I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 27, 1971, and I am very much pleased to hear from you that you are feeling the wonderful result of this preaching movement by yourself opening a nice center in Cardiff, Wales, and I am encouraged that there is such nice response by those people there. Our business is simply to plant the seed of devotional service wherever we go and to give everyone a taste of this transcendentally relishable activity of life. If we are very much convinced ourselves of Krishna philosophy, then we shall be able to inject this seed of devotional service into the hearts of persons, and they should be given all encouragement and facility to hear from Srimad-Bhagavatam and chant Hare Krishna, and in this way the seed will come out and the creeper will come out by such watering process. So now you have taken great responsibility to plant the seed of Krishna Consciousness in Cardiff, Wales, so I think that if you take the matter very seriously and remain cool-headed, that you will attract the attention of Krishna who will give you all opportunity. In this way, because you are responsible leader, Krishna will force you to advance in Krishna Consciousness. So you may know it that you are very much favored by Krishna.
Wonderful (Letters 1972 - 1977)
Expressions researched:
1972 Correspondence
Regarding the law suit I am making against the three defendants, if you can give Gargamuni Maharaja some assistance in this matter, and see to it that it rests in the hands of a competent lawyer before Gargamuni must go to Bombay, that will give me great relief. I am always counting on your senior experience and good advice in these matters, and I am especially pleased upon you that you have secured that Saraf land for Krishna. Now let us cooperate to build up a wonderful center there in Vrindaban.
Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your many invitations to come there to enjoy with you the Lord Caitanya Day parade and festival at Berkeley. I am always thinking of that beautiful, quiet neighborhood in Berkeley, and of all my wonderful disciples there, so when I return to USA I shall certainly come there for some time. We shall be celebrating the Appearance Day in Mayapur this year form 25th to 29th February, and then I shall be returning to Bombay for the month of March to initiate construction of our first "Hare Krishna City" on a large plot of land we have purchased there. However, if for some reason I shall return to USA before then, I shall with great pleasure come to your festival at Berkeley. At least I will be present there with you all in spirit, as always, you may know that for certain. I like very much your idea for putting eight banners across the main road with the eight Sikshastak prayers written boldly. If the students and other people study these eight prayers carefully, they will be delivered to the highest perfection of life. Also, I thank Nalinikanta for his enclosure of $15 daksina.
"Thou shall not kill," but where is the Christian who does not kill animals and eat? They have changed the meaning of kill to mean "murder," and for them, murder means only
other humans. So unless you find out some Christian who is actually intelligent, it is useless to try for convincing them of these points. Simply show them by example that we are finding great spiritual joy in serving Krishna, sell them some literature, give them prasadam, and invite to the temple, and if they cannot understand from the point of view of philosophy, at least they will be able to appreciate our wonderful and enlivening activities and that we have proved ourselves the most upright, moral persons and the best examples of enlightened souls for the general improvement of all the citizens.
Regarding your other question, you should not read such nonsense books, nor allow your mind to dwell on such subject matter. Instead utilize your time for advancing in Krishna consciousness by reading our books. We have got sufficient stock, and if you simply go on reading them, chanting regularly 16 rounds, engaging yourself 24 hours in Krishna's business, then all of your questions will be answered automatically, because Krishna promises to His sincere devotee that He will give him the intelligence to understand Him.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 13, 1972, and I am very glad to inform you that today we have laid down the cornerstone for our Bombay Center here in Juhu, and the ceremony was very wonderful with many important people attending. I am very much glad that you are doing so nicely in Calcutta by making many Life Members daily, so now I think you should join me in Bombay immediately as you are free, after training up a competent replacement there. We have also a few days back laid the cornerstone for our Vrindaban Temple, and besides they have given me many more rooms at Radha-Damodara Temple for our use. So the program now in India is immense task, so I am very much encouraged that you feel yourself enthusiastic to help me in this way, by taking a bold lead for pushing on this Movement here.
Now Brahmananda is in charge here, and there is a huge land and we are occupying it in tents and small cottages like Mayapur cottage and the work is immense. So Gargamuni is collecting also not less than two Life Members daily, but his collection goes toward our Vrindaban construction work. So now things are not going very nicely in Nairobi because Brahmananda has left, so I shall have to send him back there tomorrow, therefore I wanted that you should come here to assist Madhudvisa and __ by collecting profusely, and I think there will be no difficulty here because there is such rich population. Madhavananda can go from Mayapur to Calcutta to help Bhavananda collect there, and you shall come here at the soonest.*
I am very much in favor of your plan to get that place in Laurel Canyon, so begin immediately. $150,000 is not so much for such a place, especially if we can get for low down-payment, then it is a very good scheme. So this place and the skyscraper, you try for both of them immediately.
I am also very much pleased to hear from you that you have sold 100 sets of paperback Krishna Book in one day, and that you have re-ordered from Dai Nippon. Gradually, we shall replace the literatures which are currently popular with our own style of transcendental literature. I have tried it: any page you open, that is wonderful reading matter. My ambition is to spread these books far and wide all over the world so that everyone shall read at least one of our books and that will change his life. If only 1% become devotees, that will change the world. I think that eventually we can print TLC in paperback also.
In the skyscraper building, that can be a guest house for receiving tourists, so they can see how practical spiritual life is developing. If just 1% of these tourists become devotees, if they adopt this process, then our effort is successful.
So far moving the Press to Los Angeles, that is for you to consult with Bali Mardan. You are Book Trust now, you discuss with him and do the needful, that's all.
May be a little costly, but if you can collect Rs. 25,000 per month and also Gargamuni can collect Rs. 25,000 per month, then it can be done nicely.
In the Hindi BTG there are so many mistakes, spelling, grammar, and some places the philosophy is faulty with some other ideas mixed in; the printing is shabby, the second page is almost invisible. So this has to be improved somehow or other. Dr. Kapoor has remarked exactly. So you may inform Ksirodakasayi, and you try to help him for improving Hindi BTG.
You must construct something wonderful. Otherwise, it will be a discredit to you American boys. That will exalt the position of America in India. And in every temple food distribution must go on profusely with American food supplies. Have the Americans given us the food supplies, is there any tangible donation? Or is it simply promises? If we can supply some proof they have given us such and such amount of foodstuffs, some document, that will help us in all parts of the world as propaganda and for approaching your country's government in other places for supplying us. So if you have got such document, kindly send me one copy.
If we open a branch in Madras, actually there are so many poor children there. Spiritual education and food, that is proper. Simply supplying food is nonsense. Spiritual education means just to inject in their ears about our philosophy, externally they chant beads, wear tilak, without any discrimination of Hindu or Muslim or anything.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 9, 1972, and I have noted the contents. By now you have received our request for you to become the GBC man for South-east Asia, South Pacific zone. If you like, you may take up this post and travel extensively through that zone and do something wonderful there. I think Sudama Vipra Maharaja and one assistant have gone to Manila in the Philippine Islands and their report is very encouraging. So I shall be very anxious to hear your reply in this connection.
So far the "Akash Ganga" people, I think they shall remain quiet. Regarding your questions, generally we do not discuss these incidents because a devotee of Lord Caitanya does not feel very happy to discuss them. But so far we have heard from authorized sources, He simultaneously entered Jagannatha Temple and Gopinatha Temple in Puri and He did not come out. That much is sufficient.
The living entities are not created, the material world is created. just like a building is constructed, not the inhabitants. Sometimes the word "created" is used in connection with the living entity, but then it is to be understood that it refers to the manifestation of the marginal energy of Krishna. We say that the spiritual world is a creation of the spiritual energy, but actually the spiritual world is never created and it is just to indicate to what department it belongs.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter undated in your very nice handwriting. Do not bother yourself for designing for Vrndavana Temple. The work has been taken up by one very qualified architect in Delhi and also Saurabha is assisting. So I can understand that you are very talented boy from your wonderful script, so I think you should apply your talent for painting nice pictures of Krishna and the acaryas in our line, and also you may help Mohadananda in designing work for his press operation there in Sydney.
Now I understand that Madhudvisa Swami is there with you in Sydney so you may give him all assistance also. He can give you good direction how to best employ yourself in the service of the Lord. And if you get opportunity for sometimes travelling with him for doing Sankirtana all over Australia that will also be nice.
Now I want to print some of my books in Hindi and English there in India. The size of the books is about 9-1/2 inches x 6-1/2 inches on the average. So kindly let me know the composition and printing prices per page for such booklets and then we shall send you the matter and do the needful. We have got already our office in Vrndavana and my representative from Vrndavana, Gurudasa Adhikari, my American disciple, whenever he goes to Delhi I will ask him to see you.
Hoping this meets you and your wonderful family in the best of health.
I have asked Yadubara to come there to Birnagar from Bombay for photographing all of the manuscripts in the possession of Lalita Prashad Thakura page by page very completely before it is too late. The pages are in very decrepit condition, so best thing is to request Lalita Prashad if we may take care of them by treating them against insects and storing them in a tight, dry storage place where they may be preserved for future generations of Vaisnavas to see the actual handwriting and words of such great saintly persons. Treat this matter very seriously and thoroughly, and take all precautions to protect this wonderful boon of literatures forever. Yadubara may photograph every page, never mind Bengali or English or any other language, and later we shall see where to send the copies to different places. You also write to Yadubara at Bombay in this connection and request him to join you in Birnagar immediately. I have also written him. These items are very, very priceless and are a great treasure house of Vaisnava lore, so be very careful in the matter and take all precautions to guard them.
