Category:Beginning Of Life
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Pages in category "Beginning Of Life"
The following 119 pages are in this category, out of 119 total.
- A big branch of Advaita Acarya was His son Acyutananda. From the beginning of his life he engaged in the service of the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya
- A brahmacari, from the very beginning of his life, he is trained to act only for guru. That is brahmacari. It is enjoined that a brahmacari live at the shelter, at the care of guru just like a menial servant
- A living entity is within the time of past, present and future. His life has a beginning, a birth, and in the conditioned state his life ends with death. But the Lord is adi-purusa, the original person
- A student was supposed to study grammar carefully for twelve years in the beginning of his life, because if one is expert in the grammar of the Sanskrit language, all the sastras are open to him
- Abodha-jatah means one who is born fool. Every one of us is a born fool. Why? From the beginning of our life I know that "I am this body," although I am not this body. Therefore we are all born fools, everyone
- Actually, one should take to devotional service from the beginning of life, as Prahlada Maharaja advised: kaumara acaret prajno dharman bhagavatan iha
- Adharma, Irreligion, was also a son of Brahma, and he married his sister Mrsa. This is the beginning of sex life between brother and sister. This unnatural combination of sex life can be possible in human society only where there is Adharma, or Irreligion
- All the neighboring inhabitants would be frightened by his presence, and they would call, "Here comes Vena! Here comes Vena!" So from the beginning of his life he was fearful to the citizens
- At the time of death Krsna comes and takes away everything - house, land, wife, children, friends, reputation and whatever. Then we have to begin another life
- At the very beginning of life one must be a brahmacari. He must go to the spiritual master's place and act like a menial servant
- Atheist class of men, in the beginning in their lifetime, they say, "What is God? We don't care for God." But when God comes as death they say, 'Yes, Sir, take me wherever You want." Finished. At that time you cannot say - No, no, I don't care for death
- Because of its being merged into water, it is natural to conclude that the beginning of life was aquatic. This is confirmed in Padma Purana
- Brahmacari, in the beginning of life - brahmacari means beginning of life, student life - they must be trained up how to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the first training
- Brahmacarya is student life, the beginning of life in the spiritual orders, and the principle of brahmacarya is celibacy. Only a householder can indulge in sense gratification or sex life, not a brahmacari
- Brahmacārī is taught from childhood how to keep brahmacārī, brahmacarya. This is the . . . anyone who is taught from the beginning of life, "No sex life," then at young age he can control
- Brahmananda Bharati said - Since the beginning of my life I was attached to impersonal Brahman realization, but as soon as I saw You (Caitanya), I became very much attached to the Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- By the grace of the Lord we were given the same opportunity (to learn the process of worship during childhood) by our parents, and the beginning of our life was based on this principle
- Every one of us is a born fool. Why? From the beginning of our life I know that "I am this body," although I am not this body. Therefore we are all born fools, everyone. And therefore, according to Vedic civilization, one has to take his second birth
- Everyone is responsible for his fallen condition because of his own activities. When activities are changed to devotional service, one's auspicious life begins
- First beginning of Vaisnava life is to accept guru, spiritual master, then other things. Because who will teach you?
- From the very beginning of life one has to learn this Krsna consciousness, and thereby one may become fully Krsna conscious and act accordingly. BG 1972 purports
- From the very beginning of life the brahmacarya system is introduced so that from one's very childhood - from the age of five years - one can practice modifying one's human activities so as to engage perfectly in devotional service
- From the very beginning of life, a child is habituated to eating meat. the mother purchases powdered meat and mixes it with liquid and feeds it to the infant. I have seen it
- From the very beginning of life, they are hearing Hare Krsna maha-mantra. They are associating with Vaisnava, chanting, dancing. Imitation or fact, it doesn't matter. So they are very, very fortunate children
- From the very beginning of life, those who are ajitendriya, who cannot control their senses, are educated only for sense gratification, as we have seen in the Western countries
- From the very beginning of life, those who cannot control their senses, are educated only for sense gratification. Thus the entire duration of a life is wasted and misused, and at the time of death one transmigrates to another body, which may not be human
- From the very beginning of one's life one should practice bhakti-yoga, which increases one's attachment for Krsna
- Haridasa Thakura was born in a Mohammedan family. From the very beginning of his life he was never trained in the karma-kanda system
- He (Pariksit Maharaja) was a devotee of Krsna from the very beginning of his life, and thus he enquired, - Whether it is better to absorb the mind in Krsna consciousness?
