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Pages in category "Forgotten"
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- A rich man's son, he has forgotten that his father is very rich, or his father has left immense property. But forgetting his real position, he's loitering in the street, hungry. You can call him, "All right, you take some food." That is not real benefit
- Adoration by mundane people is valueless because after death one has to accept another body. Material adoration and titles are decorations that cannot be carried over to the next body. In the next life, everything is forgotten
- After many days, when Brahma wanted to recall him to his heavenly kingdom, Indra, in the form of a hog, forgot everything of his royal position in the heavenly kingdom, and he refused to go back
- All His (Lord Krsna's) appearances are meaningful because they show His real characteristics to the conditioned souls, who have forgotten their relationship with the Supreme Lord. He does everything for their benefit
- As he (Lord Siva) looked at the beautiful woman (Mohini-murti) and She watched him, he forgot both himself and Uma, his most beautiful wife, as well as his associates nearby
- As her (Yasoda's) natural feeling of affection increased, she decided to herself, Now let this incident be forgotten. I do not mind. Here is my son. Let me kiss Him
- As soon as a sleeping living entity hears the powerful voice emanating from the mouth of a pure devotee, he immediately remembers his eternal relationship with the Lord, although up until that moment he had forgotten everything
- As soon as I die, again I will have to enter into the womb of a particular mother to take birth again. So where is the happiness? In the womb of the mother to live for ten months in a very awkward position - we have forgotten - that is not very happiness
- As we are not this body, past life means there was another body; we have forgotten it. Just like at night we dream, "I have gone to some foreign place and talking with some foreigners and so on, so on"
- At the present moment, civilized man has forgotten how to decorate, therefore this mini-skirt - the business of the trees - to remain naked. Human being means to be decorated, like Krsna is decorated, not naked
- At the present status of our life we have not only forgotten the Supreme Lord, but also we have forgotten our eternal relationship with the Lord
- At the time of death there are so many disturbance. We have got experience, but you have forgotten because bhutva bhutva praliyate (BG 8.19). But these things are observed by the sinful person
- Because he is godless, he did not say, "Even God cannot kill me." That he forgot. In this way he took benediction that "I shall not die on the land." "Yes." "I shall not die on the water." - Yes
- Because of the Lord's pastimes and activities and because of His absence, it appeared that Arjuna forgot the instructions left by the Personality of Godhead. But factually this was not the case, and again he became lord of his senses
- Because the householders are engaged in family affairs and have forgotten their purpose in life-awakening their Krsna consciousness - it is the business of the sannyasis to go as beggars to the householders and encourage them to be KC. BG 1972 purports
- Because the son is part of the body of the father, the relationship between them cannot be broken; it may be forgotten for some time, but as soon as one recognizes his father or son, immediately affection develops
- Because they saw Krsna and Balarama daily, face to face, they (the citizens of Mathura) soon forgot all material miseries completely
- Because we have forgotten Krsna, you think that "We can do something." Therefore we take advantage of our high intelligence to defend ourselves more nicely, to have mating more nicely or eating more nicely
- Because we have forgotten our identities and are considering the body to be the self, we are afflicted by all the troubles of birth, death, old age and disease
- Being attached to raising the deer, Bharata forgot the rules and regulations for the advancement of spiritual life, and he gradually forgot to worship the Supreme Personality of God. After a few days, he forgot everything about his spiritual advancement
- Being engaged in their celestial pastimes, the queens forgot themselves, and their loosened hair appeared like beautiful waves of a river
- Bhuli gela means
- Brahma said, "Because their (Inhabitants of Vrndavana) attachment has been directed unto You & their homes have been converted into temples by Your constant presence there, & because they have forgotten everything for Your sake, there is no impediment"
- By Lord Narayana's sweet words and by the expansion of His superior illusion, the demon (Vrkasura) became bewildered, and he actually forgot the power of Lord Siva and his benediction
- Daksa has accepted the body as all in all. Therefore, since he has forgotten the visnu-pada, or visnu-gati, and is attached to sex life only, within a short time he will have the face of a goat
- Dampatye, union of man and woman, means sex. There is no other religious system, I mean, that husband, wife live together; they should cooperate for advancing in Krsna consciousness. These things are being forgotten
