Category:Anything Else
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Pages in category "Anything Else"
The following 101 pages are in this category, out of 101 total.
- A person absorbed in the material bodily conception is affected by these things, but I am free from all bodily conceptions. Consequently I am neither fat nor skinny nor anything else you have mentioned
- Actual philosophy is this: the religion means surrender to Krsna. Anything else which does not surrender to Krsna, that is not religion. That is rejected in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, dharmah projjhita-kaitavo (SB 1.1.2): all cheating religion is rejected
- Actually, if we can attain the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, we do not need anything else. We certainly do not need those things which a mundane person considers to be material assets
- After being initiated and receiving the orders of the spiritual master, the disciple should unhesitatingly think about the instructions or orders of the spiritual master and should not allow himself to be disturbed by anything else
- Although everything is an emanation from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one should not think that the Supreme Lord is dependent upon anything else
- Anyone who tries to prove that the Vedic literatures aim at anything else (except understanding our relationship with the Absolute SPG, acting according to that understanding, & achieving love of Godhead) is of necessity a victim of his own imagination
- Ar na koriho mane asa. You rascal, you do not desire anything else. Are you not singing daily? But do you understand the meaning? Or you are singing only? What is the meaning? Who will explain? Nobody knows? Yes, what is the meaning?
- Ara na kariha mane asa, that is instruction. Do not need anything else. Stick to the principle of instruction of guru. Then you become perfect
- As far as the eyes are concerned, they should not be allowed to see anything but Krsna. That will control the eyes. Similarly, the ears should be engaged in hearing about Krsna and the nose in smelling the flowers offered to Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- As long as the vow to chant is unfulfilled, I do not desire anything else. When I finish my chanting, then I have an opportunity to do anything
- Because Pradyumna Misra saw that it was late, he did not say anything else to Ramananda Raya. Instead, he took leave of him and returned to his own home
- Bhagavad-gita clearly explains that this catur-varnyam system was established by Krsna, but He is outside of this system. When Krsna comes as an incarnation, He does not come as a member of any social order, not as a brahmana or anything else
- Bhakti is not under karma. Bhakti is under your good will. If you accept to surrender to Krsna, you can do that without being checked by anything else. Simply you have to will, "Yes, Krsna. You are asking me. So long I did not do. From this day I do"
- Bhakti-yoga is simply in connection with Krsna. Bhakti-yoga cannot be applied to anyone, anything else. How Buddha philosophy can be dovetailed with bhakti-yoga? Bhakti-yoga means to understand God
- By one's intelligence only one can think of Him (God) in any manifestation of the material world - the forest, the hill, the ocean, the man, the animal, the demigod, the bird, the beast or anything else
- Eight symptoms of a jivan mukta - 07 A further symptom (of a liberated person) is satya-kama, which indicates that all his desires are directed to the Supreme Truth, Krsna. He does not want anything else
- Even great demigods and sages have difficulty in seeing You (Krsna). Now I (Dhruva Maharaja) am pleased, & all my desires are satisfied. I do not want anything else. I was searching for some broken glass, but instead I have found a great & valuable gem
- Even though they are not sometimes following the routine work of cleanliness or something else, still, because he's sticking to the principle of worshiping Krsna, he does not do anything else, then he's sadhu
- He completely controlled his senses and their objects, and in this way he fixed his mind, without diversion to anything else, upon the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He was always situated in his constitutional position of self-realization, and he could not see anything else but the Supreme Lord and himself engaged in discharging devotional service
- He would not listen to blasphemy of a Vaisnava, nor would he listen to talk of a Vaisnava's misbehavior. He knew only that everyone was engaged in Krsna's service; he did not understand anything else
- Here (in SB 10.2.30) the Lord is described as ambujaksa, or lotus-eyed. By seeing the eyes of the Lord, which are compared to lotus flowers, one becomes so satisfied that one does not want to turn his eyes to anything else
- His (Krsna's) meditation on Brahman or Paramatma or Bhagavan is on Himself only and not on anything else beyond Himself. This meditation cannot be imitated by the ordinary living entity
- I am very glad to note that you are so much sincere and enthusiastic devotee of Krishna. That is wanted. If I do not do anything else, at least let me produce one such sincere devotee that's all
- I was overwhelmed with transcendental ecstasy, not knowing anything else. Then Lord Nityananda smiled and spoke to me as follows
- If one simply hears, without doing anything else, if one simply sits down in the temple and whenever there is talk of Bhagavad-gita one goes on hearing, that will be enough
- If the devotee can be engaged twenty-four hours each day in devotional service they do not want anything else, not even the happiness of liberation or of becoming one with the Supreme
- If there is some immediate danger to one's own person, he first takes care of himself, then others. That's natural. That means he loves his own self more than anything else
- If you have got time, if, if you haven't got to do anything else, you can continue, (laughter) sixteen hundred. It is not mechanical
