Category:Concentrate the Mind
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Pages in category "Concentrate the Mind"
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- A transcendentalist should always try to concentrate his mind on the supreme self. He should live alone in a secluded place and should always carefully control his mind. He should be free from desires and possessiveness
- A transcendentalist should always try to concentrate his mind on the Supreme Self; he should live alone in a secluded place and should always carefully control his mind. - Bg. 6.10
- After subduing their senses, the three brothers concentrated their minds upon the lotus feet of Vasudeva, Lord Krsna. As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.19). The lotus feet of Vasudeva are everything. Lord Vasudeva is the reservoir of all living entities
- All the senses are to be stopped in their external activities - that is the perfection of yoga - and concentrate the mind on Visnu-murti
- As long as one is very much attached to material enjoyment, one cannot concentrate his mind on the subject matter of devotional service
- Astanga-yoga is practice in concentrating the mind, releasing oneself from all engagements by the regulative processes of meditation, concentration, sitting postures, blocking the movements of the internal circulation of air, etc
- At that time I concentrated my mind and requested the brahmana to make the promise before the Gopala Deity
- Because materialists cannot understand Krsna spiritually, they are advised to concentrate the mind on physical things and try to see how Krsna is manifested by physical representations. BG 1972 purports
- Because you cannot concentrate your mind in chanting, you have no attachment for chanting, that (minimum sixteen rounds of chanting) is a, a regulative principle. You must. You must finish this
- Because you have forgotten Krsna, therefore Krsna has given you so many books, Vedic literature. Therefore I was stressing, don't waste your time in reading nonsense literature. Just concentrate your mind in this Vedic literature
- Brahma, with great attention and concentration of the mind, studied the Vedas three times, and after scrutinizingly examining them, he ascertained that attraction for the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna is the highest perfection of religion
- By a gross conception of God through the material manifestations of His energy, one is enabled to spiritualize the mind and the senses and gradually concentrate the mind upon Lord Visnu
- By concentrating the mind one can become free from sinful activities, and by withdrawing the senses one can free himself from material association
- By practicing the process of pranayama, one can eradicate the contamination of his physiological condition, and by concentrating the mind one can become free from all sinful activities
- By practicing the yoga exercises of pranayama, the usual breathing exercises, he would concentrate his mind
- By remaining perpendicular, they could concentrate their minds on the uppermost Brahman. While they were practicing this pranayama, the great sage Narada, who is worshiped both by demons and by demigods, came to see them
- By the fifth month, Maharaja Dhruva, the son of the King, had controlled his breathing so perfectly that he was able to stand on only one leg, just as a column stands, without motion, and concentrate his mind fully on the Parabrahman
- By this astanga-yoga system, by sitting posture, by controlling the breathing, by modes of different posture of seeing, so many things there are. The real thing is to control the mind and concentrate it on the form of Visnu
- Complete control of the mind and senses and their complete concentration on one kind of activity is called tapah
- Concentration of the mind is more easily attained in these days by the chanting of the holy name of the Lord. The results are more effective than those derived from the inner exercise of the life air
- Fixing the vital air and the mind in one of the six circles of vital air circulation within the body, thus concentrating one's mind on the transcendental pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is called samadhi, or samadhana, of the mind
- For concentrating your mind, for meditating, if you have to make so many facilities arrangement, and without any arrangement, if you can do, which one is better? Without any arrangement. That is Hare Krsna mantra
- For those who are attached to this bodily machine, the yoga system is recommended. One who is overly attached to the bodily conception is taught to concentrate the mind by some physical gymnastics
- Freed from all sinful reactions are those who concentrate their minds with great attention upon My unlimited all-auspicious activities, which yield piety to he who hears them; the sun; the moon; fire; the mantra omkara; the Absolute Truth
- Freed from all sinful reactions are those who concentrate their minds with great attention upon My Vaijayanti garland; My club, Kaumodaki; My Sudarsana disc and Pancajanya conchshell; My bearer, Garuda, the king of the birds; My bed, Sesa Naga
