Regarding purchase of a car, I am planning to send two cars to India—one Mercedes* and one Chevelle Impala, one car for Delhi and one for Bombay. So we plan to send these as a gift from the United States ISKCON to India. However we are awaiting the official form from the Maharastra government. You have indicated that this form is being procured by Tamala Krsna Goswami so please see that it is actually dispatched to us so that we can send you the cars.
Training of Tamala Krishna dasa (Letters, 1974 - 1977)
Expressions researched:
|"Back to Godhead"
|"Bhaktivedanta Book Trust"
|"Book Fund"
|"Book Trust"
|"Book Trust,"
|"Dai Nippon"
|"GBC members"
|"Governing Board Commission"
|"Governing Board Commissioners"
|"Governing Body Commission"
|"Governing Body Commissioners"
|"M-V trust"
|"M.V trust"
|"Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust"
|"Mayapura-Vrndavana Trust"
|"Our society"
|"Tamal Krishna"
|"Tamal Krsna"
|"Tamala Krishna"
|"Tamala Krsna"
|"The society"
1974 Correspondence
The money sent by Tamala Krsna Goswami is given by Bhogilal Patel, and Giriraja told me that was his contribution for the temple. Never mind, you can employ all collections in India for the asrama, but the money I shall take will be devoted to finishing the temple. For finishing my quarters I don't think it will require more than Rs 5,000. Do the needful and I am coming with the required money. But what you have heard from Giriraja, some utopian 22 lacs, is not correct. So begin work immediately.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your GBC report dated January 3, 1974, and I thank you for reporting so completely on the situtation in India.
I am very engladdened to hear you have secured one flat on our Hare Krsna Land. I am planning to arrive in India on or before February 1st. I am first going to New Delhi and then to Vrindaban in order to see how the construction of the temple is going on. Then I can go to Bombay, say about the second week in February, and together we can go to Mayapur in March. Now by your arrangement it will be very pleasing for me to stay in our own land at Juhu. In the past I was a guest while staying in Bombay but now we have our own place, and this is very engladdening to me. So I will come. We are four men and we will arrive in India by February 1st; we already have our tickets for around the world.
Regarding your invitation to go to Dvaraka, yes I have already written you I have accepted, and I can go there. Hearing that you have collected Rs 81,000 in the month of December is very pleasing; you are a very good boy.
Now Krsna is sending you new devotees to help in India. Yasomatinandana is a good boy, now utilize him properly. We are planning that he can open a center in Surat and he will attract many Gujaratis. He is sincere, learned, enthusiastic and qualified. Keep him nicely engaged. He has left $7,000 with me for starting a center in Surat. This money I have deposited in the Mayapur-Vrindaban Fund and when I shall start a center in Surat I will draw from that fund. For our arriving devotees they should all be coming on student visas for learning Sanskrit and Hindi languages and thus they can stay for 3 years. I have arranged this with the Consulate General in New York for the student visas for our men. I think Giriraja has written to you by now and he knows of this arrangement. Yes, Mohanananda is a very intelligent worker, now work cooperatively with him. The only fear I have is that you may fight. Please do not. That will ruin everything we have done. If there is any misunderstandings which arise, as they will, settle them up. You are all qualified American boys, now push on this glorious mission without letting it be hampered by personal differences. I am glad to hear you have a nice secretary there in Aditya; now take care of sending the BTG out regularly. There are some complaints in this department. So make Bombay the center for distributing BTG to life members.
Yes I know very well that Gargamuni Maharaja is an expert collector and preacher. He is so expert in collecting therefore I call him Gargamoney. Regarding the BBT debt of Calcutta, you can wait for that. Not that the payment can be washed off, but we can wait. It is very good news that Gargamuni Maharaja is supporting both Calcutta and Mayapur. Now you cooperate and you yourself develop Bombay. In the meantime, Jayapataka and Bhavananda Maharajas want money for land. Karandhara has sent $4,000 so I have allowed them to purchase more land. I will pay and have arranged for that. You can advise Jayapataka and Bhavananda to purchase land whenever there is an opportunity and we shall arrange to pay. But it should not exceed Rs 5,000 per month. Within that limit they can purchase every month some piece of land.
Yes, I agree the construction of a temple in Calcutta should wait until we finish our present projects which we have undertaken. We should not accept projects which will strain us. Bombay was a great strain, but Krsna has now given it to us. Henceforth we should not accept too much strain. It was a very bitter experience for me in Bombay. As Nair's party was determined not to let us have the land I was more determined to take it at any cost. Krsna has helped us, but we should not strain Krsna by such action.
It is very important that the accounts be kept very clear so that we retain our income tax exemption. So continue to engage Manasvi and competent men so that everything is recorded very clearly.
I understand that the mrdanga instruction to our devotees is a failure. So retain the teachers and have them engage our students, but if the students are so dull what can be done? Make as many mrdangas as possible. Supervise the workers so that they are working during their work hours.
Yes, I fully agree that "What is the use of a temple if there is no prasadam distribution?" Prasadam distribution on a large scale must be resumed. Such a temple where there is no such distribution has no value, I agree. You say more land is needed for growing crops. So for the time being go ahead and purchase land and I will pay at the rate of Rs 5,000 per month. But do not acquire more land than we can use. Purchasing land and keeping it without use is not my policy. What is Gargamuni Maharaja doing with the money he is collecting for Mayapur? Regarding money being used for construction of gosala, pavilion etc., at Mayapur, I shall consider that after going there. I have arranged to transfer $100,000 which will be done by next Monday. But this is for the temple in Vrindaban. You cannot expect all the money to come from here. I will, however, be trying to carry as much money as possible.
I have deposited $100,000 in the M-V Fund which is earning interest at Rs 5,500 per month. I want to utilize this for month after month for Vrindaban, and I do not want to break the original principle I have set up in this regard. I have arranged to send $100,000 for Vrindaban and another $100,000 has been deposited for the M-V Trust. When I come to India, we shall sit together, you, myself, Bhavananda Maharaja, Gargamuni Maharaja, Gurudasa, and do the needful.
Yes, Bhavananda and Jayapataka Maharajas are the approved directors of Mayapur. They are selfless workers. Regarding food for the Mayapur Festival, in other temples they are going and collecting their food, and yet we have to purchase in Mayapur? If you depend always on collecting money from here only it will not be successful. If for buildings, festivals, etc. you have to collect from here, what is the use?
The completion of Vrindaban temple by Janmastami is my whole hearted desire. Please do it by all means. The 3 lacs from Ashok Birla plus the $100,000 from here will I think be sufficient to finish the temple. It will please me very much to see it completed timely.
