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Pages in category "Best"
The following 825 pages are in this category, out of 825 total.
- Actually, the hippies are our best customers. Almost all of our important disciples are recruited from that group
- Best business
- Best disciple
- Best gift
- Best means
- Best source
- Lord Buddha preached ahimsa paramo dharmah: "The best religious principle is to become nonviolent"
- My Guru Maharaja was the best brahmacari
- Now I am confused about my duty and have lost all composure because of miserly weakness. In this condition I am asking You to tell me for certain what is best for me
- Preacher is the best devotee because he is a soldier
- A concrete example is Arjuna. He fought very chivalrously under the instructions of the Lord, and the Lord certified him to be the best devotee and friend of the Lord. So there is no distinction between chanting and offering the results of one's activity
- A devotee should be offered the best comfort of life - And if he would not have introduced this comfortable life, at the same time, to become pure devotee, then these devotees from Western countries will . . . would never come
- A devotee simply offers everything to the Supreme Personality of Godhead to receive the best results of charity, religious performances, sense gratification and even liberation (dharma, artha, kama, moksa) - SB 4.8.41, CC Adi 1.90
- A great scientist may make discoveries in atomic energy for the quick destruction of the world and may be awarded the best prize in recognition of his service (or disservice)
- A man in devotional service is automatically nonviolent. He is the best of gentlemen
- A person who has understood little value of this Krsna consciousness, he should take this movement very seriously and distribute to the fallen souls. That is the best work
- A person who is engaged in devotional service in full Krsna consciousness is to be understood to be doing the best service to the whole world and to be pleasing everyone in the world
- A sick man may have very good medicine and a qualified physician, but if we ask the physician, "Can you guarantee the life of this patient?" the doctor will always say, - No, I cannot do so. I try my best. That's all
- A woman's nature, of course, is that she (Devahuti) wants a good house, good food, fine garments, good children, and a good husband. These are a woman's ambitions. Thus Kardama Muni proved to her that she had received the best husband
- According to Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 4.29.49), tat karma hari-tosam yat sa vidya tan-matir yaya: Work meant for pleasing the Supreme Lord is the best, and education that enhances one’s Krsna consciousness is the best
- After fifty years of age, one should voluntarily give up family life and go to the forest. The best forest is Vrndavana, where one need not live with the animals but can associate with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who never leaves Vrndavana
- All different kinds of sacrifice are performed just to satisfy Lord Narayana with a view to reach Him, and the best sacrifice recommended in this age of Kali is sankirtana-yajna, the mainstay of the devotional service of a narayana-para devotee
- All my best students are now in Europe
- All of you there push on this movement in Germany which is the best country in Europe. The most intelligent class of men are there. Try to convince them about our philosophy. The German scholars are especially inclined toward Indian philosophy
- All the members of this Krsna consciousness society must themselves be perfect sadhus in order to give a chance to fallen conditioned souls. This is the best humanitarian work
- All the palaces were made of the best marble stone. They were illuminated by jewels and decorated by curtains and carpets of velvet and silk, nicely bedecked and embroidered with gold lace
- All the rasas in relationship with Krsna is perfect. But according to different devotees' taste. Everyone says: My relationship with Krsna is the best
- All this was possible by the unlimited power of the Lord, and therefore the Lord is described here as aprameya, for not even the best human brain can estimate His powers and potencies by mathematical calculation
- All those who followed the principles of King Rantideva were totally favored by his mercy and became pure devotees, attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana. Thus they all became the best of yogis
- Already I have begun this, that because they are not educated how to become human being, so they remain animal. So this is the best social work, that we are bringing animal, two-legged animals, to real human being
- Also it is nice that you are infiltrating into the schools and colleges. These are the best customers for our philosophy
- Although a person in bhava is situated in the best position, he does not hanker after honor or personal respect
- Although all the events were prearranged by Krsna, a devotee must try his best to serve the purpose of Krsna. Krsna Himself is all-powerful, but it is not that a devotee should therefore sit idly and leave everything to Him
- Although Devahuti was a princess coming from a very great royal family, fortunately she was under the supervision of her great husband, Kardama Muni, who offered her the best gift which can be bestowed in human life: the grace of the Lord, or love of God
- Although many different processes for developing love of Godhead have been explained so far, Srila Rupa Gosvami now gives us a general description of how one can best achieve such a high position
- Although Prahlada Maharaja was a grhastha ruling over the demons, he was a paramahamsa, the best of human beings, and thus he is our guru. In the list of gurus, or authorities, Prahlada Maharaja's name is therefore mentioned
- Although Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was not a sannyasi but a householder, he used to invite all the sannyasis to his home and offer them prasadam. Thus he was accepted as the best well-wisher and friend of all the sannyasis
- Although Vaisnavas accept Lord Visnu as the Supreme, they are not prone to offend demigods. They give the demigods proper respect. Vaisnavas accept Lord Siva as the best Vaisnava. For a Vaisnava there is no possibility of offending any demigods
- Although Vrtrasura was on the verge of defeat, he was not at all affected. He knew that he was going to be defeated by Indra, and he voluntarily accepted that, but since he was supposed to be Indra's enemy, he tried his best to kill Indra
- Although wherever You stay is Vrndavana, You will still go to Vrndavana just to instruct people. Otherwise, You will do whatever You think best
- Always chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and reminding Sri Madhavendra Puri about the pastimes of Lord Krsna in the last stage of his life, Isvara Puri gave the best service among his disciples
- Ambarisa gave up all attachment to household affairs, wives, children, friends and relatives, to the best of powerful elephants, to beautiful chariots, carts, horses and inexhaustible jewels, and to ornaments, garments and an inexhaustible treasury
- Among human beings, the society which is divided according to quality and work is best, and in that society, the intelligent men, who are designated as brahmanas, are best
- Among the linking processes that elevate one from bondage to material contamination, the one recommended by the Supreme Personality of Godhead should be accepted as the best
- Among the many such transcendental lovers of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the gopis are the best, and among the gopis Srimati Radhika is the best
- Among the uncommonly good souls there are still gradations, and the best good soul is one who accepts an insignificant asset of a person and magnifies that good quality
- Among the ways of executing devotional service, the nine prescribed methods are the best, for these processes have great potency to deliver Krsna and ecstatic love for Him
- Amongst the sons of Pandu, Arjuna is famous and valiant. Indeed, he is the best of men and therefore represents Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- An intelligent person must be prepared for this and must try to have the best type of body in the next life. The best type of body is a spiritual body, which is obtained by those who go back to the kingdom of God or enter the realm of Brahman
- And if you try your best to go to the spiritual world, back to home, back to Godhead, you'll not come again to accept this material body
- And of the four orders (the distressed, the inquisitive, the penniless, and the seeker after supreme knowledge), the devotee who is in full knowledge and is at the same time engaged in devotional service is, the Lord says, the best. BG 1972 purports
- "And what is the best subject to hear of?" Caitanya Mahaprabhu next asked. "The pastimes of Radha and Krsna," Ramananda replied. Actually when the pastimes of Radha and Krsna are heard from the right source, one at once attains liberation
- Animals are also trying their best to eat well, to have an enjoyable sex life, to sleep peacefully, and to defend themselves. What then is the difference between man's knowledge and animal's knowledge
- Another gopi said, "O best in the dynasty of Yadu, if anyone afraid of this materialistic way of life takes shelter at Your lotus feet, You never deny him protection"
- Any person who is in Krsna consciousness has dedicated his life for the satisfaction of Krsna, the origin of all Visnu forms, and by offering worship and prasada daily, he becomes the best performer of yajna
- Any person whose constant occupation is Krishna Consciousness, he is not a karmi; he is a devotee in all circumstances. So you should accept the best source of monetary income and use it for Krishna. And that is better than sannyasa
- Any work you do, do it very nicely. That is expert. Don't do it haphazardly. To your best talent, to your best capacity, try to finish it very nicely, whatever it may be. You are entrusted with some work. Do it nicely. That is expert
- Appreciating Matali's service, Jambhasura, the best of the demons, smiled. Nonetheless, he struck Matali in the battle with a trident of blazing fire
- Approaching the King of the Yavanas, Kalakanya addressed him as a great hero, saying: My dear sir, you are the best of the untouchables. I am in love with you, and I want you as my husband. I know that no one is baffled if he makes friends with you
- Arjuna experienced in the Eleventh Chapter that to be attached to the personal form of Krsna is best because he could thus understand all other forms at the same time and there was no disturbance to his love for Krsna
- Arjuna experienced in the Eleventh Chapter that to be attached to the personal form of Krsna is best because he could thus understand all other forms at the same time and there was no disturbance to his love for Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna was Krsna's constant friend, so when Krsna went to His abode, Arjuna was overwhelmed, but just by remembering His teachings he got relief from the pains of separation. Thus whenever we feel separation, it is best to remember the teachings
- As far as charity is concerned, one should give 50% of his earnings to some good cause. And what is a good cause? It is that which is conducted in terms of Krsna consciousness. That is not only a good cause, but it is the best cause. BG 1972 purports
- As I have got my permanent residence in America, it is indication of Krishna that I shall live here to organize this movement to the best possible extent
- As King Kartaviryarjuna entered his capital, Mahismati Puri, he saw Lord Parasurama, the best of the Bhrgu dynasty, coming after him, holding a chopper, shield, bow and arrows
- As soon as one becomes Krsna conscious, he gives up all kinds of intoxication, all kinds of illicit sex, all kinds of meat-eating, all kinds of gambling. Is it not social service? Best social service
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (2.15): "O best among men (Arjuna), the person who is not disturbed by happiness and distress and is steady in both is certainly eligible for liberation."
- As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.2.6): That religion is best which causes its followers to become ecstatic in love of God that is unmotivated and free from material impediments, for this alone can completely satisfy the self
- As stated in the Padma Purana, aradhananam sarvesam visnor aradhanam param: of all kinds of worship, worship of Lord Visnu is the best. Tasmat parataram devi tadiyanam samarcanam: and recommended more than worship of Visnu is worship of the Vaisnava
- As stated in the Padma Purana: Of all types of worship, worship of Lord Visnu is best, and better than the worship of Lord Visnu is the worship of His devotee, the Vaisnava
- Asa-bandha means to continue to think, "Because I'm trying my best to follow the routine principles of devotional service, I am sure that I will go back to Godhead, back to home"
- Bali Maharaja offered Lord Krsna and Balarama the best seat he had in his possession, and when both Lords were seated comfortably, he began to wash Their lotus feet
- Be always cool-headed and utilize every moment in the best manner possible. I am successful only because I am following strictly the orders of my Guru Maharaja, and I do not deviate
- Because he has got this human form of life, he must be Krsna conscious. Then his problem is solved. So you have to preach like this, that we are giving the best human welfare activities to utilize this human form of life
- Because He is unlimited, He has got unlimited business also. So He can be called according to that name, according to that business. But this name, Krsna, is the best, because "Krsna" means all-attractive
- Because I am stressing one thing (book distribution) especially, does that mean that everything else is not important? No. Everything must go on. Please consult with your temple president or your GBC for direction as to what is your best engagement
- Because Krsna is the ultimate form of the Lord (krsnas tu bhagavan svayam), it is best to hear about Lord Krsna's name, form and pastimes from a realized devotee who is particularly attracted by the form of Lord Krsna
- Because the eightfold yoga system is directed toward the ultimate realization of Krsna consciousness, such practice is also auspicious, and no one who is trying his best in this matter need fear degradation. BG 1972 purports
- Because we have to eat some other living entity, it does not mean that I shall eat my sons and daughters. "Discrimination is the best part of valor." So far we are concerned, we are eating certainly vegetable, but not directly. We eat krsna-prasadam
- Being very pleased, the celestial dancing girls (Apsaras) danced in jubilation, the best of the Gandharvas sang songs, and the great sages, demigods, Manus, Pitas and fire - gods offered prayers to satisfy the Lord
- Being very sorry, the he-goat, who was subservient to his wife, followed the she-goat on the road and tried his best to flatter her, but he could not pacify her
- Best achievement of life is the how to stop this getting material body again. Spiritual body, that is happiness. Then you will get eternal happiness, blissful life
- Best devotee of Krishna
- Best devotees of Vaikuntha
- Best disciple of Prabhupada
- Best idea is for Subala to go to Fiji and preach. That is the business of sannyasi, not opening restaurant. Restaurant is for grhastha
- Best institution
- Best intelligence is to accept Supreme Lord, Krsna, as the predominator and be predominated by Him. That is our natural life. One who does not know, he falls down
- Best is nim wood if such wood (bitter in taste) is available there then why not make Gaura Nitai from wood
- Best of the demigods headed by Brhaspati, and the great sages headed by Bhrgu are all certainly freed from the influence of the two base material modes of nature, namely passion and ignorance
- Best trans-cosmic culture for making everyone happy
- Bhagavad-gita is best understood by a person who has qualities similar to Arjuna's. That is to say he must be a devotee in a direct relationship with the Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- Bhagavad-gita is not going to make any topsy-turvy of the social order or spiritual order. No. It should be standardized according to the authority. And the best authority is Krsna
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura tried his best to spread the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to countries outside India. When he was present he patronized the disciples to go outside India to preach the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Bhismadeva, who was the best amongst the eight Vasus, received and welcomed all the great and powerful rsis who were assembled there, for he knew perfectly all the religious principles according to time and place
- Bombay city is the best city, most advanced city in India, the best city in India. And people are also very nice. They are religiously inclined. They are opulent. They can take up better things very nicely. Therefore I wanted to start this center, Bombay
- Bombay is the best city in India, and people are also very advanced, enlightened. So let us combine together and develop this institution for the whole human society. That is our ambition. It is not for any sect or any creed or any particular class of men
- Book distribution is our best preaching work
- Both of you are so fortunate to become the servitors of Sri Sri Jagannatha Deva, installed by your forefathers. The best thing will be to increase your affection for these Jagannatha Devas
- Brahma told Rudra: O best among the demigods, there is no need for you to generate living entities of this nature. They have begun to devastate everything on all sides with the fiery flames from their eyes, and they have even attacked me
- Brahmanas in the assembly would chant Vedic hymns & explain them to the audience to the best of their knowledge & sometimes some of them would recite historical accounts of the activities of prominent kings. Krsna would be very much pleased to hear them
- Brhaspati, the best of the sages, was the spiritual master of Indra and the demigods and was respected by the demigods and demons alike
- By nature sugar candy is as sweet as anything, but to a patient suffering from jaundice it tastes as bitter as anything. Still, sugar candy is the best medicine for jaundice
- By reading your letter, it seems that you are very fortunate. Krsna has given you the best opportunity for developing your Krsna consciousness and certainly He wants to help you. Therefore He has advised you to approach me
- By the arrangement of providence, O King, a strong crocodile was angry at the elephant and attacked the elephant's leg in the water. The elephant was certainly strong, and he tried his best to get free from this danger sent by providence
- By the Grace of Lord Sri Krishna your one of the very important business magnet and I may inform you on the authority of great Acharyas and books of knowledge that it is our duty to make the best use of our money so long it is with us
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "I do not know very well the aim of life and how to achieve it. Please tell Me of the best ideal for humanity and how to attain it"
- Chanting is so effective that it benefits even the animals, beasts, birds, insects, everyone. Hm. Go on. This is the best welfare activity
- Charitable disposition of mind is there in everyone's heart, but one does not know how to make the best use of charity. Best use of... Not only charity - whatever you spend, you must spend for Krsna
- Citraketu said: Lord Siva, the spiritual master of the general populace, is the best of all living entities who have accepted material bodies. He enunciates the system of religion
- Cultivating Krsna consciousness in Vrndavana is the best means of being liberated from material bondage, for in Vrndavana one can automatically meditate upon Krsna
