Category:Can See
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Pages in category "Can See"
The following 431 pages are in this category, out of 431 total.
- A big body, lump body, which is some million times greater than this earth, we can see it is floating in the sky. So how it is floating? Here it is explained, sarvasraya. It is floating on Krsna's energy. Everything is Krsna's energy
- A conditioned soul thinks that he is working stealthily and that no one can see his sinful activities
- A devotee can see that the Lord is situated in everyone's heart, as stated in the Bhagavad-gita (isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati (BG 18.61))
- A devotee of the sun-god, even though devoid of eyesight, can see the sun-god as he is even from this planet, whereas one who is not a devotee of the sun cannot even bear the glaring sunlight
- A Krsna conscious person can see Krsna in the heart of both the believer and nonbeliever. In the smrti this is confirmed as follows: atatatvac ca matrtvad atma hi paramo harih. BG 1972 purports
- A ksatriya must show his power of chivalry to his would-be wife so that the daughter of a ksatriya can see the valor of her would-be husband
- A naturalist can see the general course of material nature simply by studying a piece of fruit. A small fruit develops from a flower, grows, stays for some time on a branch, becomes full-grown, ripens, then begins to dwindle
- A person enjoys illicit sex, and due to his blind, lusty desire, he thinks that no one can see him, but this illicit sex is thoroughly observed by the agents of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore the person is punished in so many ways
- A person who is freed from material designations can see the same quality of spirit present everywhere or in every manifested living entity
- A pure devotee can see the presence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in everything materially manifested
- A sane man can see that all such grand activities, although perhaps very important for temporary life, have nothing to do with eternal life
- A sannyasi should not be enthusiastic about constructing temples. We can see in the lives of various acaryas in the line of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu that they are not very enthusiastic about constructing temples
- A serves B master, B serves C master & C serves D master and so on. Under these circumstances, we can see that one friend serves another, the mother serves the son, the wife serves the husband, the husband serves the wife & so on. BG (1972) Introduction
- A small insects, they are also enjoying eating, sleeping, mating. A small, very small ant is captured. Jivo jivasya jivanam. One life is meant for being eaten by another life. You can see, might be very small, he has got all the same tendencies
- A teacher in school once threatened his pupil that he would cut off the pupil's head and hang it on the wall so that the child could see how his head had been cut off. The child became frightened and stopped his mischief
- According to Bhagavad-gita, one may not be a learned man just because he has received a lot of education from a university. Bhagavad-gita says that he is a learned man who can see everything on an equal level - BG 5.18
- According to the Vedas, there are three kinds of proof: pratyaksa, anumana and sabda. One is by direct visual perception. If a person is sitting in front of me, I can see him sitting there, and my knowledge of his sitting there is received through my eyes
- According to Vedic scripture, those animal-eaters, they should kill the animals personally so that they can see how much suffering is there, so he will stop
- Actually you can see that, that Vrndavana-dhama, that place is a small spot of land, say about eighty-four miles area, but any person, and however atheistic he may be, and however nonsense he may be, if he goes to that place, he'll feel Krsna's presence
- Actually, there is no death. The vital force always exists with the soul and when the soul is awakened from so-called sleep, he can see his eleven friends, or the active senses and the mind with their various desires (wives). The vital life-force remains
- Adhoksaja, God, cannot be seen by your these blunt senses, but when you develop pure senses, sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam (CC Madhya 19.170). When our senses are nirmalam, without any designation, you can see God
- After realization of Brahman, when he is actually on the Brahman platform, then the symptom is na socati na kanksati: he has no more lamentation and no more aspiration. Aham brahmasmi. Then he can see everyone one equal level
- All the citizens of these places (the kingdoms of Anarta, Dhanva, Kuru-jangala, Kanka, Matsya, Pancala, Kunti, Madhu, Kekaya, Kosala and Arna), both men and women, could see Lord Krsna face to face
- Although each process (of devotional service) appears distinct, when one is situated on the absolute platform he can see that they are identical. For instance, hearing is as good as chanting, and remembering is as good as chanting or hearing
- An intelligent man can see God even while walking on the beach. That requires intelligence
- An object may seem to us to be no bigger than a point & may seem to have no length or width, but when we perceive it under a microscope we can see that it has both length and width. Similarly, the soul also has its dimensions, but we cannot perceive them
- An unauthorized devotee should never be recognized as a pure devotee. By assimilation of such messages from the Vedic literatures, one can see the all-pervading localized aspect of the SPG within his own self constantly. This is called samadhi
- Answer (for what is next after civilized form of life) is there in the Vedic literature that there is higher planetary system. We can see at night, there are so many millions and millions of planets. So we can go there. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita
- Antah means within and bahih means without. "Those who are less intelligent, they simply try to find out God within, and those who are advanced in intelligence, they can see You within and without." That is the difference
- Antara means "another." Now, there are varieties of bodies; that you can see. There are fish body, there are tree body, plant body, beast body, bird's body, insect body, reptile body - in this way gradual process of evolution, you come to this human body
- Anyone can see God within his heart, if he adopts the process, bona fide process
- Anyone can see how the bona fide spiritual master accepts disciples from all over the world. The guru is a qualified brahmana; therefore he knows Brahman and Parabrahman. He thus devotes his life for the service of Parabrahman
- Anyone who can see three things - the body, the proprietor of the body, or individual soul, and the friend of the individual soul, combined together by good association-is actually in knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna can see from the Garbhodakasayi Visnu up to the topmost part of the universe on the lotus-flower planet where Brahma, the first creature of the universe, resides. BG 1972 purports
- As an astrologer can see the future fate of a man, or an astronomer can foretell the solar and lunar eclipses, liberated souls can foretell the future of all mankind by seeing through the scriptures
- As confirmed by Lord Caitanya, by the bhakti-yoga process, beginning from hearing and chanting, one can cleanse the heart and mind, and thus one can clearly see the face of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As long as one's spiritual eyes are closed due to the dirty covering of matter, one cannot see the Lord. But when the dirt is removed by the process of devotional service, one can see the Lord, without a doubt
- As soon as people are addicted to these four principles - illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling - when everyone can see, that means Kali-yuga. Drstva
- As soon as you see house is very nicely kept, there is light and the garden is kept, we understand there is a man. So this is common sense. If things are going on, everything is going on so nicely, how you can say there is no management, there is no brain
- As stated in BG 15.10: "The foolish cannot understand how a living entity can quit his body, nor can they understand what sort of body he enjoys under the spell of the modes of nature. But one whose eyes are trained in knowledge can see all this."