Regarding the starting of a school in Vrindaban, yes engage Hari Goswami in a trial period there in Vrindaban. He should be engaged teaching Hindi and Sanskrit and if he does it nicely then he can transfer to Gurukula in Dallas. So for now he should also train up an assistant. Yes, we can start such classes in Bombay and Vrindaban for now. My wanting these subjects taught is a plea for getting the students visa. It is not for actually becoming great scholars. This was the impression I gave the Consulate General in N.Y. and he is helping. Dr. Kapoor has already refused to teach language. He is interested in teaching philosophy but we don't require it. We have everything required in the Bhagavatam. I want that the students can nicely recite the sanskrit verses and then they can read the full purport in English. So make arrangement for teaching Sanskrit and Hindi along those lines. B. R. Matta was pleased with this suggestion and said that with such a education program the Rama Krishna mission is taking huge amounts of money from the government. But before you try approaching government leaders first start an actual school program, then you can approach. Nor should these studies interfere with our program of simply presenting the Bhagavatam.
Regarding the agitation to remove Tejas: No, Tejas must not be removed. Stop this. This is a clique. I don't want this. Why has Subala Maharaja gone there. He is an outsider, why are they interfering. Subala left India now why has he returned without permission? This removal of the president is very unconstitutional. The devotees who do not like to work with Tejas should immediately go away from the temple. But he may not. Those who feel against him can go away. Devotees come from the outside and interfere. No, they cannot change the president. Who sent Janmanjoya there? Why is he taking to politics? So you opinion is also mine, that Tejas is the most sincere worker of the lot. Please stop this.
So I shall be pleased to see you all when I return to India in New Delhi by February 1st.
I was surprised that Tamala Krsna Goswami and you all are contemplating cancelling the Vrindaban touring of our devotees going to Mayapur. In my opinion it must be carried out.
This touring will enhance our prestige for the Krsna Consciousness movement. People will appreciate devotees from foreign countries visiting Vrindaban. It will attract the attention of the Tourist Department of government. Immediately, Tamala Krsna Maharaja and Gurudasa, you must arrange, with the help of the panda. The party can not only be headed by our leaders, but with the help of Indian assistants like Caitya-guru, Sacidulal. Arrangement must be made like that.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
c.c. Tamala Krsna Goswami, Gargamuni Swami
I was very much shocked when I learned from Tamala Krsna Maharaja that you have left our company and were living outside. Anyway, I was always thinking of you and your letter of Jan. 26, 1974 gives me much relief. Why you should be sorry if someone says you are Indian, he is American, Indians are no good, Americans are good. Why be affected by bodily relationships? Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has advised us—and as an older, grownup student you should know it—that we have to become humbler than the blade of grass and more tolerant than the tree, and then we can execute our service and chant Hare Krsna.
As for working with the architects, if you think the soil test is necessary you can consult together, you two and Gargamuni Maharaja and Brahmananda Maharaja and decide yourselves. Tamala Krsna goswami has no extraordinary experience, so you can do it yourselves. Tamala Krsna is sick now, recovering from a hernia operation, and after he has recovered he is going to America.
Very suddenly Tamala Krsna Goswami underwent treatment for a surgical operation for a hernia. Now he is completely invalid and cannot move. It will take about two weeks more to recover, and then he desires to go to the U.S.A. for preaching work, and retire from the GBC.
Now Tamala Krsna Goswami has just had a successful hernia operation which was arranged free of charge at one of the most modern hospitals, and there is also a girl devotee undergoing operation there also. Tamala Krsna is now living in a room at our temple; the devotees see that he gets all facility, a hospital bed, proper prasadam, and personal care and visiting. So there is no question of ill treating of our own Godbrothers simply because they are sick, nor should you allow such neglect to go on. So long we have this material body there will be sickness, but we have to remain on the transcendental platform nevertheless.
I have seen the letter of 4/4/74 you have written to Tamala Krsna Goswami.
I am very very happy to learn the by Krsna's and Baladeva.'s mercy a sweet water well has been found about ten feet away from the front part of the land, on our side. This is Krsna's mercy on us. Now build a big well there.
Regarding Mayapur, as you have begun this program should be regularly followed once a year: meet in Mayapur and chalk out activities for the year. Then, next year meet and see how far things are being done and if necessary make changes for responsible GBC and presidents etc. The meeting is very valuable and must be carried out regularly every year. But one thing is that at Mayapur last time most of the time was spent discussing but no program was made firm for the year. For example, our Tamala Krsna Goswami never proposed to go to the USA at the meeting but now he has decided to go back to the U.S.A. Of course you can go back, but if the matter is discussed at the meeting, then a GBC vote could be taken and they could have selected a replacement. Now this replacement I have to bother. It is not difficult for me, but why wasn't their discussion of the meeting. Now Karandhara has written asking to come back and I have called him to come to Bombay and if possible he can be engaged as GBC for India.
Tamala Krsna Goswami is going to Los Angeles and I shall give him instruction to join Madhudvisa Swami, Bali Mardan and Jayatirtha and reform the deficiencies. As soon as there is a little deficiency we must repair it or it will create a big hole and the ship will drown. So I have said keep fit. I saw this Vrindaban Candra and Prajapati as a little sentimental without thoroughly understanding. Without following the regulative principles advancement is doubtful, and one may fall at any moment.
I have received a letter from Atreya Rsi das dated April 18, 1974. In that letter he mentions your name as follows:
"I have received one letter from Jagadisa Prabhu who has been told by Tamala Krishna das Goswami Maharaja and Ramesvara Prabhu that recently more than one million dollars in funds from BBT, MVT and other contributors have been transferred into your personal accounts and that only yourself is in knowledge of the exact details of deposits and withdrawls."
This report is inaccurate and very dangerous and it has concerned me very much. Since your name is mentioned here as making this report kindly write to me and let me know what is the actual fact as to what you said.
I received a letter from Atreya Rsi das dated April 18, 1974. In that letter he mentions your name as follows:
"I have just received one letter from Jagadisa Prabhu who has been told by Tamala Krishna das Goswami Maharaja and Ramesvara Prabhu that recently more than one million dollars in funds from BBT, MVT and other contributors have been transferred into your personal accounts and that only yourself is in knowledge of the exact details of deposits and withdrawals."
This report is inaccurate and very dangerous and it has concerned me very much. Since your name is mentioned here as making this report kindly write to me and let me know what is the actual fact as to what you said.
