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Very nice devotees


Arrival Addresses and Talks

In future they will become nice Vaiṣṇava. And many children are taking birth. They are very nice devotees.
Arrival Lecture -- Calcutta, March 20, 1975:

So by Caitanya Mahāprabhu's grace, with the cooperation of the Western youths, this movement is going on. I have traveled all over the countries, as I reported, and everywhere I saw, I was very much pleased that saṅkīrtana is going on. And it is improving. It is not declining. That is my greatest encouragement, that even in my absence, things are going on very nicely, improving. That is very hopeful. Not only that—from the Gurukula we are training small children. There are about more than hundred children in Dallas. They are rising early in the morning, attending maṅgala āratik, boys and girls not more than ten years, not more than five, six years. So that is very hopeful. In future they will become nice Vaiṣṇava. And many children are taking birth. They are very nice devotees. In last, in our Śrīpāda Atreya-rsi's small child, about six months old, as soon as I shout out, "Hare Kṛṣṇa," immediately he'll... He'll laugh. Very nice. There are many such children. So all these children, they are Vaiṣṇavas. Śucīnāṁ śrīmatāṁ gehe yoga-bhraṣṭaḥ sanjāyate (BG 6.41). That is the... They are given chance to take birth in the family of Vaiṣṇava father and mother. From the very beginning of life, they are getting encouragement. We had such opportunity. Somehow or other, we have come to this stage. Similarly, these children, they are getting opportunity from the very beginning of their life. So on the whole, it is very hopeful that in the Western countries... Not only Western countries—especially Western countries—we have sown some seed, that a community, Vaiṣṇava community, is now established. That is very hopeful, a Vaiṣṇava community, and they are, in America, they are now addressed, "American Hindus," these American boys and girls.

Conversations and Morning Walks

1972 Conversations and Morning Walks

Mr. Nair. Mrs. Nair. She is, she is also very nice devotee. So every year four lakhs of rupees, in three years, or four years, fourteen lakhs, without any interest. So we have got good facility.
Room Conversation -- July 5, 1972, London:

Prabhupāda: Thirty lakhs. But he has given me for fourteen lakhs. And that's also by instrument, in three years, or four years, without any interest...

Devotee: Who is that man?

Prabhupāda: Mr. Nair. Mrs. Nair. She is, she is also very nice devotee. So every year four lakhs of rupees, in three years, or four years, fourteen lakhs, without any interest. So we have got good facility. And in Vṛndāvana, some gentleman has given us the land.

Devotee: Is the land in Vṛndāvana, is it in the city? Is it on the outside of Vṛndāvana, or is it in the city?

Prabhupāda: No, it is just in front of Bon Mahārāja's college.

Devotee: It's in Rāman Reti.

Prabhupāda: (laughter) Best place in Vṛndāvana. All (indistinct). And we have got potential. There are so many buildings, they are not being properly utilized. If we want to, you can purchase the whole area.


1969 Correspondence

This girl, Cintamani, will be another asset for your propaganda because she is actually a very nice devotee, and when she will be with you she can receive many girl students and show them how to prepare Prasadam.
Letter to Bali-mardana, Sudama -- Tittenhurst 3 October, 1969:

Last time, in 1967, when I was coming back from India to the States, I stopped for one day in Tokyo to find out the possibilities of opening a branch. I studied the Japanese country within very short time and saw that they are very nice people. They are Oriental men, and there is similarity with Indian peoples. So what I desired in 1967 you have fulfilled in 1969, and I thank you very much from the very core of my heart. Krishna will give you long life and prosperity to live and preach the Krishna Consciousness Movement to the suffering humanity and thereby get benediction of Krishna and thanks from the peoples in general. Both of you are very good combination, intelligent boys, and Krishna is so kind that immediately you have got no anxiety for maintaining yourselves. Now, Bali Mardan, you are trying to get Cintamani from the States; this is good idea. This girl, Cintamani, will be another asset for your propaganda because she is actually a very nice devotee, and when she will be with you she can receive many girl students and show them how to prepare Prasadam. So surely you will grow very soon a nice Krishna Consciousness society in Japan. Krishna has given you immediately one Japanese boy to assist, Sriman Co-Co, and it is understood that he is inquisitive to learn more about Krishna. As you know from Bhagavad-gita, four types of men; namely the distressed, the man in need of money, the philosopher and the inquisitive, they take to Krishna Consciousness, and such persons are described as very pious. They are not ordinary persons. From this formula, Sriman Co-Co appears to be a pious boy, so try to convince him about our philosophy. The sum and substance of our philosophy is to love Krishna.

