So it is very difficult. Therefore the pravṛtti-nirvṛtti, the Vedic rules have been formulated in such a way that if a man has got pravṛtti for meat-eating or drinking or for sex-life or gambling... So we know that gambling is allowed on the kālī-pūjā day. We know. Especially northern Indian people, mercantile people, they take it, advantage, gambling. And sex life is allowed married life. That is gradually nivṛtti, married life; otherwise they will become upstarts. The society will be lost. And meat-eating allowed also: "All right. Just offer a goat before Kali and take that." Not purchase from the market or slaughterhouse. No. So these things are there just to gradually make him refrain from all these habits. Nivṛtti. This is Vedic. Not that "Oh, there is in the Vedas Kālī-pūjā. We are devotees of Kali." Why? For meat-eating. That's all. They are..., they become devotees of Kali only for meat-eating. That's all. There is no other devotion. So actually... So nivṛtti. But that is nivṛtti-mārga. Nivṛtti-mārga. And in the Vaiṣṇava philosophy that immediately, immediately give up these things; otherwise it will be not possible. Because in the next line it is said,
- daivī sampad vimokṣāya
- nibandhāyāsurī matā
- mā śucaḥ sampadaṁ daivīm
- abhijāto 'si pāṇḍava
- (BG 16.5)
"My dear Pāṇḍava, Arjuna, don't be afraid." Because as soon as Kṛṣṇa said that daivī sampad vimokṣāya, nibandhāyāsurī matā, so, nibhandāya āsurī matā, "I am fighting now." This is the business of āsurī. "I am now violent." So he became afraid that "Then I am also an āsurī sampat." That Kṛṣṇa immediately said, "No, no, no, don't be afraid." Mā śucaḥ. Mā śucaḥ sampadaṁ daivīm. "My dear Arjuna, you don't be afraid. Don't, don't be worried." Why? "Because you have no āsurī." "I am fighting." "You are fighting for Me; therefore you are not asura." Those who are fighting for their sense gratification, they're asuras, but if need be fighting for, for cause, right cause... Of course, everyone thinks right cause; therefore it should be confirmed. Just like Arjuna. Arjuna fought when he understood that "This fighting is right cause, it is sanctioned by Kṛṣṇa." Then it is right cause. You cannot make your right cause. You can not formulate that "This is right cause." That is mental concoction. You must get it sanctioned. That is a principle of daivī life, divine life.