Copy of the telegram sent to Syamasundara. c/o ISKCON N.Y.:
"Tamala has gone to N.Y. to speak to you. When I was in Hyderabad Bal Krishna showed me many checks which were not cleared. If you have money why did you refer to George when asked by London temple? Hamsaduta is liquidating Londons debts so how can I ask him to leave? Discuss the matter with Tamala and do the needful."
After meeting here in Geneva with Karandhara das Adhikari and several other GBC members, I have decided to send Karandhara to India to replace Tamala Krsna Goswami as the new Governing Body Commissioner for India. I know from experience that Karandhara is a highly qualified devotee and I feel confident in placing him in such an important position for our society as head of affairs in India. It is a great relief for me. Karandhara is very enthusiastic to begin his new assignment and will be leaving for India in a few days. Please give him all cooperation and work together for advancement of our mission to make the people of India Krishna Conscious.
I find in both these letters you have especially desired to call Tamala Krsna Goswami to act as GBC. But he left India particularly thinking himself not very fit for management. He has now gone for preaching work with Visnujana Maharaja and recently Karandhara met him and Tamala Krsna Maharaja is now unwilling to come to India for GBC management work. Therefore I have called Karandhara Prabhu to act as GBC in India. He has practical experience in various lines of management work. I hope he will replace Tamala Krsna Maharaja better than anyone else.
Tamala Krsna Maharaja said that you are not following the regulative principles. I do not know why you should do like that. Anyway, if there was any discrepancies in that way I hope you will rectify it and fully cooperate with Karandhara Prabhu.
Please yourself and Mahamsa Swami work in full cooperation with Karandhara Prabhu who is leaving Paris today for Bombay. You may send him regular reports as he is taking over from Tamala Krsna Maharaja, as GBC of India.
Your program of adding six more men to your party is approved by me. Yes, the advanced men can distribute the big books, and the new men the smaller ones. Your entire program is approved by me. By the grace of Krsna, you can teach others at the temples to distribute the books and perform Deity worship, and distributing prasadam. You do this work with my full sanction. Yes, I have seen the bus of Visnujana and Tamala Krsna Maharajas, and it is very nice.
I am in receipt of your letter dated July 27th along with BBT loan proposal. Yes, regarding the buses, Bali Mardan must give you the loan.
Regarding the society's leaders emphasizing business, you should understand what is the meaning of business. Business means to help the preaching. Preaching needs financial help, otherwise, we have no need for business. So far as I understand, our book business is sufficient to support or movement. I do not want the preaching to be at the expense of managing. Manager must also be a preacher otherwise who will want to follow him?
Regarding your visiting centers and giving advice on management and preaching in many zones, yes, do it cooperatively.
Hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
N.B. We have to plan our activities in such a way that we become stronger, not weaker. Physically I am becoming weak, so you boys become stronger. Also, at Mayapur they are wanting money and grains, so what are you doing about this?
Regarding Karandhara, he has already been informed that I have accepted his resignation from BBT. It is all right that Tamala Krsna borrows $10,000 for a bus and that Chicago borrows $10,000 to purchase their present building.
Regarding taking the Deities out on sankirtana as advised by Tamala Krsna Goswami, occasionally the Deities may come and go, however you can let Tamala Krsna Goswami guide you in this connection.
Regarding taking the Deities out on travelling sankirtana, I think you can take guidance from Visnujana Maharaja and Tamala Krishna Goswami who are giving you the example in this connection.
Right from the very beginning when you joined me you have always been a sincere worker, therefore, I keep you as GBC. You may not be a good manager, but whatever I say you accept. These are all good qualifications. Others should follow your example and take instruction from you to push on this library program. I have instructed Tamala Krishna Goswami that he can also so this library program.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 4, 1974. Regarding my health, I was lying almost unconscious. Now by the grace of Krishna, I am walking in the morning but I am still very weak. Neither do I feel any proper appetite. So the weakness is there, but I feel that I am progressing a little each day. So your preaching work is very encouraging to me. You have got the proper field now. So continue with the cooperation of Visnujana Maharaja, so that your example can be followed by others.
Your program for distributing books and having the street festivals and then preaching and making devotees is very good. Also by teaching by your personal example and attending to the Deity worship is the most convincing. Example is better than precept. I am glad to note that the 24 hour kirtana was going on. It is by your chanting that I am now saved from the dangerous condition. It was very serious. Anyway regarding the constant 24 hour kirtana, you should not do anything impractical.
I thank you for sending the thousand dollars to the ISKCON food relief. We are using the moneys that have already been sent from USA in Mayapur for purchasing grains. In Bombay they also have a very nice prasada distribution program.
I have been receiving letters from Satsvarupa das Goswami about his successful library program so I think you also can take up this program in conjunction with your sankirtana festivals. Get standing orders for Srimad-Bhagavatam and Caitanya Caritamrta as many as possible. This is very good preaching work. So you may consult with Satsvarupa das Goswami and he can guide you in this program.
There is one vacancy in the GBC Board, so myself in consultation with Brahmananda Maharaja and Jayatirtha Prabhu, we have decided you can fill up the post. This will be confirmed in the next GBC meeting. In the meantime I wish you may accept this responsibility. My desire is that some of our experienced members who have proved their sincerity of service may form the GBC Board so that the management of the whole institution may go on smoothly, and I may be relieved of affairs of management which hampers my writing of books because my attention is diverted. At present the following members are on the GBC Board: 1. Jayatirtha, 2. Hrdayananda, 3. Rupanuga, 4. Jagadisa, 5. Satsvarupa, 6. Brahmananda, 7. Madhudvisa, 8. Hamsaduta, 9. Bhagavan, 10. Bali Mardan, 11. Tamala Krishna.
Recently there has been some provocation in our Society regarding Bali Mardan and his wife. Jayatirtha has received a bunch of complaints. Similarly Brahmananda Maharaja has also received, so far so that his wife is eating chicken in the temple. This has hampered me very much, so I wish to form an investigation committee. of three members, namely Tamala Krishna Goswami, Rupanuga Prabhu, and yourself.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated October 8, 1974 and have noted the contents. Your letter was forwarded from Bombay, but the letter from Ramesvara was not enclosed.
Regarding Sankirtana and book distribution, both should go on, but book distribution is more important. It is brihat kirtana. In Tokyo airport one boy had come up to me asking if he could speak with me. I said yes, and then he asked me "Swamiji, where do you get all that knowledge in your books?" Of course it is Krishna's knowledge, not mine. But the effect is there. So for wider kirtana book distribution is better. Book distribution is also kirtana.
