Category:Brahmacari (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Brahmacari (Disciples of SP)"
The following 107 pages are in this category, out of 107 total.
- A brahmacari can tolerate any inconvenience, but women and children cannot. They will have difficulty
- A brahmacari cannot be luxurious. A sannyasi cannot be luxurious. A vanaprastha cannot be luxurious. Luxury is allowed only to the householder because they are earning their own money. Others are dependent
- A brahmacari gets power if he follows brahmacarya. Everyone, if we follow the prescribed rules and regulations, automatically you become powerful
- A brahmacari is good for living a life of celibacy, but a person who can live a life of celibacy in the presence of a beautiful and obliging wife is more than a brahmacari
- According to Vedic principles, only the Brahmacaris, the Vanaprasthas, and the Sannyasis are recommended to take to Krishna Consciousness seriously or to get free from the problem of earning money
- Actually, a brahmacari should contribute whatever he has got to Krishna, through the Spiritual Master. The Spiritual Master does not accept anything for his personal use, but he employs everything for Krishna's service
- Along with our temple, we shall have to construct some residential quarters for the students. And the students will remain with us. There will be no charge for their fooding or lodging. They will remain as brahmacari and go to their schools, colleges
- Amongst ourself here there are sannyasis, brahmacaris, grhastha, vanaprastha. Everyone is there. Everyone can worship Krsna
- Another principle is that those who are brahmacaris, they should sacrifice all of their income and collection for the Krishna Consciousness Movement
- Any new brahmacaris who come with good faith should be helped. We are living in the Kingdom of Maya, so Maya's influence is very great in the material world. It is just like an epidemic. So one has to become immune very carefully by Krishna Consciousness
- Anyone who sticks to the regulative principles, he gets a power, spiritual or material. He gets power. A brahmacari gets power if he follows brahmacarya. Everyone, if we follow the prescribed rules and regulations, automatically you become powerful
- B.R. Sridhara Maharaja has spared one entire nice house for my stay. He has also agreed to cooperate with our society. We shall observe his birthday ceremony tomorrow and the brahmacaris shall learn how to celebrate spiritual master's birthday
- Be it Hereby known that Kirtanananda Brahmachari (Keith Gordon Ham) was initiated by me into the Sannyas Order, Goudiya Sampradaya, as TRIDANDI SWAMI KIRTANANANDA, on this 28th day of August, 1967, at Vrindaban, India
- Brahmacari life or celibacy is better, because if the semina is saved it fertilizes the brain for sharpening the memory, and if there is good memory, our Krishna Consciousness becomes perfect
- Brahmacari, one who is not married, simply working under the order of the spiritual master, he has also cent percent time to work. So these are the secrets, that one has to work for Krsna
- Brahmacarya means completely cessation from sex life. This is brahmacarya. Tapasya begins, austerity. This is the greatest austerity, to cease sex
- Business must be done by the grhasthas, not by the sannyasis or brahmacaris
- Generally, if one can remain a brahmacari, it is very convenient, and from brahmacari one can take sannyasa. But in this age of kali Bhaktivinode Thakura recommends that it is better to cultivate Krishna Consciousness as a householder
- Giriraja das Brahmachari and Karandhar das Adhikari, Trustees of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, shall have the same powers by acting conjointly on all account matters
- Grhastha must be prepared or trained up to give charity. And who will accept the charity? The charity will be accepted by the brahmacari and sannyasa. Not the vanaprastha. Brahmacari will accept charity on behalf of the spiritual master
- Hate each other, that's all right. We say what is the use of your sexual intercourse? That is animalism. You avoid it. Our Vedic civilization is to avoid it. Therefore they remain brahmacari, naisthika-brahmacari, no sexual intercourse
- He has gone directly to N.Y. & is now causing these disturbances without consulting me. I have not sanctioned these methods. In my opinion, Clean shaved Brahmacharies & Grhasthas in saffron robes look like angels from Baikunta
- I always recommend that one should try to remain brahmacari if possible, and if you think that this will be possible for you, you should try for it
- I am writing letter to Sri Hrsikesa Brahmacari giving him instructions. You also write them to work for the Society in cooperation with Acyutananda without wasting time in sight seeing
- I am writing this letter to inform you that I am now sending Bhagavata dasa brahmacari there to Fiji to be co-manager with your good self. This man is very experienced in the Gujarati communities
- I can give you one brahmacari, 12 years old, named Birbhadra, whom I want you should teach Sanskrit from the very beginning. We want a few students who know Sanskrit and Bengali, or at least Sanskrit
- I have met your son. His lovely features are very nice and he appears to be a first class brahmacari. Always be an example to him by being steadfast in Krsna Consciousness and your motherhood will be perfected
- I know that you are sincere devotee and a faithful brahmacari, but still you should not do anything without consenting me
- I receive so many letters daily that "I wish to marry." Immediately I sanction, "Yes, you get yourself married." But one who is strict, one who can follow very rigidly the orders of brahmacari and sannyasi, they continue
- I shall also give you one very nice brahmacari from Los Angeles, Jaya Gopala. He is trained in Sankirtana Party and in cooking, so you can leave him for taking care of the temple affairs when you go to work
- I want to see all my disciples to live peacefully and execute such Krishna Consciousness. That is the perfection of life. It does not matter whether one is Brahmacari or householder, the real test is how he is executing Krishna Consciousness
- I was householder, my Guru Maharaja was life-long brahmacari. But we are doing the same work of preaching Krishna Consciousness, so what is the difference, grhastha and brahmacari? Actual sannyasa means that he has given everything to Krishna
- I was very pleased to hear your statement about the tape, and about Brahmacari life. Yes, the anchor, as in the sketch-story "The Grand Procession'' is sex life, and we are 50% liberated if we can make it nil
- If one is able to remain as brahmacari, that is first class because so much botheration of household life is immediately avoided
- If you cannot take the responsibility, then remain as a brahmacari. Why should you marry? Yes. If you practice brahmacarya, then you become free, seventy-five percent freedom immediately
- If you decide to remain as brahmacari, then I may call you back for my personal assistance when I return to the States. I was very much pleased with your service. May Krishna bless you more and more
- If you see fit, you may offer the second initiation to Sriman Yasodanandana Das Brahmacari and encourage him to open a nice center in Quebec. That will be great service and I know he is very enthusiastic devotee
- If your wife takes charge of him, then you become completely free personally, and you can live in the temple with other brahmacharies, either in N.Y. or elsewhere as you think best
- In essence there is no difference between brahmacari and sannyasi
- In India the Brahmacaris collect alms and subscription but here it is not possible to do like that: therefore all Brahmacaris may work at least part time so that our financial difficulty may be minimized
- In New York, all the nice girls, they are actually very suitable for our students, and I encourage that all the Brahmacaris may be very responsible, and marry one of the girls
- In vanaprastha life, one can live with his wife without any sexual connection, and the most important factor in all orders of life - brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, and sannyasa - is to chant the Hare Krishna Mantra
- It has been recommended to me by the leaders in London that you should move into our temple as a permanent brahmacari and that your father will allow it if I also recommend
- My idea of developing New Vrindaban is to create an atmosphere of spiritual life where people in bona fide order of social division, namely, Brahmacaris, Grhasthas, Vanaprastha, Sannyasis will live there independently
- My open advice is that if any one can remain a Brahmacari, it is very nice, but there is no need of artificial Brahmacaris
- My open order is... I get... I receive so many letters daily that "I wish to marry." Immediately I sanction, "Yes, you get yourself married." But one who is strict, one who can follow very rigidly the orders of brahmacari and sannyasi, they continue
- My two secretaries, Srimad Bhagavan das Adhikari and Srimad Giriraja das Brahmacari tried their utmost to get an appointment from the secretary of the Governor of Maharashtra. His Excellency Nawab Ali Yavar Jung, but it was not successful
- Not only the swamis, even the grhasthas, they are called dasa adhikari, and brahmacaris, everyone can, whoever is initiated, he is competent to make disciples. But as a matter of etiquette they do not do so in the presence of their spiritual master
- Now give all the new brahmacaris your best instruction for making spiritual advancement, you are one of my senior disciples, so that much, if you do, that will be the best service
- Now I have to create more sannyasis to lecture on our philosophy, and I shall pick these sannyasis from the brahmacaris who are firm in their decision not to marry
- Now my best advice to you is that you remain like Narada Muni, the perfect brahmacari, loitering all over the universe and chanting the Lord's name
- One who is a householder, he has to work because he has to maintain a wife and children at home. But for a brahmacari, why should he take the botheration of working simply for the matter of satisfying the belly?
