Category:All These Things
"all these things"
Pages in category "All These Things"
The following 142 pages are in this category, out of 142 total.
- A bona fide spiritual master has no business reading many books simply to show his proficiency or to get popularity by lecturing in different places. One should avoid all these things
- A man may theoretically know all these things (the directions of the sastra), but if he does not apply them in his own life, then he is to be known as the lowest of mankind. BG 1972 purports
- A woman is generally fond of household prosperity, ornaments, furniture and dresses. She is satisfied when the husband supplies all these things sufficiently
- According to seasonal changes you'll get fruits, flowers and drugs and everything. During Maharaja Yudhisthira's time all these things were being supplied by nature because Maharaja Yudhisthira was Krsna conscious
- Actually we are busy with something which is not permanent - a temporary arrangement by the laws of nature. Therefore those who are too much full of anxiety for all these things, they are called demons
- Actually, if one is actually learned, scientific, he must admit. He must admit, unless he is a lunatic, rascal. He will say all these nonsense things, "Chance." Why chance? What is taking place within your practical experience by chance?
- All these things (bones, blood, skin, veins, stool, urine) are available. Why don't you put together and bring life? "That we shall do in future." Just see. What is the proposal?
- All these things (illicit sex, unwanted pregnancies, abortions, being punished in the same way the next life) can be avoided by remaining on the transcendental platform of Krsna consciousness. In this way one does not commit sinful activity
- All these things are great achievement of your London Yatra party, and personally I feel a great credit for me because by such activities my Guru Maharaja is certainly very pleased upon us
- Although the dealings between the Lord and His devotee are always very simple and open, there is formality. All these things happen because of the connection between the Lord and the devotee
- Although the Lord personally has nothing to do with material creation, maintenance and destruction, He causes all these things to be done by His plenary expansion, the Paramatma
- Anyone who has taken birth in India, Bharatavarsa, because he has got the facilities, the Vedas - the Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Vedanta-sutra - all these things are cultivated in India. So they have got the facilities
- Anyone who understands Krsna's appearance, disappearance and activities, all these transcendental things, he goes back to the kingdom of Godhead after leaving this body. Now this fact should be clearly understood
- Arsapreyoga means there may be discrepancies but it is all right. Just like Shakespeare, sometimes there are odd usages of language, but he is accepted as authority. I have explained all these things in my Preface to First Canto
- Because that minute spirit soul is there, you are moving, you are acting, your brain is working, you are denying the existence of God, you are doing all these things
- Being obliged by her love, I am brought there to eat. Mother knows all these things internally and feels happiness, but externally she does not accept them
- Bhagavata says that, "Even though you are very much anxious to get all these things (beauty, opulence and good generation)," sriyaisvarya-praja, "still, we recommend that you worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Brahma-samhita says, so 'py asti yat-prapada-simny avicintya-tattve: still this creation will remain inconceivable to our understanding. And Krsna has created all these things, so how can we study Krsna
- By following a political leader, and for party superiority they are doing so many things, always thinking of party's activities, always offering obeisances and worshiping the party's principles. If all these things are transferred to God, they become good
- By immediately offering obeisances (dandavat) unto the spiritual master and by strictly following his directions, the student becomes advanced. Maharaja Priyavrata was doing all these things regularly
- By reading these instructions, a pure devotee can understand love of Krsna, the mellows of devotional service and the conclusion of devotional service. Everyone can understand all these things to their ultimate end by studying these instructions
- By the material life, these are our field of activities. The body is a combination of all these things. Just like a huge computer machine. It is made of these material things, but the mechanical parts are very minute, different
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu delivered them (Jagai-Madhai). How? Caitanya Mahaprabhu made them promise that "You will not do any more all these things." They said, "Yes, we promise. We shall not do." - Then you are delivered
- Consult seriously the GBC whether all these things can be taken in hand simultaneously. It requires a very cool brain and expert management
- Each queen did all these things herself and did not wait for the maidservants. In other words, Krsna and His different queens displayed on this earth an ideal household life
- Even despite all facilities we cannot be able to accept it. That is called misfortune. Not that in the absence of money and other facilities, one becomes unfortunate, but even in the presence of all these things, one is unfortunate
- Every temple president must be very expert in all these things
- Everybody has got something. That is called artha. Prana, artha, and everyone has got intelligence, and everyone has got the power to speak. So we have to engage all these four things. Either four or three or two, at least one, we must engage
- Everyone wants money, everyone wants good wife, good family, good comfortable life. Caitanya Mahaprabhu denies, that "I don't want all these things."