Regarding making hundreds of travelling parties, yes do that please as far as possible.
Regarding the devotees whom you have recommended for initiation I am pleased to accept them as my disciples. Their spiritual names are as follows: Mike—Mahahasaumya Dasa. Ken—Ksamaula Dasa. Karen—Kriyasakti Devi Dasi. Dilana—Duravanya Devi Dasi. I am also please to accept Saunaka Dasa Brahmacari as twice born initiated Brahman. Enclosed is the sacred thread sanctified by me as well as the mantra sheet. Please hold a sacrifice and the Gayatri mantra can be heard by him through the right ear of my recorded type.
I hope this meets you in good health,
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
N.B. The beads may be chanted upon by Kirtanananda Swami or Tamala Krishna Goswami.
N.B. You can hold a fire sacrifice for the initiated disciples. The beads may be sent to Kirtanananda Swami or Tamala Krishna Goswami for being chanting upon.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated November 8, 1974 with enclosures. Regarding your letter dated October 8, 1974 it was received on October 22, 1974 and replied on October 23, 1974. If you have not yet received it, the copy can be mailed to you.
Regarding the book distribution, apart from our books, the Communist Party has become popular simply by distributing their literatures. I know in Calcutta the Communist agents were inviting friends and reading their literature. The Russians never came to India, but by distributing literature in every language they get a pretty good number of followers. So if it is possible for ordinary third class mundane literature, why not should our transcendental literature create devotees all over the world. I see practically how our books and magazines are becoming popular in your country. So there is good potency for pushing on these literatures very vigorously.
So organize this propaganda work very carefully and our movement will be very much successful by introducing literature from village to village. Lord Caitanya wants this, so carry out His order.
Everyone says the Investigation Committee. report is dispatched, but it is not in my hand.*
It is very good that you have purchased a third bus and also that you are rotating the men. This is a good idea. Yes, train up the brahmanas very carefully. Many Indians and foreigners criticize us how we can create brahmanas. They are under the impression that brahmanas are born like horses and asses are born. According to Bhagavad-gita brahmanas are according to guna and karma. So the training of brahmanas should be so nice that people will be forced to accept them as brahmanas by guna, quality, and karma, action.
So go on with your preaching solidly. Krishna will be pleased and Caitanya Mahaprabhu will be kind. He is already kind. You simply have to go village to village, and your life will be perfect.
I hope this meets you n good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
* N.B. The report is received in hand today.
Upon your recommendation I have accepted the following as my disciples and their names are as follows: Tim—Tarakara dasa; Dorinda—Dainyahrt devi dasi. Their beads may be chanted upon by Kirtanananda Swami or Tamala Krishna Goswami.
Upon your recommendation I have accepted the following as my disciples, and their names are as follows; Doug—Daksina das, Robert—Ranjita das, Margie—Madhumati devi dasi; Danny—Dharmarupa das, Sharon—Subhavrata devi dasi. Their beads may be chanted on by Kirtanananda Swami or Tamala Krsna Goswami.
It is very nice that you have joined the Radha-Damodara travelling Sankirtana party and that you are engaged in spreading the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu along with Visnujana Swami and Tamala Krsna Goswami.
I have just received one letter from Tamala Krishna Goswami which is very encouraging regarding his preaching program in the United States. He has requested to take a loan from BBT for $30,000 to purchase three more buses. I fully authorize this. Therefore please do the needful. Fifty percent of BBT funds ar for printing books and fifty percent are for construction of temples. So these buses are like temples, moving temples. Therefore you should give him the loan.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated 12-11-74 and have noted the contents carefully.
I was extremely pleased to hear your report from your travelling buses. It sounds as if your program is very very wonderful and I am very encouraged to hear that such a program is coming along so nicely. I am glad that you have understood the importance of my books, therefore I am stressing it so much. Let everyone take these books. If he simply reads one page then he is getting something substantial, a real eternal benefit. Or if he hands it over to his friend and he reads one page the same result is there. So continue these festivals constantly and make them all Krsna Conscious. Overflood the whole country by this preaching work. Let the whole United States become Vaisnavas, then everyone else in the whole world will follow. That is my real ambition. Therefore your program is very glorious. This is really preaching. Your intelligence is being properly utilized. In the beginning you took up the distribution of BTG's and you sold the most. Now you have taken up this van program and you will also be successful in the same way. This preaching spirit will make you recognized by Krsna. There is so much wonderful potential in USA for this type of program. So organize hundreds of such parties. This is fulfilling the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I am very glad to hear that not only you are maintaining such program but that you want to expand it. Yes, this is our philosophy; anandambuddhi vardhanam. It means to expand or to increase. Therefore I strongly encourage you to double your program by getting three more buses if you can do it. There is no difficulty. BBT will help. I have written Hamsaduta one letter to give you the loan of $30,000. BBT means fifty percent is for printing books and fifty percent for construction of temples. So your buses are all moving temples. Don't worry. There will be no scarcity of money. Go on with your program and increase and increase more and more. In the end of your letter you mention that people are not very much eager to go to Temples but with your program you are bringing the temples to the people. Yes, this is a very important point. You have picked up this idea very nicely, of bringing the temples to the people. In this way you will give everyone the opportunity to step in the direction of back to Godhead, back to home. So you and Visnujana Maharaja and all of your nice brahmacaris continue strongly with great enthusiasm and determination to spread this Krsna Consciousness movement all over your country and Lord Caitanya will certainly be pleased with you.
N.B. Regarding the Appearance Day Festival, yes do it. Your idea of booths for each center to display our books from all over the world is very important. Arrange for it. I am herewith sending one booklet from the Frankfurt Book Fair where our stall was exhibited. So in this way make different stalls so that people may see the work going on in all the different countries of the world. I received a letter from Hansadutta, and he is doing very nicely in Germany, and he has gone to Moscow. He has sent some nice photos, and they can be exhibited. I am sending the photos to Bhadraj, so he can take care to do it nicely. You also instruct him. I also want one new book of Caitanya Caritamrita be published for the Lord's Appearance Day. At least one volume must be ready for distribution of 400 pages, hardbound edition. You can also have photo exhibits of all the Ratha Yatras we hold in London, San Francisco, Melbourne, Toronto, and Philadelphia.
I am herewith returning the map of the fencing where I have indicated that the gate near the residence house is not necessary and should be removed.