- Death is a process of changing the body at the end of the duration of the present life. An intelligent person must be prepared for this and must try to have the best type of body in the next life
- Devotees are distributing their possession to these unfortunate people. Therefore he's immediately recognized. That is the process. Devotee does not want any recognition, he knows that, My Lord wants this rascal to go back to home. So let me try my best
- Devotees are trying their best to start a temple in London and a temple is already there by Krishna's Grace. The landlord has offered them the place free of rent until the house is disposed
- Devotional service unto You (the Lord) is the best path for self-realization
- Due to the superexcellent attributes of the son of Maharaja Nabhi, the King named his son Rsabha, or "the best"
- Either we leave the money or the money leaves us, but we will be separated. The best use of money as long as it is within our possession is to spend it to acquire Krsna consciousness
- Either you become communist or capitalist or this or that, you have to accept one leader. So take the best, first-class, perfect leader: Krsna. Then you'll be happy
- Enclosed please find one set of japa mala, as a sample. I want to purchase similar style beads, as good, if not better, quality and in large numbers. These beads are available in Calcutta and especially in Navadvipa they have got the best quality beads
- Equanimity, refers to freedom from attachment and aversion. To be very much attached or to be very much detached is not the best. This material world should be accepted without attachment or aversion. BG 1972 purports
- Eternal, blissful, all-knowing forms of the Lord are usually understood by the best Vedic scholars, but they are always manifest to pure, unalloyed devotees. BG 1972 purports
- Even the best apartment in India, that is not a good apartment for America. This is simply my mental concoction
- Even the very question (asked by Maharaja Pariksit to Sukadeva Gosvami) is so nice that it is the best subject matter for hearing. Simply by such questioning and hearing, one can achieve the highest perfectional stage of life
- Every conditioned soul is struggling, but human life provides the best chance for him to understand his position
- Every state and every home must endeavor to advance the cause of 2) God consciousness for self-realization and cow protection for getting sufficient milk and the best food to continue a perfect civilization
- Everyone accepts Him (Krsna), all the acaryas, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Sankaracarya, Lord Caitanya. So why don't you accept Krsna? Why you're searching after learned man? Here is the best learned man. Simple truth
- Everyone has got some weakness and deficiency. It is better to correct or mend it than to break it. It will be best to discuss this in an open meeting of the GBC and then do the needful
- Everyone in the material world is trying his best to become the supreme controller - individually, nationally, socially and in many other ways
- Everyone in this material world is trying his best how to satisfy the senses. This is the material disease
- Everyone is anxious to achieve the highest perfection of his particular activity, and it is indicated herein (SB 2.1.1) that such perfection is narayana-smrti, for which everyone must endeavor his best
- Everywhere it is difficult because people have become godless. Still, we have to try our best. The task is difficult, undoubtedly. It is very difficult task, to bring back people to God consciousness
- Execution of penance in full faith and sincerity made Brahmaji so powerful that he became the creator of the universe. And because he was able to attain such power, he is called the best amongst all the tapasvis
- Fighting between husband and wife is not to be taken very seriously. So if you have any respect for me, I request you not to quarrel with your husband. Live peacefully, chant Hare Krishna and try to serve the cause as best as possible
- Following in the footsteps of Srila Vyasadeva, Sukadeva Gosvami and all the acaryas in disciplic succession, the whole population of the world should glorify Lord Krsna, and for their best interest they should take to this Krsna consciousness movement
- For a chaste woman, service to the husband without duplicity is the best religious principle
- For asthma, no food should be taken at night, and in general avoid overloading the stomach. Chanting Hare Krishna and drinking only caranamrta water is the best remedy for any bodily disease
- For the actual advancement of human civilization, the best part of the social body, namely the brahmanas, the ksatriyas and vaisyas (the intelligent class of men, the military class and the mercantile men) should be given special protection
- For the translation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, you can say either Paramesvara or Bhagavan. Paramatma or Antaryami is good for localized Super-soul. If you can give the meaning of all the sanskrit words, that will be best
- For them (who are always full of anxieties) this is the best formula. What is that? Hitvatma-patam grham andha-kupam. He should give up this so-called family life, which is just like a dark well
- From the excellence of the arrangements, Madhavendra Puri understood by deduction that only the best food was offered
- From your letter, it appears that you need a change of activities. I think it will be best if you come to the festival at Mayapur and from there we can decide what project will be best for you to become involved in
- Get our society immediately registered. Call men from U.S.A. or anywhere else and go on, vigorously preaching in the university campuses as you have sent me the photos. I think that place is the best for pushing on our Krishna Consciousness movement
- Give service to Krsna, then every day is perfect. Best service to the humanity - to awaken their God consciousness
- Happiness in the world depends proportionately on the maintenance of the religious principles, individually or collectively. The best part of valor is to maintain the principles despite all kinds of odds
- Harir evaika urvisa yan-mayam vai caracaram. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is the root of everything, and therefore He is the best patra, or person, to whom everything must be given
- Having been cursed by Mitra and Varuna, the celestial woman Urvasi had acquired the habits of a human being. Therefore, upon seeing Pururava, the best of males, whose beauty resembled that of Cupid, she controlled herself and then approached him
- He (a nondevotee) may rise up by endeavor to a certain position as he imagined, "This is the best position." Just like we are also trying to occupy the best position - to become associate of Krsna, to live with devotees
- He (Krsna) told him, - Of all different types of yogis - hatha-yogis, jnana-yogis, dhyana-yogis, bhakta-yogis, karma-yogis - you are the best yogi
- He (Mucukunda) replied as follows, "My dear Karttikeya, best of the demigods, I want to sleep now, and I want from you the following benediction"
- He (Sukadeva Gosvami) also prepared himself to reply to all that King Pariksit had inquired from him. Maharaja Pariksit was the best in the dynasty of the Pandus, and thus he was able to ask the right questions from the right person
- He (The devotee) should not be anxious to have very palatable dishes. Of course, wherever it is possible, one should offer the Deities the best foodstuffs, prepared within the category of fruits and vegetables, cooked or uncooked
- He (the poor brahmana) now could get as much gold as he desired simply by touching the touchstone to iron. But after he left Sanatana, he thought, "If a touchstone is the best benediction, why has Sanatana Gosvami kept it with the garbage
- He (the poor brahmana) therefore returned and asked Sanatana Gosvami, Sir, if this is the best benediction, why did you keep it with the garbage?
- He tried his best to teach his son in this way, but all his endeavors failed. In his heart he hoped that his son would be a learned scholar, but all his attempts were unsuccessful
- Here in the material world everyone has come to get the best profit, without considering profit for others. Others may go to hell. "Others, let them go to the slaughterhouse. I must satisfy my tongue." That is material world
- Here in the material world everyone is inclined to gratify the senses. This is material world. Everyone is trying. Ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithunam ca (Hitopadesa 25). The best type of ahara-nidra
- Hero means someone who others want to follow as example of the best type of person. So you all become like that, perfect examples of Krishna Consciousness heroes and heroines, and preach the message exactly as I have taught it to you
- Hiranyakasipu did not ask his young son (Prahlada) anything that would be very difficult for him to answer; instead, he gave the boy a chance to speak plainly about whatever he thought might be best
- Hiranyakasipu had four wonderful, well-qualified sons, of whom the one named Prahlada was the best. Indeed, Prahlada was a reservoir of all transcendental qualities because he was an unalloyed devotee of the Personality of Godhead
- Hiranyakasipu said: My dear Prahlada, my dear son, O long - lived one, for so much time you have heard many things from your teachers. Now please repeat to me whatever you think is the best of that knowledge
- Hiranyakasipu, he defied God: "Who is God? I am God. You take my name." The child said, "My dear father, you are not God." He would never address his father as "father." He addressed him the best of the asuras
- His (devotee's) only desire is to think always of the SPG & how to serve Him best. Because of this transcendental qualification, the Supreme Lord is extremely favorable to the devotees, indeed, not only the devotees, but also the devotees of the devotees
- Hoping this meets you and the other men of your party in the best of health and spirits
- How wonderful it is that the SPG, Krsna, who is sought by great, great sages for the sake of liberation and transcendental bliss, is acting as your best well-wisher, your friend, your cousin, your heart and soul, your worshipable director
- However you may pose yourself, cheat others, that you are the best man in knowledge, philosopher, scientist, you are a fool. That is not possible. Sac-cid-ananda vigrahah is Krsna only
- However you may try scientifically to prolong your duration of life, live forever, it is not possible. And however you may pose yourself, cheat others, that you are the best man in knowledge, philosopher, scientist, you are a fool. That is not possible
- Human life is the best opportunity for the culture of spiritual knowledge, and a human being who does not take advantage of this opportunity is called a naradhama, the lowest of human beings
- I (Mother Earth) am thinking about myself and also, O best amongst the demigods, about you, as well as about all the demigods, sages, denizens of Pitrloka, devotees of the Lord and all men obedient to the system of varna and asrama in human society
- I (Prabhupada) am always very much pleased with your humble attitude, and a Vaisnava devotee of Lord Caitanya always thinks himself as naradhama, the lowest of mankind; although he is narottama, the best of the mankind
- I (Prabhupada) am convinced that if you simply glorify Krsna and our books in the best descriptive manner, that anyone and everyone, no matter even atheist or otherwise, they can be convinced to purchase
- I am always emphasizing book distribution. It is the better kirtana. It is better than chanting. Of course chanting should not stop, but book distribution is the best kirtana
- I am glad that you are typing the remaining portion of KRSNA, and then I shall send the second part of KRSNA also for editing. Your husband wanted from me a specific duty, and I think the best part of his valor can be utilized in editorial work
- I am going in a few days to San Francisco to speak at the San Francisco State University there on the topic of "Krsna Consciousness: The Best Alternative Life Style, the Ideal Community, the New Social Order"
- I am in due receipt of your letter along with Dai Nippon. I cannot understand why they should increase the price & supply goods not to the former sample! You use your best discretion & do the needful
- I am not qualified, but only qualification is that I tried to do the best, that's all. That much qualification. I had faith in their program, and I thought, "I shall try my best, whatever capacity I have got." That's all
- I am undergoing the treatment of an ayurvedic physician celebrated to be the best there is in the area, and I think I am feeling a little better. Anyway, as soon as I am a little fit, I shall return to you by the Grace of Krishna
- I am very much pleased that you are making such nice advancement in Krishna Consciousness and that you are always thinking in so many ways how to best serve the Lord
- I do not mind My personal distress. I only wish for the happiness of Krsna, for His happiness is the goal of My life. However, if He feels great happiness in giving Me distress, that distress is the best of My happiness
- I had no objection of your coming to India. But if you can stay there in England and continue your festival program, that will be best. It is a very nice program. You should increase it as much as possible
- I have already been defeated, for my weapon and arm have been cut to pieces. You have already overwhelmed me, but nonetheless, with a desire to kill you, I am trying my best to fight. I am not at all morose, even under such adverse conditions
- I have chosen my best men to be GBC and I do not want that the GBC should be disrespectful to the temple presidents
- I have examined the plans for the building on West 43rd Street just near the corner of 5th Avenue and I think it is perfectly suitable for us in every way. Please work together with Bali Mardan Maharaja and try your best to secure it
- I have no objection to sending you some men from Los Angeles, but you also should try to recruit some men from amongst the residents of Columbus. That is the best plan
- I have noted the contents with great pleasure and relief, because my special interest is in Mayapur, that we shall make it especially to glorify Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the best manner of programs.
- I hope you are doing your best to conduct the regular routine duties of the Temple-chanting regularly the beads, observing the restrictive regulations, taking Samkirtan Party to the streets, and selling our magazines and books
- I requested him to give me facilities to go to foreign countries, and he promised to do his best. Now, somehow or other, I am here and ask him if he will allow SANKIRTANA party to come here
- I shall no longer bear this unworthy body, which has been received from you, who have blasphemed Lord Siva. If someone has taken food which is poisonous, the best treatment is to vomit
- I think especially that England is the best field in the world for distributing our books, as good or better than USA, so I want that you all should be very active to increase the scope there
- I think it is best if you consult with Prajapati prabhu on these points. He is in charge of the dramas, so take his advice on these matters
- I think it is best that you come to Mayapur for the Gour Purnima Festival and we can talk in detail about the temple and preaching in Fiji and your part in it. If you can come to Mayapur that will be nice
- I thought that today I would be able to finish my performance of yajna, my chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra. I tried my best to chant the holy name all night, but I still did not finish
- I want everyone of our men to become first class preachers. So you want to preach that is best. Don't be worried, but go on with your preaching and you will be happy
- I want to sell as many books as possible, that is the main thing. By selling books, that is the best preaching work
- I wish that you can utilize your best talents in business organization and the result utilize for Krishna's satisfaction is on the absolute platform
- If anyone hears something philosophy from us, that will help him. But if he purchases one book that may turn his life. So selling books is the best preaching activity
- If by following Christian religion or Muhammadan religion or Hindu religion you actually develop your transcendental love for God, that is the best technique
- If by the Grace of Krishna you can live peacefully without any wife, completely devoted to K.C., that will be the best part of your life. You can love and put all your affection to the child, and try to make him fully K.C
- If even one such high-class man becomes preacher on our behalf, if he actually becomes converted to Krishna Consciousness preaching work, then that is the best contribution of your preaching also
- If he (one who is in the mode of passion) wants to construct a residential house, he tries his best to have a palatial house, as if he would be able to reside in that house eternally. & he develops a great hankering for sense gratification. BG 1972 pur
- If I get opportunity I shall like to see that place, Switzerland, as I have heard that it is the best place in Europe. Anyway, let us see what Krsna desires
- If one has no love of God, then what is the use of claiming that one's religion is the best? Where is the sign of love of Godhead? That is to be seen. Everyone will say, "My understanding is the best." But there must be practical proof
- If one sincerely tries his best to spread Krsna consciousness by preaching the glories of the Lord and His supremacy, even if he is imperfectly educated, he becomes the dearmost servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is bhakti
- If outsiders want to send their children to us, it will not be for their accreditation, but because they will get the best education for relieving them of all anxieties of material life and for this education the government has no idea
- If people actually want happiness in this life and want to prepare for the best in the next life, they must adopt a Vedic civilization. In a Vedic civilization, there is a full supply of all the necessities mentioned above - milk, honey, molasses, etc
- If people try to understand this Krsna consciousness movement scientifically and philosophically, with their best knowledge and judgement, and try to cooperate, there will be peace all over the world
- If someone claims to have the best religion, we ask, "Tell us how to love God. What is your process of loving God? If you do not know your relationship with God and others' relationship, then how can you love God?" That process of loving God is lacking
- If you can pull on with the center without having to work outside, it is the best. If it is not possible, then the question of working outside arises
- If you find time you can visit our Krishna Balarama Temple in Vrindaban at Raman Reti which has now become the best attraction in Vrindaban
- If you have something best then you forget low grade pleasure. So this sex pleasure is lower grade pleasure. It is not pleasure, it is illusion, but in material world this is the greatest pleasure
- If your wife takes charge of him, then you become completely free personally, and you can live in the temple with other brahmacharies, either in N.Y. or elsewhere as you think best
- If, however, one understands one's position as spirit soul apart from the body, the mind can be a liberating factor. In itself, the mind has nothing to do, it is simply waiting to be trained, and it is best trained through association
- In America, you know the expenditure. We are living in the best part of the city. But we have no source of income
- In Bhagavad-gita we are warned: O best among men (Arjuna), the person who is not disturbed by happiness and distress and is steady in both is certainly eligible for liberation - BG 2.15
- In Caitanya-bhagavata (CB Antya-khanda 3.45) it is said: "One who has fixed his mind on the lotus feet of Krsna is to be understood as having the best education and as having studied all the Vedas."
