Category:Family Of...
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This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.
Pages in category "Family Of..."
The following 89 pages are in this category, out of 89 total.
- A boy born in the family of a brahmana is not immediately a brahmana; he has to take up the training and the purificatory process
- A man who enters upon the path of self-realization but does not complete the process, despite having sincerely tried to realize his relationship with God, is given a chance to appear in a family of suci or srimat
- A person born in a family of the low caste which is accustomed to eat dogs is so positioned due to his past sinful activities, but by chanting or hearing once in pureness, or in an offenseless manner, he is immediately relieved of the sinful reaction
- A person born into a family of dog-eaters is generally not fit for performing yajna, or sacrifice. The priestly caste in charge of performing these ritualistic ceremonies recommended in the Vedas is called the brahmana order
- A person is born in a brahmana family or in a family of dog-eaters due to his past activities. If a person is born in a family of dog-eaters it means that his past activities were all sinful
- A person who is not at all demoniac, such as Prahlada Maharaja and Bali Maharaja, may outwardly be a demon or be born in a family of demons. Therefore in terms of real culture one should not be considered a demigod or demon simply according to birth
- According to some, the priests of the temple belong to the family of Kesava Bharati’s brother. Still another opinion is that they descend from Madhava Bharati, who was another disciple of Kesava Bharati’s
- Acyuta-gotra, again belonging to the family of Krsna
- All the saintly persons and sages considered this point (the catastrophe of having Vena born in the family of Dhruva Maharaja), and they decided to take action in this matter
- Almost all the Manus selected to rule the manvantaras came from the family of Maharaja Priyavrata. Three of them are particularly, namely Uttama, Tamasa and Raivata
- Although a hundred years ago the four principles of sinful life were strictly prohibited in the families of India, they have now been introduced into every Indian family; therefore they cannot follow religious principles
- Although Haridasa Thakura was born in the family of meat-eaters, because he was an advanced devotee he was shown more respect than a first-class brahmana
- Although King Puranjana was overly absorbed in thoughts of his wife and thus became a woman, he took birth in the family of a king due to his previous pious activities
- Although one may be born in a family of Aryans, where there are restrictions against meat-eating, intoxication, gambling and illicit sex, still one may want to enjoy these forbidden things
- Although Prahlada was born in the family of the Daityas, he was a great devotee from his childhood. Because of his devotional service and godly nature, he is considered to be a representative of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Although Prahlada's mother was in the conditional state and was the wife of a demon, even Yaksas, Raksasas, women, sudras and even birds and other lower living entities can be elevated to the acyuta-gotra, the family of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- An ordinary family man is attached to his limited family of wife and children, but big politicians extend the same family feeling to a wider circle and thus become encumbered by false prestige, honor, and self-interest
- Anyone who chants the holy name of the Lord becomes immediately freed from conditional life and that anyone who hears the holy name of the Lord, even though born of a family of dog-eaters, also becomes liberated from the clutches of material entanglement
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (6.41), they (the transcendentalists) are allowed to take their next birth either in the family of a bona fide brahmana or in the family of a rich merchant who is devoted to the service of Godhead
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.41): The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people or into a family of rich aristocracy
- As members of the Krsna consciousness movement we belong to the family, or disciplic succession, of Sarasvati Gosvami, and thus we are known as Sarasvatas
- Asvatthama's mother, Krpi, was born in the family of Gautama
- Darbha means kusa grass. In fruitive activities, or karma-kandiya ceremonies, one requires kusa grass. Thus vaidarbhi refers to one who takes birth in a family of karma-kandiya understanding
- Devahuti said to Kapiladeva: My dear Lord, if even a person born in a family of dog-eaters hears and repeats the chanting of Your glories, offers respects to You and remembers You, he is immediately greater than a brahmana
- Due to His causeless mercy upon all living entities within the universe, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, along with His plenary extensions, appeared in the family of Maharaja Iksvaku as the Lord of His internal potency, Sita
- Especially glorious is the dynasty of Priyavrata, in which the Supreme Lord Rsabhadeva incarnated. Similarly, the family of Uttanapada Maharaja, the father of Maharaja Dhruva, is also glorious due to King Prthu's taking birth in it
- Even if a devotee comes from a family of dog-eaters, if he surrenders to the Personality of Godhead he immediately becomes a qualified brahmana and is immediately fit to perform yajna, whereas a person born in a family of brahmanas has to wait
