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Pages in category "Captivated"
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- A beautiful prostitute tried to attract him in the dead of night, but since he was situated in devotional service, in transcendental love of Godhead, Haridasa Thakura was not captivated. Rather, he turned the prostitute into a great devotee
- A little quantity of gold captivates foolish people, and thus the yogi gets many followers, who are willing to accept such a tiny person as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Such a yogi may also advertise himself as Bhagavan
- A person is so captivated by this pleasure-giving substance that he is not satisfied by begetting a single child, but increases the number of children, with great risk in regard to maintaining them, simply for this pleasure-giving substance
- A young girl becomes captivated by seeing a very nice boy, or a nice boy is captivated to see the beauty of a girl. These are sense gratification. There is no prema; that is kama
- Actually, you are not the daughter of Vidarbha, nor is this man, Malayadhvaja, your well-wishing husband. Nor were you the actual husband of Puranjani. You were simply captivated in this body of nine gates
- After being further trained, he (the mature student) accepts sannyasa. He is then a fully learned and renounced person who can move anywhere and everywhere without fear of being captivated by material desires
- After taking his dinner and having his thirst and hunger satisfied, King Puranjana felt some joy within his heart. Instead of being elevated to a higher consciousness, he became captivated by Cupid, and was moved by a desire to find his wife
- After you give birth to many hundreds and thousands of children, they will also be captivated by My illusory energy and will engage, like You, in sexual intercourse
- Again, he becomes very busy under the shelter of that home and is captivated by the talks, glances and activities of his wife and children. In this way he loses his Krsna consciousness and throws himself in the dense darkness of material existence
- Agnidhra addressed the girl as suhrttama, the best friend, so that she would not refuse to take him there. Not only was Agnidhra captivated by the girl's raised breasts; he was also attracted by her sweet speech
- All the wives of Krsna were so exquisitely beautiful that their smiling and shyness were able to captivate the minds of great demigods like Siva. But still they could not even agitate the mind of Krsna, in spite of their attractive feminine behavior
- All together, accompanied by the conchshell, wheel, club, lotus flower, bow, arrows, shield and sword in His hands, these presented a grand and beautiful audience for Lord Visnu which captivated all the demigods
- Although Kasyapa Muni was a learned scholar, he was captivated by Diti's artificial behavior, which brought him under her control. Therefore he assured his wife that he would fulfill her desires. Such a promise by a husband is not at all astonishing
- "And out of all songs, what song do you think is the best of all?" Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked. And Ramananda replied that any song which describes the pastimes of Radha and Krsna is the best song. In conditional life, the soul is captivated by sex
- Any person who becomes attracted to places other than Mathura will certainly be captivated by the illusory energy
- Arjuna, who is a constant companion of Krsna's, must have had transcendental eyes; he was not an ordinary man. Therefore he was not captivated by the universal form. BG 1972 purports
- As he thought of Subhadra and her beauty, Arjuna became more and more captivated with the idea of marrying her, and with a plan in mind he dressed himself like a Vaisnava sannyasi, carrying a tridanda in his hand
- As long as he (the living entity) is captivated by this false manifestation, he has to continue transmigrating from one body to another. Due to his desire to lord it over material nature, he is put into such undesirable circumstances. BG 1972 purports
- At the present moment human society is so degraded that people cannot even provide themselves with life's daily necessities, yet they are captivated by Mayavadi philosophers and are being misled
- At the present moment, people are captivated for human welfare activities. Oh, what human welfare activities they will do? It is not in your power
- Because of association with the modes of material nature for a very long time, even liberated souls sometimes become captivated by the illusory energy due to inattentiveness in the transcendental position
- Because of his association with the qualitative modes of material nature, he (the living being) is captivated by its interactions of distressful, unhappy feelings
