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Pages in category "Department"
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- A forest fire takes place automatically, without anyone's endeavor, by the friction of dried wood, and no fire department or sympathetic person can extinguish it
- A king heads a government which is but the manifestation of the king's energy; the different governmental departments are nothing but the energies of the king, and each department is resting on the king's power. BG 1972 purports
- A king heads a government which is the manifestation of the king's energy; the different departments are also the king's energies, & each department is resting on the king's power, still one cannot expect king's presence in every department personally
- A ordinary peon is also representative of the postal department. How he becomes representative of the whole postal system? He delivers your letter or money order without mishandling it, as it is
- A person conversant in different departments of knowledge is called educated, and because he acts on moral principles, he is called morally stout. Together, these two factors constitute learning
- All departments of law and order emanate from the arms of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The law and order of the universe is directed by different demigods, and it is here (in SB 3.28.27) said to emanate from the Lord's arms
- All the demigods as well as the external energy herself, Durgadevi, and all the different departmental directors are but servants of the Supreme Lord in the material world
- All the universities, they have got these departments - medical department, engineering department, law department - but there is no department which is teaching perfectly well about the science of soul
- All the universities, they have got these departments, medical department, engineering department, law department, but there is no department which is teaching perfectly well about the science of soul
- Although in every department the presence of the proprietor is felt by the worker, the physical presence of the proprietor in every department is a formality only
- Although the government is ultimately the supreme authority, the justice is administered by the departments of the government, and the government is not responsible for the individual judgments. Therefore the government is equal to all the citizens
- Although Yamaraja is a controller, he is only a departmental controller of a few living entities. There are other demigods who control many other departments, but above them all is one supreme controller, Krsna
- An outsider may consider the criminal department inauspicious, but from the government's point of view it is as important as the education department, and therefore the government finances both departments equally, without discrimination
- Apparently there are divisions of the controller and controlled. For example, in the food-controlling department the controller of food is a person made of the same ingredients as the person who is controlled
- As a government officer is sometimes accepted as the entire government although he is actually but a departmental manager, so the demigods, having achieved power of attorney from Visnu, act on His behalf, although they are not as powerful as He
- As for the diseased person, there is a hospital, there is operation is going on, so many severe things are going on, similarly, for the criminal there is prison department
- As in the material world we find that the criminal department is far, far smaller than the civil department, so this material world, which is considered the criminal department, is one fourth of the entire creation of the Lord
- As soon as there is disobedience of law and order, immediately police department must go and punish and arrest. We can experience these things. Similarly, by God's side there is such department, police department. That is maya, Durgadevi
- As the state is protected by the department of law and order, similarly, this whole universe is protected by the stringent laws of nature. If we violate, the stringent laws of nature will not excuse me
- As the various servants in the different departments of big establishments cannot see the supreme managing director under whom they are working, the conditioned souls cannot see the supreme friend sitting within their bodies
- As there are schools & colleges to train students to become chemical engineers, lawyers or specialists in many other departments of knowledge, there must be schools and colleges to train students to become brahmacaris, grhasthas, vanaprasthas & sannyasis
- As there are schools and colleges to train students to become chemical engineers, lawyers or specialists in many other departments of knowledge, there must be schools and colleges to train students to become brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras
- As you are learning so many department of knowledge, similarly, this is also another department of knowledge, to learn the science of God. The government should come forward to popularize this movement and to educate people in the science of God
- At present Russians and Americans are undoubtedly very much advanced in many departments of technological science, but they are still ignorant of the spiritual science
- At the present moment the education department does not distinguish who is a brahmana, who is a ksatriya, who is a vaisya or a sudra. And because the things have topsy-turvied, there is chaos all over the world
- Atri Muni had no clear conception of the Lord of the universe; therefore the three presiding deities who are actually the lords of the universe in the three departments of the modes of nature all came before him
- Because people are being educated without Krsna consciousness, it is becoming valueless. Therefore we are giving, I mean to say, purificatory method in every department
- Because these (demigod) worshipers do not know that when the entire material cosmic manifestation is annihilated, the demigods, who are the departmental heads of that manifestation, will be vanquished
- Bhimasena was put in charge of the kitchen department (during the Rajasuya Sacrifice), Duryodhana in charge of the supplies department and Sahadeva in charge of the reception department
- Brahma and Siva, although almost as greatly powerful as Visnu, are within the control of the material energy of the Supreme Lord. The conception of many gods controlling the many departments of material nature is ill conceived of by the foolish pantheist
- Brahma is in charge of something. Indra is in charge of something. The demigods, they're officers. They (Americans) have no information. They say, "It is nature, nature, nature, nature." No nature. They are department