- Even if he (one) does not accept the principles of Christian or Hindu, because he is born in the family of a Hindu or Christian or Muhammadan, he is accepted as Hindu, Muslim. But that is due to this body
- Even if one is born in a family of dvijas, if they have not followed the reformatory process he is called a dvija-bandhu - not one of the twice-born, but a friend of the twice-born. The whole purpose of this system is to create good population
- Even if one is not born in a brahmana family, or even if he is born in a family of candalas, if he simply takes to Krsna consciousness he is immediately purified
- Family of acaryas
- For as long as the Lord moves on earth to diminish its burden by His own potency in the form of time, all of you demigods should appear through plenary portions as sons and grandsons in the family of the Yadus - SB 10.1.22
- Fortunately, both our spiritual master, Om Visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja, and our humble self had the opportunity to take birth in the families of transcendentals
- From Karusa, another son of Manu, came the Karusa dynasty, a family of ksatriyas. The Karusa ksatriyas were the kings of the northern direction. They were celebrated protectors of brahminical culture and were all firmly religious
- He (a Vaisnava coming from a family of mlecchas or yavanas) should be given charity, for such a Vaisnava is as worshipable as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He (Upendra Misra) was a resident of Dhaka-daksina-grama, in the district of Srihatta. There are still many residents of that part of the country who introduce themselves as belonging to the Misra family of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Here it is said, prito 'ham: "Never mind you are born in the family of asura, but because I am pleased, you are all-purified. You don't be disappointed." It is only we require to please Krsna
- However, according to the statements of Srila Rupa Gosvami in this verse, an American gosvami and a gosvami in a family of acaryas are nondifferent
- I was born 1st September 1896 in Calcutta as the third son of my father, the late Gaura Mohon Dev, and mother, the late Rajani Devi, in the family of one of very respectable Gold merchant aristocracy of Calcutta
- If a devotee born in the family of a candala (the lowest caste) is sometimes found engaged in his habitual activities, he is not to be considered a candala. In other words, a Vaisnava should not be evaluated in terms of his body
- If even a person born in a family of dog-eaters hears & repeats the chanting of Your glories (God's), he is immediately greater than a brahmana & is therefore eligible to perform sacrifices. Therefore, what is to be said of one who has seen You directly
- If the children obey the father's will, family affairs will run smoothly, with one interest and a pleasing atmosphere. The same situation is transcendentally arranged in the absolute family of the Para-brahman, the Supreme Spirit
- In every incarnation, the Supreme Personality of Godhead has a particular mission to execute, and this was true in His appearance as the son of Devaki in the family of the Yadus
- In material consciousness we are trying to love that which is not at all lovable. We give our love to cats and dogs, running the risk that at the time of death we may think of them and consequently take birth in a family of cats or dogs - CC Intro
- In the family of a pure cultural family, you get the chance of regenerating your lost spiritual consciousness which was unfinished in your last life. That you get chance. And in the rich man family you get chance
- In the family of Purusottama Cakravarti there are famous persons like Kunjavihari Cakravarti and Radhavallabha Cakravarti, who now live in the district of Birbhum. They professionally recite songs from Caitanya-mangala
- In the line of royal succession in the family of Maharaja Yudhisthira, all the kings, without exception, were the wisest men of their times, and so also it is foretold about Maharaja Pariksit and his son Maharaja Janamejaya, who was yet to be born
- In their third birth the same Jaya and Vijaya appeared in a family of ksatriyas as your cousins, the sons of your aunt. Because Lord Krsna has struck them with His disc, all their sinful reactions have been destroyed, and now they are free from the curse
- It is implicit in this statement that a person born into a family of dog-eaters is generally not fit for performing yajna, or sacrifice
- It is said in Padma Purana: A scholarly brahmana expert in all subjects of Vedic knowledge is unfit to become a spiritual master without being a Vaisnava, but a person born in a family of a lower caste can become a spiritual master if he is a Vaisnava
- It is said that even a cobbler or person born in the family of a cobbler can be elevated to the position of a brahmana (suci) if he takes to Krsna consciousness
- King Bharata, who took his third birth in the family of a good brahmana, is an example of good birth for the revival of previous transcendental consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Krpacarya is the son of the great Rsi Sardban and was born in the family of Gautama. The birth is said to be accidental
- Krsna said: It was already known to Me that My great devotee Narada Muni had shown his causeless mercy by saving you (Nalakuvara & Manigriva) from the abominable condition of pride due to possessing extraordinary beauty & opulence in a family of demigods
- Lamenting for Krsna Radharani said, My dear friend, where is the glory of the family of Maharaja Nanda, who wears a half-moon ornament on His head? Where is Krsna, whose hue is like that of the indranila jewel and who plays so nicely on His flute?