- Before taking sannyasa, or completely renouncing the material world, one has to practice avoiding illicit sex. Sex life, licit or illicit, is practically the same, but through illicit sex one becomes more and more captivated
- Being captivated by a few blades of grass, the animals fall into a dark well & meet death. Similarly, foolish persons, without knowing the importance of the human form of life, spoil it simply for sense gratification and die without any useful purpose
- Being captivated by the activities of their offspring, they (parents) take much care for their well-being. As for Vasudeva and Devaki, they were always anxious for the protection of their sons, Krsna and Balarama
- Being captivated by the material world under the influence of the three modes of material nature (sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna), the living entity can see only the three fruits of activities under the spell of material nature
- Being captivated by the sound and beauty, he fell down
- By advanced knowledge in spiritual realization, the transcendentalist knows that this beautiful material world is nothing but a shadowy reflection of the reality the kingdom of God. They are not much captivated by royal opulence or anything like that
- Captivated by the material movements of women, he wants to remain in this material world. Thus one's promotion to the spiritual world is checked simply by seeing the beautiful bodily structure and movements of women
- Cupid was himself captivated by the grave and exciting dealings of the goddesses of fortune, and he voluntarily gave up his bow and arrow in a spirit of frustration
- Datyatreya, Prthu and Dhanvantari are yellowish; Lord Buddha is flesh colored; Yajna is bluish; Mohini is extraordinarily beautiful woman. There is no comparison to her beauty, so much so that Lord Siva is captivated by her beauty
- Don't be captivated by the material opulence, even you are put into great difficulties. Because you are not this material body. You are spirit soul. So your progress should be steady on the spiritual platform
- Even the animals can be captivated by this chanting, what to speak of human beings
- Even the so-called philosophers of modern society are captivated by material name and fame, and so they do not lead the general populace in the proper direction
- Every one of them (mental speculators) is captivated by the external potencies of the Lord. The best thing for them is to surrender unto Him, knowing Him to be inconceivable, for thus they can receive His causeless mercy
- Everyone who is captivated by the material energy and absorbed in thinking "I am this body, and everything belonging to this body is mine" is in illusion
- Everyone, whether man or woman, thinks that he is the enjoyer of the illusory energy. In this way, everyone is captivated and engaged in material activities
- Finally, when Brahma is born again in another millennium, they (the jivas) are again manifest. In this way the jivas are captivated by the material world. BG 1972 purports
- For a liberated person, all the enjoyments listed above are considered to be absolutely useless. Only those who are conditioned by the material modes of external energy are captivated by different types of material enjoyment
- For undeveloped human beings, merely the slight display of the Lord's potency is captivating. A still more advanced person is captivated by the powers of the demigods and goddesses
- He (Agnidhra) hoped that her (Purvacitti's) glances upon him would be favorable because he was already captivated, and the more captivated he became, the more impossible it would be for him to remain without her
- He (Aniruddha) was dressed in yellow garments & had eyes just like lotus petals. His arms were very long, & he had nice, curling, bluish hair. The glaring rays of his glittering earrings & the beautiful smile on his lips were certainly captivating
- He (Dvivida) became captivated by the beauty of Balarama's body, whose every feature was very beautiful, decorated as He was with a garland of lotus flowers. Similarly, all the young girls present, dressed & garlanded with flowers, exhibited much beauty
- He (Krsna) descends out of His causeless mercy only to reclaim the fallen souls who are captivated by the illusory energy
- He (Visvamitra Muni) became aware of her (Menaka's) feminine presence upon hearing the sound of her bangles, and he immediately looked up from his meditation, saw her, and became captivated by her beauty
- He's smoking fire, and he's becoming cool. (laughter) And the advertisement is going on, and the rascals are captivated by these advertisement, and they smoke, become cool. Yes
- Here (in SB 10.6.9), of course, the two mothers Rohini and Yasoda were not maya-mohita, deluded by the external energy, but to develop the pastimes of the Lord, they were captivated by yogamaya. Such maya-moha is the action of yogamaya
- Heroines may also be classified as captivated, intermediate and impudent. The captivated heroine does not know very much about the cunning intricacies of jealous anger
