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Pages in category "Experiment"
The following 83 pages are in this category, out of 83 total.
- According to karma-kandiya, the process of fruitive activities, a person performs various sacrifices directed by the Vedas and in all those sacrifices animal-killing, or experimenting on the life of animals to test the power of Vedic mantras, is enjoined
- According to sacrificial rituals, animals are sometimes sacrificed in the yajna arena. Animals are sacrificed not to kill them but to give them new life. Such action was an experiment to observe whether the Vedic mantras were being properly pronounced
- After all, intelligence to understand Krsna is not within the range of your material senses. You cannot make any experiments and calculations and expect to find Krsna
- All our men are speaking in English. Still, you can make an experiment and if you like, then you can live with us provided you follow our rules and regulations
- Although I have never experimented, neither seen personally, but because it is explained in the Vedic literature, I can say you correctly
- Although Lord Siva sometimes very liberally gives such benedictions to his devotees, the difficulty is that the demons, being very cunning, sometimes want to experiment improperly with such benedictions
- Ananda cannot be impersonal. You can make experiment. Suppose if you are put into a big room without any man coming there, so you cannot feel very comfortable for long time. You will feel lonely. You shall try to come out
- As far as the soul's existence is concerned, no one can establish his existence experimentally beyond the proof of sruti or Vedic wisdom. We have to accept this truth. BG 1972 purports
- As soon as there is experiment, there is no truth. And if there is truth, there is no experiment
- First of all to study the situation by observation, & then practically, when you are able to make an experiment, then it is science. Otherwise, theoretical knowledge has no meaning. So in order to know that science, one has to approach a perfect teacher
- Formerly there were powerful brahmanas who could make such experiments using Vedic hymns, but now, because of the Kali-yuga, brahmanas are not so powerful. Therefore the killing of cows and bulls for rejuvenation is forbidden
- From deductive, you accept that man is mortal. Your father says man is mortal, your sister says man is mortal, everyone says man is mortal - but you do not experiment. You accept it as a fact that man is mortal
- He (Vrkasura) was especially sinful and offensive because he wanted to experiment on his own master, Lord Siva
- How do you say that life is from matter? That cannot be proved by experiment
- How is the premise that all men are mortal arrived at? Followers of the inductive method wish to arrive at this premise through experiment and observations
- Huge sums of money are being thrown into the sea by way of experiments with dreadful weapons. Such experiments are being carried out not only at huge costs but also at the cost of many lives. In this way the nations are being bound by the laws of karma
- I am concerned that the Gurukula experiment should come out nicely. These children are the future hope of our Society, so it is a very important matter how we are training them in Krishna consciousness from the very childhood
- I am going to USA, hopeless, just to make an experiment. My other Godbrothers, they failed. All right, Guru Maharaja asked me. In the beginning I did not do. Let me do it in this old age
- I have already made experiment in this matter and I think there is good prospect for propagating the particular culture of how to love God, all over the world specially in these days of forgetfulness
- I have traveled all over the world so many times. Because there is no varnasrama-dharma, how loose they are. That has been experimented. I have seen
- If a king is allowed to hunt in a forest, it is not for his sense gratification. We cannot simply experiment in the art of killing
- If we accept Vedic knowledge, we save so much time. We may go on experimenting with our limited power of senses, but that will always remain doubtful. But if we accept Vedic knowledge, apaurusa knowledge, then it is perfect
- If you want little credit by experimenting, hydrogen, oxygen mixed together, then how much credit should be given who has created the vast Atlantic Ocean - not only one, millions
- In deductive way we take it for granted from reliable source, 'Man is Mortal.' But in the inductive way we approach the same truth by our poor reasoning of observation and experiment
- In the beginning we thought and consulted in so many ways and then settled up to purchase the machine. Why have you now decided to rent it and make an experiment? This is puzzling
- In the Vedas there are recommendation, sometimes animal slaughter. Very rarely. The purpose is another. That animal slaughter is not actually slaughter; it is an experiment
- In this age modern scientists have been experimenting with nuclear weapons, and in a former age they used to release brahmastras, but all these brahmastras and nuclear weapons are insignificant compared to the thunderbolt of the King of heaven
- In this age, people are prepared to argue that they can understand that which is beyond their limited knowledge and perception through so-called scientific observations and experiments, not knowing that actual truth comes down to man from authorities
- It is not a very easy task for anyone to end his identification with these bodily designations. But still, if we continue hearing the Krsna katha, it will be very easy. Make an experiment
- It is not that practically you are experimenting by going to the sun, that it is so great and so long, so broad. That is not possible. You have to receive such knowledge through authority. That's all
- One can go on experimenting by atoning, but the diseases of the soul will remain unless one comes to the platform of rendering devotional service in love and purifying his life
- Our process of knowledge, if there is Vedic evidence, that is perfect. You don't require to experiment. Experimental knowledge is never perfect
- Since such an experiment (to see the planets hovering in space) is not possible, naturally we have to accept the statement of SB as it is because it is so accepted by spiritual leaders like Sridhara Svami, Jiva Gosvami, Visvanatha Cakravarti and others
