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Pages in category "Breasts"
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- A brahmanandi (impersonalist) said, "When shall I be able to see that supreme absolute Personality of Godhead who is eternal bliss and knowledge, and whose chest has become smeared with red kunkum powder by touching the breast of Rukmini"
- A dear lover strung a garland and placed it on the shoulder of his beloved in the presence of her co-wives. She had raised breasts and was very beautiful, yet although the garland was tainted with mud, she did not reject it
- A woman first attracts a man to fulfill his sexual desires by the beautiful features of her face, by the beautiful slope of her breasts and also by her waist
- A woman whose body is very warm during the winter and cool during the summer and who generally has very firm breasts is called syama
- According to smrti regulation, the cow is the mother and the bull the father of the human being. The cow is the mother because just as one sucks the breast of one's mother, human society takes cow's milk
- After saying this, the Lord, smiling slightly, climbed on the lap of His mother and sucked her breast
- Agnidhra addressed the girl as suhrttama, the best friend, so that she would not refuse to take him there. Not only was Agnidhra captivated by the girl's raised breasts; he was also attracted by her sweet speech
- Agnidhra appreciated Purvacitti's raised breasts. After seeing the girl's breasts, he became almost mad. Nevertheless, he could not recognize whether Purvacitti was a boy or a girl, for as a result of his austerity, he saw no distinction between the two
- Agnidhra imagined that her (Purvacitti's) raised breasts were two horns she had covered with cloth so that others would not see the valuables within them. Agnidhra was very anxious to see them
- Agnidhra then praised Purvacitti's raised breasts. He said: My dear brahmana your waist is very thin, yet with great difficulty you are carefully carrying two horns, to which my eyes have become attracted
- Arjuna inquired, "My dear girl (Kalindi), you are so beautiful with your raised breasts. May I ask you who you are? We (Arjuna and Krsna) are surprised to see you loitering here (near the Yamuna) alone. What is your purpose in coming here?
- As moths at night surround a fire and are killed, so the demons become victims of the movements of the ball-like breasts of a beautiful woman
- As She played with the ball Her breasts trembled because the it was falling down and bouncing up, and because of the weight of those breasts and Her heavy flower garlands, Her waist appeared to be all but breaking at every step
- As soon as you take your birth, the food is there. For example, a young girl gives birth, just a moment before the birth of the child, there is no milk in the breast, but as soon as the child take birth, immediately immense supply of milk
- As the mothers cared for their respective babies, by the arrangement of yogamaya the babies thought, Here is My mother, and the mothers thought, Here is my son. Because of affection, milk naturally flowed from the mothers' breasts, & the babies drank it
- As the queens loudly cried, their tears glided down their breasts, becoming reddened by kunkuma powder, and fell upon the lotus feet of their husband
- At once the hunchbacked woman became a beautiful straight girl, with broad hips, thin waist and very nice, well-shaped breasts
- At that very moment (Hiranyaksa's last moment), a shudder suddenly ran through the heart of Diti, the mother of Hiranyaksa. She recalled the words of her husband, Kasyapa, and blood flowed from her breasts
- Because of drinking the breast milk of their mother, the nine sons of Agnidhra naturally had strong, well-built bodies. Their father gave them each a kingdom in a different part of Jambudvipa. The kingdoms were named according to the names of the sons
- Because of her (Yasoda's) intense love for her child (Krsna), her breasts were wet with milk. Her face, with its very beautiful eyebrows, was wet with perspiration, and malati flowers were falling from her hair - SB 10.9.3
- Because of natural beauty, the wives (of the cowherd men) had full hips and full breasts, which moved as they hurried along - SB 10.5.10
- Because of the weight of those breasts and Her (Mohini-murti's) heavy flower garlands, Her waist appeared to be all but breaking at every step, as Her two soft feet, which were reddish like coral, moved here and there
- Because the ball was falling down and bouncing up, as She (Mohini-murti) played with it, Her breasts trembled
- Because the breasts are equally attractive, they are described as sama-vrttau
- Because Women in modern civilization do not live naturally, their hips & breasts do not develop this natural fullness. Because of artificial living, women have lost their natural beauty, although they claim to be independent & advanced in civilization
- Being now alone and a widow in that forest, the daughter of Vidarbha began to lament, incessantly shedding tears, which soaked her breasts, and crying very loudly
