Category:Blissful Life
"blissful life"
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Pages in category "Blissful Life"
The following 79 pages are in this category, out of 79 total.
- A living entity becomes established in spiritual, blissful life when he fully understands that his happiness depends on spiritual self-realization, which is the basic principle of ananda
- Actual blissful life, manifested in genuine spiritual laughing, crying & dancing, is the symptom of real advancement in Krsna consciousness, which can be achieved by a person who always voluntarily engages in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Actually we want happiness, blissful life. That is not possible in the material world. That is in the spiritual world. That is the aim. So every human being should be given chance. That is real education. That is called samskara
- All the devotees connected with the Krsna consciousness movement must read all the books that have been translated (the CC, SB, BG and others); otherwise, they will miss the opportunity to attain an eternal, blissful life of transcendental pleasure
- Anyone can visit our Temple and see how our students are in blissful life. Naturally they are in jolly mood by chanting, dancing, and taking Prasadam
- As long as one has a material body, one is understood to be impure. In such an impure, material condition, one cannot enjoy a truly blissful life, although everyone seeks it
- As soon as this bhava-maha-davagni-nirvapanam, as soon as we get rid of this conception of . . . misconception of identifying this body, then our real, blissful life begins, gradually develops just like the moon develops
- As you are engaged actually in spiritual life, you won't feel fatigued. You'll be fearless, and your life will be always blissful. These are the symptoms
- Best achievement of life is the how to stop this getting material body again. Spiritual body, that is happiness. Then you will get eternal happiness, blissful life
- Brahman means spiritual or eternal; both the impersonalist and the devotee seek eternal blissful life. In any case, it is advised that one become perfect
- Buddhist philosophy, they make the ultimate goal zero, and these Mayavadis, they also make the ultimate goal zero. They do not understand that there is life, blissful life, by serving Krsna
- By chanting the holy name one can attain the perfection of nirvana, or liberation from material existence, and so increase one's blissful life of spiritual existence as described by Lord Caitanya - anandambudhi-vardhanam
- By science we shall make everyone living for good. - But that is not possible. If you want to live for good, in blissful life and full of knowledge, then you have to transfer yourself from this material world to the spiritual world. There it is worth it
- By working to please the Lord by engaging his senses in the Lord's loving service, the devotee is immediately situated on the transcendental platform, and he enjoys unlimited blissful life
- Devotee of the Lord do not compete with the materialist because they are on the path back to Godhead where life is eternal and blissful. Such transcendentalists are nonenvious and pure in heart
- Devotional service to the Supreme Lord, which leads one to eternal, blissful and all-cognizant life, is called the superior quality of occupation. This is sometimes polluted when mixed with the inferior quality
- Due to the living entity's ignorance of his eternal blissful life, he becomes attracted to material activities under the spell of maya. In this world, he can never experience happiness, yet he works very hard to do so. This is called maya
- Even if one goes to the topmost planet, one cannot achieve eternal life. Only by arriving in Vaikunthaloka can one live an eternally blissful life
- Everyone in this material world is struggling hard in order to achieve blissful life. Unfortunately, people do not know how to achieve it. Atheists do not believe in God, and certainly they do not please Him
- Fighting for sense gratification is a materialistic activity, but fighting by the order of Krsna is spiritual. By spiritual activities one becomes eligible to go back home, back to Godhead, and then enjoy blissful life eternally
- For a transcendental, blissful life, chant the Hare Krsna mantra, come worship the holy place of Vrndavana, and always engage in the service of the Lord, of the spiritual master and of the Vaisnavas
- If one wants the uncontaminated pleasure of blissful life, he must engage himself in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- If the hand of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is present in everything, where is the question of being liberated from material encagement to spiritual, blissful life?