- As stated in Brahma-samhita (BS 5.38): One can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda, always, within oneself and outside oneself, if one has developed the transcendental loving attitude toward Him. Thus for people in general, He is not visible
- As stated in the Brahma-samhita (BS 5.38): only those who have smeared their eyes with the ointment of love of Godhead can see everywhere the Supreme Lord face to face; it is not possible by imagination or so-called meditation
- As we can see the sun without a doubt, one who is fully developed in Krsna consciousness sees Krsna and His energy
- As you have got some rudimentary knowledge in German, try to make it more perfect so that you can see how things are going on
- At death we can see that the gross body is finished, but actually the living entity is carried by the subtle body to another gross body
- At least a section of man must be first-class so that others can see that what is the ideal character of man. So this Gurukula means from the childhood age we are training them so that in future it will be easier. That is the purpose of Gurukula
- At night the sun does not see you so you cannot see the sun. You cannot see the sun, you cannot see anything because the sun does not see you. Similarly the Upanisad says when Krsna sees you or Krsna sees, then you can see
- At night, no one can see a lotus, for lotuses blossom only during the daytime
- At night, we cannot see even four yards. So what is the value of these eyes? It is conditional. If there is sunrise, then we can see. That condition is made by God
- At that time the soul can see himself to be transcendental to material existence and always self-effulgent, never fragmented, although very minute in size
- At the present moment, because you are not trained up to see Krsna, so Krsna kindly appears before you as you can see. You can see wood, stone. You cannot see what is spirit. Even you don't see yourself
- Because a devotee has been blessed by the Supreme from within his heart, he can see the Supreme Lord wherever he looks. Indeed, he can see nothing else
- Because all of us are bewildered by the illusory external energy of the Supreme Lord, we can see only this manifested cosmos according to our individual ability
- Because I cannot see what is happening beyond this wall, oh, that does not mean there is nothing beyond this wall. So everyone wants to see God immediately. God you can see when you are perfectly qualified
- Because we cannot see the Supreme Lord with our present blunt eyes, the Lord has kindly consented to come before us in a form we can see. Therefore the Deity in the temple should not be considered material
- Before his body was constructed the father was there, now how could he see? So by seeing, you cannot ascertain who is your father. You have to hear from the authority. The mother is the authority. Therefore sruti-pramana: the evidence is hearing
- Being captivated by the material world under the influence of the three modes of material nature (sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna), the living entity can see only the three fruits of activities under the spell of material nature
- Beyond the material sky, further than we can see with our eyes and beyond the sevenfold coverings of the universe, there is the Causal Ocean in which all the universes are floating like footballs
- Both cause and effect are nothing but energies of the Lord. Therefore, O my Lord, just as a wise man, by considering cause and effect, can see how fire pervades wood, those engaged in devotional service understand how You are both the cause and effect
- Brahma said, "I am just aspiring for a birth in which I will be smeared by the dust of the devotees' feet, because I can see that everyone here (in Vrndavana) is simply full of Krsna consciousness"
- Brahma said, "I do not even care what form of life I get in the future, because I can see that even in the form of cows and calves or cowherd boys, the devotees are so fortunate to be always engaged in Your transcendental loving service and association"
- Brahma was approached by the mother earth. She felt overburdened by the sinful activities of the demons. So Brahma approaches Narayana. Not directly he can see, but he can stand on the bank of the ocean of milk, and from there he can submit his petition
- Brahman means His (Krsna's) effulgence, bodily rays. You may ask, "What is that bodily rays?" You can see every day. Everyone has got bodily rays according to his quality. You see the sun, the bodily rays, the sunshine
- But we can see that in your previous life you performed sinful activities due to which, in spite of your having all qualifications, you have no son
- By authorized Vedic knowledge one can see that the forms of cause and effect in the cosmic manifestation belong to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for the cosmic manifestation is His energy
- By direct perception we can see that the sun is just like a disc, no larger than the plate we eat on. From scientists, however, we come to understand that the sun is many thousands of times larger than the earth. So what are we to accept
- By the grace of Krsna, not by academic qualification. We have to acquire the grace of Krsna. Then we can understand Krsna. Then we can see Krsna. Then we can talk with Krsna. Then we can do everything. He is a person
- By the grace of the Lord the pure devotee cannot be in the darkness of ignorance. Therefore, it is necessary that we must always be in the sight of Lord Krsna so that we can see both ourselves and the Lord with His different energies
- By the grace of the SPG, Krsna, a Krsna conscious person can see all his dormant desires at one time and finish all his future transmigrations. This facility is especially given to the devotee to make his path clear for returning home, back to Godhead
- By the grace of the Supersoul, he (Yamaraja) can see the past, present and future of a living being from within
- By the understanding of the pure soul, called satya-drk, one can see everything as a reflection of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- By your blunt senses, you can not understand what is Krsna, what is Krsna's name, what is Krsna's form, what is Krsna's activity. Therefore Krsna, by His causeless mercy, has come before us in the form of stone so that we can see Him
- Certainly the transcendental body of Sri Krsna is not perishable. He is just like the sun, and maya is like the cloud. In the material world we can see that there is the sun and that there are clouds and different stars and planets. BG 1972 purports
- Children are called parinama, or by-products, and when one consults his good intelligence he can see that his by-products should be the expansion of his Krsna consciousness
- Considering this, one can see that spiritual emancipation for the common man in this age is very difficult. The reason the sages presented this matter to Sri Suta Gosvami is explained in the following verses
- Detachment from matter and attachment to Krsna are one and the same. One who can see this sees things as they are. BG 1972 purports
- Devotees can see that the original potencies causing the cosmic manifestation are not in chemicals but in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for He is the cause of the chemicals
- Disciple may understand that, "Here is a person whom I can accept as my guru," and the guru also can see that, "Here is a person who is fit for becoming my disciple." Then the business is nice
- Don't differentiate, that "This is a stone statue of Bhagavan." No. He is Bhagavan, arca-murti, arca-vigraha. Because we cannot see Bhagavan with our present eyes, Bhagavan, out of His causeless mercy, has appeared in a form which you can see
- Each and every sinful activity, there is punishment. They do not believe in the next life, but they can see practically in this life that if you violate a little laws of nature, you'll be punished immediately
- Even though we cannot see God with our present eyes, but God is so merciful that He becomes present before us in a manner by which we can see Him. That is this vigraha, arca-vigraha
- Every one of us, we are imperfect. We are very much proud of our eyes: "Can you show me?" What qualification your eyes have got that you can see?
- Everyone can see that a man who commits murder is punished, but seeing this is not enough to deter one from killing
- Everyone can see that his grandfather has died, and therefore he will also die; man is mortal. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone goes out of India. They go there to exploit. But it is for the first time that India is giving something to the outsiders, this spiritual knowledge. And the proof you can see. We are giving, we are not taking
- Everyone is trying to become perfect, but the perfection means when one can see Krsna within and without. That is perfection
- Everyone's enjoyment is not of the same standard. We can see that. Somebody is enjoying some way, another is enjoying . . . "One man's food, another man's poison." What is enjoyed by the hog is not enjoyed by other animal
- Everything depends on me. I can see God. Just like I am seeing you face to face, you are seeing me face to face, similarly, you can see Krsna face to face
- Everything exists on the basis of Krsna's impersonal feature; nothing can exist without Krsna. The advanced devotee of Krsna can see the Lord everywhere, without illusion
- Everything you can see when there is sunlight. Similarly, if you can see God, then you can see everything. If you can understand what is God, then you understand everything
- Face is the index of the mind. Nobody can see the mind, but by the face it is understood that the person is in good mental condition
- Finally, in earth there are all five qualities - sound, touch, form, taste and also smell. Now, one can see that the quality of the sky is in all - namely in air, fire, water and earth
- Finer than the ether is the mind, and finer than the mind is intelligence, ego. And finer than the intelligence and ego is the soul. So how you can see soul? You cannot see even the material things, as soon it becomes finer. How you can see the soul?
- For proper upkeep of society, one class of men must be very intelligent, highly qualified, with all good qualities. They must be trained in that way, ideal character, so that people can see and follow them
- For when one studies the Puranas very scrutinizingly, he can see that ultimately Lord Visnu is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is an instance of ecstatic love developed out of thoughtfulness
- For when one studies the Puranas very scrutinizingly, he can see that, ultimately, Lord Visnu is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is an instance of ecstatic love developed out of thoughtfulness
- From the ground we may see only clouds in the sky, but if we fly above the clouds we can see the sun shining. From the sky, skyscrapers and cities seem very tiny; similarly, from God’s position this entire material creation is insignificant - CC Intro
- From this statement it appears that town and city planning is not new but has been coming down since the time of King Prthu. In India we can see regular planning methods evident in very old cities. In SB there are many descriptions of such ancient cities
- Furthermore, it is because of the sun's presence that all living entities can see, and therefore he is called drg-isvara, the Personality of Godhead presiding over sight
- Generally in his conditioned state the individual soul cannot understand his relationship with the Supersoul, but sometimes, when he is free from all conditional existence, he can see the real difference between the Supersoul and himself
- God is not such a subject matter that you can see with this pratyaksa, direct perception. God's another name is Anubhava. Anubhava. Just like in this room we do not see the sun directly. But we know that there is sun
- Great sages who are always in meditation can see the personal form of the Lord within their hearts
- He (Allen Ginsberg) has promised to me that, "Wherever I shall go, I shall chant." I asked him that if he was there he can see me again
- He (God) can see, hear, touch or manifest Himself anywhere and everywhere, for He is present everywhere as the Supersoul of all infinitesimal souls, although He has His particular abode in the absolute world
- He (Krsna) can take your service in any way. But the point is that because you cannot see beyond this metal and wood and stone, therefore He comes in that form, so that you can see
- He (Krsna) is present everywhere, even in this material womb of mother Durga, and those who are deserving can see the Lord
- He (the creator of this body) is not conversant in the art of ecstasy but is simply a prosaic creator. He does not know how to arrange things properly so one can see only Krsna
- He (the living entity) is helpless, being in the grip of these modes (of material nature), but when he can see his real position, then he can attain to the transcendental platform, having the scope for spiritual life. BG 1972 purports
- He whose heart is purified can see that the whole cosmic manifestation is but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but he whose heart is contaminated sees things differently. By sat-sanga, or association with devotees, one becomes perfectly pure in heart
- Here (in BG 7.10) again it is explicitly stated that Krsna is the life of all that lives. Thus at every step we can see God
- Here (in CC Adi 7.104) one can see the effect of the Mayavadi sannyasis’ service toward Narayana. Because the Mayavadis offered a little respect to Sri Caitanya and because they were pious, they had some understanding of Vedanta philosophy
- Here is the Gosvamis' photo. You can see how they have become mendicant: a small loincloth, one waterpot only, that's all, finished, no possession. So, why? They wanted to show their mercy to the suffering humanity
- How now one can see? He has to see through the parampara, succession. You have not seen your great-grandfather. How do you know that he was? How do you know? Great-grandfather or his father, you have not seen. How do you believe?