- In every respect these western countries are the best field for our Vaisnava culture to spread and take effect, that has been demonstrated
- In front of Srimati Radharani, Sri Krsna had to hide the two extra arms. He tried His best to keep four arms before Her, but He was completely unable to do so
- In his book named Caitanya-mangala (Caitanya-bhagavata), he has described these pastimes in many places. I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) request my readers to hear that book, for that is the best evidence
- In India a mango is considered best when it is red and yellow, its seed is very small, its skin is very thin, and it is so palatable that if a person eats one fruit he will be satisfied. The mango is considered the king of all fruits
- In India we have got almost all the year climate like this, except in the rainy season - that is also not constantly. Therefore India is supposed to be the best place for developing Krsna consciousness, because the climate is very suitable
- In my opinion, it is better to travel and preach than open business. I had a nice business, one of the best in India, and Krishna took it all away, and now I am very much thankful
- In other words, everyone can best prepare himself for the next life simply by hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam, as it was recited by Sukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Pariksit
- In SB 1.2.13, Suta Gosvami says: O best among the twice-born, it is therefore concluded that the highest perfection one can achieve by discharging his prescribed duties according to caste divisions & orders of life is to please the Personality of Godhead
- In spiritual life we have got complete freedom to move, to act, to enjoy. So that spiritual knowledge should be cultivated. That is the best utilization of this human form of life
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 2.1.5) Sukadeva Gosvami advises Pariksit: O best of the Bharatas, it is the prime duty of persons who want to become fearless to hear about the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, and to chant about Him and always remember Him
- In the beginning they were impersonalists, but later they developed devotional activities; they are the best of the transcendentalists
- In the beginning we should try our best to fix our minds upon the lotus feet of Krsna, and then everything else will automatically become correct
- In the best interest of human society there must be such divisions of life, otherwise no social institution can grow in a healthy state
- In the Bhagavad-gita Krsna states that no one should give up the sacrificial portion of spiritual life. And the scriptures recommend that the best sacrifice in this Age of Kali is to chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- In the Brhan-Naradiya Purana it is said that in the Kali-yuga when people in general are short-lived, slow in spiritual realization & always disturbed by various anxieties, the best means of spiritual realization is chanting the name of God. BG 1972 pur
- In the first six chapters (of Bhagavad-gita), stress was given to devotional service: yoginam api sarvesam... "Of all yogis or transcendentalists, one who always thinks of Me (Krsna) within himself is best." BG 1972 purports
- In the Fourth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita (4.33) Sri Krsna concludes that of all sacrifices, the best is the acquisition of knowledge
- In the heavenly planets, the state assembly house called Sudharma was deserving of the dignity of the best of the demigods
- In the human form of life, if we are actually intelligent, we shall try our best how to get that life or body where there is no more death, birth, old age and disease. So this Krsna consciousness movement means to educate people for that purpose
- In the material way of life visnu-upasana has been recommended as the highest. Aradhananam param devi visnor aradhanam param. It is the statement of Lord Siva to Parvati that, - Of all aradhana, visnu-aradhanam is the best
- In the material world, everyone thinks, I am the best man in this world. I know everything
- In the material world, the mode of goodness is considered the best, but because of material contamination, even the mode of goodness is sometimes overpowered by the modes of passion and ignorance
- In the Nadia district the best place is Navadvipa because Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared there to inaugurate the performance of the sacrifice of chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- In the neophyte stage it is best to develop firm faith, that just by chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra everything else will come, and try to avoid the ten offenses
- In the Padma Purana, it is stated that the best mode of worship is to offer oblations to Visnu, but better than that is to worship the devotees of Krsna. Thus Daksa's determination to neglect Lord Siva in the sacrifices was not fitting
- In the past, great authorities selected those foods that best aid health and increase life's duration, such as milk products, sugar, rice, wheat, fruits and vegetables. These foods are very dear to those in the mode of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- In the second chapter of this canto (second canto), this matter (the best type of body is a spiritual body) will be broadly discussed, but as far as the change of body is concerned, one must prepare now for the next life
- In the womb of Purvacitti, Maharaja Agnidhra, the best of kings, begot nine sons, named Nabhi, Kimpurusa, Harivarsa, Ilavrta, Ramyaka, Hiranmaya, Kuru, Bhadrasva and Ketumala
- In this age of Kali the only successful performance of yajna, or sacrifice, is yajnaih sankirtana-prayaih: the best type of sacrifice is simply to chant Hare Krsna
- In this country intermingling with women is very easy, and sometimes our mind becomes agitated. Therefore we have to take little precaution and the best precaution is to raise oneself in Krsna Consciousness
- In this material world he (the living entity) tries to enjoy his senses to his best capacity
- In this verse (SB 4.23.9) the words purusam abhajat purusarsabhah are significant: purusarsabha refers to Maharaja Prthu, the best amongst human beings, and purusam refers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In this verse (SB 7.14.27-28) it is indicated that a Vaisnava temple where the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is worshiped, & where Vaisnavas are engaged in the service of the Lord, is the best sacred place for performing any religious ceremonies
- In this way (through study of Vedanta) one may ultimately attain the platform of loving service to the Lord. It is in the living entity’s best interest to understand the Supreme Lord
- In Vrndavana the Lord killed many demons, and afterwards He returned to Dvaraka, where according to Vedic principles He married many wives who were the best of women, begot through them hundreds of sons
- Instead of making them drunkard, woman-hunter, meat-eaters, we are making them Krsna conscious. That is the best help
- It appears that Rukmini was a very popular princess, and all the citizens, out of intense love for her, prayed for her best fortune
- It has been decided that among human beings Babhru is the best and that Devavrdha is equal to the demigods. Because of the association of Babhru and Devavrdha, all of their descendants, numbering 14,065, achieved liberation
- It has been said that the process which immediately increases one's love and affection for the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the best of the many thousands of ways to become free from the entanglement of material existence
- It is a fact that the hippies are our best clients. I had very good response in San Francisco during Rathayatra festival
- It is a fallacy to say that my present engagement with the press is not the best for my spiritual advancement, and if we think in this way we may go on trying out one engagement after another and always say the same excuse
- It is a qualification of the great thinkers to pick up the best even from the worst
- It is admitted that in the Western countries the people have done their best to advance in the culture of material science, centered on the material body and mind
- It is best for intelligent persons to avoid lectures on Mayavada philosophy
- It is best for me to surrender unto His feet, which alone can deliver one from the miseries of repeated birth and death. Such surrender is all-auspicious and allows one to perceive all happiness
- It is best for such persons (the less intelligent) not to aspire for success in fruitive activities or mental speculation but instead simply to surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The perfection of life is simply to surrender to the Supreme
- It is best for you to go to the shelter of My mother's lotus feet, for no one will be able to behave independently in front of you
- It is best not to accept any disciples. One has to become purified at home by chanting the Hare Krsna and preaching the principles enunciated by Sri Caitanya. Thus one can become a spiritual master and be freed from the contamination of material life
- It is best that one eat only the remnants of foodstuff offered to Krsna. A person in Krsna consciousness does not eat anything which is not first offered to Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- It is best to accept the injunctions of the Vedas, which are mentioned as yad-vaci. In accordance with those injunctions, everyone should find out whether he is a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra and should thus be educated accordingly
- It is best to avoid association with them completely and never ask them about anything confidential because they cannot give good advice
- It is best to do the most ideal thing but whatever mode of living you chose the most important thing is to always remain one hundred percent in service of Radha-Krishna
- It is best to get all such points cleared up so that our understanding may be firmly fixed up in our philosophy. The best process is to rigidly execute one's prescribed devotional duties regularly, and to study the books and literatures very carefully
- It is best to keep faith in Sukadeva Goswami, because actually our only business is to go back to home, back to Godhead. So whether Sukadeva Goswami or the modern scientists are right or wrong, it is nothing interesting to us
- It is best to remain alone as a brahmacari, sannyasi or vanaprastha and cultivate Krsna consciousness throughout one's whole life
- It is best, therefore, to practice controlling the senses by performing bhakti-yoga, engaging in the service of Madana-mohana
- It is better to correct him to the standard point by friendly gestures. We can reject anyone, that is very easy, but to reform him that requires great skill and tact and if you can reform him there by kind words and dealings, that is best
- It is found in Bhagavad-gita: Although Krsna was doing everything for Arjuna, Arjuna never sat down idly as a nonviolent gentleman. Rather, he tried his best to fight the battle and be victorious
- It is impossible, practically speaking, for ordinary men to challenge scientists or philosophers concerning genuine knowledge, but a devotee can challenge them because the best of everything is known to a devotee by the grace of Krsna
- It is Krsna's desire that Hamsaduta is replaced by you. I have certified that you are our first class temple manager in our society. A little change is invigorating, so try to serve me to the best of your capacity
- It is my opinion that considering all points, we will do best to move Gurukula to India
- It is natural for a person facing untimely death to try his best to save himself. This is one's duty. Although death is sure, everyone should try to avoid it and not meet death without opposition because every living soul is by nature eternal
- It is nice that you are infiltrating into the schools and colleges. These are the best customers for our philosophy
- It is not so much important the quantity of books that we distribute, but that we serve Krishna as best we can, and depend on Him for the results
- It is pleasing to see that the veteran leader Mahatma Gandhi is trying his best to invent a method for bringing in a godly atmosphere all over the world. He is preaching restraint, toleration, moral principles, and so on
- It is the duty of the son to depend upon his father without asking anything from him. The good son has faith that the father knows best how to benefit him. Similarly, a pure devotee does not ask anything from the Lord for material benefit
- It is true that whatever relationship a particular devotee has with the Lord is the best for him; still, when we study all the different methods from a neutral position, we can understand that there are higher and lower degrees of love
- It is very good news that Visnu Arati is advancing nicely in Krishna Consciousness and I (Prabhupada) know that you and your husband will always do your best to bring her up on the right path of Krishna Consciousness
- It was due to my lack of esteem for my Lord (Krsna) that I (Arjuna) dared engage Him as my chariot driver, for He is worshiped and offered services by the best men to attain salvation
- Jnanis can discriminate between matter and spirit, but the yogis, the best of whom are the bhakti-yogis, want to return home, back to Godhead
- Just after the advent of Shri Krishna, even while He was a mere child, even then Kamsa, Putana, Aghasura, Bakasura, Gardhabasu, Pralambasura and other such demons tried their best to kill Shri Krishna. But their attempts failed
- Just as a person haunted by a ghost exhibits madness, the best of the he-goats, attracted by the many she-goats, engaged in erotic activities and naturally forgot his real business of self-realization
- Just like Gurukrpa Maharaja. If you say if he's taking by this way or that way, but what he is doing? He is not smoking with that money. He is not drinking. He is sending to Krsna. Therefore he is giving the best service
- Just like you have discovered nice medicine. That's all right. But when a man is sick, ask the physician, Can you guarantee the life of this patient? He will say: I cannot do that. I try my best, that's all. That means the sanction is in the hand of God
- Kapiladeva was anxious that His mother not feel the absence of His father, and He was ready to take the best care of her and give her knowledge
- Keep bugs from the altar and Deity. You cannot allow them to disturb the Deity. Best is that you try and catch them and throw them out rather than kill them but if killing them is the only alternative, what can be done?
- Kindly receive Mr. Patel and offer him best accommodation, prasadam, and whatever assistance he might require. He is a pure vegetarian. He is my friend here in Nairobi, and he has kindly hosted me at his home on two occasions
- Kindly tell Me where to find Krsna, the treasure of My life and best of My friends. Feeling separation from Him, I hereby condemn Providence, the shaper of My destiny
- King Pracinabarhisat found the best spiritual master, Narada Muni, and he therefore asked him about that knowledge by which one can get out of the entanglement of karma-bandha-phansa, fruitive activities. This is the actual business of human life
- King Prthu's statements in previous verses regarding his vast knowledge and perfect devotional service are justified here (in SB 4.22.49), for he is considered best amongst all mahatmas
- Knowledge is the best sacrifice because this conditional life is due to ignorance. The purpose of sacrifice, penance, yoga and philosophical discussion is to acquire knowledge
- Krishna being the center all competition and jealousies for serving Krishna the best is always Absolute provided such jealousies do not come down to the material plane
- Krsna addressed Balarama, "My dear elder brother, best among the Aryans, You are the Lord of the universe, and, specifically, You are the protector of the Yadu dynasty"
- Krsna advised Arjuna that "You fight," not that we shall not fight. We shall fight to the best. And this is good, they are feeling the pressure of this movement
- Krsna consciousness movement is trying to give the human society the best knowledge and they have combined together to oppose it. How mode of ignorance is prominent. The simple method is to hear about Krsna. That's it
- Krsna consciousness, you just imagine how important movement it is. It is the best welfare activities for the human society. They are all fools and rascals, and they have no knowledge, ignorant of their constitutional position
- Krsna further indicates that of all good families to be born into - families of successful merchants or philosophers or meditators - the best is the family of yogis. One who takes birth in a very rich family may be misled
- Krsna has multiple activities, and they are described in many Vedic scriptures. One should always think of those pastimes; that is the best meditation and the highest ecstasy
- Krsna is addressing Arjuna purusarsabha, the best of the men. "O the best of the men." Certainly, Arjuna is the best of the mankind. Because he is directly friend of Krsna, who can be better man than him?