Regarding your questions, no, the descendants from Advaita are to be considered as dvijabandhu, that is, unless they are like brahmanas, that is, very highly qualified to know the higher values of life in the Vedic traditional way, so in that way even he is long descended from Advaita, unless he is qualified he cannot be worshipable. Nityananda has no seminal descendants, his son Birbhadra was never married. If someone said he is descended from Nityananda, that means from one of his disciples. These persons may be given some respect, but they are not equal to Advaita. Dvijabandhu means son of a brahmana father but without the qualifications. Similarly, there are Advaita-bandhus. So far the Mayapur construction work, kindly send me some photos of the current progress.
I am in due receipt of your letter from Bombay dated June 14, 1972 and I have understood its contents. Today I have received one telephone call from Giriraja and he has informed me that there is some disagreement among you leaders there in our Bombay Center. This is not at all a pleasant situation for anyone. I am entrusting this huge task to all of you for working together cooperatively for doing something wonderful. I can understand that you are responsible and cool-headed along with the others, so you take the hand in reconciling all differences.
I have just now written to Gargamuni, Mahamsa, Nara Narayana, Giriraja as follows: "It is my request even you do not agree on some points, Giriraja is in charge so please follow his direction and that will please me. I am very much anxious to see the progress at Bombay Center, and I want it shall become the first class preaching center in the world. Please help me in this ambition. If we can manage successfully, we will be attractive for the whole of India. Our task is very heavy, do not neglect by paltry disagreement. I hope Krishna will bless you to understand my heart and oblige."
So you can mention this fact to her that now we have fulfilled her desire and we are living in close proximity to her, so she should take advantage of Krishna's blessing her with such an opportunity for serving the Lord by herself building our Juhu temple. Encourage her to attend the meetings every day, and if you make the Deity worship very, very opulent and gorgeous, she will automatically be attracted to them. She has no children of her own, so why not she should take Radha and Krishna as her Children? So you can propose gradually and tactfully that she can alone build up a wonderful temple in our property and we shall name it "Sumati Temple" or "Sumati Hall". So encourage her in this way, and I am very much engladdened that she is so much willing to help us, now you apply yourself to the matter very diligently and think always of Krishna and it will come out very auspiciously. You can ask her to write me her itinerary in London, or if you think so, I will send her a letter personally. You can tell her that I shall be in London during that time also. I am leaving here on morning of July 2nd and arriving London July 5th via New York. I shall be very glad to see her and bring her in our temple there. Or she can write to me when she is there c/o 7 Bury Place. That is a good proposal to receive her at London Airport. Somehow or other, either she pays for the temple herself or she raises the funds from others, she must be persuaded in this great project, which will bring great benefit to her countryman and which will attract many, many foreign devotees of Krishna to the Indian soil for taking up this spiritual life very seriously. It is a unique temple in the world, and if you show your wonderful abilities as American and European boys and girls to manage everything superbly, she will not hesitate to entrust you in every way.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter from Cleveland dated June 26, 1972 and I have noted the contents with great pleasure. Similarly I have received such nice letters from Rupanuga and Hrdayananda, and I am very much satisfied that you are all feeling the serious nature of this Sannyasi mission. So far you are concerned, I am especially stressing the importance of our Dallas Gurukula for training up the next generation of Krishna Consciousness preachers. This is the most important task ahead. I am seeing practically how wonderful the children are coming out. Therefore, we shall be very, very vigilant and careful to maintain the highest standard of temple atmosphere and conduct in Dallas. You may install Radha-Krishna Deities and worship Them very, very gorgeously. Simply by associating with the elderly members, the children will learn everything. So, the quality of the elderly members must be also very much to the standard of excellent Vaisnavas; otherwise, the children learn by example and they will very easily be misguided if their senior god-brothers and god-sisters are themselves neglectful. I shall certainly come there to Dallas to see how things are going on as soon as there is opportunity. We must develop our Krishna Consciousness school at Dallas to be the model for education in all the world, and let anyone see our Krishna Consciousness children and they will immediately understand the importance and necessity for such education amongst the citizens at large. Otherwise, the children of your country and other countries, they are simply growing up to be sophisticated animals, so what good will their education do? But if they will agree to try to understand our Krishna Consciousness education or way of life and allow their children to be educated by us, they will see them come out as the topmost citizens with all good qualities such as honesty, cleanliness, truthfulness, loyalty, etc.
Very soon you will be receiving many, many books. I shall instruct Giriraja to send you as many books as you shall require for selling there for raising fund for Mayapur project. I do not wish to send more funds from here, but we shall send you free of charge many books and the whole money collected from them may be spent in building.
I am glad to hear that you are purchasing more land for expanding. What about our former land purchased from some Ghose that is on the left side of our land? From so many wonderful varieties of vegetables, you will get very soon full of vitamins. Keep a cow, then there will be no question of scarcity or relying upon somebody else for your maintenance. Now you have got a big hall on first floor, so keep rice stock there to protect from floods.
Kindly do the needful immediately and let me know. Gargamuni has collected funds for Vrindaban project very nicely, so if cooperatively you and Gargamuni Maharaja work together you can do something concrete, and this will please me very much. He will supply you with funds and you supervise the building work. In the same way that you have begun everything at Mayapur, just bring along one engineer and see that he is doing everything properly. That will relieve me of so much anxiety, as I want to display something very wonderful in Vrindaban, but as yet there is nothing to show.
I am very, very much pleased to hear about the progress in Mayapur, and this working with one hundred men both day and night is the American style. If you do something wonderful at Mayapur that will be my credit and I can truly be called the guru of the Americans. But if you do not do anything there, then that will be a great discredit for me and I will not defeat my Godbrothers as I desire. So practically I am depending completely upon you in both these cases to finish up the Mayapur business in grand style and to get a good start in Vrindaban. That will be very much to your credit.
So never mind there may be some inconvenience in family life for the time being. Your husband is doing the highest service. You may assist your husband very nicely by concentrating all your time and efforts in raising your child in full Krsna consciousness. That will require all of your attention, and in that way you will be giving your husband the best assistance. This spot life is merely a platform for us to make progress toward going back to home, back to Godhead, therefore we should not be too much concerned with family matters. We are never alone in Krsna consciousness; you have got so many wonderful brothers and sisters who are really your family, and besides that the spiritual master is always in his instructions, and Krsna is there within your heart, so you need not feel you are ever alone. Make Krsna your husband and always think of Him, raise your child up very nicely, chant without fail sixteen rounds of Hare Krsna mantra daily, read Srimad-Bhagavatam at least one hour daily, and in this way without any doubt you will very soon become very happy, and your life will be sublime.
I thank you very much for your letter dated August 25, 1972, and I appreciate very much for your kind sentiments. Yes, the Bhagavata Dharma discourses here in New Vrindaban are going on very nicely and daily several hundred devotees and guests are coming to hear, and it is truly a wonderful time.
I am glad to hear the nice report about St. Louis temple, and also that you are training yourself up nicely to be a serious preacher of this Krishna Consciousness movement. That much is wanted, sincere men who will become very strong for preaching work throughout the world, on behalf of Krishna. Now you apply yourself to this task very seriously and become learned in all the aspects of our Krishna Consciousness philosophy and take this opportunity in this lifetime to go back to Home, back to Godhead. That is my request.
I am in due receipt of you letter from Vrndavana dated first September, 1972, and I have appreciated the contents with great care. I am especially encouraged that you are planning another wonderful festival of Hare Krsna festival in Delhi, and that you are trying to get again the LIC grounds. Then it will be first class. One thing is, Tamala Krsna has invited me to come to Hyderabad starting 17th November, and I have accepted his invitation. So I think you may begin the Delhi festival from 5th November and it must be finished by the 16th November, and then I can fly to Hyderabad on 17th as agreed with Tamala Krsna. Anyway, you consult with Tamala Krsna and Gurudasa and make the program accordingly. I am coming to Vrindaban by 15th October, and it is not necessary for me to stay the full month. I may stay up until the 6th and then go to Delhi for our pandal program there and then by the 17th fly to Hyderabad. So arrange in that way.
I have come to Dallas and it is very hot here, just like Calcutta. So you may see the factory of Hansraj Gupta and ask him to donate one dozen nice fans for our Dallas Center. But whether they have got fans to operate on the 110 AC voltage in America?
I have taken one boy, Srutakirti, as my personal servant and Nanda Kumar has remained in New Vrndavana with Kirtanananda Maharaja.
Now we have got a very big task before us to purchase the skyscraper building on 40th Street. So I am entrusting that you and Bali Mardan and the other big leaders there in New York will be able to do it. Cooperate amongst yourselves and try to raise the funds very scrupulously and if you remain serious and sincere in your efforts to get this wonderful building for Krsna, He will give you all help and guidance how to do it, without any doubt.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 20, 1972, and I have appreciated very much the enclosed booklet, "Krsna, the Reservoir of Pleasure." Although none of you have yet been here in Vrndavana, still, Krsna has given you the spiritual vision and you are seeing Vrndavana actually, the paintings are so nice. Just see how the cows are looking at Krsna. Now you distribute these books by millions all over the world, then everyone will see how wonderful is Vrndavana. That is the best preaching work.
