Category:Always with Krsna
Pages in category "Always with Krsna"
The following 19 pages are in this category, out of 19 total.
- Ambarisa Maharaja, he was emperor, very responsible man. But he kept his mind always on the lotus feet of Krsna
- Any rich man, any powerful man, any king, any lord, oh, he has got so many associates. So how Krsna can be alone? Krsna is never alone. Therefore you will find always Krsna with the gopis, Krsna with the cowherds boy, Krsna with Arjuna
- Are we to despair the mind's ever being controlled? No, it can be controlled, and the process is this Krsna consciousness. The mind must be fixed always in Krsna. Insofar as the mind is absorbed in Krsna it has attained the perfection of yoga
- As Lord Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.47): "Of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all"
- The specific mention of the word gavam by Prthu Maharaja is significant because the Lord is always associated with cows and His devotees. In pictures Lord Krsna is always seen with cows and His associates such as the cowherd boys and the gopis
- The Yadus were all experienced devotees, learned and expert in psychic study. Over and above this, they were always with the Lord in all kinds of relaxations, and still they were only able to know Him as the one Supreme who dwells everywhere
- The yogi who knows that I and the Supersoul within all creatures are one worships Me and remains always in Me in all circumstances. BG 6.31 - 1972
- We are atomic small, and Krsna is unlimitedly great. That is the difference. Otherwise, so far quality is concerned, Krsna and ourself, the same. As the parts and parcel of Krsna, if we live always with Krsna, then we are in spiritual life
- We should always remember that if we can keep ourselves always in company with Krsna, we shall attain all perfection. And especially in this age, Krsna has incarnated as the holy name (kali-kale nama-rupe krsna-avatara), - CC Adi 17.22