You also organize a party like Tamala Krishna's and preach like that. I like that-more of preaching. If Yamuna has left you, why remain as grhastha? Better take sannyasa like Tamala Krishna Gosvami. I know Yamuna has Krishna in her heart. She'll not be spoiled, but let her have some temporary independence and be more Krishna Conscious. I am glad you have sent the money to India that you have collected. Now, you left Vrndavana on account of Yamuna, but she has left you there also, although you wanted to live with her. Anyway, try to forget all this material attachment and try to be attached to Krishna more and more. Actually, I want many parties like the party of Tamala Krishna and Visnujana, and they can preach all over—USA especially. So, Tamala Krishna has attained experience in this type of preaching work, so you also take advantage of this experience. If you like, you can stay with him for some time. If you can preach there, it is better that you remain in USA. Vrndavana will be managed somehow or other.
1975 Correspondence
I am in due receipt of your letter dated Jan. 16th, 1975 and have noted the contents. Your report is very very encouraging. It means really preaching Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's message. Do that and be blessed. Krishna has given you a special duty, so carry it very faithfully and enthusiastically. The more you preach, the more you become recognized by Krishna and the more He gives you intelligence how to preach. You are a good representative of Radha Damodara. You are very fortunate that Radha Damodara is traveling with you and giving strength and intelligence. All glories to the assembled devotees.
Regarding your meeting with Satsvarupa Maharaja and your 3-fold attack plan for preaching on the campuses, it is a very good idea. Do it. I know that you are practical. Instead of talking 100 times and doing nothing. That I want. This is a very good plan. You can call Revatinandana Svami also to join you. He is a good preacher also. If you think in terms of Krishna's instructions, then Krishna will give the intelligence how to execute. Strictly adhere to Krishna's instructions and He'll give intelligence how to execute them from within your heart.
Regarding the idea of having the younger boys travel with you, the question is whether the government will object or not to our taking small boys in a sankirtana van. If there is no objection, then you can adopt this program immediately. It will be a very nice program.
The US has got immense potentiality for accepting Krishna Consciousness. So, do service to your country-men, as well as Krishna simultaneously. Your country has been glorified on account of her children like you. Krishna has has own plan for using your country-men for this movement. So, accept Krishna's mercy and do the needful. It is not just my desire, it is the desire of Lord Caitanya, then my Guru Maharaja, then it is my desire, and that desire should be executed by you all; then it will be accepted. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted the Bharata-bhumi, but at least one person from Bharata-bhumi has accepted this cult and handed it over to you so, see that this desire takes practical shape.
Your photo is very nice. I'll keep it to show others. Very encouraging. I want to organize such a program in India.
What is the difficulty if you immediately start preaching in the colleges? At the present moment, Tamala Krishna Gosvami is looking for men who are interested in preaching at the colleges. Why not contact him and work together with him? That will be very nice.
I am glad that you are doing nicely in Krishna consciousness, and that you are reading my books and preaching. Tamala Krishna Goswami also gave me a good report of your activities. So now continue.
Nitai has sent additional chapters of Sixth Canto with Tamala Krishna. He is also expecting to send more in a couple of days.
You have written: "The BBT is capable of keeping up with Prabhupada's pace at this time and we humbly request all devotees to respect Prabhupada's desire to fulfill his dreams of publishing and distributing thousands and millions of volumes of Srimad-Bhagavatam in Twelve Cantos all over the world by not disturbing him at this time with problems and decisions that can be made by his direct representatives, the GBC Secretaries." Yes, this is wanted. I want to increase my work. Brahmananda Swami and Gopala Krishna were suggesting that I go to some other place in India, but if Tamala Krishna flies 10,000 miles to lodge some complaint against Jayatirtha what can I do? If you all leaders cannot work together, then how can you expect the others to cooperate with you? Differences may be there, but still you have to cooperate together, otherwise where is the question of my being relieved of so many problems and decisions?
It is best that you travel with Visnujana Maharaja and Tamala Krsna Goswami. Our mission is a continued effort and we need not give up the association of devotees simply because there is a difference of opinion how to preach our philosophy. If your conviction is strong and evidential, then try to convince them of your ideas for spreading Krsna Consciousness. Our principle is to simply repeat what we have in our books.
Tulsi das is affected by sex, and he wants to take sannyasa? This is nonsense. Is sannyasa so cheap? He will be a victim. He is not fit for sannyasa. His mind is not fixed up. Everyone wants to fulfill their whimsical desires; this is going on. Let him stay with Tamala Krishna for sometime, and if he is recommended, then he can take sannyasa. He cannot make any separate program. He is not fit to stay separate. He must remain with another experienced sannyasa and be trained up.
Upon your recommendation I am accepting for brahminical initiation Locasvara das. Enclosed is his sanctified gayatri thread and also the mantra sheet. I also accept for initiation Chris Nell and hs spiritual name is Srutisagara das. His beads may be chanted on by Tamala Krsna Gosvami.
All other reports are also very good. Tamala Krsna is also distributing many big books and also magazines and having many college engagements.
I am in due receipt of your letter undated and I was very pleased to read the contents. This is Lord Caitanya's blessing upon you that you are executing his order. Prthivite ache yata nagaradi gram/ savatra pracara haibe mora nama. You are doing this very nicely. I heard that the Western Zone distributed more than your Radha-Damodara Traveling Sankirtana Parties. Is there a competition between you and Jayatirtha Prabhu? That is nice.
The BBT says that they are publishing at the speed of my translating and that you will distribute at the pace of their publishing. That's nice. But still I am ahead in my translation work. They owe to me now the 6th Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam. I am working on the 7th Canto already.
I am very pleased that already you have held 50 festivals in the colleges. Param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtana. And param vijayate American boys. Yes, you are doing very nicely. So many Vaisnavas have taken birth in America. Now America is going to be glorified. So many people are afraid of the American CIA. But now they will welcome Americans as American Vaisnavas.
Now maintain your status quo. You are in a very good position. To manage a sankirtana party nicely is more precious than all other activities. That is the verdict of Bhagavad-gita and the mission of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
We have received good reports from Europe, Paris, Geneva, Amsterdam. And Bhagavan is doing very well. We have just now received Italian Easy Journey and Isopanisad.
The Bombay temple progress construction is now begun. It was started by you. It is a very nice project. The temple is very large and magnificent and there are so many facilities for guests, restaurant, theater. So I am remaining here to see that the temple construction is completed. We hope that it may be completed within three months.
Now it is understood from the report of Ramesvara that Jayatirtha's zone is Number 1 and that you are Number 2. How is this?