- So far Krsna Consciousness philosophy is concerned, it is now tested by my last three years' experiment that this philosophy will be accepted in any part of the world irrespective of caste, creed, color, and language
- So nobody can be perfect. Therefore all these so-called perfect leaders, they should close their business. It is already experimental, all nonsense. Come to Hare Krsna mantra and chant. That's all right
- Somebody is seeking pleasure. That is the real aim. Therefore he's going into the water. He has no business to go to the water, but because he is seeking pleasure - "Let me see if there is some pleasure. Experiment." That's all
- That which is beyond our power of conception is called acintya, inconceivable. It is useless to argue or speculate about the inconceivable. If something is truly inconceivable, it is not subject to speculation or experimentation - CC Intro
- That which is beyond our power of conception is called acintya, inconceivable. It is useless to argue or speculate about what is inconceivable. If it is truly inconceivable, it is not subject to speculation or experimentation
- The consciousness is distributed throughout your whole body. That we can make an experiment. But this consciousness is not, I mean to . . . spread over all the cosmic manifestation. That is also a fact
- The lord (Siva) had to take shelter of Visnu to save himself from trouble, and the Lord Visnu, by His illusory potency, asked Vrkasura to make an experiment with his own head
- The medical science cannot give them life. They simply slaughter and experiment. But in the Vedic system, the experiment is made by offering an old animal, bull, within the fire, but that old bull again comes out with a new body
- The potency of spreading Krsna Consciousness is everywhere the same. That was experimented by me in your country, where I came alone without any support; and Krsna is so kind that He has sent me so many boys and girls like you
- The scientists are cheaters because they present so many bogus things in the name of science. They propose going to the moon, but actually they end up cheating the entire public of large sums of money for their experiments. They cannot do anything useful
- The Vedic knowledge is authorized and is acquired not by experiment but by authentic statements of the Vedic literatures explained by bona fide authorities
- They (the scientists) have no experience, neither they can make any experiment in the laboratory that from matter one can produce life
- They simply want to instruct by his experience. But what is your experience? They're all imperfect. But they are persisting, "No, we cannot accept any knowledge without experiment." Is it not the position
- This experiment has proved very successful. I got these young boys and girls married, and they are very happily living, and husband and wife, they are preaching
- Those who are inductive, follower of inductive process, they want to see actually by experiment and observation how man is mortal. They want to study, "This man dies. That man dies." Therefore they make a general conclusion, "Well, all men are mortal."
- We are all proud of our material senses for making experiments to determine the existence of God. But we forget that our senses are not absolute by themselves
- We are introducing the simple living, that go to the village, have sufficient food grains and milk. And the experiment is successful in the Western countries - in New Vrindavan, in Philadelphia, in New Orleans
- We can make experiment, that every one of us at the present moment is illusioned. How it is? I am not this body, but I am accepting this body as - I am
- We cannot immediately make an experiment and go there (where God lives). That is not possible. But we have so many descriptions of the supreme planet in Vedic literature
- We may go on experimenting with our limited power of senses, but that will always remain doubtful. But if we accept Vedic knowledge, apaurusa knowledge, then it is perfect
- What is the distinction between dead man and living man? That you have to understand. You cannot make experiment why the body is dead. But you can understand when you touch Bhagavad-gita
- When one is in Krishna Consciousness, he no more feels any bodily pains and pleasures. After all, we are not this body. But we should make progress steadily by following the rules and regulations, not making experiment
- Why not experiment this movement. The greatest socialist movement. If you want to get the socialistic idea, we can give you. Would you like to take?
- Why not experiment yourself? What is the loss? If you chant Hare Krsna, is there any loss? Tell me
- You can imagine the speed of air. The speed of mind is greater than the speed of the air. You can just experiment. You are sitting here - suppose your home is in London - you can immediately, within seconds you can transfer your mind to your London home
- You can perceive also by consciousness where there is presentation of soul, but if you want to measure by experiment, that is not possible. Therefore it is called aprameya. Prameya means direct perception. I can see or I can touch, I can handle
- You cannot make any experiment, neither it is possible to understand who is your father by experimental knowledge. Then how you can make experiment the Supreme Father, God? That is not possible. Simply you have to hear
- You have to receive the knowledge from authority. Just like you cannot understand who is your father by experiment, laboratory. That is not possible. But if you approach to the authority, the mother, immediately you get the knowledge
- You must go to the university, you must go to the college. You must hear the experienced professor and learn it and practically experiment it. Then you can learn
- You must hear the experienced professor and learn it and practically experiment it. Then you can learn. Not that by purchasing a book you become a medical practitioner or lawyer. That is not possible
- You practically make experiment. You take cow dung and apply anywhere, you'll find it is pure. Immediately purified
- You take the basic principle of knowledge, and then you make your experiment, and you'll know this is perfect
- Your country, America, will become so much degraded that they will appreciate if we are revolutionary clean. Our revolutionary medicine will be experimented on these children, and it will be seen in America to be the cure