- His (Baby Pradyumna's) eyes were just like the petals of lotus flowers, and his arms were long, reaching down to his knees; any woman who happened to see him was captivated by his bodily beauty
- How one becomes captivated by the association of one's dear wife is explained in this chapter (SB 4.25.62) by Narada Muni. Attraction for one's wife means attraction for the material qualities
- I entered the bower just behind Krsna, My ears captivated by the sound of His ornaments
- I got your colored pictures, and each and every one of them is so nice and captivating that I have kept them for future paintings by our artists. I thank you very much for these pictures
- I have previously captivated the mind of even Brahma, what to speak of others. Your mind alone have I failed to attract
- If such fortunate brahmanas and sons of rich men properly utilize the chance, they can easily realize Vasudeva by good association with saintly persons. Unfortunately, such preferred persons are captivated again by material wealth and honor
- If the mind is captivated by the pious and impious activities mentioned in the Vedas, one remains eternally in darkness; one cannot attain the absolute platform
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.14) it is said, daivi hy esa guna-mayi mama maya duratyaya: the external potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is extremely strong. Indeed, everyone is fully captivated by her activities
- In the grhastha-asrama one has to accept invitations from friends and relatives and perform ritualistic ceremonies. By so doing, one becomes captivated by such things, although he may not have sufficient resources to continue them
- In the history of material activities there are many examples, like the Roman hero Antony, who became captivated by the beauty of Cleopatra
- In the marriage selection assembly of Draupadi, Duryodhana had also been present, and along with other princes he had been very much captivated by the beauty of Draupadi, but he had failed to achieve her
- In this condition, I can guess that he has been captivated by the transcendental beauty of that expert flute-player, Sri Krsna, and, being attached to Him, he is simply staring at the black cloud, remembering the bodily hue of Sri Krsna
- In this human form of life, don't be captivated by sensuous life. Just try to understand Krsna. That is the verdict of the sastra
- In this way the minds of great personalities are always engaged in Krsna. With their minds engaged in Krsna, naturally the captivated devotees simply talk of Krsna
- In this way, King Puranjana was captivated by his nice wife and was thus cheated. Indeed, he became cheated in his whole existence in the material world
- King Puranjana became very much captivated by his beautiful wife and deviated from his good sense. He forgot that the passing of days and nights meant that his span of life was being reduced without profit
- Krsna is the father of all living entities, and He is very unhappy to see His sons suffer. Krsna therefore comes and canvasses - Why are you captivated by this false, so-called happiness? Give up all of this and surrender to Me
- Krsna said, "Once upon a time, Lord Brahma became captivated by the beauty of his (Marici) daughter and was following her, impelled by sex desire"
- Lord Brahma's being captivated by the charms of his daughter and Lord Siva's being captivated by the Mohini form of the Lord are specific instances which instruct us that even great demigods like Brahma and Lord Siva, are captivated by the beauty of woman
- Lord Visnu appeared as the incarnation Mohini, the most beautiful woman in the world, just to captivate the demons and save the nectar for the demigods
- Maya happens to be the wife of Lord Siva, and thus Lord Siva is in association with maya, but Lord Visnu here assures Lord Siva that this maya will no longer be able to captivate him
- Mayavati could understand that her former husband, Cupid, born as Pradyumna, had grown into such a nice young man, and she also gradually became captivated and lusty
- Men who are too much attached to material enjoyment are captivated by the prospect of being elevated to the higher planetary system, and so they take to such ritualistic activities
- Mental speculators who want to understand the limit of the Unlimited are certainly nonsensical. Every one of them is captivated by the external potencies of the Lord
- Moths are captivated by the glaring brightness of light, and thus they become prey to the fire. Similarly, the deluding energy is always captivating the conditioned souls to become prey to the fire of delusion
- My dear King, I am very captivated by your elevated qualities and excellent behavior, and thus I am very favorably inclined toward you. You may therefore ask from Me any benediction you like