- How one can see? Suppose I am seeing this material sky. I cannot see what are there, not even the stars at the present moment, although we know there are millions and trillions of stars. So this is my power of seeing
- How the mind is acting - thinking, feeling and willing - that is called intelligence. Everything finer. You can see your senses, my senses, but everyone knows that you have got mind, I have got mind, but we cannot see the mind
- How we can see God? Not with these eyes. These eyes, but there must be some ointment. That is called prema. Just like a mother sees his child, although not very beautiful, very beautiful. Because he has, she has got love for the child
- I (Vyasadeva) have abided by the rulings and have shown the import of disciplic succession through the explanation of the Mahabharata, by which even women, sudras and others (friends of the twice-born) can see the path of religion
- I am old man of eighty years; still, I am busy. I am traveling all over the world, writing book at night, talking with visitors, and so many things. You can see. So where we are escaping? We are the most responsible worker
- I can see that this boy's strength is unlimited, for he has not feared any of my punishments. He appears immortal. Therefore, because of my enmity toward him, I shall die. Or maybe this will not take place
- I can see the sun, which is fourteen hundred thousand times bigger than this planet, but my eyes are seeing, daily, just like a disc. So don't believe your senses. Your senses are imperfect
- I can see with my eyes, but Krsna can also eat with His eyes. Foolish rascals will say, - You are offering food to Krsna, but what has He eaten? It is still here. He has not eaten anything
- I request you to come here for a week with the full manuscript so that I can see it personally, along with you, and finish the editorial work, within a week
- I want that some ideal families of Krishna Consciousness should be established in your country, so that people can see that our movement is not one sided or dry. So we do not want dry renouncers
- I want to impress upon you that this chanting of Hare Krsna is so nice that if you give in an experimental way... You can see. You chant for at least one week and you see how much you have changed
- If body says, "I have brought lamp. You can see," this is nonsense. So Bhagavad-gita is so perfectly illuminated that anyone can understand without any very advanced knowledge, simple knowledge
- If it is not fully lighted, I cannot see what is standing behind; but if there is sufficient light, I can see. Therefore my seeing power is dependent on the varieties of light. So how you can say that whatever you see, it is perfect?
- If one goes about two or two and a half miles from the Jhikaragacha-ghata station, he can see Bodhakhana, the headquarters of Kanu Thakura. The son of Sadasiva was Purusottama Thakura, and his son was Kanu Thakura
- If one has unflinching faith in Krsna and his spiritual master, then automatically the Vedic knowledge becomes awakened. This is a fact, you can see. They never knew what is Vedic life, Vedic knowledge, but how they have become so nice, perfect devotee
- If one understands that the Supreme is situated in His Paramatma manifestation everywhere, if one can see the presence of the Supreme PG in every living thing, he does not degrade himself, & he gradually advances in the spiritual world. BG 1972 purports
- If we are progressive, if we are advanced in devotional service, we can see God everywhere, anywhere. We require to be qualified. Those who developed that love of God, they are constantly, twenty-four hours, seeing God
- If we can see by our practical experience there are living entities in the water, so why not living entities in the fire? And in the Bhagavad-gita it is said that living entity, this spiritual spark, is not affected by material influence
- If we don't try to see God during our lifetime, then there will be an incidence which is sure - "As sure as death." That death is God. So to the atheistic person, death is God. And to the theistic person, they can see
- If we look as far as we can see - up to the sky - our vision is still confined within only one universe, and there are unlimited universes clustered together within what is called the material world
- If we make a study of the general life of the animals, we can see that they have no intelligence for building big houses, furniture, and other household paraphernalia, and yet they maintain a healthy life by lying down on the open land
- If we place our hand before a light, we can see its shadow move on a wall. Similarly, material nature is working due to the touch of spirit soul
- If we read life of Krsna, we can see that He's Krsna, God, from the very beginning of His birth. God is not manufactured by some mystic power. God is God, and dog is dog. A dog cannot become God; God cannot become dog. That is difference
- If we try to compare the godly qualities of Dhruva Maharaja to the qualities of modern statesmen, we can see that there is no actual comparison
- If you decorate your face, you do not see directly it has become beautiful, but when you see the reflection of your face in the mirror, then indirectly you can see the beauty. By serving Krishna directly the result of the service indirectly comes to us
- If you develop love for God... Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He is in ecstasy, always in love. He can see. Similarly, if you develop your love for God, then you can see
- If you develop your love for God, then you can see. Premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena (BS 5.38). This premanjana, this ointment of love, is bhakti
- If you organize this kind of play, at least they'll be appreciated by the saintly order. The sannyasis also can see. But parts played by women, the sannyasis cannot see. That is strictly prohibited
- If you stand before the sun in the front, you can see in the sunlight very nicely. But if somebody stands on your back side, he cannot see you. This is the position of maya
- If you want to see to take the proof, "Whether this gentleman is my father," that is not possible. Because he became your father before your birth, how you can see? This is the way. You have to accept authority
- Illumination of the sunlight, sunshine, is coming from the sun planet. The sun planet is localized. We can see it. And the bodily effulgence of the sun planet is distributed all over the universe
- In Bhagavad-gita it is said that one can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead through jnana-caksusah, eyes of knowledge. He who opens these eyes of knowledge is called a spiritual master
- In Bhagavad-gita we can see that Krsna has taken the position of servant as the chariot driver of Arjuna. In his constitutional position, Arjuna is the servant of Krsna, but in behavior we can see that sometimes God becomes the servant of the servant
- In his conditioned state the individual soul cannot understand his relationship with the Supersoul, but sometimes, when he is free from all conditional existence, he can see the real difference between the Supersoul and himself
- In order to see the Absolute Truth, one has to come to the platform of goodness. And in that platform you can see God, or you can realize what is Absolute Truth
- In our idea, because we are very teeny, we can see this Pacific Ocean before us - "the greatest." But even in comparison to the universe, it is not even a drop of water
- In the air there are so many living entities. In the water, unvisible, not seen by the naked eyes. By microscope, we can see so many germs are there in the water, in the air. So why not in the fire?
