Category:Distribution of Knowledge
"disseminate knowledge"|"disseminated the knowledge"|"distribute his knowledge"|"distribute knowledge"|"distribute real knowledge"|"distribute the Vedic knowledge"|"distribute the knowledge"|"distribute the transcendental knowledge"|"distribute this Bhagavata knowledge"|"distribute this immortal knowledge"|"distribute this knowledge"|"distribute transcendental knowledge"|"distributed knowledge disseminated this knowledge"|"distributed knowledge"|"distributed the Vedic knowledge"|"distributed the knowledge"|"distributed the knowledge"|"distributes knowledge"|"distributes the knowledge"|"distributes the knowledge"|"distributes the knowledge"|"distributing Vedic knowledge"|"distributing all this Vedic knowledge"|"distributing knowledge"|"distributing the knowledge"|"distributing the knowledge"|"distributing the transcendental knowledge"|"distribution of knowledge"|"distribution of transcendental knowledge"|"distributor of transcendental knowledge"|"knowledge and method is distributed"|"knowledge is distributed"
- VedaBase query: "distribut* knowledge"@10 | "disseminat* knowledge"@10
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Pages in category "Distribution of Knowledge"
The following 88 pages are in this category, out of 88 total.
- Acaryavan puruso veda. One who is acaryavan, who has taken shelter of acarya, he knows. Why? Because acarya receives knowledge from Krsna and he distributes knowledge to his disciple. That is perfect knowledge
- Advaitacarya appeared just to distribute the knowledge of Krsna consciousness. Thus he is also the Lord incarnated as a devotee
- After attaining the goal of life, one may distribute his knowledge and experience all over the world for humanitarian purposes
- After preparing himself fully, he should become a sannyasi to distribute the knowledge of spiritual life to each and every home
- Although India has the sublime knowledge of Bhagavad-gita, Indians have not done their proper duty of distributing it. Now, therefore, the Krsna consciousness movement has been set up to distribute this knowledge as it is, without distortion
- Although there is already much scientific knowledge, whenever scientists or philosophers awaken to a particular type of knowledge, they try to distribute it throughout the world, for otherwise the knowledge gradually dries up and no one benefits from it
- Another purpose of His (the Lord) appearance is cikirsur bhagavan jnanam, to distribute knowledge
- Anyone who has taken birth in India as a human being will kindly make his life successful. And after making his life successful he should distribute this knowledge throughout the whole world for the welfare of the human society. This was Caitanya's order
- Anyone who has taken birth in India, first of all make his life perfect by understanding the sastra. The gist of sastra is Bhagavad-gita. And then distribute the knowledge. Para-upakara. This should be India's mission
- Because India has got the opportunity to be spiritually advanced by the grace of learned, saintly persons, they should first of all make their life perfect by taking education & distribute the knowledge throughout the whole world. That is India's mission
- Because she (Devaki) was under arrest in the house of Kamsa, she was like the flames of a fire covered by the walls of a pot, or like a person who has knowledge but cannot distribute it to the world for the benefit of human society - SB 10.2.19
- Brahma distributed this Vedic knowledge, some to the sons. Vyasadeva also, he distributed knowledge, some to his sons, some to his disciples. That is explained in the SB. So that is the process of disseminating Vedic knowledge
- Brahma receives knowledge from Krsna and distributes that Vedic knowledge, and therefore he is an authority
- Brahmanas generally used to become astrologers, Ayur-vedic physicians, teachers and priests. Although highly learned and respectable, such brahmanas went from door to door to distribute their knowledge
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that - Make your life perfect by understanding the Vedic knowledge, and distribute it
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, "Anyone who has taken birth in Bharata-varsa, India, as human being, not cats and dogs," janma sarthaka kari, "first of all make your life successful," then paropakara, "then distribute the knowledge"
- Catuhsana, or the Kumaras, specifically empowered to distribute transcendental knowledge - jnana-sakti
- Distribute perfect knowledge, Krsna consciousness, and that will make the whole world happy. So try to distribute this knowledge to your best capacity. Krsna will recognize you, that you are trying your best to work on His behalf
- Distribute real knowledge
- Don't be satisfied that you have understood. No. This should be distributed. In my old age I have come to your country carrying the order of my spiritual master to distribute it. You are all young boys and girls; take this message and distribute it
- Especially Caitanya Mahaprabhu has advised the Indians to become perfect and distribute the knowledge throughout the whole world. Because actually knowledge is there, revealed. That is a fact, Vedic knowledge
- Every Indian should seriously take this Krsna consciousness movement, make his life perfect, and distribute the knowledge. This is India's duty. So you have got one opportunity, you Indian people, that you take this advantage of distributing KC
- Great personalities like those listed in these verses (SB 6.15.12-15) wander on the surface of the globe not to mislead the populace, but to distribute real knowledge. Without this knowledge, human life is wasted
