Category:Cannot Become
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Pages in category "Cannot Become"
The following 141 pages are in this category, out of 141 total.
- A brahmana cannot become servant. Nobody can become servant. Only the sudras can become servant. Brahmana never becomes servant
- A businessman, he cannot become strictly truthful. That is not possible. A politician, he cannot become actually truthful. Then the whole business will be spoiled
- A dead man cannot become a preacher. So you must be very enthusiastic that, "I shall preach the glories of the Lord to my best capacity." It is not that one has to become very learned scholar to become a preacher
- A devotee is neither karmi nor jnani. Therefore bhakti means jnana-karmady-anavrtam. If one is involved in jnana and karma he cannot become bhakta
- A disciple of Kali cannot become an acarya by the decision of some high-court. Mundane votes have no jurisdiction to elect a Vaisnava acarya. A Vaisnava acarya is self-effulgent, and there is no need for any court judgment
- A God-conscious person means he has no sin. He cannot be within the jurisdiction of sinful activities. That is God consciousness. You cannot become God conscious at the same time sinful. That is not possible
- A living being can attain godly qualities to a large extent, but he cannot become God, whereas Krsna, without undergoing any type of penance, is God always, either in the lap of His mother or growing up or at any stage of growth
- A poor man, begging from door to door, he cannot become God, as it is misconceived, daridra-narayana. Why Narayana can be daridra? What is this nonsense? He is the richest
- A poverty-stricken man cannot become unnaturally fat by eating more and more. And on account of not being able to eat more than he requires, his senses are not very turbulent. When the senses are not very turbulent, he cannot become violent
- According to sastra, this animal-killing is sinful. Striya-suna-pana-dyuta yatra papas catur-vidha. These four kinds of sinful activities, namely illicit sex, striya In our Vedic culture this is common morality
- Accusing others. You cannot become happy in that way, then he will be accuse, "He is the cause. He is the impediment of my perfect happiness." Envious, the same enviousness
- Actually an ordinary human being cannot become Narayana. As the chief Mayavadi sannyasi, Sri Sankaracarya, says, narayanah paro ’vyaktat: “Narayana is not a creation of this material world. Narayana is above the material creation”
- An impersonalist can become a qualified brahmana, but he cannot become a spiritual master unless and until he is promoted to the stage of a Vaisnava, or a devotee of the Personality of Godhead
- As it is said, aruhya krcchrena param padam tatah patanty adho 'nadrta-yusmad-anghrayah: (SB 10.2.32) if one neglects to serve the lotus feet of Krsna, one cannot become free from the material clutches simply by knowledge
- As soon as you become master, you will be kicked. But that is also false position. We cannot become master; we are servant. But instead of serving Krsna, we are serving maya. That is our position
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (7.20), kamais tais tair hrta jnanah prapadyante 'nya-devatah. "Those whose minds are distorted by material desires surrender unto demigods." A demigod cannot become master, for the real master is the Supreme Personality of God
- Bhaktya mam abhijanati (BG 18.55): by devotional service. Neither by jnana, yoga, karma, no, that will not touch. You cannot become mad after Krsna by any means except by this devotional service. Therefore, we are so much conservative
- Birth is not always the criterion of goodness; unless and until one is trained in the culture of good association, one cannot become good
- By karma we cannot become perfect perpetually. Just like I have given several times the example that in spite of so much education and universities and advancement of civili . . . nobody is perfect in the modern civilization, even, not even honest
- By that only qualification, that he's not a Vaisnava, he cannot become guru, whereas, on the other's hand. If a person, sva-pacah means coming of the family of dog-eaters, candala - if he has become a Vaisnava, you can accept him as guru
- By transgressing the laws laid down in the sastras, one cannot become pure in heart. When one's heart is not purified, one acts according to the three material modes of nature
- Either you agree to be controlled by Krsna or you agree to be controlled by maya, but you cannot become controller
- Even if a brahmana is very learned in Vedic scriptures and knows the six occupational duties of a brahmana, he cannot become a guru, or spiritual master, unless he is a devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Even the greatest of the empiric philosophers speculating on becoming one with the Supreme Lord cannot become a paramahamsa because the malicious mind is there
- Even though a person may be born in a very respectable brahmana family, he cannot become a bona fide spiritual master if he is not a devotee of the Lord