According to the list of names left in the file by Nanda Kumara, there are nine names listed for New York, as follows: Mike/Mahamuni; Steve Anderson/Sevananda; Steve Chichi/Satajit; Jeremy Darling/Yogendra; Jack/Jitasvara; Saul/Sunanda; Andrea/Alarka; Susan/Sikhandini; Rosemary/Ramesvari. So I do not know why they have never received their beads. I think best thing is to write to Nanda Kumara, who is now president of Laguna Beach temple, and he can explain.
If you have got paintings for India, I think they may be sent by ship, well-packed to protect from water and with insurance, and that will not be too much expensive. Better to consult first with Indian embassy if there are any restrictions to import paintings into India.
So we are concerned with Krishna Consciousness, and even though there is some difference of opinion between modern science and allegorical explanation in the Bhagavat, we have to take the essence of Srimad-Bhagavatam and utilize it for our higher benefit, without bothering about the correctness of the modern science or the allegorical explanation sometimes made in Srimad-Bhagavatam. But this is a fact that in each and every planet there is a predominant deity, as we have got experience in this planet there is a president, so it is not wonderful when the predominating deity fights with another predominating deity of another planet. The modern science takes everything as dead stone. We take it for granted that everything is being manipulated by a person in each and every affair of the cosmology. The modern scientists however could not make any progress in the understanding of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, therefore we do not accept modern science as very perfect.
"Especially I am so much pleased to hear that you are travelling with a few men to each and every college campus to preach. That is wonderful news. Now try to build up and develop that programme to perfection, so that simply by hearing and seeing you the students will want to come forward to join this great movement. And distribute books, as many as you can—and I think you can distribute many millions of books alone, that Krishna will help you do."
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 10, 1972, and I have noted the contents, along with the drama-script from Srimad-Bhagavatam. It is very nice. This kind of play-acting is wanted. Now introduce it to your country-men very nicely presented. Emphasis should be given to the words of Bhagavat, they are spiritual and will have powerful effect if someone only hears them with attention, do not be very much enamoured by fancy costumes and stage-decorations, they will only distract. Real acting art is to know how to speak. The greatest dramas, even in your western culture, they can be played without any extra equipment. Just like your Shakespeare—sometime I saw they were playing one drama, I think Hamlet or something like that, and only two men were there on the bare stage and everyone was praising. So the art is catching their ears. Now in that spirit go on with your work and try to do something wonderful.
So far your question, how far should the orders of my duly appointed officers like GBC, etc., be obeyed and followed, the answer is that they must always be followed exactly as he says. Have you not heard me on this point? Why these questions are repeated again and again? This individual begging must be stopped. So many questions, it's not good at all. This question-begging is going on, even some of the important men are doing like that, that I know. So how I can say your question from here? I do not know what you are trying to do by such question. Of course, my authorities and so-called officers, they sometimes also order in such a way that everything becomes topsy-turvy. So you may write to me your grievance—what can I do?
I was told by Jayatirtha that you have collected more than $1,00,000 in last few months. So if you go on collecting in this way, where is the difficulty? Of course if there is great need, I can give you, but if you think that you can manage something independently, then try for that, that will be better. I had purchased those bonds originally for M-V Trust, so I want to utilize them in India.
Another thing is, if we get our headquarters in the very important business quarter of New York, just like I saw those photos, big, big skyscrapers surrounding, millions of people passing daily, oh, that will be very wonderful thing. But that quarter of 77th Street, that is costly also, but it is not very important. So I think if you get one place, one skyscraper building, just by the 5th Avenue, say, around 40th Street, 45th Street, Times Square, like that, that will be the beacon-light for our world-wide propaganda of Krishna Consciousness Movement.
So far this making some false story for collecting money or selling book, of course we may do anything for Krishna, but that is supposed to be reserved for very advanced experts in Krishna Consciousness—they know how to catch the big fish without themselves getting wet. So it is not very much advisable to make lies just to sell book. If we simply stick to describing how wonderful is Krishna, then whatever we may lie or exaggerate, that will not be lie! But other things, lies, they will not help us to train ourselves in truthfulness. Lie to some, not to others, that is not a good philosophy. Rather the brahmanas are always truthful, even to their enemies. There is sufficient merit in our books that if you simply describe them sincerely to anyone, they will buy. That art you must develop, not art of lying. Convince them to give by your preaching the Absolute Truth, not by tricking, that is more mature stage of development of Krishna Consciousness.
We are more interested that the mass of men shall support us—what good a handful of high-class supporters will do? Just like in your country, there was election, and the opponent of Mr. Nixon, he was supported by all high-class men, but because Mr. Nixon had help of the common men he was successful and won the fight. But, if even one such high-class man becomes preacher on our behalf, if he actually becomes converted to Krishna Consciousness preaching work, then that is the best contribution of your preaching also. Just like George, now he is practically converted and he is only preaching about Krishna, and he has done that from the beginning—I think you knew him in London also, so you know how he is helping us push on the preaching—so that type of big personality, if you can catch one or two such men for preaching contribution, oh, that will be wonderful achievement for you. We want that the mass shall support us, but we want that the class shall preach for us, that is the distinction. Is it clear? Please inform me from time to time how that programme, of inducing influential men to preach somehow or other our Krishna philosophy is progressing. I know that you have got good ability to do that work, I remember how you used to bring so many big men to see me in London, at that John Lennon's house.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated December 12, 1972 and I have noted the contents with great concern. Bali Mardan is my trusted senior disciple, do you think I am a fool to choose him for running on My big New York temple. Rather, if anyone criticizes him, they must be the fool. He has done so much wonderful service and I appreciate him so much. No amount of your foolish words will touch my estimation.
I am stopping in New York by next summer. Meanwhile, I shall request you not to make any disturbance and I shall request Bali Mardan to leave you alone. You must abide by the order of Bali Mardan, you write as Dr. Please let me know what kind of Doctor you are? Have you got any bona fide certificate? Send me the copy of the certificate at once. Please let me know this immediately.
Of course by their collecting more money and giving to Krsna, He will relieve them of all anxiety of telling lies. But not everyone is able to catch the big fish without themselves becoming wet. I am convinced that if you simply glorify Krsna and our books in the best descriptive manner, that anyone and everyone, no matter even atheist or otherwise, they can be convinced to purchase. Of course that is a great art and not everyone can do it, but gradually by practice of preaching in this way, striving to so much present a wonderful picture of our books to the people, gradually you will master the trick how to do it. Being the senior devotee there, you may give the younger students all good instruction and advice how to do this, but not for any reason shall we decrease the book sales and collection monthly over some small lying about Bangladesh or other things.
Regarding that building in Manhattan, of course we are not very much mad after big buildings, so long there is enough space for our devotees so they may be able to carry on their preaching work, but if you can get such building as you are describing in the midtown area costing between $1-1.6 million, oh, that will be your greatest achievement in Krsna consciousness. Such building being our world headquarters of ISKCON, would facilitate our preaching expansion work all over the world.
1973 Correspondence
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 1, 1973, and I am very glad to hear from you the wonderful news of travelling party in England. I think the people of that place are becoming more and more inclined for this Krishna Consciousness movement, they are inviting you to stay at their houses, they are taking books, becoming sometimes devotees—all of these are very encouraging signs to me. If you simply go on in this way, stopping in every village and city of England-Scotland, or if there are other places like Ireland, simply stop for some time, distribute books and hold Sankirtana procession, answer their questions, give some leaflets or small informations freely, distribute prasadam wherever possible, at least some small thing, and if there is genuine interest being shown, then request the townspeople to arrange some engagements for speaking in their schools, or in someone's home, or a hall, like that. In this way remain always without anxiety for destination and comfortable situations, always relying only on the mercy of Krishna for your plan, just go on preaching His message and selling His books, wherever there is interest. We shall not waste time if there is no interest or if the people are unfriendly, there are so many places to go. But I understand from your letter that practically everyone is taking some interest. That means you are presenting the thing in a very nice manner, they can detect that here are some persons who are actually sincere and nice, let me hear them, let me purchase one book.
I have received your description of the books sold during three-day Christmas period, and I am very much pleased upon all of the nice boys and girls who have helped me in this way. I could never have thought it was possible to distribute so many of our literatures. Therefore I can understand it is simply Krsna's blessing us for your sincerely working on His behalf. Actually, that is the secret of my success, not that personally I have done anything wonderful, but that because those who are helping me are sincere, they have done the work, that is the reason for our success all over the world where others have failed. A little sincerity is very difficult thing in this age of hypocrisy and bluff, but I am so fortunate that Krsna has sent me all of you nice boys and girls who are sincerely working. Please convey to all of them my deepest appreciation.