- Cakravakas move about whereas lotuses stand still, but herein Krsna’s hands, which are compared to blue lotuses, attack the breasts of the gopis, which are compared to cakravakas. This is called a reverse analogy
- Cow is also our mother. Just like we drink breast milk from my mother, similarly, we drink milk from mother cow
- Devotee said, "Mother Yasoda became so overjoyed in her affection that immediately from the nipples of her waterpot-like breasts, milk began to flow"
- Devotee said. "Your two eyes appear to be without any movement, and I feel in your breathing a kind of warmth which is bringing your breast milk to the boiling point"
- Disturbed by the bees, Purvacitti tried to move hastily, but as she raised her feet to walk quickly, her hair, the belt on her hips, and her breasts, which were like water jugs, also moved in a way that made her extremely beautiful and attractive
- Dressed in excellent robes, her charming breasts duly girded, she (Devahuti) was waited upon by a thousand Gandharva girls. O destroyer of the enemy (Vidura), his (Kardama Muni's) fondness for her grew, and he placed her on the aerial mansion
- He was also surprised to see the red dust of perfumed kunkuma spread over her breasts. Nevertheless, still considering Purvacitti a boy, Agnidhra addressed her as subhaga, most fortunate muni
- Her (Mohini-murti's) attractively constructed neck was decorated with a necklace and other ornaments, Her arms were decorated with bangles, Her body was covered with a clean sari, and Her breasts seemed like islands in an ocean of beauty
- Her (Mohini-murti's) ears were equally decorated with earrings, Her cheeks were very beautiful, Her nose was raised and Her face full of youthful luster. Her large breasts made Her waist seem very thin
- Her (Putana's) breasts appeared like small hills, and her hair was a vast reddish bush. Her eye sockets appeared like blind wells, and her two thighs appeared like two banks of a river. Her two hands appeared like two strongly constructed bridges
- Her (Putana's) hips were full, her breasts were large and firm, seeming to overburden her slim waist, and she was dressed very nicely. Her hair, adorned with a garland of mallika flowers, was scattered about her beautiful face - SB 10.6.5-6
- Her (Rukmini's) legs were decorated with jeweled ankle bells, which rang very softly between the pleats of her sari. Rukmini's raised breasts were smeared with kunkuma and saffron
- Her attractive nose and cheeks and Her ears, adorned with golden earrings, made Her face very beautiful. As She moved, Her sari's border on Her breasts moved slightly aside
- Her body was coated with a thick layer of dirt, and her breasts were discolored. She dove, however, into the lake, which contained the sacred waters of the Sarasvati
- Her breasts projected upward because of their clinging to each other, and they were too contiguous to admit any intervening space. She had a shapely nose and beautiful teeth; a lovely smile played on her lips, and she cast a sportful glance at the asuras
- Her eyes were restless due to youthful pride, Her breasts were like water jugs, Her thighs resembled the trunks of elephants, and She carried a waterpot in Her hand
- Her two breasts, which were symmetrical and nicely situated, were covered with sandalwood pulp and kunkuma powder, and her waist was very thin. As she walked here and there, her ankle bells jingling softly, she appeared like a creeper of gold
- His loins are covered by a shining cloth, yellowish like the filaments of a lotus. On His breast He bears the mark of Srivatsa, a curl of white hair. The brilliant Kaustubha gem is suspended from His neck
- Hog is sometimes trying to drink the milk from the breast of the mother and sometimes trying to have sex. You'll find it. This is hog life
- How a beautiful woman's movements and gestures, her hair and the structure of her breasts, hips and other bodily features attract the minds not only of men but of demigods also is very finely described
- However great a hero one may be in the material world, he can be immediately conquered by the lumps of flesh and blood known as the breasts of women
- I (Agnidhra) cannot imagine how the residents of that place have gotten such wonderful bodily features as your (Purvacitti's) raised breasts, which agitate the mind and eyes of a person like me who sees them
- If a child sucks the mother’s breast nicely, it is to be understood that he is out of all danger. After this, all the stronger cowherd men put the broken cart in order, and all the scattered things were set up nicely as before
- In great agitation, the maidservant struck her breast with both hands and cried loudly in regretful words. Hearing her loud voice, the Queen immediately came, and when she approached her son, she saw that he was suddenly dead
- In many instances we find that when a mother is moved by affection for her sons, milk flows from her breasts
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta also, a very suitable example is given in this connection (without God's contact, material nature cannot produce anything). Although the nipples on a goat's neck appear to be breast nipples, they do not give milk