- Brahma is the deity of rajas (passion), and Siva of ignorance. They are the three departmental heads of the three qualities of this material world
- By maya (Krsna controls a nondevotee). Just as the government controls everything. A kingdom is controlled by the king's departments. Just as you control your beloved. For example, if you have a beloved child, you control him for his benefit
- Different demigods, or directors, such as Candra, Varuna and Vayu, are called adhikari-devata. The demigods are departmental heads
- Different departments of quarrel
- Do not consider that it is ordinary box. It is the whole post office. But for your convenience the postal department has come before you like a small box. Similarly everyone knows that this murti is made of stone or wood or metal. But it is not that
- During the daytime They (Krsna and Balarama) took lessons on a subject from the teacher, and by nightfall They were expert in that department of knowledge
- Duty of the commerce department
- Duty of the excise department
- Duty of the police department
- Either this department or that department, if you quarrel amongst yourselves it will be detrimental to my missionary ambition. Please therefore stop this unnecessary strain
- Even in ordinary life the state has a heating department, lighting department, plumbing department, and so on. Why? Because these are amenities we require. But these arrangements are subordinate; the first arrangement is that of God
- Every businessman is given some license. The municipality gives license. The sales tax department gives license, certificate. There are so many licenses a businessman has to follow, income tax licenses
- Every citizen of America is controlled by the government. When he is all right, the civil department controls him; when he is not all right, the criminal department controls him
- Everyone is following the footprints of great personalities in every department of knowledge. Even scientists, they are also following the law of gravitation, basing their further progress on the law of gravitation
- Everyone is trying to become supreme than the other. So there must be violence. So expecting that there will be violence, the ksatriya class required. Just like in the state, expecting that there will be violence, therefore the police department
- Expert vipras, being sufficiently paid by the state, could give free service to the people in general, and thus this department of Vedic knowledge could be available for all
- For financing this publication department of Hindi language, side by side recruiting Life Members must be done. I have written a letter in this connection to Ramananda, and a copy is enclosed herewith
- For those who want to lord it over material nature, there are so many departments of material enjoyment; material knowledge and material science are available, and the Lord provides for persons who want to enjoy them
- God is one without a second, and He is the primal cause of all causes. As there are many departmental heads of governmental affairs, so there are many heads of management of the universal affairs
- God is one, but there are many other powerful living entities who are in charge of different departments of administration. They are called demigods
- Government has got many departments - the criminal department and the educational department. Educational department is giving knowledge to the citizens, and the criminal department is punishing, chastising the citizen
- Government has got two departments: law and order department, military department. Why? Two things must . . . This is their business, sudra business
- He (Yamaraja) is meant for punishing. That is just like superintendent of police or something like that, big officer, inspector general of the police department or the minister in charge of law and order
- His (Krsna's) purpose was to teach that we need not satisfy the various demigods in charge of the various departments of cosmic affairs; instead we must offer sacrifices to the Supreme Lord, for the Lord is the master and all others are His servants
- Human society must be divided into four classes of men. Just like in our body, there are four different departments: the brain department, the hand department, the belly department, and the leg department. You require all these
- I am due to realize from BTG department about $8,000.00. $2900.00 was advanced to Iskcon Press in your presence and $5,000.00 Brahmananda was to pay but it was withheld on account of imminent expenditure. Please see to this
- I am servant of the establishment, but I'm given some power to control over certain departments. So simultaneously, I am servant and controller. As controller, I can be called isvara, isvara, god, as controller. But I am not controller, Supreme Controller
- I am thinking that the press department may immediately be begun now in Boston in the new house, so there is necessity for funds for purchasing printing equipment and the necessary paraphernalia for printing our many books
- I am very glad to receive the copy of the letter from United Nations information department and it is very hopeful for our future activities
- I am very much encouraged to learn that things are going on there very nicely specifically in the printing department which is now the most important department in our Society
- I am very much pleased to hear that our mail-order department for books and BTG's is increasing steadily
- I am very much pleased to note that you are making steady growth in all aspects of devotional service, especially in the department of selling so many books monthly
- I do not know how I can solve all of these departmental problems if they are all referred to me. It would be better if the department heads could work out such things amongst themselves
- I have come to this university with a hope that some of you become really brahmana. The Sanskrit department is meant for brahmanas
- I have given you a department to manage nicely, and if there is some profit, you may give some for my book fund, but I cannot be consulted for advice in how you should manage the particulars of your business
- I have received a very favorable testimony of our Movement from the President of Indian Brain Research Association, Department of Biochemistry, University of Calcutta, Professor J.J. Ghosh
- I have traveled so many countries, universities also. There is not a single institution where there is a department where scientific knowledge is being given about understanding God or soul
- I think it will be ideal for beginning our printing department in Boston immediately. You have written that there are two big halls, so do you think one of these halls will be nice for printing machines and workshop?
