Either you imitate or you do real—effective. Just like if you touch fire, either knowingly or unknowingly, it will act. It will act. Similarly, sv-alpam apy dharmasya: either this child, the children, they imitate the elderly person, the offering flower, taking prasādam, offering obeisances, they're as good as their father and mother. This is devotional service.
Abhaya. Abhaya means it doesn't vanquish. There is no expenditure; it is increasing. Ānandāmbudhi-vardhanam. Caitanya Mahāprabhu says, ceto-darpaṇa-mārjanam, ānandāmbudhi-vardhanam (CC Antya 20.12). These transcendental activities, transcendental bliss, increases, ānanda ambudhi. Ambudhi means ocean. We have seen ocean, but it does not increase, although it is a very big, vast mass of water. Still, when you go to the beach for hundreds year, it does not increase. Ānandāmbudhi, the material world, not vardhanam; it is fixed up. When we walk on the beach we are confident that although the Pacific Ocean is a great, vast mass of water, but we are certain it cannot come up to this. It is limited by the order of God: "You cannot go beyond this." So there is no vardhanam. The temporary ebb tide and flow tide, that is another thing, but actually āpūryamānam acala pratiṣṭhām (BG 2.70). But in the spiritual world, the ocean of transcendental bliss increases. Therefore it is said that ānandāmbudhi vardhanam.