- Great personalities of the material world are very eager to render welfare service to human society, but actually no one can render better service than one who distributes the knowledge of spiritual realization in relation with the Supreme Personality
- Guru means one who has received the knowledge from the right source and distributed the same knowledge. He is not manufacturing. That is Guru
- I am just doing the work of a bearer. There is nothing of my personal contribution and I ask all your mercy so that I may be able to distribute Krishna's message as it is without any deviation
- I am ordered by superior, my spiritual master, that "Whatever you have learned, you should go to the Western countries, and you must distribute this knowledge." So in spite of all my difficulties, all my inconveniences, I am here because I am in duty
- If you inquire whether I am perfect or my disciples who are preaching this Krsna conscious movement, they are perfect, we may be imperfect. We are imperfect. We accept we are imperfect. But we are distributing the perfect knowledge
- In this parampara system, this knowledge has come to your country, America. You are intelligent. You are prosperous. So take this knowledge seriously and at least distribute this knowledge properly for the benefit of your people
- In this verse (of SB 10.2.19) the word jnana-khala is most significant. Knowledge is meant for distribution
- India's business is to distribute the spiritual knowledge all over the world because they are in darkness
- India's mission is how to revive Krsna consciousness throughout the whole world. That is India's mission. Revive your Krsna consciousness, be fixed up in Krsna, and then distribute this knowledge. This is Indian mission
- Inquiry means sravanam. Inquiry means to get the answer; that is hearing. And then assimilate. Then kirtanam, then distribute the knowledge to the world
- It is my (Prabhupada) firm conviction that this Krsna Consciousness Movement of Lord Caitanya's will be successful in all parts of the world if our students kindly continue in their enthusiastic endeavors to distribute this message freely to all persons
- It was the duty of India to distribute this knowledge (of Vedas, Puranas and Upanisads) all over the world, this immense treasure of knowledge
- Jnana-khala means envious. You have got some knowledge, but you are envious. You don't want to distribute to anyone. Monopoly. But real jnani means if you have got some knowledge, you should daily distribute it
- Just like a big lawyer, he makes his assistants lawyer. A professor, learned professor, he makes others professor. Otherwise, it is called jnana-khala, miser. The knowledge should be distributed. Any scientist discovery, they distribute it
- Just like Bhagavad-gita. Everything is there already. We have to take it, accept it, and apply it practically in life, and distribute the knowledge throughout the whole world. This is the mission of India
- Lord Brahma is the original speaker of Vedic wisdom to Narada, and Narada is the distributor of transcendental knowledge all over the world through his various disciples, like Vyasadeva and others
- Lord Hayagriva or Lord Matsya always protects the Vedic knowledge, and in due course of time it is again distributed through the medium of Lord Brahma
- One has to make his life perfect by receiving Vedic knowledge through the right source, and distribute the knowledge. It is not very difficult. So that is the injunction of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- One not only should practice the instructions received from the spiritual master but should also distribute this knowledge to one's disciples
- One should try his best to distribute real knowledge to the people, so that they may become enlightened and leave this material entanglement. That is nonviolence. BG 1972 purports
- Our process is to receive the perfect knowledge from the perfect source and distribute it. We don't manufacture knowledge
- Sannyasi life is meant for distributing knowledge to the householders and others who have forgotten their real life of spiritual advancement. BG 1972 purports
- Since these sinful people are dependent on Your direction, by Your own will You assume incarnations as a boar and as other forms. Similarly, You have appeared in order to distribute transcendental knowledge to Your dependents
- So our Krsna consciousness movement is just according to the direction of authoritative Vedic literature, and we are distributing this knowledge without any charge. We don't say there is any secrecy. It is wide open. Open secret
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has advised that one who has taken birth as a human being in Bharata-varsa must first realize himself as a part and parcel of Krsna, and after taking to Krsna consciousness, he must distribute this knowledge all over the world
- The Brahmins are supposed to serve the whole society by distributing this important information. Please help me in this way and Krishna will bless you
- The followers of Vedic wisdom accept the statements of Brahmaji as gospel truth, and transcendental knowledge is thus being distributed all over the world by the process of disciplic succession from time immemorial, since the beginning of the creation
- The knowledge is distributed in so many departmental Vedic knowledge, but the whole process is aiming at God-realization
- The knowledge is distributed in so many departments of Vedic knowledge, but the whole process aims at God realization
