dvijabandhu | dvija-bandhu | dvija-bandhus
Pages in category "Dvija-bandhu"
The following 29 pages are in this category, out of 29 total.
- Dvija-bandhu means who has not perfected his knowledge by hearing from the bona fide source. He is called dvija-bandhu
- Dvija-bandhus are certainly not as intelligent as the children of the regular twice-born families. The dvija-bandhus are classified with the sudras and the woman class, who are by nature less intelligent
- If a person is born of a brahmana father but has no brahminical qualification, he is called brahma-bandhu or dvija-bandhu. This means that a brahmana or a ksatriya is not accepted simply by birth
- If the father and the mother do not undertake the process of spiritual family planning and simply beget children out of passion only, their children are called dvija-bandhus
- It is also said that the Mahabharata was compiled by Vyasadeva because the direct Vedic knowledge could not be understood by women, sudras and dvija-bandhus, those who are born in brahmana families but are not qualified brahmanas
- Mahabharata especially was written for three classes of men. What are those? Stri, sudra, dvija-bandhu. Stri means woman, sudra means worker class, and dvija-bandhu means persons who have taken their birth in higher caste, but they're degraded
- Mahabharata is Pancama-veda, the fifth Veda. Stri-sudra-dvija-bandhunam trayi na sruti-gocara (SB 1.4.25). Woman and sudra and dvija-bandhu, they cannot understand Vedic language. It is difficult. For them Vyasadeva made Mahabharata
- Materialistic people like stri, sudra and dvija-bandhu cannot understand words of spiritual advancement, yet one can take to the shelter of a Vaisnava, for he knows the art of enlightening even sudras
- The Bhagavad-gita mentions striyo vaisyas tatha sudrah (BG 9.32), and the Srimad-Bhagavatam speaks of stri-sudra-dvija-bandhunam (SB 1.4.25). According to these references women, sudras, and dvija-bandhus are considered to belong to the same category
- The dvija-bandhu, or the less intelligent, uncultured men born of higher castes, put forward many arguments against the lower-caste men becoming brahmanas in this life
- The dvija-bandhus are classified with the sudras and the woman class, who are by nature less intelligent. The sudras and the woman class do not have to undergo any samskara save and except the ceremony of marriage
- The Lord is merciful even to the women, sudras and dvija-bandhus, provided they agree to visit the temple of worship in different forms made for them. Such temple visitors are not idolaters, as alleged by some men with a poor fund of knowledge
- The rigidity of the so-called caste system in Hindu society became prominent within only one hundred years or so when the number of dvija-bandhus, or disqualified men in the families of higher castes, increased
- The unworthy sons of the royal orders are called ksatra-bandhavas, as the unworthy sons of the brahmanas are called dvija-bandhus or brahma-bandhus. Maharaja Pariksit was greatly encouraged by the presence of Sukadeva Gosvami
- The word dvija-bandhu refers to one who is born in an exalted brahmana or ksatriya family but who has no qualifications of his own
- They (brahmanas and other high-order families of the present age) are called the dvija-bandhus, or the friends and family members of the twice-born. But these dvija-bandhus are classified amongst the sudras and the women
- They (dvija-bandhu, or the less intelligent) argue that birth in a family of sudras or less than sudras is made possible by one's previous sinful acts and that one therefore has to complete the terms of disadvantages due to lower birth
- Vedas are not sometimes understood by three classes of men - stri-sudra-dvijabandhu, three classes of men: women . . . women and sudra and dvijabandhu. Dvijabandhu means the friends of the twice-born
- Vedic language cannot be understood by the less intelligent class of men, who are known as woman, sudra and dvija-bandhu
- Woman class, laborer class and those who are born in higher family but intelligence is very poor, they are called dvija-bandhu. And for these classes of men the Mahabharata was compiled
- Woman, sudra and brahma-bandhu or dvija-bandhu, they cannot understand Vedic knowledge. Unfortunately, we are creating, trying to create, real brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya