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Training of Tamala Krishna dasa (Letters, 1972 - 1973)

Expressions researched:
"Account" |"Activities" |"BBF" |"BBFD" |"BBT" |"BKF" |"BTG" |"Back to Godhead" |"Bhaktivedanta Book Trust" |"Book Fund" |"Book Trust" |"Book Trust," |"Book" |"Books" |"Branch" |"Branches" |"Business" |"Center" |"Centers" |"Check" |"Checks" |"Consult" |"Consulting" |"Cooperate" |"Cooperated" |"Cooperation" |"Cooperatively" |"Dai Nippon" |"Debt" |"Debts" |"Deities" |"Deity" |"Deposit" |"Distribute" |"Distributed" |"Distributing" |"Distribution" |"Duty" |"Festival" |"Finances" |"Financial" |"Funds" |"GBC members" |"GBC" |"Governing Board Commission" |"Governing Board Commissioners" |"Governing Body Commission" |"Governing Body Commissioners" |"ISKCON" |"Initiate" |"Initiated" |"Initiates" |"Initiating" |"Initiation" |"Initiations" |"Iskcon" |"Kirtana" |"Language" |"Languages" |"Leader" |"Leaders" |"Leadership" |"Leading" |"Literature" |"Literatures" |"M-V trust" |"M-V" |"M.V trust" |"Macmillan" |"Magazine" |"Magazines" |"Manage" |"Managed" |"Management" |"Managers" |"Managing" |"Manuscript" |"Manuscripts" |"Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust" |"Mayapura-Vrndavana Trust" |"Meeting" |"Mission" |"Missionary" |"Money" |"Movement" |"Organize" |"Our society" |"Preach" |"Preacher" |"Preaching" |"Press" |"Print" |"Printing" |"Program" |"Programs" |"Publication" |"Publications" |"Publish" |"Publishing" |"Rathayatra" |"Report" |"Reports" |"Sankirtana" |"Tamal Krishna" |"Tamal Krsna" |"Tamal" |"Tamala Krishna" |"Tamala Krsna" |"Tamala" |"Temple" |"Temples" |"The society" |"Translate" |"Translated" |"Translating" |"Translation" |"Translations" |"Zonal" |"Zone" |"Zones"


1972 Correspondence

Letter to Giriraja -- Bombay 3 January, 1972:

On about the 11th of this month we will be going to Jaipur most likely. Srimate and Kausalya devi are trying to arrange a five day pandal there. They are preaching very nicely also, making engagements and potential members. So if we go there there will be a good field or making many life members. As you have asked, the books are being dispatched to you today and Tamala informs me that Dinanath and Pancajanya have gone to Madras to assist you.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Bombay 4 January, 1972:

I hope that Mayapur festival preparations are going on and I am awaiting news from you. Just now Tamala has received one telegram from you reading:

"Plans underway Mayapur pandal Absolutely imperative Giriraja return immediately Calcutta for collecting."

In Madras Giriraja reports that there is good field. He is expecting to make at least one life member daily and distribute many books to bookstores. Two men have already joined him from Delhi. So as long as there is good field he should remain there. Thereafter he may return to Calcutta.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Bombay 5 January, 1972:

I am very encouraged by your enthusiasm for preaching. Your proposal to go for preaching to Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ceylon, and China is very good. So immediately arrange for your Canadian citizenship, if it will give you more facility to preach widely. You are Sannyasi so preach in this ways and become parivrajakacarya. It may be that very soon I will ask you and Tamala to go to Bangladesh for preaching. They must be preached that this thinking "I am Hindu" or "I am Mohammedan", is not any solution.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Bombay 5 January, 1972:

P.S. Tamala has gotten one letter from Birharilal that there are four mrdangas and twelve pairs of karatalas ready for shipment to Madras. We are going to hold a very large function in Jaipur and are leaving Bombay for Jaipur by the 12th instant. So I think these instruments will be required for this program. So please immediately dispatch this shipment to Bombay so that we may take the instruments with us to Jaipur.

Letter to Karandhara -- Nairobi 25 January, 1972:

I am answering your letter from an air ship going to Nairobi, Kenya. Where I will speak from Jan. 26 - Jan 30 to the Africans and Asians alike. I do not know how and why these transparencies were sent to India but Tamala Krishna Das has received your cable and is doing the needful.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Bombay 25 March, 1972:

For the last 50 years our Godbrothers were there but they could not make arrangements for the Hindus and Muslims to take prasadam together. The picture is very attractive, and is fitting ___ devotees. I am so pleased that Tamala Krishna Goswami is working so ___ hard, so combinedly you do the project together quite successfully. That will please my Guru Maharaja and me also.

Kindly send the reports at least twice in a month to whatever center I may be staying.

We have gotten an invitation from Bangladesh from my Godbrother, His Holiness Bhakti Sambandha Turya Swami Maharaja, Sri Gaudiya Math, P.O. Bordia, District Jessore. If possible you can make some program for Tamala Krishna Goswami's party to go there at our own expense. He is now a ruined man so if possible we can utilize his center as our branch.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, Jayapataka -- Sydney 2 April, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your joint letter dated 19th March, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully. I am very much encouraged by your progress in reporting the stockpiling of materials. It appears that things are progressing at a good rate, and if you are determined enough to make a very perfect scheme there in Mayapur, Krishna will give you all encouragement to make all necessary arrangements. So continue in this way, but try to persuade these men for giving us more donations of money and goods. The newspaper report of Hindus and Moslems eating together which has been printed in Amrita Bazar Patrika will persuade many rich men to help us. I am very glad that Amrita Bazar Patrika is helping us in this way by printing these articles. So if you can show this handbill you have printed and these articles, so many men will give for human welfare basis. I am enclosing one card given to me by one man in the Calcutta airport just as I was leaving there last time, and this man has got a brother in the steel business in Calcutta and he has promised me to help us secure free steel from him. So try for it.*

Now out of one lakh, 13,700, I paid you Rs. 10,000, and I kept out Rs. 3,700 which I deposited in the Building Account. Now for further transactions the suppliers of goods should be paid for by check from the Building Fund, so if you want bricks let them supply and send us bill which should be checked by you both and also by one of our consulting engineers or experts, and then a check will be issued from me. So far I know Karandhara had only $13,600 in the Mayapur Fund, $10,000 of which was transferred back to my account, so for the time being you cannot expect more money from there. But your work will not suffer as all supplies will be paid for by the Building Fund. So let them supply bricks, they will bill and we shall pay by check. One thing: we have just completed a similar arrangement, as with Mr. Jayan, in Bombay, and the rate was much more favorable, so if in future we shall require, you may consult with Giriraja and Mahamsa what is to be done.

So far your interview in Times of India, he has caught you on one or two points unable to answer. We should always be patient to answer such newsmen's questions, they are very easy to answer, and so many people will see. For example, for the question about poverty, you should have said that some persons are destined to suffer poverty by their karma. It is said that good parents are no guarantee for good children, medicine is no guarantee for health, a ship is no guarantee for a drowning man—all of these counter-remedies are useless if a man is not protected by Krishna. Therefore, in you country, even they have very rich parents, the children are turning out to be poverty-stricken hippies, so here or there, it doesn't matter, poverty must exist by the laws of nature because people have forgotten Krishna, therefore they must suffer alternate poverty and so-called opulence just like being pushed under the water for some time and then relieved by coming up, then again pushed down, and they are thinking this is life.

We shall remain in Australia about two weeks, then go to New Zealand where Tusta Krishna is opening a center, and then I am thinking to go directly back to Los Angeles. I am very much discouraged by this process of travelling, so much botheration. So you may reply here up to about middle of April, then I shall inform you where we are going from there.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Sydney 4 April, 1972:

I am considering to fill up the two GBC posts which are now, vacant, one by the resignation of Krishna Dasa, and one by Tamala Krishna Goswami taking Sannyas. I am considering several persons, among them Kesava and Giriraja. I shall let you know when I have decided on these points. Meanwhile, you many inform the other GBC members that for the time being there shall be no change within the society and that they shall manage as before.

Letter to Gurudasa -- Sydney 8 April, 1972:

There is one Ish Kumar Puri, who is at the firm of Atma Ram & Sons, Kashmere Gate, Delhi-6, and I think you and Tamala Krishna have had some dealings with him before, and I think he has promised to help us in this respect, so kindly also visit him and take his help. In this regard, you please correspond with Mahamsa and Giriraja in Bombay, and with Bhavananda in Calcutta, and all of your work conjointly.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Sydney 11 April, 1972:

The meeting of the GBC appeared to be very unconstitutional, because all the men were not informed or invited. Syamasundara. was not invited, Sudama was not invited, Krishna das was not invited, Tamala Krishna was not invited, neither I was informed. Why? You cannot hold meeting of 8 persons without inviting the others. Seven may be a quorum, that's all right, but you cannot convene without a general announcement to all the members and myself, giving a proposed agenda, like that, the topics to be discussed, why the meeting is being called, etc.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Auckland 14 April, 1972:

Tamala Krishna can go also to my god-brother's math near Jessore, Bangladesh, as I have got a letter from him requesting our men to come there but they will not meet all expenses. His address is Bhakti Sambandha Turya Srami, c/o Gaudiya Math, Bordia, Jessore, Bangladesh. The pandal program at Mayapur should go on, along with prasada distribution. We are already on the top of all our godbrothers, that should be maintained. Invite all Hindus, Muslims, Jains, etc., without any discrimination, as we do in foreign countries, and continue the evening program.

Letter to Gurudasa, Yamuna -- Tokyo 25 April, 1972:

In Vrindaban we can begin this prasadam distribution program also. Of course, there are many chatras for distributing, but we shall give them also Krishna Consciousness, that will be unique. And very soon Tamala Krishna is going to Bangladesh, so he shall initiate a huge prasadam distribution program there, so I don't think your estimate has been too high—in fact, we may very soon have to increase it, as they are distributing in Bombay extensively, and if you begin that program in Vrindaban.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Tokyo 25 April, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 20th April, 1972, and I have noted the contents with great pleasure. It appears that things are going very nicely there in all respects, and I am very much relieved. I did not hear from you in Sydney, as you have mentioned, but anyway I was also writing to you and Acyutananda that my godbrother in Jessore district was very much anxious for us to come there and I was suggesting for you to go there. So now I think it is a very good opportunity, so you may go with your party immediately. If possible see Sri Mujibur Rehman, president of Bangladesh, and show him evidence that Parsis, Jews, Christians, Muslims, all parties are participating in this Krishna Consciousness Movement—so why they Bangladesh Muslims should not join? We want to unite everyone culturally. Without this, every society is imperfect, but with it, society is perfect. All intelligent leaders of society should try to understand in depth this fact. So take the help of Sri Bhakti Turyasrami and implant one center there at Jessore. He has land but no money, so we should invest a little money and open one center. Have a huge prasadam program. Gurudasa has secured foodstuffs from the American government, and I think he has acquired an excessive amount, so balance can be distributed, part to Jessore, part to Bombay, where they are also having a successful prasadam distribution program. Now there are many devotees coming from London and USA, so utilize them for vigorous propaganda in India and Bangladesh. All these reports are very much encouraging to me. Thank you very, very much.

Letter to Gargamuni -- Tokyo 26 April, 1972:

Soon there are many men coming to India from USA and England, so you can take five men and do the needful, just as Tamala Krishna is doing at Mayapur. Ask Karandhara to send them immediately. They have spent Rs. 90/- for one hut and Rs. 1800/- in Vrindaban for the fence, so you can send them some money immediately for these items. I have just received report from Brahmananda in Nairobi and they are doing very nicely, so I don't think he shall have to return to India for the time being.

Letter to Gargamuni -- Tokyo 26 April, 1972:

Tamala Krishna has already taken his party to Bangladesh, so any assistance you can give him by way of advice or addresses will help. But you should concentrate on book sales and collecting with your SKP in various rich quarters in India.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Honolulu 9 May, 1972:

I wanted that at least one story should have been constructed by rainy season. I thought Tamala Krishna has already gone. I have not heard from him. In Bangladesh, we have got very good field. Simply by chanting, dancing and taking a little prasadam. Best thing is to speak among the educated class, like lawyers, professors—the mass of people, they cannot speak English. From Tamala Krishna's letter it is understood that Tamala Krishna has met Mujibar Rehman's son, who is educated. This advantage must be taken. When Mujibar Rehman is seen, he must hear our philosophy, how all peoples of the world can be united under one culture, which will solve all problems of the world. Our culture is faultless, this must be understood. There must be full discussion in the papers, etc.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Honolulu 11 May, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of the photographs of Mayapur project. You have sent pictures of building materials, but I want pictures of buildings. There will be no scarcity of money for the work, so you try to raise fund locally as far as possible. But whenever there is scarcity of money, you will have it in the usual way as you have already got it. So do everything very nicely and quickly, so that next autumn when I go I can enter into my house. Do not destroy that cottage where I stayed last time, that is very dear to me.

Actually, Krishna does not require anything from us. He is complete in Himself, but He is most pleased to see that we are very much enthusiastic to serve Him. That much He wants, that is bhakti, that enthusiasm for Krishna's service. So do not lack this enthusiasm, try to do it to the best capacity and that will be recognized by Krishna.

You have got now godown for 100 tons cement, so finish it as soon as possible, otherwise there is risk of flood and all the cement will be spoiled. So immediately finish it. But finishing does not mean spoiling: utilize it properly. As you requested me, I have sent many men from U.S.A. to help you, now you engage them properly, utilize them, that is leadership, how to engage everyone in their respective duties and properly utilize their energy.

What are your plans for Bangladesh? That is great opportunity, and when Americans will speak about this philosophy, the Muslims in Bangladesh will agree to hear and it will be very convincing. Try to convince upon them the high philosophy we follow. This is the only means to unify the whole world.

Letter to Bhagavan -- Honolulu 12 May, 1972:

You can contact Tamala Krishna in Mayapur for getting photos and information from him about our food-distribution program there and how we are feeding the needy persons in that area daily not less than 2000 persons. The USA government is giving us free foodstuffs and grains for distribution, so why such big motorcar companies should not also help if your government is agreeable?

Letter to Acyutananda -- Honolulu 16 May, 1972:

I have already advised Tamala Krishna Goswami to go to Bangladesh and if you also sometimes join with him and preach this Krishna Consciousness movement amongst the Mohammedans in Bangladesh, it will be a great service. So far the practical side is concerned, as it was possible to attract so many Christians and Jews to this movement in your country, similarly, it is possible to attract the Muslims in Bangladesh by administering the right medicine. So try your best and Krishna will help you. You keep in touch with me like this and I shall try to give you direction as far as possible. But it is a good attempt and we may continue the adventure, praying always Lord Caitanya may bestow His blessings.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Honolulu 16 May, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 9th May, 1972, and I have noted the contents. Why the construction work has not yet begun? The materials were collected long ago, piles of building materials but no building. Why the plinth work is not yet begun? What is the matter? Bhavananda has just written to me also, but he also has not mentioned anything. Before you depart for Bangladesh, kindly send me photos of the construction.

I have read the letter from Turya ___, so he is anxious to get our papers, so arrange to send him our English and Bengali literature and advise he should regularly get all our papers. When you go there, on cooperation with him you can establish a center in Bangladesh by mutual arrangement, and that will be very suitable for your preaching. If the Americans can take up this movement seriously, why not the Bangladesh people? Try to meet with this educated public, and if you can convince them, it will be a great service. We are trying to unify the whole population of this globe by this cultural movement. There are blessings of Lord Caitanya in this connection, and if we try sincerely it will be successful.

Now many devotees have come from U.S.A. You wanted 100 men and so now there are about 100 men, and many have come to Bombay, so engage all of them in book distribution specifically, and take with you some kirtana party, as many as you like.

Letter to Cyavana -- Los Angeles 23 May, 1972:

We shall of course continue to also look after all aspects of the building operation, but we should have the help and assistance of a qualified retired engineer. Try to find out such a person. You may consult with Bhavananda and Tamala Krishna in this respect, as the building work in Mayapur is already well under way and it is going very nicely.

Letter to Gargamuni -- Los Angeles 28 May, 1972:

In Bombay, the people have money but in the villages no one has got any money, so what is the use of going there for collecting for our Juhu project? Besides, our books are in English, and they can neither read them or purchase them. The money is in __. So organize your travelling party to go all around Bombay __ distributing and collecting, and that will be the best ___ Tamala Krishna how he is doing in East India.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Los Angeles 1 June, 1972:

Regarding Mayapur building work, try to finish as quickly as possible and our living accommodations problem will be solved and I shall be very happy to stay there if it is completed when I return there in the autumn. I have received the drawing of the completed building, and it is very nice. So if you all think, Jayapataka, Tamala Krishna, and the others, my approval is there. Whatever you all decide in future in these matters, that's all right, but the structure appears to be nice. So you do not have to bother yourself by sending too many details of your progressive Mayapur construction work, simply give me simple report from time to time how the things are going on, and how ever you do it, that is to be decided among yourselves.

Letter to Acyutananda -- Los Angeles 8 June, 1972:

I am very glad to hear that you are going to take Indian citizenship and passport. Now you be in charge of our Mayapur Center. Practically speaking you were my first disciple, and I think it is Bhaktivinode's desire that my first disciple shall go to Bengal and revive Krishna Consciousness there. So I have heard also from Tamala Krishna that he is going with his party to Bangladesh for preaching among the largely Mohammedan population. So your photos amongst the Mohammedan people of Nadia will also help you as propaganda items.* I am also glad to hear that you are attending all of the meetings of the big Sannyasis and Saintly persons from Navadvipa area and that you are one of the important members of the committee. for protesting against violation of our Vaisnava principles.

Letter to Gargamuni -- Los Angeles 8 June, 1972:

I am glad to hear that you will be going to Gujarat state for about one month and that you are preparing one Gujarati BTG for distributing there. Tamala Krishna is doing very nicely by this traveling program in Bihar and Bengal. But one thing, why still insisting on this truck? Rather I have already explained, that in the interior preaching will not be suitable for you.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Los Angeles 16 June, 1972:

Karandhara has sent telegram informing that upon receipt of your jointly signed requisition order, after you have received from Mr. Jayan as per our former transaction, then we shall issue a letter of transfer for the ten Krsna Books as per your requisition order. But do not send the requisition before he has given you the money, first take the money there. If Tamala Krsna is not there he sould be informed. Among you three, including yourself, Tamala Krsna, Bhavananda, two of three must sign. It is better if all three sign.

If Tamala Krsna can do some tangible work in Bangledesh it will be advertised all over India and we shall be respected by all classes of men. So it is a crucial point in our progress, so make this Bangledesh program very nicely. My godbrother in Jessore will help him in every respect. His address is known to him.

Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 21 June, 1972:

I am very much especially pleased that you have had such a nice meeting with Sumati Morarji. She is our old friend and benefactor from long years back, and always she has desired for us to live as her close neighbors. She used to tell me in Bombay two years back that she wanted we should build our temple somewhere nearby to her place. She also assisted Tamala Krishna and Syamasundara to try to find one house in Juhu for our headquarters several times. So you can mention this fact to her that now we have fulfilled her desire and we are living in close proximity to her, so she should take advantage of Krishna's blessing her with such an opportunity for serving the Lord by herself building our Juhu temple.

Letter to Acyutananda -- Los Angeles 28 June, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 20, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully. But I do not find any mention of how the progress is going on at Mayapur. This is our very important project, and I have entrusted the work to Tamala Krsna, yourself, along with Bhavananda and Jayapataka, but none of you are writing in this respect so I do not know what is happening there. So I am very much concerned to be always informed how the progress is going on, and I have recently received telegrams regarding our money transaction and have replied duly, but still there is no word from your side in this matter also.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 28 June, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 22, 1972, and with great pleasure I have noted the contents and enclosures. But one thing, I do not find any mention of how the work is going on there at Mayapur. I have entrusted you as the leader of this project to see that it is always going on at full capacity, that the men are working, that the money shall be collected and spent wisely and timely, and in all respects take full responsibility for this great construction work. But I do not find even any mention how the work is going in your letters. Neither I find any photos or mention in the letters from Acyutananda, Bhavananda, and Jayapataka. Why you are not mentioning? I received sometime back two telegrams requesting money to be transferred in the usual manner, and I have duly replied the telegrams by informing you to first receive the money from Mr. Jayan, as before, and then send us requisition order with minimum joint signature of two numbers. But as yet you have not sent any requisition notice, neither have we made any transfer, so how these things will go on like this? So before going to Bangladesh you should receive the money from Mr. Jayan then send the requisition order with joint signatures. You must jointly take responsibility in this matter or I shall be always in anxiety how the things are going on. I consider this Mayapur Project to be our most important work practically, so when I do not get any information I can naturally assume the worst.

Your touring party has done a very excellent job of spreading Krishna Consciousness in Bihar state as I have seen from the newsclippings and other enclosures which you have sent. One thing, our Subala Maharaja is preaching alone in Kanpur and I do not very much approve of alone preaching, so if you like you can request him to join with your party.* Also, Gargamuni Maharaja has left Bombay with his party for touring in Gujarat state and other places. Your touring and the publicity is a tremendous service. Krsna will be very much pleased. This touring and preaching, along with sankirtana party, this is our actual mission. And if you go to Bangladesh and do the same work there, it will be a great achievement for you and all of the world if you are successful. So I will pleased to learn if you have got the visas in Delhi, and if you go to Bangladesh make certain first to get the money from Mr. Jayan and sent the requisition order with signatures duly.

Letter to Subala -- London 11 July, 1972:

I have received your letter from Kanpur dated July 2, 1972, and I have noted the contents therein. Yes, singhania will not help us very much, but if he wants to sponsor a ten-day "Hare Krishna Festival"* in Kanpur from Sept. 22 to Oct. 1, 1972, that will be nice. If I am in India at that time, I shall be pleased to attend. In future, you may join either Tamala Krishna's party or Gargamuni's party for preaching tour, this alone preaching is not good.

Letter to Giriraja -- London 13 July, 1972:

Why you shall send Mayapur a monthly allowance? The plan was that Calcutta or Tamala Krishna was to maintain Mayapur. How is it Calcutta is not sending collections to Bombay? Unless they send their collections you cannot pay them anything. Bhavananda and yourself, you consult and do the needful. Why everything is referred to me? I instructed that Calcutta should support Mayapur. Otherwise what is the use of maintaining such big establishment in Calcutta?

Letter to Bhavananda -- London 14 July, 1972:

Formerly, I told that Calcutta should support Mayapur. So whoever can take charge of both, he should be President. You should discuss these things amongst yourselves. Simply taking title of President will not help. Why there are no letters from Tamala Krishna, why he is not taking active part in Mayapur? I originally entrusted him with responsibility for Mayapur, but he does not even write what is the situation there, nor does he co-sign for money to be sent.

Letter to Acyutananda -- London 15 July, 1972:

N.B. I am not hearing about Mayapur. Please send me reports regularly what is happening there. Where is Tamala K. Goswami. I have not heard from him since longtime. Has he gone to Bangladesh yet? ACB

Letter to Sri Jogeswar Chowdhury -- Paris 22 July, 1972:

Kindly do the needful and make all arrangements among the prominent Vaisnava citizens in Chittagong for programs and for the board and keep for the Hare Krishna party, and meanwhile I am forwarding a copy of your letter to the leader, Sriman Tamala Krishna das Goswami, and you may write to him also, c/o ISKCON World Headquarters, P.O. Sridhama Mayapur, Nadia district, West Bengal, India.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Amsterdam 30 July, 1972:

I do not hear very often what is going on there, but from your description I can understand that it must be very nice there now in this monsoon season. I have not heard from Tamala Krishna at all in this connection, so I do not know if he is still taking part in the Mayapur work or what.

Letter to Bhavananda -- London 1 August, 1972:

Another thing is, I have received one letter from Tamala Krsna Goswami that his visa for Bangladesh is now postponed, therefore I would request him to take one qualified engineer friend from Calcutta, there are so many engineers we have interviewed who will work for us without charge, so he shall bring one engineer to Vrindaban to assist Gurudasa in construction of the house there. At least he can remain in Vrindaban for a few weeks to get the thing off on a solid basis. They have been there many months now and only one fence is there, one small hut, and one tube well. Otherwise, simply politics. But I am very much certain that Tamala Krsna has got the right idea for doing things, so he can go there immediately and begin the real construction work with the assistance of one qualified engineer who will live with us on the same basis as we are doing things at Mayapur.

Letter to Gurudasa -- London 1 August, 1972:

I have heard that Kenneth Keating has returned to your country, so why not take opportunity for requesting him to help us? If you can find out his address. I have informed Bhavananda and Tamala Krsna Goswami that they must try to increase the distribution of prasadam program in Mayapur, otherwise, as you have told me, the authorities of your country may revoke their foodstuff donation.

Letter to Gurudasa -- London 1 August, 1972:

Now in Vrindaban the financial situation is being conducted nicely by Gargamuni Maharaja, but the work is not going on. In so many months, there is only one fence one small hut, and a well. So I think it will be to the advantage, on the whole, to invite our Tamala Krsna Goswami to come to Vrindaban and bring one of his qualified engineer friends from Calcutta to do the work in Vrindaban. He has got good experience, and he can organize everything and begin the work immediately. His visa was denied for Bangladesh, and he has trained up Yasodanandana Maharaja to lead this sankirtana party, so practically he is free to come to Vrindaban for some weeks to begin the work there. What do you think?