- I, Yamaraja; Indra, the King of heaven; Nirrti; Varuna; Candra, the moon-god; Agni; Lord Siva; Pavana; Lord Brahma; Surya, the sun-god; Visvasu; the eight Vasus; the Sadhyas; the Maruts; are engaged in maintaining the departmental affairs of the universe
- If my students and admirers submit application to the visa department submit that they want me for their benefit they sanction Permanent Resident Visa
- If someone is in contact with the police department, that does not mean that he is a criminal. As long as one does not commit criminal acts, even though there is a police department, he is not punished
- If the supervisor of the department is satisfied with the service of a particular person, a promotion and increase in pay will automatically come
- If this house can be occupied as our own, then the press department may be established in Boston immediately
- If you adopt me as your old child, probably the visa department will laugh, that what you will do with an old child who is going to die very soon
- If you disobey the ruling, as the government has got police department. You cannot disobey the rulings of the government. Similarly, this government, God's government, there are so many things - government officers, departments, rulings
- If you divert your attention to a lot of business, then spiritual advancement will be hampered. So I do not think it is wise to get that big store and start a big business with many departments. That will distract
- If you don't care for the state law, then you have to take care of the police department. You cannot say that "I am independent." That is not possible
- If you keep the society in chaotic condition, any department - intellectual, administration, production - they'll be all topsy turvey, and there cannot be any peace in the world
- In a town there may be a department of welfare and a department of police. In the eyes of the government both are the same, for both are subsidiary parts of the government, but for the individual they render different services
- In conjugal love (srngara) there are two departments - meeting and separation. On the platform of meeting, there are unlimited varieties that are beyond description
- In every department of material science, there is a perfection to be achieved, and to achieve it one must consult the Vedic literature. The highest perfection is to become a devotee of the Lord
- In the Brahma-samhita it is said, isvarah paramah krsnah (Bs. 5.1). Undoubtedly there are many controllers in the departmental management of this universe, but the supreme controller is Krsna
- In the government, the criminal department and civil department may appear different in the eyes of the citizens, but in the eyes of the government both departments are one and the same
- In the hundreds and thousands of universities all over the world there is no department of knowledge where the science of the soul is taught
- In the sastras, we have the Yamaraja, or there is justice department. Everything is there. So he is neutral. It is not that God is kind to somebody and unkind to some other, no. His position is always neutral
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam you will find everything, whatever is necessity, for the advancement of human civilization. Everything is there described. And knowledge also, all departmental knowledge
- In the university or any educational institution, there is no department of knowledge to find out what is that thing which is entrapped within this body. We get this information from Bhagavad-gita: dehinah asmin dehe
- In their grown-up age, by accepting different departmental knowledge, one becomes a medical practitioner, one becomes engineer, one becomes lawyer or one becomes vagabond
- In this age of Kali, regular license is issued for maintaining all of these different departments of quarrel. So how can they expect peace and morality in the state
- In this way, all the demigods began to present their respective gifts according to their different capacities. There are thirty-three million demigods, each entrusted with a particular department of universal management
- In three departments of human knowledge disseminated by the Vedas, namely fruitive work (karma-kanda), transcendental knowledge (jnana-kanda), and devotional service (upasana-kanda), Devarsi Narada inherited from his father Brahma
- In transcendental realization there are three divisions of knowledge called prasthana-traya. That department of knowledge which is proved by Vedic instruction (like the Upanisads) is called sruti-prasthana
- Indra is in charge of this cloud, how cloud is conducted, how rain falls there, and water department, like that. Just like moon. Moon is in charge of lighting at night. Sun is in charge of lighting in daytime. Because the whole world is darkness
- It (Krsna's material energy) is as important as spiritual energy, but it is engaged to punish the conditioned soul, just as the police department is engaged in punishing criminals
- It is the king's duty to see that there is no increase of thieves and rogues either in the government secretariat or in the departments of public affairs
- It is understood that the Back To Godhead department is in debt by $52,000.00. I am very sorry that this has increased so much. Therefore I am sending $20,000.00. So please continue to print Back To Godhead magazine without hesitation
- It is very important movement. This morning also I said at the press representative meeting at the airport that there are so many universities and, especially in your country, department of knowledge, but why they are not discussing this point
- It may be argued why Dronacarya, a rigid brahmana, should be a teacher in military science. But the reply is that a brahmana should become a teacher, regardless of what his department of knowledge is