- Freed from all sinful reactions are those who concentrate their minds with great attention upon My very pleasing abode; the white island, Svetadvipa, which is always brilliant with spiritual rays; My mark of Srivatsa; the Kaustubha gem
- Freed from all sinful reactions are those who concentrate their minds with great attention upon the cane plants; the bamboo plants; the celestial trees; the residential quarters of Me, Lord Brahma and Lord Siva; the three peaks of Trikuta Mountain
- Freed from all sinful reactions are those who concentrate their minds with great attention upon the Rivers Ganges, Sarasvati, Nanda and Yamuna (Kalindi); the elephant Airavata; Dhruva Maharaja; the seven rsis; and the pious human beings
- Freed from all sinful reactions are those who concentrate their minds with great attention upon the total material energy; the cows and brahmanas; devotional service; the wives of Soma and Kasyapa, who are all daughters of King Daksa
- He (Narottama dasa Thakura) has recommended that instead of taking the trouble to travel to such places, one should concentrate his mind on Govinda, and that will help him
- He divided his property among his sons, who were equally as qualified, and he himself took the order of vanaprastha and went to the forest to concentrate his mind fully upon Lord Vasudeva
- Here is the crucial test of yoga system - if you can concentrate your mind on the form of Visnu
- His (Vyasadeva's) son was a great devotee, an equibalanced monist, whose mind was always concentrated in monism. He was transcendental to mundane activities, but being unexposed, he appeared like an ignorant person
- If a yogi wants to shatter the mountain of dirt (in the form of desires to lord it over material nature) in his mind, he should concentrate on the lotus feet of the Lord and not imagine something void or impersonal
- If one wants to meditate upon something void or impersonal, it will take a very long time before he achieves success in yoga practice. We cannot concentrate our mind on something void or impersonal
- If our mind is... Nature of mind is always agitated, and if we artificially give impetus to the mind to be more agitated, then where is the question of samadhi? There is no question of samadhi. They'll never be able to concentrate the mind
- If we simply concentrate our mind, that is real meditation, to think of Krsna - man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru (BG 18.65). Then everything will be cleansed automatically
- If you are not minding, the chanting will force you to mind upon Him. You see? Krsna sound will by force. Chanting is so nice. And this is the practical yoga in this age. You cannot meditate
- In all the standard scriptures and in yoga practice formula, the whole aim is to concentrate one's mind in the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is called samadhi, samadhi, ecstasy. So that ecstasy is immediately brought by this chanting process
- In order to concentrate the mind, one should always remain in seclusion and avoid disturbance by external objects. He should be very careful to accept favorable and reject unfavorable conditions that affect his realization. BG 1972 purports
- In perfect determination, he (one who wants to concentrate the mind) should not hanker after unnecessary material things that entangle him by feelings of possessiveness. BG 1972 purports
- In the pursuit of self-realization, one has to follow many rules and regulations to control the mind and the senses and to concentrate the mind on the Self. All these procedures are very difficult, bitter like poison. BG 1972 purports
- In the same way, the yogi should concentrate his mind on the Lord's nipples, which resemble a pair of most exquisite emeralds and which appear whitish because of the rays of the milk-white pearl necklaces adorning His chest
- In the Sixth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, the hatha-yoga system of meditation is explained, and Arjuna, who was highly elevated, said that he could not concentrate his mind in this way
- In these prayers (SB 1.8.22), Kuntidevi, a great devotee, is giving us an opportunity to become Krsna conscious simply by concentrating our mind on pankaja, the lotus flower
- In this verse (SB 3.28.12) it is clearly stated that one must meditate by fixing the vision on the tip of the nose and concentrating one's mind on the kala, or the plenary expansion, of Visnu
- It is quite reasonable that they (the Pandavas) concentrated their minds upon the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna
- It is recommended in the yoga scripture that one should put the soles of the feet between the two thighs and ankles and sit straight; that posture will help one to concentrate his mind on the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is recommended that a woman desiring to advance in KC live peacefully with a husband & that the couple not separate under any condition. The husband & wife should control sex indulgence & concentrate their minds on KC so their life may be successful