- In the Bhagavad-gita we can see that Arjuna desired not to fight with his brothers and relations just to satisfy his own personal desires. But when he heard the message of the Lord, Srimad Bhagavad-gita, he changed his decision and served the Lord
- In the Brahma-samhita it is said that sages whose eyes have been smeared with the ointment of pure love can see the form of Syamasundara (Krsna) continuously in the centers of their hearts
- In the Brahma-samhita it is stated that only a person whose eyes are smeared with the ointment of love can see the beautiful form of Sri Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- In the Brahma-samhita it is stated that those who are attached to the Syamasundara form of Krsna in love and devotion can see Him always within the heart and cannot see anything else. BG 1972 purports
- In the BS it is stated, premanjanacchurita... One can see the SPG, Govinda, always within himself and outside himself if he has developed the transcendental loving attitude towards Him. Thus for people in general He is not visible. BG 1972 purports
- In the creation of the Lord there are many wonderful things we can see with our own eyes every day and night, but we are unable to reach them equipped by modern materialistic science
- In the darkness one cannot see the sun, nor himself, nor the world. But in the sunlight one can see the sun, himself and the world around him
- In the darkness we cannot see anything. But if there is matches or candle, if the candle is ignited, then we can see. Similarly, guru's business is to open the eyes. To open the eyes means to give him knowledge that "You are not purusa. You are prakrti
- In the mode of goodness, one can see things in the right position, one can hear things in the right position, and one can taste things in the right position. BG 1972 purports
- In the spiritual world, because of the complete absence of the qualitative modes, everything is eternal, blissful and cognizant. Everything can speak, everything can move, everything can hear, and everything can see in fully blessed existence for eternity
- In the Upanisads it is said that, "When God sees, you can see." So your seeing is subordinate to the seeing power of God
- In this material world, if you want to see God, God is everywhere. It is His energy. Just like in the Ford factory, the workers see in every corner Mr. Ford, similarly, those who are conversant with this science they can see in every atom the Supreme Lord
- In this way he would look for it, and when he could see that the deer was comfortably situated, his mind and heart would be very satisfied, and he would bestow his blessings upon the deer, saying, "My dear calf, may you be happy in all respects
- In this way one can see how God is existing and how everything is managed perfectly because of the presence of the Supreme Lord
- In this world, we can see that pots, dolls and other products of the earth appear, break and then disappear, mixing with the earth - SB 10.4.19
- Intelligent persons can see God in His personal form, as stated in the sastras, but if one is very eager to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead immediately, face to face, he can see the Supreme Lord through this description
- Intelligent persons can see God in His personal form, but if one is very eager to see God immediately, face to face, he can see the Supreme Lord through this description, which portrays the various internal and external parts of His body
- It appears that Sanjaya also, by the grace of Vyasa, could see the universal form of Krsna exhibited to Arjuna. It is, of course, said that Lord Krsna never exhibited such a form before. BG 1972 purports
- It is also confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita that after Brahman realization, when one is freed from material anxieties and can see every living entity on an equal level, he is eligible to enter into devotional service
- It is folly to be wise where ignorance is bliss - Better you keep yourself ideal character, that people can see that - Here is a ideal group of men
- It is hinted herein (SB 4.8.53) by Narada to Dhruva Maharaja that by meditating upon the transcendental form of the Lord and at the same time chanting the mantra one becomes so perfect within seven days that he can see the human beings who fly in the sky
- It is not a fact that we can see everything as it is simply by applying our ocular power to it. Every morning when the sun rises, we see this vast mass of matter as if it were just a small disc. Of course, the sun is much larger
- It is not necessary for us to practice such severe austerities (like Dhruva Maharaja), but simply by following in the footsteps of Vedic authorities we also can see God eye to eye. This vision of God is the perfection of life
- It is the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna who gives liberation. By thinking of His lotus feet at every second, following in the footsteps of authorities, the devotee in trance can see the Absolute Truth
- Just like here we can see, somebody cannot live without smoking. It is practical. But none of our devotees smoke. So it is possible. Because a devotee is associating with the devotees, therefore he is acquiring the quality by association, contamination
- Just like these boys, girls, they are chanting Hare Krsna, and they are undergoing the austerity. So they have not died. Not they are unhealthy. You can see. They are living, and they will live. But they have become purified
- Just like we are training them as ideal man - by character, by religion, by behavior, by education. That is the purpose of this Krsna consciousness movement. And you can see practically what was their previous life and what they are now
- Just see how perfect the Vedic description for . . . throughout the whole planet. Not only whole planet; half of the universe was merged into water, then gradually the planets came out, and we can see on this earthly planet three-fourths now
- Kapiladeva is the greatest authority because He is the Personality of Godhead, and if someone accepts whatever is explained as it is, without interpretation, then he can see himself
- King Nrga said, "As far as I know, when one becomes liberated from material existence, he can see You (see Krsna personally) in this way"
- Krsna consciousness means a person who is Krsna conscious, he can see everything. He can see in everything the hand of God
- Krsna consciousness means to develop love for Krsna. So one who has developed this love for Krsna, he can see Krsna every moment. There is no difficulty
- Krsna does not appear or disappear. Our eyesight changes. Just like we are looking through the window. One horse race is going on. When the horse comes before the window, we can see
- Krsna has given you the sunlight so that you can see. Krsna has given you the nice breeze; therefore you can live; you can breathe. Everything is dependent
- Krsna's expertly service or intelligence we can see in the flower, so many flowers. So why shall I not take shelter of Krsna, sarva-dharman parityajya (BG 18.66)? That is intelligence
- Krsna, although He is very virat, universal form, but Krsna has accepted arca-vigraha so that you can serve, you can see, you can touch, and your life becomes successful
- Krsna, by His kindness, arca-murti, a child can see also Krsna. Any innocent, any illiterate man can see, any man can see - a brahmana can see, sudra can see. Therefore the Deity worship so important
- Less intelligent men think that plants and grass grow out of the earth automatically, but one who is actually intelligent and has realized the self can see that this growth is not automatic
- Liberated souls who can see through the scriptures can foretell the future of all mankind
- Lord Visnu is all-pervading. Any devotee who, in sanctified meditation, following the regulative principles, chants the required mantras in service and in a devotional mood can see Visnu
- Maha-bhagavata means one who can see God in everything and everything in God
- Many rascals say that whatever way one accepts, one will ultimately reach Brahman. Yet we can see from this verse (CC Adi 17.52) how such persons reach Brahman
- Material opulence is so bewildering that it makes even a learned, self-controlled man forget to search for the goal of self-realization. But the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, the Lord of the universe, can see everything by His will
- Meditation? That you can see from the result. You'll find so many persons meditating, but see their life. Phalena pariciyate. One has to be judged by the result
- Mind, being absorbed in the Supreme, they can see. Yam pasyanti yoginah. The yogi sees. That is samadhi. That is . . . pranayama, of course, they controlling the breathing. So these things are very difficult in this age
- Modern science believes that it is by sunshine that the entire cosmic manifestation is maintained, and actually one can see how the actions and reactions of sunshine maintain order throughout the universe
- Mucukunda continued, "I can see that Your feet are just like soft lotus flowers. How could You walk in the forest, full of thorns & pebbles? I am simply surprised to see this! Are You not the S P of God, the most powerful amongst the powerful"
- Nanda Maharaja was trying to take advantage of the opportunity afforded by Garga Muni's presence, for Garga Muni was a great authority in this knowledge of astrology, by which one can see the unseen events of past, present and future
- Naradaji has instructed many kings from time immemorial. In the Bhagavatam we can see that he instructed Prahlada Maharaja while he was in the womb of his mother, and he instructed Vasudeva, father of Krsna, as well as Maharaja Yudhisthira
- Neither the father nor the son can see the reality - that both of them are awaiting death. When death comes, however, all their plans for material enjoyment are finished
- No one had seen this universal form of the Lord before Arjuna, but because the form was shown to Arjuna, other devotees in the heavenly planets and in other planets in outer space could also see it. BG 1972 purports
- Nobody requires any lamp to see the sun. Everyone can see. But if it is covered by the cloud, it is very difficult to see. So this Mayavada interpretation is, explanation, means covering the real meaning. That's all
- O best of persons, O supreme director, those who actually aspire for supreme good fortune worship this form of Your Lordship according to the Vedic Tantras. My Lord, we can see all the three worlds in You
- O son of the King, now I shall speak unto you the mantra which is to be chanted with this process of meditation. One who carefully chants this mantra for seven nights can see the perfect human beings flying in the sky
- On account of this following the traditionalism, they are becoming devotees. It is practical, you can see. Simply theoretical knowledge will not do. Must be practiced
- On the way to these spiritual planets, such personalities pass through the sun line called arcir-marga. And on the way they can see all the planets between here and the spiritual world