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- London 1 August, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 25, 1972 and with great pleasure I have noted the contents. It is of course regrettable that we are stopped for the time being from entering into Bangladesh for spreading our propaganda there. So for the time being, Bangladesh may be left aside. I am trying in a different way to help you in this respect, and I shall let you know. Meanwhile suspend trying to push something which is not possible. Now there is a very important job for you to do. I have just now understood from Gurudasa that practically no one is able to carry on the construction work at Vrindaban with good results. So many months they have been there but there is nothing tangible begun. Practically you are the best man for giving them a good start. Now the Bangladesh business is postponed, and you have trained Yasodanandana Maharaja in leading the sankirtana party, so you will be free for a few weeks to help me in this way by taking one qualified engineer from Calcutta who has agreed to work with us and live with us without consideration of remuneration and go to Vrindaban and do some solid work. Kindly do the needful immediately and let me know. Gargamuni has collected funds for Vrindaban project very nicely, so if cooperatively you and Gargamuni Maharaja work together you can do something concrete, and this will please me very much. He will supply you with funds and you supervise the building work. In the same way that you have begun everything at Mayapur, just bring along one engineer and see that he is doing everything properly. That will relieve me of so much anxiety, as I want to display something very wonderful in Vrindaban, but as yet there is nothing to show.

I am very, very much pleased to hear about the progress in Mayapur, and this working with one hundred men both day and night is the American style. If you do something wonderful at Mayapur that will be my credit and I can truly be called the guru of the Americans. But if you do not do anything there, then that will be a great discredit for me and I will not defeat my Godbrothers as I desire. So practically I am depending completely upon you in both these cases to finish up the Mayapur business in grand style and to get a good start in Vrindaban. That will be very much to your credit.

Letter to Acyutananda -- London 5 August, 1972:

One thing is, there has not been very much substantial concrete work done in the last few months in Vrindaban in the matter of our new building there. So I have asked Tamala Krishna Goswami to come there with one engineer and begin the work vigorously. Now you give him all assistance and help me get started on this great project immediately. I shall be coming to India sometimes in October and I expect to see some tangible progress there in Vrindaban. That is our real business. If we are there so many months and we cannot do anything, simply eat and sleep and fight amongst ourselves, then where is our credit? Our credit will be when the people see our nice building rising daily, just like in Mayapur, with 100 men working day and night. That is the American style. If you want to honor me, you will do like this and then I can truly be called the guru of the Americans. Otherwise, it is simply a dishonor to me.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, Bhavananda, Jayapataka -- London 9 August, 1972:

I thank you very much for your letter dated August 1, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully, along with statements of expenditures. I am very glad to see from the photos that the construction work is going on. But one thing is, you say that the building will cost 8 lakhs of rupees. According to one previous letter you told me total cost will be 4 lakhs, now it is double. Why is that? In dollars that means $100,000 for the building, but I am told that such building could be built in America for less than $100,000, what to speak of India! So I do not know why your expenditure is so high, I am not expert in these matters, but it appears everything is being spent very exorbitantly. For instance, from the statements I note that you have spent so much for steel, but these things you can get donated or you can get reduction. Tamala Krishna was in Tatanagar, why he did not take promises for so much steel instead of so many useless letters? You should canvass the big manufacturers in Calcutta for giving supplies of steel and other things, now we have got some solid framework to show them. It is not that we are so rich in America we can go on forever supplying you so much money and you spend exorbitantly and become cheated. I do not think that building is worth $100,000. The engineers may be trying to cheat you. You told the total cost will be four lakhs, now it is eight lakhs, why this doubling and uncertainty?

Some other points, you mention "bullock for transporting supply," and it has cost you Rs. 1800/-. I think that is exorbitant price for one bullock. And for that you have purchased two bullock-carts, why? And why you are paying salaries so much to engineers, there was understanding the engineers will work for nothing, only little pocket money, but not for salary. Who is keeping the accounts? All bills must be kept. One bicycle was purchased for Rs. 300/-, but these things anyone will give you, why you are spending money unnecessarily? Why so much legal fees are being paid for purchasing land? It is a simple matter, I pay you some money for your land, the solicitor makes deed of sale, finished. Why so much exorbitant spending? The building must be finished at any cost, that's all right, but it appears there is not clear idea of how to spend, now you say four lakhs, now eight lakhs, so I cannot continue to send so much money if there is no clear idea how to save.

These things like steel, cement—you take donation from the biggest men in Calcutta. If you go on Sankirtana to the big steel-making city in India and you do not take donation of steel from the citizens, only some letters, then where is your credit? Chanting and dancing, that's all right, but there must be some tangible results.


We are not so rich. The building work must not be stopped, go on with your work, but be more careful. I think there is not sufficient money in Mayapur fund for 10 Krishna Books, but I shall find out some money and send you myself from my own pocket if necessary. But one thing is, if we are spending so lavishly, I shall expect that the building will be the first-class building in India, you are spending like it is the Taj Mahal!

The funds in Bombay Building Fund are for Mr. Nair, not for Mayapur. For each ten Krishna Books you receive you are crediting as only one lakh, why? You are receiving at least Rs. 114,000, so where is that balance Rs. 14,000/-? Where the other 14,000 has gone?

Letter to Tejiyas, Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 16 August, 1972:

I have sent you the plans approved by me, and you may submit them to the municipality and request them to very quickly approve so we may start as soon as possible. When they have approved, Saurabha may come there to give you some help in the beginning, and I think by now Tamala Krishna may be there with one engineer for getting the work started. There must be some tangible progress made by the time of my arrival so that I may see the work being done.

Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 22 August, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your long letter redirected here from London. Do not be upset. The thing is that the construction work must be begun immediately. Gargamuni is there, I understand, and you are there, and Tamala Krishna is preaching. So if you and Gargamuni can do the work, then there is no need of taking help from Tamala Krishna. So there is no need of talking any more. Begin the work immediately. That I want to see.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Los Angeles 26 August, 1972:

My program is already sent to you earlier, I shall be in Vrndavana from middle October to middle November, but after that time I am free to come to Calcutta for holding our festival, but these things should be decided amongst all of you leaders in India, including Gurudasa, Giriraja, Tamala, Bhavananda, Gargamuni.

Letter to Madhavananda -- Los Angeles 26 August, 1972:

One thing is if the Calcutta festival is held at least 50 men must be there and do it very nicely. How many men will be there? On the dates that you mention, namely, October 27th to November 5th, I shall be in Vrndavana. You must all jointly make these decisions about my program there, not that whimsically one man shall decide one thing another man shall decide another thing. So unless Tamala Krsna and the others agree then I will not be able to attend on the dates you have mentioned. Anyway I shall be in Vrndavana at that time. But after the 15th November, leaving this time, and consulting with the leaders, then a suitable program may be fixed for Calcutta.

Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 29 August, 1972:

Bhavananda is now in Bombay, and I have asked him to return to Calcutta by passing through Vrindaban, and he can help you get the thing started. Tamala Krishna is on tour and he shall be delayed for some time more.

Letter to Gurudasa -- New Vrindaban 1 September, 1972:

So Bhavananda is coming there in a few days, and Tamala Krishna is coming with one engineer, so conjointly you three men consider everything with these points in mind and do the needful. If you all three big men think that it is a good bargain, then you may offer as you think best, but consulting with me first. But one thing is, what we shall do with the land in Raman Reti? How to utilize it if we purchase the Kesighat temple? I am remaining in New Vrindaban at least until 8th September, after that you may write me in Los Angeles.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- New Vrindaban 7 September, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 31, 1972 from Calcutta, and immediately on receipt of the letter, I have sent you a telegram to the Vrindaban address as advised by you, confirming your proposal for the Hyderabad program from November 17 to December 10. My immediate program is that I shall remain in Vrindaban from October 15 to November 15, and after that it will be possible for me to go to Hyderabad. Your preaching in Hyderabad has become very successful along with your other colleagues, Sriman Subala das Maharaja and others, and I thank you very much for your great success in this respect. As it is our motto on the head of Back to Godhead, "Godhead is light, nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no darkness." The whole world is full of darkness. The so-called yogis, swamis, mayavadis, scientists, philosophers, political leaders, all are different types of glowworms, so in the darkness of cloudy night during the rainy season, the croaking of the frogs and glitterings of the glowworms are supposed to be very prominent. But as soon as there is clear sunlight or moonlight, all these insignificant glowing and croaking disappear. So our movement is Krishna. The Krishna Consciousness Movement is nondifferent from Krishna. If we therefore present the Krishna Consciousness in right earnestness, then certainly all these insignificant glowworms and frogs will have no more importance. Please therefore take it very seriously and do it on the right path which is not very difficult, then certainly we will come out victorious all over the world. I have read all the newspaper cuttings and handbills very attentively, and I very much appreciate the counter presented by us against the vilificaion by the enemies. Sriman Subala das's reply in the paper with reference to the context of sastra are excellently gorgeous. He has given references from Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Nectar of Devotion and Teachings of Lord Caitanya, and it is very nice. So Krishna is within everyone and He becomes revealed in proportion to our sincere service, Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau svayam eva sphuratyada (Brs. 1.2.234). I am also glad that you have collected 25,000 rupees within three weeks with all great honor and prestige. Thank you very much. In Vrindaban I wanted a temple like Radha-Govindaji's and a simple residential quarter, but it has not yet begun due to so many reasons. Now when you have gone please do begin something without any delay. Our Bombay affair has been little muddled because the conveyance deed is not yet executed. I have sent Bhavananda to Bombay to look after the matter with Giriraja, but I do not know what is the resolution by this time. Anyway, let us work very diligently for Krishna all over the world, and our advancement will depend on our sincerity. Here in New Vrindaban, the Janmastami Festival continually from September 1 is going on very gorgeously. There are more than 500 guests and they are listening to Bhagavat Discourses with rapt attention, chanting and dancing. Many respectable Indians are coming. One Dr. Srivastava, professor of statistics at Colorado University, is interested in developing this scheme. Sriman Kirtanananda Maharaja has arranged very nicely. Everything is very satisfactory. Similarly, every one of us in charge of some activity may execute his responsibility in good Krishna Consciousness, and certainly things will come


Letter to Tejiyas -- Dallas 9 September, 1972:

One thing is, Tamala Krsna has invited me to come to Hyderabad starting 17th November, and I have accepted his invitation. So I think you may begin the Delhi festival from 5th November and it must be finished by the 16th November, and then I can fly to Hyderabad on 17th as agreed with Tamala Krsna. Anyway, you consult with Tamala Krsna and Gurudasa and make the program accordingly. I am coming to Vrindaban by 15th October, and it is not necessary for me to stay the full month. I may stay up until the 6th and then go to Delhi for our pandal program there and then by the 17th fly to Hyderabad. So arrange in that way.

Letter to Yamuna -- Dallas 10 September, 1972:

I think that Tamala Krsna, Bhavananda, and Subala have returned to Vrindaban for assisting Gurudasa in the construction work and for helping Tejiyas to organize the Delhi Pandal program, so you may host them very nicely and see to their all comforts and facilities for swiftly working on these programs.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, Subala, Gurudasa, Bhavananda -- Los Angeles 22 September, 1972:

I have received your joint letter dated Sept. 17, 1972, and I am very much encouraged that you are all big men gathered together there in Vrndavana to launch the building project of ISKCON Temple. I have full faith that you will do the needful by consulting all together how to do everything, therefore I have called you all there. But one thing is Bhavananda promised to remain in Bombay to finish up the conveyance deed business and not to leave there until it was finished. He was sent from Calcutta especially, but he was also silent. So I do not know as yet what has been the position regarding the conveyance and no one has kept me informed what is the position there. So this business worries me all the time, why he has been silent?

But I am pleased to understand that something will be concretely done in Vrndavana at last, that is my dream, to build a simple temple just like Govindaji's that is not so difficult. Now these men are joining us and cooperating to do the construction and engineering work, so I think my dreams will be finally realized at last.

I am leaving Los Angeles around 6th October and we have a few days program in San Francisco. From there we shall fly to India, stopping three days in Manila, and we should land in Delhi by the 16th October. I shall inform you details. One thing, I want to know how the preparations are being done for the second annual hare Krsna Festival and Bhagavata-dharma Discourses at Delhi starting around the 6th of November. If you can get that LIC grounds again that will be first class. Now we have got many many books in India and I want to raise the funds for our building projects at Bombay, Vrndavana and Mayapur by selling these books widely all over India, so these pandal programs are a golden opportunity to sell many many books, so make arrangements like that.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, Bhavananda -- Los Angeles 29 September, 1972:

I have received one letter from Giriraja, copy enclosed, and I am very much distressed why this conveyance business is not yet settled up. I sent Bhavananda there to Bombay to do the needful, and he was silent and went away. Enclosed also find my reply to Giriraja's letter. Now I want that both of you shall go to Bombay immediately for finishing up this conveyance matter immediately. Try to get bank loan, and if you cannot, make arrangements for taking five lakhs from Mr. Jayan and we shall transfer from here as per his order, duly signed by both of you, double signature. Keep me informed daily in this connection.

Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 29 September, 1972:

We shall be leaving Los Angeles by the 6th October for San Francisco, thereafter we shall leave for India, arriving in Delhi by 16th October. Kindly keep me informed daily what is the progress in this connection. Karandhara is in Germany and London on some business, so if it is required he can come there immediately to assist you. I want that this conveyance business be finished up immediately. I am sending also Tamala Krishna and Bhavananda there to help you do the needful. You may inform me by cable if you have got the bank loan or not, or if you require Karandhara to come.

Letter to Karandhara -- Los Angeles 29 September, 1972:

As soon as you get money from Jayan via Tamala Krishna and Bhavananda, then you all three sign jointly the letter of order and we will transfer the money from here. One thing is, the money should not be given directly to Nair. Rather you go with him to the tax officer and pay in his presence as witness, or the money should be paid in the registrar's office while registering the conveyance. This way or that way, but do not pay the money directly to Nair.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 30 September, 1972:

I have received your letter dated September 23, 1972, jointly signed by yourself, Subala Swami, Gurudasa and Bhavananda, and I am very happy to hear especially that the work is going on in Vrndavana and that you will soon begin to dig the foundation for our Vrndavana temple. I have just recently sent you one letter regarding the Bombay situation. The Bombay sales purchase agreement draft was made by you. At that time, because Madhudvisa Maharaja denied to take charge, and you also did not like to take charge, therefore I had to postpone the signing of the sales purchase agreement. In Africa Brahmananda and Cyavana encouraged me that I would take up the Bombay project and they would help me. So upon return immediately I signed the purchase contract. Now Mr. Nair is not making the conveyance complete and I do not know why our lawyer, Mr. Deewanjee is also silent. About a fortnight ago both of them were sent telegram asking why the matter is being delayed, but I received no reply from either of them. So you have been informed already by copies of letters the situation in Bombay. The summary of the Bombay situation is this: Nair says he has to pay 5 lacs of rupees to the government as a tax. This 5 lacs of rupees he is unwilling to pay from his pocket, so Giriraja, with the help of Sumati Morarji-Ben, is trying to take loan of 5 lacs from the bank, but it is not yet completed. A copy of Giriraja's letter is already sent to you and I have requested you to go there along with Bhavananda if possible or you go alone and save the situation. If money is required from here it can be arranged in the same way as with Mayapur. But it is better to arrange for the money locally through the bank, as Sumati Morarji-Ben has promised. If money is not available in that way, then arrange money from Mr. Jayan and we shall arrange for the necessary action as it is done. But in any case we must not deviate from the terms of the purchase agreement. But as a matter of concession we can pay further 5 lacs of rupees, to be deducted from the total price of 14 lacs. We have already paid 2 lacs, and if we pay further 5 lacs, taking loan from others, then it is to be understood that we have paid 7 lacs on the total, and the further 7 lacs will be paid, either taking loan from the bank, failing which, in terms of the original purchase agreement as already devised there, we shall take the remaining 7 lacs as mortgage from Mr. Nair.

All of this appears to be very complicated, and Giriraja is finding difficulty, from his letter I can understand. So I think you have to revive your position as GBC again and look after all the business of India affairs nicely. May Krsna bless you with all good sense. Your program submitted by you all jointly is tentatively accepted by me. Our meeting time in New Delhi will be informed very soon by letter and telegram both.

Regarding the Bharatapur house, try to convince the present king that everything will be in his name, that is, we shall name it ISKCON Bharatapur Temple or ISKCON Bharatapur House and we shall fix up a marble plaque in the front. For renovating we shall spend for all the three or four houses and they will be used for the same purpose, as a Radha-Krsna Temple and for accommodating foreign visitors and devotees. This movement is so great and ISKCON is propagating Krsna Consciousness all over the world, so why not Bharatapur Maharaja donate the building for this great purpose? They have lost their kingdom but still they have these buildings, so if they are given in our hand it will perpetually commemorate their nice gift to the ISKCON institution and thus to the world. We are purchasing a very palatial building in London and the Maharaja will be welcome to stay there as long as he wishes, or in any one of our places, especially in New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, London, Bombay, etc. In this way try to induce him.

Hoping this meets you in good health,

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


n.b. Enclosed please find the copy of my letter to that Swami in Haridwar, who has invited our party in April. Kindly contact him and make all arrangements. His address is Sri Swami Mahesawardev Shastri Gopala Dham, Jessa Ram Road, Haridwar (U.P.), phone 114.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- San Francisco 6 October, 1972:

I do not know where you are now, probably you are in Bombay. So, I am sending one copy to Bombay and one to Vrndavana. The Bombay dealing has been muddled by the tactis of Mr. Nair and Diwanji. Giriraja is in trouble. He is a child in these worldly dealings so immediately go to help him. The present position is that Mr. Nair wants more money. We have already paid him two lacs. So according to our purchase agreement, we require to pay him 12 lacs in 4 years. But he says that he has to pay 5 lacs to the government as tax, so he cannot pay from his own pocket. So we are prepared to pay him 5 lacs against the purchase value. So both you and Bhavananda arrange for this money from Mr. Jayan, and send advice to Karandhara by joint signature. But you must be careful to pay the money in the court (registrar's office) and not in the hand of Mr. Nair or his solicitor.

I enquired through a local lawyer why Diwanji is delaying the matter. He replied that he (Diwanji) is no longer our solicitor. So things appear to be very hazy, but we must not become the victim to the tactics of Mr. Nair and Mr. Diwanji. If things can be settled mutually even by paying 5 lacs more on the account of purchase agreement, do it and settle up the things properly, otherwise let us go to the court for specific action, either civil or criminal against the tactics of Mr. Nair.

Syamasundara. has gone to London to purchase a very big palatial building about 20 minutes from central London, and George has agreed to loan L200,000. So he is engaged there, otherwise he would have proceeded immediately to India.

Letter to Giriraja -- San Francisco 8 October, 1972:



Letter to Tamala Krsna, Giriraja -- Manila 11 October, 1972:

I am writing this letter aboard the airship from Hawaii to Manila. I am reaching Manila in the morning 7:00 A.M. on the 11th October 1972. As scheduled I am reaching Delhi on the night of the 14th, so if need be you can see me at Vrndavana on the 15th or 16th, but my definite instruction is this,

1. We have fulfilled all the conditions as purchaser.

2. Mr. Nair has purposefully delayed with a motive to cheat us as he had done with some others in this connection.

3. But this time he cannot cheat us because we are in possession of the land and our deity Radha-Krsna is installed there.

4. Therefore we must immediately go to the court for enforcing him to execute the conveyance immediately.

5. Even the court case goes on for a long time, still our business there cannot be stopped.

6. Without going to the court, we cannot make any compromise with him.

7. But I think we can arrange the full amount of 14 lacs to get out this rascal out of the scene.

8. But we cannot do it without going to the court otherwise we shall become a party for breaking the purchase agreement. Therefore we have to go to the court before making any compromise.

9. In the meantime, take definite information from the bank whether they can loan us 50% of the whole value.

10. The whole value is 14 lacs. We have already paid 2 lacs. We can arrange to pay farther 5 lacs. That means we pay 7 lacs, the bank may pay the balance 7 lacs.

11. Actually the bank may not have to pay even 7 lacs because according to the purchase agreement, the last payment of 4 lacs has to be paid upon the decision on the court case pending about Chiman lal and company.

So you have to act according to this program on the advice of suitable lawyers.

Hoping this meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

cc. to Sriman Karandhara in London

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Vrindaban 17 October, 1972:

I have duly received two express delivery letters jointly signed by you. Fortunately, yesterday evening the chief minister of Assam, Sriman Mahendra Mohan, came to see me and I have requested him to write a letter to Mr. Naik, the chief minister of Maharastra. He has promised to write a letter immediately to Mr. Naik. I hope this will be advantageous for your purpose. Mr. Mahendra Mohan has promised to send me a copy of the letter he is going to send to Mr. Naik.

Letter to Karandhara, Tamala Krsna, Bhavananda, Giriraja -- Vrindaban 19 October, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter of October 18, 1972, jointly signed by all of you and delivered to me by Syamasundara.. If the Charity Commissioner refuses us the permission then there is no point continuing, and in that case we shall try to get the two lakhs we have paid back and go away. But it appears the Charity Commissioner permission is delayed and not refused, it is not a very grand mistake, and we can chastise for that the lawyers. I have read the clause 11, in the original Agreement for Sale and I do not find any mention of there being any six month time limit for obtaining the Charity Commissioner's approval, as you have told Syamasundara.. So there is only some delay, that's all. That will not be sufficient grounds for him to rescind the contract. Rather, our position is very strong so long we are in possession and we have paid him the earnest money and more. So best thing is to consult Mulla and Mulla and proceed accordingly. If there is need to pay off the twelve lakhs, we can do it by giving him four lakhs immediately and the balance eight lakhs we shall arrange with Mr. Jayan very soon. But Mulla and Mulla have said it is suicidal unless there is settlement of the Chhaganlal business first. So we shall not be willing to pay the twelve lakhs unless this matter of Chhaganlal's lawsuit and the registration of the conveyance deed and payment of capital gains tax by Mr. Nair are peacefully settled without any risk to us. Try to fix up some arrangement acceptable to Mr. Nair for paying him, but we shall not risk that we may lose everything to Chhaganlal or some other of Mr. Nair's cheating dealings. So best thing is to follow the advise of Mulla and Mulla and stick to our position very securely. If there is no possibility of settling with Mr. Nair without any risk to ourselves, then we shall stick to the terms of the original agreement and take the matter to court. How he can say we have defaulted? He has purposefully delayed, so if we take the matter to court he must reply to these charges. One thing is, that the whole trouble is due to Deewanji's misdealings. He should be brought before the Bar Association and exposed. We shall deal with him later.

Letter to Karandhara, Tamala Krsna, Bhavananda, Giriraja -- Vrindaban 20 October, 1972:

Further to my letter of yesterday, I have thought the matter over thoroughly, and without any doubt our position in the matter is very strong. Nair is bluffing. One of my godbrothers who is expert in these things has advised me, and I also know it from experience, that once the agreement of sale is signed that is final, and it will not be very easy, in fact, it will be impossible for Nair to defeat us in the courts if it comes to that.

Now the thing is that Nair has accepted from us two lakhs of rupees, as follows: On February 8, 1972, cheque #GT/HS 306871 for Rs. 50,000; on February 25, 1972, cheque CHT/A-T492829 for Rs. 50,000; and on March 28, 1972, cheque # CHT/A-T492831 for Rs. 1,00,000. Now according to our agreement, that last one lakh of rupees was not to be accepted by him until the conveyance was completed. So he has taken, that means he accepts that the conveyance has been completed! Now you may go to the bank or somehow or other determine the exact date on which Mr. Nair accepted the cheque as above mentioned for Rs. 1,00,000, and that will serve as legal proof he has finalized the conveyance terms.

Our position is very strong. Now you purchase that house on the south border-line, repair it nicely and you can live there for years if we have to. I think he will take Rs. 15,000 cash if you can persuade him, or if he will not yield you can pay him Rs. 20,000 and finish the business. Possession is nine-tenths of the law. Why you should be afraid of him? We can satisfy any court of law. He has given us possession according to the terms of the agreement of sale, and we have paid him Rs. 50,000 to take possession, and he has acknowledged receipt, that means the transaction is finished. If I have something and I sell you, and you give me money and I give you that thing, the transaction is finished, never mind there is no receipt. So with Nair our transaction is finished. We have paid him money, he has given us possession, and we have agreed to terms for paying the rest of the money, that's all. He is simply planning tricks because there is no receipt and he does not want to give us receipt.

Take information from the bank when he took the money. One year from that time according to the terms of the purchase agreement we are supposed to pay further two lakhs, that is, one year from the execution of the conveyance. So we have paid Rs. 50,000 as earnest money, according to the agreement, and the agreement then states that we must pay Rs. 1,50,000 "upon the execution of the conveyance." So he has accepted that means conveyance transaction is complete, he may give me receipt or not, that doesn't matter. It is a case of misappropriation, he did not deliver the goods. Once when I was in business I took money from one man for an order of goods and I was bit late in delivering them, so he wanted to sue me in the court for misappropriation. It is the same thing. We have paid Nair, taken possession, and now he doesn't want to deliver the goods.

According to the clauses 14 and 15 in the purchase agreement, it is our option to rescind the contract within six months, not the vendor's. But he has accepted the cheque for Rs. 1,00,000 before six months, therefore we consider that he has completed the conveyance and we do not want to rescind but we shall close the deal immediately, finished, that's all. He is trying to avoid this issue by tricks, and he has dominated you and you are little afraid of him, and he has fooled you to think he is in superior legal position so that you will give him some money. But this is cheating. We shall not give him any more money. Don't pay him any more. First of all bring a criminal case against him. Deewanji cannot say he was not our lawyer, because he has executed this agreement. He should be brought to the notice of the Bar Association and humiliated. So make criminal case by consulting lawyer. It will not take much time. It is simple case of his cheating, that any reasonable man can see. So immediately you can file criminal case. He has taken money but he has not executed. So why you should be disappointed and afraid of him? Our position is very, very strong. We have paid money and we are in possession, so what remains for conveyance? As soon as you take money the transaction is finished, you may take receipt or not, otherwise it is simply cheating. So find out a first-class lawyer and apply in the court that the purchase agreement is already done and get it done, that's all. He is simply bluffing.