- God is there. There is no doubt of it, but because, due to our foolishness, we think there is no God, there is no father, that is our foolishness. But what is that God, how He is, what is His business, how He is formed - all these things we want to learn
- Gradually we shall develop a society that all these unnecessary rubbish things should be rejected. That is the idea
- He must be conscious that - I do not want all these things, miserable condition of life, and they are enforced upon me. I cannot check them; they are coming. No, there must be somebody superior whose law is being forced
- How you can do business? I am doing business because I have got all these things. I went to America - land. Then I worked - labor. Then I earned some capital, and I have got brain how to do it
- I cannot allow you to do all these things which are completely detrimental to our line of disciplic succession
- I shall be very glad if you come and visit me in Honolulu at our temple at 51 Coelho Way. When you come to see me, we can talk over all these things. I shall be leaving Honolulu for L.A. on June 20th, 1975
- If by simply copying you want to take so much credit that you will defy the existence of God, you are so fool, rascal, then how much credit should be given to the original person who has made all these things existing. What is their answer?
- If Lord Jesus Christ said "Thou shalt not kill'', or "Thou shalt do no murder'' to the people, it does not reflect very good social structure of the audience. Our philosophy is above all these things
- If one is not Krsna conscious, bhagavata-bhakti-hinasya, then his big nationality, jatih, his achievement, japas tapah, his activities, everything, bhagavad-bhakti-hinasya jatih japas tapah kriyah, all these things are like decoration of the dead body
- If they understand that, "I have done all these things by sinful activities, and I'll have to suffer in my next life," they'll not do. But therefore they do not believe next birth or soul. They try to forget it
- If we associate with all these things, sravanam kirtanam visnoh, hearing and chanting about Visnu, then this misconception of life, that "I am purusa," will vanquish. Then you become liberated
- If you actually understand Krsna, you are liberated immediately. Janma karma ca divyam me yo janati tattvatah (BG 4.9). How Krsna eats, how Krsna thinks, how Krsna works, if you understand all these things, then immediately you become liberated
- If you offer to Krsna, then you are conscious that these foodstuffs, these grains, these fruits, these flowers, this milk, it is given by Krsna. I cannot produce it. In my factory I cannot produce all these things
- In the animal life they are after seeking where is food. Then, as soon as the body is strong, then "Where is sex? Find out the opposite sex." You'll find in the hogs' life very prominent, all these things
- In the London streets, introduction of Rathayatra procession, as well as Lord Caitanya's Birthday ceremony procession, and in the most important part of the city, a Radha Krsna Temple - all these things are great achievement of your London Yatra party
- In this material world, small children, without enmity or bad will, sometimes go to a neighboring house and steal, and sometimes they fight. Krsna also, like other children, did all these things in His childhood
- In this verse (SB 4.26.6) the word niyamyate indicates that all these things - namely animal-killing, intoxication and sex - should be regulated
- In Western countries, I have got thousands and thousands of disciples. They have given up all these things (illicit sex, intoxication, gambling and meat-eating). That does not mean that they have become dead. No. It is anartha, unwanted
- In your country, smoking, drinking, taking tea and keeping boyfriend, girlfriend, liquor, meat-eating, they are common affairs. How they have avoided all these things, within very short time
- It appears like miracle because your brain cannot accommodate how quickly all these things come. You have got poor brain; you cannot accommodate. You are thinking, - I have to paint this, simply painting I have to take so much time
- It does not mean that because we are fighting, we become ksatriya. No. These are the division of the three qualities. But a devotee's above all these things
- It is not that He (Krsna) needed to do all these things to acquire material gain, but all of these acts were performed just to teach us how to behave in this material world
- Krsna eats all these things. Patram puspam phalam toyam, vegetables, liquid things, water, milk, and so many other things, grains. So you offer to Krsna
- Krsna is enjoying, but He has no attachment for all these things - either for wife or children or this building or anything. At any moment He can give up
- Krsna's playmates wanted to inform Krsna's father of the exact situation by explaining that not only did the trees break, but out of the broken trees came two beautiful men. "All these things happened," they said. "We have seen them with our own eyes"
- Less intelligent persons, they become asuras because they cannot calculate. They cannot think of. Their brain does not provide provision to think of all these things. A dull brain
- Lord Krsna assured Lord Brahma, 'By My mercy all these things will be awakened in you.' Saying this, the Lord began to explain the three truths (tattvas) to Lord Brahma
- Man is meant, rather, to find out the source from which all these things are coming. The Vedanta-sutra states that Brahman is that from which everything is emanating (janmady asya yatah) - SB 1.1.1
- Money is the criterion, not family. Formerly, there was family, respectable family, aristocratic family, brahmana family, ksatriya family. All these things are gone now. If you accumulate some money some way or other, then you are respectable
- My dear friend, though Krsna might have forgotten all these things, you can understand and bring this message to Him. But during Our first meeting there was no messenger between Us, nor did I request anyone to see Him