While travelling here to Melbourne I was thinking how wonderful our Mayapur project is and how it can be developed in the future. I want that Mayapur be self-sufficient by having its own production of grains, vegetables, fruits and milk products etc., to the extent that you will be able to feed at least 500 men daily. This will be better than trying to arrange for maintenance funds to come from outside. So we can make some scheme for purchasing sufficient quantity of land. The land there is very fertile and if our men can manage the program then we can go ahead. The low land we can purchase at 600 rs./bigha and the high land at 800 rs./bigha. So now you all make inquiries for purchasing as much land as we shall require and immediately inform me how much money shall be required.
One thing to consider before we take any action is that if we buy lots of land, the government may become envious to feed so many men without them working etc. and the communists there are notorious for confiscating property. So I am concerned that if we develop this scheme the government may take some action against us. If you can develop an educational institution, that may help to pacify them.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated April 30 and am very pleased by the report.
Many students from America will very soon go there to learn the art of doll making as desired by you. It is better to go there and learn the art instead of the teacher coming here. Mayapur is already wonderful being the transcendental birthplace of Lord Caitanya. By utilizing western talents to develop this place certainly it will be unique in the world. As in Vrndavana we have named the temple Krsna-Balarama Temple, similarly I suggest that our Mayapur temple be know as Mayapur Candra temple or Mayapur Candrodaya. Whichever sounds better we should advertise from now.
I know there are many weavers who daily go from this side of the river to Navadvipa side for working in handweaving enterprise. So if we can employ some of them along with our own men for manufacturing first class saris we can purchase all these saris produced by you. Such small scale industries are also supported by the Bengal Government. Tarundada is in charge of such industry. I have consulted with Karandhara that we can purchase the saris and the government will be glad to cooperate with us for exporting Indian goods to outside of India. Similarly we can import nice dolls here. Gradually as our men become expert they can manufacture the same thing here. So Mayapur inhabitants can be engaged in such a small manufacturing enterprise as well as farming to become self sufficient.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated 25 June along with the wonderful literature, "Rathayatra '73, London Summer Festival." The collage of the pictures and the articles in the magazine have been wonderfully set up and I very much appreciate it. I can understand from your attempt that you are doing something wonderful this year. So I think I must accept your invitation. So far my health is concerned, by the Grace of Krsna I have improved very much, about 90%. In the meantime I received one telegram from Syamasundara: "Flying London Wednesday will Telex your tickets Thursday. BOAC Calcutta office." Therefore as soon as I get the tickets I shall try to reserve my seats and reach London as early as possible before 8 July. Thank you very much for your enthusiasm. Offer my beloved blessings for all devotees who have signed the invitation album. I shall enjoy their company when I meet them. I wish to visit the other branches in England. Invite all members of our European centers and make the ceremony very very successful by combined effort.
Try to convince the elite section about our Krsna consciousness movement. You have got a very nice place there with attached garden, and you are able, so just depend upon Krsna. Simply we have to desire to please Him, and not desire anything for ourselves. Then we become simply instruments for His will. This is the important essence of Krsna consciousness.
You will be pleased to know that here in Bombay we have now secured the Juhu land from Mrs. Nair. It is a great relief that after such a long struggle, we can now do something very wonderful for Krsna. This land has very good potential, so now let us utilize it it in Krsna's service.
My itinerary is to start for Vrindaban within several days, then go to Delhi for a pandal they are arranging. On November 20 I shall go to Nairobi, then to South Africa until mid December, when I shall start for Australia.
I am in receipt of your letter dated December 2, 1973. Thank you very much for pushing on our book distribution program so enthusiastically. Kindly offer all the devotees there my deepest gratitude for their wonderful service in this connection. I understand from Karandhara that you are one of the most staunch supporters and workers for distributing our books and I assure you that it is the highest service to my Guru Maharaja. Thank you very much.
I am in receipt of your letter dated December 7, 1973 along with the wonderful photos of Denver Temple. Thank you very much. I am very pleased. Carry on as you are doing. When I return to the U.S. next summer I will certainly consider visiting there.
I hereby accept the devotees as you have recommended for initiation and their names are as follows:
Emil—Svavasa dasa
Mike—Vyapi dasa
Joe—Naikatma dasa
Wally—Naikarmakrt das
You may send their beads of Kirtanananda Maharaja for chanting upon.
1974 Correspondence
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 30, 1973.
I was very pleased to hear your report of our cow protection program, and I had part of your letter read aloud to a group of devotees how you have one cow who will be giving 70-80 pounds a day. The cow is so wonderful and valuable in society. But you should also use the bulls by engaging them in tilling the ground. People may call this the primitive way but it is very practical for engaging the bulls—have them work in cart loading, transporting, etc.
Regarding Srutakirti, I proposed to him that he go to New Vrindaban but he said he did no like farm work and so he wants to go to Caracas and perform deity worship in the temple. So I have already asked him but I will say again, how you require him at New Vrindaban and how he should work nicely there with the cows, under your guidance.
You inquire whether you can make cheese? Why cheese? Make sufficient ghee. If you can send ghee to India that would be nice service as there is scarcely any ghee there. Cheese is not good. We should produce ghee so all our centers can have enough ghee.
I am in due receipt of your letter of January 5, 1974, and the wonderful photograph of Radha Gokulananda, which arrived here safely.
The sentiments you express are very praiseworthy in devotional service. Especially it is pleasing to me that you are so happy in your service to the deities. Krsna Consciousness means blissful life, and also that blissful life is eternal and full of knowledge. You say rightly that you are very very fortunate to be serving the Lord. So please work with the other ladies and with your Godbrothers at Bhaktivedanta Manor and make it such a blissful, peaceful atmosphere that many persons will be attracted to come and live with us.
I am very much engladdened to receive you telegram and I am prepared to go to London by the 1st of May. My preaching program is to go to Hyderabad on 18 April and after a week to visit Tripati Balaji Temple. I think I can come back to Bombay by the 1st of May and then London as invited by you. You can arrange tickets for myself and my three secretaries, Paul Sherbow, Neil Delmonico and Stephen Guarino (Pradyumna, Nitai and Satsvarupa).
Your program to meet her majesty and many responsible elites in London is very attractive to me. You have also proposed that George is preparing some wonderful surprises like my classes with Prince Charles etc. It will be a great opportunity to get cooperation of such big men for rejuvenation of the whole human society.
Our men in the U.S.A. are already taking part in politics for the time being superficially we have registered our political party under the name, "In God We Trust" party. Similarly we can work in England and if the leading personalities cooperate we can have the whole Parliament as Krsna conscious men including her majesty the Queen.
"My most humble obeisances departed India today for America all signs favorable for good success kindly inform care Brooklyn Temple how where you wish funds repaid also how many where to send your tickets for London plus expected arrival date. Suggest early May for English fragrant Springtime' June like flavored gold, July for the most spectacular Rathayatra ever, celebrated August meet her majesty etc., hundreds of the world's best British men anxiously awaiting to accommodate and serve you in unrivalled fashion with opulence respect public acclaim befitting Visvacarya. Especially George preparing some wonderful surprises like your classes with Prince Charles. Hrsikesananda also safely in London, your eternal servant Syamasundara das."
Therefore this rumor that within a few years there will be police repression and people will have no more money to buy books and sankirtana will stop is completely bogus. Whoever told you that is a rascal, saying it in my name. I never said that. Rather sankirtana movement will expand, continuing so long as we are sincere. When I came in the beginning I began to expand it and it is now going on and there is no question of it stopping. Therefore go on with your life time plans making secure in distributing of books. There is no cessation. This movement is eternal.
It is very wonderful news that you have permission to hold Rathayatra downtown on the main street on Saturday, July 6 and tens of thousands of people will view the cart. I have been invited to attend the Rathayatra in San Francisco which is July 8. So I am hoping also I will stop in Chicago on my way to San Francisco and observe the festival with you. I will inform you further regarding sending us plane tickets, when our European tour is more fixed up. We can discuss further your plans for securing a new building when I come there.
I am leaving on the 23rd May for a tour starting in Rome, I am fearful what will happen here in my absence? I take this suggestion of yourself a manager of Hare Krishna Land as a very sound idea. If you are agreeable to help by service in this way then come immediately to Bombay and help the situation. Giriraja das Brahmacari is the president here, Manasvi and Yasomatinandana and Caitya guru and the important managers, but they are all very young men with not much experience of the world. I understand you are now prepared to take on full time service of this nature, so I think this is the best place for you. I have invested about 20 lacs in this property and already the routine devotional service, deity worship and sankirtana is going on, but at present the police commissioner has denied us sanction to build our big temple according to our plans, and also the status quo is threatened as I do not think the boys can manage the buildings and land which we own here. Potentially things can be very wonderful here but it requires strong management which I think you can do. So consider my proposal seriously and I hope you will be able to come and lead management of Hare Krsna Land.