Enclosed find the copy of one letter I have forwarded to Mr. and Mrs. Nair. You may further request them to come and see me here. It will be too much difficult for me to come to Bombay at this time. Otherwise I am coming to Bombay in December if he wants to wait so long. Another thing is, I do not think it is necessary for Bhavananda to remain in Bombay for this business. Better if Karandhara and Tamala Krishna tackle the matter co-operatively by applying their full attention, and Bhavananda may return to Calcutta for taking charge there as soon as possible.

Letter to Karandhara, Tamala Krsna, Giriraja, Bhavananda -- Vrindaban 24 October, 1972:

I am just now in receipt of your letter dated October 20, 1972, and Visakha dasi has just arrived and has told that you have not received any letter from me, and that you have sent several telegrams and letters. I have not received all of them I think. I received one express letter from the four of you dated Oct. 16th on Oct. 20th, four days from posting. Your letter dated Oct. 19th was received by me however on Oct. 21st, and just now I have received the letter of Oct. 20th. Enclosed find the copy of my letter of 20th.

If the title is all right I have no objection to your proposal to finish the deal with Nair by paying him personally Rs. 5,50,000 and to Mr. Shah Rs. 6,50,000 30 days from completion of an appropriate conveyance, the Rs. 6,50,000 to be handed over to Nair upon his settling of the Chhanganlal suit, and provided Nair provided us the necessary tax certificate for registration before we pay. The title must be there, otherwise we cannot complete. How there can be conveyance without title? Otherwise go to court, he is afraid of going to court, you have marked it? Our advantage if we go to court is that we shall not have to pay anything until one year from the execution of the conveyance deed. We shall only have to pay according to the original purchase agreement. If we pay 12 lakhs, that will take everything, there will be no money to build, and you shall have to repay the 8 lakhs, so whether we shall risk so much under these circumstances?

And why you are giving limit 30 days to find title? You say 30 days after conveyance is signed, so that gives you much more time to find it out. Title can be cleared in time, that is not very difficult business.

You think your position is rather hopeless. But I say that our position is very strong, just the opposite. Why you say hopeless? When Nair accepted two lakhs rupees of ours, the terms of purchase are finished, simply he has delayed to give us the papers. The transaction is finished when he accepts the money, so by tricks he is delaying. So why you are delaying to make case, there is no question of searching out the title. The point is when he accepted the money he accepted the conveyance. So immediately make a criminal case. After the case is decided, he shall be forced to give us the conveyance, and within one year after we shall give him the next installment of two lakhs. Because the transaction is finished, so we can legally occupy all the land, it is not trespass when the transaction has been completed and Nair has accepted the terms of sale by accepting money.

If you are thinking hopeless, then how I can make you hopeful? Our point is, he has accepted the money, that means he has agreed to terms of SALE. Take police precaution if he is threatening violence. We are in possession according to the terms of the agreement, simply he has delayed the conveyance. Therefore I say that you boys cannot deal very well in these matters, because you are too timid. Now whatever you like you may do. Immediately criminal case should be taken, that you are not doing because he is bluffing you. He says big words and makes threat and you believe him foolishly and do like he says. That I shall not do. When we have paid money that means he has accepted. Whatever it is, do not mention title search. That will come later, after the case is settled by the court.

But one thing is, if he returns immediately our two lakhs, plus Rs. 70,000 stamp tax money, we shall vacate, that's all. There is no question of damages. Either this plan, that he pays us back our money and we vacate immediately, or we go to court immediately. One way or the other. Otherwise we are already in possession legally, we have paid according to the terms of the agreement, and he accepted the money. So just to rid ourselves of this headache we will accept back the Rs. 2,70,000 and vacate immediately. Otherwise, immediately take him to court. Our position is very strong. Do not think think weak and timid, he is bluffing. You have not read the purchase agreement carefully.

Immediately an application should be submitted to the magistrate that he has accepted the money and has willfully delayed the conveyance on tricks, and he has threatened to drive away even by violence, what is this? You could not find out a good lawyer even? This must all be heard before a magistrate.

The transaction is finished, he has illegally delayed to give us the conveyance. Now through the courts we can force him to give. We shall stick to the purchase agreement, nothing else. And take police precaution that he is threatening us. Go to the magistrate and tell him we gave Nair money and now he is threatening violence to drive us away. We shall go to the court, there is no other way. Criminal court means complaint that we have given money, he has not given conveyance, he is threatening by force to drive us from the place. This is the only settlement possible, that he returns our Rs. 2,70,000 immediately and we vacate, or immediately file criminal case. There is no other alternative. We have finished the business. He is entrapped because he has received the money. Our boys do not understand. Anything, as soon as you receive money the transaction is finished. And even it is six months passed, it is our option to rescind, not his. Charity Commissioner has delayed, that is not very serious for disqualifying us. There is no time limit mentioned for getting permission from Charity Commissioner. Still, try for the permission from Charity Commissioner as quickly as possible, then we shall go on with the terms of the original agreement, either voluntarily or we shall have to force him through the courts. One thing is, you have said that we shall have to pay "entire additional Rs. 70,000 stamp duty," so does this mean we must pay only an additional 5% of Rs. 70,000 or Rs. 3,500 extra, or again pay Rs. 70,000 plus 5%? That is not clear.

In my opinion if you apply a petition before the magistrate that Nair has taken the money, that he is not giving the conveyance, playing tricks, and that now he is threatening by violence, such petition will clear everything. He is afraid of going to court, that is our favorable point. My clear-cut view is simply to present a petition to the magistrate. It costs only 12 annas. This complaint should be submitted, take a good criminal lawyer and file, then everything will be clear.

Letter to Giriraja -- Vrindaban 1 November, 1972:

You and Tamala Krishna arrange the pandal programme in Bombay to be the first-class presentation, and inform me of the dates. I think Tamala told me once from December 20 to January 10th. From Bombay I shall go to Calcutta, and after the 20th January I have been invited by Madhudvisa to go to Australia for about one month or six weeks, and then I shall return to Mayapur. Before coming to Bombay, I may go to Ahmedabad for some time, as Dinanatha has gone there to arrange the programme.

Letter to Niranjana -- Vrindaban 1 November, 1972:

You say that Saugar is a nice place and people are very much eager to see me there, therefore I shall be glad to go there. So you can set up the programme in consultation with Tamala Krishna Goswami, who is presently in Bombay centre. He is making up our Indian programme. I shall be remaining here in Vrindaban up to 16th November, and then we are going to Hyderabad, so I shall be very glad to see you again if you can come here before I leave Vrindaban.

Letter to Karandhara -- Vrindaban 3 November, 1972:

We have now decided to take legal proceedings against Nair because we have received one telegram from Tamala Krishna as follows: "Nair unreasonable, settlement impossible, immediately filing criminal and civil suits, letter follows, Tamala Krishna." So I have immediately sent one telegram: "Suing Nair, don't change bonds, repeat, don't change bonds, Syamasundara. das." So we have decided for good not to settle, so there is no need to cash the bonds as we shall receive lump-sum dividend by 10th December for at least $3500, so we shall not lose this interest.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Vrindaban 3 November, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your express delivery letter, and I am glad that you have chosen the right course of action to sue Nair and finish the business once and for all. We are prepared to take back the money and cancel the whole thing. Why doesn't he return? Now stick to the principles of the original agreement to file suit. Don't change your decision. It appears that from the building fund Rs. 29,000/- was transferred to International Society general account, it is not yet returned, neither the Rs. 70,000/-. Anyway, the cheques given to you must be torn-up immediately. A letter should be issued to the bank to stop payment for cheques #CHT/A-T 492833 from Building Fund and #GT/HS 306873 from Book Fund, both in favor of Ambhubhai and Diwanji, Solicitors, Bombay, but I shall do it. We shall make no compromise with Nair unless we come to the court.

Enclosed please find the copy of one notice drafted by a lawyer friend visiting Vrindaban, so if you are able to utilize it.

Hoping this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


n.b. Unless the conveyance is made, don't make any settlement with Rathaneparke. If there are any incidents, the men responsible should be taken to the police.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, Giriraja, Manusvi -- Vrindaban 7 November, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 4th November, 1972, and in reply I have sent one telegram, as follows: "We must have land according to purchase agreement. Letter follows. Bhaktivedanta Swami." So further to telegram, if Mr. Nair pays back all our money, total of Rs. 2,77,500/-, if this is returned immediately, then we don't take any action and we vacate immediately and peacefully. But if he does not repay and we do not vacate, then we must have that land at any cost on the purchase agreement. You only want to file criminal suit. No, we shall take civil steps also. Our point is to try to get the land according to the original agreement. Even the land is not bargain, that doesn't matter. Don't change. If we have to pay two lakhs rupees a year, what is that? My position from the very beginning has been, give us our money back, we vacate, otherwise we take legal steps for acquiring the land according to the purchase agreement, as well as steps for insuring our protection, that's all. So work according to this plan and keep me informed.

What have you done regarding the permission from Charity Commissioner? That is essential, take that permission immediately.

What is the programme for Hyderabad? Bhavananda has not yet sent the tickets for train or plane-fare, neither anything definite has been informed us. Whether there will be nice arrangement for deities there, and which deities they are putting there? Please inform.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Vrindaban 7 November, 1972:


Letter to Syamasundara, Tamala Krsna -- Ahmedabad 7 December, 1972:

I am very much surprised not to hear from you about the Nair affair. I have tried to contact you by phone, but it is understood that you have left Mr. Valia's place and they could not say where you are. We have sent a telegram today reading as follows: "Anxious to know progress with Nair. Call urgent 83260".

So my definite order is as follows: if the conveyance is not yet signed or there is difficulty, then immediately take back the money from the attorneys (3 lakhs), and make a fixed deposit with the bank for six months.

Letter to Gurudasa, Yamuna -- Bombay 19 December, 1972:

One thing is, I have received report that Tejiyas is having difficulty in Delhi because no men are there to assist him. Delhi is the cultural capital of India, but we have not yet done very much to develop in Delhi. Tejyas is very sincere and hard-working boy, so we must encourage him. So I have asked Tamala Krishna and Syamasundara to find some men to go there, and they will do the needful.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Bombay 19 December, 1972:

Now I want to officially open the building on Lord Caitanya's Appearance Day. So please try to finish it by that time. What is the use to buy more land like Damodara Maharaja's land? And why his house is so special it is worth Rs. 11,000? So far Sridhara Swami's land, if we can use it then we may purchase, but we cannot pay such a high price for it.* In these things you decide as you think best, I cannot tax my brain. Do everything consulting Bhavananda and Tamala Krishna.

Letter to Tejiyas -- Bombay 19 December, 1972:

It is not the result of the work we want. If only one person daily, if we sincerely preach to such one person in a day, that is sufficient, never mind big, big programmes. So my request to you is that you do not be bothered by these things, and I have instructed Tamala Krishna and Syamasundara to send you men, so they will do it, rest assured. Krishna does not like to see His sincere devotee suffer or become frustrated or depressed. He will not stand idly by in any such case, so do not fear on that account. Krishna has got some plan for you, always think in that way, and very soon He will provide everything to your heart's desire.

Letter to Resolution -- Bombay 20 December, 1972:


At a meeting of the Bureau of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness held at A-11 Sea Face Park, 50, B. Desai Road, Bombay-26, on the 20th December, 1972, the following was resolved:

1. To open two Savings Bank Accounts with the Syndicate Bank, Hyderabad, under the titles of International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Building Fund, and International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Maintenance Fund.

2. Messrs. Subaladas Swami, Kesava Das, and Hariprasada Badruka will be the three Signators, any two of their Signatures being required at a time on all cheques. Their attested Signatures appear below:

Subaladas Swami

Kesava Das

Hariprasada Badruka

Bureau Members present were:

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Syamasundara. das Adhikari

Tamala Krishna Goswami

Letter to Karandhara -- Bombay 22 December, 1972:

I was in Ahmedabad preaching daily in the morning and evening for last two weeks, and at least ten thousand were coming to hear. From January 12th our second Hare Krishna Festival will go on in the Cross Maidan in Bombay, and Tamala Krishna and Syamasundara. are planning something very gorgeous just to push on the preaching work.

Letter to Hariprasada -- Bombay 23 December, 1972:

So far books are concerned, I have told Tamala to send as many as possible so he will see to it. There is shipment of 10,000 BTG's in Bombay harbor, and we are waiting for CCP license to clear them, then part of that shipment may be sent you, immediately. Meanwhile, I have ordered 5,000 to 10,000 each of each of our books for India, so in future there will be sufficient supply. This distributing of books is our most important business.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Bombay 29 December, 1972:

Tamala Krishna has informed me that you are inviting me to come there to Calcutta immediately after the Bombay Cross Maidan Pandal program is finished, so I shall come there as you desire. So you may kindly arrange the airplane tickets for four persons, namely myself and three secretaries, and we shall come there on 23rd morning of January 1973, provided that you mail us the tickets at your earliest.