- Krsna is just like the sun, and maya or material existence is just like darkness. Wherever there is the light of the sun, darkness or ignorance at once vanishes. The best means to get out of the world of ignorance is suggested here
- Krsna is the best name. Why? That Krsna means "all-attractive." This name can attract everyone. This is the most perfect. Although God has many names, out of many names the Krsna name is mukhya, or the primary
- Krsna is the reservoir of art and culture, and He is the panacea that saves My life. O My dear friend, since I live without Him, who is the best among My friends, I condemn the duration of My life. I think that Providence has cheated Me in many ways
- Krsna pleaded that the best should be offered to the King. But Satrajit, being a worshiper of the demigods, had become too materialistic, instead of accepting Krsna's request, thought it wiser to worship the jewel to get the 170 pounds of gold every day
- Krsna said to Uddhava, "If one sticks to devotional service and is conducted by regulative principles given by the authorities and acaryas, that is the best qualification"
- Krsna, the Supreme Lord, is the foremost living entity. The word rsabha means "the chief," or "the supreme," and indicates the Supreme Being, or God Himself
- Krsnadasa Kaviraja, the author of CC: purisera kita haite muni se laghistha (CC Adi 5.205). He is not making a show. He is feeling like that.- I am the lowest. Everyone is best, but I am the lowest. Everyone is engaged in Krsna's service. I am not engaged
- Ksatravrddha's son was Suhotra, who had three sons, named Kasya, Kusa and Grtsamada. From Grtsamada came Sunaka, and from him came Saunaka, the great saint, the best of those conversant with the Rg Veda
- Laksmiji, the goddess of fortune, tried her best to be on an equal level with the gopis, but she was not successful
- Later it was proved that Arjuna's taking shelter of Lord Siva instead of Krsna was not at all successful. Arjuna, however, did his best by chanting different mantras, and he shot arrows up and down to guard the maternity home from all directions
- Let me know when is the best time for my coming there. Of course the mango season is best, so please inform me so I can make out my schedule, and you can make all arrangements
- Let me please Your Lordship by chanting the bija-mantra omkara. I wish to offer my respectful obeisances unto the Personality of Godhead, who is the best among the most highly elevated personalities
- Like a dwarf who wants to catch the moon, I have tried my best many times, but I have never been successful
- Little service to God is taken as great service. Krsna is so kind. So we should try always to give the best service, best energy, and you become liberated
- Lord Brahma said: O best of the demigods, unfortunately, because of madness resulting from your material opulence, you failed to receive Brhaspati properly when he came to your assembly
- Lord Brahma, who has full control over the goddess of learning and who is considered to be the best authority in Vedic knowledge, was thus perplexed, being unable to understand the extraordinary power manifested by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Lord Caitanya is always accompanied by His best associates like Lord Nityananda, Advaita, Gadadhara and Srivasa
- Lord Jesus Christ is son of God, the best son of God, so we have all respect for him. Yes. Anyone who is teaching people about God consciousness, he is respectful to us. It does not matter in which country, in which atmosphere, he was preaching
- Lord Krsna continued, "My dear best of queens, I clearly understand that you have no material ambition; your only purpose is to serve Me, and you have long been engaged in unalloyed service"
- Lord Krsna has many pastimes, of which His pastimes as a human being are the best. His form as a human being is the supreme transcendental form. In this form He is a cowherd boy
- Lord Krsna wanted to teach the world that the best of everything should be offered to the ruling chief of the country
- Lord Parasurama, the best of fighters, released enough arrows with only one bow to cut to pieces immediately all the arrows and bows in the hands of Kartaviryarjuna
- Lord Siva advised, aradhananam sarvesam visnor aradhanam param (Padma Purana). - My dear Parvati, of all kinds of worship, worship of Lord Visnu is the best
- Lord Siva does not even construct a house for his residence, but lives underneath a tree, always detached from all worldly things. The personality of Lord Siva symbolizes the best of gentleness
- Lord Siva is described as midhustama, the best of the benedictors. He is also known as Asutosa, which indicates that he is very quickly satisfied and very quickly angered
- Lord Siva is described here (in SB 4.2.1) as the best of the gentle because he is not envious of anyone, he is equal to all living entities, and all other good qualities are present in his personality. The word siva means "all auspicious
- Lord Siva says - Of all types of worship, worship of Lord Visnu is best, and better than the worship of Lord Visnu is the worship of His devotee, the Vaisnava - Padma Purana
- Lord Siva's instructions should be taken. He says that the best worship is worship of Visnu. Visnor aradhanam param. When he was asked by Parvati what method of worship is best, then he said, The best worship is worship of Lord Visnu - Krsna
- Maitreya continued: O best of the Kuru dynasty (Vidura), I shall now describe before you the descendants of Svayambhuva Manu, who was born of a part of a plenary expansion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Many ages ago Krsna imparted the divine knowledge of Bhagavad-gita to Vivasvan, the god of the sun. To the best of our knowledge, the sun is a very hot place, and we do not consider it possible for anyone to live there
- Material happiness and distress come as soon as we accept a body, regardless of what form. We cannot avoid such happiness and distress under any circumstances. The best use of life, therefore, lies in reviving our relationship with the Supreme Lord, Visnu
- Money making schemes should be easy; we cannot divert our attention for money making activities. We require some money for prosecuting our activities, and if we get that money by contribution that is best, otherwise, we can sell our literature and books
- Morning is the best time to hold spiritual services. The great sages offered the speaker of the Bhagavatam an elevated seat of respect called the vyasasana, or the seat of Sri Vyasadeva
- Mucukunda was eager to know the identity of Krsna, and he said - O best of human beings, if You think I am fit to know Your identity, kindly tell me who You are. What is Your parentage? What is Your occupational duty, and what is Your family tradition
- My dear fortunate demigod (King Nrga), now I see that your body is so beautiful and lustrous. Who are you? We can guess that you are one of the best demigods in the heavenly planets
- My dear King Pariksit, I have now described the wonderful power of Krsna, as displayed when the Lord delivered the King of the elephants. O best of the Kuru dynasty, those who hear this narration become fit to be promoted to the higher planetary systems
- My dear the best of the demons. - "I think that is very nice." What is that? - This worldly life, materialistic life, is self-killing just like a dark well. So one should give it up & go to the forest & take shelter of Krsna. That is the best way of life
- My Guru Maharaja's Guru Maharaja, he was illiterate, Gaura Kisora dasa Babaji Maharaja. He could not sign even his name. But my Guru Maharaja was the best scholar of his time. He accepted him as guru
- My health is improving a very little. The house that we have been given is the best in Risikesh. It is very nice and the climate is much better than Bombay's. Many persons are coming in the afternoons for darsana
- My mind races to taste the pleasure experienced by the abode, but I cannot taste it, even by My best efforts. How may I taste it?
- Narada Muni being the best amongst the Vaisnavas, is compassionate toward such unfortunate victims of worthless literatures
- Narada Muni continued: O best of the Pandavas, your two cousins Sisupala and Dantavakra, the sons of your maternal aunt, were formerly associates of Lord Visnu, but because they were cursed by brahmanas, they fell from Vaikuntha to this material world
- Narada Muni said, "My dear hunter, such behavior is not at all astonishing. A man in devotional service is automatically nonviolent. He is the best of gentlemen"
- Narada Muni said, 'My dear hunter, such behavior is not at all astonishing. A man in devotional service is automatically nonviolent. He is the best of gentlemen'
- Narada Muni travels all over the universe for the sole purpose of performing the best welfare activity for the entire universe by teaching everyone how to become a devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Narada thought that the best punishment for them was to make them immovable living entities, or trees. Trees are, by nature’s laws, immovable. Although trees are covered by the mode of ignorance, they cannot do harm
- Narada was born from the best deliberation of Brahma because Narada was able to deliver the Supreme Lord to anyone he liked
- Narada was born from the deliberation of Brahma, which is the best part of the body. Vasistha was born from his breathing, Daksa from a thumb, Bhrgu from his touch, and Kratu from his hand
- New York is the best city of your country, therefore the prospect of preaching in New York City is especially very great. I began my preaching life in this city, therefore I have got some special attraction for New York
- Nidhipati Pippalai tried his best to bring his elder brother home, but he would not return. Under these circumstances, Nidhipati Pippalai, with all his family members, came to Mahesa to reside
- No one can know You, because You are unlimited. It is best not to try to know You by unnecessary mental speculation. Rather, kindly bless us so that we can worship You with causeless devotional service."
- Nobody can become father of Krsna. That is not possible. Aham bija-pradah pita. He is the original father. Then how nandatmaja? How Nanda Maharaja can become the father of Krsna? No. That father means he wanted to become the best servant of Krsna
- Now I am confused about my duty and have lost all composure because of weakness. In this condition I am asking You to tell me clearly what is best for me. Now I am Your disciple, and a soul surrendered unto You. Please instruct me. BG 2.7 - 1972
- Now I shall chant one mantra which is not only transcendental, pure and auspicious, but is the best prayer for anyone who is aspiring to attain the ultimate goal of life. When I chant this mantra, please hear it carefully and attentively
- Now you go arrange a meeting between me and your uncle. Let him do whatever he thinks best. I shall completely depend on his decision
- O Arjuna, best of the Bharatas, in the very beginning curb this great symbol of sin (lust) by regulating the senses, and slay this destroyer of knowledge and self-realization
- O best among men (Arjuna), the person who is not disturbed by happiness and distress and is steady in both is certainly eligible for liberation. BG 2.15 - 1972
- O best among the descendants of Bharata (Yudhisthira), I (Bhismadeva) maintain, therefore, that all this is within the plan of the Lord
- O best among the twice-born, it is concluded that the highest perfection one can achieve, by discharging his prescribed duties (dharma) according to caste divisions and orders of life, is to please the Lord Hari
- O best among the twice-born, it is therefore concluded that the highest perfection one can achieve by discharging the duties prescribed for one's own occupation according to caste divisions and orders of life is to please the Personality of Godhead
- O best among the twice-born, it is therefore concluded that the highest perfection one can achieve by discharging the duties prescribed for one’s own occupation according to caste divisions and orders of life is to please the PG - SB 1.2.13
- O best among the twice-born, it is therefore concluded that the highest perfection one can achieve, by discharging his prescribed duties (dharma) according to caste divisions and orders of life, is to please the Lord Hari
- O best among those performing austerities, where did you get this wonderful beauty that dismantles the austerities performed by others? Where have you learned this art? What austerity have you undergone to achieve this beauty, my dear friend?
- O best amongst the Kurus, the clouds which carry water are the hairs on His head, the terminations of days or nights are His dress, and the supreme cause of material creation is His intelligence. His mind is the moon, the reservoir of all changes
- O best of conchshells, O Pancajanya in the hands of the Lord, you are always filled with the breath of Lord Krsna
- O best of kings, please get up! Get up! Just see this world surrounded by water and infested with rogues and so-called kings. This world is very much afraid, and it is your duty to protect her
- O best of learned persons, do not fear! I wish all good fortune to you. Become My devotees by hearing and chanting about Me and offering Me prayers, for these are certainly meant to award benedictions to all living entities
- O best of munis (Sukadeva Gosvami), you have also described the descendants of Yadu, who were very pious and strictly adherent to religious principles - SB 10.1.2
- O best of persons, O supreme director, those who actually aspire for supreme good fortune worship this form of Your Lordship according to the Vedic Tantras. My Lord, we can see all the three worlds in You
- O best of sages, best of all those who grant auspicious benedictions, please consider our situation and bestow upon my sons the benedictions by which they can regain what they have lost
- O best of the asuras, for this reason I am now prepared to give you all benedictions, according to your desire. I belong to the celestial world of demigods, who do not die like human beings
- O best of the demigods (Lord Siva), I (Lord Visnu) shall now show you My form (of Mohini-murti) that is very much appreciated by those who are lusty. Since you want to see that form, I shall reveal it in your presence
- O best of the demigods, how can the body of a daughter remain undisturbed when she hears that some festive event is taking place in her father's house?
- O best of the demigods, I shall now show you My form that is very much appreciated by those who are lusty. Since you want to see that form, I shall reveal it in your presence
- O best of the intelligent demigods, although it is true that nothing is difficult for one to obtain when I am pleased with him, a pure devotee, whose mind is exclusively fixed upon Me, does not ask Me for anything but the opportunity to engage in DS
- O best of the Kuru dynasty, after he drank some water, King Ambarisa, meditating upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead within his heart, waited for the return of the great mystic Durvasa Muni
- O best of the Kuru dynasty, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supersoul of everyone, being thus pleased, addressed Gajendra in the presence of everyone there. He spoke the following blessings
- O best of the Kurus (Pariksit), I (Sukadeva) have already described (in the Third Canto) the activities of Kapila, the son of Devahuti. Now I shall describe the activities of Yajnapati, the son of Akuti
- O best of the Kurus, when Kasyapa Muni had been properly received and welcomed, he took his seat and then spoke as follows to his wife, Aditi, who was very morose
- O best of the saints among the demigods, O best of spiritual leaders, how did Hiranyakasipu give so much trouble to Prahlada Maharaja, the pure and exalted saint, although Prahlada was his own son? I wish to know about this subject from you
- O best of the virtuous (Maitreya Rsi), the original king of kings (Manu) was a great devotee of the Personality of Godhead Hari, and thus it is worth hearing of his sublime character and activities. Please describe them. I (Vidura) am very eager to hear
- O best of your family (Prahlada), has this pollution of your intelligence been brought about by you or by the enemies? We are all your teachers and are very eager to hear about this. Please tell us the truth
- O best PG, most worshipable for all the demigods, if You think that my promise has become false, I shall certainly rectify matters to make it truthful. I cannot allow my promise to be false. Please, therefore, place Your third lotus footstep on my head
- O Brahmana Vyasadeva, it is decided by the learned that the best remedial measure for removing all troubles and miseries is to dedicate one's activities to the service of the Supreme Lord Personality of Godhead (Sri Krsna)
- O King, best of the Bharata dynasty, from Vivasvan, by the womb of Samjna, Sraddhadeva Manu was born. Sraddhadeva Manu, having conquered his senses, begot ten sons in the womb of his wife, Sraddha. The names of these sons were Iksvaku, Nrga, Saryati
- O King, if you can give proper protection to the living beings in the material world, that will be the best service for me
- O King, one who is advanced in intelligence and eager to perform welfare activities for others is considered best amongst human beings. An advanced human being is never malicious to others
- O Lord of the universe, best of the Yadu dynasty, we are offering our prayers unto You mainly to diminish the heavy burden of the universe
- O Maharaja Pariksit, best of kings, when Lord Siva had fully discharged semen, he could see how he himself had been victimized by the illusion created by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Thus he restrained himself from any further maya
- O Maharaja Pariksit, best of the Kuru dynasty, the Lord's lotus feet rested on the shoulders of His carrier, Garuda, and He appeared with eight long, mighty, very beautiful arms
- O most exalted and worshipable Lord, best of those who bestow benediction, You can fulfill the desires of everyone, and therefore those who are sober, for their own welfare, worship the dust of Your lotus feet
- O most worshipable of all, You are the best of all benefactors, and Your appearance at saintly King Nabhi's sacrificial arena is meant for our benediction. Because You have been seen by us, You have bestowed upon us the most valuable benediction
- O my boy, your intelligence is immature, and therefore you have no knowledge that the king, who is the best amongst human beings, is as good as the Personality of Godhead
- O my Lord, I, who am considered to be the best of the demigods, and Lord Brahma and the great rsis, headed by Marici, are born of the mode of goodness. Nonetheless, we are bewildered by Your illusory energy and cannot understand what this creation is
- O my lord, O best of the givers of benediction, if you will kindly grant me the benediction I desire, please let me not meet death from any of the living entities created by you
- O Narada, best of the transcendentalists, the forms of the body cannot take place as long as these created parts, namely the elements, senses, mind and modes of nature, are not assembled
- O Pariksit Maharaja, best of the Bharatas, the remnants of the food offered in the yajna were given by the great sage Angira to the first and most perfect among Citraketu's millions of queens, whose name was Krtadyuti
- Of all Krsna's abodes, which do you think is the best? Raghupati Upadhyaya said, "Madhu-puri, or Mathura-dhama, is certainly the best"
- Of course in the material world the mode of goodness is accepted as the best, and one can be promoted to the higher planetary systems by being on the sattva-guna platform. However, that is not perfection
- Of course, those who are Krsna’s servants cannot kill such imitation gods, but they should try their best to defeat them through the evidence of sastra, authentic knowledge received through the disciplic succession
- Of Rsabhadeva's one hundred sons, the eldest, named Bharata, was a great, exalted devotee qualified with the best attributes. In his honor, this planet has become known as Bharata-varsa
- Of these two most popular methods the path of devotional service is recommended as the best because one on the path of devotional service does not have to wait for the attainment of the fruitive results of pious activities or for the results of knowledge
- Of these, the wise one who is in full knowledge in union with Me through pure devotional service is the best. For I am very dear to him, and he is dear to Me. BG 7.17 - 1972