- If we at all want to go to that spiritual sky and cultivate eternal, blissful life, full of knowledge, we will have to begin now to cultivate a sac-cid-ananda body
- If you are always engaged seriously in Krsna's service, Krsna will give you all opportunity for advancing in Krsna consciousness or blissful spiritual life
- In a Vedic mantra it is said that as he becomes learned in association with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he proportionately relishes his eternal blissful life. BG 1972 purports
- In the absence of varieties of enjoyment, the spirit soul feels an attraction to enjoy a life of bliss, and not having any information of Krsnaloka or Vaikunthaloka, he naturally falls down to material activities in order to enjoy material varieties
- In the material world the perverted rasas bring frustration. If these rasas are reestablished with Lord Krsna, the result is eternal, blissful life
- In the spiritual world both the Lord and the living entities live together very peacefully. Since the living entity remains engaged in the service of the Lord, they both share a blissful life in the spiritual world
- In this verse (SB 4.16.25) the verb vidanti is sometimes taken to mean "understanding." Thus when a person understands Brahman, or the supreme source of everything, he enjoys a blissful life
- It is only we, Krsna conscious people. We are teaching. - Stop your this cycle of repetition of birth, death, old age and disease. Come to eternal life and blissful life
- King Prthu was an incarnation of Visnu, he taught the people in his kingdom to take instructions from a spiritual master who represents the disciplic succession. Thus one can become fortunate and enjoy a blissful life even within this material world
- Krsna consciousness movement is at least trying to give the people what is the aim of life, how he can be happy, how he can regain his eternal position of blissful life. These are the things. And they are authorized
- Krsna Himself says. Ksipram bhavati dharmatma sasvac-chantim nigacchati. Santi means he very soon he attains that perfect eternal happiness. Perfect peaceful life, eternal life, blissful life, he very soon attains
- Krsna replied, "My dear kings, your decision to give up all conceptions of material enjoyment and turn instead toward My devotional service is factually the symptom of your good fortune. Henceforward you will always be blessed with blissful life"
- One should have the practical knowledge that matter, being an inferior state of existence, is useless for our spiritual, blissful life, whereas spirit, being a finer state, is full of bliss
- One should not imagine so-called happiness through mental concoction. Rather, the best course is to engage the mind in the service of the Lord, Hrsikesa, and thus feel real blissful life
- Our propaganda is to train people how to become Krsna conscious, how to understand Krsna in truth so that next life, after giving up this body, you get your original, spiritual body, and you live forever with complete knowledge and blissful life
- Sastra has given us very easy method to appreciate our transcendental life, our blissful life. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- So as we are fallen, similarly, sastra has given us very easy method to appreciate our transcendental life, our blissful life. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- So if we actually want life, blissful life, then we must get out of this material existence. That is Prahlada Maharaja's instruction. Samudvigna-dhiyam. And if you remain in the material existence, you must suffer some anxiety. There is no excuse
- So this Krsna consciousness means training people for becoming fit to enter into that eternal life, blissful life. That training is meant for human being, not for animals. So you should not misuse this human form of life
- Sridhara Swami continued, "Only by your (spiritual master's) mercy, I shall be able to get relief from all obstacles to spiritual life, and I shall be situated in blissful life"
- Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 5.5.1) recommends: One must practice austerity so that his existential position will be purified and he will achieve unlimited blissful life
- That missing point is Krsna, and The Nectar of Devotion teaches us how to stimulate our original love for Krsna and how to be situated in that position where we can enjoy our blissful life
- The airplane (that carried Dhruva) was piloted by the two chief associates of Lord Visnu, namely Sunanda and Nanda. Only such spiritual astronauts can pilot their airplane beyond the seven planets and arrive in the region of eternal blissful life
- The example of King Nrga definitely proves that fruitive activities, even if very pious, cannot give us eternal blissful life
- The fact is that in material life, whether one is miserable or happy, both conditions are miserable. If one actually wants happy, blissful life, one must become Krsna conscious and constantly engage in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- The highest perfection of life is to come back to Me, and you get the spiritual body, eternal body, blissful life, full of pleasure
- The individual soul is advised by the direction of the Supersoul to surrender to Him and thus be happy. Thus he can become immortal and be transferred to the spiritual kingdom, where he will achieve the highest success of an eternal, blissful life
- The lokas, or different planets, are attractive because they have different varieties of life and bliss partially representing the sac-cid-ananda-vigraha
- The perfection of yoga system means to get eternal life, blissful life and full of knowledge. So we have to execute any yoga system with that aim. Not that I attend some yoga class to reduce fat or to keep my body very fit for sense gratification
- The purpose of our centers for Krishna Consciousness is to give everyone the opportunity to remove this cloud of Maya from their consciousness and resume their natural, blissful life of rendering devotional service to Lord Krishna
- The turmoil of wife and children appears to be like the cooing of the cuckoos in the garden of family life. Being invited by such an atmosphere, the person who is passing through such a blissful family life desires to have his family with him at all costs
- Through pravrtti activities one suffers from material entanglement, but by nivrtti activities one is purified and becomes fit to enjoy eternal, blissful life
- To become happy in this life and attain a permanent blissful life after leaving this material body, one must study this sacred literature and obtain transcendental knowledge
- We are given through its (Bhagavad-gita's) instruction information how to leave the material world and begin a truly blissful life in the spiritual sky. BG 1972 Introduction
- We are not desperate. We are not followers of despair philosophy. We are hopeful philosophy. We are going back to home, back to Godhead to live eternally blissful life
- We are part and parcel of God. Somehow or other, we are now in this material existence. So the real aim of life is to return to the spiritual world, where there is no struggle for existence - blissful, happy life
- We are teaching, "Stop your this cycle of repetition of birth, death, old age and disease. Come to eternal life and blissful life." So we are the only friends. All are enemies even in the shape of friend or father or teacher - enemies
- We are to end this material life only after finding out the true blissful life of eternity
- We want unending blissful life, but it is not possible in the material world That happiness is in the spiritual world
- When he's actually Krsna conscious, he's transcendental to this gross and subtle body. He attains a spiritual body, which is never to be finished - eternal, blissful life
- When one's consciousness is uncontaminated by material lusty desires, it becomes calm and peaceful in all activities, for one is situated in eternal blissful life. Once situated on that platform, one does not return to materialistic activities
- When our senses are purified, they are freed from all material stages, namely anna-maya, prana-maya, mano-maya and vijnana-maya, and they become situated in the highest stage - ananda-maya, or blissful life in Krsna consciousness
- Who has got this knowledge, how to save one from the cycle of birth, death and old age? It is only we, Krsna conscious people. We are teaching, Stop this cycle of repetition of birth, death, old age and disease. Come to eternal life and blissful life