I am glad that you are very much appreciating the association of Bhagavan das and Jagadisa. They are both very nice devotees, so when you have any questions about our philosophy, you consult with them, or else I am also at your service in this connection.
Letter to Nico Kuyt -- London 4 November, 1969:

I am very much pleased to note your sincere attitude towards our Krishna Consciousness Movement, and this sincerity will lead you to the highest spiritual consciousness if you continue in this way. That is the special Grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In former ages the processes of spiritual elevation were very difficult and long enduring. But in this age of Kali Yuga our lives are so short and our minds are so restless that the process of spiritual realization must be very simple in order for success to be achieved. Therefore, Lord Krishna appeared on this world as Lord Caitanya to show the fallen living entities the easiest and most sublime method of achieving Krishna Consciousness. His formula is that everyone, in any position of life, should chant the Hare Krishna Mantra. So this is what we are teaching, and any benefit you are feeling from this procedure is simply the Mercy of Caitanya Mahaprabhu acting. I am glad that you are very much appreciating the association of Bhagavan das and Jagadisa. They are both very nice devotees, so when you have any questions about our philosophy, you consult with them, or else I am also at your service in this connection. Please continue to live at our temple, follow the regulative principles and chant at least 16 rounds daily. Most likely this December I shall be staying at our Boston temple for some days, and if it is possible, you may then come there to meet me.

I have heard from Tamala Krishna that there are several very nice devotees there now, and things are being managed automatically.
Letter to Upendra -- London 26 November, 1969:

It is very nice to hear that Gajendra is now taking care in pushing on the Krishna Consciousness Movement. Regarding your coming to me, you are always welcome, and your association is always desired. When I was in San Francisco in 1967, December, after coming back from India, you were so kind upon me. But the thing is that if you come to me, there must be somebody equally expert to manage there. I have heard from Tamala Krishna that there are several very nice devotees there now, and things are being managed automatically. So when I return back to Los Angeles you are welcome to come join me.

Always remember that Nandarani is also a very nice devotee girl, and their whole family is coming out nice; so you should see always that they are not in inconvenience in any way.
Letter to Gargamuni -- London 15 December, 1969:

I am so glad that Dayananda is doing everything so nicely. He is intelligent, responsible boy, and whatever you do conjointly, it has my approval. You may note it. But always remember that Nandarani is also a very nice devotee girl, and their whole family is coming out nice; so you should see always that they are not in inconvenience in any way. Because he is family man, he should have some special consideration. A brahmacari can tolerate any inconvenience, but women and children cannot. They will have difficulty.

1970 Correspondence

You have got a very nice devotee wife, she will help you in all respects. So try to follow the footsteps of the disciplic succession, and everything will come out successful.
Letter to Sudama -- Los Angeles 17 February, 1970:

The potency of spreading Krsna Consciousness is everywhere the same. That was experimented by me in your country, where I came alone without any support; and Krsna is so kind that He has sent me so many boys and girls like you. Lord Caitanya said that every village and town on the surface of the world will know the message of the Sankirtana movement. This very statement affirms that in every village and town all over the world there are many candidates who are awaiting this message.

Please therefore work very seriously. Chant your daily beads regularly. You have got a very nice devotee wife, she will help you in all respects. So try to follow the footsteps of the disciplic succession, and everything will come out successful.

In London there is some clashing between the police and our men, but the reaction is in our factor. Probably there will be a great agitation in this connection, and the whole world will know automatically the importance of this movement.

I am very pleased to note that you are feeling everything is going on nicely in Boston due to the nice devotees. You are also a very nice devotee, so together work to make Boston center even nicer for the satisfaction of the Lord.
Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 7 April, 1970:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 25th March, 1970, recommending Michael to be initiated. I have duly initiated him and his beads chanted by me are returned herewith. His initiated name is Madhavananda Das.

I am very pleased to note that you are feeling everything is going on nicely in Boston due to the nice devotees. You are also a very nice devotee, so together work to make Boston center even nicer for the satisfaction of the Lord.

I have received your beads also, and I am returning them to you duly chanted. Now please increase your enthusiasm for pushing on this Krsna Consciousness movement and Krsna will inspire you with all intelligence for serving Him as much as you engage yourself with sincerity and devotion. Therefore to keep advancing in your spiritual power always be sure to chant at least the prescribed sixteen rounds of beads daily. This is the fundamental program for advancing more and more in Krsna Consciousness.

I do not know just what has happened to your old beads, but you should keep your beads always very, very carefully, they are your direct link with Krsna.

You have both been very nice devotees and I would like you both to continue to make nice advancement. So please patch up any crack that may have come between yourself and ISKCON.
Letter to Isana, Vibhavati -- Calcutta 21 September, 1970:

In my books I have tried to explain clearly this simultaneously one and different philosophy acinta beda beda tattva propounded by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. But sometimes it happens that this philosophy is given a self-interested interpretation. As soon as personal motivation comes in it is not possible for one to understand our Krishna Consciousness philosophy.

You have both been very nice devotees and I would like you both to continue to make nice advancement. So please patch up any crack that may have come between yourself and ISKCON. As husband and wife you must always remain together and raise your daughter in Krishna Consciousness. I would like you to go back to New Vrndavana and fix up a nice living place for yourselves and help to develop the New Vrndavana scheme. Our ISKCON should be taken as being a family based upon love and trust, so as the father becomes unhappy when one of his children wishes to break family connections I also become unhappy when there is difficulties within our ISKCON family. So please do not consider leaving as you are spiritual children of mine.