- One can see that even if one has enough money and adequate arrangement for sense gratification, there is neither happiness nor peace of mind. That is not possible because one is situated in the mode of passion. BG 1972 purports
- One can see the reflection of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and one can see his own existence as well. This state of consciousness is very pleasing, transparent and sober. In the beginning, consciousness is pure
- One can understand by seeing the dress that she is unmarried girl. One can see simply by the dress that she is married wife. One can see by the dress that she is widow. One can see by the dress that she is prostitute. So dress is so important
- One has to smear the eyes with the ointment of love, how to love Krsna. Then one can see Krsna always within his heart. And one who has learned this art, how to see Krsna within himself, within his heart always, Krsna certifies - He's the topmost yogi
- One may search for Krsna, the S. P. of Godhead, through the pages of the Vedas and Upanisads, but it is difficult to find Him there. However, one who is fortunate enough to associate with a devotee can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face
- One side you can see that this is the only path of Krsna realization that even a child can take part in it. He has no education, he has no knowledge, but the method is so nice that they can also take part. They can enjoy with their father and mother
- One ten thousandth part of the top of the hair. So how you can see? But that small particle is giving you living force. This knowledge we get from Bhagavad-gita, and that is the fact. You cannot get life by analyzing this material body
- One ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair. We cannot even imagine what is the length and breadth of the hair, but the soul is one ten-thousandth part. So how you can see the soul
- One thing I can see very practical, that in this age, Dampatye ratim eva hi, husband and wife's relation will depend on the strength of sex. These are described there. Svikara eva udvahe (SB 12.2.5): marriage will be performed simply by agreement
- One thing I can see very practical, that in this age, lavanyam kesa-dharanam (SB 12.2.6) - people will think that by keeping long hairs they will become very beautiful. That is stated there
- One who can see and is familiar with devotional service, however, will know that they are not material activities. They are all spiritual and devotional, uncontaminated by the material modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- One who can see that "I am acting in this way, there is no reaction," that is inaction. And one who sees that "I am doing this, but there is reaction," that is action. So it requires little intelligence to see how it is action or inaction
- One who can see that all activities are performed by the body, which is created of material nature, and sees that the self does nothing, actually sees. BG 13.30 - 1972
- One who can see the constitution of the whole material manifestation as this combination of the soul and material elements and also can see the situation of the Supreme Soul becomes eligible for transfer to the spiritual world. BG 1972 purports
- One who has clear vision and who is devoid of envy can see that the Supreme Lord is separate from all living entities, although He is situated in every living entity
- One who is actually intelligent and has realized the self can see that this growth is not automatic; the cause is the soul, and the forms come out in material bodies under different conditions
- One who is surcharged with such transcendental love of Godhead can without difficulty see the Personality of Godhead in every atom and every movable or immovable object
- Only persons who have anointed their eyes with love of Godhead can see the Personality of Godhead in every step of their activities
- Only those who are akincana-gocaram, who are not materially puffed up, can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead; others are bewildered and cannot even think of the Absolute Truth
- Only when one fully develops in affection and love of Godhead can one see those dhamas in their original appearance
- Our duration life is very short. If you study the statistics, you can see your forefathers who lived for hundred years or eighty years, ninety years. Now sixty years, seventy years people are dying. Gradually it will decrease
- Paras tu bhavah means "superior nature," and vyaktah refers to what we see manifested. We can see that the material universe is manifested through the earth, sun, stars, and planets. And beyond this universe is another nature, an eternal nature
- Paripasyati means that he can see everything in its right perspective. Then the influence of material nature becomes almost nil. This is also confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- Pasyati. He (Krsna) can see everywhere. Therefore we have to discuss sastra. In the Brahma-samhita it is said, the anga, the different parts of the body of Krsna, has got all the qualities of other anga
- People are very much enthusiastic to earn money in this material world. We can see practically, especially in the Western world
- People, they sometimes say, "Can you show me God? Have you seen God?" These questions sometimes we meet. So the answer is here. Yes, you can see God. Everyone can see God. I am also seeing God. But there must be the qualification
- Please uncover them so that I can see what you are carrying. Rest assured that I shall not take it away. If you feel an inconvenience in removing the covering, I can help you; I can uncover them to see what valuable things those raised horns contain
- Practically everyone can see that you Western boys and girls, so many anarthas you practice, but as soon as you come to bhakti-yoga, everything is finished
- Premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santah sadaiva hrdayesu vilokayanti. Just like thousands and thousands of miles away you can transfer the television picture or your radio sound, similarly, if you can prepare yourself, then you can see always Govinda
- Presently women are given full independence like men, but actually we can see that such independent women are no happier than those women who are placed under guardians
- Puranjana admits that he is attracted by avidya. Now he wishes to see the complete feature of avidya and so requests the girl to raise her head so that he can see her face to face. He thus wishes to see the various features that make avidya attractive
- Samah sarvesu bhutesu: he can see everyone on equal vision. Because he knows, - Here is also another living entity. He is not a Chinaman. He is a part and parcel of God. He is not a Christian. He is not a Hindu. He is simply thinking like that
- Sattva-guna, rajo-guna, tamo-guna, now mixed up by expert management, by expert process they can be separated, and we can come purely on the sattva-guna platform. And as soon as we come to the sattva-guna platform, then we can see things as they are
- Since he (Siva) is almost like Lord Visnu, Siva can see past, present and future
- Since Krsna and His energies are nondifferent, we can see Krsna everywhere if we are advanced in devotional service
- Since we have no transcendental vision, we cannot see the spiritual sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1) of the Lord; out of His causeless mercy He comes in a form we can see
- Sisupala said, "I can see that in this meeting there are many personalities who have undergone great austerities, who are highly learned, and who have performed many penances"
- Sitadevi, the dearmost wife of the Supreme Lord Ramacandra, certainly has a spiritual form full of bliss. No one can see her with material eyes, for no materialist has such power
- So far we are concerned, we have no business, we have no profession. We do not know what we shall eat tomorrow. Or in the evening. We are in such a position. But we have no anxiety. You can see practically
- So far we can see, those who are busy with bolts and nuts, how this dull brain, they can manufacture such things (which can reach topmost planet)? That is not possible. It requires another brain. The yogis can go, the yogis can go
- So it requires little intelligence to see how it is action or inaction. Therefore it is said that one who can see action in inaction and inaction in action, he is intelligent
- Some people argue that if we do not eat meat we will be undernourished, but we can see that the students of this Krsna consciousness movement have given up meat and are very healthy
- Somebody challenges that "Why shall I believe in the Vedas? I must see." But everything is not possible to see. For example, the mother said to the son, "Here is your father." So you have to believe your mother; otherwise how you can see your father?
- Sometimes one loses his money on a public street, where everyone can see it, and yet his money is protected by destiny and not seen by others. Thus the man who lost it gets it back
- Sometimes the cosmic manifestation is compared to a potter's wheel. When a potter's wheel is spinning, who has set it in motion? It is the potter, of course, although sometimes we can see only the motion of the wheel and cannot see the potter himself
- Soul is so minute particle: one ten-thousandth part of the top of the hair. Now how can your material science can see it or understand it? Therefore they say - No soul
- Spiritual knowledge is above sattva-guna. Above sattva-guna. Sattva-guna is the best quality, when one brain is clear and he can see things as they are, no hazy understanding but clear understanding. The sattva-guna is the qualification of brahmana
- Spiritual nature, however, is unborn, and at once we can see the difference. The material nature is born. You have to understand; if Krsna is unborn then He is spiritual, not like one of us
- Srimad-Bhagavatam says, and we can actually see, that in Kali-yuga about eighty percent of the people are sinful. Illicit sex life, intoxication, meat-eating, and gambling are the four pillars of sinful life
- Such a person (jnanavan) can see the Personality of Godhead, and therefore he surrenders unto the Lord. The Lord's being symptomized by a face, nose, ears and so on is eternal. Without such a form, no one can be blissful
- Sukadeva Gosvami was a perfect yogi, nothing was hidden from his power of insight. A perfect yogi like Sukadeva Gosvami can see past, present and future in all details. Therefore, from such yogis or mystics nothing can be concealed
- Sun is fixed up. Everyone can see that it is lying in one insignificant corner of the sky, but his sunshine is distributed all over the universe, and everything, all planets, all vegetation, all seasonal changes, they are depending on the sunshine
- That is called vasudeva stage, and in the vasudeva stage, Vasudeva, Krsna, appears. You can see Krsna
- The Absolute Truth may be known in the same way as the sun covered by a cloud or covered by night, for when the sun rises in the morning, in its own way, then everyone can see the sun, everyone can see the world, and everyone can see himself