- The original creature of this universe, known as the adi-kavi, or Lord Brahma, was instructed by Krsna through the heart. After receiving these Vedic instructions from Lord Krsna Himself, Brahma distributed the knowledge by the parampara system
- The proper distribution of knowledge (of Bhagavad-gita) has begun by which not only will the whole world benefit, but India's glory will be magnified in human society
- The Western people keep themselves in the modes of ignorance. That is very risky civilization. So at least you Europeans and Americans, you should know it, and you distribute this knowledge. It is your duty to save them
- There are four sampradayas, or chains of disciplic succession, through which Vedic knowledge is distributed - one from Brahma, one from Laksmi, one from Lord Siva, and one from the four Kumaras
- There are many subtle laws which are practically unknown to people in general, but the Krsna consciousness movement is very scientifically distributing all this Vedic knowledge for the benefit of the people of the world
- There should be arrangement for distribution of information to all the devotees if there is some important question, not that I shall have to continue answering over and over the same thing
- These (Narada, Asita, Devala, Vyasa) personalities are great personalities in distributing the Vedic knowledge, accepted by all acaryas
- They are big, big scientists, philosophers, and cheating others. They are unable to understand, themselves, and the same rascal knowledge they are distributing to others & taking Nobel Prize. This is the mudhas, the society of the cheaters & the cheated
- They have become thieves because their guardians did not care for them. This is going on parampara. The parampara is that God's instructions should be distributed. Evam parampara. But there is no followers of God's instruction
- This imperfect knowledge of the material scientist is due to a poor fund of knowledge. The Vedic knowledge was therefore first impregnated within Brahma, and it appears that Brahma distributed the Vedic knowledge
- This is the best kind of religious principle (distributing krsna-prema), to understand how to become a lover of God and distribute this knowledge, how to love God. That is the best religion
- This is the duty of all responsible Indians, how to make his life perfect, utilizing Vedic knowledge, and then distribute it throughout the whole world
- This knowledge (the descriptions of Lord Anantadeva) is delivered to Narada by Lord Brahma, and the great saint Narada, along with his companion, Tumburu, distributes it all over the universe
- This knowledge, what we are distributing, it is not that we have created this knowledge by research work or by so many other ways, by inductive process. No. Our knowledge is from the deductive process
- This whole world is in darkness, demonic civilization. And India, there is the remedy. So if the Indians take advantage and make his life perfect and then go to the Western countries and distribute this immortal knowledge, that is real business of India
- To bring him (a starving man) to the knowledge of self-realization, that is good. If you can distribute knowledge to bring him back to his consciousness, original consciousness, that is real welfare activity
- To distribute knowledge is the best welfare activities, not this material so-called happiness, daridra-narayana-seva and this seva, that seva. That will not make them happy. If you give them knowledge, then they will be really benefited
- Unfortunately, there is no department for distributing knowledge in the science of the soul. But that is the important, most important thing, because the soul is the mainstay, is the background of all our movements
- Unfortunately, those entrusted with distributing Vedic knowledge, such as the devotees engaged in spreading Krsna consciousness, may sometimes be attacked by demons
- We are trying to distribute this knowledge from authoritative books like Srimad-Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, and as far as possible, we are using our all talents in this, and we welcome you. And take advantage, participate with us
- We have got Bhagavad-gita and all Vedic literatures. By learning, by practicing, we can make our life perfectly and then distribute the knowledge. This is India's business
- We have got so much vital spiritual knowledge to distribute to the public and they are in desperate need of it
- What is the busyness of these Krsna conscious students? They are busy in chanting Hare Krsna, in distributing knowledge in Krsna consciousness. Therefore they are doing the best welfare work in the world
- Whatever is done by a great nation or a great man is followed by ordinary persons, so it is my mission to distribute the treasure house of India's transcendental knowledge to the whole world, and your cooperation in this connection will be a great asset
- Whatever you are hearing from me, whatever you are learning from me, you have to distribute the same in toto without any addition or alteration. Then all of you become the spiritual master
- You are distributing this knowledge, so you become immediately recognized, very dear servant, very confidential servant of Krsna. He says personally - Amongst the human beings, those who are doing this preaching, nobody is dearer than these persons to Me
- You are intelligent boys and girls. You have taken this Krsna consciousness movement. Try to understand more philosophically and distribute all over the world. That is my request