1973 Correspondence

Letter to Tamala Krsna, Jayapataka, Bhavananda, Gargamuni -- Melbourne 10 February, 1973:

While travelling here to Melbourne I was thinking how wonderful our Mayapur project is and how it can be developed in the future. I want that Mayapur be self-sufficient by having its own production of grains, vegetables, fruits and milk products etc., to the extent that you will be able to feed at least 500 men daily. This will be better than trying to arrange for maintenance funds to come from outside. So we can make some scheme for purchasing sufficient quantity of land. The land there is very fertile and if our men can manage the program then we can go ahead. The low land we can purchase at 600 rs./bigha and the high land at 800 rs./bigha. So now you all make inquiries for purchasing as much land as we shall require and immediately inform me how much money shall be required.

One thing to consider before we take any action is that if we buy lots of land, the government may become envious to feed so many men without them working etc. and the communists there are notorious for confiscating property. So I am concerned that if we develop this scheme the government may take some action against us. If you can develop an educational institution, that may help to pacify them.

I shall be in Sydney until the 18th, and shall then be going to New Zealand and Indonesia. I shall return to India during the first week of March. Hoping this finds you all well.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- New York 9 April, 1973:

I am now here in New York temple where things are going on very nicely, but I am anxious to have from you the report of the Bhopal activities. Please write to me here at your earliest.

Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 14 April, 1973:

P.S. I have kept nine lacs of rupees reserved for cash payment to Mrs. Nair. I do not know what is the judgement in the matter of Chhanganlal case. If he is taking the land then we must have full payment of our investment, damages, interest, etc. Please let me know what is the actual position. I am very much anxious to know. I do not receive any letter either from you or from Tamala.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 18 April, 1973:

I have left India on April 1, 1973 so now it is almost 20 days and I have received no report from India. There are so many questions and answers for India, the Bombay, and Hyderabad, but I am in darkness.

Giriraja is silent on the Chagganlal case, and what about the deed for Hyderabad, and whether Mayapur building is completed. This time when I return to India I want to see Mayapur completed.

What is the Bhopal preaching report?

Letter to Giriraja -- Los Angeles 27 April, 1973:

Things in Bombay are very much complicated. Tamala Krishna Goswami is already there but he is more or less engaged in preaching work. If you think so, I can send Brahmananda Swami to go to India to help you.

So I am very much anxious to hear the reports of these transactions. So at least once in a week, you send me a report with all the details.

I left some money with Manasvi for depositing in my personal account. Please let me know if it has been done.

You have not written anything about purchasing apartment in Juhu for Rs. 30,000/-. If there is no possibility for purchasing, then immediately deposit the money in the bank.

I know you are sincere devotee and hard working also, so Krishna will help you. Here in Los Angeles they are selling average over 2,000 pieces of literature daily.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


cc: Tamala Krishna Goswami, Indore

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 27 April, 1973:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated _ from Bhopal and also one forwarded to me from London with enclosures dated April 11, 1973. I am so pleased to learn of the successful preaching; now go on in this way. If possible in Kanpur there is one man ready to receive you. You can open correspondence. In this way you visit all the important cities and you will get thousands and thousands of life members. We can organize in each and every factory of Mr. Birla Sankirtana Movement and in this way can save the country from Communist tendency if a big man like Birla cooperates with us.

In Indore we have got many life members who will help you. The certificate the Governor has given that you are the real sadhu should be published. If possible the Governor may be induced to become life member so that other government men may follow. Tejiyas Das has already made many M.P.s life members.

I am anxious to know about the Mayapur progress. I want that the house must be completely finished before my returning. In London we have purchased land. Mr. Birla wanted to construct temple there. His idea is that the government would not object to sending this marble there so that the carved pieces may be sent and if expert men go there to construct the temple it will be very nice.

Some men from U.S.A. are going to Mayapur for doll making, so teach them nicely and we shall be asking doll exhibit in London. Many tourists come there, and it will a great attention for the tourists.

Now all you senior members work very hard and let me retire for writing books.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Mayapur 5 June, 1973:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 6-1-73, and have noted the contents carefully.

Yes, Mrs. Gandhi should be informed of all these incidents, how our temple has been dismantled by the municipality.

So, what is the meaning of the recommendation of the standing committee. that we should immediately be able to reconstruct at the cost of the municipality. Is it useless? I thought that the standing committee.'s resolution was final but from your letter it appears there is no meaning. What has happened to the new act of February 1973 declaring the tenant of the land to be considered proprietor or owner. Anyway, I have already written to Giriraja my opinion of what should be done.

Had it been the case of some Mohammedan, there would have been great riot. But Hindus are such cowards, therefore no action has been done.

Regarding Hrsikesa das, he may come here to Mayapur and I will discuss with him what his engagement shall be. He speaks fluent Bengali, so he may teach the local boys here at our school. My health is improving slowly.

Letter to Madhudvisa -- Mayapur 12 June, 1973:

I am not in very good health, and it is the opinion of Tamal Krsna Maharaja, Bhavananda Maharaja, Jayapataka Maharaja and Jagadisa that it is best for me if I stay here for now so that I may get my health back. However, you may again invite me next year and, if Krsna wants, I will surely come there. Thank you very much.

Letter to Hariprasada Badruka -- Mayapur 13 June, 1973:

I'm sending copy of this letter to Tamala Krsna Goswami at Bombay. You can contact him and do the needful.

Hoping this meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


cc-Tamala Krsna Goswami

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Mayapur 17 June, 1973:

I have received your telegram regarding Syamasundara. asking devotees to leave India to be guests in the new London temple. So let Syamasundara come to Mayapur and we can discuss this and correct any difficulty.

Regarding our involvement with the property in Bombay: by chance we have been entangled but now a strong committee. should be formed of our life members. Let them take it up, otherwise what can be done? Our men should be engaged for preaching—why should the preaching be stopped? I was very much encouraged when you and Gargamuni Swami purchased jeeps and formed a travelling sankirtana party. So why have you stopped it? Let the matter of the property in Bombay be dependent on the life members. They have paid us for membership and we have paid them, so they are also concerned.

Giriraja and a small staff can stay but they must be given visa facility. The next thing is if you take up this travelling sankirtana party seriously. Just as in USA they are sending buses from U.S. centers to the villages so you can do that and entrust this Bombay matter to our life members.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Calcutta 25 June, 1973:

Recently Mr. Brijmohan Mohata, along with his wife, niece and other family members, came to see me at Mayapur. He is very much pleased with our movement. He has given me one idea to educate our men in Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati for preaching work in the interior part of Bombay. I think it a good suggestion. If you are really serious in this matter you can immediately engage some of our men to learn these different languages. He has already given us a place to stay and for this proposal he will continue his patronage. So try to execute this part of our propaganda immediately.

Another point is that some friends suggest here that because I am the chief man and signatory in the Sales agreement, and as I did not cancel the agreement with Nair, I have the right to revive.

Anyway, there is a suggestion by Syamasundara that I may go to London for meeting very important men there in the new house given us by George. Regarding your complaint that Syamasundara was canvassing some of our Indian workers to go to London, that I have already stopped. So there is no cause of anxiety in this regard. Finally, I want to make some definite settlement of Bombay affairs before I return to Europe or America. If there is a suitable place for me to stay for a few days in Bombay I can go there immediately and from there I may go to London. So far my health is concerned I think I am 80-90% fit to move so there is no cause of anxiety.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Calcutta 28 June, 1973:

Please let me know how much you have deposited in the BBT account since you have taken a loan of 1 lac 50,000 on the Mayapur scheme. I have advised Gargamuni Maharaja to deposit part of his collection to the BBT account against the loan. The BBT is in the Gwalior Tank Road Branch, Central Bank of India, but Gargamuni Maharaja says you have opened another account in the Indian Overseas Marine Lines. Please let me know what is this idea? I never knew of it. Your early reply will be much appreciated.

Letter to Gurudasa -- Calcutta 4 July, 1973:

P.S. Please change the plan of my quarters as suggested by Saurabha & Tamala both of whom just consulted me. I am going to London next Saturday 7th so when I come back next October I may live in Vrindaban in my new quarters. ACBS

Letter to Tamala Krsna , Giriraja -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 14 July, 1973:

When I was leaving Calcutta I received your phone call mentioning that Mrs. Nair was eager to settle up the Juhu affair but since then I have not heard anything from you whether she is actually serious or whether she has given anything in writing. If she has not given anything in writing there is no value of her verbal statements. All settlement must be made very carefully. In the meantime, I have sent one letter to the Central Bank of India regarding our Bhaktivedanta Book Trust account. A copy of that letter is enclosed. Please do the needful.

Since I have come here to Letchmore Heath, I am improved in my health more than in India. The place is very calm and quiet. It is sufficiently spacious also. I walk within the village daily in the morning along with devotees and it is very pleasant. I am holding morning class from 7-8 A.M. So things are going on nicely. . There are about 40 devotees living with me, similarly there are 30 devotees in 7 Bury Place. Sometimes I go there. Things are being managed there nicely. So I shall be glad to hear about Bombay affairs and as you send me every month statements of Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, kindly send me that also.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 20 July, 1973:



Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 20 July, 1973:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 15 July, 1973 and I have carefully examined the contents.

Yes, I am prepared to pay the entire amount for purchase of the land at Juhu. But Mrs. Nair cannot increase the price. If she wants to increase then we will demand she return the 5 lacs rupees, plus interest and damages. So she has already got something like 2 lacs, so as soon as the conveyance is made and taken to the register, we will immediately pay cash, about 12 lacs rupees.

You ask that I arrange to have 9 lacs of rupees ready from America for this purchase, but so far you have already paid 2 lacs, 3 lacs are in the bank—so if we have to raise 9 lacs from outside India then my question is what are you collecting there? Anyway, collect as much as possible and I will fill the balance. Rest assured, that if required, we can even draw the money from the U.S.

Now you have taken a loan of Rs 1,50,000 from the BBT, so with these excellent collections you are now taking I request you to fill up that debt and then collect further, and the balance I shall arrange. I have read how you have dispersed your recent collections to repay BBT, and Vrindaban construction and it is all right. Please deal cautiously and do not spend unnecessarily.

I am glad to hear that you have various plans for publications, but first finish this affair and then you can attempt to publish many books.

I have read your report on Hyderabad and the present state of affairs there, and it is all right. Regarding Delhi, Madhavananda has also gone there and I have written to him how he can be engaged collecting with Tejyas at the government offices.

Yes, your plan for people paying for a guest room at Vrindaban is very nice. The idea is they pay the price of the room and they may come there for their lifetime duration. This practice is called bhetnama, where a room is reserved for a donor for a lifetime. You will be able to secure much money in that way as many gentlemen will want to come to Vrindaban. So arrange to accommodate them in the new temple. You should also arrange for that in Mayapur building.

Yes, Mayapur construction must be completely finished before I return. The next time I come there must be no more workers or carpenters with their "tack-tack" sound. I would have continued to stay in Mayapur but the hammering sounds drove me away. When you are completely finished I will go there, otherwise not. You will be glad to hear that I am eating and working nicely here. The village is neat and clean and I am walking daily in the morning with the devotees and taking the class from 7-8 A.M. It is calm and quiet here and people are coming to talk with me in the evenings. George came to meet with me and he is very enthusiastic to cooperate. Rathayatra was very successful here, as 10,000 people attended and prasadam was distributed. See enclosed newspaper.

There will not be a GBC meeting in Janmastami, New Vrindaban. The important thing now for GBC members is that they go on working. It is not important to hold a meeting for passing resolutions etc. The best time and place is Mayapur on Lord Caitanya's Appearance Day. That is not only the best for me but for everyone. Mayapur is meant for that. If possible all devotees from all our centers should go for 8 days at that time. There is no need for the Janmastami meeting. Go on working and send me regular reports. Besides, I will not be going to New Vrindaban for Janmastami. They are having a deity installation here in London and they are making huge arrangements for many important men to attend this ceremony.

Letter to Gurudasa -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 25 July, 1973:

If you let me know actually how much money will be required to complete the temple, then I can make some financial scheme so that you can quickly get money and finish the project. You and Tamala Krsna das Goswami can make an estimate and send it to me so that I can work on a scheme to arrange for that amount.

Letter to Gurudasa -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 25 July, 1973:

Our new disciple Hrsikesananda Swami has promised to collect money from Punjab for Vrindaban. Let him go to Punjab, leaving Calcutta. In this way all of you, Tejyous, Tamala Krsna etc., combine together collect and finish the project. I may try to help from other sources if I receive an estimate of the cost of the scheme.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 27 July, 1973:

I beg to acknowledge your letter dated 22nd July. It is very encouraging to note that the work on our BTG and other Books is going on. Actually producing and distributing books is our most important engagement, all other engagements culminate in this one end—distribution of books.