I thank you very much for your letters which were sent to me by Paramesvari Das Brahmacari on the 15th of April. All of the sentiments expressed in all of your letters are just according to the Vaisnava parampara. This means that you are understanding the Krishna Consciousness philosophy rightly and I am very pleased. It is a fact that by serving the spiritual master one becomes free from material life and makes spiritual advancement. I have not done anything personally, very wonderful. I am simply serving my spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja and all the acaryas in the disciplic succession. If I have done anything of credit it is that I have not changed their teachings. I have not added anything of my own interpretation. So I am very happy that you are finding Krishna Consciousness very blissful in the Nairobi temple and this will be the key to your success. That you also follow exactly as I have instructed in my books to my disciples such as Brahmananda Swami. That means to rise early, clean the body and clean the clothes. I have seen films of the Deity worship in Nairobi and it is very gorgeous. Proper Deity worship means to be clean, punctually and nice offerings of foodstuffs. Brahmananda Swami can teach you these things.
You are fulfilling my great hope. Because you are native Africans, you are the best ones to convince other Africans to become Krishna Conscious. Unless they become Krishna Conscious they can never end their suffering. We can not expect every single African to take to it. But if only a small population can take it seriously it can do real good. Therefore you are the real leaders of the Kenya nation. Please take seriously what you have learned and help spread this happy life to everyone you meet in Africa.
I have heard that you are very keen to make the Melbourne Rathayatra very wonderful and you have requested extra instructions. One thing is there are many band parties—if you can get band parties to join that would be nice. Our men should hold kirtana just in front of the ratha, and other parties may proceed before us.
I think we will accept your invitation to join us when we break our journey to Melbourne by stopping somewhere in Malaysia, probably Jakarta, where you say we have good friends who would like to accommodate us with a place to stay. We shall inform you positively of the date of arrival there when we receive our tickets from you in Paris and confirm the flight. So I think we shall arrive in Melbourne no later than the 26th of June.
I have heard very wonderful reports of the sankirtana being conducted by Gurukrpa Maharaja and yourself in Tokyo, and I am directing Jayatirtha to credit the Mayapur-Vrindaban fund for whatever amounts you deposit in Japan with Dai Nippon.
In the meantime I have received a letter from Trivikrama Maharaja in Taiwan who reports that many Chinese boys are coming to the center and he is very encouraged. However, he had three unsteady men in his party such as Sri Ballavha, Lalita Krsna etc., and they have left him, so that there are only two of them in Taiwan. I have heard from Sudama Maharaja that Yasodananda Maharaja was planning to go to Hawaii, but I think it would be more useful for the time being if you joined with Trivikrama and helped him in Taiwan. I am often thinking if we can get a center in China, and Taiwan is a jumping off place for our entering China. Also, although the program in Tokyo is most important, Gurukrpa Maharaja may also come and go sometimes to Taiwan and help and encourage them there. I do not think it is so far away from Japan.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 10, 1974 hand delivered by Paramahamsa Swami with enclosed color photos and cans of ghee. Your success there has given me great pleasure, and I thank you very much for your sincere service in fulfilling the mission of my Guru Maharaja. In the foreign countries you are getting so many Indians, and they are not getting even here in India. Now in U.K. the Indians are getting life. They are Krsna conscious, but now they are getting the chance to serve Krsna. The pictures are wonderful, and I am getting them framed and will hang them in my quarters here. We are creating new life for the Indians in England.
This is your credit, both husband and wife. You are so enthusiastic. Kausalya was loitering as an uncared for girl in Honolulu. She saw me and offered her obeisances, and I immediately picked her up. Now by coming to Krsna consciousness she is coming to her full potency and strength.
There is great potency for developing there in Letchmore Heath. You should purchase the entire village. Whenever I go to Letchmore Heath I remember Vrindaban and say it is Vrindaban. It is like seeing from Kesi ghat the other side of Vrindaban. It is like that. If they do not like the noise of our kirtana there, we shall make it more noisy. So go on performing Hari kirtana for the villagers. They shall get out, not us. Simply by the noise of kirtana the demons actually go away.
Regarding the lollipops, there is nothing wrong. It is something attractive I can understand, an introduction of friendship. What is the wrong? It is sugar, so it can be offered to the Deity. Just like here we can offer sweets purchased from the market place. It is stated in the sastras that if you pay something for it, it is purified even if there is some fault in it.
Regarding Chicago that you paid off Dollars 35,000.00 is wonderful. You are a good manager. As GBC please see that the temples are maintaining the standards, and I will be very much thankful.
Regarding the lectures of Patita Uddharana dasa that is very good. Somebody must speak, and he has taken the task, I am writing him in this connection. It should be encouraged.
So you have Caitanya Caritamrta almost translated, achah! Thank you. You are pukkha BBT Trustee. You are business-like and sincere and assisted by your good wife. She is chaste and also sincere.
You say that before meeting me you could not read or write, so this is all Krishna's grace. If He likes, he can make a crow into a peacock. That is His grace. Krishna consciousness is so valuable that it plays wonderful, and there are many instances within our society. Similarly I was a crow, and now they consider me a peacock. But, I was trying to be a peacock whenever there was the opportunity. I took the endeavor to publish the "Back to Godhead," but I wasted so much time. Ultimately Krishna saved me.
I am in due receipt of your letter undated together with letters from your friends and I am glad to see they are taking serious interest along with yourself in this movement of Lord Caitanya. Try to understand this philosophy very nicely and get more numbers to join. I am especially interested to see the Americans spread this movement. America is already blessed by Krishna, and if they become Krishna conscious, they will become more glorious. There is an Indian saying, "fragrance in gold." Gold is already valuable, but if it has got some nice fragrance, then it becomes even more valuable.
If some percentage of Americans become Vaisnavas, it will be wonderful for the future of the world. It will be a great example for the world. So you yourself take to the process with heart and soul and always follow my instructions, and Krishna will bless you to convince many souls to become Krishna conscious.
I am in due reciept of your letter dated October 12th, 1974, with enclosed letter from Saunaka Dasa Brahmacari. I am very glad to read of all the wonderful activities in Krishna Consciousness that you are engaging in in San Diego. I can understand that you are managing a very nice temple there. The temple is meant to invite everyone to come and take shelter of the Lord. The temple is the opportunity for all conditioned souls to render some service t Krishna either in the matter of Hearing, Chanting, Offering, Cleansing, Reading or taking prasadam. Therefore you are by managing the temple as a president you are doing a very great service to humanity. So please continue in this way and make it nicer and nicer. I am also glad to note that you are distributing the books in increasing numbers. We want that our book distribution should be increased more and more in the coming year.
Regarding the devotees whom you have recommended for initiation I am pleased to accept them as my disciples. Their spiritual names are as follows: Mike—Mahahasaumya Dasa. Ken—Ksamaula Dasa. Karen—Kriyasakti Devi Dasi. Dilana—Duravanya Devi Dasi. I am also please to accept Saunaka Dasa Brahmacari as twice born initiated Brahman. Enclosed is the sacred thread sanctified by me as well as the mantra sheet. Please hold a sacrifice and the Gayatri mantra can be heard by him through the right ear of my recorded type.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated November 5, 1974 with enclosed plans of the newly purchased house. It all appears very wonderful. It is very good that the Deity is facing East. Yes, the room above the Deity should be kept vacant. Yes, you can store Ratha Yatra festival gear or books there, also. The proposed pinnacle should not have Om, but shastic or cakra, Krsna's weapon.
So everything is nice, and I shall be glad to come for the Deity installation and temple opening in January. We shall come from Honolulu via Fiji.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated nil, and have noted the contents.
It is very nice that you have met with my disciple, Visnujana Swami and you should try to remain with him and learn as much as possible about this wonderful philosophy of Krsna Consciousness from him.
In regards to your initiation it is necessary that you are recommended by one of my elder disciples, such as Visnujana Swami himself or any one of our temple presidents. If he feels you are ready for initiation he can write me a letter and recommend your initiation to me and then we will see. For now I simply request you to continue with this wonderful Sankirtana program and remain as you say in your letter,, cent per cent engaged in serving Krsna and spreading Krsna Consciousness in every way possible by mind, body and words. You can use all of your talents for spreading Krsna Consciousness. So please work closely with Visnujana Maharaja and whatever he says try to do it. And always chant Hare Krsna.
As far as the seven transcendental meters for singing the names of the Lord, that is not so important for now. Better to try to increase the purity of the chanting first, that is our most important thing.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated Nov. 15, 74 and have noted the contents carefully. I was very happy to hear of your Hare Krishna Festival program and that the response has been so wonderful. Simply by giving people a chance to hear this wonderful Hare Krsna mantra and Krsna's philosophy as stated in Bhagavad-gita, so many people will become interested and actually they will join us. The poster you have enclosed is very nice and attractive. So continue this program of Hare Krsna Festivals all over the United Kingdom and in this way attract people to Krsna Consciousness. Work nicely under you GBC's direction and always keep yourself strictly following all of our principles without deviation.
As far as taking Deities to the programs that sounds like a very nice plan. But if you want to take the Deities permanently on your party there may be difficulties because you have to maintain Them nicely. So you can discuss this with Hamsaduta and see what he thinks.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated 27/10/74 and have noted the contents carefully.
I am always happy to hear of the wonderful activities of spreading Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sankirtana movement. Your activities are very pleasing. Going door to door, person to preach the message of chanting Hare Krsna is actually the yuga dharma for this age. In other yugas there are different processes for self-realization but in kali-yuga the real method is simply chanting Hare Krsna and trying to encourage everyone else to do the same. So your program is perfect. It is very nice that you are also making so many new devotees. This is the fruit of our activities. So continue your program in the same way with added enthusiasm and your life will be perfect.