- The advanced devotee can also see all other living entities as part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, without discrimination
- The Brahma-saḿhita describes each of His (God's) senses as omnipotent. The mundane eye can see but not hear, but His eyes can see, hear, eat, generate offspring, and so on
- The capitalist serves his family and the family serves the head man in terms of the eternal capacity of eternal being. In this way we can see no living being is exempted from the practice of rendering service to other living being
- The devotees of the Lord can see everything in true perspective due to the light disseminated by Lord Krsna
- The endeavoring transcendentalist, who is situated in self-realization, can see all this clearly. But those who are not situated in self-realization cannot see what is taking place, though they may try to. BG 15.11 - 1972
- The external energy is this material nature, and the internal energy, there is another, spiritual nature. As you see this universe, as far as you can see or imagine, it is covered. This is material energy
- The eye can see only under certain conditions, and therefore it is understood that our vision is limited. Similarly, all our other senses are also limited. It is not possible to understand the unlimited by these imperfect, limited senses
- The foolish cannot understand how a living entity can quit his body, nor can they understand what sort of body he enjoys under the spell of the modes of nature. But one whose eyes are trained in knowledge can see all this. BG 15.10 - 1972
- The form of the Lord as worshiped in the temples is called arca-vigraha or arcavatara, the worshipable form, the Deity incarnation. This facility is offered to neophyte devotees so that they can see the real form of the Lord face to face
- The form you are seeing with your transcendental eyes cannot be understood simply by studying the Vedas, nor by undergoing serious penances, nor by charity, nor by worship. It is not by these means that one can see Me as I am
- The great sage Vyasadeva, who was fully equipped in knowledge, could see, through his transcendental vision, the deterioration of everything material, due to the influence of the age
- The great sages like Vyasadeva are liberated souls, and therefore they can see clearly past and future
- The guru's task is to open the disciple's eyes of knowledge. When the disciple is awakened from ignorance to knowledge, he can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead everywhere because the Lord actually is everywhere
- The highest form of conjugal love is represented by Srimati Radharani; therefore in the pastimes of Radha and Krsna we can see that Krsna is always subjugated by Srimati Radharani’s influence
- The intelligent man can see that neither the living entity nor the phenomenal world are creations of chance
- The Kumaras were greatly satisfied by King Prthu's method of worship. It was by the grace of Maharaja Prthu that the common citizens in his domain could see the Kumaras flying in outer space
- The liberated souls are above these flaws (mistake, illusion, cheating and imperfection); therefore they can see and foretell things which are to take place on distant future dates
- The light of knowledge is kindled by our preceptors, and we can see things as they are only by our preceptors' mercy. From our very birth we have become accustomed to gathering knowledge by the mercy of our preceptors, whether father, mother, or teacher
- The living entity can see only when the Lord sees, the living entity can smell when the Lord smells, and so on
- The Lord (Krsna) also desired that King Yudhisthira be pacified by the words of Bhismadeva so that the world could see that Bhismadeva excelled all in knowledge, including the Lord Himself
- The Lord is situated in everyone's heart. However, because the conditioned souls are influenced by material nature, they can see only the actions and reactions of material nature, but not the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Lord is the creator of the creative energy. We can see that there is a creative energy in the material world, but He is not under this energy. He is prakrti-parah, beyond this energy
- The man with a poor fund of knowledge cannot understand, although by material science one can see things far away by means of television
- The material scientists can merely observe the reactions of the material nature without understanding the direction behind such activities, as a child can see the action of electricity without any knowledge of the powerhouse engineer
- The matter and spirit, we are all combined together, every one of us, because I am the spirit soul; I am not this body, matter. So both the matter and spirit are here, you can see
- The modes of nature are mixed together. Sometimes this portion is greater than the other portion. In this way material nature is the greatest artist. You can see how she has manufactured so many bodies, nice bodies, eight million four hundred thousand
- The pradhana, the chief cause of all causes in the impersonal vision, is none other than the Supreme Lord, whom one can see face to face in the internal potency. He takes the material all-pervasive form by His inconceivable power
- The pure devotees of Vrndavana are fortunate because they can see Mukunda (Lord Krsna) all the time. This word mukunda can be understood in two ways
- The relationship between the living entity and Krsna is fixed eternally; it cannot be forgotten, as we can see from the behavior of Arjuna. BG 1972 purports
- The saintly brahmana said: O best of the asuras, Prahlada Maharaja, who are recognized by advanced and civilized men, you are aware of the different stages of life because of your inherent transcendental eyes, with which you can see a man's character
- The same principle exists in the universal creation: the ingredients were present, but only when the Lord entered into the material elements was matter actually agitated. That is the cause of creation. We can see this in our ordinary experience
- The sky is present in a small earthen pot and also in outer space. Thus by proper judgment one can see who is a devata, or demigod, and who is an asura, Yaksa or Raksasa according to the quantities of sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna
- The Spiritual Master also can be present wherever the disciple wants. A Spiritual Master is the principle, not the body. Just like a television can be seen in thousands of places by the principle of relay monitoring
- The sun controls the power of our vision, we can see the sun because the sun has its body, and the sunlight is useful only because we have eyes
- The sun is also described as the eye of the Lord. The sun is one of His eyes, and the moon is the other. In the Upanisads, therefore, it is said that only when Krsna sees can we see
- The sun is so powerful that it is the life of every planet. Without sunlight, nobody can see anything. We are very much proud of testing everything by seeing: "I want to see." Now that seeing power is resting on the sunlight
- The sunshine is all-pervading, but the sun also has a localized aspect, the sun planet, and you can see it. Not only is there a sun planet, but within the sun planet is a sun-god, whose name is Vivasvan. We get this information from Vedic literature
- The Supreme Lord, by His different energies, spreads throughout one's body and soul, although we cannot see Him. An intelligent man, however, can see the Supreme Lord existing everywhere
- The Supreme Soul is present everywhere in the dormant stage, and when one can see the presence of the Supreme Soul everywhere, one is liberated from material designations
- The Supreme, His energies are multi-energies. They are acting, the same way the machine is working. You can see potency or the power of a person
- The Upanisads confirm that one has to penetrate the dazzling effulgence of Brahman before one can see the real face of the Personality of Godhead
- The vulture, they have got a very good eyesight, very good eyesight. You... Seven miles away from the surface, they can see where there is a dead corpse. So they have got good eyesight, but they are searching after dead corpse only
- The wives of the demigods continued: Just see how this chaste lady, Arci, by dint of her inconceivable pious activities, is still following her husband upward, as far as we can see
- The wives of the demigods said: All glories to Queen Arci! We can see that this queen of the great King Prthu, the emperor of all the kings of the world, has served her husband with mind, speech and body exactly as the goddess of fortune serves the SPG
- The word avyakta-mulam is significant here (SB 3.8.29). Generally, no one can see the roots of a tree. But as far as the Lord is concerned, He is the root of Himself because there is no other separate cause of His standing but He Himself
- The word visva-murtau indicates that everything exists in the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One who is able to worship Him can see everything in Him and see Him in everything
- There is another body, suka body, subtle body. Can you see the mind? But everyone has got mind. Can you see intelligence? But everyone has got intelligence. So what is the power of your seeing? Why you are so much proud of your seeing, nonsense seeing
- There must be enjoyment in connection with the Supreme Person (purusah sa parah), whom we can see face to face
- These 4 classes of men are required in a society. For proper upkeep of society, one class of men must be very intelligent, highly qualified, with all good qualities. They must be trained in that way, ideal character, so that people can see & follow them
- These eyes, oh, they are dependent on so many condition. Now there is electricity, you can see. As soon as there is electricity off, you cannot see. Then what is the value of your eyes? You cannot see what is going on beyond this wall
- They (materialistic men) can see only the circular sky overhead, without any information that this universe, as well as many other hundreds of thousands of universes, are each covered by sevenfold material coverings
- They (the brahma-jnana, brahma-bhuta) have nothing to do with this material world. Na socati na kanksati. Then he can see everyone on the equal level, samah sarvesu bhutesu
- They are constructing big, big skyscraper buildings. That we can see. But you don't see anywhere a magnificent church or temple or mosque is being constructed. That means people are going down in the matter of understanding God
- This chanting of Hare Krsna is so nice that if you give in an experimental way... You can see. You chant for at least one week and you see how much you have changed
- This eternal creative potency, or yoga-maya, which obscures Krsna to the unintelligent, is dissolved by love. This is the verdict of Brahma-samhita: One who has developed love for Krsna can see Him within his heart twenty-four hours a day
- This is Krsna consciousness movement. They have forgotten; they have forgotten that one is black, one is white, one is yellow, one is red or one is this or that. The bodily concept they have forgotten. This is practical. You can see
