you give charity for Krsna activities, then there is no reaction. The... Of course, there is reaction. That is called transcendental reaction, that you will gradually become elevated into Krsna consciousness
- If you render service to Krsna, then He'll reveal to you. Revelation. So, he, how much service he's giving, that will be tested how much he has, I mean to say, realized Krsna. This is the test. If Krsna is still vague idea to him, then he hasn't advanced
- It is so pleasing to me that you are giving service to Krishna by your intelligence, by your body, by your mind. Everything is very nice and this will make you more and more progressive in understanding Krishna Consciousness
- Krishna wants to see that the life is sacrificed, but also accumulation, money, should be given to Krishna. Life to Krishna and money to wife is not a good decision
- Krsna continued, "The wonderful explanation you have given of My every word is completely factual and approved by Me. O most beautiful Rukmini, you are My dearmost wife. I am greatly pleased to understand how much love you have for Me"
- Krsna immediately opened His mouth, but instead of giving Him sugar candy with yogurt, the friend dropped a flower in His mouth
- Krsna is fulfilling all your desires. And don't you like to give Him some tax?
- Krsna is full in all opulences; He does not need anything from anyone. But if one is prepared to give something to Krsna, that is for one's own benefit
- Krsna is not beggar. Krsna can create millions of fruits and flowers. He's atmarama, He's fully satisfied in Himself. He's so opulent. But He wants that you should also love Krsna and give Him something. That He wants. Therefore He comes
- Krsna is ready to accept from you a little bit of water, flower, leaf, or fruit. Practically it has no value, but when you begin to give to Krsna, then gradually a time will come when you'll be prepared to give everything to Krsna like the gopis
- Krsna said that "You give Me patram, means vegetables, flowers, fruits, and phalam, fruits, and some liquid, water or milk." Krsna does not say, "You give Me meat or egg or fish." No
- Krsna was dressed in yellowish garments, & Balarama was dressed in bluish garments. They were given all sorts of ornaments and flower garlands
- Krsna, when He wants, "Give Me a little flower, a little fruit, a little water," it does not mean that He is begging. He is just inducing me to the practice of offering everything which belongs to Krsna
- Nobody is giving credit to Krsna, who is floating millions and trillions of stars and planets in the air. So by taking Krsna's stock, the petroleum or gas, we become scientist and fly the aeroplane, and Krsna has given the petrol, and He has no credit
- Not that because He (Krsna) will give me something more than expectation I am giving service. That mentality is not good
- O King of the earth, it has been decided by expert, learned scholars that only the SPG, Krsna, in whom all that is moving or nonmoving within this universe is resting and from whom everything is coming, is the best person to whom everything must be given
- O river Yamuna, you are the blissful spiritual water that gives love to the son of Nanda Maharaja. You are the same as the water of the spiritual world, for you can vanquish all our offenses and the sinful reactions incurred in life
- On His (Krsna) journey through these provinces He was welcomed, worshiped and given various presentations. In the evening, in all places, the Lord suspended His journey to perform evening rites. This was regularly observed after sunset
- Once one of Krsna's friends informed Him, "My dear Krsna, if You will open Your mouth, then I shall give You one nice sugar candy mixed with yogurt"
- One does not become a loser by giving to the Lord (Krsna); one becomes a gainer by millions of times
- Pleased to see Lord Sri Krsna passing with His thousands of queens, they (young girls of Hastinapur) showered flowers on the procession, embraced Lord Krsna within their minds and gave Him a hearty reception
- Prahlada Maharaja says that, "He (Krsna) demands your surrender, your service or your wealth - ’You give Me everything.’ It is for your benefit. He is full
- Real love of Krsna becomes manifested when Krsna becomes the recipient of charity and the devotee becomes the giver
- Renouncing means that you are falsely possessing. So you give it to Krsna, the original proprietor
- Rohinidevi rebuked Mother Yasoda, "You may be very expert in giving lessons to your son by binding Him (Krsna) with rope, but don't you look to see if your son is in a dangerous spot? The trees are falling on the ground, and He is simply loitering there"