- Death means you have forgotten everything. Suppose I was a very big king or prime minister or president. But that is all finished. Now I've got another life, another chapter of life
- Each and every living creature has a particular relationship with God, but we have, for now, forgotten. When that relationship is revealed in the process of devotional activities, or KC, you will know that that is the perfection of your life
- Even though they (gopis) were embracing Krsna only mentally, they became so ecstatic and overwhelmed with joy that for the time being they completely forgot themselves
- Everyone has forgotten his real constitutional position. Therefore all of them are hovering in the air without any concrete knowledge of the goal of life
- Everything is good; everything is bad - materially. The real good for him: that he has forgotten his spiritual identification; revive him to that consciousness. That is real good
- Father says: "My dear child, when you were two years old you fell down and there was a fracture in your brain." He cannot remember. The father can say: "Yes, it happened. You have forgotten. I remember." Similarly, Krsna can remember everything
- For this transcendental happiness, the living entity has wandered throughout the universe in different forms of life and different planetary systems, but because he has forgotten his intimate relationship with Visnu he has merely suffered life after life
- Forgotten consciousness
- He (a living entity) should engage himself in the devotional service of the Lord so that his identity with the material body will automatically be forgotten. BG 1972 purports
- He (Bahulasva) was so overcome by feelings of love that after bowing down only once, he forgot his position and could not rise again
- He (Kamsa) personally unlocked the iron shackles and very sympathetically showed his friendship for his family members. When Devaki saw her brother so repentant, she also became pacified and forgot all his atrocious activities against her children
- He became a victim of this lusty woman, and then he lost his good character and left home and his young wife, coming of very respectable family. He forgot everything. Then, in association with this prostitute, he gradually became degenerated, degraded
- He has got a scheme, but he has no scheme where he is going either to hell or heaven. That scheme he has forgotten. He's trying to make scheme so long this fifty years, hundred years. You see? This is going on
- He then forgot the insult because King Rahugana pitifully begged pardon at his lotus feet. After this, he began to wander all over the earth, just as before
- Here we are certainly very engaged in material sense gratification, and therefore we can hardly remember the lotus feet of Lord Narayana. Indeed, because of our excessive sense gratification, we have almost forgotten His lotus feet
- If one executes his duties as a perfect ksatriya, vaisya, sudra or whatever, Visnu will be pleased. The purpose of work is to please Visnu. Unfortunately, people have forgotten this
- If one is not faithful, if he does not believe in God, for him it is to be forgotten. He cannot not understand what is Absolute Truth
- In a previous life one may have been a great man of knowledge, but in this life he has to start again by going to school and learning how to read and write from the beginning. Whatever knowledge was acquired in the previous life is forgotten
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord says to Arjuna, My dear Arjuna, both you and I have appeared many, many times in this material world, but you have forgotten, whereas I remember
- In due course of time, Sakuntala gave birth to a Vaisnava son, but Dusmanta, having returned to the capital, forgot what had taken place
- In Kali-yuga, however, people have forgotten the essence. Mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah
- In spite of having such an important body (the human body), if one does not re-establsih his lost relationship with Govinda, Lord Krsna, he is certainly a fool who has forgoten his self-interest
- In the Fourth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita the Lord (Krsna) informed Arjuna that both He and Arjuna had undergone many, many births previously, but the Lord remembered everything about them whereas Arjuna had forgotten
- In this human form of life, one should be inquisitive to understand what is Brahman. That is the first business of human society. But they have now forgotten
- Indeed, the Personality of Godhead forgot Himself in the course of His transcendental pastimes, but His internal potency (lila-sakti), knowing the intentions of the Lord, made all arrangements
- Indra became most repentant, understanding that because of his opulence he had forgotten to respect his spiritual master. He left the palace to beg pardon from his spiritual master, but could not find Brhaspati anywhere
- It is a fact that in our previous lives we had other bodies with other families, fathers, mothers and so on in other countries, but we have forgotten all of these
- It is amazing that You have forgotten the land of Vrndavana. And how is it that You have forgotten Your father, mother and friends? How have You forgotten Govardhana Hill, the bank of the Yamuna and the forest where You enjoyed the rasa-lila dance