- This Madhumangala one day addressed Krsna in this fashion: "My dear friend, I can see that You are not aware of the peacock feathers that are falling on the ground, and at the same time You are unmindful of the flower garlands which are offered to You"
- This sort of behavior (secure a wife by fighting or kidnapping) for a ksatriya is praiseworthy in the sense that a ksatriya must show his power of chivalry to his would-be wife so that the daughter of a ksatriya can see the valor of her would-be husband
- This vibration of transcendental sound, Hare Krsna, will cleanse the dust. And as soon as the dust is cleared, then, as you can see on the mirror the nice face of yours, similarly we can see our real, I mean to say, constitutional position, - What I am
- Those who are actually divine can see the universal form of the Lord. But one cannot be divine without being a pure devotee of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are advanced in Krsna consciousness, who are fully in knowledge of the authoritative sastra, can see with clear minds that although You exist within the transformations of the material qualities, Your presence is untouched by these qualities
- Those who are grossly sinful are not at all afraid of committing sins, but here we can see that because his purification began in the association of a great devotee like Narada, the hunter became afraid of his sinful activities
- Those who are in devotional service, they have got two things: they can see what is maya and what is Krsna
- Those who are saintly persons, they always see Krsna within his heart. Everyone can see if he tries. Why you and me? Anyone can see. Krsna is open to everyone. But He is not open to the rascals. That is Krsna's distinguish
- Those who have been blessed by the spiritual master and the Supreme Lord can easily see through this foolish concept and abstain from futile, time-wasting debates
- Those who have developed love for Krsna, they can see always, twenty-four hours, Krsna and nothing but Krsna. This is the process
- Those who have developed love for Krsna, they can see always, twenty-four hours, Krsna and nothing but Krsna. This is the process. So we have to increase our attachment, our love for Krsna
- Those who have reached the highest perfectional stage of mystic power and can see everything in the past, present and future are called tri-kala-jnas
- Those who, through the practice of bhakti-yoga, are cleansed of all material contamination, can see with clear minds that although You exist within the transformations of the material qualities, Your presence is untouched by these qualities
- Those whose intelligence has become fixed by perfect execution of mystic yoga can see that all these elements result from the actions of Your external energy. They can also see Your transcendental form as Supersoul in the background of everything
- Those with the vision of eternity can see that the imperishable soul is transcendental, eternal, and beyond the modes of nature
- Those with the vision of eternity can see that the imperishable soul is transcendental, eternal, and beyond the modes of nature. Despite contact with the material body, O Arjuna, the soul neither does anything nor is entangled
- Those with the vision of eternity can see that the soul is transcendental, eternal, and beyond the modes of nature. Despite contact with the material body, O Arjuna, the soul neither does anything nor is entangled. BG 13.32 - 1972
- Through the nose we can smell, by the eyes we can see, by the ears we can hear, and in this way we gather knowledge. Similarly, there are the karmendriyas, the working senses - the hands, legs, genitals, rectum, mouth and so forth
- To bestow causeless mercy upon us, the Lord appears as the arca-murti so that we can see Him. It is forbidden to consider the arca-murti to be made of stone or wood
- To keep myself under your care will certainly be a great boon. The only thing I am considering about staying in the mainland because the devotees in different centers here can see me if required more quickly then they can do so in Hawaii
- To pacify King Indra, Brhaspati assured him that the time would certainly come, for Brhaspati could see that in the future Bali Maharaja would defy the orders of Sukracarya in order to pacify Lord Visnu, Vamanadeva
- Trnavartasura assumed the form of a whirlwind and covered with a dust storm the whole tract of land known as Gokula, so that no one could see even the nearest thing
- Undisturbed, equal to everyone and without duality, he (Kardama Muni) could indeed see himself also. His mind was turned inward and was perfectly calm, like an ocean unagitated by waves
- Unfortunately, we have forgotten that Krsna, God, is all-pervading. This memory has to be revived. As soon as we revive our Krsna consciousness, we can see everything in relationship with Krsna, and then everything becomes lovable
- Vasudeva and Devaki did not obtain the SP of Godhead as their son very easily, nor does the Supreme Godhead accept merely anyone as His father and mother. Here (in SB 10.3.34-35) we can see how Vasudeva and Devaki obtained Krsna as their eternal son
- Very good news. Now can see. This material body may remain or not remain, this movement will push on.(?) That is wanted. Where is such thing throughout the whole world? Hmm?
- Vultures or hawks can go very high in the sky, but can see a small body on the ground very clearly. This means that their eyesight is so keen that they can find an eatable corpse from a great distance
- We are born, every one of us born and nourished by this material nature. This is a fact, one can see. So who is the father? The mother is there, material nature, and we are children there
- We are just like reflection of God. So as in the mirror the reflection you can see the beauty, similarly by serving God you serve your society, you serve your country, you serve yourself - everything. This is the secret
- We are training them as ideal man - by character, by religion, by behavior, by education. That is the purpose of this Krsna consciousness movement. And you can see practically what was their previous life and what they are now
- We are very doubtful whether they have gone to the moon planet. From the sastra it appears they haven’t gone. You can see. Otherwise why they have stopped talking of the moon?
- We can definitely see that to advance in Krsna consciousness one must control his bodily weight. If one becomes too fat, it is to be assumed that he is not advancing spiritually
- We can only see material things like stone and wood, and He (God) accepts a form of stone and wood and thus accepts our service in the temple. This is an exhibition of the Lord's causeless mercy
- We can only see the gross material body, and when this gross material body ends, we say that everything is finished. In order to understand these things, we have to approach a guru, just as Arjuna approached Sri Krsna
- We can only touch with our hands or skin, but Krsna can touch just by glancing. We can only see with our eyes, we cannot touch or smell with them. Krsna, however, can smell and also eat with His eyes
- We can see a person. A person we see, what do we see? The senses. But we cannot see the director of the senses. The director of the senses is the mind. And the director of the mind is intelligence. And the owner of the intelligence is the soul
- We can see by the symptoms they (advanced scientists) will never surrender to God; therefore they come to these four categories of men: miscreants, rascals, lowest of the mankind and lost of real knowledge
- We can see from His (Krishna's) presentation of this Bhagavad-gita how supreme He is. He spoke this truth five thousand years before, and continually, for five thousand years, all scholars are studying this scripture, and studying very devotedly
- We can see in the material world that the conditioned soul acts so powerfully that he is playing wonderfully in creating the so-called advancements of material civilization for sense gratification
- We can see only this manifested cosmos according to our individual ability
- We can see so long the light is there. If the light is not there, then our seeing power is finished. Therefore it is limited. And Krsna is beyond this limitation. Therefore His name is Adhoksaja
- We can see stone, metal, wood, and other elements, and because Krsna is everything, to be visible to our imperfect eyes He appears in a form of these elements. It is not that Krsna is stone or that we are worshiping stone
- We can see such signs (of the ascending process) in the method of preaching espoused by Gandhiji. Although he chants the name of Rama, he is not aware of the transcendental science of the name
- We can see that if someone has no object of love, he generally directs his love to a pet animal like a cat or a dog. Thus the eternal propensity for love in all living entities is always searching for a place to reside
- We can see that Krsna is active as chariot-driver for Arjuna and engages in so many activities on the battlefield of Kuruksetra
- We can see that such a great mystic yogi as Saubhari became a victim of sense gratification, and such great sages as Vasistha and Visvamitra became birds. This is the material world
- We can see that the Lord is immediately prepared to award all benedictions to the sons of King Pracinabarhisat
- We can see that the trees on the bank reflect upon the water with their branches down and roots up. BG 1972 purports
- We can see that there is no darkness in the sun planet. It is all glowing effulgence. Similarly, in the spiritual world there is no ignorance. Everyone is suddha-sattva. Not only sattva-guna, but suddha-sattva
- We can see that these three classes of men - one in great prosperity, one via-media and one in want - these three classes of men there are, everywhere, all over the world
- We can see that those who are situated in the mode of goodness live longer than those who are situated in the tamo-guna or rajo-guna
- We can see the clouds scattered by the wind, although we cannot see how this is being done because it is not possible to see the wind. Although we do not directly see the Personality of Godhead, we can see that He controls the process of destruction
- We can see there are so many varieties of life, and each of them is a living entity. But if you consult Vedic literature, you'll find exactly the number
- We can see this (a suitable body for entrance of higher planets) demonstrated on this earth, for we know it is not possible for us to live in the sea, in a watery atmosphere, nor is it possible for aquatics to live on the earth
- We can see this to be true (considering dangerous conditions to be an opportunity to pray to the Lord and offer thanks) from the example of Gajendra, who anxiously prayed to the Lord and thus received an immediate chance to return home, back to Godhead
- We cannot say completely. But gradually it will be completely forgetful of God, day by day. Just like we can see. Formerly, our forefathers, they used to construct churches, temples, mosque, synagogues, but nowadays nobody is preparing