- In the case of the demon's mother (Diti), the blood could not transform into milk, but it flowed down her breasts as it was
- In this way they became fully satisfied, although they were not satisfied when their lovers touched their breasts. All material lusty desires can be immediately satisfied if one comes in contact with Krsna consciousness
- Indirectly Kutila was insulted by the following statement, "My dear Kutila, daughter of Jatila, your breasts are as long as string beans - simply dry and long. Your nose is so gorgeous that it is defying the beauty of the noses of frogs"
- It is a fact that you have taken birth from the womb of an unfortunate woman, and by being fed from her breast you have grown up
- It is said that once a small boy who was a devotee of Lord Siva came to that temple (Siyali-bhairavi), and the goddess Durga, known as Bhairavi, gave him her breast to suck
- It is said that the demoniac Putana came to kill Krsna by poisoning Him, but because Krsna was pleased to suck her breast, she was given the same position as His mother
- Krsna & Balarama, being attached to Their play, were playing with the other boys although it was very late. Therefore mother Yasoda called Them back for lunch. Because of her ecstatic love & affection for Them, milk flowed from her breasts - SB 10.11.14
- Krsna said, "Some of you (the gopis) must have babies by this time, although you are very young. You must have left your small babies at home, and they must be crying. Please immediately go back home and just feed them with your breast milk"
- Krsna took the bright side. "This demoniac woman came to kill Me," He thought, "but somehow or other I have sucked her breast milk, so she is My mother." Thus Putana attained the position of Krsna's mother in the spiritual world
- Maharaj Bali was so fortunate that the Lord extended before Him His hand, which was reddish from touching the breast of the goddess of fortune, who is always smeared with red kunkum powder
- Mohini-murti's large breasts made Her waist seem very thin. Attracted by the aroma of Her face and body, bumblebees hummed around Her, and thus Her eyes were restless. Her hair, which was extremely beautiful, was garlanded with mallika flowers
- Mother Devaki was overwhelmed with joy and was so ecstatic in motherly feeling that milk immediately began to flow from her breasts, and she fed the babies with great satisfaction
- Mother Yasoda embraced Krsna, allowed Him to sit down on her lap, and began to look upon the face of the Lord with great love and affection. Because of her intense affection, milk was flowing from her breast - SB 10.9.5
- My dear son, you have slept a long time. Now please get up. Your playmates are calling you to play. Since you must be very hungry, please get up and suck my breast and dissipate our lamentation
- My dear Vidura, Suniti was the mother of a great hero. Her tears, together with the milk flowing from her breasts, wet the whole body of Dhruva Maharaja. This was a great, auspicious sign
- My dear wife, until this day I have never seen your face without tilaka decorations, nor have I seen you so morose and without luster or affection. Nor have I seen your two nice breasts wet with tears from your eyes. Nor have I ever before seen your lips
- O dearly beloved! Your lotus feet are so soft that we place them gently on our breasts, fearing that Your feet will be hurt. Our life rests only in You
- O woman with beautiful raised breasts, I (Agnidhra) am your (Purvacitti's) follower. You may take me wherever you like, and your friends may also follow me
- O woman with beautiful raised breasts, I am your follower. You may take me wherever you like, and your friends may also follow me
- On the plea of demanding to suck His mother's breast, Krsna took this opportunity to kill the demon. Thus He kicked Sakatasura just to expose him
- Once Indra assumed the form of a crow and attacked Sita (Janaki), Lord Ramacandra's wife, by striking her on the breast. This was certainly an insult to the universal mother, Sita, and Lord Ramacandra was immediately prepared to kill the crow
- One should not be attracted by the illusory energy of raised breasts with nipples. They are agents of maya meant to victimize the opposite sex
- Oppressed by the weight of your full-grown breasts, your waist becomes fatigued, and your clear vision grows dull, as it were. Pray braid your comely hair
- Persons on whose neck and breast there are tulasi beads, are never approached by the Yama-dutas
- Putana had smeared a very powerful poison on her breasts, and immediately after taking the baby on her lap, she pushed her breastly nipple within His mouth. She was hoping that as soon as He would suck her breast, He would die
- Ramananda quoted a verse from (SB 10.8.46) wherein Maharaja Pariksit inquired from Sukadeva Gosvami about the magnitude of righteous activity performed by Yasoda, the mother of Krsna, enabling her to be called "mother" & her breasts be sucked by the SPG
- Real beauty of a young woman is her breasts
- Religion was manifested from the breast of Brahma, wherein is seated the Supreme Personality of Godhead Narayana, and irreligion appeared from his back, where horrible death takes place for the living entity