- Just as a person haunted by a ghost exhibits madness, the best of the he-goats, attracted by the many she-goats, engaged in erotic activities and naturally forgot his real business of self-realization
- Just imagine in your previous lives you had been a great man of knowledge, but in this life, since your childhood, you had to go to school, college, and acquire knowledge. The knowledge which you had in your previous lives is now forgotten
- Krsna continued, "Whatever mistakes you (Rukmini) may have made may be forgotten. You may chalk out your own lucrative path of life. Usually a person does not establish a marital relationship with a person who is either higher or lower than his position"
- Krsna is already connected with you. You have forgotten, and we are trying to give you the process how you can revive your original consciousness
- Krsna replied, - My dear Arjuna, you were also present then, but you have forgotten, whereas I have not. That is the difference
- Krsna says, mrtyuh sarva-haras caham (BG 10.34). What is death? Just like in your previous life you had been something. Death means you have forgotten everything
- Krsna's personal servant, Daruka, seeing Krsna at the door of Dvaraka, forgot to offer Him respects with folded hands
- Let all other considerations be forgotten and only my desire to do the thing best for Krishna's alone pleasure be my motive
- Like everyone, this brahmana was attached to his home, and he had forgotten that someday he would die. Death, however, was not forgetful. At the proper time, death appeared and took him away
- Maharaja Dusyanta fell in love with Sakuntala in the forest, and Bharata was conceived. After that, Maharaja forgot his wife Sakuntala by the curse of Kanva Muni, and the child Bharata was brought up in the forest by his mother
- Manu and Kapila have also forgotten the religious principles. I suppose it to be because of this that they have not tried to stop Lord Siva from behaving improperly
- Maya enchants the entire world. Indeed, people have forgotten the ultimate goal of life because of the dazzling attractions of the material world
- My dear friend, when you enter such a body along with the woman of material desires, you become overly absorbed in sense enjoyment. Because of this, you have forgotten your spiritual life
- Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum: (SB 7.5.31) the living entities have forgotten that the aim of life is to go back home, back to Godhead
- Nitai Pada Kamala, 1968 part two - They (human animals) have become maddened by a false concept of the bodily life. Ahankare matta hoiya, nitai-pada pasariya: And for this reason they have completely forgotten their eternal relationship with Nityananda
- Now I love you or you love me, but that love is on the platform of this ephemeral body. But when love of Krsna is developed, I will love not only you but every living entity because the outward designation, the body, will be forgotten
- One day while Sivananda was detained by a tollman, his servant forgot to give the dog its cooked rice
- One has to learn this, that everything belongs to Krsna. Isavasyam idam sarvam. This is Vedic instruction. We have created trouble because we have forgotten the real proprietor
- One should not think that he is freed from reaction because he has forgotten the actions of his past life
- One should not think that he is freed from reaction because he has forgotten the actions of his past life. Reactions will take place, and what kind of reactions there will be is judged by the Supersoul, the witness
- One who has forgotten the basic principle of his love for everything has only flickering love because he is in maya
- One who has forgotten the real aim of life may worship goddess Durga, maya-sakti, under various names, for different purposes, and in different places
- Our awareness is there. You love somebody. But you are meant to love Krsna, that you have forgotten
- Our disease is that we have forgotten God. The more we are forgetful about God, the more we are animals. And the more we become advanced in understanding God, Krsna consciousness, then we are human being
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is trying to educate people to cure his disease of forgetfulness. He has forgotten simply. Just like a madman forgets who is his father, who is his mother, he talks nonsense, sometimes he calls ill names. Mad
- Our past lives we have forgotten since we have got this body; similarly, when you get another body we shall forget. But each life is a chapter of suffering, that's all
- Our real purpose of life is to become yogi. Yogi means to reestablish our connection, our lost connection, with God. At the present moment, in our material condition, we have forgotten our relationship, our eternal relationship with Krsna
- People all over the world, especially in India, have forgotten their relationship with SPG and His eternal servants. Therefore the principles of morality, religion and ethics have almost disappeared. This situation is most unprofitable for human society
- People have forgotten now. They do not know what is the austerities. But the human life is meant for that purpose. Tapo divyam putraka yena suddhyet sattvam yena brahma-saukhyam anantam