- Jnanam mad-asrayam is significant in this verse (SB 3.4.30). Transcendental knowledge has three departmental divisions, namely knowledge of impersonal Brahman, knowledge of the all-pervading Supersoul and knowledge of the Personality of Godhead
- Just as I am doing. Sometimes I go to the bank, sometimes keep accounts, sometimes preach, hold the class, write books, sometimes cook, sannyasi should be expert in all departments, and he should distribute his experience to others, that's all
- Just as the government has many different departments, so, within this material world, the government of the Supreme Lord has many departments, and all these departments function in proper order out of fear of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Just as there are different departments in each state in this material world - the civil department and the criminal department - so, in God's creation, there are two departments of existence
- Just like a prisoner. A prisoner is always with the government, but in one department he is kicked, and in one department he is patted. That's all. So if you prefer to be kicked, you remain in maya. But you are always in connection with God
- Just like in government, there are so many departments. So you need not to flatter him, but you do your duty, you pay your tax, you abide by the laws, then everything will be right. You need not worship any person. That is their philosophy, karma-mimamsa
- Just like in the government service there is service record. And according to the service record, one is promoted or degraded. Similarly, there is record in the God's accountant department, statistic department
- Just like it is the duty of the state, of the government, to give protection to the department of law and order, similarly Krsna, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He gives protection to religious principles
- Just like this controller or director of this rain department is Indra. This thundering, it is under his direction this thundering is going on. He throws the thunderbolts and cracks the mountain, and then we get chunks
- Just like we are obliged to pay tax to the water department, to the fire department, to the education department, so many departments government. Or once we pay our income tax, that is distributed to so many departments
- Just like you have got formula how to train medical man, how to train in the mechanical man, or different department of knowledge, similarly, you can train how to become first-class man, how to become second-class man
- Kindly award us Your perfect knowledge and potency so that we can render You service in the different departments of subsequent creation
- King Yudhisthira engaged all the members of the Kuru dynasty in taking charge of different departments for the management of the Rajasuya sacrifice
- Krishna Consciousness Movement is for training men to be independently thoughtful and competent in all types of departments of knowledge and action, not for making bureaucracy
- Krsna appeared for reestablishing the religious principles, but after His disappearance, who has taken charge for this department? - That was their (sages) question. So Suta Gosvami is congratulating them, that - This question is very auspicious
- Krsna does not personally punish. He has got many agents. Just like in the government, the president does not punish directly, but there are many departments
- Maintenance cannot be taken by anyone except by God. Therefore this material world is being operated in three departmental qualities: sattva, raja, tama. Sattva is maintenance. Sattva means goodness. Goodness is maintenance
- Medical students in the biological department, they study from the frogs, from guinea pigs, the human constitution of the body. There is no difference. But what is the difference? Not this bodily construction, but development of consciousness
- My Guru Maharaja advised me to give more stress on publication work so most probably I shall try to concentrate my energy in this department very shortly
- My idea is that you may immediately make plans to start our printing department in Boston now
- Nakula was put in charge of the store department (during the Rajasuya Sacrifice), and Arjuna in charge of looking after the comforts of the elder persons
- Nobody wants to join military department. Why they will join? They have been trained up as sudra, and why they will be like the business of ksatriya? That is the problem
- Not only in this university - there are hundreds and thousands of universities all over the world - there is no department of knowledge where the science of the soul is taught
- Once I was invited to speak in that institution, MIT. So I questioned, "Where is your department of technology to understand the difference between dead body and living body?" So I spoke on this
- One must leave his family life and enter the forest after the age of fifty. This is an authoritative statement of the Vedas, based on the division of social life into four departments of activity - brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa
- One should also respect the demigods and understand how they are situated, how they act and how they manage the activities of the various departments of this material world
- Only human beings have consciousness of right and wrong, and among them only those who perform sinful activities come under the control of Yamaraja. Therefore although Yamaraja is a controller, he is only a departmental controller
- Our only request is: Those who are working in the United Nations in so many different departmental situations, if they will take advantage of this great cultural book, Bhagavad-gita