- Mechanical ways of rising to the spiritual platform prescribe some regulative principles of taking bath daily three times, fasting as far as possible, sitting and concentrating the mind on spiritual matters
- Meditation means concentrating the mind to find out God, where He is within my heart. That is real perfection of yoga. So people do not know this science
- Meditation, as recommended in authorized scripture, is meant for concentrating one's mind on the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu
- Meditational yoga cannot be performed in an assembly, at least not according to Bhagavad-gita. It is not possible to concentrate the mind in the meditational system upon the Supersoul except in a secluded place
- My dear mother, O daughter of the King, now I shall explain to you the system of yoga, the object of which is to concentrate the mind. By practicing this system one can become joyful and progressively advance towards the path of the Absolute Truth
- Nalakuvara & Manigriva said: May our hands and other limbs be engaged in Your service and our minds always be concentrated at Your lotus feet and our heads always bowed down before the all-pervading universal form of Your Lordship
- Nature of mind is always agitated, and if we artificially give impetus to the mind to be more agitated, then where is the question of samadhi? There is no question of samadhi. They'll never be able to concentrate the mind. That is not possible
- Not caring about eating, he traveled all day. Hunger was not an impediment, for his mind was concentrated upon obtaining shelter at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- O Brahma, just follow this conclusion by fixed concentration of mind, and no pride will disturb you, neither in the partial nor in the final devastation
- One cannot concentrate his mind on anything void or impersonal; the mind should be fixed on the personal form of the Lord, whose attitude is cheerful
- One must concentrate the mind on Him, the only all-blissful Absolute Truth. Otherwise one will be misled and will cause his own degradation
- One must have regulated life. That is called yama-niyama. Then practice asana. There is mechanical process of sitting which will help you, concentration of the mind, asana. Then pranayama, concentration of the mind. Then meditation
- One must observe silence, acquire steadiness by practicing different yogic postures, control the breathing of the vital air, withdraw the senses from sense objects and thus concentrate the mind on the heart
- One need only concentrate his mind on one such narration (of God and His devotees) and become always absorbed in its thought. Then he will be in samadhi
- One should concentrate his mind upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who alone distributes Himself in so many manifestations just as ordinary persons create thousands of manifestations in dreams
- One who is steadily fixed in the Supreme Soul with determination, concentrating one's mind, life and sensual activities on the Supreme, engages in Krsna consciousness. That sort of determination is in the mode of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- One who is trying to concentrate his mind on the imperson, or voidness, it is very difficult and troublesome
- One who meditates in this way, concentrating his mind upon the always auspicious form of the Lord, is very soon freed from all material contamination, and he does not come down from meditation upon the Lord
- Ordinary men are advised to concentrate the mind by focusing on the place between the eyebrows, whereas the devotees of the Lord are already practiced to place the Supreme Personality of Godhead on the seat of their minds
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is teaching people how to concentrate the mind on devotional service. This is first-class tapah
- Our yoga system is not like that, that we whole day, twenty-three hours and forty-five minutes, I engage myself in all nonsensical activities, and fifteen minutes I concentrate my mind, the meditation. That kind of yoga system is not here
- Real yoga practice is to control the senses and, after such control is established, to concentrate the mind on the Narayana form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna
- Regarding how George may continue his meditation, that meditation may be done by keeping one picture of Krishna, keeping his mind concentrated on the picture of Krishna and softly chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra as long as he likes
- She concentrated her mind upon the Supreme Lord, Vasudeva. Thus she performed the ritualistic ceremony known as payo-vrata
- Sometimes he would take his bath in the River Godavari. After taking his bath he would sit in a secluded place on the bank of the river, and, by practicing the yoga exercises of pranayama, the usual breathing exercise, he would concentrate his mind
- Spiritualize the mind and the senses and gradually concentrate the mind upon Lord Visnu, the Supreme, who is present as the Supersoul in every heart and everywhere, in every atom of the material universe