- We cannot see anything in the darkness of night, not even our own selves, but when there is sunshine we can see not only the sun but everything within the world as well
- We cannot see the subtle, and the soul is even more subtle. Anyone with eyes can see the body, but not everyone can perceive the soul, the actual person
- We find that those who engage in Krsna consciousness are materially poor, but one who has eyes can see who is the greater. Although he appears to be materially poor, a person in Krsna consciousness is not actually a poor man
- We have experience of a tree whose roots are upward: if one stands on the bank of a river or any reservoir of water, he can see that the trees reflected in the water are upside down. The branches go downward and the roots upward. BG 1972 Introduction
- We have got volumes of books. I have translated six books Srimad-Bhagavatam, and one book Teachings of Lord Caitanya, one book Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Some of the books are there. You can see. So there are so many books, immense knowledge
- We have our hands and legs, but our hands are different from our legs. The hand cannot act like the leg, nor can the leg act like the hand. The ears can hear but the eyes cannot, and the eyes can see but the ears cannot
- We want to see that, "If God has created this flower, why don't you see? Why I do not see that He has created?" That is nonsense. You cannot see God in that way, but you can see Him by His work
- Western countries and the lame man of India should combine together in this Krsna consciousness movement. Then the lame man of India can walk with the help of the Westerner, and the blind Westerner can see with the help of the lame man
- What can we perceive with our material senses? We can see what is visible to the material eye - earth, water, fire. But we cannot see air, although we can perceive it by touch
- When a living entity gives up this material embodiment and enters into the spiritual world, he revives his spiritual body, and in his spiritual body he can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face. BG 1972 purports
- When a particular gentleman goes in his car, which can be seen very easily, we identify the car with the man within the car
- When a potter's wheel is moving and small ants located on that big wheel are moving with it, one can see that their motion is different from that of the wheel because they appear sometimes on one part of the wheel and sometimes on another
- When God sees, you can see. When God walks, you can walk. - These are the description in the Upanisad. Practically, that is the fact. We are completely helpless, simply dependent upon God
- When I know that, "I am not this body. I am the spirit spark, spirit soul. I am encaged within this body," that is knowledge. That is knowledge. So those who are self-realized spirit soul, they can see
- When it is smeared with the ointment of love, then with these eyes you can see Krsna. Krsna is always there
- When Krsna is present, when He lifted the Govardhana Hill, everyone saw. Where is your rascal Guru Maharaja doing that, everyone can see? When Krsna in Vrndavana, He lifted the Govardhana Hill. All the inhabitants saw it
- When Krsna sees you or Krsna sees, then you can see. Just like I have got these spectacles. The spectacle is not seeing, my eyes are seeing, therefore spectacle is seeing. Similarly, actually all the senses are acting because Krsna is acting
- When one can see that the various bodies of living entities arise due to the different desires of the individual soul and do not actually belong to the soul itself, one actually sees. BG 1972 purports
- When one can see the pastimes of the Lord everywhere, he is firmly situated in transcendental bliss. Such a devotee is relieved of all kinds of material desires, and he preaches the glories of the Lord all over the world
- When one is situated on the transcendental platform of visuddha-sattva, pure goodness, he can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who sits on the back of Garuda. Lord Brahma offers his respectful obeisances unto that Supreme Lord
- When our eyes are cleansed we thinks clearly; similarly, if we apply the ointment of love of God on the eyes, then we can see God
- When Sarvajna saw the horoscope of the man, he was at once astonished that the man was so poor, and he said to him, "Why are you so unhappy? From your horoscope I can see that you have a hidden treasure left to you by your father"
- When the God sees by His eyes, the sun, then you can see. As soon as the sun is not there, then where is your power of seeing? So why you are so much proud of seeing?
- When the heart is actually cleansed, one can clearly see the Lord sitting there without any disturbance
- When the living entity comes to his senses by the mercy of the Lord, he is awarded devotional service. Thus he is saved from the clutches of maya. At such a time he can see his eternal friend, the SPG, and become free from all lamentation and hankering
- When the senses are purified by the discharge of pure devotional service (hrsikena hrsikesa-sevanam bhaktir ucyate (CC Madhya 19.170)), the pure senses can see Krsna without covering
- When the sky is clear, we can see the sun's brilliant effulgence, but when it is covered by clouds, we cannot see it. We may be able to perceive the sunlight, but we cannot see the sun disc itself. When the sky is clear, it is in its natural condition
- When there is Deity in the temple, you see and you get the impression. When out of the temple also you can see within your heart, if you have developed love for Krsna
- When this idea (of communists and socialists) is expanded, we can see that everything belongs to God. That will be the perfection of the communistic idea
- When we are liberated from material affection and are situated in our original spiritual form we can see both ourselves and the Lord face to face
- When you come to the spiritual position there is no such thing - no more lamentation, no lamenting, no hankering. At that time it is possible to see that everyone is equal, because he can see. He does not see - Here is American
- When you paint one picture, I can see, everyone can see that you are working. But this painting or this working of the actual rose flower, that is also being worked out by several energies. Don't think that is has coming out automatically
- While offering worship to the Lord, they can see on the water the reflection of their beautiful faces with raised noses, and it appears that they have become more beautiful because of the Lord's kissing their faces
- Who have developed spiritual knowledge, can see that the spirit is different from the body and is changing its body & enjoying in different ways. A person in such knowledge can understand how the conditioned living entity is suffering. BG 1972 purports
- With the association of a bona fide spiritual master, he (the living entity) can see his real position, and, by such an understanding, he can become fixed in full Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- With the present blunt senses we cannot see Bhagavan. Therefore Bhagavan, out of His causeless mercy, has appeared in a form which you can see. Not that He's different. He's not different. Because Bhagavan is everything
- With these blunt eyes, material eyes, you cannot see Krsna at the present moment. So whatever you can see, Krsna has conveniently has taken His form in that way. So you should always think that Krsna is present here - not that wood or stone
- Without any expenditure, without any loss, if you can see yourself what you are, why don't you take it (chant hare krsna)? What is the objection?
- Yes, everyone can see (Bhagavad-gita). Who has given such information? All practical. (...) It is the greatest miracle
- Yes, world is round. That is fact. Goloka. In Vedic literature it is bhu-gola, jagad-anda. These words are there. We can see also it is round, jagad-anda. The universe is round. And Goloka. Or Bhu-gola. Bhu-gola, the earth is round
- You are seeing Krsna. The Deity of Krsna and Krsna is not different. But even personally we can see. Simply we have to continue the enthusiasm. Enthusiasm means to take things very seriously, utsahad dhairyat, and patiently
- You can perceive also by consciousness where there is presentation of soul, but if you want to measure by experiment, that is not possible. Therefore it is called aprameya. Prameya means direct perception. I can see or I can touch, I can handle
- You can see daily even in this material world so many wonderful things and still you think that you're God. For only which you cannot touch even
- You can see from the examples of Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus Christ, Lord Caitanya, Sankaracarya, who were recently within the limit of our historical knowledge. They attained spiritual perfection after undergoing penances for many, many years
- You can see Him (God) by His work. Just like you cannot go and see the sun. But when it arises, when it diffuses, the sunshine is there, you can immediately understand that the sun is there in the sky. The sun is always there in the sky
- You can see my books, and whichever you want to begin first. That will be great service. But actual communism, what is called, socialism, is there in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- You can see so many, many thousands and millions of planets. Every planet is residential quarter. Just like this planet is residential quarter, every planet is resident
- You can see the great necessity of following the prescribed duties of chanting regularly and following strictly the instructions of the Spiritual Master and the regulative principles
- You can see the members of Krsna consciousness, some of them are Indians, some of them are Europeans, some of them are Englishmen, some of them are black, some of them are white, some of them are brahmanas, some of them are Hindus
- You can see this flower. Every flower is so beautiful, nicely constructed symmetrically. You'll find two flowers, the small fiber coming out exactly in the same way. There is no question of accident
- You can see very beautiful Deity, you can hear very beautiful sound, you can talk on Krsna philosophically from Bhagavata and Bhagavad-gita. So everything in Krsna consciousness. There is no stoppage
- You cannot live together, that is not possible, neither you can see her or speak. If you want to keep her, she can remain separately and you can support her in that way, but you cannot see her
- You have appeared personally before us like a person soliciting worship, but actually You are present here just so we can see You
- You have got very nice good planet, very nice city, Rome and London and America, this and that. That's all right. But as soon as it is dark, you cannot see anything. The mercy of sunshine, Krsna's mercy, is there. Therefore you can see. You can enjoy
- You take cow dung, and you can see how it is antiseptic. We are actually doing in America in our New Vrindavan. We are maintaining cows there, protecting cows, because cow protection is one of the item for Krsna consciousness people