- My dear lotus-eyed, kindly explain to me where you are coming from, who you are, and whose daughter you are. You appear very chaste. What is the purpose of your coming here? What are you trying to do? Please explain all these things to me
- No child used to eat meat from the very birth. It was milk. So this is all artificial, the so-called conventions of human society. Natural life does not allow all these things
- Not only did they (the inhabitants of Vrndavana) possess all these things, but they could give them (milk products, various kinds of jewelry, ornaments and costly garments) away in charity lavishly, as did Nanda Maharaja
- Not only this earthly planet, but there are millions and trillions of planets within the sky moving. Seasonal changes, day and night, everything is going on. This is perfection. So those who are in divine nature, they can understand all these things
- Now you have everything, respect, philosophy, money, temples, books, all these things I have given, but I am an old man and my notice is already there. Now it is up to you all how to manage it
- Radharani said, "How can you take Me there? How will you be able to help Me meet Krsna while He is taking rest there with the goddess of fortune and embracing her to His chest? Never mind. Let us forget all these things about My going there or sending you
- Renunciation means one has got all these things, richness, fame, beauty, knowledge, but he renounces everything for some higher purpose
- Since Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the omniscient Supreme Personality of Godhead, He can understand the heart of everyone, and thus He knew all these things
- So if we associate with all these things, sravanam kirtanam visnoh (SB 7.5.23), hearing and chanting about Visnu, then this misconception of life, that "I am purusa," will vanquish. Then you become liberated
- So many so-called incarnation of God, they come for money, for beautiful wife, and many followers. So that is not wanted. That is not religion. Religion means without wanting all these things
- So many things happening in your body; are you aware of all these things?
- So many things Krsna is supplying for our subsistence - fruits, grains. Without supplied by Krsna, you cannot have. You cannot manufacture all these things. So you must admit that God is supplying us so many things & why not offer something? Is it love?
- Sometimes they are manifest in the wakening state and in the dream state, but during deep sleep (unconsciousness) or trance, they disappear. A person who is liberated in this life (jivan-mukta) can see all these things vividly
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Lord Krsna has bestowed His full mercy upon you (Sanatana Gosvami) so that all these things are known to you. For you, the threefold miseries certainly do not exist"
- Srimad-bhagavatam amalam puranam. You have got Srimad-Bhagavatam. Read very carefully. All these things are already explained there
- Sruta means education; especially sruta means Vedic education, to be very learned in Vedanta, in Upanisad and Vedic ritualistic performances, so many things. So by dint of all these things, if you have got money, you can do something wonderful
- Suppose that by good action I get a good birth, fine bodily features, and a good education. All these good things I may have, but that does not mean that I am free from material pains. The material pains are birth, death, old age and disease
- Suppose you come in a dress. You are my friend. Do I see your dress or you? Panditah sama-darsinah. Vidya-vinaya-sampanne (BG 5.18). You are reading BG. You know all these things. When you are learned, you won't see the dress. You will see the soul
- Tapasya means denying all these things, denying. Eating as much as I require to maintain my body - this is tapasya, not that voraciously eating. Tapasya means practically not eating. That is tapasya: not eating
- Tattva means truth and vit means one who knows. So a person who knows all these things he's called tattva-vit
- The beginning is to take shelter of guru. Then the student must be very inquisitive, sad-dharma-prccha. Sadhu-marga-anugamanam. You'll find all these things, instruction, in the Nectar of Devotion
- The Brahma-samhita says that the sun is the king with unlimited light and temperature. The Srimad-Bhagavatam sublime literature describes all these things and it was written five thousand years ago
- The children, they are also chanting Hare Krsna, they are offering obeisances, they are offering a lamp, they are playing some instrument, all these things will never go in vain
- The demoniac thinks that all these things (birth in a high family, well education, etc.) are accidental and due to the strength of his personal ability. He does not sense any arrangement behind all the varieties of people, beauty, and education. BG 1972 p
- The government should give to the hands of the devotee, we are recognized devotees, ISKCON. If they want, really management. We are managing, so many centers, on account of devotees. It is not possible to manage all these things by paid men
- The hills and mountains began to produce potent medicinal plants and valuable stones. Because of Krsna's presence, all these things happened very nicely, and the lower animals, who were generally envious of one another, were envious no longer
- The impersonalists, they think that in the material varieties there are so many abominable inebrieties, therefore in the spiritual world all these things should be minus, void. That is their material calculation
- The inferior energy, matter, cannot act without the superior energy. All these things are very clearly explained in the Vedas
- The krsna-katha, the Lord's name, fame, quality, entourage, all these things are very sweet. To whom? Those who are liberated from this jaundice of materialism. For them it is very sweet
- The more we are advanced means more we have given up all these things. Eating, sleeping, mating and defending. This is the position