- That is called yoga, to control the mind from all other subject matters and concentrate it on the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is called yoga. Yoga means linking
- The eight divisions of yoga performance are described as (5) withdrawing the senses from sense objects, (6) concentration of the mind, (7) meditation and (8) self-realization
- The essential point is that the mind, which is contaminated by material attraction, has to be bridled and concentrated on the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It cannot be fixed on something void or impersonal
- The general yoga process entails observing the rules and regulations, practicing the different sitting postures, concentrating the mind on the vital circulation of the air and then thinking of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His Vaikuntha pastimes
- The husband and wife should control sex indulgence and concentrate their minds on Krsna consciousness so their life may be successful
- The impersonalists recommend that one can arbitrarily concentrate one's mind on some form he imagines or which pleases him. But here it is said that the form which the Lord showed to Kardama Muni by His divine grace is described in the Vedic literature
- The kinds of remembering God are: (c) concentrating upon a particular form of the Lord (this is called meditation), (d) concentrating one's mind continuously on the form of the Lord - this is called dhruvanusmrti, or perfect meditation
- The name Krsna and the Supreme Person Krsna are nondifferent. Therefore, if one concentrates his mind on hearing and chanting Hare Krsna, the same result is achieved as by breathing exercises
- The personified Vedas continued, "They (the gopis) wanted to be embraced by the arms of Krsna, which resemble the beautiful round shape of a snake. Similarly, we, the Vedic hymns, simply concentrate our minds on the lotus feet of Your Lordship"
- The practice of yoga by physical exercise is not the ultimate goal; the real end is to concentrate and to control the mind and train oneself to be situated in faithful devotional service
- The senses cannot work if the mind is absent. Therefore we call "attentively, concentrating your mind." So mind is above the senses
- The so-called yogis who concentrate their mind or meditate upon the impersonal or void are described here - SB 3.15.46
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon devotional service
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon fire; the mantra omkara and the Absolute Truth
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon Lord Brahma and Lord Siva
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My bearer, Garuda, the king of the birds
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My bed, Sesa Naga
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My incarnations like Matsya, Kurma and Varaha
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My mark of Srivatsa and the Kaustubha gem
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My Sudarsana disc and Pancajanya conchshell
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My unlimited all-auspicious activities
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My Vaijayanti garland and My club, Kaumodaki
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My very pleasing abode (the ocean of milk)
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon Narada Muni; Lord Siva and Prahlada
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the elephant Airavata and Dhruva Maharaja
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the residential quarters of Me
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the river Yamuna (Kalindi)
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the Rivers Ganges, Sarasvati and Nanda
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the seven rsis; and the pious human beings
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the sun and the moon
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the three peaks of Trikuta Mountain
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the total material energy; the cows and brahmanas
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the white island, Svetadvipa
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the wives of Soma and Kasyapa
- The words aham samadhaya manah indicate that the most important duty at the time of death is to concentrate one's mind. If one can fix his mind on the lotus feet of Krsna, Visnu, Sankarsana or any Visnu murti, his life will be successful
- The yoga system involves concentrating the mind and focusing it on the Paramatma or Supersoul seated within the heart
- The yogis begin their practice of yoga by worshiping the abdomen, and they try to concentrate their attention on their intestines. Gradually their meditation rises to the heart and concentrates on the mind and the heart
- The yogis, they are always in meditation and thinking of Krsna. That is real yogi, not to show some gymnastic feats. These things are required to concentrate the mind
