P.S. I have duly initiated Terry as you have requested. His beads and a reply to his letter are sent to him separately. His spiritual name you may inform is Sriman Traidas Brahmacari. Trai means the Vedas.
Training of Trai dasa (Letters, 1970 - 1975)
Expressions researched:
|"Back to Godhead"
|"Bhaktivedanta Book Trust"
|"Book Fund"
|"Book Trust"
|"Book Trust,"
|"Dai Nippon"
|"GBC members"
|"Governing Board Commission"
|"Governing Board Commissioners"
|"Governing Body Commission"
|"Governing Body Commissioners"
|"M-V trust"
|"M.V trust"
|"Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust"
|"Mayapura-Vrndavana Trust"
|"Our society"
|"The society"
1971 Correspondence
1972 Correspondence
I am in due receipt of your letter dated February 15, 1972, and I am very much pleased that you have assumed the president's post for Berkeley centre. That is one of our most important branches especially because it is located just in a very large university area, well known in your country as a famous seat of learning. So now it will be very important to flood Berkeley city with our books and literatures, because if we can convince the intelligent class of men of our Krishna philosophy then our success for changing the position of your country and the rest of the world from a very dangerous condition is assured. Just see that our routine programme such as rising early, cleansing, reading books chanting, street Sankirtana, deity worship, and so on, if these items of regular programme are maintained to the highest standard and not neglected for anything, then everything else we try for will come out successful without fail. So you are now big officer, and I think Krishna has favored you by this position, because now you will be forced to always be the best example of KC person and be very very responsible, because you must make sure that all the devotees in your temple are always satisfied as far as possible by being happy in spiritual life.
As you have recommended him, I am glad to accept Karnamrta das for second initiation. Enclosed find one sacred thread duly chanted by me, and you may hold a fire yagna and give him gayatri mantra. I think you or Kesava may be having a copy of tape of me reciting gayatri mantra, so he can hear it through earphones into the right ear so the public may not hear it. Instruct him in the principles of brahminical life, namely, to be always pure or suci. One's actions are not pure until the body is pure. So in this way, by stressing all kinds of cleanliness habits, eventually one can be purified completely, and thus qualify himself to meet god face to face.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 19, 1972 and I have noted the contents. I am pleased to know that all of you are enthusiastically engaged in distributing our books. In this modern Godless civilization, everyone is greatly suffering due to lack of the real knowledge of Krishna consciousness, and our task is very great and very important. We must deliver this pure science of God to everyone and give them the chance to make their lives successful. So you continue this book distribution program very nicely, and at the same time take advantage of these books yourselves. Not that you just distribute but neglect reading them yourself. Always read them, especially Krsna book. Every time you have a spare moment, you should read. This will help you to advance in Krishna consciousness, and will give you the ability to convince others also.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated May 9, 1972, and have noted the contents carefully. I have no objection to any of the points mentioned therein by you. Only thing is, we must try to avoid becoming too much overly organized like the material businessmen. Our business is to ourselves become Krishna conscious, advance in spiritual life, and to preach to others how they can also take advantage and come to the perfectional stage of life. Too much business or paperwork, vouchers, plans, these things become too much cumbersome for our spiritual growth, they take us away from our real emphasis of work, namely, to go back to Home, back to Godhead. But I think your plan is not like that, so far I can see. It is practical and to the point. But now you must do it very nicely and complete it. Not that we make some plan, change things, then do not complete it, again change, this way, that way—no. There was some plan by Kesava to purchase a new San Francisco temple in a better part of the city. What happened to that plan?