- Once a poor brahmana worshiped Lord Siva for a benediction, and Lord Siva advised the devotee to go to see Sanatana Gosvami. The devotee went to Sanatana Gosvami and informed him that Lord Siva had advised him to seek out the best benediction from him
- Once Lord Caitanya asked Sri Ramananda Raya what the best part of education was, and Ramananda Raya replied that the best part of education is advancement in Krsna consciousness
- One big medical man in Gaya, he told me that "Mr. De," that, "we give very first class medicine to a patient, to my best knowledge. He dies. And I try one small medicine, and he is saved. That is my practical experience." He was Muhammadan doctor
- One devotee may be proud that his process of service is the best. That is not inglorious. This is called transcendental competition. Everyone should feel proud of his particular type of devotional service
- One has to make the best use of his talent for the service of Krishna. That is wanted. Best example is Arjuna, that he utilized his talents, military science, in the service of Krishna
- One in the mode of passion is never satisfied with the position he has already acquired; he hankers to increase his position. If he wants to construct a residential house, he tries his best to have a palatial house. BG 1972 purports
- One is expected to understand these three formulas of knowledge concerning the Supreme Lord - that He is the supreme enjoyer, that He is the proprietor of everything, and that He is the best well-wisher and friend of everyone
- One might argue that since you (Bali) have already promised, how can you refuse? O best of the demons, just take from me (Sukracarya) the evidence of the Bahvrca-sruti, which says that a promise is truthful preceded by the word om and untruthful if not
- One must accept the parampara system. And the best parampara is that which extends from Krsna (evam parampara-praptam (BG 4.2)). What Krsna says, we should accept (imam rajarsayo viduh). This is called the avaroha-pantha
- One must clearly understand that this human body is the most suitable ship to take us across the ocean of nescience, the spiritual master is the best navigator, the scriptures are the rudder, and the Lord's mercy is the perfect wind
- One must follow the avaroha-pantha, the process of descending knowledge. Therefore one must accept the parampara system. And the best parampara is that which extends from Krsna
- One of the friends once remarked, "Sudama is trying his best to see Damodara defeated, and I think that if our powerful Subala joins him, they will be a very beautiful combination, like a valuable jewel bedecked with gold"
- One should always be alert in his duty for attainment of the best situation in the next life. Human life is meant for preparing ourselves for that prime duty
- One should be very careful not to commit offenses at the lotus feet of Vaisnavas, of whom Lord Siva is the best. While instructing Srila Rupa Gosvami, Caitanya Mahaprabhu described an offense at the lotus feet of a Vaisnava as hati mata, a mad elephant
- One should endeavor to become Krsna conscious. If one tries to spread Krsna consciousness all over the world, he should be understood to be performing the best welfare activity. The Lord is automatically very pleased with him
- One should go directly to Krsna and engage in His service. This is the best opportunity offered to the inhabitants of Bharata-varsa. One who is fit to return home, back to Godhead, is no longer liable to the results of karma, good or bad
- One should know definitely that the best welfare activity for all of human society is to awaken man’s God consciousness, or Krsna consciousness. Therefore everyone should help this great movement
- One should not try to be an artificially advanced devotee, thinking "I am a first-class devotee, so it is best not to accept any disciples." Such thinking should be avoided
- One should try his best to distribute real knowledge to the people, so that they may become enlightened and leave this material entanglement. That is nonviolence. BG 1972 purports
- One thing is that they must be fully engaged. Don't make a hotel for free boarding and lodging. Everyone must be full-time engaged and the best engagement for them is to sell books
- One who always thinks of Krsna within the core of his heart is the best yogi. By practicing this best of all yoga systems, one is liberated from the material condition
- One who attains his particular relationship with the SPG should be known to be in the best relationship for him, but when these transcendental relationships are studied, it can be seen that the neutral stage of realization (brahma-bhuta) is the first
- One who has this fixed-up mind, that "How I shall render service to Krsna?" and if he tries his best, then he becomes immediately mukta unless he changes his decision. That is . . . every time is possible
- One who is not trying to stop death is not an intelligent human being. Because Devaki was face to face with imminent death, it was Vasudeva's duty to save her, as he was trying his best to do
- One who is spiritually situated does not think that he is the body. Therefore he can transcendentally execute severe penances in the renounced order of life. The best example of such renunciation is Raghunatha dasa Gosvami
- One who meditates on Krishna is the topmost yogi of all. We have explained this fact in our book "Topmost Yoga." I request you to read this book and meditate on Krishna, then you and your followers will be first class yogis performing the best meditation
- Our aim should be how to get out of this miserable condition of this material existence. And we should prepare ourself for that purpose. And the best and easiest method is this Krsna consciousness
- Our book sales are increasing. If we attempt to do something the Indian community also will contribute. George will also contribute. So try to find out the best one. Krishna will help you
- Our devotees shouldn't remain in the neophyte position. Neither should they try to imitate the topmost devotee. Best is to remain in the middle class position, namely to love God, make friendship with devotees, enlighten the innocent, & avoid demons
- Our education in Sanskrit was in college. Of course, I was the best student in my class of Sanskrit. I was standing first. But we are not like the so-called Sanskrit scholars
- Our mission is very big. The best welfare work. Other welfare activities, they keep them as go-khara, and promises all sorts of big, big promises. No, we do not say
- Our whole program is to train the untrained. Nobody is in Krishna Consciousness and we are trying our best to bring people in that platform
- Out of many learned scholars and philosophers, one who is actually liberated from material bondage is better, and out of many such persons who are actually liberated, one who is a devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is considered to be the best
- Out of many standard and authoritative revealed scriptures, the Bhagavad-gita is the best. BG 1972 purports
- Out of the four classes of men who approach God, he who is philosophically trying to understand the nature of God, who is trying to become Krsna conscious - visisyate - is best qualified
- Out of the many close associates of Lord Krsna, Uddhava is considered the best. The following is a description of him: "His body is blackish like the color of the Yamuna River, and it is similarly as cool
- Paratah parat means "better than the best"
- Passion (rajas) is better than ignorance (tamas), but goodness (sattva) is best because by goodness one can come to realize the Absolute Truth
- People are fools and rascals. We are teaching them nice idea of God consciousness. We are the best social worker. We will stop all crimes. What is your social worker? Producing hippies and criminals
- People generally go to Lord Siva, and because he is always quickly satisfied and gives benedictions to his devotees without consideration, he is called midhustama, or the best of the benedictors
- Perhaps we are the only community in the world which can render the best possible service to the society
- Please come here. Chant, join Hare Krsna kirtana, take prasadam and do your best, whatever talent you have got, easily, not very overburdened. If you know something to do, do it for Krsna
- Please do not ask me to take some material benefits from You, but as a father, not waiting for the son's demand, does everything for the benefit of the son, please bestow upon me whatever You think best for me
- Power can be withdrawn at any time by the Lord, so the best use of such power and opulence is to engage them in the service of the Lord
- Prahlada Maharaja knew the best of knowledge, and when his father inquired from him, Prahlada gave him that knowledge
- Prahlada Maharaja replied, - My dear father, O best of the asuras, one can receive KC only from the instructions of a guru. One cannot attain it simply by speculating. Ordinary men do not know that their ultimate destination is to return to Visnu
- Prahlada Maharaja, a devotee, is very humorous, so he did not address his father as "father." He said, tat sadhu manye asura-varya: O best among the asuras
- Prahlada Maharaja, of course, being a perfect devotee, knew everything and could say what the best part of life is
- Presently we are under the sway of the three gunas, the modes of material nature - sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna. Out of these three gunas, sattva-guna, the mode of goodness, is the best
- Prthu Maharaja exhibited all the symptoms of a mahatma; he is mentioned in this verse (SB 4.22.49) as dhuryo mahatam, best of the mahatmas
- Radharani is the best, topmost servitor of Krishna, and the printing machine is the biggest medium at the present moment for serving Krishna. Therefore, it is really a representative of Srimati Radharani
- Raghava Pandita also offers all kinds of pickles, such as kasamdi. He offers various scents, garments, ornaments and the best of everything
- Ramananda Raya. He was a grhastha. He was a responsible government officer. Still, he was the best disciple of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Real aim of life is to go back to Home, back to Godhead. We all living entities in different forms of body numbering 8,400,000 forms beginning from the aquatics up to the best advanced form of human life, there is a regular evolution by the laws of nature
- Regarding Dai Nippon negotiation, I never told you to stop such negotiation and I do not know why you should be disturbed by seeing my letter to Advaita. If Dai Nippon negotiation is successful you can make contract as you think best
- Regarding Karandhara's comment that Mayapur and Calcutta were the best organized centers in India, that I know. I have full faith in you, and also Bhavananda and Jayapataka Maharajas
- Regarding not building the second story on the Prasdam Pavilion, whatever you think is best is all right. Whatever you all three consult and agree is all right
- Regarding Randy, I understand that he is addicted to heroin intoxication, and he is taking some medicine to give it up, but I am sure that the best medicine is chanting the HARE KRISHNA mantra
- Regarding the castle which George has acquired, certainly it can be turned to a nice Krsna Consciousness ashram, and you can help him your best in the same pattern as you have developed our 7 Bury Place
- Regarding the insurance money, if you are able to use it immediately, without waiting for two years, it will be a great boon. The best use of this money is for the constructing of so many living quarters in New Vrindaban
- Regarding what to do with the eyes while on Sankirtana, your suggestion to look into the faces of people and try to convince them of the sincerity of our movement is best. There is no need of artificial things like seeing the spirit soul
- Regarding World Samkirtan Party: now the best of my students interested in Samkirtana; namely Mukunda, Tamal, and yourself, are now in Europe
- Regarding your desire to return to Africa, I think that it would be best if the matter be decided at the next Mayapur meeting. Therefore kindly wait until then
- Regarding your fasting, if you are sick, then fasting is the best medicine. For disease and unwanted guests, if you do not give them food, they will go away
- Regarding your idea, I think it will be best, if the next time you come to Honolulu, you come to our center here and discuss this proposal to the temple president named Manasvi dasa. Then some decision can be made
- Regarding your illness - so long we have got this material body, the miseries will be coming and going, simply we have to tolerate them and try to make advancement in Krishna Consciousness as best we can
- Regarding your new engagement, you can consult with Gurukrpa Maharaja and decide which engagement will be best for you
- Regarding your plane fare to India, it will be best if you can collect that money by selling some books on sankirtana. Then there will be no shortage
- Regarding your selling of BTG, we have taken a great risk of printing 20,000 copies per month, and before taking this risk, we consulted four different centers, and you all agreed. Now you try your best and the result will depend on Krishna's desire
- Routine eating must be there. We should not eat more than that. But the best principle is if we do not feel hungry, we should not eat. But if there is no hunger and at the same time no appetite and we eat, that brings indigestion, dysentery, indigestion
- Sages, or persons who completely devoted themselves to the spiritual upliftment of the entire human society, were known as dvija-deva, the best amongst the twice-born. The denizens of superior planets, from the moon planet & upwards, were known as devas
- Sahadeva said, "Krsna, the best amongst the members of the Yadus & the protector of His devotees, is the most exalted personality in this assembly. Therefore I think that He should without any objection be offered the honor of being worshiped first"
- Sakuntala, the best of beautiful women, along with her son, whose strength was insurmountable and who was a partial expansion of the Supreme Godhead, approached her husband, Dusmanta
- Sanatana Gosvami informed him (the poor brahmana), Actually, this is not the best benediction. But are you prepared to take the best benediction from me? The brahmana said, Yes, sir. Lord Siva has sent me to you for the best benediction
- Sanatana Gosvami said - You (Caitanya) are the teacher of Srimad-Bhagavatam, and You best know the meanings of the verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam. It is not possible for others to understand the confidential meanings of Srimad-Bhagavatam without Your mercy
- Sankaracarya preached Mayavadi philosophy in order to bewilder a certain type of atheist. He never considered the Supreme Lord to be impersonal or to have no body or form. It is best for intelligent persons to avoid lectures on Mayavadi philosophy
- Sankirtana is very good, but grhasthas under condition can do other business, only if they give at least 50%, but sankirtana is the best business
- Sati tried her best to mitigate the misunderstanding between the son-in-law and the father-in-law by coming to her father's house, even without an invitation, and at that time Daksa should have received her, forgetting all past misunderstandings
- Sati was the wife of Lord Siva, who is known as Yogesvara, the best among all yogis, because he knows all the mystic processes of yoga, so it appeared that Sati also knew them
- Seated in this airplane under a beautiful protective umbrella and being fanned by the best of camaras, Maharaja Bali, surrounded by his captains and commanders, appeared just like the moon rising in the evening, illuminating all directions
- See the intelligent persons and convince them. Yad yad acarati sresthah (BG 3.21). Pick up the best man. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He picked up the best men, Sanatana Gosvami, Rupa Gosvami. So His movement became successful
- Seeing the pitiable condition of his soldiers, Vrtrasura, the best of the asuras, was very much aggrieved. Unable to tolerate such reverses, he stopped and forcefully rebuked the demigods, speaking the following words in an angry mood
- She (hunchback) proposed to Krsna, "My dear hero, I cannot leave You in this way. You must come to my place. I am already very much attracted to Your beauty, I must receive You well, since You are the best among males, You must also be very kind upon me"
- Simply all you leaders there in India must cooperate with him nicely and give him confidence and advice how to manage the things in the best manner
- Simply you very strictly follow the routine schedule of devotional service and chanting Hare Krsna and do your best to spread this Movement amongst the local people. Krsna will send you many more sincere souls very soon to help you
- Since the Lord assures that He will dissipate the results of fruitive material activities, there is no need to be worried. This process of understanding one's position as a spirit soul and then engaging oneself in devotional service is therefore the best
- Since the perfect yogi tries to broadcast the importance of becoming Krsna conscious, he is the best philanthropist in the world, and he is the dearest servitor of the Lord. Na tasmat kascid me priyakrt tamah. BG 1972 purports
- Since the performance of sacrifice culminates in the manifestation of real love for Lord Visnu, loving devotional service to Lord Visnu is the very best form of sacrifice
- Since Your Lordship is indirectly the greatest well-wisher of us demons, You act for our best welfare by posing as if our enemy. Because demons always aspire for a position of false prestige, by chastising us You give us the eyes to see the right path
- Sisupala said, "In spite of all endeavors to the contrary, the time element executes its own plan without opposition. For example, one may try his best to live, but when the time for death comes, no one can check it"
- So by offering everything to Krsna, nobody is loser. You must always remem... They are gainer, the best gainer. Because after all, everything belongs to Krsna
- So far as your duty is concerned, you are doing your best. That is your spiritual qualification. The best qualification for a Vaisnava is to act sincerely, and to his best capacity, for the service of Krishna
- So Krsna is giving you good chance for presenting Krsna Consciousness Movement in the circle of educated people. Do it to your best and Krsna will give you more and more strength
- So Krsna is the best and foremost acarya, and He is accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- So our point is, we are not going to bring back the old type of Hindu society. It is impossible. Our idea is that best ideas from the original idea
- So your humble and sincere effort is needed to be applied for executing this program to the best of your capacity
- Some of the best students like you, Tamala, Mukunda, Syamasundara., and Jaya Govinda, are all now in Europe. Now you form a strong party for opening centers as well as organizing the World Sankirtana Party
- Some philosophers, they are meditating to the voidness, that "These things are all nonsense. Voidness is best." This is frustration. But we know that everything belongs to Krsna and it can be used for Krsna
- Sometimes, of course, it so happens that Lord Siva becomes the best benedictor in spiritual life. It is said that once a poor brahmana worshiped Lord Siva for a benediction, and Lord Siva advised the devotee to go to see Sanatana Gosvami
- Sometimes, we see that the word bhagavan is used for great personalities like Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and Narada Muni. This is the case with Prthu Maharaja, who is described here (in SB 4.23.30) as the best of the bhagavans, or the best of the lords
- Spiritual knowledge is above sattva-guna. Above sattva-guna. Sattva-guna is the best quality, when one brain is clear and he can see things as they are, no hazy understanding but clear understanding. The sattva-guna is the qualification of brahmana
- Spreading the Krsna consciousness movement is the best welfare activity in the world. Because of the ultimate benefit this bestows upon people in general, the Lord very quickly recognizes such service performed by a devotee
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared in the mood of Srimati Radharani, the best of the gopis