Regarding Toronto, I am glad that they have gotten that church. I have sent them congratulations. Regarding Detroit, I note that Sudama Maharaja was there. Has he left Tamala Krsna's party? Alone Sudama Maharaja is not safe. He should not leave Tamala Krsna's party.
I am very glad to see that you have out-collected the Sri Sri Radha-Damodara party. This is good competition. So now is Tamala Krsna defeated by you? So one month you defeat him and another he can defeat you and in this way Radha-Damodara service will be increased by transcendental competition. This is very nice.
Thank you for your letter dated December 4, 1975 I have noted the contents with great pleasure. Your letter is very very encouraging to me. I do not know how you are selling so many books. There is no instance in history where religious books were sold with such enthusiasm and success. Is there any such history? The Christians have spread their teachings all over the world, and they have only one book, so we have got already 40, Big books published in English, therefore if we distribute, as you are distributing we cannot even imagine the result. Your program is very nice, please continue more and more.
Yes we can print instead of 20,000, 50,000 copies of the first editions of each book, ask Ramesvara to do it.
Your idea for holding Jagannatha festival in the big cities is approved by me, do it. yes you come in January.
1976 Correspondence
The transcendental competition is nice. If Jayatirtha Prabhu defeats Tamala Krishna Maharaja, then Tamala will have heart failure. Go on selling books. My Guru Maharaja was very much anxious about selling books and preaching, so you are pleasing him by this bombastic flood of books all over the world. Thank you.
I hope this letter meets you well.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
N.B. Your letter dated December 27, 1975 has been delivered by Tamala and I have noted the contents. In regard to sending money for the India projects, after covering the costs of printing, whatever balance is left should be sent.
Anyone wishing to be initiated as a brahmana will have to pass the Bhaktisastri exam and anyone wishing to take sannyasa will have to pass the Bhaktivaibhava examination as well. This will prevent our Society from degrading to the level of so many other institutions where, in order to maintain the Temple, they accept all third class men as brahmanas. Any sannyasis or brahmanas already initiated who fail to pass the exams will be considered low class or less qualified. Anyone wishing to be 2nd initiated will sit for examination once a year at Mayapur. Answers will be in essay form and authoritative quotations will be given a bigger score. During the exams books may not be consulted.
Srila Prabhupada wishes to begin this program at this year's Mayapur meeting. He requests that you all send your opinions and comments here immediately so that everything may be prepared in time.
Hoping this meets you in the best of health and Krsna Consciousness.
Approved: Your servant,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Tamala Krsna Goswami
Personal Secretary
As you report that things have deteriorated in Africa, you can stay there if necessary. Your decision to send Dinanatha to join Tamala is a good idea. Tamala is here now. He says that before coming he telegrammed you to phone him but there was no response.
There is one story that a guru went to his disciple's home and was greeted very elaborately. When he enquired how was it possible for his disciple to afford such nice arrangements, his disciple told him: every-belongs to you. Later the guru saw that he had no money left in his bank account and he could understand that his disciple had spent all of his money. So whether you are also making such arrangements? I do not want to spend the books fund money for such things. If you can not pay for it, then Tamala Krishna says he will pay Ramesvara who can send you the money.
In regard to Bhargava Prabhu, I discussed with Prabhupada and His Divine Grace asked me to write you. Bhargava is spending money of the BBT frivolously. He is taking and spending more than he is supposed to. Unless he gives very strict account of how he spends, he should be recalled. All money is collected under such difficulty, it should be spent only for Krsna. Srila Prabhupada said he was surprised to see how this boy comes everywhere he goes. Please do the needful.
Also, we received a letter from Ranadhira dasa regarding the request of Dr. Shyam Sundar das Brahmachari for complimentary subscription to BTG. Prabhupada said we should not correspond with him and not reply.
Also please find enclosed a letter with insufficient address which we therefore cannot reply.
Seen: Your servant,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Tamala Krsna Goswami
Personal Secretary
P.S. Please inform all Temples and GBC that Prabhupada's mail should be sent to Calcutta not Mayapur, as mail to Mayapur takes an extra week.
You say my apartment will be ready by mid-March but without an elevator, how can I use it? Here in Mayapur we have begun construction on a 67 room Residential Quarters along the Northern boundary of the land to be ready for use by Gaura Purnima. I have asked Tamala Krishna to send his Radha Damodara party's collections to pay for it. Caitya-guru is engaged to help oversee the construction.
Last year at the Mayapur meeting it was decided to build another residential building. Now the festival is fast approaching, so construction has begun today on a very long residential quarters. Due to urgency, I have asked Tamala Krishna to supply funds immediately. So whatever money his Party sends should be credited against their book bill. Also in the ratings it should be shown for book distribution, not as a Mayapur-Vrindaban Fund donation. They are sending the money as usual, simply I have asked them to send it directly to India.
I was informed about your coming to Calcutta, and I understood that you were coming to see me. Then I heard that you left. Now I am pleased that you are in Vrndavana and engaged in the Deity worship. But I think it will be good if you live with me and assist me in so many ways. Here there are other GBC and sannyasis like Jayapataka Maharaja, Bhavananda Maharaja, Tamala Krsna Gosvami, etc. It will be nice if you stay with experienced men. I hope you will be benefited in this way.
As far as the College and University Lecture Party is concerned that is very important and it may be done very seriously. As a matter of fact Tamala Krishna Maharaja is here and he suggests that our educated gentlemen travel with his buses. So what is the use of working alone. Working conjointly is better. Therefore I have instructed him to call you when he returns to the United States. He has assured me that his college programs are very organized and he is very enthusiastic to increase.
Regarding your question about the brahmacaris, you may consult the GBC regarding this matter. Tamala Krishna Maharaja especially is qualified to give you good answer.
To All GBC's in the U.S.A.
My dear GBC disciples,
Please accept my blessings. I have met with Tamala Krishna Goswami and it appears impractical to send anyone to China at this time. I am requesting him to resume his old position as manager of the Radha-Damodara TSKP. Book distribution is my most important concern and these devotees should be given facility to distribute books profusely throughout America. They are also helping with substantial contributions to construct the Temple in Mayapur. Please do the needful to see that everything is done very nicely in a cooperative Krishna Conscious spirit.
I hope that this meets you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
n.b. Tamala Krishna Goswami will also be assuming his responsibilities as a Bhaktivedanta Book Trustee for America. ACBS
As it is impractical for anyone to be sent to China at this time, I am sending Tamala Krishna Goswami to resume his old position as manager of Radha-Damodara TSKP. Now all of you work cooperatively. I was very pleased to see how you were working so hard last year to distribute so many books. There is no instance of religious books of philosophy being distributed in such magnitude in history. Now go on enthusiastically and increase this book distribution unlimitedly.