- Persons who are attached to worshiping demigods like Lord Brahma, Siva, Indra and Candra for some personal benefit are less intelligent and have forgotten the real purpose of life
- Prahlada Maharaja say - They (people in this material world who are enamored with the material energy) have forgotten that life is an opportunity to understand the ultimate goal of perfection, Visnu
- Sannyasi life is meant for distributing knowledge to the householders and others who have forgotten their real life of spiritual advancement. BG 1972 purports
- Several times you have died, you have experienced, but you have forgotten. Forgetfulness... Forgetfulness is no excuse. Forgetfulness is no excuse. Suppose a child forgot some suffering. That does not mean that he did not suffer
- Since obtaining all these (motorcars with dazzling polish, and a radio set and colorful news) material means of enjoyment he (the rich man) has forgotten the principle that everything in the world comes and goes away like the changing season
- So many things we have forgotten, but that does not mean the trouble was not there
- So this is a forgotten story, truthfulness. That is brahminical qualification. All these qualifications are mentioned. It is not possible to acquire all the qualities by one man
- Some way or other, one must try to reestablish one's forgotten relation with the Lord if one at all desires to gain real happiness in life, and to reclaim his natural unfettered condition
- Sukadeva Gosvami wants to impress upon the mind of the reader (in SB 6.1.63) that Ajamila's exalted position as a brahmana was vanquished by his association with the prostitute, so much so that he forgot all his brahminical activities
- Svarupa Damodara then retorted, "My dear Srivasa, please hear me with attention. You have forgotten the transcendental opulence of Vrndavana"
- Taking advantage of the pleasing atmosphere, Krsna and Balarama began to sing very melodiously. The damsels became so absorbed in Their rhythmical song that they almost forgot themselves
- That incident was not forgotten by Brahma (that Brahma's previous sons the four kumaras, refused to obey their father), and therefore the obedience of Manu Svayambhuva was very encouraging
- The "material" only exists for those who have forgotten that Nārāyaṇa is the original cause
- The bondage is that mastership mentality. He's servant, but he's thinking falsely that he's master. Just like your President Nixon. He thought, "Now I have become master of America, I'm president." He forgot that he's servant
- The devotees, they are, even though they are not forgotten, but they are not interested in sense enjoyment. They are interested in Krsna. That is the difference. This is maya and Krsna
- The different forms of Krsna are distributed throughout the universe to give pleasure to the devotees. It is not that devotees are born only in India. There are devotees in all parts of the world, but they have simply forgotten their identity
- The energy is there, but because we have forgotten the source of the energy or we do not know the source of the energy, therefore we take material things as final. This is our ignorance
- The forgetful living entities or conditioned souls have forgotten their relationship with the Supreme Lord, and they are engrossed in thinking of material activities. BG 1972 Introduction
- The great kings, leaders and soldiers fight with one another in order to perpetuate their names in history. They are forgotten in due course of time, and they make a place for another era in history
- The householder, who has usually forgotten everything about spiritual advancement because he is busy maintaining family affairs, can be benefited by the association of a saintly person
- The human civilization is meant for searching out God. Na te viduh. They do not know, unfortunately. They have forgotten. But by good association, they can remember
- The living entities are also parts of the whole living entity, that supreme living entity is the factual basis of affection for all. One who has forgotten the basic principle of his love for everything has only flickering love because he is in maya
- The living entity is bound around the neck by the chain of maya because he has forgotten that he is eternally a servant of Krsna
- The Mayavada philosophy says that, - We are now under the control of maya. Therefore we have forgotten that we are all Gods
- The Mayavadi philosopher says that "I am God, but I have forgotten myself, that I am God." So how God can forget? Here it is the evidence. How God can forget? If you forget, then you are not God, immediately. There is no other argument
- The only thing is that our present stage is forgetfulness. We have forgotten, that's all. So we have to revive. We have to revive our spiritual life, our spiritual consciousness. And the simple process is this sravanam
- The prowess of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, certainly controls all living entities, so much so that the living entities have forgotten the aim of life
- The real disease is that he has forgotten Krsna. That's all. Otherwise, there is no scarcity in the world