- Rukmini's raised breasts were smeared with kunkuma and saffron; thus her beauty was enhanced by the reflection of the reddish color emanating from her covered breasts
- Seeing Pradyumna, she (Rukmini-devi) naturally remembered her own son, and milk began to flow from her breasts out of motherly affection
- She (Diti) remembered this incident by the grace of the Lord, and her breasts flowed blood instead of milk
- She (Putana) approached the house of Nanda Maharaja with the purpose of killing Krsna by smearing poison on her breast, yet when she was killed she attained the highest position, achieving the status of Krsna's mother
- She (Radharani) has a stringed instrument known as a kacchapi-vina, which is the fame and fortune that actually dries up the faces and breasts of the other gopis
- So the lusty aborigine girls, while looking toward Krsna playing His flute, saw the reddish kunkuma on the ground and immediately took it and smeared it over their faces and breasts
- Some gopis undid their hair and kept it in front of them as dresses to cover the lower portions of their bodies and used their hands as bodices to cover their breasts
- Some of them (the gopis) were breast-feeding their small babies, and some were engaged in distributing food to the members of their families, but they left all such engagements and immediately rushed toward the spot where Krsna was playing His flute
- Sometimes the child cries for the mother's breast, but because the nurse thinks that it is due to pain within his stomach that he is crying, she supplies him some bitter medicine. The child does not want it, but he cannot refuse it
- Sripada Sankaracarya has warned the transcendentalists that one who is after transcendental realization should not be attracted by the raised breasts of a woman because they are nothing but an interaction of fat and blood within the body
- Still bewildered, Agnidhra wanted to see the place from which the brahmana boy had come, where the men had such raised breasts. Such attractive features, he thought, must be due to the severe austerities performed there
- Striking their breasts in affliction because their husbands had been killed by the arrows of Laksmana, the women embraced their respective husbands and cried piteously in voices appealing to everyone
- Sukadeva Gosvami gives Maharaj Pariksit a description of the form and beauty of Mother Yasoda, "My dear King, the wide hips of Mother Yasoda were surrounded by silk and linen clothes, and her breasts were flowing with milk because of her affection"
- The aborigine girls had very full breasts, and they were also very lusty, but when their lovers touched their breasts, the girls were not very much satisfied
- The baby cried so much for breast milk that all the brahmanas were very unhappy. "Who will take care of this baby?" they said
- The bangles and bracelets on her (mother Yasoda's) hands tinkled as they touched each other, and her earrings and breasts shook. There were drops of perspiration on her face, and the flower garland which was on her head scattered here and there
- The beautiful moonlike glories of Mukunda give distress to the lotuslike faces of the wives of the demons and to their raised breasts, which are like gleaming cakravaka birds
- The corners of His eyes wander, like large black bees, around the gopis’ breasts
- The cowherd men and women in the villages lived a very natural life, and the women developed a natural feminine beauty, with full hips and breasts
- The cowherd women, riding on the bullock carts, were dressed very nicely with excellent garments, and their bodies, especially their breasts, were decorated with fresh kunkuma powder - SB 10.11.33
- The creator has constructed women in such a way that their beautiful voices and movements and the beautiful features of their hips, their breasts, and the other parts of their bodies attract the members of the opposite sex, and awaken their lusty desires
- The demons observed beautiful gestures in the woman's every step. Here (in SB 3.20.36) they praise her full-grown breasts, her scattered hair and her movements in stepping forward and backward while playing with the ball
- The emotions created by this incident were sweeter than nectar turned into a palatable intoxicant, and the milk flowing out of their breasts was immediately drunk up by the children
- The end of her (mother Yasoda's) sari was tightly wrapped while she churned, and on account of her intense love for her son, milk automatically dripped from her breasts, which moved as she labored very hard, churning with two hands
- The garland of flowers decorating the Queen's head fell, and her hair scattered. Falling tears melted the collyrium on her eyes and moistened her breasts, which were covered with kunkuma powder
- The godly person knows that this nicely dressed and ornamented attraction of high breasts, high hips, beautiful nose and fair complexion is maya. All the beauty a woman can display is only a combination of flesh and blood