- Perfect knowledge of the Absolute Truth means perfect knowledge of Krsna. If one understands Krsna, then all the departments of knowledge are part and parcel of that understanding. BG 1972 purports
- Politics includes such departments of knowledge as how to make peace, how to fight, how to pacify, how to divide and rule and how to give shelter. All these items were fully explained and instructed to Krsna and Balarama
- Preaching is our first business and ordering is routine work. Anyone can learn and manage the ordering department, but preaching requires special qualification
- Regarding opening of the press, my idea is that unless we are fully independent, in all departmental works of the press, we should not attempt it
- Regarding the new car, I think we require some new cars in India. So if it is possible, the car may be dispatched to India. We have already applied to the Import Department Govt. of India
- Sannyasi means responsible, you must be responsible for the spiritual progress of the devotees, to see that the right standard is being observed in all departments
- Sannyasi simply means to do as I am doing, and sometimes I have to manage, sometimes cook, sometimes go to the bank, keep the money, write books, chant, preach in the class, keep accounts - sannyasi should be expert in every department
- Sanskrit language is very difficult language. One has to learn the grammar portion of it only for twelve years. Then he becomes expert grammarian. And when one becomes nice grammarian, he can read any literature, different department of knowledge
- Satyaki, Vikarna, Hardikya, Vidura, Santardana and Bhurisrava, the son of Bahlika, were all engaged in different departments for managing the affairs of the Rajasuya sacrifice
- Since there are many different karmis, or workers, there may be different judges or rulers to give them justice, but just as one central emperor controls different departmental rulers, there must be one supreme controller to guide all the judges
- So everyone should join this movement and be sure of his activity, result, good result. That is real United Nation - to work in Krsna consciousness.Every, any department, if we work for Krsna, then it is perfect.That is sure
- So far we are concerned, every one of us must chant the beads according to the vow and follow the regulative principles in all departments of our activities, and this will give us spiritual strength to convince the audience about our aims and object
- So just like for management we expand some secretaries, or personal representatives, similarly there is good management also in Krsna's affairs. The original person is Krsna, and His expansions, they are also as good as Krsna, but departmental
- So many departments of material enjoyment; material knowledge and material science are available, and the Lord provides for persons who want to enjoy them. The conclusion is that one should worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead for any benediction
- So the whole society is divided into brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, and brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, sannyasa - departmental - and they are trained up
- So we are training, especially, our students to become qualified brahmanas. We cannot take up all other department
- Sri Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says that when one satisfies the spiritual master, he satisfies the Supreme Lord. It is exactly like service in a government office. One has to work under the supervision of the departmental head
- Suppose the minister, goes to the criminal department to see the prison house. He is not affected by the prison rules. It is simple to understand. If the prisoner thinks, "Oh, he is also one of the prisoner, because he has come here," this is nonsense
- The advancement of knowledge in any department, that is very good. But what is the aim? The aim is to glorify the Supreme Lord. Just like you are lawyer. You gave us help in some difficulty time
- The American Congress library purchasing department in India are pleased to purchase 18 copies of my Srimad-Bhagavatam, as soon as it is published and they have open order for it
- The American government may create prison departments, but why you are interested there? Why you are going there? The real position is: because you are criminal, therefore government has to create such department
- The Asvini-kumaras were expert in Ayur-veda, as was Dhanvantari. In every department of material science, there is a perfection to be achieved, and to achieve it one must consult the Vedic literature
- The criminal department is troublesome for the criminal but not for the obedient citizen. Similarly, this material energy is troublesome for the conditioned soul, but it has nothing to do with the liberated souls who are engaged in the service of the Lord
- The demigods are as factual as we are, but they are much more powerful due to their being engaged in the direct service of the Lord in managing different departments in the universal government
- The demigods are departmental heads. The government of the Supreme Lord consists not only of one planet or two or three; there are millions of planets and millions of universes
- The demigods are simply different directors engaged in operating the departments of material activities, and they are under the influence of the same material energy
- The demigods in charge of the various departmental activities that maintain this world are but assistants to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The different governmental departments are nothing but the energies of the king, and each department is resting on the king's power. But still one cannot expect the king to be present in every department personally. That is a crude example. BG 1972 pur