- Our students, either Brahmacari or Householder, are being trained up for constant engagement in Krsna Consciousness service without any personal interest. This is perfect order of Sannyas
- Recently I have given Sannyas order of life to six Brahmacaris. They have been sent in different parts of the country for preaching work
- Recently I have given Sannyas order of life to six Brahmacaris. They have been sent in different parts of the country for preaching work and two of them might go with me to join you
- Regarding collecting money, a sannyasi's name is vikshu, or licensed beggar. Not only sannyasi, but a brahmachary also is required to collect for his Spiritual Master. The Spiritual Master spends for missionary activities
- Regarding the disturbance made by the women devotees, they are also living beings. They also come to Krishna. So consciously I cannot deny them. If our male members, the brahmacaris and the sannyasis, if they become steady in KC, there is no problem
- Regarding your dispute in your mind as to remaining a brahmacari, grhastha or becoming sannyasi, there is nothing to be bothered with. Anyone who is in full K. C. and is dedicating his life for Krishna is already a sannyasi even if he is a married man
- Regarding your getting married, I have no objection. However as a brahmacari you are not obligated to marry, what is the advantage to your getting married? That should be considered
- So don't become grhamedhis, simply having a wife and few children. That, cats and dogs they have also got. That is not required. You find inconvenience to live alone as brahmacari - all right, you take to a wife. Live with wife. Live responsibly
- So far as possible, remain separate and talk almost nil. Brahmacari is advised not to go near a young woman anywhere. A brahmacari should always address every woman as mother. In your country it is a little difficult, but the principle is to avoid
- So far as the mistake on the certificates, I think that only on the certificates to be given to brahmacarinis is it necessary to change the spelling, because on the brahmacari's certificate this word Srimate will be crossed out
- So far your personal matter is concerned, you are a Brahmacari, you can marry at any time
- So I shall request you to think on this matter how we can organize a small party of Brahmacaris' school, so that government may recognize it, and that will be a nice program
- So my advice to you is that either you become a regular householder, giving 50% of your earnings to Krishna, 25% for family, and 25% for savings, or else you strictly follow the principles of brahmacari life
- So-called brahmacari, so-called grhastha, or so-called sannyasi, then you will fall down
- Some of our students, they think that "Why should I work in this mission? Oh, let me go away." He goes away, but what does he do? He becomes a motor driver, that's all. Instead of getting honor as brahmacari, sannyasi, he has to work as ordinary worker
- Temple is meant for brahmacari and sannyasi, our, mainly, not for grhastha, because they have got inclination to enjoy. To live with wife means enjoyment. They'll have sex. This should be discouraged
- That tolerant attitude must be there to a certain extent, but we must remain also always firm on this point, that the brahmacaris living in the temple shall not disobey the orders of the spiritual master
- The brahmacaris and I use very simple clothes here. I am sending you a photograph to show how I live here. I am making the Americans wear brahmacari robes, and shave up. If a brahmacari from India dresses like an American he will not be appreciated
- The brahmacaris and sannyasis must stick to the temple activities. Only the grhasthas can take part in the restaurant. Our aim should not be to work for profit
- The Brahmacaris are dedicated their life and everything but the householder should spare at least 50% of income for the society. That is the standard distribution of money example set by our predecessors, Srila Rupa Goswami, and Srila Sanatana Goswami
- The Grhasthas or the householders can engage himself in earning money, either by accepting job or some professional work. But a Brahmacari, Vanaprastha, and Sannyasi is supposed only to depend on Krishna and beg from the Grhasthas
- The Krsna consciousness movement is so nice that there is no need of even designating oneself brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha or sannyasi
- Their expenditure is at my direction. Not a single paisa they can spend in their own discretion. They are laboring hard to get this collection, but the money is mine. This is the arrangement
- There is a batch of selfless worker (in the Sankirtana movement) mostly Brahmacari & Sanyasi at my disposal with whom I can give it a starting but arrangement has to be made for training students & selfless young men to further interest of the work
- There is no difference between brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, and sannyasi. Simply grhastha means that he lives outside the temple with wife, that is the only difference