- He (Prahlada Maharaja) said that from the very beginning of life, from the age of five, children should be instructed about bhagavata-dharma because the human form of life, which is very rarely obtained, is meant for understanding this subject
- Hearing about the activities of Krsna is the beginning of purified life. Punya-sravana-kirtanah: simply by hearing and chanting, one becomes purified. Therefore, in discharging devotional service, sravana-kirtana (hearing and chanting) is most important
- How to control senses, that is the beginning of life. Not A-B-C-D learning and maybe your character may be less than an animal's, and you have got a degree of the university; you become a learned man. No. That is not accepted
- Human civilization should be based on the Vedic principles. This means that in the beginning of life boys and girls should undergo penances and austerities. When they are grown, they should get married, live for some time at home and beget children
- Human life should be sober. He should... Therefore the first beginning of real life is to understand that "I am not this body." This is the first lesson. But where is that education? Throughout the whole world, go anywhere
- I am so glad to learn that Candramukhi is getting Krishna Consciousness from the very beginning of her life. This is the advantage of her previous life's advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- I wish that from the very beginning of life everyone should be enlightened with Krsna Consciousness, because the human life is very important for fulfilling this mission
- If from the beginning of life one is taught the Vaisnava philosophy of duality or variety, the monistic philosophy will not bother him very much. In reality, everything is an emanation from the supreme source
- If one engages in devotional service from the beginning of life, he easily attains vairagya-vidya, or asakti, detachment, and becomes jitendriya, the controller of his senses
- If one is unable to take to the process of Krsna consciousness from the very beginning of life, he must be trained to accept these principles at the fag end of life
- If one practices devotional service from the beginning of his life, surely he will return home, back to Godhead, without a doubt - asamsaya
- If the rod is put in the fire, it is becoming warm, warmer, and when it is red hot it is no more rod, it is fire. So beginning of life, neophyte stage, is the beginning. When he actually becomes advanced in devotional service, that is designationless
- In our childhood we asked, "Father, what is this?" and father would say, "This is a pen," "These are spectacles," or "This is a table." In this way from the very beginnings of life a child learns from his father and mother
- In our Society, the children, from the very beginning of life, they are getting opportunity how to think of Krsna, how to offer obeisances to Krsna, how to chant. This is the process
- In speaking to his friends, who were all sons of demons, Prahlada Maharaja stressed that every living entity, especially in human society, must be interested in spiritual realization from the very beginning of life
- In the beginning of his life Ajamila was certainly very pure, and he associated with devotees and brahmanas; because of that pious activity, even though he was fallen, he was inspired to name his son Narayana
- In the beginning of his life, when he went to the forest in search of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Dhruva Maharaja realized that all bodily conceptions of pleasure are products of the illusory energy
- In the beginning of life a person is trained as a brahmacari and is then allowed to marry a suitable girl and become a householder
- In the beginning of life, as a brahmacari, one has to undergo severe penances and austerities in order to be educated in spiritual values
- In the beginning of life, every living entity is food conscious. A child or an animal is satisfied only by getting nice food. This stage of consciousness, in which the goal is to eat sumptuously, is called anna-maya
- In the beginning of life, the children, beginning from five years old up to twenty-five years, they are trained up as brahmacari. Those who are not in bad association from childhood, if they practice celibacy, they are not disturbed
- In the system of varnasrama-dharma, which is the beginning of actual human life, small boys after five years of age are sent to become brahmacari at the guru's asrama
- In the Vedic way of life the beginning of life is tapasya, brahmacari. Brahmacari. A student is sent to gurukula for practicing brahmacarya. This is tapasya, not comfortable life
- In Vedic civilization a man is taught from the beginning of his life to become a brahmacari, then an ideal grhastha, then vanaprastha, then sannyasi, and the wife is taught just to follow the husband strictly in all conditions of life
- It is stated in the beginning of Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.1.3), suka-mukhad amrta-drava-samyutam: the nectar of Srimad-Bhagavatam became more relishable because it emanated from the mouth of Srila Sukadeva Gosvami
- Krsna assures us that as soon as one surrenders to Him He immediately squares all accounts and puts an end to all one's sinful activities so that one may begin a new life