I shall be coming to Los Angeles by Thursday, May 18th. So we shall discuss later. When I shall come there, I shall be glad to give sannyasa order to Jayananda, as Kesava has recommmended.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 7, 1972, and I am so much pleased to hear from you that the book distribution has increased five times than before! Similarly, I have heard from Chicago and other places also that they are increasing five times than before. That is very encouraging to me. You are, I can understand, very much enthusiastic to endeavor big things on Krsna's behalf, and all of the new students there at Boston center are also feeling enthusiasm from your example. That is the business of leader: He must be himself always enthusiastic and inspire others to be always enthusiastic. Then he is real leader. And that enthusiastic mood is maintained when everyone is always without fail chanting 16 rounds daily, rising early for mangala aratrika, reading books, preaching—in this way, by observing strictly the regulative principles of devotional life, that enthusiasm or great eagerness to have Krsna will come out. So if you are very serious to remain tightly there in Boston center and develop it fully, I am very much pleased upon you for this. That is advancement in Krsna Consciousness, to stick tightly to the desire or orders of the spiritual master; because my Guru Maharaja ordered it, and I am also ordering it: Go on preaching, spread this Krsna Consciousness all over the world, then if you are taking up the responsibility for that, to work very cool-headedly in this way, then you are understanding rightly what is the point of giving our energy without any personal considerations to Krsna. So try to develop Boston temple to be the first-class temple in your country—-why your country, in the world. Recruit some educated men from the colleges, schools in Boston, train them up for preaching mission, in this way develop the quality of your men to be the most surrendered servants of Krsna. That will please Krsna, and you will feel also yourself becoming more and more happy in perfecting your life.
Upon your recommendation I am glad to accept the three new devotees as my duly initiated disciples. Their letter and beads are enclosed herewith.
Upon the recommendation of Traidas I have gladly consented to accept all of you as my duly initiated disciples. I have chanted on your beads and they are enclosed herewith. I have given you the spiritual names as follows:
Jeffrey Balawajder/JANAJANMADIH DASA
Now my request to all of you is that you very seriously stick to the principles of devotional service, following especially the four principle restrictions, and without fail always chant at least 16 rounds on your beads daily, and be happy.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated december 7, 1972, and I am so much pleased to hear from you that the book distribution has increased five times than before! Similarly, I have heard from Chicago and other places also that they are increasing five times than before. That is very encouraging to me. You are, I can understand, very much enthusiastic to endeavour big things on Krishna's behalf, and all of the new students there at boston centre are also feeling enthusiasm from your example. That is the business of leader: He must be himself always enthusiastic and inspire others to be always enthusiastic.
Then he is real leader. And that enthusiastic mood is maintained when everyone is always without fail chanting 16 rounds daily, rising early for mangal arati, reading books, preaching—in this way, by observing strictly the regulative principles of devotional life, that enthusiasm or great eagerness to have Krishna will come out. So if you are very serious to remain tightly there in Boston centre and develop it fully, I am very much pleased upon you for this. That is advancement in Krishna consciousness, to stick tightly to the desires or orders of the spiritual master; because my Guru Maharaja ordered it, and I am also ordering it: Go on preaching, spread this Krishna consciousness all over the world, then if you are taking up the responsibility for that, to work very cool-headedly in this way, then you are understanding rightly what is the point of giving our energy without any personal considerations to Krishna. So try to develop Boston temple to be the first-class temple in your country—why your country, in the world.
Recruit some educated men from the colleges, schools in Boston, train them up for preaching mission, in this way develop the quality of your men to be the most surrendered servants of Krishna. That will please Krishna, and you will feel also yourself becoming more and more happy in perfecting your life.
Upon you recommendation I am glad to accept the three new devotees as my duly initiated disciples. Their letter and beads are enclosed herewith.
1973 Correspondence
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your nice report dated the 20th of february and I have carefully examined the contents. Your plans for increasing book distribution are very good. If so many books are being sold then very soon we will be finished the second edition. Distribution of all these books is making a firm basis for our movement.
The educated gentleman you mentioned who has now become a nice devotee should develop into a very good preacher. Your policy of encouraging his chanting is good, gradually Krsna consciousness is developed, that is natural.
That London doctor that Kesava mentioned to Rupanuga Maharaja is bogus. Depend on Krsna and consult a general doctor. Nobody can guarantee life. It is a little hellish but without
Krsna nobody can be a saint or relieved from distresses.
Regarding Pyari Mohan, Ramacarya, and Nanda devi dasi taking second initiation, if you recommend, that's alright. But now they must keep very clean and never break the regulated principles. Purity is the force and if the people in general notice that we are clean both inside and outside that is to our credit. Regarding your last question, yes, you may call Their Lordships Radha-Gopivallabha.
Now I have enclosed three sacred threads duly chanted by me. In Rupanuga Maharaja's absence, you may obtain a tape and instructions from Bali Mardan Maharaja in New York and hold one fire sacrifice.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your special delivery letter of July 17, 1973 and I have carefully examined the contents.