Anyway our festival here was very well received and I was so much encouraged by the whole thing that I was able to walk and dance the entire way from Hyde Park to Trafalgar Square. The newspapers showed one picture of our Ratha next to the statue of Nelson and caption was "Krishna—a rival to Nelson". So all over the world our men are working hard to push this important message. I know that you are very hard working all the time and therefore your life is becoming perfect and sublime.

Thank you for helping me so much.

I hope you are well.

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


As we are in possession of the land we must fully utilize it for our purpose. We must therefore hold Sankirtana Festival immediately and arrangement must be done with the help of all Hindu leaders like __, __ etc.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 6 August, 1973:

Hamsaduta has sent you one copy of a letter addressed to the Manager, Central Bank of India account No. 9-381 I.S.K.CON. Building Fund. Previously I asked them to send me a statement of this account, but I have received no reply from them. Please therefore go see the manager with a copy of the letter already sent you and the enclosed letter. I wish to send money to this account as you asked me in your letter dated July 15, 1973. But one thing I'm asking you, whether any negotiation has taken place or not. If no negotiation, then why transfer money unnecessarily to be blocked. Please therefore let me know definitely on this point so I can do the needful.

Previously I heard that Giriraja had opened another Book fund account in the Overseas Bank. Is this correct? If so what is the balance amount there, that I also want to know, and who is jointly signing checks in the Overseas Bank. If there is any such account please immediately transfer to the Central Bank of India Building Fund Account and let me know all these points in detail, this is absolutely necessary. Whatever amount you have collected, that also deposit in this account. But the main point is whether any negotiations or settlement. I am prepared to send the balance of 9 Lacs, but I do not wish to block this amount without definite understanding. Kindly reply this letter immediately.

Letter to Mahamsa -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 8 August, 1973:

Sriman Pannalal Pittie and Sriman Seshu are quite right when they say that the clause number five in the deed must be omitted. Tamala Krishna is not right. He says that we can always prove in the courts that what ever we do is in accordance with the rules and regulations of our society. But that clause number five will remain a pin-prick in the whole arrangement.

Letter to Mahamsa -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 8 August, 1973:

Tamala Krishna has no sense that he wants to settle up the things in court as he has done in our Bombay affairs. Un-necessarily he has cancelled our sales agreement with Mrs. Nair and we are suffering so much in litigation. So, he has not gained any experience what is the meaning of going to court. Therefore I can not agree with him that we shall prove in court that we are doing alright. We do not want to keep any clause in the deed of gift which will generate a sort of litigation with the __ in the future. The trust gift must be unconditional. So Sri Pannala Pittie is right and I agree with him. When I was in India Tamala Krishna said that the draft deed would be first accepted by Pannala Pittie and then he would get it confirmed by our lawyer in Bombay. But I do not know why by talking on telephone you should decide such an important transaction. I hope either you or Tamala Krishna should not act anything in this connection without consulting our friends like Pannala Pittie and finally approved by me. So one lakh of Rupees which I promised to pay first in the beginning of this construction, that promise stands good and I shall immediately pay one lakh of Rupees for construction as soon as the deed is finally executed.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 8 August, 1973:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 2, August 1973 and I have noted the contents very carefully.

Yes! Hrsikesananda Maharaja may collect money for Vrindaban, that will be nice. But I notice that you are to collect one Lakh only, how is that? You are GBC so you should collect more than the others, you should collect the highest amount. One thing is that the Hyderabad scheme is hazy, so that collection may be spent for Vrindaban. See the correspondence with Mahamsa above. Yes! your idea to install Krishna Balarama first is all right. It would be nice if all the deities can be installed at the same time, but if it is not possible then installation of Krishna and Balarama is all right.

I am very pleased to note that in Delhi they are doing the life membership programme. Previously I suggested this to Madhavananda and now he is doing it, that's nice. I also was meeting big Government officials and distributing my Back To Godhead in that way, at that time there were no books.

I have already written to you in my letter dated July 20th 1973 that I will dispatch the 9 Lakhs if negotiations are fruitful. (See enclosed letter). You show three Lakhs and I shall show 9 Lakhs.

Yes! I have received the Bank statements from C. B.I. I shall talk of this thing later.

Out of the 150,000 Rs/. you have repayed only 27,000 Rs/. you have to complete this immediately so 3 lakhs will be shown from Gowalia Tank Branch and 9 Lakhs from C. B.I. Head office, so whatever money you collect use it to fill up this blank. You fill up the 50,000 Rs/. and I shall show the balance of 9 lakhs in the C. B.I. Head office.

So pay immediately another 30,000 Rs/. and free the second 50,000 Rs/.

The collections from your part meant for Vrindaban may be sent later because the construction is going on there. First of all fill up if you are serious about negotiations.

I have met Mr. Therany in Zurich and he is a nice gentleman, he will pay as promised, so keep him satisfied.

Observe many festivals, that will keep both public and devotees alive. Temple means festivals and Festivals means chanting and distribution of Prasadam.

Regarding Hyderabad, I have got the draft and letter and the reply is sent to Mahamsa and you. If you have got a copy then you ask Mr. Vakil that the clause No. 5 shall be omitted. You cannot go to Hyderabad unless approved by me, you will understand everything from the enclosed letter. But I am happy to know that the preaching is going on. Above all our preaching must go on. If we do not get that land then we may purchase some other land, that is not a very difficult thing, but preaching is our real business.

If Mrs. Nair's solicitors are serious then we can show bank reference by the 25th August 1973.

Gargamuni told me that he collected 50,000 Rs/. of which the major portion was spent to pay for bills that Madhavananda left unpaid. If this is a fact then it is most dangerous. Let me know. Gargamuni is sending you reports, but have you not received this report?

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Paris 11 August, 1973:

In continuation of my last letter regarding transfer of money to India for purchase of Hare Krishna Land (9 Lakhs Rs/.), I beg to inform you that transfer from this side may not be difficult, but if there is no commitment from their side I do not wish to transfer the money for being blocked. To get back the money from India is a great botheration. In other words, unless I am sure that they are going to sell I am not going to transfer the money.

Regarding your telegram worded as follows: "Sending draft Hyderabad deed in your name. Send me Bombay your power of attorney for Hyderabad transaction. Urgent." I have not as yet received the draft. One draft which was sent by Mahamsa was not approved by me. I have already sent you a copy of a letter addressed to Mahamsa. So when I receive the deed sent by you and it is approved by me, I will send you the power of attorney.

If Mrs. Nair is not going to sell us the land then what next step we have to adopt? you cancelled the sales agreement on the condition that she would return our money and damages which she has not done till now. On account of her failure to return our money can we not withdraw our letter of cancellation and thus take specific action on the sales agreement? We fixed a criminal case against her for attempting to dispossess us from the land, and what happened to that case? The idea is that if she is not going to sell the land to us, and at the same time does not return our money with damages and interest, and occasionally tries to dispossess us from the land, then what steps we have to take? Our clear point is that either she must sell to us, and we are prepared to pay cash 12 Lakhs Rs/., or she must return our money with damages which amounts to 5 Lakhs Rs/. We should stick to these two points in consultation with your legal committee.. She has given us so much trouble and botheration, she must pay at least 5 Lakhs Rs/. for our money due from her principal interest and damage.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 15 August, 1973:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 9th August 1973. I am sending you the copy of a letter sent to Mahamsa that was sent to you in reply to your letter of 2nd August which should explain everything clearly.

I hope this letter meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


NB. Mr Pulla Reddy gave us the land as a donation and why he is making now this land as a trust property, why not outright gift land? These are very important points. I have not heard anything from you about Mayapur and Bombay affair. If Mrs. Nair is not definite of selling to us, then what is the purpose of transferring the required money to India. I can transfer the money immediately on hearing from you. I have already written you one letter from Paris.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 21 August, 1973:

Please immediately send me the names and addresses of all the foreign devotees in India. Please also their passport numbers and nationality. I am just now speaking with His Excellency The High Commissioner Rasgotra Maharaja Krishin and he has promised to help us with the devotees who are being harassed by the Indian authorities.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Bhaktivedanta Manor 23 August, 1973:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 16th August 1973. So the Hyderabad situation should be cautiously dealt with and Mr. Pittie should be consulted. When the final agreement is made send me a copy and if I approve then I shall send you the power of attorney.

Herewith please find fixed deposit certificate xerox copy for 143,727.78 which is equal to 10 Lakhs Rs/., now deposited with First National City Bank in the name of ISKCON on the 20th August 1973. So you can utilize this xerox certificate that we have money. I will send you further certificate of deposit in the bank for 161,000.00 equivalent to 12 Lakhs Rs/. So I think Mr. Vakhil will be convinced about our financial position and we have got 50 branches in the U.S. alone, so if required we can raise immediately 50 Lakhs Rs/. but we do not wish to block the money unnecessarily especially in India. So at any moment 12 Lakhs Rs/. can be paid to Mrs. Nair without any difficulty.

From here I have got my program in Europe up to 15th September. I have got my program in Stockholm also 5th to 9th September. So most probably I shall go to Japan on the 15th September directly from London. If in the meantime the Nair affair is fixed up then I shall carry the money with me and go to Japan via India. Find herewith 2 xerox copies about our financial position, you can do the needful.

Letter to Karandhara -- Bombay 4 October, 1973:

So please do the needful in correspondence with Tejyas das and Tamala Krishna Goswami, so that these fifty men may come here as soon as possible. One thing is that British Commonwealth citizens do not require visas for entering India, so if some of the men coming are from these zones that will make it easier.

Letter to Madhudvisa -- Bombay 22 October, 1973:

With regards to your telegram to Tamala Krsna Maharaja dated October 19, 1973 I may inform you that I have today sent the following cable to Tusta Krsna Maharaja.

"Tustakrsna 59215 Kenui Road Sunset beach Hawaii, USA






Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Vrindaban 29 October, 1973:

So I have arrived here in Vrindaban, but so far the project is concerned, why the money is so irregular? Tejiyas reports that in the past three months you have sent Rs. 5,000/- and since then nothing. How will the project go on? So I think that the 3 lakhs from Birla may be dispatched to Vrindaban either the whole or part.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Vrindaban 31 October, 1973:

This is to introduce you to Hari Goswami of the Radha Raman Mandir in Vrindaban. He is coming to Bombay and will meet you, so please receive him nicely. Later when our buildings are completed, he will join our movement and live with us.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Please give him one copy of Srimad-Bhagavatam.

Letter to Acyutananda -- New Delhi 1 November, 1973:

N.B. Regarding your two questions addressed through Tamala Krsna, the reply to your question about Arjuna's relationship with Krsna, is that Arjuna is an eternal devotee, so on the higher platform the devotee is so intimately related that he forgets Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But, in the lower stage of devotional service Krsna is looked upon with awe and veneration. When Arjuna saw the virata murti of Krsna, actually he came down one step below his position. Therefore he asked for forgiveness from Krsna.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- New Delhi 7 November, 1973:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 1/11/73 and have noted the contents. So why Mrs. Nair has not given the tax certificate. What is the cause for delay? What answer does her lawyer give you?

Regarding the fencing, why depend on others? That there is delay means we cannot depend on Mr. Shetty to do the work. We have to do ourselves. He proposed he would sit down and supervise. If he does so, that's nice. Otherwise we have to arrange for our own men to work.

Yes, we want to begin the temple construction immediately, so let them approve the plans. In the meantime finish the fencing, cleansing, and painting the residential quarters. If possible make the privy a little usable. It is not a practical idea of Mr. Birla to first collect half the money and then construct. People will pay as the construction goes on. If they are doubtful, then they can form a temple construction committee. and see that every pie is used for temple construction. At least Mr. Birla must give whatever he has promised for Vrindaban. Vrindaban needs money, but we can't press him for Bombay. If he likes, he will give, but he is such a rich man he can pay for both.

I am glad to learn that you are preaching nicely. It is very important business. Unless our men understand thoroughly the philosophy, how will they be able to preach? After fencing, you can make one big electric light post to illuminate the temple ground. So you replace my Rs. 30,000/- personal deposit, and when you've done it, please let me know.

Regarding Mohanananda I have already written to Satsvarupa that Mohanananda may remain in Bombay for at least three months. I think you can keep him to assist you so you can go for collecting, and he can manage locally. Gradually he will also collect, but now India is foreign to him. But you should know that Krsna has sent him, so keep him nicely.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 1 December, 1973:

After stopping in London and New York, we have now safely arrived in Los Angeles.

I am anxious to know if there has been any response from the Home Minister of India to the letter I wrote him while I was in New Delhi regarding the Indian Government assisting us in the development of our Juhu Beach Project. Our idea is to construct a hotel for American and European tourists to come and learn about factual spiritual life. While they are coming, there will be foreign exchange and the Indian Government is very much in favor of this. In this way, if we can convince them to help us by granting permanent visas for 100 to 150 of our men it will be a solution to our visa problems. Also, why not solicit a loan from the Government for 2 crores for developing our Juhu Beach Tourist Hotel. We will repay them in foreign exchange. You can point out that we have already invested up to 20 lakhs in foreign exchange so our projects in India are advantageous to the Indian economic development. This is the key to Governmental support in India.