- The gopis regretted that their breasts were so hard, fearing that Krsna might not be very pleased to keep His soft lotus feet there. When those lotus feet were pricked by the grains of sand in the pasturing ground, the gopis were pained and began to cry
- The gopis were very much afflicted because they saw Krsna walking on the sand and thought that Krsna's lotus feet, which they dared not place on their breasts because they thought their breasts not soft enough, were being pierced by broken chips of stone
- The gopis’ breasts are compared to cakravakas and their hands to red lotuses protecting them. This is a wonderful instance of reverse analogy
- The great saint Sankaracarya has described the breasts of women, especially young women, as nothing but a combination of muscles and blood
- The King (Dhrtarastra) did not forbid his son Duhsasana's abominable action of grabbing the hair of Draupadi, the wife of the godly King Yudhisthira, even though her tears washed the red dust on her breast
- The Lord, however, by moving slightly aside, dodged the violent mace-blow aimed at His breast by the enemy, just as an accomplished yogi would elude death
- The mother takes him to her breast, and the child is immediately happy. The child cannot express what he wants, so he simply cries. But one who knows what he is crying for helps him, and the child becomes happy
- The nipple of her (Putana's) breast was smeared with a dangerous, immediately effective poison - SB 10.6.10
- The pearl necklaces on their breasts appeared reddish because a portion of their breasts was sprinkled with saffron powder. With their beautiful earrings and flowing hair, the queens appeared very attractive
- The Raksasi's (Putana) mouth was full of teeth, each resembling the front of a plow, her nostrils were deep like mountain caves, and her breasts resembled big slabs of stone fallen from a hill. Her scattered hair was the color of copper - SB 10.6.15-17
- The real beauty of a young woman is her breasts. When Kardama Muni saw the breasts of his wife so nicely decorated, increasing her beauty many times, he was attracted, even though he was a great sage
- The red vermilion of kunkuma decorating their beautiful breasts would adorn the chest of the Lord with a reddish color
- The reddish kunkuma powder put on the breasts of women was spotted here and there on the garland, indicating that Usa had embraced him (Aniruddha)
- The soles of His (Krsna's) feet are so soft that the gopis would not dare keep His lotus feet on their soft breasts
- The tears from her (Rukmini's) eyes mixed with the black cosmetic ointment from her eyelids and dropped down, washing the kunkuma and saffron from her breasts
- The two breasts represent attachment and envy. The symptoms of raga and dvesa (attachment and envy) are described in Bhagavad-gita - BG 3.34
- The two newly separated bodies (the two bodies that came out from the body of Brahma. One had a mustache, and the other had swollen breasts) united together in a sexual relationship
- The wide hips of mother Yasoda were surrounded by silk and linen clothes, and her breasts were flowing with milk because of her affection
- The word nirantarau is significant because although the breasts (of attachment and envy) are situated in different locations, the action is the same. We should not make any distinction between attachment and envy
- The words matuh anugrahat ("by the mercy of their mother") refer to the breast milk of their mother. In India it is a common belief that if a baby is fed his mother's milk for at least six months, his body will be very strong
- The younger generation is very pleased to see a beautiful form, to hear radio messages of material news & sense gratificatory songs, to smell nice scents, nice flowers & to touch the soft body or breasts of a young woman & gradually touch the sex organs
- Their (the gopis) churning rods, their arms, their earrings, their bangles, their breasts - everything moved, and kunkuma powder gave their faces a saffron luster comparable to the rising sun
- These representatives of attachment and envy are very much unfavorable for advancement in spiritual life. One should not be attracted by the breasts of young women
- They (the demons) imagined the twilight to be a very beautiful woman with tinkling bangles on her feet, a girdle on her hips, and beautiful breasts, and for their sexual satisfaction they imagined the appearance of this beautiful girl before them
- They (the gopis) consider their breasts a very hard place for the lotus feet of Krsna, yet those lotus feet wander in the forest, which is full of thorny plants. The gopis are absorbed in such thoughts at home, although Krsna is away from them
- They (the gopis) were shedding heavy tears, and their cosmetic decorations were being washed from their faces. The water from their eyes mixed with the kunkuma on their breasts and fell to the ground
- They began to draw lines on the ground with their toes, and with their tears they washed the black ointment from their eyes onto their breasts, which were covered with red kunkuma powder. This is an instance of anxiety in ecstatic love
- This verse expresses the joyfulness of the mind upon seeing a woman with raised hips and breasts dressed in an attractive sari and bedecked with ornaments