- The pastimes and methods of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are uncommon. Unfortunate is he who cannot believe even after hearing all these things
- There are millions and trillions of planets within the sky. They are all moving. Seasonal changes, day & night, everything is going on. This is perfection. Those who are in divine nature, they can understand all these things. That is called daivi sampat
- There are so many things, and you can take any one of them. That is "anything." But the real question should be, "Wherefrom all these things are coming?" That is real question
- There is a verse in Srimad-Bhagavatam, vadanti tat tattva-vidas tattvam yaj jnanam advayam (SB 1.2.11). Tattva-vit. Tattva means truth, and vit means one who knows. So a person who knows all these things, he's called tattva-vit
- There is no dearth of all these things in this movement. We are not sentimental at all. Of course, there must be sentiment. Without sentiment, nobody can come to the stage of ecstasy
- There is no need of advertising yourself that "I am religious, I am philosopher, I am yogi." All is nonsense if at the end there is no Krsna consciousness. So if KC is there, so all these things end. And if there is no KC, these are all useless labor
- These are to be practiced. Etan vegan yo visaheta dhirah (NOI 1): "One who has become successful in controlling the urges of all these things," prthivim sa sisyat, "now he's free to make disciples all over the world
- These sankhya-yogi philosophers, they may analyze very critically. Even they can count the atoms which is composing this whole material atmosphere. But that does not mean you have understood the original force which has created all these things
- This is dog life: no sex discrimination, no food discrimination, no shelter discrimination, no defense discrimination. But all these things - "Discrimination, the best part of valor" - that is in human civilization
- This is real knowledge that, "I, as living entity, I have all these things, activities, desires, loving propensity. Everything is there. But that is being misguided." We do not know where to place all these things. That is avidya
- This is the philosophy of the Communists. "Why should you go to the church? Why should you go to the temple? Forget all these things. Work hard, earn money and enjoy life." But that is demonic. Because there is envy against God
- This knowledge is in full, because Krsna consciousness teaches all these things - what is God, what you are, and then what is this nature, beyond the nature, what other things are there
- Those who are devotees, they have no kama. Anyabhilasita-sunyam (Brs. 1.1.11). Anya. Anya means other than Krsna's service. They have made all, everything zero. We don't want all these things. We simply want to serve Krsna
- Those who are little above the bodily concept of life, they find pleasure in the mind. And farther, they find pleasure in intellectualism. And in this way the thing is very complicated. It requires very cool brain to understand all these things
- To have a very beautiful, obedient wife. These (good family, high aristocratic family, or good follower, leader, minister) are the aspirations of material life. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu said: "I do not want all these things." This is bhakti life
- To wash the temple, You need many waterpots and brooms. Therefore order me. I can immediately bring all these things to You
- We are subjected to the tribulations known as adhyatmika, adhidaivika and adhibhautika. The mind is the center because the mind creates all these things. As soon as the material object is struck, however, the mind is affected, and we suffer
- We are thinking that these things will protect me. No. If you become Krsna conscious, that will protect you. Not this material possession. It will be taken away
- We believe in the transcendental abode, cintamani, Goloka Vrndavana. If somebody pays out millions of dollars and asks you to forget all these things, we cannot do that
- We cannot have the knowledge of the Absolute Truth simply by argument or simply by philosophy or simply by big brain or speaking power. No, no. All these things will not do. Simply we have to follow the great authority
- We cannot simply give up. As it is said, that tyakta-karmanah, give up everyone, engagement, and tyakta-svajana-bandhavah . . . you'll become mad if you give up all these things, unless you have got staunch faith in Krsna
- We do not require to be very learned scholar or very rich men or to take birth in a very high family. We do not require all these things
- We have got these politics, - "We have to defeat such competitors." All these things are created exactly like that, just like a man is creating his particular situation simply by dream. That's all
- We have to see through the sastra. Not by these blunt eyes. That is not possible. So all these things should be discussed, should be understood, so long we are young, strong, brain is in order. Then our life will be successful
- We Kurus, can't allow them (the Yadus) to do any more of these things, nor shall we allow them to use these royal insignias. Best to take all these things away; it is improper to feed a snake with milk, since merciful activities simply increase his venom
- We simply invite persons to come and chant with us. It doesn't matter what he is, what is his language, what is his religion. We don't take into account all these things
- What is the business? The business is to take shelter of Krsna. Then he'll be free from all these things. Otherwise like monkey, the monkeys are in the forest, but they do not take shelter of Hari. So their simply going to the forest is no use
- What is the source of understanding Krsna? Srimad-Bhagavatam. Amalam puranam. If you study Srimad-Bhagavatam, then you attain all these things
- What is the use of this industry, slaughterhouse? You get these, all these things. Have enough food grains, enough milk, enough fruits, enough vegetables, clear, nice river water. There is, there is no need of constructing water works. Why?
