Category:Any Kind Of
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Pages in category "Any Kind Of"
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- A Brahmachary should not see any kind of naked picture. That is violation of Brahmachary law
- A devotee does not want any kind of material opulence, but such opulence appears before him automatically. He does not have to endeavor for it. Because of his devotional service, he automatically becomes brahma-bhuta
- A devotee should never approach a materialistic person for any kind of help
- A Krsna conscious person has no desire for any kind of self-enjoyment. He is always engaged for the enjoyment of the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- A Krsna conscious person is not attracted to any kind of sense pleasure due to his being a liberated soul. BG 1972 purports
- A perfect yogi is so well disciplined in the activities of the mind that he can no longer be disturbed by any kind of material desire. This perfectional stage can automatically be attained by persons in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- A person is called a genius when he can refute any kind of opposing element with newer and newer arguments. In this connection there is a statement in Padyavali which contains the following conversation between Krsna and Radha
- A person who is very eager to accept sannyasa, who is detached from worldly activities, who has no desire for any kind of material facilities, and who is thus saved from repeated birth and death is known as Asrama
- A person who wants to give everything in charity to Krsna but does not want anything in return is considered the real renouncer. Thus, a devotee will refuse to accept any kind of liberation, even if it is offered by the Lord
- A pure devotee does not accept any kind of liberation - salokya, sarsti, samipya, sarupya or ekatva - even though they are offered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A pure devotee does not accept any kind of mukti. He wants only to serve Krsna in a transcendental relationship. This is the perfectional stage of spiritual life
- A pure devotee is always free from any kind of material desires. In the material world, one's material desires are all most demonic
- A pure devotee never asks for any kind of material or spiritual benediction from the Lord; his only prayer is that he may not forget the lotus feet of the Lord (Krsna) in any condition of life
- A pure devotee never aspires for any kind of material happiness. The pure devotee is consequently transferred directly to Vaikunthaloka, which is described here (SB 4.30.2) as param
- A sannyasi does not hate any kind of work
- Advancement in spiritual life does not depend on any kind of previous education or qualification. The method itself is so pure that by simply engaging in it one becomes pure. BG 1972 purports
- An unalloyed devotee is never disturbed by any kind of trying circumstance
- Any kind of animal killing is sin, sinful
- Any kind of cotton cloth, you take, two paisa worth from, or two cent worth, and color, and you get it orange-colored and put on. Because in this age nobody is inquiring whether he is actually a sannyasi or not
- Any kind of distress we suffer is due to our impious activities in the past. Even if he gets sick, that is very temporary
- Any kind of happiness derived from religiousness, economic development, liberation or sense gratification cannot even dare to enter into the heart of a pure devotee
- Any kind of knowledge, it doesn't matter whether it is political or scientific or philosophical or mathematical - there are different - but the ultimate aim should be to understand what is God. That is knowledge
- Any kind of liberation cannot be achieved without tapasya. That is the verdict of all Vedic literature
- Any kind of material phenomenon that we observe is subject to these six transformations of material nature - it comes into being, grows, stays for a while, produces some by-products, dwindles, and then vanishes
- Any kind of religion which is going on under the name of religion, but the system has no information of God, that is cheating religion
- Any person who has developed even a small amount of devotional service doesn't care a fig for any kind of happiness derived from religiousness, economic development, sense gratification or the five kinds of liberation
- Anyone, whether an ordinary materialistic person or a pure devotee, can understand the behavior of Caitanya’s devotees if he studies it minutely. One will thus find that the devotees of Caitanya are not at all attached to any kind of material enjoyment
- At the time of death, because I have got a certain type of mentality, man-mentality or God-mentality or dog-mentality or fly-mentality, any kind of... There are so many. So I have to take a certain type of body
- Atheists try to interpret different meanings of the words dharma-ksetra and kuru-ksetra. Therefore Srila Jiva Gosvami has warned us not to depend on any kind of interpretation. It is better to take the verses as they are, without interpretation