I am glad to hear from you that everything is in order at our Boston temple and that the house is nearing completion in repairs and rehabilitation. This will very much increase the prestige of our Boston center so that respectable people will come and sit and hear about Krsna Consciousness. Please do not worry regarding some rumors that were being circulated here by outsiders about the Boston ISKCON temple. I can understand the actual position from your letter; so please push on with all programs as you are doing.
Krsna Consciousness is factually the only solution to all the suffering which is besetting fellow humanity and all living entities. So we have great responsibilities in discharging our duties in devotional service.
I am enclosing one brahmana thread chanted on by me for Mathuresh das. You may play the tape of me speaking gayatri mantra into his right ear and instruct him in the duties of Brahmin. We have to be real Brahmins, not just in name, and in that way we can set an example for the whole civilized society to follow.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of you letter Dated July 13,73.
I am glad to hear that the Boston temple is looking up.
Enclosed please find one mantra and thread duly chanted upon by me. Hold a fire ceremony and distribute Prasadm.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated August 30, 1973.
The two boys are gladly accepted by me on your recommendation, their names are as follows.
Ronald- Kamalasana Das and Peter - Prthusrava Das. Please give them good instructions regarding our Krishna consciousness philosophy and hold a fire ceremony and distribute nice Prasadm
to all the devotees.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated August 30, 1973.
The two boys are gladly accepted by me on your recommendation, their names are as follows.
Ronald- Kamalasana Das and Peter - Prthusrava Das. Please give them good instructions regarding our Krishna consciousness philosophy and hold a fire ceremony and distribute nice Prasadm
to all the devotees.
I hope this letter meets you well.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
(Beads may be sent to Kirtanananda Swami for chanting upon.)
I am in receipt of your letter dated December 2, 1973. Thank you very much for pushing on our book distribution program so enthusiastically. Kindly offer all the devotees there my deepest gratitude for their wonderful service in this connection. I understand from Karandhara that you are one of the most staunch supporters and workers for distributing our books and I assure you that it is the highest service to my Guru Maharaja. Thank you very much.
I hereby accept the devotees you have recommended as my duly initiated disciples and their names are as follows:
Edward S. Basu Gopala das
Donald Narindra das
Ernest Nityasiddha das
Gary Krsnarcana das
Michael Bhudhara das
Rita A. Govinda-vallabha dasi
Rupanuga Maharaja may chant their beads. Take good care of them all and always be an example for them to follow in Krsna Consciousness.
1974 Correspondence
In his last GBC report, Rupanuga Maharaja wrote that you are delinquent in sending him regular reports. The system of temple presidents sending twice monthly reports to the GBC was devised by me to facilitate my receiving news of all the centers through the GBC. You are free to write me directly when the occasion arises, but do not neglect to send regular reports to Rupanuga Maharaja.
I hope everything is going well in the Boston temple, and I will be glad to see you at our Mayapur meeting.
Regarding the sale of the temple building at 40 North Beacon St., the best thing is to go and consult with our president in charge of the Boston branch, Trai das Adhikari.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 25, 1974.
Upon your recommendation I have accepted Neal Buyers as my initiated disciple and his new spiritual name is Niranjana dasa. Keep him carefully now. Krsna Consciousness means to create ideal men, so you must set the example in following the rules and chanting Hare Krsna mantra and see that others are doing it also.
I am enclosing brahmana threads and gayatri mantra for Ādi Kesava das and Vivasvan das. You must be very careful before you award the brahminical thread by recommending a man to me. Now that we are dividing our society into the four orders as much as possible, it is not that every man has to be made a brahmana after a year. Especially if one cannot even get up early and go to mangala arati he cannot become a brahmana. So consider it carefully before you recommend further men to me. Sometime in the past Rupanuga Maharaja reported that you were not sending him regular reports so he could compile his GBC report to me; please cooperate with him in this so our huge organization can run smoothly in all its parts.
Page Title: | Training of Trai dasa (Letters, 1970 - 1975) |
Compiler: | MadhuGopaldas |
Created: | 03 of Jun, 2010 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=18 |
No. of Quotes: | 18 |