Thank you for your kind sentiments. You should try to become expert at making these nice milk products. The cow is the most wonderful animal and she is so beneficial for human society, giving so many gifts in the form of milk products. And you can turn all those milk products into wonderful preparations to offer to Radha-Krsna and thus your life will become perfect. Please continue advancing in Krsna Consciousness by this wonderful method; reading our books daily, chanting 16 rounds daily, following the regulative principles, rising early, etc. Thank you.
From the photographs it appears very big and capable of satisfying all our needs. And according to your letter it is an excellent location. And we can arrange for the money. So there is no difficulty. Try to get it as soon as possible. This will be very pleasing to me.
Your sankirtana reports are very encouraging, especially that one girl, Gauri dasi, who has set an all ISKCON women's record of 108 big books. This is very wonderful. Formerly this would have been considered impossible, but now by Krsna's grace everything is becoming possible. Encourage them all to increase more and more. Now Tripurari Prabhu is there and he can train the others. This book distribution is the essence of our mission.
Our farm projects are an extremely important part of our movement. We must become self-sufficient by growing our own grains and producing our own milk, then there will be no question of poverty. So develop these farm communities as far as possible. They should be developed as an ideal society depending on natural products not industry. Industry has simply created godlessness, because they think they can manufacture everything that they need. Our Bhagavad-gita philosophy explains that men and animals must have food in order to maintain their bodies. And the production of food is dependent on the rain and the rain of course is dependent on chanting Hare Krsna. Therefore let everyone chant Hare Krsna, eat nicely and keep their bodies fit and healthy. This is ideal life style. We do not condemn modern civilization but we don't like to get it at the cost of God Consciousness, that is suicide. Your farm in Pennsylvania sounds very nice. As far as Bali Mardan beng involved with the management he will have nothing to do with that.
I am in due receipt of your telegram dated Dec. 17, 1974 reading as follows; "Great success, book sales for weekend of Dec. 13 thru 15. Tripurari BBT Party 1346 big books, L.A. 1002 big books, N.Y. over 950 big books, Atlanta Airport over 650 big books, in one day. Distribution definitely doubling in USA, Hare Krsna, Ramesvara" This kind of wonderful news is very pleasing to my heart and I thank you all again and again. I think this is the first time in history that ever before so many religious books have sold so popularly. Four thousand books in one day is a very unique figure. Keep distributing as many as possible in huge quantities. This is my pleasure. We must make a large propoganda program for Krsna Consciousness by distributing these books everywhere, all over the world. Just like the communists they are very expert in distributing their literature, their propoganda. At the present moment they are distributing their literature here in India in nine different languages and it is quite effective. Therefore we must print hundreds and thousands of books and distribute them at the same speed and thus we will have a great effect on the mass population of Europe and America. If we can get the masses in the Western countries like Europe and America to become Krsna Conscious, then all the rest of the world will follow. That is a fact. So please, I beg you, continue distributing my books in this way and Krsna will pour His blessings upon you all. Please keep me informed from time to time of the book sales statistics.
I have just received one telegram from Brahmananda Swami. He said that there is one Chinese initiated devotee there who is giving money and has already translated three chapters of Bhagavad-gita. This is very wonderful. You can immediately print those first three chapters of Bhagavad-gita into a book. And let him translate three more chapters and then print that into a book. Then three more etc., etc. In this way we can introduce our Bhagavad-gita As It Is in Hong Kong also. He also stated that the temple can be maintained by the Indians. That is good. Let them give some donation for Krsna's service and gradually they will also become Krsna Conscious. Brahmananda Swami seemed to think that you need more men there. His telegram reads, "Trivikrama alone, more men required urgently." I do not understand what he means by alone. What is this alone? Vaisnava is never alone. When I first came to the United States I was seemingly alone for one year. But I never felt alone. I always felt the presence of my Guru Maharaja. Myself, I was cooking, I was printing books, I was selling books, everything seemingly alone. But I did not lose my determination. Actually you should know this, you are never alone. So local men are coming daily. By good association, good preaching, nice prasadam etc., they can all become devotees. This is Lord Caitanya's mission to go to every town and village and create Vaisnava spirit in the local men. I have also sent one letter to Pancadravida Swami in Bangkok that his party can come there sometimes for big programs if you can arrange. Keep in touch with them.
We are using mrdanga, karatala, that is enough. We are not musicians. We are Krsna bhaktas. Therefore we do not stress so much importance on these different musical talents. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is God Himself. Had He thought it would have been better to spread Krsna Consciousness by another way He would have done so. But no, simply with mrdanga and karatala, traveling and chanting Hare Krsna, asking everyone to chant Hare Krsna, preaching simply Srimad-Bhagavatam philosophy, this is the process. There is no need for us to try and add anything to this simple method. It will only be a distraction. Therefore I request you to follow the simple path of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and help me spread this wonderful mission all over the world. Keep yourself pure and fixed up in Krsna Consciousness by following the basic principles that I have given; chanting 16 rounds daily, following the four regulative principles, rising early, attending mangala arati and classes etc. This is of the utmost importance.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated December 12, 1974 and have noted the contents carefully, along with the photographs and installation souvenir. I thank you very much for your kind donation of $100.00. Your report is very encouraging and I was very, very happy to see the wonderful photographs of your installation ceremony there. That installation was very, very auspicious. From the photographs it appeared so nice and Vedic. I was looking at those photographs again and again. Such a wonderful ceremony. So now you must see that the service to your Deities will go on very nicely. You should make it first class, just like in our Los Angeles and New Vrndavana centers. You have a very nice temple room there and now Radha and Krsna have come. So you must treat Them very nicely. Then many many devotees will be attracted by the bhakti. I am also glad to hear that in your temple no one misses mangala arati and that everyone is becoming steady and peaceful in their service. It sounds as if you are taking care of your men very nicely. This is first class management. Please continue in this kind of management.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated 12-11-74 and have noted the contents carefully.
I was extremely pleased to hear your report from your travelling buses. It sounds as if your program is very very wonderful and I am very encouraged to hear that such a program is coming along so nicely. I am glad that you have understood the importance of my books, therefore I am stressing it so much. Let everyone take these books. If he simply reads one page then he is getting something substantial, a real eternal benefit. Or if he hands it over to his friend and he reads one page the same result is there. So continue these festivals constantly and make them all Krsna Conscious. Overflood the whole country by this preaching work. Let the whole United States become Vaisnavas, then everyone else in the whole world will follow. That is my real ambition. Therefore your program is very glorious. This is really preaching. Your intelligence is being properly utilized. In the beginning you took up the distribution of BTG's and you sold the most. Now you have taken up this van program and you will also be successful in the same way. This preaching spirit will make you recognized by Krsna. There is so much wonderful potential in USA for this type of program. So organize hundreds of such parties. This is fulfilling the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I am very glad to hear that not only you are maintaining such program but that you want to expand it. Yes, this is our philosophy; anandambuddhi vardhanam. It means to expand or to increase. Therefore I strongly encourage you to double your program by getting three more buses if you can do it. There is no difficulty. BBT will help.
1975 Correspondence
I am in due receipt of your letter dated Dec. 31st, 1974 and have noted the contents. Yes. The way that you should make the altars is that there should be three separate rooms, doors, and altars. That will be very nice.
Thank you for your wonderful sankirtana results. It is very pleasing to me that you have sold so many books. Now, continue and increase.
I have accepted for 1st initiation the 6 persons you you have recommended. Their names are as follows: Earl—Harideva dasa, Geoff Meek—Govinda bhakta dasa, Lucien—Laksminatha dasa, Tim—Trilokanatha dasa, Tuija—Tribhuvanesvari dasi, Cathy—Ksiracora dasi. Their beads may be chanted on by Kirtanananda Svami. I have also accepted Purnamasi devi dasi and Rudrani devi dasi as my duly initiated (secondly) disciples. Their gayatri mantra sheet, are enclosed herein. Let them hear the gayatri mantra through the right ear from the tape of myself saying it.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated Dec. 17, 1974 and have noted the contents. I am very pleased to know that you have taken such a great interest in our Hare Krishna Movement. You are an educated man and you can use your education very nicely in the service of Krishna. I like the idea of yours to continue on for PHD presenting our books and philosophy in your thesis. This will be a great service for you to perform and I shall be very grateful to you if you can do it. Please therefore go ahead with obtaining PHD and become a learned scholar in the science of loving Krishna.* This will be a wonderful credit for you and you will surely get recognition from Krishna for such an attempt.
Keep in touch with Jagadisa dasa and he can give you all assistance.
I am in due receipt of your letter along with your daksina of $80. Thank you very much. Please continue to sell my books as much as possible in huge quantities. This is very pleasing to me. Try to maintain the standard of a perfect person as is given in the Bhagavad-gita, and do not deviate from this wonderful method of Krishna consciousness. Follow the rules very carefully, chant at least 16 rounds, and read our books over and over.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 6, 1975 and have noted the contents. Your report is very nice. It is wonderful to hear that you are distributing 1000 magazines and collecting $1,000 daily. Now, you have plenty of money, milk, fruits, flowers, grains, everything, and you are living in the jungle. What more could you want? I may be coming there immediately after the Philadelphia Rathayatra, and I shall stay until after Janmastami.