- My Lord, we have come here desiring to see that form of Your Lordship which You showed to the demons to captivate them completely and in this way enable the demigods to drink nectar. I am very eager to see that form
- Mystic yogis remarks, "Actually, when we see this eternal form of Visnu, we, along with many other paramahamsas, become immediately captivated by the beauty of the Lord"
- Narada Muni continued: When the saintly person was thus questioned by Prahlada Maharaja, the King of the Daityas, he was captivated by this shower of nectarean words, and he replied to the inquisitiveness of Prahlada Maharaja with a smiling face
- No one should be captivated by his birthplace and family; one should take shelter of the association of devotees and cultivate Krsna consciousness
- O my dear wife with beautiful eyebrows, I am exactly like that he-goat, for I am so poor in intelligence that I am captivated by your beauty and have forgotten the real task of self-realization
- Of these two birds - although they are the same in quality - one is captivated by the fruits of the material tree, while the other is simply witnessing the activities of His friend. Krsna is the witnessing bird, and Arjuna is the eating bird. BG 1972 pur
- On the other hand, they captivate My heart who are gladdened in heart and who, their lotus faces enlightened by nectarean smiles, respect the brahmanas, even though the brahmanas utter harsh words
- One of the friends of Mother Yasoda continues, "On the one hand, there is your child who is always captivated by sucking the milk from your breast, and on the other hand there is the great Govardhan Hill which can obstruct the passing of the clouds"
- One should be captivated by this information. He should desire to transfer himself to that eternal world and extricate himself from this false reflection of reality. BG 1972 purports
- One who is less intelligent is captivated by the wonderful activities of maya, but he does not understand that behind these activities is the direction of the Supreme Lord
- Only those who are captivated by the glamour of the material world cannot accept the authority of Lord Sri Krsna. One has to become thoroughly clean in habit and heart before one can understand the details of the anti-material world
- Others who are associating with them (the Europeans and Americans who have taken to Krsna consciousness) and hearing the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra from the lips of pure devotees are also becoming captivated by the transcendental vibration
- Others, who are bewildered by fruitive activities, either by Vedic injunction or by customary dealings, and who do not take to devotional service, are captivated by the external happiness of the bodily concept of life
- Pandita Purandara met Sri Nityananda Prabhu at Khadadaha. When Nityananda Prabhu visited this village, He danced very uncommonly, and His dancing captivated Purandara Pandita
- People do not know that the ultimate goal of life is to approach Lord Visnu and satisfy Him. They have taken this materialistic way of life as everything and have become captivated by materialistic activities
- Persons who are led by the material conception of life do not know that the aim of life is realization of the Absolute Truth, Visnu, or Bhagavan, and they are captivated by the external features of the material world. BG 1972 purports
- Persons with a poor fund of knowledge are captivated by one part of His (God's) energy and therefore fail to penetrate into the original source of the energy
- Prostitute, unchaste, pumscali. Another name is pumscali. Those who are, I mean to say, moved by another person, they are called pumscali. They become captivated by another person. So they, another name is prostitute
- She (Anandamayi) is simply exploiting some women's sentiments, by giving them some deity and crying. And woman, they're simple. This way, she wanted to captivate donors
- She (Putana) looked especially beautiful on account of her thin waist. She was glancing at everyone with very attractive looks and smiling face, and all the residents of Vrndavana were captivated
- Society girls generally try to satisfy their clients by offering their bodies for the men to enjoy. But this society girl, Kubja, was actually captivated by a lust to satisfy her senses with Krsna
- Sometimes a beautiful woman is dangerous because everyone, being captivated by external beauty (maya-mohita), is unable to understand what is in her mind
- Sometimes his (the merchant's who is on the forest path of the material world) eyes are covered by the dust of a whirlwind - that is to say, in his lust he is captivated by the beauty of his wife, especially during her menstrual period
- Sometimes those who are not conversant with the science of devotional service are captivated by the exhibition of ecstatic symptoms, but those who are in knowledge of the science of devotional service do not accept such symptoms as the all in all