- The doormen (Jaya and Vijaya) were aware that they were going to the criminal department of the material world, and they expected that they might go to the lowest species and forget the Supreme Lord
- The goddess of learning is decorated with fourteen kinds of educational ornaments, her intelligence is all-pervading within the four departments of the Vedas, her attention is always on the lawbooks given by great sages like Manu
- The government has two department - criminal and civil. Civil department is controlled by the sastra, law codes, and the criminal department is governed by the sastra, weapons. So this is the rule from time immemorial. Both things are required
- The great spiritual energy known as mahamaya, the superintendent of the material world, and the material departmental directors, the demigods, as well as the products of external energy of the God, are but perverted reflections of the opulence of the God
- The head department means the most intellectual part of the society, the most intelligent portion of the society
- The human society must be divided into four parts, four divisions: brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra. Just like in our body there is division - the head department, the arms department, the belly department and the leg department
- The immigration department by their confidential conspiracy did not allow me to enter into Nairobi. Therefore, from the Nairobi airport I immediately arranged to come to London
- The intelligence department becomes the capital of lustful propensities. Intelligence is the immediate next-door neighbor of the spirit soul. BG 1972 purports
- The jail department is criminal department, prison, where citizens are put into jail and given trouble. So if the prisoner says: "Why the American government has created this prison department?" is that valid question?
- The kitchen department should be very clean and things should not be wasted. This is the first consideration
- The knowledge is distributed in so many departmental Vedic knowledge, but the whole process is aiming at God-realization
- The knowledge is distributed in so many departments of Vedic knowledge, but the whole process aims at God realization
- The laws are going on nicely, the law and order department examines. So that examiner, departmental, may be, but the original examiner is the Supreme Lord, Krsna. Therefore Krsna says, maya adhyaksena - Under My superintendence
- The process (hear God's name) is recommended not only for the progressive students in different departments of ideological success, but also for those who are successful in their achievement as fruitive workers, as philosophers or as devotees of the Lord
- The qualities of pouring water, drying and burning, which are all qualities of the three departmental heads of the universe - namely Indra, Vayu and Agni - were all directed by Hiranyakasipu alone, without assistance from the demigods
- The Queen, the goddess of fortune Draupadi, was in charge of administering the distribution of food (during the Rajasuya Sacrifice), and because Karna was famous for giving charity, he was put in charge of the charity department
- The reason why pure souls come into the existential circumstances of the material world, which is considered to be the criminal department of the Supreme Lord, is stated in Bhagavad-gita, Seventh Chapter, verse 27
- The state functions protecting the good citizen and punishing the criminals. That should be the state business. Wherefrom this idea came? What is called? Law and order department, or what is that
- The supreme controller is Krsna. Others, who control their own departments in the affairs of the universe, are insignificant in comparison to Krsna, the supreme controller
- The Supreme Lord is neutral to everyone, but for the maintenance of law and order His supreme government has various departments, which control the activities of the living entities
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the virat-purusa, situated Himself in that golden egg, which was lying on the water, and He divided it into many departments
- The title Ph.D. can also be interpreted as Plough Department, a title meant for the tillers in the paddy field
- The Vedas are the original scientific knowledge for all departments of understanding, and this knowledge of the Vedas was first impregnated into the heart of Brahma by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Vedas deal with three departments of activities. Jnana-kanda, the process of understanding the Absolute Truth by speculative methods
- The Vedas deal with three departments of activities. One is called karma-kanda, or activities under Vedic injunction, which gradually purify one to understand his real position
- The Vedas deal with three departments of activities. Upasana-kanda, or worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and sometimes of the demigods also
- The Vedic literature is meant for to find out Krsna, vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah . . . (BG 15.15). All knowledge . . . vedic, veda means knowledge. So any department of knowledge you may pursue, the business is how to find out Krsna
- The Vedic system of human life is divided into eight departmental activities, and that is going on under the name of Hinduism. It is now broken and degraded and so many things have happened
- There are administrative demigods in charge of departmental service of cosmic management, and there are tiny administrative gods in the state service
- There are different departments of activity in Krsna consciousness, and a spiritual master, knowing the particular ability of a particular man, trains him in such a way that by his tendency to act he becomes perfect