- Because it is the material world, no one can enjoy any kind of happiness without inebriety. Material enjoyment means inebriety, whereas spiritual enjoyment means pure enjoyment under the protection of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, has no material body, but He can assume any kind of body by His supreme will
- Education begins, that is the Indian system, from five years. Up to five years, the children are not bothered with any kind of education. They play and become free. But as soon as he is five years old, he's sent to the school
- Even the so-called vegetarians who do not take Krishna prasadam are as much sinful as the non-vegetarians. Our propaganda is different, to make people Krishna Conscious, which automatically makes them sympathetic against any kind of animal slaughter
- Even though the Lord is never attached to any kind of material sex life, as the universal teacher He (Krsna) remained a householder for many, many years, just to teach others how one should live in householder life
- Everything, all collection, either in cash or kind (by the brahmacaris or sannyasis), that is for the benefit of guru, not the personal benefit. No
- He (KC person) does not allow anyone's service to hamper his own service in Krsna consciousness. However, for the service of the Lord he can participate in any kind of action without being disturbed by the duality of the material world. BG 1972 purports
- He (Krsna) was simply walking on foot. Kalayavana had come to fight with Krsna, and yet he had sufficient principles not to take up any kind of weapon. He decided to fight with Him hand to hand. Thus he prepared to capture Krsna and fight
- He (Pradyumna) said, "Since my father has left Dvaraka, I do not take much pleasure in practicing fighting, nor am I interested in any kind of sporting pastimes"
- Hiranyakasipu thought himself securely protected from any kind of death caused by any living entity within this universe. He also carefully guarded against natural death, which might take place within his house or outside of the house
- If a person does not come to the conclusion that he has nothing to do with any kind of material happiness, he cannot come to the platform of understanding the Absolute Truth, or tattva jnana. Karmis, jnanis and yogis are after some material elevation
- If a person is engaged in any kind of karma, his mind is called karmatmaka, colored with fruitive activity. As long as the mind is impure, consciousness is unclear, and as long as one is absorbed in fruitive activity, he has to accept a material body
- If by following the ritualistic principles of any kind of religion, if one has not developed God consciousness or love of God, then it is simply waste of time, laboring. That's all
- If there is no Krsna consciousness, any kind of activity, be it philanthropic, political or social, simply causes karma-bandhana, bondage to material work
- If you have got sufficient appetite, any kind of foodstuff, you'll find it is very nice. But if you are offered very palatable foodstuff and you are not hungry - you have no appetite - useless
- In other words, a pure devotee does not lack any kind of happiness derived from any source. He does not want anything but service to Krsna, but even if he should have another desire, the Lord fulfills this without the devotee's asking
- In other words, those who are attached to Srimad-Bhagavatam do not care for any kind of benefit derived from elevation to the higher planetary kingdoms, or for the liberation which is conceived of by the impersonalists
- In other words, when one is in ecstatic love with the Personality of Godhead, he can endure any kind of disadvantages calculated under the material concept of life
- In our Krsna consciousness movement, our first provision is that no one should be allowed to eat any kind of flesh. It does not matter whether it is cows' flesh or goats' flesh, but we especially stress the prohibition against cows' flesh
- In Satyaloka is no pain of any kind, and therefore there are no anxieties, save that sometimes, due to consciousness, there is a feeling of compassion for those unaware of the process of devotional service, who are subjected to unsurpassable miseries
- In the eternal sky there is no need for the sun nor for the moon nor fire of any kind because the spiritual sky is already illuminated by the brahma-jyotir, the rays emanating from the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- In the material world one cannot have unadulterated happiness. Any kind of happiness one has is contaminated by distress also
- In the sastras, there are eight kinds of images recommended, and any kind of image can be worshiped because God is everywhere
- It is not by any kind of transcendental activity - neither fruitive action, nor the cultivation of knowledge, nor cultivation of mystic yoga - that a person can achieve the highest perfection without adding a tinge of devotional service