- Srila Rupa Gosvami indirectly instructs that one who has been captivated by the beautiful smiling face of Krsna has lost all attraction for material enjoyments
- Such are the affairs that began when Lord Siva observed the beautiful girl playing with the ball (a beautiful woman and a handsome man can captivate each other). In such activities, the influence of Cupid is very prominent
- Such characteristics are sometimes exhibited by the impersonalist class of men, and they may captivate some innocent persons who have no knowledge in the science of devotional service
- Such feelings expressed by the damsels of Vraja constitute the highest Krsna conscious emotions. Anyone who actually becomes captivated by Krsna consciousness approaches this level of the gopis
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, in the form of a woman, captivated the demons and enabled the demigods to drink the nectar
- The asuras are described here as mudha-dhiyah, meaning that they are captivated by ignorance, just like the ass. The demons were captivated by the false, glaring beauty of this material form, and thus they embraced her (the evening twilight)
- The best thing is that you have enjoyed sense life in so many varieties of life, as cats, as dogs, as demigods, as tree, as plants, as insect. Now, in this human form of life, don't be captivated by sensuous life. Just try to understand Krsna
- The brahmanas said, "We therefore pray to the Lord to be kind enough to excuse us because we are simply captivated by His external energy. We transgressed His order without knowing His transcendental glories"
- The captivated heroine simply covers her face and goes on crying. When she hears sweet words from her lover, she is very satisfied
- The captivating power of woman, and man's susceptibility to such attraction, must also exist in the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the spiritual world and must be represented in the transcendental pastimes of the Lord
- The demigod known as Varuna sent his daughter Varuni in the form of liquid honey oozing from the hollows of the trees. Because of this honey the whole forest became aromatic, and the sweet aroma of the liquid honey, Varuni, captivated Balaramaji
- The demigods became captivated by her (Satadruti) simply by hearing the tinkling of her ankle bells. They did not have to see her complete beauty
- The devotees, they do not want anything material. They are not captivated by so-called followers. No. Na dhanam na janam - janam means followers - na dhanam na janam na sundarim kavitam va jagadisa kamaye
- The enlightened transcendentalist is not captivated by such illusory things (demigod worship) ; therefore he is always absorbed in the transcendental thought of the Supreme in different stages of realization, namely Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan
- The external energy means we are captivated by the external energy. But the external energy is not permanent. The internal energy is permanent. The spiritual world is permanent, and we are also permanent
- The false ego of the living being trying to lord it over the material nature is something like the moth's falling in a blazing fire. The moth is captivated by the glaring beauty of the fire, and when he comes to enjoy it, the blazing fire consumes him
- The Gandharva Visvavasu was bewildered by her (Devahuti's) beauty and by hearing the sound of her ankle bangles, and being captivated by the sound and beauty, he fell down (from his airplane)
- The goddesses of fortune are very fickle and restless, so no one can consistently captivate them. Thus one's luck will always change sometime. Yet the goddesses of fortune could not leave Krsna for even a moment
- The illusory energy personally came to test Haridasa Thakura, but herein (CC Antya 3.250) she admits her defeat, for she was unable to captivate him. How is this possible? It was because Haridasa Thakura, fully surrendered to the lotus feet of Krsna
- The illusory, material energy is represented by Durgadevi, who is the wife of Girisa, or Lord Siva. Durgadevi could not captivate Lord Siva's mind, but now that Lord Siva wanted to see Lord Visnu's feminine form
- The impersonalists are captivated by the gigantic universal form of the Supreme
- The infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead, having captivated the minds of the King and the priests who were present, returned to His abode in the spiritual sky
- The intelligent person who can grasp these truths about the Lord (material creation is an imitation of the reality and those who are captivated by it are put under the direction of Yamaraja) becomes a soul fully surrendered unto Him
- The killers are the eyebrows of beautiful women. Captivated by the beauty of the fair sex, all the men of the world are killed by bows without strings, but cannot see how they are killed by maya