- There are innumerable departments of knowledge being presented in the universities, but there is no department of knowledge for understanding the science of God, Krishna and therefore we want to introduce such a department of knowledge
- There are many diverse departments of knowledge in understanding Krsna
- There are many other demigods in charge of the air department, the water department, the cloud department, etc
- There are many universities, especially in the United States, and many departments of knowledge, but they are not discussing these points. Where is the department for this knowledge that we find given by Sri Krsna in Bhagavad-gita
- There are rules and regulations because all these departments know it very well that any businessman or karmi, he is sure to commit sinful activities. Therefore there are so many regulations just to stop him as far as possible
- There are so many departments of knowledge all over the world and many huge universities, but there is, unfortunately, no university or educational institution where the science of the spirit soul is instructed. BG 1972 purports
- There is no department of knowledge how the living entities are working, how they are being transmigrated, they are falling down. A very risky civilization. So people should try to understand this KC philosophy very seriously if they want their own good
- There is no necessity for the government's creation of a separate police department, but because it is a fact that some of the citizens will not accept the state laws, a department to deal with criminals is necessary
- They (foolish persons) may be scholarly, and they may be elevated in other departments of knowledge, but they are not even neophytes in the process of attaining the highest stage of perfection, love of Godhead
- They (third-class men) want to be diseased. They want to be criminals. So there must be some department for them. Just like Monte Carlo. So this is a facility for the living entities, for the slight independence which has been given by God to them
- They are (human beings, animals, birds), rather, controlled by demigods. Such control is not superfluous; it is as necessary as the controlling departments in the affairs of a modern state
- This brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, the brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, they are for mutual cooperation. They are different department, but they are for mutual cooperation
- This created consciousness is then divided into three departmental activities according to the three gunas, or modes of material nature
- This department of knowledge (spiritual knowledge of transcendence) is called jnana-kanda, and above this there is the upasana-kanda. The culmination of upasana-kanda is the devotional service of the Lord Visnu
- This King alone, in his own body, will be able in due course of time to maintain all living entities and keep them in a pleasant condition by manifesting himself as different demigods to perform various departmental activities
- This maya is criminal department, and Vaikuntha is civil department. Vaikuntha means there is no anxiety, and maya means always anxiety
- This person is impious. So this is the jurisdiction of Dharmaraja. He has to try the case and give him punishment, criminal department, law and order. So you cannot interfere with us - Yamadutas
- Those who are in charge of the religious department - their duty is to keep people enlightened in the real mission of life. But if they're also doing sense gratification, how long they can cheat others? Therefore people have lost faith in religion
- Throughout the whole world there is no such training department. There are many department of knowledge, but how to create an ideal brahmana, there is no education
- Throughout the world there are many institutions for different departments of knowledge, but there is no recognized institution where students can be educated in the brahmacari principles. BG 1972 purports
- Till now I have received no reply from the Canadian Immigration Department, and I have just now received one letter from Janardana stating therein that even if I go to Montreal pending my immigration application, there will be no difficulty
- Treasury department collecting taxes. That is not the tax officer of the treasurer is collecting for his personal self; he is collecting for the government
- Try to make your press department very nice. The magazine is already selling, and if you make further improvements, the sales will also improve. Just like our English BTG: from 5,000 copies they have increased to 25,000 copies per month
- Try to organize our book selling department very nicely. That will be great service to the society and to the people in general
- Ultimate satisfaction of the Lord is the chief purpose of all yajnas. When these sacrifices are perfectly performed, the demigods in charge of the different departments of supply are pleased, and there is no scarcity in the flow of natural products
- Unfortunately at the present moment, in no university there is any department of knowledge where this education is given where there is life after death. I am traveling all over the world. There is no such department
- Unfortunately, there is no department for distributing knowledge in the science of the soul. But that is the important, most important thing, because the soul is the mainstay, is the background of all our movements
- Unfortunately, we have got departments of knowledge in our educational system, but actually there is no department of knowledge where Krsna consciousness is taught scientifically. That is a great necessity of the present day
- United Nations has no department which actually can be called the brain organization
- Veda means "knowledge." Any department of knowledge is called a part of the Vedic knowledge, and vedanta means the ultimate conclusion of all branches of knowledge