- Lord Buddha appeared in the family of a high-grade ksatriya king, but his philosophy was not in accord with the Vedic conclusions and therefore was rejected
- Lord Ramacandra took birth in the family of Maharaja Raghu. Therefore Lord Ramacandra is called Raghunatha, Dasarathi, as Krsna is called Vasudeva because He accepted Vasudeva as His father
- Maharaja Anga's semen became contaminated in association with his wife, Sunitha, who happened to be the daughter of death personified. Because of this polluted semen, King Vena was produced. This was a catastrophe in the family of Dhruva Maharaja
- Maitreya informed Vidura that Nara, the portion of Narayana, had appeared in the family of the Kurus and that Narayana, the plenary expansion of Krsna, had come as Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- O brahmanas, the rsi, who was born in the family of Angira Muni, hearing his son crying, gradually opened his eyes and saw the dead snake around his neck
- One who blasphemes the Lord is put into a family of asuras, in which there is every chance of forgetting the service of the Lord
- One who considers a devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead who was born in a family of sudras, nisadas or candalas to belong to that particular caste certainly goes to hell
- One who falls down from the process of bhakti-yoga is again offered the opulence of the demigods, and after enjoying such material opulence, he is given a chance to take birth in a noble family of a pure brahmana, or in a rich family
- Simply by devotional service one becomes purified, even he is born in the family of the dog-eaters. That is the Vedic version
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura comments that Narada Muni had delivered the entire family of Svayambhuva Manu, beginning with Priyavrata and Uttanapada
- Srimad-Bhagavatam states that by performing devotional service a person who was born even in a family of dog-eaters may become eligible to take part in the performance of the ritualistic ceremonies recommended in the Vedas
- Such chanters (who born in families of dog-eaters but chant the holy name of the Lord) have undoubtedly performed all kinds of austerities and sacrifices, bathed in all sacred places, and finished all scriptural studies. BG 1972 purports
- Sukanya, however, being very proud of her chastity, smiled upon hearing the rebukes of her father. She smilingly told him, "My dear father, this young man by my side is your actual son-in-law, the great sage Cyavana, who was born in the family of Bhrgu"
- The family of Maharaja Nanda is just like an ocean of milk, wherein Lord Krsna has arisen like the full moon to illuminate the entire universe
- The present priestly order of the temple (of Ekacakra-grama) belongs to the family of Gopijana-vallabhananda, one of the branches of Nityananda Prabhu
- The rsis replied that he (Samba) would deliver a lump of iron, which would be the cause of fratricidal war in the family of Yadu
- The supreme benediction attained by the gopis in spite of their being born in the families of cowherd men was never attained even by the goddess of fortune herself, and certainly not by the denizens of heaven
- The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy (BG 6.41)
- The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy - BG 6.41
- There are many different kinds of devotees, but even a Vaisnava coming from a family of mlecchas or yavanas is understood to be a learned scholar, complete in knowledge, if he knows the Vaisnava philosophy
- These symptoms (the nature of woman) are visible even in such an elevated society as the family of Svayambhuva Manu. Therefore it is concluded that the feminine nature of woman is present everywhere
- These verses (CC Madhya 3.167) indicate that mother Saci, born in the family of Nilambara Cakravarti, used to worship Lord Visnu even before her marriage
- They (low family born) have to await their next birth in a family of brahmanas so that they can perform the Vedic rituals. But actually that is not the case. Such a man does not need to wait for the next birth to become purified. He is at once purified
- This life is a chance for the conditioned soul to regain his eternal God consciousness and thus fulfill the mission of life. Maharaja Prahlada is the right type of representative of the Lord in the family of asuras
- Those who are born into this family of Yadu are all My eternal associates. Dear wife, you should not consider that My associates are ever separated from Me; they are My personal expansions, as such, you must know that they are almost as powerful as I am
- When Lord Krsna appears He does so in a family of ksatriyas (kings), as did Lord Ramacandra, and sometimes in a family of brahmanas. But Krsna accepted the role of son to Maharaj Nanda, despite the fact that Nanda belonged to the vaisya community
- When Maharaja Prthu heard about the hellish condition of his father, Vena, who was suffering from leprosy in the family of a mleccha, he at once brought the former king to Kuruksetra for his purification and relieved him of all sufferings
- While Sukadeva Gosvami was narrating the history of Vrkasura, he addressed Maharaja Pariksit as Bharata, referring to King Pariksit’s birth in a family of devotees