- The relationship between the living entity and Krsna is fixed eternally; it cannot be forgotten, as we can see from the behavior of Arjuna. BG 1972 purports
- The reputation of the reign of Maharaja Ramacandra and that of the kings who followed in His footsteps like the Pandavas and their descendants, are never to be forgotten because in their kingdom offenseless and honest living beings were never in trouble
- The same young gopi said, "From their features it appears that they have forgotten everything and are engaged only in hearing Krsna’s flute"
- The SB assures the unsuccessful transcendentalist that there need be no worries. Even though he may be subjected to the reaction of not perfectly executing prescribed duties, he is still not a loser, because auspicious KC is never forgotten. BG 1972 pur
- The so-called brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas and vaiśyas have forgotten their traditional activities, and in the absence of these activities they are called śūdras
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead cannot be forgotten even for a moment by His surrendered devotees
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is completely well versed. Krsna just like says: "Yes, I spoke this philosophy millions of years. I remember; you have forgot." There we have to study, how Krsna's brain is
- The Vedanta-sutra states: "Now one should inquire about Brahman." This inquiry is necessary for those who are between the paramahamsas and the fools who have forgotten the question of self-realization in the midst of life in sense gratification
- The whole world is suffering because this misconception of life, misconception of life, that he has forgotten his eternal relationship with God. So we have to revive it. We have to revive it, this process
- Their (some of younger women) hair and tight clothing loosened, and they forgot where they were standing
- Their (the gopis) hair and garments became scattered, and their ornaments loosened as they forgot themselves in the company of Krsna
- There are 8,400,000's forms of bodies, and we are rotating. Because we do not know, we have forgotten how to become free from this cycle of birth and death and transmigration of the soul. This is called karma
- There are many different kinds of living entities-human beings, demigods, animals, etc.-and each and every one of them is under the influence of material nature, and all of them have forgotten the transcendent Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- There are so many facilities afforded by cow protection, but people have forgotten these arts
- There is no question of becoming Brahman. We have now forgotten. We have forgotten that we are Brahman. We are misidentifying with this body. This is maya
- These books (Srila Vyasadeva's) are reading matter for the mass of people, and they were compiled with a view to reviving their God consciousness, now forgotten in the conditional life of material existence
- They (Sons of Pandu) completely forgot themselves and became merged in the ocean of nectarean happiness
- They (the citizens of Mathura) also began to remember other enlivening activities, "The damsels of Vrndavana were so much pleased by seeing Krsna's beauty and participating in His activities that they forgot the troubles of material existence"
- They (the Mayavadi philosophers) have falsely accepted the nonspiritual as the spiritual, and as a result they have forgotten the spiritual eternal form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as well as His name, quality and entourage
- This (that jivas are eternally servants of Krsna) is forgotten due to the influence of maya, which induces one to believe in material happiness
- This denial, that "I don't believe in God," is a existence like that, one who has forgotten his father and mother. That is maya, and that is material consciousness. Denying God in different way, "There is no God," that is also denial
- This is a horrible situation (packed in airtight bag for nine months), but we have forgotten all about it. Therefore Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita that our real trouble is janma-mrtyu - birth and death
- This is Krsna consciousness movement. They have forgotten; they have forgotten that one is black, one is white, one is yellow, one is red or one is this or that. The bodily concept they have forgotten. This is practical. You can see
- This time, the cows immediately forgot their position as soon as they saw the calves below Govardhana Hill, and they ran with great force, their tails erect and their front and hind legs joined, until they reached their calves
- This will save everyone from such unwanted activities as going to clubs, cinemas, dancing parties, smoking, drinking, etc. All such nonsense will be forgotten if one stresses the worship of the Deities at home
- Unfortunately the modern leaders of the society have made the common man forget God somehow or other. Our humble attempt is to revive the forgotten consciousness of the human society
- Unless she (Yasoda) took care of her son Krsna, she thought, how could He be protected? She could not think otherwise, and thus she forgot all her philosophical speculations. This forgetfulness is described as being inspired by the influence of yogamaya