- Veda means knowledge and what is that supreme knowledge? Knowledge, there are different departmental knowledge but what is the ultimate knowledge? The ultimate knowledge is to understand God. Yasmin vijnate sarvam evam vijnatam bhavati
- Vyasadeva, disciple of Narada Muni, compiled so many Vedic literatures, Mahabharata, Puranas, Vedanta-sutra, Upanisads, various types of... Not types. Practically the same Vedas, divided into departmental knowledge for understanding of the common people
- We are now involved in the injunctions of the three departments of the Vedic knowledge under the plea of executing rituals in the name of yajna. We know that You have made arrangements for distributing the respective shares of the demigods
- We can take part in everything, politics, sociology or philanthropism, altruism, there are so many things they have discovered, provided by taking part in that department of activities we advance our Krsna consciousness. Otherwise reject. Don't take part
- We cannot neglect any department. There must be all the departments, and they must be cooperative and healthy. So this movement is meant for that purpose
- We say that the spiritual world is a creation of the spiritual energy, but actually the spiritual world is never created and it is just to indicate to what department it belongs
- Whatever department of knowledge or whatever department of activities you are engaged in, it doesn't matter. But if you can find out the Supreme by your pursuit of knowledge, that is your perfection
- When a person is highly educated and acts strictly on moral principles, he is called highly learned. A person conversant in different departments of knowledge is called educated, and because he acts on moral principles, he is called morally stout
- When an incarnation of Godhead descends on this planet, demigods like the sun-god, the moon-god or the King of heaven, Indra, all join Him. Consequently the incarnation is able to act for the departmental demigods to keep the planetary systems in order
- When I (Prabhupada) spoke before students & some faculty members at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the first question raised was: Where is the technological department which is investigating the difference between a dead man and a living man
- When yajnas are perfectly performed, naturally the demigods in charge of the different departments of supply are pleased, and there is no scarcity in the supply of natural products. BG 1972 purports
- Why government spends so much money for police department? Just to keep law and order. There must be
- Why there is no department of knowledge in the university to study this fact scientifically? That is my proposition
- With your money, with your intelligence, with your power, with your influence, whatever you have got. Education, departmental knowledge. Try to glorify the Supreme Lord. Then it is perfect
- Without devotional service to the Lord one cannot make progress in any department of activity, although the path of devotional service is always independent of anything material
- Yes, Giriraja is to be regarded as the absolute authority in all matters. Why do you disobey? Of course, everything should be departmentally managed, but unless there is discipline how will anything get done?
- Yes, we must set up our society as a school as best we can - I have already sent you letter. Please formulate the whole curriculum because we have to immediately submit to the Draft department & if this is accepted that will be great gain for our society
- You can save this money by minimizing the expenditures in the luxury departments of Sanskrit and artists. We do not want these departments for the time being. One or two men must suffice for Sanskrit work
- You cannot make one class of men. That is not very good arrangement. There must be different departments according to capacity
- You find scientifically it is designed by God or Lord Brahma: "This is brain department, this is arms department, this is belly department, this is leg department." All of them required. You cannot avoid any one of them
- You have got more important business than selling. Both your wife and yourself are meant for publication department
- You have got technological department. So where is the technology where we can understand the difference between a dead man and a living man? What is the thing is lost that a body's called dead body? What is that technology?
- You have to preach all over the world that - You are simply wasting time by so many department of knowledge. You are so foolish, rascal
- You may be engaged in any pattern of work, any department of work. But by dint of your work you establish the existence of God, Krsna; and whatever is being done, it is being done by the expert management of Krsna
- You should definitely organize to distribute amongst the stores in the same conditions you have mentioned. Then our publication department will be a grand success
- You will be pleased to know that I am now accepted by the USA immigration department as permanent resident, with option to apply for citizenship
- You write to say that there is some difficulty in distributing books because religious teachings are unlawful in public schools. How is that? In every university there is a department of religion
- Your brain, your arms must work very nicely, although also the digestive system, intestines, stomach, that must also work very nicely, as well as the legs. Then you are perfectly fit. Similarly, in the social system there must be the head department
- Your business must cooperate with the other departments, so that all departments can go on smoothly. Otherwise it is not a very good situation