- Everyone is thinking. I make my plan, I make my survey, and I become king. But that is maya. You cannot become. You are already servant of maya
- Everything is zero without the Lord (Krsna), who is the digit that transforms zero into ten, two zeros into one hundred, three zeros into one thousand, and so on. Thus a "zero man" cannot become happy without the association of the Lord, the supreme - 1
- Generally the great acaryas who preach devotional service all over the world belong to the category of sakhyam atma-nivedanam. A neophyte devotee cannot actually become a preacher
- Guru cannot become by manufacturing nonsense ideas. He's not guru. He's a rascal. Whatever guru will speak must be evidenced by the sastra. That is guru
- Guru means sadhu. A sadhu means the devotee of the Lord. If one is not sadhu, then he cannot become guru. And sadhu means . . . this is the description given. What is that? Mayy ananyena bhavena bhaktim kurvanti ye drdham. He's sadhu
- He (the seed) is also the intelligence of an intelligent person. Without being favored by Krsna, one cannot become extraordinarily intelligent
- Highly exalted brahmanas think that unless one is born in a brahmana family, one cannot become a spiritual master and teach the Absolute Truth
- Hog is eating stool, living in a very filthy place, having sex without any discrimination, but you see, hogs are very fatty. They feel very happy. Unless one feels very happy, he cannot become fatty. This is a psychology
- I cannot become liberal and tell everybody, "Go ahead and do all nonsense and you can become God conscious." I cannot possibly recommend that
- If a Brahmin has become very much expert in this six kinds of business," and mantra-tantra-visaradah, "and he knows also all the mantras and tantras, but he is impersonalist or voidist, then he cannot become guru
- If he thinks himself that, "I am non-entity, helpless," then he can remain (humble). If he thinks, "I can do something. I have got so much intelligence," then he cannot become humble
- If one is born in a family of dog-eaters but is a pure devotee of the Lord, he can become a spiritual master." The conclusion is that one cannot become a spiritual master unless he is a pure devotee of the Lord
- If one wants to become a lawyer, he must learn laws which is given by the government. He cannot become a lawyer at home. Similarly, if you want to become religious, you must learn what is religion from God. You don't manufacture your own religion
- If the government is very strict, then rogues and thieves cannot become very prominent. So when Krsna comes, He has got two business - for giving protection to the devotees, to the faithful, and for killing the demons
- If we read life of Krsna, we can see that He's Krsna, God, from the very beginning of His birth. God is not manufactured by some mystic power. God is God, and dog is dog. A dog cannot become God; God cannot become dog. That is difference
- If we, if simply by coming you can come into the sunlight, if I think that I have become identical with the sun, that is nonsense. Sun, you cannot become identical with the sun. It is so powerful, the temperature is so high and great
- If you adulterate nonsensically like a rascal, then you cannot become a spiritual master. If you simply follow what Krsna has spoken, then you become spiritual master. Very simple thing. It doesn't require education
- If you are white, you cannot become black, or if you are black, you cannot become white. That is not possible. But you can become first-class Krsna conscious person. Either you are black or white, it doesn't matter
- If you become so much dependent on the bodily necessities of life, then you cannot become fully and wholly for the benefit of the mass of people. Our Gandhi, he imitated this. For the mass of people... But that was to a certain extent successful
- If you indulge in intoxication, if you indulge in meat-eating, and if you indulge in gambling and sporting - all nonsense - you cannot at the same time become a yogi
- If you want to be happy, you cannot become happy by your so-called endeavor, by tidbits: "This I will do and I will be happy." No, this is all nonsense. You can be happy only when you fully surrender to Krsna without any abhilasa
- In India they sometimes come to fight with me that I am making these papa-yoni, namely, the Europeans and Americans... They are considered by the rigid Hindus as a papa-yoni. "They cannot become"
- In order to raise oneself to the highest standard of life, these principles of varnasrama-dharma should be followed. You cannot become M.A. without becoming a student in the school and college
- Instruction alone cannot make one an expert. Unless one is blessed by the spiritual master, or the acarya, such teachings cannot become fully manifest
- It is called ahangrahopasana, ekatvena, to become one. One in quality, not in quantity. We cannot become God. That is not possible. But we can attain God's quality