- It is stated that during the reign of Maharaja Yudhisthira there did not even exist severe cold or scorching heat, nor did the citizens suffer from any kind of mental anxiety. This is the standard of good government
- It is strictly forbidden for one to accept any kind of grain on Ekadasi, even if it is offered to Lord Visnu
- Kapiladeva said to Devahuti, "Although such people do not desire any kind of liberation or any kind of material happiness, still I give them a place amongst My associates in the supreme abode"
- Kardama Muni followed the Vedic injunction that no one in sannyasa life can have any kind of relationship with women
- Krsna cannot be defeated by any kind of mystic power. If one gets even a little power of scientific knowledge, one tries to defy God, but actually no one is able to bewilder Krsna
- Krsna is not hankering after your decoration, your nice foodstuff, because He is full perfect, atmarama. He can create any kind of comforts, He is so powerful. But He is so kind that He comes to you in a form which you can handle to serve Him
- Krsna replied, "I am most pleased to see that although I offered you the opportunity to ask from Me any kind of benediction, you did not take advantage of asking for material benefits"
- Krsna's rasa dance should never be compared to any kind of material dance, such as a ball dance or a society dance. The rasa dance is a completely spiritual performance
- Like so many of the young people today, they were lost and confused. Now they are all leading a disciplined and regulated life. They follow strict principles of spiritual life, with no desire for intoxication of any kind, or illicit sex life
- Lord Krsna continued, "My dear King, I offered to give you any kind of benediction just to test how much you have advanced in devotional service"
- Lord Siva's name is Asutosa. He's very quickly becomes pleased to offer benediction, therefore generally people go to Asutosa, Lord Siva. He does not consider. If you can please him, you can take any kind of benediction from him. He'll be ready
- Marriage arrangements and ceremonies belong to ordinary material karma-kanda sections of the scriptures. The Vaisnavas, however, are not interested in any kind of karma-kanda dealings
- Materialistic men are always interested in their own profit. For this purpose they can offer any kind of respect to anyone, but when their personal interest is over, they are no longer friends
- Narada-pancaratra states, "I simply pray that You grant me the favor of keeping me under Your lotus feet. I do not wish any kind of liberation such as salokya, to reside on Your planet, or sarupya, to have the same bodily features as You"
- Naturally, anyone who is a first-class devotee must be a first-class intelligent person and therefore not interested in any kind of benediction within this material world
- No one can excel God in any capacity, and therefore no one can be equal to or greater than Him, nor can anyone attain the stage of equality with God by any kind of endeavor. Jnana, yoga and bhakti are three recognized processes of spiritual realization
- No one should have any kind of doubt in this matter, nor should one be inclined to seek the help of any other demigods, because all of them are dependent on Him only
- Nor did they devoutly execute any regulative principle. Nor did they undergo any kind of austerity. It is simply by My association that they have attained the highest perfection of devotional service
- O beloved husband, the fires, guests, servants and beggars are all being properly cared for by me. Because I always think of you, there is no possibility that any of the religious principles will be neglected
- One should always keep this understanding in mind (even if one is promoted to Brahmaloka, if one is not freed from material bondage one must return to this planet earth) so as not to be allured by any kind of sense enjoyment, in this life or in the next
- One should never consider prasadam to be like ordinary hotel cooking. Nor should one touch any kind of food not offered to the Deity
- Our students are forbidden not to accept any intoxication. They do not drink even tea or coffee, or smoke, what to speak of other things. That is our first condition to become disciple: no illicit sex life, no intoxication, no meat-eating, no gambling
- Papa means born in low-grade family. They are called papa. Suddhyanti: they become purified. This is the verdict of the sastra, that bhagavad-bhakti does not depend on any kind of material qualification. Simply you have to become very sincere and serious
- People must know that our Krishna philosophy will save the world from all kinds of dangerous conditions. We prove that when we compare our philosophy with any kind of ordinary so-called philosophy--we can defeat them all very easily
- Perfection in self-realization cannot be attained by any kind of yogi unless he engages in devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for that is the only auspicious path
- Performance of any kind of sacrifice in this age of Kali is uncertain