- The material bondage of this world is that a beautiful woman can captivate a handsome man and that a handsome man can captivate a beautiful woman
- The modern scientist is also captivated by the wonderful actions and reactions of natural phenomena and therefore is also a sakta
- The mundaners are more or less captivated by the unlimited expansion of the rays of the Lord, but the devotees are concerned more with His personal form, from which everything is emanating
- The natural law is that the human being may take advantage of these godly gifts by nature and satisfactorily flourish on them without being captivated by the exploitative motive of lording it over material nature
- The pastimes of Lord Rsabhadeva as a liberated soul were known by the King of Konka, Venka and Kutaka. This King's name was Arhat. He later became captivated by the illusory energy, and in this condition he set forth the basic principles of Jainism
- The poor inhabitants of this earth, because of their incomplete knowledge, are captivated by a so-called bhagavan who can produce a small quantity of gold
- The potency of the Lord, known as visnu-maya, who is as good as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, will also appear with Lord Krsna. This potency, acting in different capacities, captivates all the worlds, both material and spiritual - SB 10.1.25
- The sastras instruct us to aim for sreyas and not be captivated by preyas. The supreme sreyas is bhakti-yoga
- The so-called brahmacari becomes agitated by women, and the vanaprastha may again become captivated into having sex with his wife. Or he may begin to search out another wife
- The transcendentalist desiring freedom from the clutches of maya, or the illusory activities of life, is warned herewith not to be captivated by the external features of fruitive actors
- The Vaisnava is always thinking how to deliver these fallen souls who are so much captivated with this false philosophy of hedonism - "Eat, drink, be merry and enjoy." This is called hedonism. So they are always thinking how to deliver them
- The Vedic literature directs us not to be captivated by the dark regions (tamah) but to try to reach the shining regions of the Absolute - yogi-dhama
- The vision (of Devahuti) was so distinct that Gandharva Visvavasu was bewildered by her beauty and by hearing the sound of her ankle bangles, and being captivated by sound and beauty, he fell down. Kardama Muni mentioned the incident as he had heard it
- The whole world is captivated by the two modes of material nature rajo-guna and tamo-guna, passion and ignorance
- The wind is sparsa, or touch. The waterfall is rasa, or taste. The spring air (kusumakara) is smell. All these varieties of enjoyment make life very pleasing, and thus we become captivated by material existence
- The word aravindaksa (of SB 10.2.32) is significant. One who is not captivated by the lotus eyes or transcendental form of the Supreme Lord is in darkness, exactly like one who cannot see a lotus
- There are many instances in the history of the world of a great conqueror's being captivated by the charms of a Cleopatra. One has to study the captivating potency of woman, and man's attraction for that potency
- There are motorcars with dazzling polish, and a radio set receiving and broadcasting colorful news and melodious songs. All these captivate their proprietor as though he (the rich man) were in a dreamland of his own creation
- There were many advanced sages who were captivated by the beauty of Lord Ramacandra and who desired to become women in order to embrace the Lord. Later on, these sages appeared in Gokula Vrndavana when Krsna advented Himself there
- These sages (advanced sages who were captivated by the beauty of Lord Ramacandra and who desired to become women in order to embrace the Lord) appeared in Gokula Vrndavana when Krsna advented Himself there, and they were born as gopis, or girl friends
- They (advanced sages who were captivated by the beauty of Lord Ramacandra and who desired to become women in order to embrace the Lord) were born as gopis, or girl friends of Krsna. In this way they attained the perfection of spiritual life
- They (Pandavas) were never captivated by the glare of the imperial throne they occupied, and they sought always the opportunity of being called by the Lord to associate with Him eternally. Maharaja Pariksit was the worthy grandson of Maharaja Yudhisthira
- They (the demigods) became captivated by a higher standard of sense gratification, and therefore they forgot the lotus feet of Lord Narayana at the time of death
- They are captivated simply by seeing the faces of one another, which remind them of sense gratification. They are always engaged in material activities, known as gramya-karma, and they work hard for material benefit
- Those who are actually advanced approach Lord Visnu, their ultimate goal. Such people are never captivated by Lord Visnu’s external energy, the material world