- If you have got time, if, if you haven't got to do anything else, you can continue, sixteen hundred. It is not mechanical: "Now I have finished sixteen rounds, that's all." Why sixteen rounds? You chant sixteen hundred rounds
- In separation from the Lord, everyone felt as though he had lost his very life. The devotees concluded that there must have been some mishap. They could not think of anything else
- In the Brahma-samhita it is stated that those who are attached to the Syamasundara form of Krsna in love and devotion can see Him always within the heart and cannot see anything else. BG 1972 purports
- In the material world there is attraction between men and women and this attraction is stronger than anything else. In the spiritual world there is also attraction, but it is not so strong as the attraction for chanting the Lord's glories
- In the original consciousness we do not know anything else than Krsna. Avikaritvam. There is no change. Therefore in the Vaikuntha planets, especially in the Goloka Vrndavana planet, that is exhibited
- In this way Jagannatha Misra and the brahmana discussed the principles of religion in the dream, yet Jagannatha Misra was absorbed in unalloyed parental mellow and did not want to know anything else
- Indeed, the gopis cannot hear anything else, nor are they able to concentrate on anything else, not even to give a suitable reply. Such are the effects of the vibration of Lord Krsna's flute
- It is our only prayer that we are always asking the Lord for further opportunities of service. We do not care to ask for anything else, so this is our only prayer. Our life is service to Krishna & how we may serve Him more & more that is our only desire
- It is the sadhu's business to teach this (divert one's thoughts to Krsna), and one can learn this in the association of a sadhu. Actually a sadhu will not teach anything else
- Lord Buddha appeared to stop animal-killing, ahimsa. He did not say anything more. His only mission was, "Let these rascals first of all stop this animal-killing, they'll understand further about spiritual advancement''
- Lord Krsna is so exalted that He is more attractive than anything else and more pleasing than anything else. He is the most sublime abode of bliss. By His own strength, He causes one to forget all other ecstasies
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "The mercy of Lord Krsna is stronger than anything else. Therefore the Lord has delivered you from the ditch of materialistic life, which is like a hole into which people pass stool"
- Lord Sri Caitanya specifically drew attention to the mercy of Krsna. That mercy is more powerful than anything else, for it had saved Raghunatha dasa from the strong bondage of materialistic life, which the Lord compared to a hole where people pass stool
- Macbeth may be recited by two men, without anything else, and simply by their acting ability and the meaningful words alone, they can very easily capture the entire audience and give them real substance
- Most essential thing is, if you improve the preaching programme, automatically everything else will improve, Krishna will give you all facilities
- My other godbrothers they are concerned with litigations, politics, and diplomacy, so what is the pracara? As far as I am concerned I have the blessings of my guru maharaj. I do not need anything else
- Narada Muni then told the hunter, 'I have one thing to beg of you.' "The hunter replied, 'You may take whatever animals or anything else you would like'"
- Narottama dasa Thakura advises everyone to stick to the principle of carrying out the orders of the spiritual master. One should not desire anything else
- Neophyte devotee does not know how to preach. He simply goes to the temple, and offers everything with devotion to the Deity, and he doesn't know anything else
- One devotee said, "I am nicely educated, but my education has simply been used in government service. I have not considered formidable time, stronger than anything else, which creates and annihilates everything"
- One may perform all the methods of devotional service or may accept only one. Simply hearing is enough. Pariksit Maharaja did not do anything else but sit down before Sukadeva Gosvami and hear for the last seven days of his life
- One should accept this visnu-vrata, which is a vow in devotional service, and should not deviate from its execution to engage in anything else
- One should not desire to do anything else, even to earn his livelihood. There are many, many examples of this attitude. Madhavendra Puri, for instance, would never go to anyone to ask for food
- One should simply endeavor to increase his Krsna consciousness. One should not desire to do anything else, even to earn his livelihood
- One who is continuously in trance (nitya-yuktasya yoginah) does not divert his attention to anything else. He is always situated in trance
- One who is meditating, dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa, mind is so trained up that mind cannot think of anything else except God, that is perfection of yoga
- One who is serious in advancing his spiritual life should be very cautious not to become attached to anything but Krsna
- Our endeavor, our energy, should be used solely and wholly for understanding what is Bhagavata-dharma, or Krsna consciousness, not for anything else. It may be very revolutionary, but this is a fact
- Please do not neglect to engage yourself in the prescribed duties for maintaining your spiritual strength. Without keeping spiritual strength there is no question of any accomplishment like painting or anything else
- Prahlada Maharaja replied, "Please engage me in the service of Your servant. This is all I want. I do not want anything else." In this way a devotee never asks for anything material from the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Prahlada Maharaja says that - Except Yourself, to conceive anything else, that 'Beyond Krsna there is anything,' that is maya
- She (Kuntidevi) prays that her attraction be constantly drawn unto Krsna without being diverted to anything else. This is bhakti, pure devotional service, for as mentioned by Rupa Gosvami, devotional service should be unalloyed