I am here in Hawaii and when you come we shall talk in detail. Maybe you shall be required by Tamala Krishna Goswami and Dhrstadyumna Maharaja for organizing world book distribution.
I know that you are a very intelligent devotee and that you are very capable. Why not contact Tamala Krsna Goswami in New York and see if you can work together with him to distribute our literature all over the world. He is now formulating plans how to increase our distribution everywhere, and perhaps you can be instrumental.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your translation into Chinese of the first 6 chapters of the Bhagavad-gita. It is a great triumph and is very well done. Some how or another now push it amongst the Chinese. Don't worry about money for printing books. If you require money, it will be supplied; and I am informing Gurukrpa Maharaja and Tamala Krsna Maharaja in this connection. You simply have to find out the market and push these books amongst the Chinese.
Concerning the need for a new larger warehouse for stocking and disbursing our books, why not use one entire floor of the new New York building. That will be very nice. There would be a warehouse on the West coast, and one on the East coast as well. The management should not be difficult as Tamala Krsna Goswami is going to make his office in New York and he will have a staff to assist him. Then we could avoid having to locate a new place in Los Angeles for the time being.
I was very pleased to note that you are willing to go to China as we have just printed a Chinese Bhagavad-gita. I am most eager to see this distributed throughout Southeast Asia to as many Chinese speaking people as possible. For this reason I am sending Trivikrama Maharaja to Hong Kong immediately, and he will be followed by two of the big book distributers on the Radha-Damodara TSKP, being sent by Tamala Krsna Goswami.
In Germany they are not able to sell the big books, that is not very good. I am informing Tamala Krsna Goswami in New York to try to arrange to send some men to Germany to help train the men and distribute these books.
Enclosed please find the power of attorney which you requested over the telephone from Tamala Krishna Maharaja. It has been duly notarized and registered (recorded) in the court (see the attached blue card), and on the reverse side of the blue card it has been verified by the Consulate General of India in New York. The second blank (unused) page is for use in recording this power of attorney in the court in India. I trust that you will have received this safely and that you will immediately inform me by post upon receipt of this letter.
The latest report from Tamala Krsna Goswami is that we are selling $60,000 worth of our books daily. It is because you are helping me that all this has become possible otherwise how can I do anything alone, ekaki amara nahi paya bol, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that I cannot do anything, alone I am helpless. So Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Krsna Himself and he wants the help of His devotees and what to speak of me.
In regards the loan of $80,000.00 solicited by Deoji Punja in the name of ISKCON, or any other loans solicited in the name of ISKCON, as the Founder-Acarya and final authority on all ISKCON matters please be informed that until you receive authorization from me you may kindly wait in these matters of loans until further notice from me.
Thanking you,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
cc: Tamala Krishna Goswami
Gurukrpa Swami, Upudata,
Regarding the situation in Fiji, it is necessary that we come to a proper understanding as to the status of the land and the organization of ISKCON Fiji itself. The first point is that the governing board of ISKCON may have yourself and your brother as members, but must also have the GBC for the zone, Gurukrpa Swami, the GBC Chairman, Tamala Krsna Goswami , and Upendra das as members. The second point is that after ISKCON has been organized in the above way the land which the temple is being constructed on must be leased to ISKCON Fiji with a 99 year unconditional lease with option to renew which I shall approve.
Yes, I immediately accept for initiation Naisen Wang. Her name shall be Nitya lila dasi and I have personally chanted on her beads which are enclosed. She is a very good devotee and she must immediately be initiated. This girl should be trained up and educated to speak in Chinese and recruit Chinese boys and girls. Just try to create a Chinese group of devotees from Taiwan then all other things are done automatically. We require immediately a Chinese group of devotees. Tamala Krsna Goswami is arranging for the money, you can communicate with him. He has also just sent two men there to assist you.
If my books can be translated and published there, I have no objection. Since Tamala and yourself are there for some time everything will be alright. Vasudeva must be president. Gurukrpa is feeling inconvenience regarding Australia because of the long distance. His interest is mainly Japan. You or another man may take care of Australia.
I suggest you approach Tamala Krishna Gosvami at our New York branch. (340 W. 55th St., N.Y. 10019, N.Y.) You may go and join them there, they have a dramatic group, and if your ideas can be developed, I have no objection, that will be very nice.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated 21st Sept. 1976 and have noted the contents. I have received and approved Ramesvara's report from Fiji. I am awaiting your report on Africa. You see what is the situation in Africa, it appears to be a little mess. Yes, that's a fact, New York is the most important city in the world, and our Temple is situated in the most important center. Jayatirtha may act as GBC for South Africa as you have proposed.
I have just informed Tamala Krishna also, that Africans should not be allowed to live in the temple unless they are danger-proof. Of course you must preach but if you allow them to live you must be little careful—better not to allow. Chant and distribute prasada and let them come, take prasada and become practiced for Krishna consciousness. In suitable cases they can be 1st initiated but no 2nd for the time being.
I was very much anxious for you, therefore Tamala went there. Now I am relieved that you are doing well. This year you must come to Mayapur.
I am in due receipt of your letter from Nairobi dated 3rd inst. and have noted the contents. Africans should not be allowed to live in the temple there unless they are dangerproof. Of course you must preach, but if you allow them to live, you must be little careful—better not to allow. Chanting and prasada distribution is very nice. Let them come, take prasada and become practiced for Krishna consciousness. In suitable cases they can be given 1st initiation, but no 2nd for the time being.* Yes, the GBCs should move and visit other other zones, and I quite approve that the GBC chairman can do this.
Since Tamala Krsna, Gurukrpa, Ambarisa, and yourself are all in agreement to develop the restaurant in Hawaii rather than in Boston, I have no objection.
I am in receipt of your letter dated 22/10/76, along with pictures, newsclippings, etc.
Regarding the point about whether our movement is bona fide, you can use the following arguments. Bhagavad-gita has got so many editions. Our books are older than the Bible. In India there are millions of Krsna temples. Let the judges and juries read our books and take the opinion of learned scholars and professors. Regarding the second point about the parents jurisdiction over their children here are some suggestions. Do the parents like that their children become hippies? Why don't they stop it? Do the parents like their children to become involved in prostitution and intoxication? Why don't they stop this? When the government takes the children for the draft neither the parents nor the children like it. This question should be raised.