I know that Krsnakanti is a very nice devotee and highly intelligent and enthusiastic, so he is certainly a good man for the presidency there.
Letter to Karandhara -- Bombay 13 November, 1970:

Regarding Seattle center, I know that Krsnakanti is a very nice devotee and highly intelligent and enthusiastic, so he is certainly a good man for the presidency there. I am so pleased that Srimati Jambavati devi is caring for the Deities there so well. When the Deities will be radiant, it means that the service is going on nicely. So regarding the Los Angeles Deity worship, you were carrying it out very well in my presence, so you continue in that way. Two baths daily for Their Lordships is not required, but twice dressing is nice. Your program for training everyone in the proper form of Deity worship and other temple activities is very, very good. We want that all our men shall be able to do everything in Krsna Consciousness—a devotee is expert in all things.

1971 Correspondence

She is a very nice devotee; that is a fact. And it is your duty to take care of her and see to it that she becomes Krishna Conscious.
Letter to Sudama -- Brooklyn 31 July, 1971:

I am so glad to hear that you have again come to your senses and are arranging for your good wife Cintamani to return to Tokyo. She is a very nice devotee; that is a fact. And it is your duty to take care of her and see to it that she becomes Krishna Conscious. So work cooperatively, husband and wife, and make our Tokyo center most successful. That is my request.

1972 Correspondence

Please give her all assistance to get proper visa so that she may continue her work. She is very very nice devotee.
Letter to Dayananda -- Los Angeles 20 May, 1972:

I have received notice from Mandakini that her Russia trip was very much successful and that she will be returning to marry Anatole as soon as she can get proper visa. So you please give her all assistance to get proper visa so that she may continue her work. She is very very nice devotee.

1973 Correspondence

You are all very nice devotees. You are very, very fortunate to have the opportunity to be going to this Gurukula. It is the only one of its kind in the world.
Letter to Ekendra, Shawn, Christina, Dvarakadhisa, Kimi, Tonya, Joe, John, Candramukhi, Carol, Peggy, Lisa, Stephanie -- Dallas 21 May, 1973:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your very nice Isopanisad papers, with sanskrit, transliteration, translation and purport. You are all very nice devotees. You are very, very fortunate to have the opportunity to be going to this Gurukula. It is the only one of its kind in the world. You are the first students and you must set a good example for the others, always being very enthusiastic to learn from your teachers, offering all respects to your teachers, leading the kirtanas with exuberance. In future you will be the leaders of this Krsna Consciousness Movement, so now you must take this training preparation very seriously.

1974 Correspondence

I am prepared to give you fair chance, but you cannot criticize Hamsaduta. Let there be re-election in the presence of two GBC men. We should utilize our talents without being envious of others. You should do your best, but you should not be envious of others. In material life there is simply envy of others progress, but in spiritual life one encourages another, "Oh you are doing very nice." That is Radharani. She says oh here is a very nice devotee. Please Krishna, you accept him.
Letter to Madhavananda -- Mayapur 6 October, 1974:

Regarding Hamsaduta, you cannot criticize him. Hamsaduta is liquidating the debts. You were there but you could not liquidate, but Hamsaduta has come and he is liquidating. Canakya Pandit says that a happy man is he who lives at home and who has no debts. London was so much in debt that it was something shameless. I have not said anything until now, but I was very sorry to see in the temple that the chandelier was taken down. The temple was almost dark without the chandelier. I had told to Syamasundara. that I wanted it, and he borrowed, but then he could not pay, so it was taken.

I am prepared to give you fair chance, but you cannot criticize Hamsaduta. Let there be re-election in the presence of two GBC men. We should utilize our talents without being envious of others. You should do your best, but you should not be envious of others. In material life there is simply envy of others progress, but in spiritual life one encourages another, "Oh you are doing very nice." That is Radharani. She says oh here is a very nice devotee. Please Krishna, you accept him.

From the pictures it appears that the Deity worship is going on very nicely. Krishna is very satisfied by His face. He looks very healthy. He is very fond of milk and butter. He is a butter thief. You have now got cows, so offer nicely. I have asked that the picture be framed. I think that the Deity worship is almost better than our Los Angeles center. The Life Member room is very nice. They should have like that here.

1975 Correspondence

Please try and work nicely with Mahamsa Svami. He is very nice devotee and he can help you to be engaged in Krishna's service with great enthusiasm.
Letter to Sucharu deva -- Bombay 19 January, 1975:

Please try and work nicely with Mahamsa Svami. He is very nice devotee and he can help you to be engaged in Krishna's service with great enthusiasm. I will be coming there shortly—in April, for a large pandal program. You can see me then. For the time being, try to be very staunch in following all the rules and regulations. Chant 16 rounds daily, attend mangala arati and classes, etc. and you will be very happily engaged in the service of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna. Never let a moment go by without engaging in at least one of the nine devotional processes.

Page Title:Very nice devotees
Compiler:Visnu Murti
Created:19 of Jan, 2012
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=1, Let=13
No. of Quotes:15