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Of the three ages of Krsna known as childhood, boyhood and fresh youth, which do you consider best?" Raghupati Upadhyaya replied, "Fresh youth is the best age"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Out of all topics people listen to, which is best for all living entities?" Ramananda Raya replied, "Hearing about the loving affairs between Radha and Krsna is most pleasing to the ear"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu found Ramananda Raya to be the best authority in transcendental knowledge of the loving affairs between Radha and Krsna. In this verse (CC Madhya 8.239) the Lord actually states that Ramananda Raya was the limit of this knowledge
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu offers the best facilities for going back home, back to Godhead, with love of Godhead
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "According to the verdict of the sastras, the process of hearing and chanting is the best means to attain loving service to Krsna"
- Sri Maitreya said: O best amongst the Kurus, the great sage Kapila, moved by great compassion and pleased by the words of His glorious mother, spoke as follows
- Sri Narottama dasa Thakura has sung that the best qualification for taking shelter of the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya is to be the most fallen because the Lord came specifically to deliver the fallen souls
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: Maharaja Yudhisthira, the best member of the Bharata dynasty, thus learned everything from the descriptions of Narada Muni. After hearing these instructions, he felt great pleasure from within his heart
- Sridhara Swami said in his verse, "Let the mystic yogis engage in their meditational service, and let the different sects engage in unnecessary arguing as to which is the best"
- Srimad-Bhagavatam does not recommend that we give up our present religion, but it does hint at the purpose of religion. That purpose is love of Godhead, and that religion which teaches us best how to love the Supreme Lord is the best religion
- Student life is meant for acquiring the best education; household family life is meant for gratifying the senses, provided it is performed with a charitable disposition of mind
- Such a person (one who performs sankirtana to please Krsna) has perfect intelligence, whereas others are in the ignorance of material existence. Of all the sacrifices mentioned in the Vedic literatures, the performance of sankirtana-yajna is the best
- Such eternal, blissful, all-knowing forms of the Lord (Krsna) cannot be understood even by the best Vedic scholars, but they are always manifest to pure, unalloyed devotees
- Sudyumna had been transformed into the best of beautiful women who excite sexual desire and was surrounded by other women. Upon seeing this beautiful woman loitering near his asrama, Budha, the son of the moon, immediately desired to enjoy her
- Sukadeva Gosvami and Bilvamangala Thakur's giving up of the impersonal conception of the absolute truth and taking to devotional service are the best examples of devotees being situated in the neutral state
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: O best of kings (King Pariksit), I have now finished telling about the descendants of the first son of Svayambhuva Manu, Uttanapada
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: O best of the advanced Aryans, after saying this much to the sons of Prajapati Daksa, Narada Muni, whose merciful glance never goes in vain, left as he had planned
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: O best of the Kuru dynasty (King Pariksit), Kamsa was fiercely cruel and was actually a follower of the Raksasas. Therefore he could be neither pacified nor terrified by the good instructions given by Vasudeva - SB 10.1.46
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: The Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Anantadeva, being very much pleased with the prayers offered by Citraketu, the King of the Vidyadharas, replied to him as follows, O best of the Kuru dynasty, Maharaja Pariksit
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: In Vrndavana the Lord killed many demons, and afterward He returned to Dvaraka, where according to Vedic principles He married many wives who were the best of women, begot through them hundreds of sons
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: O best of the Kurus, Maharaja Pariksit, the demigods and demons summoned Vasuki, king of the serpents, requesting him to come and promising to give him a share of the nectar
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: The best of the ksatriyas, Kartaviryarjuna, the King of the Haihayas, received one thousand arms by worshiping Dattatreya, the plenary expansion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: To follow the orders of Lord Brahma, Drona, the best of the Vasus, along with his wife, Dhara, spoke to Lord Brahma - SB 10.8.48
- Sukadeva Gosvami tells Maharaj Pariksit, "O best of the Kurus, Sri Krsna cut into pieces all the different weapons used by different fighters"
- Surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead is in the best interest of the living entities. It is not for the interest of the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- Suta Gosvami declared to the sages at Naimisaranya: O best among the twice-born, it is concluded that the highest perfection one can achieve, by discharging his prescribed duties according to caste divisions and order of life, is to please the God Hari
- Svarup Damodar is the best candidate for the post at the university. What the other candidates will know? Therefore he is writing so many books. He has rejected the so-called scientific knowledge. It has no basis
- Tell Me of the best ideal for humanity
- That is spiritual master's qualification. He's trying his best to deliver the soul from these clutches of maya. That is a great service. Therefore he is very dear
- That is the best form of religion which, performing, one becomes elevated to devotional service of the Lord - Not religious formalities. One has to test by the result. Phalena pariciyate
- That is the best qualification. If he becomes disinterested with these so-called modern civilized activities, that is the perfection of life
- That religion is best which helps someone, the religionist, to develop love of God, Godhead. If you put to test all kinds of religion in this formula of Srimad-Bhagavatam, you'll understand which religion is best. You haven't got to ask anybody
- That school (in Dallas) is very, very important business, and the best man must be found out for taking charge there and developing it nicely, and if he sticks and works hard to build it up, that will please me very much
- That school is very, very important business, and the best man must be found out for taking charge there and developing it nicely, and if he sticks and works hard to build it up, that will please me very much
- The acarya replied, "When the activities of the four castes and the four asramas are dedicated to Krsna, they constitute the best means whereby one can attain the highest goal of life"
- The Ayurvedic medicine which I could recommend is probably not available in London, but if there is any Ayurvedic shop let me know and I shall recommend some medicine. The best thing is to chant Hare Krishna loudly
- The basis of all transcendental mellows is the hero and the heroine, and Srimati Radharani and Lord Krsna, the son of Maharaja Nanda, are the best
- The beauty of Krsna's eyes surpasses the beauty of white lotus flowers, His yellow garments surpass the brilliance of fresh decorations of kunkuma and His ornaments of selected forest flowers subdue the hankering for the best of garments
- The beauty of Krsna's eyes surpasses the beauty of white lotus flowers, His yellow garments surpass the brilliance of fresh decorations of kunkuma, His ornaments of selected forest flowers subdue the hankering for the best of garments
- The best achievement of all fruitive activity is detachment from material life, and this detachment is spontaneously enjoyed by the devotee firmly engaged in the Lord’s service
- The best among the fools who are thus deluded are those who engage in altruistic activities under the spell of the material mode of passion
- The best and guaranteed path of progress is engagement in bhakti-yoga, pure devotional service
- The best and ultimate authority is Krsna, for He is our eternal well-wisher, and He always speaks for our benefit
- The best are those who understand the Supreme Lord (sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1). His form is completely spiritual, full of bliss, and completely distinct from that of the conditioned soul or any other living entity
- The best association is a sadhu, that is, a Krsna conscious person or one who is striving for spiritual realization
- The best example of saintly persons situated in the santa-rasa are Sanaka, Sanatana, Sananda, and Sanat-kumara, the Kumara brothers
- The best examples (of being conditioned by mode of goodness) are the scientist and philosopher: each is very proud of his knowledge, and because they generally improve their living conditions, they feel a sort of material happiness. BG 1972 purports
- The best examples of such devotees (Sevanistha) are Lord Siva, King Indra, King Bahulasva, King Iksvaku, Srutadeva and Pundarika
- The best examples of this subordination are Sarana, Gada and Subhadra. They were all members of the Yadu dynasty, and they used to always think themselves protected by Krsna
- The best explanation is given by Krsna Himself: "By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them." (BG 9.4) Everything is an expansion of Krsna's energy
- The best explanation of a book is written by the author himself
- The best food is the remnant of what is offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- The best interest of the living entity is to engage himself in devotional service and go back home, back to Godhead
- The best is the spiritual world, and it is known as Brahman. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, however, is known as Parabrahman. Therefore paratah parat means "better than Brahman realization."
- The best lawyer gives evidence from the past judgment of the court without taking much trouble to establish his case. This is called the parampara system, and learned authorities follow it without manufacturing rubbish interpretations
- The best man amongst all men engages in the service of the Supreme Person. One purusa is worshipable, and the other purusa is the worshiper
- The best means of liberation from the clutches of false ego is to give up the habit of philosophical speculation regarding the Absolute Truth
- The best method is that one should live at a place where the transcendental form of the Lord is worshiped. The temple of the Lord is a transcendental place, whereas the forest is a materially good habitation
- The best method of worship of Krsna, was exhibited by the gopis. Now what were the worshipable method of the gopis? The gopis they were not very learned scholars or Vedantists, or theosophists or mental speculators. None
- The best news of all is that soon we shall have our own press for printing Krishna Consciousness literature in the German language. Our life and soul is kirtana and presenting literature to the public at large
- The best of human beings, Pururava, began freely enjoying the company of Urvasi, who engaged in sexual activities with him in many celestial places, such as Caitraratha and Nandana-kanana, where the demigods enjoy
- The best of the Apsaras, the highly qualified girl named Alambusa, accepted the similarly qualified Trnabindu as her husband. She gave birth to a few sons and a daughter known as Ilavila
- The best of the forms is this human form. But this form of life is not meant for working so hard like an ass and gratifying the senses like the hogs and dogs
- The best of the Gandharvas, King Huhu, having been cursed by Devala Muni, had become a crocodile. Now, having been delivered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he assumed a very beautiful form as a Gandharva
- The best path is to become a cool-headed, submissive devotee of the Lord, try to hear about the Lord from the bona fide spiritual master, and thus serve the Lord in transcendental loving service
- The best path is to transcend all material curses and benedictions and take shelter of the Supreme Lord, Krsna, and remain in a transcendental position
- The best performance of yajna given to us is the sankirtana-yajna. Yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah - SB 11.5.32
- The best place within the universe is Vrndavana, and the most beautiful girls are the gopis
- The best plan is to prepare oneself to return to the spiritual sky after leaving the body. However, if one is intent on enjoying material facilities, one can transfer himself to other planets in the material sky by utilizing yogic powers
- The best practice of yoga in this age is Krsna consciousness, which is not baffling. A Krsna conscious person is so happy in his occupation that he does not aspire after any other happiness. BG 1972 purports
- The best preparation for the coming of the child is just for the parents to remain perfectly Krishna Conscious, and of course, the best means for that is by chanting the holy Names and listening to Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The best program for every living entity is to take direction from the Supreme Lord and enjoy material or spiritual life
- The best remedy for getting out of the clutches of the cobralike kala or its integrity, the modes of nature, is bhakti-yoga, as it is recommended in the Bhagavad-gita
- The best sacrifice recommended in this age is called sankirtana-yajna, the chanting of Hare Krsna (maha-mantra). This is the best and most inexpensive sacrifice; everyone can adopt it and derive benefit. BG 1972 purports
- The best source of our income should be by accepting contributions from the sympathetic public, and selling our own books and literature. That is also a sort of business, but it doesn't matter
- The best system of religion is that which best trains us to surrender unto the Supreme Lord. This is the basic principle underlying Bhagavad-gita
- The best thing is that you have enjoyed sense life in so many varieties of life, as cats, as dogs, as demigods, as tree, as plants, as insect. Now, in this human form of life, don't be captivated by sensuous life. Just try to understand Krsna
- The best thing is, after all, to get relief from all material activities and engage oneself completely in hearing the transcendental pastimes of the Lord
- The best training for the mind is gravity in thought
- The best training for the mind is gravity in thought. One should not deviate from Krsna consciousness and must always avoid sense gratification. To purify one's nature is to become Krsna conscious. BG 1972 purports
- The best use of the tongue and of sound vibration is to chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. That will protect one from the hands of cruel death
- The best welfare activity is raising people to the platform of Krsna consciousness, since the conditioned souls are suffering only for want of Krsna consciousness. The Lord Himself also comes to mitigate the suffering of humanity
- The best yoga, as taught in Bhagavad-gita by Krsna, is bhakti-yoga
- The best yogi is he who constantly thinks of the Supreme Personality of Godhead within the core of the heart
- The best yogis or mystics are the devotees, as confirmed by the Lord Himself in Bhagavad-gita - BG 6.47
- The bestial civilization of eating, sleeping, fearing and sense-gratifying has misled modern man into forgetting how powerful a soul he has
- The Bhagavad-gita says that one should be above the dominion of fruitive activities. There are different kinds of liberation, or mukti. The best mukti is engagement in the devotional service of the Supreme Lord
- The body of a devotee who tries his best to work very hard for the satisfaction of Krsna by fully engaging in the Lord's service must be accepted as transcendental
- The chanting of the holy name of Lord Visnu is the best method of atonement for one who murders women, the king or his father, for one who slaughters cows, and for all other sinful men
- The child does not know that the money actually belongs to the father, nor does he know that he had best hand it to his father, for he simply does not know how to use it
- The demon addressed the Lord: O best of the demigods, dressed in the form of a boar, just hear me. This earth is entrusted to us, the inhabitants of the lower regions, and You cannot take it from my presence and not be hurt by me
- The devotee follows the best yoga system of God-realization, which is enunciated in the Bhagavad-gita. His activities are not selfishly motivated, aimed at realizing his own cherished dreams, but are directed toward fulfilling the will of God
- The devotees of Krishna are the most exalted persons on this planet, better than kings, all of them, so we should always remember that and, like the bumblebee, always look for the nectar or the best qualities of a person
- The doorkeeper said, "Just see! Here is the best of the Personalities of Godhead. From here You may see the Lord to the full satisfaction of Your eyes"
- The dust on the mirror refers to a cleansing process of the mirror of the mind by so many spiritual methods. The best process is to chant the holy names of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The father heard from his son that the King had been cursed, although he should never have been condemned, for he was the best amongst all human beings
- The first answer (of Ramananda Raya to the questions of Lord Caitanya) is compared to copper, the second to a better metal, bell metal, the third to a still better metal, silver, and the fourth to the best metal of all, gold
- The Gandharva planet is filled with entities who sing beautifully, and among them the best singer is Citraratha. BG 1972 purports
- The glories of Vrindaban and Mathura are magnified by these two Sampradayas (Vallabha & Gaudiya) and the undersigned as an humble servant of all Vaisnavas, has tried his best to render it into elaborate English version for its publicity all over the world
- The gopi said: You are Krsna’s very dear friend, and by His order you have come here again. Therefore you are worshipable for Me. O best of messengers, tell Me now, what is your request? What do you want
- The great heroes of the Yadu dynasty, being protected by the arms of Sri Krsna, always remain fearless in every respect. & therefore their feet trample over the Sudharma assembly house, which the best demigods deserved but which was taken away from them
- The great sage Maitreya continued: My dear Viduraji, at that time all the brahmanas highly praised and glorified King Prthu, and the best singers of Gandharvaloka chanted his glories. The inhabitants of Siddhaloka showered flowers
- The great sage Maitreya said: My dear Vidura, all the personalities present were very much satisfied in heart and soul upon hearing the words of Lord Siva, who is the best among the benedictors
- The important thing now for GBC members is that they go on working. It is not important to hold a meeting for passing resolutions etc. The best time and place is Mayapur on Lord Caitanya's Appearance Day
- The individual soul becomes repentant that he forgot his constitutional position, wanted to become one with the Supreme Soul and tried his best to lord it over material nature. He has been baffled, and therefore he is repentant
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana, headed by Nanda Maharaja and including his associate cowherd men and their wives, were none but denizens of the heavenly planets, O Maharaja Pariksit, best of the descendants of Bharata - SB 10.1.62-63
- The inhabitants of Yaksaloka prayed: O controller of the twenty-four elements, we are considered the best servants of Your Lordship because of rendering services pleasing to You, yet we engaged as palanquin carriers by the order of Hiranyakasipu
- The institution which gives such training is called varnasrama-dharma, or the system of sanatana-dharma, the best procedure for making the human life perfect
- The King asked, "Have you submitted my petition to the Lord?" Sarvabhauma replied, "Yes, with much endeavor I have tried my best"
- The King inquired: At the end of the pastimes of the Lord of the three worlds, Sri Krsna, and after the disappearance of the members of the Vrsni and Bhoja dynasties, who were the best of the great commanders, why did Uddhava alone remain?