- Whatever I have learned from my Guru Maharaja, I am presenting. That's all. It is not mental speculation - this philosophy, that philosophy. We kick out all these things. Unless we get the knowledge from the authorized source, we don't accept
- When a profuse supply of water from the river inundates the land, all these things can be produced, and there will not be scarcity. This all depends, however, on the performance of sacrifice as described in the Vedic literature
- When I was mature, when I met my Guru Maharaja, then I thought all these things bogus. It has nothing, no value. This social movement, political movement, they are simply wasting time. Real movement is Krsna consciousness
- When the question of glorification is there, one has to glorify the Supreme Lord, praising His holy name, His eternal form, His transcendental qualities and His uncommon pastimes. One has to glorify all these things. BG 1972 purports
- When They play on Their flutes, all moving living entities are stunned, and nonmoving living entities experience ecstatic jubilation by Their sweet music. All these things are certainly very wonderful
- When we understand rightly that, "I am not concerned with all these things," then we become joyful - Oh, I have no responsibility. I have nothing to do with all these things
- When you are initiated, you promise "No illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat-eating, no gambling." And if you do privately all these things, then what kind of man you are? Don't be cheater. Be plain
- Who is this Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu? He immediately recognized, "He is Krsna." He is Krsna. Krsna, as the Supreme Person, He ordered this vairagya-vidya, "Give up, nonsense, all these things. Just surrender to Me." This is vairagya-vidya
- Why should you go and kill animals for the satisfaction of the tongue? That is not allowed. Then you will be again entangled. Otherwise, to keep your body in nice condition, you eat all these things which is meant for the human being
- Why you have become under the control of maya? Then maya is greater than God. Then how you can become God? Maya is greater than God. - So they cannot answer this. Because their theory is foolish, they cannot answer all these things
- You are fulfilling my dream, New Vrindaban. I dreamt all these things. Wonderful things have been done
- You can manufacture nice medicine, but you cannot stop disease. So we have become steel-hearted, steel-framed heart. We do not consider all these things
- You do not study all these things. You become initiated . . . there are ten kinds of offenses. Do you have any regard for these things or not? You must avoid these ten kinds of offenses. The first offense is to disobey the orders of guru
- You don't find all these things in our Society. We don't drink Coca-cola. We don't drink Pepsi-cola. We don't smoke. So many things which are selling in the market in huge quantity by advertisement, by victimizing the poor customer
- You have got some bodily occupation, some mental occupation, some intellectual occupation, but you have to give up all these things. Simply surrender unto Me (Krsna). This is your real occupation
- You may be a very religious person - according to your religious principles, ritualistic ceremonies, you execute very nicely. But after doing all these things, if you do not become God consciousness, then it is simply waste of time
- You may be a very religious person - or according to your religious principles, ritualistic ceremonies, you execute very nicely. But after doing all these things, if you do not become God conscious, then the Bhagavata says that it is simply waste of time
- You may live very honestly - you may do your duty very honestly - in spite of all these things, because you are not taking to Krsna consciousness, you are simply being defeated
- You rascal, give up all these things, material engagement. Come to Me (Krsna), back to home, back to Godhead -This is Krsna's desire, So we have to preach that. We haven't got to manufacture anything
- Your body can be maintained very nicely if you take simple food made of rice, wheat, vegetable, little ghee and little milk. That's all. And you can get all these things anywhere, any part of the world, and you can offer to Krsna