There are so many men over 30. Are they brainwashed? It may be a minority in your country, but in other places it is the majority. The diamond seller caters to a minority. Why are they allowed to sell. Always when there is something valuable only a minority will be able to purchase. Our books are not commercial, they are religion and philosophy.
They are now feeling the weight of this movement. Formerly they thought these people come and go, but now they see we are staying. Now we have set fire. It will go on, it cannot be stopped. You can bring big, big fire brigades but the fire will act. The brainwash books are already there. Even if they stop externally, internally it will go on. Our first class campaign is book distribution. Go house to house. The real fighting is now. Krsna will give you all protection. So, chant Hare Krsna and fight. One movie expert has opined there are so many ideas in our movement. Try to get our ideas into movies.
Get some Indian professor's opinions. Get a list of standing orders from Indian Universities. Take this opportunity for being well advertised. They are afraid. So many young men are being affected. They have rightly said that it is an epidemic. Let all the Indians say that this is bona fide. Have profuse testimony. Collect testimony in London and Toronto. Ask SubhaVilasa to collect opinions that this is bona fide Indian culture. This same attack came in Germany. By propaganda you cannot suppress the truth. You cannot suppress fire by propaganda. Now we have to become strong to defend. The fighting has become acute, but if you stick to the regulative principles, Krsna will give all strength. Whatever is done is by Krsna's mercy. They are afraid that a different culture is conquering over their culture. param drstva nivartate (BG 9.59). That is natural. If someone finds something better he'll give up the old, how can he stop? It is a fight, do not be afraid.
I am not very enthusiastic about the Harmonist idea, but if you have to sell Back To Godhead for minimum $1.00 then do it, what can be done? Regarding SubhaVilasa as Canadian GBC, if the presidents are satisfied with things the way they are and do not want SubhaVilasa that is alright. It was just a suggestion of Hamsaduta.
Upon your recommendation I am pleased to accept the boy you have recommended for initiation. His new name is Giridhari dasa. Please make sure he knows to strictly follow the four regulative principles and chant a minimum of sixteen rounds daily avoiding the ten offenses. Hold a fire sacrifice. Tamala Krsna may chant on his beads.
You may consult with Tamala Krsna and Ramesvara and whatever expenditure is required for emergency legal costs may be loaned from the BBT. We must spend for this purpose.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated December 9, 1976.
Your book distribution report is very encouraging. If I see our leaders are enthusiastic, that gives me more enthusiasm. Your suggestion to get new buses is good. I always recommended that. I don't like old vehicles. I think one hundred buses are not sufficient for America. You propose to induce the American people to surrender to Lord Caitanya by expansion of book distribution, that is wanted. When you come to that, that is success. Then you can take charge of the government. And, as soon as in America the Krsna conscious boys are in power the whole world will be changed. The idea is to bring under control all atheist class of men. There are two ways of bringing the opposition under control. One is by logic and philosophy, the other is by force. That was done by Bharata Maharaja when he was king of this planet.
Why the wife should be disturbed if she is living not in the association of her husband. When Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to East Bengal for preaching, his first wife was alone. Wife's duty is not to disturb the husband. That is Vedic principle. The marriage relationship is not for sex. Of course, that is the way in this age. So, such wife may marry for the second time, what can be done? Vedic marriage is not for sex.
I'm very pleased that you are taking my order to distribute books so seriously. All blessings of Krishna are on these girls who are working so hard to distribute my books. that is very nice that you want to distribute more books than Tamala Krsna goswami's sankirtana party.
1977 Correspondence
I want that every respectable person has a full set of Bhagavatam and Caitanya Caritamrta in his home. I have given some suggestions how this book distribution in the homes can be done to one of my secretaries, Satsvarupa das Goswami and you can consult further with him as well as with Ramesvara and Tamala Krsna Maharajas.
So far a letter authorizing the collecting program which you propose, Tamala Krishna Maharaja has already written as GBC so it is not necessary for me to write.
Enclosed please find a "message" which you can use when you print your souvenir issue commemorating the opening of the temple. Also enclosed is an article entitled "Who is Harijan?" written by Tamala Krishna Goswami which can be included in the issue. I shall try to send you a special article by separate post in the absence of which you can print any of my shorter essays like "On Chanting the Hare Krishna Mantra" which you can take from by book or our Back To Godhead magazines.
Regarding Bali Mardan, he is now here in Bombay and will be in charge of our international guesthouse. I have suggested that Ramesvara Swami be the GBC for Fiji, and I think Tamala Krishna has already written you about this.
To All G.B.C., and Temple Presidents
Dear Maharajas and Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet. Recently when all of the GBC members were with His Divine Grace in Vrndavana, Srila Prabhupada indicated that soon He would appoint some of His senior disciples to act as "ritvik
- representative of the acarya, for the purpose of performing initiations, both first initiation and second initiation. His Divine Grace has so far given a list of eleven disciples who will act in that capacity:
His Holiness Kirtanananda Swami
His Holiness Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami
His Holiness Jayapataka Swami
His Holiness Tamala Krsna Gosvami
His Holiness Hrdayananda Gosvami
His Holiness Bhavananda Gosvami
His Holiness Hamsaduta Swami
His Holiness Ramesvara Swami
His Holiness Harikesa Swami
His Grace Bhagavan dasa Adhikari
His Grace Jayatirtha dasa Adhikari
In the past Temple Presidents have written to Srila Prabhupada recommending a particular devotee's initiation. Now that Srila Prabhupada has named these representatives, Temple Presidents may henceforward send recommendation for first and second initiation to whichever of these eleven representatives are nearest their temple. After considering the recommendation, these representatives may accept the devotee as an initiated disciple of Srila Prabhupada by giving a spiritual name, or in the case of second initiation, by chanting on the Gayatri thread, just as Srila Prabhupada has done. The newly initiated devotees are disciples of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad, the above eleven senior devotees acting as His representative. After the Temple President receives a letter from these representatives giving the spiritual name or the thread, he can perform the fire yajna in the temple as was being done before. The name of a newly initiated disciple should be sent by the representative who has accepted him or her to Srila Prabhupada, to be included in His Divine Grace's "Initiated Disciples" book.
Hoping this finds you all well.
Your servant,
Approved: Tamala Krsna Gosvami
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Secretary to Srila Prabhupada
Page Title: | Training of Tamala Krishna dasa (Letters, 1974 - 1977) |
Compiler: | Visnu Murti |
Created: | 25 of May, 2010 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=90 |
No. of Quotes: | 90 |