So after making all these arrangements I shall have to go to go to Philadelphia where I shall attend the Ratha Yatra ceremony, and then I shall go to San Francisco where as usual our Ratha Yatra will take place for the seventh year. The Mayor of the city of San Francisco has declared two days local holiday for this particular ceremony. This will take place on the 20th of July. If you could have found the time to come to Hawaii, I thought I would take you with me to all these places and surely you would appreciate my humble attempts. I thank you very much for your appreciation, "A wonderful job in this country."
Sripada Sripada Sridhara Maharaja also appreciated my service. He said that Caitanya Mahaprabhu's prediction: prthivite ache yata nagaradi grama/ sarvatra pracara haibe mora nama, would remain a dream only, but he congratulated me that I have done it practically.
I do not know how things are going on automatically by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, because I have no other assets except his causeless mercy. I am glad to know that you visited some of our centers in Canada. Prof. O'Connell is well known to me. Last he met me in London. He sent a copy of his review of Prof. Stillson Judah's book, Hare Krishna and Counterculture. This book is a favorable presentation of our movement of Hare Krishna in this country, and he has done it very scholarly. I have seen in the book that your good name and Sripada Tirtha's name are also there. We are also having good sales of our books about 50 in number amongst educated circles both in America and Europe with good appreciation. Enclosed is one pamphlet published in Dutch. We are publishing in all languages.
Regarding the library building, I am only interested in Caitanya philosophy. As it is stated in the Caitanya Caritamrta, "sri krsna caitanya daya karaha vicara/ vicara karile citte pabe camatkare." If you are indeed interested in logic and argument, kindly apply it to the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. If you do so, you will find it to be strikingly wonderful. (Cc. Ādi lila 8.15) But, in the library other books may be kept for comparative study by the scholars. I have no objection, but our main purpose will be to accelerate the grandeur of Caitanya philosophy. On this basis I have full cooperation. Besides that I have got about a half a dozen students who are Ph.Ds in different subjects, but they are all expert in Caitanya philosophy. If you so desire, their service can be utilized in this connection. If we fully cooperate on this Institution plan, I can attract students from all over the world such as America, Europe, Canada, Australia and the Middle East. In all these places we have got our centers and there are many students.
So when I arrive in Vrindaban we shall discuss these things in detail, and if possible we can take up the library program at that time. In the meantime if you decide to give us the land in front of our temple we can immediately begin the construction.
Regarding men for Vrindaban, when I was in Toronto one British householder with wife and child has agreed to come. Please send me the list of all devotees there in Vrindaban giving their passport names, nationality, and passport number, and date of arrival in India. Send this list to Bombay. Krishna will arrange more men for you there. Do not worry. I have requested them to send more men from Canada.
I am very glad to note that you are having the Phool bangla. It will be very popular. Tell me how it was held. That you are expecting 30,000 people for Jhulana Yatra is wonderful. You should distribute liberally prasadam. Aksayananda Maharaja will supply money. Let each man be given prasadam. That is our special program.
I thank you very much for the photos you have sent. The translation specimen is all right. Please arrange to have this man come and see me when I come there. Navayogendra can also personally guide the translators. The temple there should be kept very nicely. Some one was saying that the front well has been spoiled.
Regarding the adjacent land for sale, yes, it is not to be done in this indirect way. Let them take money from us openly and give us the land. We are prepared to pay for 5,000 sq. yards Rs. 20/- per sq. yard. If Bon Maharaja gives us land, still we can purchase this land for future expansion.
You promised on Vyasa Puja Day, and it has come, although Nitai has come a little late just after our ceremony. Anyway, what you have done is good. Nitai has said he has brought advance verses for 7th Canto, and this will help me. Nitai was to come on the 20th but now he has come with the substance, so I am very much pleased.
The pictures are all wonderful. The artists tease me with so many questions, about this and that, but they have done nicely, so it is all right. So you all go on with your work, and I will pray to Krsna for your ever advancement in His service.
I was in due receipt of your Sankirtana Newsletter, Volume 2, Number 23. The report from Denver regarding the legal judgment of Judge M. Winner is giving intelligence to the judge also. It appears that the airport officials are defeated. I have heard that in some of the airports they are making announcements telling the people not to purchase our literature. This is impeding our religion and is therefore blasphemy. This cannot be allowed. You should take this to the courts; let people know what they are doing. They cannot impede our right. It is simply wonderful that Carudesna dasa has distributed in one day 210 big books.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 19, 1975 and the two copies of the three other parts of Caitanya Caritamrta. Yes, I am very pleased with how you have done it. I have ordered you in two months to do it, and you have done it. I know you have worked very hard. The art paintings are very, very good. Everyone likes them, and I know they have worked especially hard. You should know that I am very pleased that you have fulfilled my request without any hesitation. This is your success in spiritual life. The photographs are all also wonderful. He has done nicely, the boy Bhargava.
The translations . . . I am not using. There is some fault. I am doing the translations, and Nitai will see that the synonyms are done. I have finished now the Sixth Canto and have already started the Seventh Canto.
I am in due receipt of your October BBT report dated November 5, 1975 and have noted the contents. The report of the BBT Library Party is very encouraging to me that the main library of Harvard told us they would be honored to complete the collection of our books. Just see. This is wonderful. Still University of New Brunswick has ordered our books even though they do not order religious books. This is a success. This quote by the head of their religion department of Oberlin is very important: "I think the best feature of the Hare Krsna Movement is that it is providing scholars with authorized translations of the rarest books on Krsna-bhakti." This should be quoted and printed in a pamphlet. Also the fact that at Colorado Springs Library that 8 volumes of their Bhagavatams had been take out 7 times in the past year. This should be published. You print one poster, big type, and put the quotation of the Oberlin professor. You can title it: How Our Book Are Being Received and have the quotation of the professor, the professor's remarks. This will be a good advertisement for our books.
This book distribution, that was my Guru Maharaja's purpose. He said that I have got so many temples and now in Calcutta I have got a marble temple, but I would have wished that if by selling the marbles I could publish and distribute books. Now by the mercy of His Divine Grace Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja Prabhupada I am doing both by the co-operation of my American disciples.
1976 Correspondence
I beg to thank you for your letter dated December 12th, 1976. I am very pleased that we have now got such a wonderful property in the nation's capitol, Washington, D.C. The photos show that there is good opportunity to develop it into a very important center, and since you say that it is in a most aristocratic location, it is certainly Krishna's mercy. If you can make arrangements for me to meet with the President, I shall surely go.
As far as your desire to have Sita Rama Deities, it is a good idea, but you should wait for some time. First see that you have sufficient brahmanas who are very well trained and qualified, then you can consider to install Sita, Rama, Laksmana, and Hanuman. They are the ideal King and it will be very suitable that They reign over the capitol of America. Now you have got Gaura Nitai Deities, so you can go ahead and get Prabhupada and Bhaktisiddhanta Deities immediately. Guru and Gauranga worship is standard for all our temples.
I am very much pleased to see how much you and all the devotees have increased sankirtana in the Washington area. This you should all make your main business. For a long time there was not so much book distribution done there, but now that you are all concentrating on it there will be no shortage of anything. It is wonderful how many big books you are able to distribute.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 26th, 1975, and I have noted the contents.
The bombastic distribution of Krsna Trilogies in New York is wonderful. I have read the report given in the Sankirtana Newsletter. But one thing is whether they have collected enough to cover all the costs. I have heard that despite all this distribution, now there is a big debt to the Book Fund. The GBC has to manage so expertly that there will not be debts. This debt to the Book Fund must be cleared immediately, if possible by the Mayapur meeting. Now we require so much money for the Temple projects in India, but if the Temples do not pay their book bills from where will I get the money?
Svarupa Damodara has written me about the Bhaktivedanta Summer Institute. It is a very good idea. If possible try to accommodate it on one of the farms we already have. To buy another farm simply for this purpose is not very practical. The Institute should not only stress book study but there must be equal time given to kirtana, arati, prasadam, etc. There must be spiritual life, then book study will have meaning.
Many people have mentioned the nice prasadam distribution program in our New York Temple. I have heard also that on Sundays there are 500 people attending. So there is tremendous scope for preaching. Now this building must be organized very expertly. I want to come in April or May, but whether my quarters are ready or not?
I beg to thank you for your sending the monthly BBT newsletter. The results for December and for 1975 are wonderful.
In the material world competition one thinks my competitor can do so much, how can I bring him down? In the spiritual world there is appreciation: he has done so nicely, I could not do so well. Just like in the material world there is attraction between men and women and this attraction is stronger than anything else. In the spiritual world there is also beautiful men and beautiful women and there is attraction but this attraction is not so strong as the attraction for chanting the Lord's glories.
The results show that there is no limit to our book distribution. Our books are qualified to be distributed unlimitedly. We are not fiction writers. It is a fact that no expert booksalesmen can compete with our men. The Librarian has noted the difference between our men and other publisher's men. We are working for heart and soul, not for money. Such expert salesmen would have to be paid at least $1000 per month. That means if the had as many men as our Library Party they would have to pay at least $15,000 per month.