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu confidentially prayed, mama janmani janmanisvare bhavatad bhaktir ahaituki tvayi: "My Lord, please bless Me with Your devotional service. I do not want anything else"
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura used to say that asking God for mukti or anything else other than bhakti is like going to a rich man and asking for ashes
- Such service begins with the tongue (sevonmukhe hi jihvadau), which means that we should always chant the holy names of the Lord and accept krsna-prasada. We should not chant or accept anything else
- That is nice that you are distributing many books. I do not want money, or buildings or anything else, I simply want to see that my books are being distributed and because you are doing that I am quite happy
- That's all right. If you cannot do anything else, you simply chant sixteen rounds, take prasadam, and sleep. It is special prerogative for you. There is no then. This is, this is order for you
- The air enters into water, mud, stool and whatever else is there; still it does not mix with anything. Similarly, the living entity, even though situated in varieties of bodies, is aloof from them due to his subtle nature. BG 1972 purports
- The body may be prime minister or anything else, as soon as the soul is out of this body, it is not worth even a farthing. Similarly, because Krsna enters within this universe, therefore the universe has value. Otherwise it is simply lump of matter
- The devotee's prayer continues, "You (Krsna) are so beautiful and attractive that my mind does not want anything else besides this wonderful form"
- The grhasthas, they are very cripple-minded. They are satisfied with the family, and they do not know that anything else to do. Therefore it is the duty of the sannyasi and the brahmanas to go to the householder's home and enlighten them spiritually
- The most important item is sravanam, or hearing. If you do not do anything else, if you simply sincerely hear about God, then gradually you will be God conscious
- The Pandavas are eternal companions of the Lord, and they are more interested in the company of the Lord than anything else
- The personified Vedas presented the example that those seeking gold do not reject gold earrings, gold bangles or anything else made of gold simply because they are shaped differently from the original gold
- The transcendental Supreme Person, the Supersoul of all living entities, who are in different statuses of life, high and low, existed at the end of the millennium, when neither this manifested cosmos nor anything else but Him existed
- The vibration of Krsna’s flute is always prominent in the ears of the gopis. Naturally they cannot hear anything else
- The whole process is to increase our feeling of love for Krsna. That is required. Not anything else. Just (like the) gopis. They were not Vedantists. They were not scholars. They were village girls, and also low class
- The whole process is to increase our feeling of love for Krsna. That is required. Not anything else. Just gopis. They are not Vedantist. They are not scholars. They are village girls, and also low class
- The word darsaniyatamam, which is used in this verse (SB 3.28.16), means that the Lord is so beautiful that the devotee-yogi does not wish to see anything else. His desire to see beautiful objects is completely satisfied by the sight of the Lord
- These are the special features of the transcendental form of the Lord, and one who has once seen that form is not satisfied with anything else; no form in the material world can any longer satisfy the seer
- This is the only qualification, that a preacher should preach only what Krsna has said. That's all. No manufacturing, no concoction. And the audience? They will hear from such person who does not speak anything else except Krsna's teaching. That's all
- To perform that yoga, Krsna says, mayy asakta-manah partha yogam yunjan mad-asrayah. One has to take shelter of Krsna. You cannot practice krsna-yoga by taking shelter of anything else. You have to take shelter of Krsna
- Tongue should be used always for glorifying the Supreme Lord. That is our business with the tongue. And the tongue should not be allowed to eat anything except krsna-prasada. Then you become liberated, simply by controlling the tongue
- We are speaking of the demons, materialistic person. Demon means materialistic person, who are simply busy for these temporary bodily comforts. They do not know anything else
- We are teaching in our Dallas children simply to learn Sanskrit. They have nothing to do anything else. They are not going to be technologist or servant of everyone. No. We want some generation who can preach Krsna consciousness
- We should understand that in order to prepare nutritious food, we require only grains, ghee, yogurt and milk. We cannot offer anything else to the Deity
- We simply want that people should understand God, and love him also, because human life is meant for this purpose. So if a man loves God more than anything else, he is the perfect man
- When Lord Buddha appeared, the people in general were atheistic and preferred animal flesh to anything else. On the plea of Vedic sacrifice, every place was practically turned into a slaughterhouse, and animal-killing was indulged in unrestrictedly
- When the car moved forward, everyone began to chant with great pleasure, "All glories! All glories!" and "All glories to Lord Jagannatha!" No one could hear anything else
- When the Supreme Lord (Visnu) is laughing, one can see His small teeth, which resemble jasmine buds rendered rosy by the splendor of His lips. Once devoting his mind to this, the yogi should no longer desire to see anything else
- While you chant, you hear also. You don't turn your attention to anything else - mechanically chanting and thinking of something
- With advanced knowledge, he (Priyavrata) always engaged in discussing spiritual subjects and did not divert his attention to anything else. The Prince's father then asked him to take charge of ruling the world