- We are eternally related with Krsna. At the present moment it is simply forgotten, suppressed. Therefore we are thinking that we have no relationship with Krsna. But that is not the fact. Because we are part and parcel of Krsna
- We are not ordinary, the so-called swamis and sadhus. We are going to give to the world something which they forgot
- We are now forgotten our intimate relationship with God. We cannot be disconnected. That is not possible. Because we are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, there cannot be disconnection
- We are now in forgotten state. This conditioned material life means we have forgotten our real, constitutional position
- We are trying to be free from the rules and regulation, but that is meant for the animals, not for the human being. We have forgotten. We want freedom
- We do not know what is Visnu and how to satisfy Him, what is the meaning of yajna. All forgotten. That is not Vedic civilization. Vedic civilization begins by performing yajna for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord Visnu
- We have forgotten our relation with Godhead from time immemorial by somehow or other & due to our forgetfulness of the relation, we are roaming life after life in different species of bodies which are 84 lacs in number
- We have forgotten real position, sanatana-dharma. We have forgotten. Sanatana-dharma means a living entity is meant for serving the whole. Living entity's a part, part of the whole. So the living entity's business is to serve the whole
- We have got intimate relationship with Krsna as part and parcel. It cannot be separated. It cannot be separated. But any way, some way or other, we have lost or forgotten that intimate relationship with Krsna
- We have got natural affinity for God. Unfortunately, you have forgotten. This is our position. This is called maya. Therefore you are unhappy
- We have no connection with this material world. But somehow or other, we are attached to this material enjoyment and we have forgotten Krsna, we have forgotten our home, we have forgotten our real identity
- We have voluntarily come into this material world for sense enjoyment, and in sense enjoyment we have forgotten our supreme father, God. The material nature's duty is to give us simply miserable condition of life
- We living entities are all sons of God, but we have forgotten this, and therefore we are fighting. In a happy family, all the sons know, - Father is supplying food to us all. We are brothers, so why should we fight
- We might have been dogs or cats or men or gods - whatever we were we have now forgotten
- We should be very serious about attaining our eternal life full of bliss and knowledge. We have forgotten that this is actually our aim of life, our real self-interest. Why have we forgotten
- We should be very serious about this problem, how to get our eternal life, blissful and full of knowledge. That is the duty of human life. We have forgotten this, what is our aim of life. Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum
- When he saw the beauty of that boy, Madhavendra Puri became very satisfied. Hearing His sweet words, he forgot all hunger and thirst
- When I (Agnidhra) look at your (Purvacitti's) beautiful circular hips, I see they are the lovely color of kadamba flowers, and your waist is encircled by a belt of burning cinders. Indeed, you seem to have forgotten to dress yourself
- When these mystic yogis saw Lord Krsna and Balarama, they exclaimed that now that they had seen the excellent bodily effulgence of the Lord, they had almost forgotten the pleasure derived from impersonal Brahman realization
- While Srutadeva was welcoming Lord Krsna and His associates (Narada , Vamadeva, Atri, Vyasadeva, Parasurama, Asita, Aruni, Sukadeva and others), he simply forgot himself in transcendental joy
- While talking about Krsna with Uddhava, they (the gopis) forgot all about their household business. They even forgot about themselves as their interest in Krsna increased more and more
- Why you are suffering? Forgetting Krsna. That's all. Now you revive your memory about Krsna, you become happy. That's all. Very simple thing. Now don't try to find out the history when you forgot
- Without hesitation, she (hunchback) caught the rear part of His cloth, began to pull it. She smiled flirtatiously & admitted that she was agitated by lusty desires. She forgot that she was on the street & before the elder brother of Krsna & His friends
- Yamuna prayed "I forgot Your (Balarama) glorious, exalted position, but now I have come to my senses, and I remember that You hold all the planetary systems on Your head merely by Your partial expansion Sesa. You are the sustainer of the whole universe"
- Yamuna prayed, "My dear Supreme Personality of Godhead, You are full with six opulences. Because I forgot Your omnipotence, I have mistakenly disobeyed Your order, and thus I have become a great offender"
- You have forgotten that your body is lying there on the bed, and you are flying in the air, dreaming. Therefore, to improve the sleeping method is not advancement of civilization
- Your description of past incidents may be forgotten. We are not concerned with past misunderstandings; we are concerned only with progressive service to Krsna