- Krsna gives, gives assurance that, as soon as one surrenders to Krsna, He immediately squares up all account. All your sinful activities finished now. Finished. Now you begin new life. That is called initiation. But don't commit anymore
- Maharaja Pariksit's question as to how a living entity began his material life, although he is apart from the material body and mind, is perfectly answered
- Matrvat para-daresu. From the very beginning of life, all women they are treated as mother. That is the system, Vedic system. Everyone will call a woman as "Mother." Never mind whether she is younger or older. It doesn't matter
- Nobody learns to smoke from the beginning of life, but the child requires to eat something. That's a fact. But it doesn't require to smoke. So these are artificial things. So we have to minimize the non-necessary things
- Not only one child. We have got hundreds of children in Dallas, they are being trained up. They are being trained up. They are becoming godly from the very beginning of life
- Now from the very beginning of student life, because there is no education, he is trained up as demon. What can be done? So many things have to be reformed by pushing on Krsna consciousness
- One may confess, "My Lord, out of my ignorance I committed this sin," but one should not plan, - I shall commit sinful activities and then go to church and confess them, and then the sins will be nullified, and I can begin a new chapter of sinful life
- One may elevate himself to the higher planetary systems, even up to Brahmaloka, by dint of pious activities, but when the effects of such pious activities are finished, one again comes back to this earth to begin a new life of activities
- One may wrongly think, "In the beginning of our lives let us enjoy material facilities, and in old age we may become Krsna conscious." Such materialistic thoughts are always useless because in old age one cannot be trained in the spiritual way of life
- One who is sufficiently intelligent should use the human form of body from the very beginning of life - in other words, from the tender age of childhood - to practice the activities of devotional service, giving up all other engagements
- Our nescient life has begun from this false identification - thinking that I am this matter, although I am seeing every day, at every moment, that I am not this matter
- Our point is: just try to study this life, how much painful it is. This is human body, what to speak of dog's body, cat's body? You study very minutely, you'll find, from the beginning of life in the womb of my mother up to death point, simply miseries
- Prahlada Maharaja advised that one elevate oneself to the standard of bhagavata-dharma from the very beginning of life (kaumara acaret prajno dharman bhagavatan iha) - SB 7.6.1
- Prahlada Maharaja teaches that immediately, from the beginning of life, as soon as one is four or five years old, he should be educated about Brahman. That is called brahma-jijnasa. Beginning. That is wanted. And for him there is need of guru
- Seven months, at that time the body is grown up, and in this way in tenth month the body is fully grown, then by nature’s way the body comes out and another life begins. This is called transmigration of the soul
- Sinful activities, fishing. Just see. Killing another animal, beginning of life, of the day. Such a nice civilization they have created: waste of time and sinful activities
- Spiritual life begins, first of all, sraddha, some faith. Just like you are coming here, kindly, to hear me. You have got little faith. This is the beginning. Without faith, you could not spare your time here, because here there is no cinema playing
- Such a life is called svarupa-vismrti, forgetfulness of one's real constitutional position. In Vedic civilization one is trained in the very beginning of life as a brahmacari. A brahmacari must execute austerities and refrain from sex indulgence
- Tapasya begins with brahmacari life, learning to control the senses - that is the beginning of life. Not "A-B-C-D" learning
- That is the problem, risky civilization, that people are kept in dark ignorance about the problems of the life. They do not know. They are struggling from the beginning of life, but they do not know what is the problem of life
- That is Vedic civilization, that children should be from the very beginning of life trained up in tapasya, brahmacarya, celibacy. A brahmacari cannot see any young woman
- The beginning of life is gurvasrayam, adau gurvasrayam. That is the beginning - every sastra, every Vedic scripture. Just like Krsna, He is the original spiritual master. Tene brahma hrda ya adi kavaye - SB 1.1.1
- The bhagavata-dharma is very clearly indicated in the Bhagavad-gita. Therefore Bhagavad-gita should be read very carefully, attentively, from the beginning of life, childhood
- The brahmacari, or student, is never allowed to mingle with women and learn from the beginning of life about sex enjoyment
- The father of Dhruva Maharaja, King Uttanapada, ruled over the universe because his elder brother, Priyavrata, practiced austerity from the very beginning of his life