- Please follow the four principles of initiated disciples which are as follows: No eating of animal foods such as meat, fish and eggs; no gambling; no illicit sex life; and no intoxication of any kind
- Please follow very carefully the four restrictions of no eating of meat, fish or eggs; no gambling; no illicit sex; and no taking of any kinds of intoxicants
- Sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah: (BS 5.1) He (God) has form, but His form is different from any kind of material form
- Since a devotee has nothing to do with any kind of material possession, he does not come under the control of goddess Kali, or the goddess Durga
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu introduced the system that a woman, even if not a widow, must observe the Ekadasi day and must not touch any kind of grains, even those offered to the Deity of Visnu
- Sridhara Svami's commentary on the Srimad-Bhagavatam, "Such a transcendental devotee regards any kind of happiness other than devotional service as no better than straw in the street"
- Sruti, the Vedas, smrti, the Puranas and other literatures, dharma-sastra, smrti-sastra and Purana, pancarati-vidhi - without reference to all these authentic literature, any kind of devotional activities are not accepted by the Gosvamis
- Such a devotee, who is called niskincana, or free from all material possessions, is always absorbed in emotional love of Godhead. He is reluctant to perform any kind of sense gratification
- Such kind of creative energy which is trying to put something for understanding of Krsna consciousness, janatagha-viplavah, that brings a revolution to the people for killing their effect of sinful activities
- Svarupa Damodara Gosvami replied, "Dear Bhagavan Acarya, you are a very liberal cowherd boy. Sometimes the desire awakens within you to hear any kind of poetry"
- Ten additional regulations are as follows: (5) one should be composed both in gain and in loss; (6) one should not be subject to any kind of lamentation; (7) one should not disrespect the demigods or other scriptures
- The appearance of the wonderful and gigantic incarnation of Visnu as the mountainlike boar did not fill them (Brahma and the other enlightened brahmanas) with any kind of fear
- The benedictions were fitting in the sense that the Lord was playing the part of a human being, as if a cousin of Maharaja Yudhisthira, but they were also unfitting because the Lord is absolute and has nothing to do with any kind of material relativities
- The body can be maintained by any kind of foodstuff, but cow's milk is particularly essential for developing the finer tissues of the human brain so that one can understand the intricacies of transcendental knowledge
- The cursing of Jaya and Vijaya is here repented. Now the Kumaras are thinking in terms of their position in the modes of passion and ignorance, and they are prepared to accept any kind of punishment from the Lord
- The devotees do not want the fruitive results of their work, nor do they want any kind of salvation. They relish the glorious superhuman activities of the Lord, such as His lifting Govardhana Hill and His killing the demon Putana in infancy
- The highest perfection of religious life is to attain to the stage of unqualified devotional service of the Lord without any cause or without being obstructed by any kind of worldly obligation
- The Lord is never affected by any kind of wrath, so how can there be any place for lust, which is less strong than wrath? When lust or desire is not fulfilled, there is the appearance of wrath
- The predominating deity of this material world, Durga, is under the control of Lord Mahadeva, Girisa. Thus Lord Mahadeva can offer anyone any kind of material happiness
- The pure devotee never hankers after any kind of material prosperity
- The saints and the higher castes or orders of the society are judged by their proportion of knowledge in the science of God, or tattva jnana, and not by any kind of birthright or bodily designations
- The soul travels by its own strength and not with the help of any kind of material vehicle
- The sun is far above the planetary systems, and there is no possibility of its being covered by any kind of cloud
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is asamordhva; in other words, no one can be equal to or greater than Him. But pasandis do not believe this. They worship any kind of demigod, thinking it all right to accept whomever they please as the Supreme Lord
- The swine accepts any kind of foodstuff, including stools, and a human being who has developed such indiscriminate taste must be prepared for a degraded life in the next life
- The wives of the brahmanas, because they were inspired by pure devotional service, did not care for any kind of opposition. They immediately went to Krsna
- The word visate, used in the verses of the Bhagavad-gita, is thus meant for the devotees who are not at all anxious for any kind of liberation. The devotees are satisfied simply in being engaged in the service of the Lord, regardless of the situation