- This would create an atmosphere of spiritual bliss. When the garland on the neck of the Lord then touched the breasts of the queens, their whole bodies became covered with saffron yellow
- Two bodies came out from the body of Brahma. One had a mustache, and the other had swollen breasts. No one can explain the source of their manifestation
- We should not expect milk from the fleshy bags on the neck of a goat, although they look like breastly nipples. Similarly, we should not expect any creative power from the material ingredients; we must believe in the power of the purusa
- What is self-interest? What is the interest of a child when it is crying? It is searching after the mother's breast. Anyone who knows this immediately brings the child to its mother - Take care of your child; he is crying
- When a man looks upon a woman with lusty desires, he is captivated by her face, her breasts and her waist
- When a man looks upon a woman with lusty desires, he is captivated by her face, her breasts and her waist, for a woman first attracts a man to fulfill his sexual desires by the beautiful features of her face, by the slope of her breasts and by her waist
- When a woman's waist is thin and her breasts are full, she looks very attractive. Agnidhra, his eyes attracted, contemplated the heavy breasts on the girl's thin body and imagined how her back must sustain them
- When called by the Lord the cows were overwhelmed by joyous affection, just as the mother's breast overflows with milk when the child cries for it
- When Krsna was performing pastimes as a small child, she (Putana) coated the nipple of her breast with poison and approached Krsna's home to offer the milk of her breast
- When one is spiritually advanced he can no longer be attracted by the lumps of flesh and blood which are the breasts of young women
- When she was shedding tears, the black ointment from her eyes was dripping, along with the tears, onto her breasts, which were covered with kunkum powder. Rukmini was so aggrieved that her voice was choked up
- When the goddess Ambika saw the great saintly persons, she was very much ashamed because at that time she was naked. She immediately got up from the lap of her husband (Lord Siva) and tried to cover her breast
- When the mothers (Yasoda and Rohini) saw small teeth coming in, they would count them and be happy, and when the babies (Krsna and Balarama) saw Their mothers allowing Them to drink their breast milk, the babies also felt transcendental pleasure
- When the queens (of Dvaraka), with their heavy breasts and thin waists, moved within the palace and their ankle bells rang very melodiously with their movement, the whole palace appeared more opulent than the heavenly kingdom
- When the queens of the King of Usinara saw their husband lying in that position, they began crying, "O lord, now that you have been killed, we also have been killed." Repeating these words again and again, they fell down, pounding their breasts
- When the queens, with their heavy breasts and thin waists, moved within the palace and their ankle bells rang very melodiously with their movement, the whole palace appeared more opulent than the heavenly kingdom
- When they (all the Yadus and the residents) were embracing one another in their arms, the saffron and kunkuma spread on their breasts was exchanged from one person to another, and they all felt heavenly ecstasy
- While following Krsna, mother Yasoda, her thin waist overburdened by her heavy breasts, naturally had to reduce her speed - SB 10.9.10
- While going to the house of Maharaja Nanda, the gopis, their earrings, breasts and garlands moving, were brilliantly beautiful - SB 10.5.11
- While mother Saci was feeding the child from her breast, she saw on His lotus feet all the marks that were visible on the floor of the room, and she called for Jagannatha Misra
- With the end of her sari the woman was trying to cover her breasts, which were equally round and well placed side by side. She again and again tried to cover them out of shyness while she walked exactly like a great elephant
- Within its mind (of the sisumara) is the moon; on its navel, Venus; and on its breasts, the Asvini-kumaras
- Yasoda cried, "O my dear son! My dear son!" And she slapped her breasts with her two hands
- Yasoda once was nursing her child Krsna & patting Him with great affection, there streamed a profuse supply of milk from her breast, & when she opened the mouth of the child with her fingers, she suddenly saw the universal manifestation within His mouth
- Yasoda's friend said, "My dear Queen, the milk flowing out of your breast-mountain has already whitened the River Ganges, and the tears from your eyes, mixed with black mascara, have already blackened the color of the Yamuna"
- You (bumblebee) appear to have sat on the breasts of one of Krsna’s friends, for I see that you have kunkuma dust on your mustache
- You are drinking milk, you are taking so much butter, milk product, and as gratitude you are killing cows? You should be ashamed. Even if you have no human feelings. You suck the breast of your mother and kill? Is that humanity