- It is clearly mentioned herewith that Narada is not only well behaved, meek and obedient, but also self-controlled. One who is not self-controlled, specifically in sex life, can become neither a disciple nor a spiritual master
- It is our constitutional position to serve someone, but when we do not serve Krsna, we serve maya. In any case, we cannot become master
- It is said in the Bhagavad-gita, duhkhalayam. It is the place of miseries. You cannot become happy in a place which is meant for miseries. That we have to understand
- Killing is bad, but a Ksatriya's business is to kill. Without killing, one cannot become perfect Ksatriya. Because he has to give protection, and there are so many demons, rascals
- Krsna consciousness movement means solution of all problems. Teaching people not to become sinful. Because a sinful man cannot become Krsna conscious. To become Krsna conscious means that he has to give up his sinful activities
- Krsna has given us ears to hear and a tongue to speak. We can hear from a realized soul and thus perfect our lives. In this way we are given a chance to purify ourselves. Unless we are purified, we cannot become devotees
- Kuntidevi says that those who are increasing their own intoxication cannot become Krsna conscious
- Kuvera, the treasurer of the demigods, whose only business is to supply immense riches to persons within this materialistic world, is described as the king of kings because unless one is blessed by Kuvera one cannot become a king
- Madhavendra Puri confirms that even though a brahmana may be very expert, he cannot become a priest or servitor of the visnu-murti unless he is initiated in vaisnava-mantra
- Materialists who are overly attracted to the material body, who cannot control their material senses, are carried to the darkest regions of material existence. Such people cannot become Krsna conscious, either by themselves or by congregational effort
- Mind cannot be detached. We have got so many desires. So mind's business - to become attached. Therefore, I accept something, I reject something. This is mind's business. So you cannot become zero, you cannot become desireless. That is not possible
- My dear friend, if you say, "Just try to control Your senses," what shall I say? I cannot become angry at My senses. Is it their fault? Krsna's beauty, sound, touch, fragrance and taste are by nature extremely attractive
- No one wants to work; as soon as one gets some money, he wants to retire from work and become happy. But that is not possible. One cannot become happy in that way
- Nobody can be self-made anything. A medical practitioner, he cannot become self-made, that "I have studied all the medical books in my home." No
- Nobody can become spiritual master if he has no knowledge. If he's a speculator, he cannot become a spiritual master
- Nondevotees are under the sway of passion and ignorance. One who is in passion cannot become detached from material hankering, and one who is in ignorance cannot know what he is or what the Lord is
- Not that because he is born in that dog-eater's family he cannot become a brahmin. No. This is not the Vedic injunction
- One can become immediately Krsna conscious within a second, and one cannot become KC after many, many births. So it is relative. If you have got sufficient intelligence, you can accept it immediately. If there is less intelligence, then it will take time
- One cannot become a devotee until one surrenders unto the Lord's lotus feet. Then the Lord gives one the intelligence from within by which one can return home, back to Godhead
- One cannot become a guru if he does not know what the Personality of Godhead Krsna or His incarnation wants. The mission of the guru is the mission of the Supreme Personality of Godhead: to spread Krsna consciousness all over the world
- One cannot become a pure devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead unless he is favored by another pure devotee of the Lord
- One cannot become an acarya simply by mental speculation
- One cannot become detached from the attraction of the material world simply by dressing himself in saffron cloth. He must become attached to the devotional service of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- One cannot become guru unless he knows krsna-tattva. Not ordinary man
- One cannot become Narayana, but everyone is part and parcel of Narayana; or in quality, the Narayana quality is there. Not that the supreme Narayana. That is not possible. Part cannot be equal to the whole
- One cannot become spiritually advanced without acquiring the brahminical qualifications and giving protection to cows
- One cannot become unattached, for one must be attached to something, but in order to become attached to Krsna or enter into the devotional service of the Lord, one has to become detached from material affection
- One may know that by magical feats, by scientific advancement of knowledge or by material power one cannot become the equal of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One may say, "No, no, no. I shall not attend the rehearsal. Just give me the stage, and I shall perform." But the director will not allow this, for one cannot become a good dancer without practice