- The words hiranmayena patrena indicate that this soma beverage is not an ordinary intoxicating liquor. The demigods would not touch any kind of liquor. Nor is soma a kind of drug. It is a different kind of beverage, available in the heavenly planets
- There are eight kinds of images recommended in the sastra, in the Vedic literatures. So any kind of images can be worshiped because God is everywhere
- They (less intelligent persons) do not know that no kind of material body anywhere within the universe can give life without miseries. BG 1972 purports
- They (the sages) take great pains not to avoid any kind of bodily suffering, and they live by begging from door to door
- They are happy in those planets and are without any kind of misery and they live perpetually in full youthfulness, enjoying life in full bliss and knowledge without fear of birth, death, old age or disease, and without the influence of kala, eternal time
- This spiritual realization is easier than any kind of material realization because we are not meant for material realization. We are meant for spiritual realization, the human form
- This state of mind (always in KC) is called yogarudha, or the perfectional stage of yoga, as confirmed in the Third Chapter: yas tv atma-ratir eva syat. One who is satisfied in himself has no fear of any kind of reaction from his activity. BG 1972 pur
- Those who are animal-food eaters, they are fourth class - and less than that, those who have no distinction of eating any kind of flesh . . . there are certain classes of nation also. They say the Chinese people, they eat anything
- To accept any kind of religion or faith means to nullify these five kinds of vargas. Hard work, foaming, fearfulness, frustration, and ultimately, death. That is the purpose of dharma
- Transcendental service is above even salvation, and therefore it certainly does not aim at any kind of material reward in the shape of name, fame, or gain
- Under the circumstances, we shall fully non-cooperate with this Swami Bon and neither we shall form any kind of association with any person whose aim it is to blaspheme the Lord or his pure devotee
- Uprooting a gigantic banyan or arjuna tree and extinguishing a blazing forest fire simply by closing one's eyes are certainly impossible by any kind of human endeavor
- Vedas; smrti, the Puranas and other literatures, dharma-sastra, smrti-sastra and Purana, pancarati-vidhi - without reference to all these authentic literature, any kind of devotional activities are not accepted by the Gosvamis
- Voluntarily accepting some penances and difficulties, one should take less food and less sleep. These are the procedures for practicing any kind of yoga, whether bhakti-yoga, jnana-yoga or hatha-yoga
- We are getting actual experience that very nice boys coming from very respectable families do not hesitate to do any kind of work here. They are washing dishes, cleansing floors - everything
- We are Indians, especially mendicant, we can adjust things in any kind of place. But I shall stay in any place hell or heaven, if it is approved by you
- We are not teaching any kind of faith. Unfortunately, maybe due to the slackness of this movement, people have lost all faith in religious movement. Maybe there are many reasons. But it cannot be left aside
- We can never expect to find any kind of utopia, even in the spiritual world. Where ever there are persons there are bound to be differences, so we should not expect any kind of perfect arrangement, especially here in the material world
- We do not allow anyone become a preacher unless he is strictly following the Vaisnava principles of no eating meat, fish, or eggs; no sex outside of marriage; no gambling; and no taking any kind of intoxication whatsoever
- We have no control in any kind of miserable condition, especially the miserable condition offered by nature. We cannot avoid it
- We have to come to the platform where it is pure; there is no designation. Aham brahmasmi: "I am part and parcel of Krsna." This is real religion. Without this conception, any kind of designated religion, that is prakrta. That is not transcendental
- We shall always be careful to avoid any kind of jeopardizing our high standing in the society by some foolish and small act of illegal stealing
- When Dhruva Maharaja became perfect by austerity and saw the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face, he was offered any kind of benediction he wanted
- When I came to your country, I saw nice boys and girls, finely educated, belonging to respectable family, and they are taking to any kind of work - doesn't matter. So I was very much pleased
- When one is in ecstatic love with the Personality of Godhead, he can endure any kind of disadvantages calculated under the material concept of life
- Yoga practice is not meant for attaining any kind of material facility; it is to enable the cessation of all material existence. BG 1972 purports
- You follow any kind of religion, that doesn't matter. But the test will be how much you have developed God consciousness or Krsna consciousness. That is the test. If that is lacking, then you have simply wasted your time