- The first principle of austerity is brahmacarya, restricted sex life. The real meaning of brahmacarya is complete celibacy, and according to Vedic culture in the beginning of life one should strictly follow the regulations of brahmacarya
- The four sages were impersonalists in the beginning of their spiritual life, but afterwards, by the grace of their father and spiritual master, Brahma, they understood the eternal, spiritual form of the Lord and felt completely satisfied
- The modern scientists’ theory that life begins from matter is nonsense. Both matter and life begin from life. Unfortunately the scientists do not know this scientific fact; they are drifting in the darkness of their so-called knowledge
- The purpose of sacrificial rituals is to revive, gradually, the spiritual realization of the living entities. That is the beginning of life within this universe
- The subject matter which attracts the dying man becomes the beginning of his next life. Therefore, if one is absorbed in thoughts of the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna, he is sure to go back to Godhead without any doubt
- The Upanisads are part of different Vedas, as the Bhagavad-gita is a part of the fifth Veda, namely the Mahabharata. The Upanisads mark the beginning of transcendental life. BG 1972 purports
- The very beginning is yama, niyama, controlling. Everything controlling; not to be licentious, everything controlling. yoga life begins, yoga indriya samyama. The real purpose of practicing yoga is controlling the senses
- These children are being educated from the very beginning of their life how to become responsible man. This is the idea of our gurukula. So these children should be taught
- These girls (visa-kanya) had poison injected into their bodies from the beginning of their lives so that in due course of time they would become so immune to the poison and so poisonous themselves that simply by kissing a person they could kill him
- They (followers of Vedic Civilization) are very, very busy. Not only very, very busy, but also kaumara acaret prajno dharman bhagavatan iha: (SB 7.6.1) they are trying to become self-realized from the very beginning of life
- They are thinking, those who have no vision for self-realization, they are thinking, deha apatya-kalatra adi. Deha means "this body," and apatya means "children."Kalatra means "wife."Adi, because we begin our lives with these things
- This (no illicit sex life, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication) is the beginning of religious life. Those who are so-called religious and indulge in these four principles of prohibited activities are pseudoreligionists
- This asuric public, they do not know which way their destination is. They say it is self-interest, but these rascals, they do not know what is the self-interest, because their very beginning of life is mistaken. They are thinking this body is the self
- This leaves only a few more years, but because of too much attachment to household life, those years are also spent with no purpose, without God consciousness. Therefore, one should be trained to be a perfect brahmacari in the beginning of life
- Thus situated in the renounced order from the beginning of their lives, all three of them completely controlled the activities of their senses and thus became great saints
- Trained to be a perfect brahmacari in the beginning of life
- Transcendental life begins when one accepts a bona fide spiritual master. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, clearly states here that this process of knowledge is the actual path. Anything speculated beyond this is nonsense. BG 1972 purports
- We are trying to train first-class men. So if, from the very beginning of life, one is trained... That is the Vedic civilization
- We have opened our gurukula asrama in Dallas. We are teaching from the very beginning of life small children how to become brahmacari. That is required
- We need as many Krishna Conscious men as possible, trained from the very beginning of their lives, to carry on our mission and purify the society
- We should be careful to educate our sons, our boys, with bhagavata-dharma from the very beginning of life. That was the Vedic system. Therefore, in the first twenty-five years of life, the children were sent to gurukula for learning this bhagavata-dharma
- When a brahmacari is married, he is called grhastha, or householder. But because a brahmacari is trained from the very beginning of his life renunciation of material enjoyment, he cannot be absorbed like ordinary man in family life
- When we die, we have to give up the body & then take on another body. We immediately enter the womb of another mother, stay for nine months or so, and then come out. Then a new chapter of life begins. This is conditioned life, & it goes on again & again
- When we think of a person in our present experience, that person has a beginning. This means that he has taken birth and that there is a history from the beginning of his life. But the Lord is particularly mentioned here as anadi, beginningless
- Wherefrom the fire came? That is natural inquiry. Wherefrom the sky came? How the stars are situated, so many millions and millions? So these are the inquiries of the intelligent person. That is the beginning of philosophical life