- Those who are captivated by pure devotional service have no desire to elevate themselves to any material planet. The highest planet in the spiritual world is Krsna-loka, or Goloka Vrndavana, and there the devotional plant takes shelter
- Those who are captivated by such alluring glances of the Lord are put under the direction of the controller of sinners called Yamaraja. The Lord smiles affectionately, displaying His teeth
- Those who are captivated by the beauty of the external energy are called maya-mohita. Mohitam nabhijanati mam ebhyah param avyayam (BG 7.13). Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum durasaya ye bahir-artha-maninah - SB 7.5.31
- Those who are captivated by the illusory advancement of material civilization (following the way of phantasmagoria) are certainly madmen
- Unfortunately, unauthorized scholars of the Vedas become captivated by the purificatory ceremonies only, and natural progress is thereby checked. To such bewildered persons of atheistic propensity, Lord Buddha is the emblem of theism
- Unless one is freed from the influence of material energy, he cannot understand the Supreme Lord and His different energies. Nor can one who is captivated by the spell of material energy understand the spiritual form of the Supreme Lord
- Vaisnavas, they are the best friend of the society, best friend, Vaisnava. The Vaisnava is always thinking how to deliver these fallen souls who are so much captivated with this false philosophy of hedonism - "Eat, drink, be merry and enjoy"
- Visvamitra was conquered by his senses when he was captivated by Menaka during his meditation. She later gave birth to Sakuntala. The wisest persons in the world, therefore, are the bhakti-yogis
- We are so much captivated by the external energy, maya, that the whole program is how to forget Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But our real aim of life is to know our relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu
- We do not know how people can be captivated by the bogus yoga system in which it is stated that simply by meditating fifteen minutes daily one can attain the perfection of becoming one with God
- We should not be captivated by material happiness or aggrieved by material distress. These are causes for bondage. Material happiness is not actual happiness. It is actually distress
- When a man looks upon a woman with lusty desires, he is captivated by her face, her breasts and her waist
- When a man looks upon a woman with lusty desires, he is captivated by her face, her breasts and her waist, for a woman first attracts a man to fulfill his sexual desires by the beautiful features of her face, by the slope of her breasts and by her waist
- When Krsna disappeared from the scene of the rasa dance, all the gopis began to repent, saying, "You best know the reason for our coming here. You know that we have come because we are captivated by the sweet sound of Your flute"
- When one becomes captivated by love of Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, all attraction for mystic power, monistic pleasure, and mundane religious principles becomes insignificant
- When Sanatana Gosvami saw that a still he was hesitating then he increased the amount to $7,000. When the money was placed before him. He became captivated, "Oh, so much money I am getting. All right." Then he was released. He was taken off the handcuffs
- When this jivatma, who is illusioned, bewildered, captivated by this material world, material enjoyment, when he will come back again to Me?
- While Satadruti was thus being married, the demons, the denizens of Gandharvaloka, the great sages, and the denizens of Siddhaloka, the earthly planets and Nagaloka, although highly exalted, were all captivated by the tinkling of her ankle bells
- While undergoing severe penances in the forest, Agnidhra was captivated by the movements of Purvacitti, the girl sent by Lord Brahma
- While wandering in the forest, the hunter saw a pair of kulinga birds. Of the two, the female was captivated by the hunter's lure
- With devotion steeped in love and affection, the yogi should meditate within the core of his heart upon the laughter of Lord Visnu. The laughter of Visnu is so captivating that it can be easily meditated upon
- Without understanding our spiritual identification, simply decorating this body means apranasya hi dehasya mandanam loka-ranjanam. This is going on, loka-ranjanam, just to captivate some foolish person
- Woman is captivated by man, man is captivated by woman. This is the tie here in this material world. I have explained several times. The whole material existence means this attraction
- Woman, they're simple. This way, she (Anandamayi) wanted to captivate donors. I know that. She has got some foolish woman, innocent woman. I say foolish, innocent. And naturally their husbands become inclined