- One who can keep himself steady and resist the attraction of material nature is certainly a hero and deserves to be called a gosvami. Unless one is master of the senses, he cannot become a gosvami
- One who does not have control over the senses and mind is called a godasa, or a servant of the senses, and cannot become a spiritual master
- One who has materialistic motivations cannot become a servant, and one who unnecessarily bestows benedictions upon his servant to keep his own prestigious position is not a real master
- One who is not authorized by the Lord cannot become a spiritual master
- One who is situated in the impersonal Brahman and has no information of the Supreme Personality of Godhead may become a brahmana, but he cannot become a spiritual master
- One who is unable to become a brahmin, let him become ksatriya. If he cannot become ksatriya, let him become a vaisya. Otherwise let him remain a sudra. But there should be ideal class, brahmin. So we are trying to create an ideal society of brahmin
- One who refuses to accept prasadam, the remnants of food offered to Krsna, cannot become a devotee
- Padma Purana states, avaisnavo gurur na syat: one who is not a Vaisnava, or who is not a representative of Krsna, cannot be a guru. Even the most qualified brahmana cannot become a guru if he is not a representative of Krsna
- Persons who are determined to totally rot in false, material happiness cannot become Krsna-minded either by instructions from teachers, by self-realization or by parliamentary discussions
- Persons whose activities are dictated by material desires and who are also addicted to worshiping the demigods cannot become pure devotees at any stage of their lives
- Pious activities means to be controlled by Krsna, and impious activities means to be controlled by maya. We have to be controlled. Our position is such that we cannot become controller. That is not possible
- So this purusa, when he's struggling, manah sastanindriyani prakrti-sthani karsati (BG 15.7), hard struggle for existence to become purusa, but he cannot become purusa. He's prakrti
- Society creates animals, then how can it expect peace and prosperity? In spite of many big universities and all educational facilities, this society is producing hippies and frustration amongst the youth because we are spirit soul and cannot become happy
- Some philosopher are trying to make you stone, but that is not possible. You cannot become stone
- The all-spiritual body cannot be wounded, and a devotee cannot become the enemy of the Lord (Krsna). Had it been so, Bhismadeva would not have desired to have the very same Lord as the ultimate destination of his life
- The controlling of the senses begins from the tongue. If you allow the tongue to eat anything in the restaurant or anywhere, then you cannot become the jitendriya
- The living entity is bitten by the wasps and drones of fruitive activity and thus suffers in material existence birth after birth. One cannot become free from material desires by following this process - of fruitive activities
- The Lord says that one who is engaged in mischievous activities cannot become a devotee of the Lord. One who is not a devotee of the Lord has no good qualifications whatsoever
- The Personality of Godhead is the purest entity, and unless one is equally pure from the infection of material qualities, one cannot become a pure devotee of the Lord
- The yogis can display many wonders; but by performance of yogic mystic powers, one cannot become God
- There is no bar for anyone, that one cannot become the spiritual master. Everyone can become spiritual master, provided he knows the science of Krsna. That is the only qualification. And that is very reasonable
- There is restriction of sex life, there is restriction of drinking wine, there is restriction of meat-eating, and there is restriction of gambling. Because these things are bad. You cannot become good by indulging in bad things. That is not possible
- This is science. "I do not want to be old. Why I become old?" Nityah sasvato 'yam. Because the living entity is eternal, so why he should become old? Krsna never becomes old. Krsna's picture you have never seen old. Similarly, you also cannot become old
- This proposition must be convinced by one, that he should know certainly that, "In the material way of life I cannot become happy." This is the first condition
- Those who are sinful persons, they cannot become so much purified by observing austerity, penances, celibacy, as one can become completely freed from sinful reaction by becoming devotee
- Those who have made up their minds to remain in this material world and enjoy sense gratification cannot become Krsna conscious - SB 7.5.30
- Unless one is fully aware of Krsna, one cannot become spiritual master. The subject matter itself is difficult. Therefore you don't find many spiritual masters