- The king is called narendra, or the best amongst the human beings. How then could a king like Maharaja Pariksit be condemned by an inexperienced, puffed-up son of a brahmana, even though he had attained the powers of a qualified brahmana?
- The King replied, 'You can adopt whatever means you think best. Any device by which you can somehow or other realize the money is all right'
- The Krsna conscious person can go even to hell and still be happy. Therefore Prahlada Maharaja said, naivodvije para duratyaya-vaitaranyah: "O best of the great personalities, I am not at all afraid of material existence"
- The Krsna consciousness movement can give the people in general the best opportunity to utilize their human life in the midst of material enjoyment
- The Krsna consciousness movement is trying its best to bring people back to Krsna consciousness in its pure form
- The Lord calls such (who is in highest perfectional stage of samadhi) a rare devotee the best amongst all the yogis Such a perfect yogi is enabled by the divine grace of the Lord to concentrate his mind upon the Lord with a perfect sense of consciousness
- The Lord certainly fulfills all desires in regard to transcendental loving service, but He cannot fulfill the whims of nondevotees, even when such casual devotees offer Him the best of prayers
- The Lord declares that this material world is full of miseries (asukham) and at the same time is very flickering (anityam). One's only duty is to engage himself in devotional service. This is the best end to which human life can be put
- The Lord is described (in SB 5.14.43) as Uttamasloka. Uttama means "the best," and sloka means "reputation." Lord Krsna is full in six opulences, one of which is reputation
- The Lord is here (in SB 4.20.27) addressed as akhila-purusottama, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord of the entire creation. purusa means "the enjoyer," and uttama means "the best."
- The Lord is so kind that because Dhruva Maharaja, in the beginning, had desired a kingdom greater than his father's, he was promoted to Dhruvaloka, the best planet in the universe
- The Lord replied to Ramananda Raya, "Sir, you are the best of the topmost devotees; therefore simply the sight of you has melted everyone's heart"
- The Lord wore a golden belt on His waist, bracelets on His arms, rings on His fingers, and ankle bells on His feet. Lord Hari, who is attractive to all the living entities of the three worlds, is known as Purusottama, the best personality
- The medical practitioners say: "We cannot guarantee. We are trying our best. That's all." Similarly, when a person is drowning in the water, if you send a good boat to save him, that is also not guaranteed
- The most significant word used in this verse (SB 6.1.33) is siddha-sattamah, which means the best of the perfect
- The names of those elephants (on the top of Lokaloka Mountain are the four gaja-patis, the best of elephants) are Rsabha, Puskaracuda, Vamana and Aparajita. They are responsible for maintaining the planetary systems of the universe
- The path followed by pure devotees, who are well behaved and fully endowed with the best qualifications, is certainly the most auspicious path in this material world. It is free from fear, and it is authorized by the sastras
- The people of the world are looking for some way of being happy and making solution to their problems, and we are presenting the best and easiest method of making final solution of all the discrepancies of life and achieving the highest bliss
- The perfect process is to accept Krsna as the Supreme in everything, and the best perfection in culturing knowledge is to surrender unto Him because He is the source of everything. Only in that conception can one get rid of the misconception of I and mine
- The perfect process is to accept Lord Vasudeva as the Supreme in everything, and the best perfection in culturing knowledge is to surrender unto Him because He is the source of everything
- The Personality of Godhead, Bhagavan, is paratah parat, beyond Brahman and Paramatma realization. In this connection, Srila Jiva Gosvami points out that paratah parat means "better than the best."
- The Personality of Godhead, who is fully cognizant of everything in His creation, informs us in our best interest that we must desire to get rid of this material existence. We must detach ourselves from everything material
- The personality of Lord Siva symbolizes the best of gentleness
- The point is that we should not be over anxious just to recruit men if they will not be of the best quality
- The Prince mistakenly addressed the Apsara: O best of saintly persons, who are you? Why are you on this hill, and what do you want to do? Are you one of the illusory potencies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead?
- The program of increasing book distribution is very much appreciated by me, and especially if you can preach very widely to the university students nearby to your place, that is the best program
- The property is very nice. You should take it immediately. Make some bargain as far as possible to get the best price, and take it
- The protection of children gives the human form of life its best chance to prepare the way of liberty from material bondage
- The saintly brahmana said: O best of the asuras, Prahlada Maharaja, who are recognized by advanced and civilized men, you are aware of the different stages of life because of your inherent transcendental eyes, with which you can see a man's character
- The same gopi said, "The best presentation offered by Govardhana Hill, however, is newly grown grass for the cows and calves"
- The sane man knows that all material possessions are temporary and that the best use of such possessions is to engage them in the service of the Lord so that the Lord may be pleased with him and award him a permanent place in His paraṁ dhāma
- The saying that the human form of life is the best position for devotional service has its special significance because only in this form can a living entity revive his eternal relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Siddhas, Vidyadharas, Kimpurusas, Kinnaras, Caranas, Yaksas, Raksasas, Suparnas, the best of serpents, & the followers of the demigods all showered flowers on Aditi's residence, covering the entire house, while glorifying & praising the Lord & dancing
- The state assembly house is constructed according to the dignity of the particular state. In the heavenly planets, the state assembly house called Sudharma was deserving of the dignity of the best of the demigods
- The students are still intelligent to find what is the best information about God and how to approach him. It is unfortunate that they are without proper guidance, but that is the condition of all persons in the world without exception
- The students cannot be over-estimated as our best prospects
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is described as Uttamasloka, "He who is worshiped by the best of selected Sanskrit verses," and His devotees such as Bali Maharaja are also worshiped by punya-sloka, verses that increase one's piety
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead replied (Krsna): My dear mother (Devaki), best of the chaste, in your previous birth, in the Svayambhuva millennium, you were known as Prsni, and Vasudeva, who was the most pious Prajapati, was named Sutapa - SB 10.3.32
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: O best of the demigods, although you have been amply harassed because of My potency in assuming the form of a woman, you are established in your position. Therefore, may all good fortune be upon you
- The surabhi cow said, "Although Indra tried his best to kill my descendant cows in Vrndavana, they remained under Your (Krsna's) shelter, and You have protected them all so well"
- The tendency is that everyone is thinking that he shall be the best enjoyer. Best enjoyer. So this is called struggle for existence
- The theory of chance can best be explained in the Vedic literature by the words ajnata-sukrti, which refer to pious activities performed without the actor's knowledge
- The things which we possess during our duration of life are first achieved and then let out along with all of our other temporary possessions. Therefore the best use of possessions during our lifetime is to dedicate it to the service of the Lord
- The varna and asrama society was considered to be the best institution for lifting the human being to the spiritual platform, but due to Kali-yuga it is not possible to execute the rules and regulations of these institutions
- The Vedic knowledge, will give you: "Here is your ideal place, Krsna. Come back to Krsna. Try for it. Try your best for this." That is the life. That is human life. And unless one is not conscious to this platform, he is defeated
- The word amusmai is significant because it indicates the best target one can aim for after attaining the higher planetary systems
- The word maha-vrata-dharah indicates a brahmacari who has never fallen down. Lord Siva is counted among the best of yogis, yet he embraced his wife in the midst of great saintly persons
- The word sauhrdam ("friendliness") is very significant in this verse (SB 7.6.24). People are generally ignorant of Krsna consciousness, and therefore to become their best well-wisher one should teach them about Krsna consciousness without discrimination
- The word tirascam refers to degraded life. Human life, of course, provides an opportunity for the best living conditions. As Western people think, from the monkeys come the human beings, who are more comfortably situated
- The word uttamasloka means "one who is famous as the best of those who are good." The Lord is good in all circumstances. That is His natural reputation. His goodness is unlimited, and He uses it unlimitedly
- The words 'krsnaramas ca' refer to one who takes pleasure in thinking of Krsna. Even though such a person may be a hunter, he is still worshipable and is the best of devotees
- The yogi who has withdrawn to a secluded place in order to meditate perfectly may not be as perfect as a devotee who is trying his best to turn every man toward Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- The yogic process of negating all material thoughts will not help. To try to create a vacuum in the mind is artificial. The vacuum will not remain. However, if one always thinks of Krsna and how to serve Krsna best, one's mind will naturally be controlled
- Then Lord Brahma, who awards infallible benedictions, departed, being worshiped by the best of the demons, Hiranyakasipu, and being praised by great sages and saintly persons
- Then Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Out of all auspicious and beneficial activities, which is best for the living entity?" Ramananda Raya replied, "The only auspicious activity is association with the devotees of Krsna"
- Theoretical negation of material activities as propounded by Sankaracarya may be effective for an insignificant section of mankind, but the best and surest way for everyone to attain spiritual bliss was propounded by Caitanya by means of DS
- There are different kinds of benedictions according to a person's demands. For karmis the best benediction is promotion to the higher planetary systems, where the duration of life is very long and the standard of living and happiness is very high
- There are different types of yoga, of which bhakti-yoga is the best. In other yoga systems, one must undergo various processes before attaining perfection, but bhakti-yoga is direct
- There are many arguments about the existence of this material world, but the Vaisnava philosophical conclusion is the best
- There are many demigods, but he (Lord Siva) recommended Visnu worship as the best. And better than Visnu worship is worship of a Vaisnava. Tadiyanam - His servants, or those who are in relation to Him
- There are so many welfare activities in the human society. People open hospitals, schools, colleges, charitable institution. They are nice. But the best contribution to the human society is to revive his lost relationship with God
- There are stages for gradual development of control of the strong senses in the material environment. But any order of life suitable for a particular person in which he can most favorably execute his Krishna Consciousness is the best position to take up
- There are three classes of men - the lowest (adhama), those in the middle (madhyama), and the best - uttama
- There are two kinds of foodstuff offered in sacrifice. One kind is food offered in fruitive ritualistic sacrifices, and the other, the best, is food offered to Visnu
- There are two types of living entities - moving and nonmoving. Among moving entities. there are birds, beasts. aquatics, human beings and so on. Of these. the human beings are supposed to be the best, but they are few
- There is a verse in the Bhagavatam - that if a devotee is trying his best but due to his incapability he sometimes fails, Krsna excuses him. And in the Bhagavad-gita (9.30) also it is said: api cet su-duracaro bhajate mam ananya-bhak
- There is no more better welfare . . . there are so many welfare activities in the human society, but this krsna-upadesa, to instruct people about the primary principles of Bhagavad-gita in the human society, that is the best para-upakara
- There is no need to be disappointed. You go on with your work as best as Krishna gives you the opportunity, and there is no cause of your anxiety
- There is only one goal: to serve Krsna to one's best ability. If there is some disagreement over service, such disagreement is to be taken as spiritual
- There was picking up, dragging and pushing, and then the legs and hands were locked together. All the arts of wrestling were perfectly exhibited by the parties as each tried his best to defeat his opponent
- Thereafter (after Krsna's birth ceremony), my dear King Pariksit, O best protector of the Kuru dynasty, Nanda Maharaja appointed the local cowherd men to protect Gokula and then went to Mathura to pay the yearly taxes to King Kamsa - SB 10.5.19
- Therefore it is best that you raise the money through your own efforts, even it may take a little longer. You are sincere in this endeavor, so Lord Caitanya will assist you
- These books are the best advertising, they are better than advertising. If we simply present Krishna Consciousness in a serious and attractive way, without need to resort to fashionable slogans or tricks, that is sufficient
- These ISKCON publications are very attractive to the public, they are nicely brought out, printed on the very best presses of America and Japan
- These ISKCON publications are very attractive to the public, they are nicely brought out, printed on the very best presses of America and Japan, and they are translated with commentary just to our line
- These transcendental spots, Mayapur and Vrindaban are place of spiritual inspiration for all devotees of ISKCON. They are the best places in the world to come and chant Hare Krishna and prepare for going Back to Home, Back to Godhead
- They (Sri Nityananda, Sri Gadadhara and Sri Advaita and many devotees like Srivasa) are always engaged in chanting the name of the Lord and are always describing Lord Krsna. Therefore this is the best among all the places in the universe
- They (the best philosophers) know that there are thirty-three million demigods just to convince the conditioned soul that there is a supreme power and to induce him to agree to worship one of these demigods
- They (the four kumaras) found that the spiritual sky was illuminated by highly decorated airplanes piloted by the best devotees of Vaikuntha and was predominated by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- They (the hippies) are our best candidates. So you can advertise that "We are not hippies, but we are converting many hippies to the sane condition of life." That's a fact. They are searching after something better, but they have no leader
- They (the seven great sages) have concluded that this is the ultimate wealth, the perfection of all austerities, and the best means of prosecuting transcendental life
- They are animals. What the dogs will understand? When there is one lady dog, one dozen dog will come. Smelling the best part of the body. This is their philosophy. So Freud is that: best part of the body, he's writing philosophy
- They have developed a civilization on that animal propensities, means "I am this body, and the best use of my life is to gratify senses." This is animal. "I am this body." Body means the senses. "And to satisfy the senses is the highest perfection"
- They have got intelligence, but their intelligence is supplied in a different way. And everywhere, every field of activity will require intelligence. Best intelligence is how to become Krsna conscious
- This (associating with devotees life after life) is the best benediction that a devotee can ask of the Supreme Lord. This is also confirmed by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu: sthane sthitah sruti-gatam tanu-van-manobhih - SB 10.14.3
- This (the Krsna Consciousness Movement) constitutes the best welfare activity for human society. This was Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission as it was predicted by Him in the Caitanya-bhagavata - CB Antya 4.126
- This (the riverbank in Vrndavana) must be considered the best place for our sporting and pastimes - SB 10.13.5
- This consciousness we are trying to arouse. This is the best welfare service to the people, to awaken his lost consciousness
- This Govardhana Hill is the best! O my friends, this hill supplies Krsna and Balarama, as well as Their calves, cows and cowherd friends, with all kinds of necessities - water for drinking, very soft grass, caves, fruits, flowers and vegetables
- This Hari-kirtana is the best yoga bhakti-yoga. You just follow our regulative principles and teach others and you will be successful, without any doubt
- This is an instance of the mind's endurance due to achieving the best thing in the world. The best thing in the world is absorption in Krsna consciousness
- This is called anuvraja. Anu means to follow. It is best to follow the instruction of the bona fide spiritual master, even in visiting temples and the holy places of pilgrimage
- This is called sunyavadi - Make everything zero. Why you are suffering from fever? The best means is that cut your throat and become happy
- This is dog life: no sex discrimination, no food discrimination, no shelter discrimination, no defense discrimination. But all these things - "Discrimination, the best part of valor" - that is in human civilization
- This is the best humanitarian welfare activities: to make people understand scientifically what he is, what is God, what is our relationship with God
- This is the best kind of religious principle (distributing krsna-prema), to understand how to become a lover of God and distribute this knowledge, how to love God. That is the best religion
- This is very instructive verse (SB 7.9.19). The whole world is planning to give relief to the suffering humanity, but foolish people, do not know you may do your best, but if it is not sanctioned by Supreme Lord, all these measures will not be of any use