You are charging too much for the "Krishna Conscious Movement is Authorized". It should not cost the Temples more than 10 cents or whatever the cost price is. This is our advertisement and is meant for mass distribution. I have already suggested to you how to do this.
So far the new towers are concerned, not a single space should be allotted without my permission. When completed it will be a wonderful building and we want to keep it open for people to visit from all over the world. We are expecting guests like hotel so the rooms must be available. I also want to know what terms you have arranged with persons who gave substantial contributions for building the rooms in the towers. Please relay this information to me immediately.
Also, I am finding that there is one oil which Pradyumna brought with him from Bombay, it is helping to relieve the pressure on the head a little. You can send me 3 bottles of this oil, Brahmi oil, made by the Sadhana Ausadhala; they have a place in Bombay near the intersection of Kalpadevi Rd. and Princess St. It must be packed very nicely otherwise the bottles will break or leak. To stop leakage, you can melt some parrafin, and seal the bottles with the caps on by dipping the side of the bottle with cap into the liquid parrafin, and when it is pulled out and cooled, it will seal the space around the cap. Then also there should be some soft packing around the bottles so that they do not break in transit. Best if someone is coming personally to the U.S.A., they can bring it with them, but if that is not possible at this time, then send it nicely as above mentioned. You can send it to me care of the Los Angeles Temple as we will be there just after the beginning of June. Send it registered and special delivery so that it is handled very fragilely.
I am in due receipt of the package from Los Angeles containing the Vyasa Puja and the latest BBT newsletter and I have found both to be extremely pleasing.
The report of the book printing is both encouraging and surprising. Every time I see this I remember the words of my Guru Maharaja when he told me that wherever there was money it should be used to print books, not that we shall have big big temples and then fight in the court. He asked me to do this and I am trying my little bit, that's all. It is all by his blessings for without his blessings this wonderful thing would not have happened. He said personally to me, "If I could sell this Gaudiya Matha building, that would have been better." He predicted that there would be fire within these walls. So I took it, "O, His Divine Grace wants some books." So I accepted it, "Yes, I shall do it." It is all by his blessings. Mukam karoti vacalam pangum langhayate girim, by his mercy a dumb man can speak and a lame man can cross a mountain.
Regarding the return of Indrapramada to the press, thank him for coming back. Krsna is so kind that anyone who does some service for Him, Krsna immediately captures him. Svalpam apy asya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat, a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear. There are many instances. Tyaktva sva-dharman caranambujam harer bhajan na pakvo'tha patet tato yadi... (SB 1.5.17) "If someone gives up self-gratificatory pursuits and works in Krsna consciousness and then falls down on account of not completing his work, what loss is there on his part? And if one performs his material activities perfectly, what gain is there?" So let us try to render service to Krsna very sincerely. Even a drop will never go in vain, nitya. In this connection Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's prayer, ayi nanda tanuja kinkarama patitam mam . . . is very instructive. Let us remain in that attitude and Krsna will give us protection.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated 1st inst. and have noted the contents. Your suggestion is very good—if the verses from Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita are presented in classical art it will be something wonderful—the whole world will appreciate. We already have a dramatic party in New York, and their performances are very much appreciated. Indian classical songs are appreciated here and in foreign countries also. This program of presenting the Bhagavatam in classical song is a good idea.
- vedaih sangapada-kramopanisadair ga
- yanti yam samagah
- (Bhag. 12.13.1)
Regarding your other suggestions, Ayurvedic medicine is a good idea, provided we can get an expert manufacturer. And agriculture we can also take up—we already have land, many farms. Too much modern machinery is not suitable for our country.
I have received a Letter from Jayatirtha saying that you have distributed in one week 522 and 521 big books respectively. This is very wonderful. I thank you so much. Ye yatha mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamy aham (BG 4.11). Krsna becomes more and more pleased by seeing the increment of book distribution. Devotional service is absolute but Krsna is especially pleased to see someone preaching His glories.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated 12/12/76.
I have no objection to your going to visit your family and then to Los Angeles to discuss the doll exhibitions for the planetarium.
Yes, make this guesthouse the most beautiful building in Bombay. You have got the credit for Vrindaban, now take the credit for Bombay. Your service will be commemorated as long as the buildings remain. Krsna will shower all blessings for your long life and spiritual advancement. Perhaps when you come back you can take the still more wonderful Mayapur project. One thing, making the hallways Kotastone is not good. It has no aristocratic value. Why not tiles? Of course, as you decide. This is my suggestion. I think Kotastone pavement is no better than cement pavement.
Yes, the management must be very first class. If required we can keep some paid men. Amateur management is not always efficient. I approve of your ideas for management. We shall get it passed by resolution meeting. I like the ideas.
1977 Correspondence
Just recently also, you told us how, when the Bombay land dispute was going on and the demons tried to throw us off the land, you prayed to Krsna, "Sir, You kindly sit down tight and do not move from this place and I shall manage everything." Krsna did that; when the demons came to demolish the temporary temple you had constructed, they were stopped by 'outside' intervention just as they were about to remove the roof of the Deity room. Now, in fulfillment of your promise you have erected a most wonderful temple structure, certainly the best in Bombay, if not in India. These are proofs of your pure, unalloyed devotion and your determination to serve Him under any circumstance, 'ahaituki apratihata.'
Just now in the west, the demons are combining to try and stop this wonderful movement of yours, but that will never be. Because you desire the welfare of all living entities Krsna will spread this movement everywhere and the demons will be vanquished.
Now I am feeling very mixed emotions as I take leave of your lotus feet and venture off to try and enter the fire of preaching. I want very much to try to please you in all respects and I will do my best to spread whatever I have learned from you without envy or interpretation, and I beg of you your blessings in this regard. I also feel very much attached to your personal service, massaging your feet and doing whatever menial service I can, and if at any time in the future Your Divine Grace sees fit to have me back, I will immediately come. I know that my only business is to try and please you and that is all that makes me happy. Anything else is simply artificial and simply gives me suffering.
I am not so fortunate that I claim like that. But still, as a child, I claim the Person Krsna is reality. My estimation may be childish. Just like our Syamasundara's daughter Sarasvati, she believed: "You know who Krsna is? He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead!" Like a child.
Yes, I prayed like that in Sydney: "I can't do anything good to them. But somehow or other I have brought them to You Sir. Now You make them Krsna conscious. Otherwise, how can I do anything? It is beyond my power." When I left Krsna in that condition and when again came back I saw Krsna was doing everything. He is so kind. Krsna can do wonderful things. In Bombay He has done the most wonderful things. Everyone, the whole Bombay appreciates how wonderful. If Krsna likes He can do anything. Now in our New York court case the judge has declared that Krsna consciousness is a genuine religion and has dismissed the case. Is it not Krsna's great blessing?
Be blessed by Krsna. Your sentiments are all very nice. Krsna will help you. Keep in that position, and whenever convenient you can come and serve me, but now your main business is there.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 21st April, 1977.
The letter which you have sent from the student, Charles, is wonderful. I have asked that it be published in our English Back To Godhead as well as in all of the Indian language Back to Godheads here in India. Charles' letter shows that he is very intelligent and has begun to understand our philosophy. It is very encouraging. Take care of all of these good souls that Krsna is sending you. By your own exemplary behavior, train them all as ideal Vaisnavas. This will greatly please me, and if it is possible for me to come to Kenya, I shall be very glad to meet all of them. The photographs which you have sent are also very good and we are going to display them here for all visitors to see. The program which you are now conducting should be expanded more and more. By prasadam distribution and kirtana everyone will become attracted to Krsna consciousness. I am also enclosing a letter to Jayanta which I hope will encourage him.
I am so much grateful to you and to all of your men how much you are sacrificing for spreading the movement of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I have heard with great pleasure how in only one month's time you have distributed 50,000 Bhagavad gita As It Is in the Japanese language. Param vijayate sri krsna sankirtanam! I think there has never been a case in history when so many religious books were distributed in such a short time. Now that our books have been taken by the people it is only a question of time until our movement is well accepted in Japan. Go on distributing these books more and more and Caitanya Mahaprabhu will bless all of you. It is simply wonderful how with only 12 men you were able to distribute so many books and at the same time send such sizeable contribution for our Indian projects. Thank you all very much.
For some reason temples are not sending in as much money as was expected to the BBT. Ramesvara says that he cannot afford to send any money for completing Bombay at this time. Therefore I am hoping it may be possible for you to continue to send $100,000 monthly for finishing the Bombay project, until such a time when the BBT can arrange instead to send the money. When the BBT can once again transfer funds regularly then I shall tell you what to do with further collections.
I was staying in Risikesh hoping to improve my health but instead I have become a little weaker. Now I have come back to my home, Vrndavana. If anything should go wrong, at least I will be here in Vrndavana. Vrndavana is for residence, Bombay is office for organization, and Mayapur is for worship of the Supreme Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Page Title: | Wonderful (Letters 1972 - 1977) |
Compiler: | Visnu Murti, RupaManjari |
Created: | 17 of Nov, 2012 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=85 |
No. of Quotes: | 85 |