- Unless one is very wise and intelligent, he cannot become a devotee of Krsna. The first-class intelligent class of men surrenders to Krsna
- Unless one renders devotional service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, one cannot possibly become completely detached from this material world, nor can he possibly manifest real knowledge
- Unless the dirt within the core of one's heart is cleansed away, one cannot become a pure devotee. Therefore the word su-durlabhah ("very rarely found") is used in this verse
- We are trying to give protection to the cows, to the animals, to the trees. This is sarva-bhuta-hite ratah. If one is not devoted to Krsna, he cannot become sarva-bhuta-hite ratah. Kleso 'dhikataras tesam (BG 12.5). Simply they will suffer, that's all
- We cannot become Krsna. We are eternally Krsna's servitors, part and parcel. This is real conclusion: qualitatively one
- We cannot become sympathetic with everyone. That is not our policy
- We cannot become the Supreme. At least, we don't find in authorized Vedic literature that a living entity can become as powerful as God. No. It is not possible
- We cannot increase our attachment for Krsna without Krsna's mercy. We cannot become devotees without Krsna's mercy; therefore we simply have to serve Krsna, for by service Krsna is satisfied
- We shall be the brahmana. That should be our... And there is no restriction. Don't think that because you are born in America, you cannot become a brahmana. No, you can become a brahmana. There is no restriction
- Weakness is hypocrisy. If you are weak, you cannot become priest. Because you are teacher, religious teacher. You should not take that post. That is hypocrisy
- What is called renunciation is the same as yoga, or linking oneself with the Supreme, for no one can become a yogi unless he renounces the desire for sense gratification. BG 6.2 - 1972
- What is the aim of varnasrama? Simply by becoming a brahmana he's successful? No. Nobody can become successful unless he satisfies Krsna. That is real success. Just like Arjuna did. By the military art, he satisfied Krsna
- Why not becoming the servant of the Supreme instead of serving on the servant of the senses? You cannot become master. Actually, you become master of the senses when you are actually servant of Krsna; otherwise it is not possible
- Wisdom does not depend on age, but on knowledge received from a superior source. One cannot become a wise man simply by advancement of age. No. That is not possible
- Without being human being, how he can become a brahmin? Cats and dogs cannot become brahmin. The perfect human being means brahmin, the first-class, perfect being. That is brahmin. And brahmin's duty is for paropakara
- Without being qualified, one cannot become a brahmana or medical practitioner, and that is the verdict of all scriptures and social orders
- Without being specifically favored by the Lord, no human being can become the spiritual master of the whole world. He certainly cannot succeed by mental concoction, which is not meant for devotees or religious people
- Without performing the purascarya activities, one cannot become perfect even by chanting this mantra (the Hare Krsna mantra) for hundreds of years. But one who has undergone the purascarya-vidhi process can attain success very easily
- Without Vedic knowledge, nobody can become a brahmana. Veda-pathad bhaved vipro brahma janatiti brahmanah. And by Vedic knowledge, when one understands Brahman, the Absolute Truth, he becomes brahmana
- Yet even a brahmana possessing these qualifications (pathana, paathana, yajana, yaajana, pratigraha, dana) cannot become a guru unless he is the representative of Krsna - gurur na syat
- You cannot become a maha-bhagavata all of a sudden, but from kanistha-adhikari
- You cannot become a pure, perfect devotee unless you are directed by another pure, unadulterated devotee
- You cannot become even equal to God. You are always under. You admit it, then we have no quarrel with you. You admit that, "Yes, we are under God," then we are friends
- You cannot become free. Therefore death is there, ultimately
- You cannot become in peace so long you think that "I am the proprietor." You are not actually the proprietor. You cannot claim proprietorship
- You cannot become joyful by material adjustment. No. You may be joyful for the time being by drinking or by intoxication, but how long?
- You cannot become teacher unless you have got full knowledge. That is cheater
- You do not be disappointed by the activities of some envious person. Nirmatsara. Anyone who is contaminated by envy, he cannot become Vaisnava
- You give up four principles of sinful life: illicit sex, gambling, meat-eating and intoxication. - So he (Zetland) immediately replied, "Impossible. This is our life. We cannot give up this." So that Swamiji replied, - Then you cannot become a brahmin
- You have got the creative power, God has got the creative power. But God's creative power cannot be compared with your creative power. You have got the creative power, but not exactly like God. This is the conclusion. You cannot become God