- This kind of action is not buddhi-yoga, however, because such philanthropic works can at best replace one set of people's mundane desires with a new set, but they can never completely root out these unwanted desires from within the heart
- This King, Maharaja Prthu, is the best amongst those who are following religious principles. As such, he will engage everyone in the pursuit of religious principles and give those principles all protection
- This Krsna consciousness movement is the best welfare activities for the human society to save them from a dangerous type of life. It is a very scientific movement
- This life will be finished, and you do not know what kind of body you are going to get next. The best guarantee is that you execute Krsna consciousness, chant Hare Krsna mantra constantly, remain pure by following the regulative principles
- This process (of surrendering to Krsna) is the best because the Lord assures, aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami ma sucah: "I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear"
- This Society is, according to our capacity, offering Krsna the best foodstuff. Not that because He says patram puspam, therefore we offer Him patram puspam. No. We offer Him to our best capacity - the best, That should be the motto
- This traveling in buses is the best means to drive away maya and establish Krishna consciousness all over the world
- This was my dream, that a place should be there where we can get all nice foods, best foods, of milk. Krsna is fulfilling our desire
- This was practically introduced by my Guru Maharaja, that living in palatial building and riding on first-class cars, one can become the best devotee
- This welfare activity (chanting Hare Krsna mantra) is beneficial not only to the human society but to the birds, beasts, tree, animal, everyone. This is the best, supermost welfare activity in the world, spread Krsna consciousness
- Those two gatekeepers (Jaya and Vijaya), the best of the demigods, their beauty and luster diminished by the curse of the brahmanas (Kumaras), became morose and fell from Vaikuntha, the abode of the Supreme Lord
- Those who are after material concessions go to different demigods. They take something from Siva, Durga, Kali, Ganesa, Surya and whomever. However, it was the goddess Parvati who asked Lord Siva, - What is the best type of worship
- Those who are engaged simply in bestial sense gratifications without knowledge of their next life or spiritual salvation belong to the nonregulated section. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are highly developed in Krsna consciousness try their best to give this knowledge to the people in general, for their conditional life is very much troublesome. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are in Krsna consciousness movement, they should be sreyan-yad yad acarati sreyan - the best men in the society
- Those who are not in knowledge, they are afraid of death. Best business is, before the death comes let us finish our Krsna consciousness perfectly. That is wanted. Death will come. You cannot avoid it
- Thus the best amongst human beings, Maharaja Prthu, followed that path of spiritual advancement which was advised by Sanat-kumara. That is to say, he worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- To avoid being misled by an exhibition of mystic powers, it is best to examine a so-called incarnation of God in the light of the statements of the sastras
- To awaken everyone's original consciousness is the best public welfare in the whole world
- To become a guru, then you require very good qualifications, and the best qualification is that he does not cheat
- To blaspheme such a devotee who is trying his best to spread the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the greatest offense. One who does so is simply awaiting punishment for his envy
- To clear up these things the best remedy is to discuss amongst yourselves all members regularly all our books in classes, then these doubts will be killed. Without reading books it becomes hackneyed and such obnoxious ideas trouble us
- To distribute knowledge is the best welfare activities, not this material so-called happiness, daridra-narayana-seva and this seva, that seva. That will not make them happy. If you give them knowledge, then they will be really benefited
- To encourage Arjuna, Krsna said that "Don't be discouraged because you cannot practice this yoga system. Here is the best process." What is that? Yoginam api sarvesam mad-gatenantar-atmana (BG 6.47): If you simply think of Me, then you are the best yogi
- To liken the conditional existence of the living entity to that of a dog is very appropriate. An intelligent human being, however, can understand that if he has to live the life of a dog, he had best become Krsna's dog
- Today Gurudasa and his wife Yamuna are going there. You wanted some married couple. They are the best pair and if required they can remain in Delhi to organize things nicely
- Try to introduce our Bhagavad-gita As It Is into every university and college in Hawaii. Along with Gaurasundara try to convince them that our publication is the best. This will be great service
- Try your best to execute Krsna consciousness fully. That should be the motto of our life
- Uddhava says that it is best to live in Vrndavana even if one has to live as a plant or creeper. It was in Vrndavana that the Supreme Lord lived and it was there that the gopis worshiped the Supreme Lord, the ultimate goal of all Vedic knowledge
- Uddhava was considered to be the best amongst all devotees of that time, and he was directly instructed by the Lord's grace, so that people might take advantage of Uddhava's knowledge after the disappearance of the Lord from the vision of the world
- Under the circumstances, therefore, the centers and temples being established by the expanding Krsna consciousness movement are the best sacred places for performing religious ceremonies
- Understanding from the Vedic scriptures (which are the sound representations of the Absolute Truth) is the best method. The traditional Vedic students accept understanding through sound to be the best
- Understanding King Agnidhra's desire, the first and most powerful created being of this universe, Lord Brahma, selected the best of the dancing girls in his assembly, whose name was Purvacitti, and sent her to the King
- Unfortunately, the living entities have forgotten that this is in their best interest (to understand the Supreme Lord), and therefore Srimad-Bhagavatam says, na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum - SB 7.5.31
- Uttamas tu harim prahus taratamyena tesu ca: such philosophers are the best because they know that the Supreme Personality of Godhead reveals Himself differently to worshipers in various modes of material nature
- Vasudeva is the supreme cause of all causes. That is perfection of life. And our Krsna consciousness movement is trying to teach this knowledge to the world, the best welfare activities. They are all in illusion
- Vasudeva said: O best of the sober, you have nothing to fear from your sister Devaki because of what you have heard from the unseen omen. The cause of death will be her sons - SB 10.1.54
- Vedic literatures inform us that this (busily engage in eating, sleeping, mating and defending) is animal technology. Animals are also trying their best to eat well, to have an enjoyable sex life, to sleep peacefully, and to defend themselves
- Vidura inquired: Why was Daksa, who was so affectionate towards his daughter, envious of Lord Siva, who is the best among the gentle? Why did he neglect his daughter Sati?
- Vidura, the best amongst the Kuru dynasty, who was perfect in devotional service to the Lord, thus reached the source of the celestial Ganges River (Hardwar), where Maitreya, the great, fathomless learned sage of the world, was seated
- Visnu aradhanam is the best. And better than the best worship is to worship the devotees of Visnu, Vaisnavas
- We are presenting the best and easiest method of making final solution of all the discrepancies of life and achieving the highest bliss, which is eternal
- We are teaching to the whole world, "Why you are suffering with this body? Get out of the body." This is our Krsna consciousness. It is the best welfare activity to the human society, but because they are so dull, they cannot understand
- We are very much proud of our sense perception, but there are many other animals who are very, very strong in their sense perception. That is not our credit. When you come to Krsna consciousness, take to it, that is your best credit
- We can cultivate the next body like cats and dog, and we can cultivate such body as eternal, blissful knowledge. Therefore the best intelligent person will try to get next body full of blissfulness, knowledge, and eternity
- We can get the body like God; we can get the body like the dog. Therefore the best intelligent person should try to endeavor to get the next body like God. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- We do not condemn any religion because the Bhagwatam says that the religious process is the best by which one can attain love of God. So we are teaching Love of Godhead, not any particular type of religion
- We do not wish to be estranged from the material world. That is another nonsense. We have to deal with persons in the society & perhaps we are the only community in the world which can render the best possible service to the society
- We have to be trained up in that platform, how to become the best servant, not only servant directly, but servants, of the servant. This is called parampara servant
- We have to elevate our consciousness through this science of Krsna. Charity is within everyone's heart, but we do not know how to make the best use of it
- We have to give more stress on our spiritual side than the scholastic side. But at the same time, if our books are presented in a scholarly way, that will be very nice. So you use the best part of discretion and do the needful
- We Kurus, can't allow them (the Yadus) to do any more of these things, nor shall we allow them to use these royal insignias. Best to take all these things away; it is improper to feed a snake with milk, since merciful activities simply increase his venom
- We offer all respect to Lord Siva. We consider Siva as the best of the Vaisnavas. Vaisnavanam yatha sambhu. And we have got sampradaya from Siva. He is considered one of the authority of Vaisnavism
- We see so many men working so hard. Does this mean that every one of them will become a Ford, a Rockefeller? Why not? Everyone is trying his best
- We shall take every opportunity. We are the best opportunists. Anukulyena krsnanu... This is anukula. This is favorable for spreading Krsna consciousness. We shall immediately accept. It doesn't matter what it is
- We should always speak of Krsna in a pleasing way; then we will be benefited. Another name for Krsna is Uttamasloka, which indicates that He is worshiped by the best selected words
- We should be satisfied with what God has supplied in the form of food, shelter, defense and sex, and should not want more and more and more. The best type of civilization is one that ascribes to the maxim of - plain living and high thinking
- We should be very careful of our time. Time once wasted, you cannot get it back return. Better utilize this time. The best utilization is to chant Hare Krsna or think of Krsna, worship Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- We should not fall down and deviate from our path of devotional service intentionally. That will not . . . that is very great criminality. We must try our best, kevalaya bhaktya
- We should not try to lord it over the material nature, nor should we reject material things. The best way to make the best use of a bad bargain is to use everything in relation with the supreme spiritual being
- We should utilize our talents without being envious of others. You should do your best, but you should not be envious of others. In material life there is simply envy of others progress, but in spiritual life one encourages another
- We Vaisnava-sampradaya, Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sampradaya, our process is little different. Although we have nothing to do with this material world, but Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sampradaya gives facility that we can make the best use of this material world
- We want to create some ideal men. People will see them, and at least they will understand that "Here are the ideal men." They will be ashamed. So those who are in Krsna consciousness movement, they should be sreyan - the best men in the society
- What is the busyness of these Krsna conscious students? They are busy in chanting Hare Krsna, in distributing knowledge in Krsna consciousness. Therefore they are doing the best welfare work in the world
- Whatever transcendental tactics you leaders think best for distributing the books you can employ
- When a man is young, he does not care for old age, but enjoys sex to the best of his satisfaction, not knowing that at the end of life his sexual indulgence will bring on various diseases
- When Hiranyakasipu asked Prahlada Maharaja, "What is the best thing you have learned from your teachers?" Prahlada replied, - O best of the asuras, as far as I can understand, because we have accepted this material body, we have to accept death
- When I arrive in London we shall consult together how to best spread Sankirtana Movement throughout England
- When I point out some discrepancy of my disciples, it is always with good will so you can become the best servant of Krishna
- When nectar did not come from the ocean of milk, despite so much endeavor by the best of the demigods and demons, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Ajita, personally began to churn the ocean
- When Parvati asked Lord Mahadeva, Lord Siva, what is the best method of upasana, or worship, Lord Siva answered, aradhananam sarvesam visnor aradhanam param. Visnupasana, or visnv-aradhana, worship of Lord Visnu, is the highest stage of perfection
- When she thought of her great husband, the best of the sages, Kardama Muni, who was very dear to her, she, along with all the maidservants, at once appeared where he was
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Among all the mellows, which do you consider best?" Raghupati Upadhyaya replied, "The mellow of conjugal love is supermost."
- When the best of the Vasus, named Drona, and his wife Dhara were ordered to increase progeny by Lord Brahma, they said unto him, “Dear father, we are seeking your benediction"
- When the father, Maharaja Nabhi, saw all these qualities, he thought his son to be the best of human beings or the supreme being. Therefore he gave Him the name Rsabha
- When they saw Jamadagni sitting by the side of the fire to perform yajna and meditating upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is praised by the best of selected prayers, they took the opportunity to kill him
- When you offer something best, choicest, that is your love only. Suppose you offer a fruit to Krsna. Can you manufacture fruit? Oh, it is manufactured by Krsna. It is God's gift
- When you serve Krsna, there is no question of distress. Simply do your best, and people will surely be benefited wherever you go. A Vaisnava, wherever he goes, he makes the place sanctified. Vancha-kalpatarubhyas ca krpa-sindhubhya eva ca
- While I have been engaged in the process of creation, the earth has been inundated by a deluge and has gone down into the depths of the ocean. What can we do who are engaged in this matter of creation? It is best to let the Almighty Lord direct us
- With the materialistic mind one can reach the best planet in the universe, but no one can enter into the kingdom of God. Senses are called spiritually purified when they are not involved in sense gratification
- Within this universe, this earth is the best planet, and on this planet the land of Bharata-varsa is the best; in the land of Bharatavarsa, Bengal is still better, in Bengal the district of Nadia is still better, and in Nadia the best place is Navadvipa
- Yes, the process is to give the very best to the Spiritual Master no matter what the cost. Just like you'll recall in the story of Krishna and Sudama at the Gurukula of their Spiritual Master
- Yes, we must set up our society as a school as best we can - I have already sent you letter. Please formulate the whole curriculum because we have to immediately submit to the Draft department & if this is accepted that will be great gain for our society
- You are an intelligent boy, so now you may make the best use of your intelligence in perfecting your life in Krishna Consciousness. Please continue to be very serious about this endeavor, and surely Krishna will give you all facilities for serving Him
- You are the best man for this task of being responsible for our world headquarters at Mayapur, thank you very much for helping me in this way
- You are the teacher of Srimad-Bhagavatam, and You best know the meanings of the verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- You do your best, but depend, the result, on Krsna. That is wanted. If somebody comes to attack you, you must also attack. You first attack
- You have given me the credit of being the best disciple of Prabhupada. That is very kind of you, but I am just trying to serve him. Whatever success there is is due to his mercy
- You have suggested that some men are best engaged in doing business. I agree. All grhasthas who are interested in doing business should do so in full swing
- You know this art, how to attract and engage men, so aim yourself at the top-class of men and give them every opportunity and facility to become convinced of our philosophy and engage themselves to their satisfaction. That will be the best contribution
- You protect the cows and take the best food in the world, milk. That is enjoyment. Not foolishly to eat the cow
- You ride on a best airplane - there are so many disturbances: sound, moving, sometimes table is moving. But this planet also moving more speedily than the airplane, but you do not perceive. This is Krsna's manufacture, perfectly. Purnam idam
- You seemed to have taken a new grasp on Krsna Consciousness when you say, "As for where to live, my only concern now is to live where I can best serve you"
- You should not think that, "I am so powerful, I can gain victory over you." Depend on Krsna, do your best. Yudhyasva mam anusmara (BG 8.7). This is our policy
- You simply desire to serve Krishna best and there will be no scarcity of anything. Know it certain from me
- You wanted one white assistant for facilitation of your work in Ahmedabad, so we have selected the best man for this work, Sriman Hai Haya Das Adhikari
- Your duty is to appoint nice physician, nice medicine. But is there any guarantee that he will live? Why does he die? You can say that "I have given the best medicine and best medical treatment," still, he dies. What is the cause
- Your Lordship, he (Bali Maharaja) said, You are (God is) always praised with the best of selected verses
- Your parents desire that you become educated also, although they do now know that someone who is a devotee is best educated