- These brahmacaris, they voluntarily change. Otherwise there are many students, just like we have got two, three students, they are working. They come like ordinary American gentlemen. There is no objection in that way. Dress is not very important thing
- They get their food and shelter and everything, even they live with the wife, children. So Krsna gives. Not only that, that we are simply sannyasi, brahmacari
- THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THOMAS GRITTON ALLIN III (TOSAN KRISHNA DAS BRAHMACHARY) is my bona fide initiated student. He is being trained under me to become an ordained Minister of Religion in the KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS (God Consciousness) SOCIETY
- This letter is to inform you that Hari das Brahmacari has received permission to go to all of our centers in the west for visiting and gaining the experience of preaching there
- This taking of sannyasa should not be a whimsical proposition, and should not be an excuse for becoming irresponsible, no responsibility of grhastha, brahmacari, etc. Sannyasis also have great responsibility to become fearless preachers
- Those who are not married should contribute all their income to the temple. Those who are married should contribute 50%. That should be the principle of contribution of the members and followers of the Krishna Consciousness movement
- Those young boys are living as true brahmacaris. Brahmacari's business is to study and then go to make some collection on behalf of the guru. This is very good engagement for them
- Today we have got two functions. One function is initiation of a brahmacari, and another function is marriage ceremony of our one disciple Satsvarupa brahmacari and Jadurani brahmacarini
- Try to remain a brahmacari as far as possible
- Under the circumstances, it is my open order for everyone that everyone can marry without any artificial pose. But if somebody is able to remain a Brahmacary, there should not be any canvassing for his marriage
- Unless our Brahmacaris are very adamant remaining as Brahmacari, I shall recommend everyone to marry. Because these girls generally come to our society to find out a suitable husband, so there is no harm to live as husband and wife
- We are a Society, so the grhasthas are there, brahmacaris, sannyasis, vanaprastha. All status of life. Missionaries, they have got only sannyasis. We have got all
- We are giving equal rights to everyone. Either grhastha or brahmacari or sannyasi, the main center is Krsna. One who is advanced in Krsna consciousness is all right
- We have given houses with the purpose to execute devotional service exactly like the Brahmacaris and sannyasis. Otherwise, why purchase houses near the temple?
- We have given these houses with the purpose that they should execute devotional service exactly like the Brahmacaris and sannyasis. Otherwise, why purchase houses near the temple?
- We have got both Brahmacharies and Householders as disciples, and all of them are following the above mentioned principles (no illicit sex life, etc.). The students and disciples are initiated according to authorized Pancharatriki regulations
- Whenever you like, we shall select any brahmacari. But don't have illicit sex. Marriage is allowed. I take personally care of marriage. I want this society must be cleansed. Without being cleansed, nobody can advance in spiritual consciousness
- Whether grhasthas, sannyasa or brahmacari everyone has to be completely engaged all the time in devotional service. That is the meaning of good management, to see that everyone is engaged 24 hours a day, and not sleeping unnecessarily or talking idly
- Who has introduced these things, that women cannot have chanting japa in the temple, they cannot perform the arati and so many things? If they become agitated, then let the brahmacaris go to the forest, I have never introduced these things
- Yes, sannyasi, brahmacari, means preaching. They are not meant for material management. They have dedicated their life for spiritual
- You have mentioned that you may be interested in marriage, and if you think that you should marry, there is no question of living as an artificial brahmacari
- You remain as a grhastha, remain as sannyasi, remain as brahmacari as it becomes suitable for you, but preach. That is the main business. If you lacking in preaching and become a sannyasi, what is the use of sannyasa? Better... A grhastha is better
- Your determination to remain as brahmacari is very encouraging. Actually, a living entity does not require to be entangled more and more. Rather he should save his time to finish the Krishna Consciousness business, and thus be liberated in this life
- Your question is how much or how little brahmacaris should associate with the unmarried brahmacarinis in the temple. As brahmacari you should not mix at all with brahmacarinis. Actually they should not at all see the face, but that is not possible
- Your wife has left & you are feeling that it is all Krishna's mercy. That is nice attitude. So if that is how you are feeling & you are appreciating brahmachary life, then simply forget your wife & engage yourself wholeheartedly in devotional activities