- There are so-called yoga practices in which one concentrates the mind on voidness or on the impersonal, but this is not approved by the authorized yoga system as explained by Kapiladeva. Even Patanjali explains that the target of all yoga is Visnu
- There the great sage concentrated his mind by the yogic breathing exercises, and thereby controlling all attachment, he remained standing on one leg only, eating nothing but air, and stood there on one leg for one hundred years
- Thereafter, being unable to achieve the desired destination, he retired from such searching and came back again to the top of the lotus. Thus, controlling all objectives, he concentrated his mind on the Supreme Lord
- Therefore by enmity or by devotional service, by fear, by affection or by lusty desire - by all of these or any one of them - if a conditioned soul somehow or other concentrates his mind upon the Lord, the result is the same
- These (the kinds of remembering) are as follows: (a) conducting research into the worship of a particular form of God (b) concentrating the mind on one subject and withdrawing the mind's activities of thinking feeling and willing from all other subjects
- They can receive the conception of Your personality in their fully purified hearts because their minds are concentrated upon You
- They concentrated their minds always upon the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the resting place of the totality of living entities and who is therefore celebrated as Vasudeva
- This concentration of mind is very difficult in this age, because mind is so agitated. Therefore force them to hear Hare Krsna. Even they have no mind to hear, you chant loudly Hare Krsna, they will hear. Their mind will be dragged. It is so nice thing
- This Krsna consciousness is yoga system. At the present day, they are concentrating their mind on something void, impersonal, according to their own prescription. The real process is to concentrate the mind on something
- Those who are attached to the impersonal or void features of meditation have to undergo a difficult process because we are not accustomed to concentrating our minds upon anything impersonal. Actually such concentration is not even possible
- Those who are trying to ascend on the path of mystic yoga are called aruruksu. In aruruksu yoga, various sitting postures are practiced, and the mind is concentrated
- Three times you have to take water and taste it. That is called upasprsya. So he (Vyasadeva) did it. Asinah apah upasprsya pranidadhyau manah: then he began to concentrate his mind, meditation. So that is called yoga
- To concentrate one's mind on Govinda in any place is a path meant for those who are the most spiritually advanced; it is not for ordinary persons
- To concentrate the mind, one must observe a life of celibacy and not fall down. One must undergo the austerity of voluntarily giving up sense enjoyment. One must then control the mind and senses, give charity, be truthful, clean and nonviolent
- To concentrate their minds, yogis worship the Sisumara planetary system, which is technically known as the kundalini-cakra
- To do actual Hatha Yoga one must not live in the city, but he must go to a sacred spot, and completely freed from all attachments and all material desires and disturbances, he must concentrate his mind upon the Lord within his heart
- To practice concentration of the mind, one has to sit with the head and the back in a straight line, and one must practice in a secluded place, sanctified by a sacred atmosphere
- Uddhava said, "He is the purpose behind chanting different mantras, reading the Vedas, controlling the senses, concentrating the mind in meditation. These are some of the many different processes for self-realization and attainment of perfection of life"
- Under instructions of his spiritual master Srila Narada Muni, Vyasadeva concentrated his mind in that transcendental place of meditation
- Upon seeing that the demigods were in an awkward position whereas all the demons were flourishing, Lord Brahma, who is above all the demigods and who is most powerful, concentrated his mind on the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- We have to prepare our mind in such a way that we should always think of Krsna. Then that is meditation, real meditation. And practical. There is no use thinking of something void. That you cannot concentrate. That is not practical
- When one is detached from the attraction of material prosperity, one can actually concentrate his mind upon the Supersoul
- Yoga means concentration of the mind detached from all other subject matter. And actually such concentration is samadhi, or cent percent engagement in the service of the Lord (Krsna)
- Yogi means that he has no other business. The sannyasi and yogi is the same because yogi has no other business. He is simply trying to concentrate his mind on the Visnu
- Yogis try to concentrate their minds upon the form of the Supersoul, Visnu, within the heart, but this same objective is easily achieved when one's mind is absorbed in the Deity worshiped in the temple