Emphasize these points in all dealings with the Government. Please let me hear from you the developments and current news of our India projects.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


c.c. Tejiyas das Adhikari

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 5 December, 1973:

I am in receipt of your letters dated November 29th and 30th. Regarding the refusal of my entrance into Nairobi, no reason has yet been disclosed for the denial. I have written one letter, a copy of which is enclosed herewith, but there has been no reply. You may get the letter published in India. After proceeding to London I heard from Brahmananda Maharaja that on account of the denial of entry a commotion was caused amongst the people so the President of Kenya verbally said he was issuing a letter with permission for myself to enter. I waited in London but it did not come so I proceeded on to Los Angeles. The idea is to curtail the Indian influence in Kenya, either political or religious. That I can understand. Brahmananda Maharaja was allowed but not myself or my secretary. It was a great trouble for me. From Bombay to Nairobi took nine hours, then six hours waiting in the airport and then 9 hours to London. It was a great strain. I rested for three days in London.

Regarding our Bombay project: somehow or other the foundation should be dug immediately. Yasomatinandana Prabhu, who has a degree in structural engineering, is here and I have requested him to go to India with Giriraja who is recovering. They will come as soon as possible.

Regarding visas for our American devotees coming to India, I have made arrangements with the Consulate General of India in New York to grant six month student visas, renewable in India, for all our men. The premise is that we want our men to come to India to learn the Sanskrit language so that we can study the Vedic literature. So you must arrange for a teacher to coach these boys in Sanskrit. It will be very nice, they can learn Sanskrit and at the same time allowed visas. The Consulate General was very kind to meet and help us in this way. Also, I met with the High Commissioner of India in London and requested him in the same way. If our schooling is established we will get rid of this visa problem.

Regading the Government loan for our tourist hotel, we have already invested twenty lakhs so they may loan us at least 1 crore. Do it carefully. If we construct a very attractive hotel many tourists will come just like the Holiday Inn.

So far as the arrangement with Australia for trading books for ghee, go ahead and do it with my permission. Karandhara has agreed.

If you think there is a good opportunity for getting surplus food grains from the U.S.A. then you may come here for sometime to work on this scheme after Giriraja and Mohanananda have returned to Bombay.

Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 11 December, 1973:

Tamala Krsna Goswami has reported that he recently sent you Rs. 25,000 for our Vrindaban project. We are presently making arrangements for a special transfer of funds to India through the U.S.A. State Department. So if possible carry on with the Rs. 25,000 until that can be completed.

Letter to Mukunda -- Los Angeles 13 December, 1973:

Karandhara has advised me that Dai Nippon purchases most of their paper in Sweden so you may check there. The size will depend on the presses used in India so you may contact Tamala Krsna Goswami in Bombay about this.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 13 December, 1973:

I am in receipt of your letters dated December 6th and 7th and have carefully noted the contents.

I have already advised Guru das to remain in Vrindaban. There is no need for him to come to the U.S.A. at this time.

Regarding our Bombay project: I am sending Yasomatinandana das there. He is a qualified engineer and he may deal with Mr. Shah and others. That will relieve you from this work. He is very competent and intelligent. He will return with Giriraja. He is our man and if he requires, he can take help from Mr. Shah. We should keep them all as friends. This is a very important point. Let our men and Mr. Shah do the needful—we don't require to hire any outside engineers. Regarding Mrs. Thirani, try to please her. She is the grand-daughter of Mr. Birla and the sister of Ashok Birla. She is a very important lady.

Regarding the printing press for India: the press at ISKCON Press is too old and not practical to send to India. We are ready to manage a Press in India, but where is the money? We require new offset printing equipment. If we print in India we can get a much cheaper rate. Now, also there is a world-wide paper shortage but I have asked Mukunda in London to investigate exporting paper to India. I am in favor of this scheme but whether or not Mr. Gupta and others will support it and will the government allow?

The news of the preaching work in New Delhi is very nice—continue with it. There are many intelligent men in that quarter, mostly European. So far as the Russian correspondent, try to convince him about our philosophy. We want to unit the world on the platform of Krsna Consciousness under one state, one government, one religion and one scripture. It will be successful if we work cautiously and maintain our standards.

Just now I was reading Krsna Book. It is very interesting and entertaining and written so even a child can follow. In our childhood days we were reading one book, "Folk Tales of Bengal". It was very widely read, especially by children. So why not introduce the Krsna book for the same purpose? You may get some sanction from the Minister of Education. It is a very nice book for student study—they will get our cultural idea and learn to read English.

Yes, I approve of the Life Member Committee. for the Temple construction in Hyderabad. You may do the same in Bombay also.

Yes, the pandal program in Hyderabad may be cancelled at this time. It is not timely at this point.

Concerning our Vrindaban project, along with the residential quarters, the remaining work on my quarters must be finished up immediately for my residence.

Now your most important business is to finish with Mrs. Nair all matters, especially the income tax certificate and to get sanction from the Municipality for all our plans. See to these matters above all else.

Thank you for appreciating this Krsna Consciousness more and more. Carry on faithfully with Krsna, work with greater and greater enthusiasm and be blessed.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 21 December, 1973:

Enclosed find a copy of a letter I have just received from Hari Charan Goswami. As he states therein, he is willing to teach our students Hindi and Sanskrit. We want to introduce this program of teaching our students Hindi and Sanskrit for two reasons. First of all, as I have already explained in a previous letter, if we can establish a bona fide language school then our American and European disciples can acquire student visas for coming to India. This will solve our visa problem. Secondly, if our students can actually preach in Hindi, periodically quoting Sanskrit, it will be a very good credit for us and very respectfully received by the Indian people. I have asked Dr. Kapoor in Vrindaban and also one pandita named Nrsimha Vallabha to also teach our students Hindi and Sanskrit. The curriculum can be two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening and the panditas can be paid Rs. 200 per month. Our students, however, must be prepared to apply themselves and actually learn the languages. Mr. B. R. Mohatta, our life member from Bombay, has just today visited me in Los Angeles and we have discussed this matter of the language school. He has advised that we take sanction for our school from different branches of the Indian Government such as the educational department, the social welfare department, and the cultural department. He says that we must approach them on the platform of wanting to present and develop this school for its educational and cultural value but not to place any stress on any religious import. Otherwise we shall not get any support from the government. He has described to me how the Rama-Krsna Mission is getting so much support from the government only on the pretext that they are keeping schools and medical clinics. Factually their schools and clinics re for namesake only and they are using the government's support to mainly propagate their philosophy. So in this way we also must take government support by tactfully presenting a solid and organized proposal. I want very much that this project should be initiated immediately and followed through with all necessary attention and endeavor. Now I have given some hint and I am turning the matter over to you for execution.

I am standing by to hear from you whether or not we have obtained municipal sanction for our plans for our Juhu Beach scheme.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 24 December, 1973:

I am in receipt of your letter dated December 19, 1973 and I have carefully noted the contents. I have received all your previous letters and have replied to each of them. Regarding the rents collected from the apartments at our Juhu Beach property, this money must be kept and spent only for Deity worship and Temple maintenance. It must not be used for any other purpose.

Regarding Vrindaban construction, we are trying to make an arrangement with one gentleman here in the U.S.A. for giving him dollars and taking rupees in India at the rate of 22 1/2 rupees per dollar. Presently the Book Trust and Gurukrpa and Yasodanandana Swamis' travelling sankirtana party are collecting the $100,000.00. To date approximately $30,000.00 has been collected. We are waiting to see if the arrangement with this man for three to one rate exchange will actually materialize and at the same time are still collecting the funds. So it may take one to two months so for the time being you will have to stand by for these funds. Meanwhile construction of the Vrindaban Temple should go on with whatever you have there. The Temple construction should go on first and later the residential quarters. You may assure the life members that they will surely get their residential quarters without fail, but first the Temple must be built. The $100,000.00 being transferred is for the Vrindaban project and other arrangements will have to be made for the new kitchen and pavilion in Mayapur.

Whether or not the Rs. 30,000 has been repaid to my fixed deposit account from the money I advanced for purchasing our Juhu Beach property? It was supposed to be repaid before my coming back but I do not know if it has been done. Yes you keep the Rs. 2 lakhs reserved for purchasing the Mahatma Gandhi building. One thing is the Rs. 65,000 from the BBT savings account actually belongs to the Mayapur-Vrindaban Trust. This I have discussed fully with Giriraja and Karandhara and Giriraja will explain what is to be done in this connection henceforward. Whatever has been done in the past we shall not try to make up for but I want that now this Mayapur-Vrindaban Trust money to be very carefully managed and deposited into a separate bank account and not be spent under any circumstances without my direct order. Giriraja will explain the details to you in full. Regarding the Mahatma Gandhi building, the price is fixed up at 3 lakhs to be shared into 5 divisions. 3 parties may be paid Rs. 60,000 apiece on the condition that they will take the money and immediately vacate. Then we shall make a trust over the property. When I was last there I discussed this matter with Mr. Chowdry the lawyer so keep ready the 2 lakhs for this transaction and when I return this will be squared up.

Yes I am ready to go to Dvaraka. I have never visited there so now I am taking the opportunity. Similarly, Mr. B.R. Mohatta who was recently here in Los Angeles, has promised me accommodations at Allahabad and Haridwar for the Kumba Mela observances in these places next year. Also Mr. Bhogilal Patel who has given Rs 25,000 donation has also promised accommodations at Haridwar. So I have never seen Haridwar also and I am getting older so before my last days I wish to visit the holy places in Northern and Southern India. Mr. Badruka has promised to make arrangements for my accommodations in Southern India so you may fix up the program.

I have previously written you that our man Yasomatinandana dasa shall take charge of the construction in Bombay. He is very nice and enthusiastic devotee and a qualified engineer so he shall be the manager of the engineering and construction. Thank you very much for carrying on our work in India so faithfully and responsibly and I pray to Krsna always for your protection and advancement.

I hope this meets you well.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


N.B. I am only anxious for the municipality sanction and Mrs. Nair's income tax certificate. Please __ this immediately. Gargamuni has written a long letter so many __. When you go to Calcutta see what is the matter. Let me know what you have done.

Letter to Gurukrpa , Yasodanandana -- Los Angeles 25 December, 1973:

Karandhara has received a letter from Tamala Krsna Goswami and he is expressing some hesitation about your returning to India. I can understand that previously there must have been some quarrel amongst you and that sometimes happens amongst god-brothers. Whatever is done is done; the main thing is we must not carry grudges or continue to quarrel amongst one another. So I am asking you personally, along with Tamala Krsna Goswami to whom I am sending a copy of this letter, to bury the hatchet and join together to push on this movement cooperatively. Tamala Krsna Goswami has been appointed by me to manage and direct our Indian projects and actually he is the most expert and qualified in this connection. You both are also sannyasins and I know that the service which you do the best is Hare Krsna kirtana and Bhagavata Dharma preaching. So I have no objection if you return to India. Rather, I know you both can be a great asset for our programs there. I am requesting you, therefore, to concentrate on preaching and kirtana and work cooperatively with Tamala Krsna Goswami who is in charge there. Whatever imperfections and discrepancies may exist, if you all agree to my directions and cooperate in the right spirit then everything will turn out, but it will require everyone involved to be responsible and cooperate in executing and following the instructions of the Spiritual Master. Now, one thing is I understand that in the past you were visiting Lalita Prasadji and that you may also be planning to continue to visit him when you return to India. This is not approved by me and I request you not to go to see him any more. He holds a grudge against my Guru Maharaja and even if it is transcendental it will gradually appear mundane in our eyes. Whatever is to be learned of the teachings of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura can be learned from our books. There is no need whatsoever for any outside instruction. So I hope that you have understood these matters and I pray to Krsna always for your protection and advancement in Krsna consciousness.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


c.c. Tamala Krsna Goswami Maharaja

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 31 December, 1973:

I have recently received one letter from Sridhara das Brahmacari who has left Bombay and gone to Vrindaban. He reports he is disappointed having been removed from his job of managing construction in Bombay. Sridhara is a very good boy and a hard worker. While I was there it was fixed up that he should take the responsibility for construction work. Why was he removed? Now Yasomatinandana is coming to join you and he is a qualified engineer. Between he and Sridhara they can, I think, manage construction affairs without your having to put a karmi professional in charge.

We have to manage our men in such a way that they may bend to our will but not break. After all, our work is purely voluntary. If they become angry and leave then our work is defeated. I have directed Sridhara to return to Bombay and work with Giriraja. Please give him some facility so he may work happily. Hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


N.B. Mr. Asnami has phoned that I.T. certificate is obtained. Now what _ further about municipality?

Page Title:Training of Tamala Krishna dasa (Letters, 1972 - 1973)
Compiler:Visnu Murti
Created:24 of May, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=118
No. of Quotes:118