- Rukmini, the principal queen of Lord Krsna, was the daughter of the King of Vidarbha, who wished that his qualified and beautiful daughter be given away to Lord Krsna
- Rupa Gosvami, the example, when he wanted to retire from family life, he gave fifty percent to Krsna. He was very rich man. After retirement he brought one full load of boat, golden coins. Just imagine the value
- Sandipani muni continued, "You (Krsna and Balarama) are above all blessing, yet it is my duty to bless You. I therefore give You the benediction that whatever You speak will remain as eternally fresh as the instructions of the Vedas"
- Satrajit had promised that he would give his beautiful daughter in charity to various candidates, but later the decision was changed, and Satyabhama was given to Krsna along with the Syamantaka jewel
- So anyone who does not take the result of his karma, then he is sannyasi. Suppose you earn... You are a businessman. You have earned two lakhs of rupees, but give it to Krsna
- Sometimes, in a sportive spirit, He (Krsna) wishes to fight to make a show of bodily strength, and when He so desires, He selects one of His suitable devotees to give Him that pleasure. Krsna desired this pleasure of mock fighting with Jambavan
- Srimati Radharani continued, "Before that birth as a ksatriya, He (Krsna) took His birth as a brahmana boy known as Vamanadeva and asked charity from Bali Maharaja. Bali Maharaja was so magnanimous that he gave Him whatever he had"
- Suppose you are working, you are getting, say, hundred dollars. You give it to Krsna. That is service
- The art of focusing one's attention on the Supreme and giving one's love to Him is called Krsna consciousness
- The gopis would say, "If You dance, my dear Krsna, then I shall give You half a sweetmeat." By saying these words or by clapping their hands, all the gopis encouraged Krsna in different ways - SB 10.11.7
- The name Damodara was given to Krsna when He was bound by ropes by His mother, but the Damodara form in the month of October is a different manifestation
- The son demands, and the father supplies, and in supplying Krsna the devotee becomes like a father. Instead of taking from God, we give to God
- The vendor saw that her whole basket of fruit had become filled with jewels. The Lord is the bestower of all benedictions. If someone gives something to the Lord, he is not the loser; he is the gainer by a million times
- There are thousands and millions of names of Lord Krsna - Visnu-sahasra-nama - and all of them are given to Him because of His transcendental qualities
- There is no flaw or adulteration in the love of the gopis; therefore they give Krsna the highest pleasure
- There is no harm to become very big businessman, earning money. That is all right - but you give it to Krsna. Then in any position you can remain Krsna consciousness
- Those who are karmis, very much attached to material activities, for them, this karma-yoga is recommended. Some way or other, be connected with Krsna. It is not so meant... It is very great achievement that you work hard earn money and give it to Krsna
- Try to understand this fact. Krsna does not require your nice dress or nice flower or nice food. Krsna does not require. But if you give Him, then you become benefited. It is Krsna's favor that He's accepting
- We are eternal servant of Krsna, and we should give, render, we should render service to the best of capacity. That is our real, constitutional position
- We are Krsna's parts and parcels and have been created to give pleasure to Krsna
- We are not concerned vegetarian or nonvegetarian, we are concerned with Krsna. Krsna says: "You give Me fruits, flowers, grains," we offer that. If Krsna says: "You give Me meat, chickens," we shall offer and we shall take
- We do not disapprove of any activities of the world provided the result is given to Krishna. That is the whole instruction of the Bhagavad Gita
- We should take direct instruction from Krsna, and He advises, yat karosi, yat juhosi, yat asnasi, yat tapasyasi kurusva tat mad-arpanam (BG 9.27): You can do whatever you like, but the result should be given to Me
- When He was grown-up, His real father took Him charge, Vasudeva. He belonged to the ksatriya family. All other education was given: how to fight, how to rule, everything
- When Krsna asks you that "Give Me in charity," so that - you are foolishly thinking that it is your money - Krsna is just trying to take your money so that your false consciousness may be dispelled. Therefore He is
- With love and affection, one should try to give something to Krsna from one's source of income. Then one's life will be successful